#cynonari x albedo
drawlypsy · 2 years
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Ahem...A subtle reminder that I do have a PATREON. The spicy level is $6/mo. Included in it are a lot of NSFW artworks both from Genshin and some original Genshin AU stuff. >.> Should the interest strike you, please feel free to take a look. I appreciate everything you do for me, even if it's just a like or a follow. :3 Love you all!
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kazumist · 1 year
hi ^^)/, can I ask a lemon tea for Tighnari, Cyno and Albedo plz? 👀
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prompt: lemon tea; what are mornings like with them?
100 milestone event: closed!
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albedo — !
mornings with albedo are gentle. he wakes up a bit earlier than you, so by the time you wake up, you can just randomly smell someone cooking. he loves it when you slither your hands around him from behind—he lets out a chuckle as he greets you good morning (to which you greet him back, but it is muffled due to your face just laying on the area of his shoulder blade).
cyno — !
mornings with cyno are usually lazy; whenever you try to get up, he pulls you back into his embrace and traps you in his arms. not that you necessarily mind, but it’s rare for cyno to stay in bed a bit late. cyno lets you play with his hair during these moments; he doesn’t mind if you brush out some hair strands from his face just so you could press a kiss on his nose.
tighnari — !
tighnari is honestly in-between being lazy and being an early bird. there are times where he too would wake up earlier than you so he could cook the both of you some breakfast, and there are also moments when he just straight up refuses to get out of bed, always mumbling "five more minutes," but you both know that he has said that at least thrice now.
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sumerus-little-sprout · 5 months
Pinecones and Primroses~ A Cyno x Tighnari fanfic Chapter 2
Cyno was lost in his own world. For what, like the fifth time today? He couldn’t help it. He didn’t exactly have anyone to talk to at the moment, what with his best friend fast asleep. Tighnari slept off, a tiny smile plastered on his face.
As he looked out of the window, tiny rays of sunlight seeping through the clouds as the rain died down and the dewdrops on leaves shimmered in the sunlight, Cyno wondered what his best friend was dreaming about. Could it be about what was waiting for them at the camp? He didn’t know.
Although he hadn’t vividly expressed it, he wasn’t all that excited about camp. Definitely not as much as Tighnari was. He could even go as far as to say that he didn’t want to go to camp. What was the point of it anyway? Why flock off to the wilderness if not to do anything productive? He didn’t know. Perhaps Tighnari wanted to do some research in these particular woods. He had been gushing about the different species of plants and insects in this area after all. 
That among other things. He also said, quote ‘Maybe this would give us both a chance to, y’know, get out more! After all, it can’t be just us forever.’ Frankly, Cyno saw no problem with it just being the two of them. And it wasn’t just the two of them. They also had Collei. Although Tighnari claims she doesn’t count since she’s his sister.
Okay, so maybe he wasn’t the biggest social butterfly. But Tighnari wasn’t either! Which makes his reasoning behind coming here even more absurd. After all, he had attempted to bludger a kid's brains with a baseball bat for bullying Collei. Ah, he recalls the particular incident like it was yesterday. 
Collei had recently been adopted under strange circumstances when she was 7 years old. According to Tighnari, she had randomly shown up on his doorstep, wounded and malnourished, covered in bandages and dark black bruises on her skin. 
She was terrified of everyone and everything, indicating a sort of trauma, yet she never mentions it. Tighnari’s father and Cyrus are the only ones fully aware of what had actually happened to her. Lisa, his 17-year-old (also adopted) sister, only knows part of what happened. 
But like the annoying elder sister she was, she had refused to give them any information. Collei was apprehensive of them at first, avoiding them as much as humanly possible, voice quivering and body shivering whenever she tried to talk to them. 
But she slowly but surely warmed up to them. Tighnari the most. She healed and got better eventually, and was sent to school once she was taught to read and write.
Unfortunately, someone with a pure heart as sensitive as hers was bound to be mocked.
It was math class, and their Professor was droning on about quadratic equations and some other math stuff when a flustered professor suddenly burst into the room.
“Mr. Tighnari?” she called out, adjusting her glasses, and pushing them up her nose. Tighnari looked at her with a puzzled expression and pointed at himself. “You are the elder brother of Collei, is that correct?” She asked, looking at a register she had in hand. His eyes widened in shock and fright. “Why?! Did something happen to her?!”.
The professor simply shrugged and motioned Tighnari to follow her. He got up and nervously followed her out of the classroom. Although he wasn’t called upon, Cyno followed Tighnari. The teacher raised her arched eyebrows but didn’t question his presence.
They made their way to the Principal's office, where Tighnari found a sniveling Collei sitting on one of the chairs there. He immediately rushed to her side and comforted her. “Collei! What happened?! Please don’t cry!” He said, soothing her. She sniffled and wiped her eyes before she spoke, her voice cracking “This kid in my class……made fun… of me.” 
Tighnari’s eyes narrowed in anger. “What?! Why?!”
“He…..he made fun of the way I….read.” She let out a choked sob, rubbing her eyes. Cyno and Tighnari could feel anger pulsating in their veins. How dare anybody hurt her?! Tighnari knew one thing for sure, this guy had to PAY. “WHO.” He asked roughly, his voice dripping with venom. 
As Collei struggled to remember the kid’s name, the principal was talking to someone on the telephone, most probably Tighnari and Collei’s father. “I…think his name is Scaramouche?” Collei said, voice heavy with sadness and doubt. As the Principal chattered away, he paid no heed to Tighnari as he stormed out of the office, about to do god knows what. Cyno skittered after him, for once providing the voice of doubt.
“I can hardly believe I’m the one who’s about to say this, but perhaps we shouldn’t do something this hasty,” Cyno says, desperately trying to convince Tighnari to not do something he might regret later. “This…this SCARAMOUCHE needs to pay Cyno,” Tighnari said in a dangerously shaky low voice, snapping at him and then suddenly dashing off before Cyno could say anything else. Before Cyno could chase after him, he was stopped dead in his tracks by Cyrus.
“What happened!” He exclaimed, his arms full of scattered papers and important documents, his hair frazzled and all over the place. “Collei got bullied by this little punk called Scaramouche,” Cyno grunted “Tighnari wants to exact justice on him.”
Cyrus narrowed his eyes in confusion. “What do you mean ‘exact justice’?.....” Multiple screams suddenly rang out from a nearby classroom. Cyno and Cyrus looked at each other with the same bad feeling in their eyes and rushed into the room. There he was.
Tighnari had a crazy look in his eyes with a giant baseball bat raised above his head with a couple of kids including a professor restraining him from hitting a dark-haired kid, who was crawling across the floor with a terrified look in his eyes. One thing was certain, the kid was definitely not going to mess with Collei ever again.
Despite how terrible the scene was to recall morality-wise, Cyno couldn’t help grinning in amusement and disbelief at reminiscing the shocked and terrified look on Tighnari’s father's face when the school administration had told him that his son was almost expelled for attempting to murder a younger student. Thank the archons he wasn’t, but boy were the professors MAD. Thankfully, because of a new friend Collei had made along the way, Amber he thinks her name was, Collei had learned to stand up for herself. 
The bus they were in suddenly jerked forward, leading Tighnari to stir as he yawned slowly. He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly, he realized he was leaning on Cyno’s shoulder the entire time and blushed in embarrassment. “Did I…..fall asleep?!”. Cyno nodded and smiled lightly “Don’t worry about it. I was just thinking.”.
Tighnari raised his eyebrow in curiosity “Really? About what?”. Cyno pulled a water bottle out of the side of his bag and took a sip of water from it “Remember that time you nearly got expelled?”. Tighnari’s expression immediately darkened, a mix of regret and residual anger crossing his features “Right,” he sighed, reflecting on the particular moment “I wish I had acted more…civilized. He certainly deserved it. But…..I had stooped down to his level in an attempt to teach him a lesson.” He stayed silent for a while, looking grim “Had I really taught him anything? What if I made things worse by intervening, in a violent manner no less.”
“You have come a long way since then,” Cyno reassured, his hand on his friend's shoulder “We were young then. We make mistakes and we learn from them. That’s what life is.” As they stood silent for a moment, Cyno suddenly added “Speaking of life……”
“Oh, Archons no.” Tighnari groaned, folding his ears fully aware of what was coming. Cyno had developed a strange fondness for terrible jokes, just like his adoptive father had, the two occasionally exchanging them. Well, much to Tighnari’s dismay.
“Why don’t scientists trust atoms?” he said, eyes glinting mischievously. 
“I’m not answering that.”
“Because they make up everything!” Cyno answered, letting out a chuckle. “You see, we learned that atoms make up everything in the universe, so….” “Yes, yes. I get it Cyno. Your terrible jokes have proven I have gotten better at anger management. I would have strangled you already if I wasn’t.” Tighnari replied quietly, fuming.
“So you say my jokes have helped you? Perhaps I should be telling you some more of them.” Cyno asked as Tighnari physically cringed at the thought of more oncoming jokes. The two were so deep in conversation that they hardly noticed a boy pop out from the front seat and peeking at the two.
“Pardon me, am I interrupting anything?” He asked, giving a coy smile. Tighnari and Cyno flinched at the sudden interruption. Tighnari smiled at him kindly while Cyno gave him a glare “No, you really aren’t interrupting anything.” Tighnari replied, Cyno ignoring everyone and redirecting his gaze back to the window. 
“That’s good! I wanted to ask if he had more jokes. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I quite liked the one he had told to you.” He said, pointing at Cyno, which caught his attention again as he looked at the boy in surprise “Oh! Pardon me, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m Albedo.” Albedo said, extending a hand out to him. 
Albedo wore a khaki-colored sweatshirt over a plain white shirt with dark navy jeans. His albino hair was tied up in an extremely messy bun and had strangely lifeless teal eyes. Cyno glared at Albedo suspiciously “You..you actually like my jokes?” he narrowed his eyes “Then why weren’t you laughing?” Nobody ever claimed to find his jokes funny. Not even Collei or Cyrus.
His eyes crinkled when he grinned as he rested his chin on his hand. “Well, a joke's ability to induce laughter is a…..separate matter. But I certainly find them fun!” Cyno looked at him strangely and ignored him, glaring at him before taking a book out of his bag and concentrating on that instead. Albedo looked at him with a slightly hurt expression. “....I see.” he turned away, understanding that he wasn’t wanted at the moment.
Tighnari nudged Cyno with his elbow and looked at him puzzled “Didn’t he want to hear more of your jokes? Go on.” 
“I’m good.” He mumbled, gaze fixed to his book. This reaction from his friend had just made Tighnari even more confused. 
“No one EVER wants to hear your jokes. Why won’t you tell them now to someone who genuinely enjoys them?” he insists gently.
“I just don’t. I don’t like the look of him.” Cyno snapped at him, clearly not wanting to interact with Albedo. Tighnari blinked at his eyes in shock, to which Cyno’s expression softened “I’m sorry.” he said, rubbing the back of his neck “I shouldn’t have snapped like that.”
“No, no.” Tighnari said, his hands fidgeting with his tail. “I shouldn’t force you to talk to anyone you don’t want to.”
The two sat in a guilty and awkward silence, avoiding each other's eyes. However, it didn’t last for long as their bus suddenly screeched to a stop. The kids around them immediately unbuckled their seatbelts as they reached the racks above their seats to retrieve their bags and luggage. Tighnari and Cyno got up to do the same when a boy who seemed to be one of their camp counselors opened the bus doors for them.
Everyone rushed to get outside and heaved their baggage along with them. The bus had stopped at a gate that, sure enough, had a sign that read ‘Stellar moments’ above it. On both the sides of the gate, there were tiny flickering lanterns with a soft glow emanating from them. It was already very dark, despite it not being considerably late in the morning. The cascading trees above them blocked out the sunlight, making the environment around them far cooler than it would’ve been in the summer. The grass beneath their feet was soft and wet, making a tiny crunching sound when stepped on. 
The boy who had opened the bus doors for everyone stood in front of everyone and gave them a wide toothy grin. He wore a fitted, long-sleeved button-down shirt in forest green. It had all sorts of tiny details like stars around the cuffs and collar. He also had dark khaki pants, waterproof hiking boots in brown, and a tiny white name tag that read Venti. Venti had a child-like face with teal coloured eyes and medium length braided dark black hair that got a brighter and brighter teal as it went down to its tips.
His smile reached his eyes, making the crowd feel more at ease in this seemingly unfamiliar place. “Good morning everyone! Welcome to summer camp! You can call me Counselor Venti. I hope you all had a nice journey, now if you would all follow me to get assigned to your cabins.” He turned with his back facing the other campers and went into the shadowed canopy in front of them as he motioned everyone to follow him. 
The crowds whispers echoed as everyone trudged behind the counselor. Cyno and Tighnari gave each other pointed looks, before following him themselves.
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kaiisinventions · 2 months
writing requests open!
this isn't my official guidelines post, but I just really want some one shot ideas to get myself back into a flow of writing. so please submit some ideas through the ask box after reading the guidelines;
will do:
cynonari (brainrot is real) (would prefer this)
fluff or angst
any of the characters or ships in tags!
will not do:
X reader or anything involving ocs (nothing against u guys, just not my thing!)
NSFW, smut, suggestive content, incest, any weird things. (this includes kaeluc, dni 🤍)
long fanfics
as a side note please don't spoil any of the latest quests pleaseee 🤍 I'm lazy and haven't gotten to them
ok thanks byeeeee
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ghironda7 · 2 years
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scaredpigeons · 8 months
Genshin Impact
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Elirah (genshin impact OC)
^click her name to find out more!
More than you can chew
This is the beginning of my many planned works surrounding the lore of my genshin OC, Elirah. This first part is sfw, though it alludes to many nsfw scenes that will take place in the other chapters.
More than you can chew II: those damned flowers
CW: elirah x 4ggravate (Cynonari x haikaveh) aphrodisiacs, group sex, see link for further warnings.
More than you can chew III: three is company
CW: Elirah x Haikaveh, m/m/f threesome, BDSM dynamics, see link for further warnings.
Aqua Regia
Neuvillette x fem!reader
Warning: mostly sfw, a little suggestive at times. Final chapter will include nsfw.
Authors note: upload of chapters ongoing, will post final cw when finished, but so far, it really doesn’t have much to worry about. Reader is described as smaller than Neuvi, has a bit of anxiety.
Link will take you to chapter 1, links to other chapters within each chapter.
Glad to be home
Baizhu x puppyhybrid!Afab!Reader
Warning: NSFW 18+ MDNI
cw: puppyhybrid! reader, afab reader with no gendered pronouns used, themes of BDSM, softdom! Baizhu, sub! reader, use of pet names (pet, puppy, pup, little one, darling) oral (male rec.) reader calls Baizhu "master", fingering, cum swallowing, reader licks their own juices from Baizhu's fingers. Honestly very soft lol.
Deus Auri
Zhongli × gn! reader
Warning: none! Sfw, very fluffy. Mild spoilers for Neuvillette voiceline about zhongli. Fluffy, you admitting you know he is Rex lapis. Smooches.
Word count: 1k (small bean)
Sunrise, Crystallize
Zhongli x gn!reader
Warnings: none so far, future nsfw will be kept separate. Multi chapter, ongoing. Reader is socially awkward and Zhongli is literally so in love.
“Would you like to try something new?”
Warning: SMUT NSFW MDNI 18+
Word count: 20.9k (WHAT)
Kaeluc × fem!reader (Kaeya x fem! reader × Diluc)
Synopsis: After a series of mildly unpleasant events™ Reader moves in with Diluc and accidentally ends up hiding in his wardrobe, only to witness something she probably shouldn't have, which results in a great time overall, so she's not too upset about it.
CW: Very smutty. Heavy bdsm dynamics yet I still managed to make it very fluffy and loving. Threesome, p in v sex, oral, (m and f rec) friends to lovers scenario. So many tags.
“Would you like to try something new?”
Warning: SMUT NSFW MDNI 18+
Word count: 20.9k (WHAT)
Kaeluc × reader (Kaeya x fem! reader × Diluc)
Synopsis: After a series of mildly unpleasant events™ Reader moves in with Diluc and accidentally ends up hiding in his wardrobe, only to witness something she probably shouldn't have, which results in a great time overall, so she's not too upset about it.
CW: Very smutty. Heavy bdsm dynamics yet I still managed to make it very fluffy and loving. Threesome, p in v sex, oral, (m and f rec) friends to lovers scenario. So many tags.
It’s always the smart ones, isn’t it?
Warning: Smut, MDNI 18+
Albedo × fem! bimbo! reader (monsterfucking) (he has a slime fuck you) (for science of course)
Word count: 2.9k
CW: slight manipulation on albedos part, monsterfucking, oviposition.
Let me look at you.
Warning: SMUT MDNI 18+
Kaveh × fem! reader. Link leads to initial thirst idea, link to actual fic is at the bottom.
Pussy inspection, inappropriate use of mehrak, , teasing, minor dacryphilia, Kave is slightly condescending but in the best way possible, we love it fr.
Multi-Character works
Scent Headcanons
I: Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc.
II: Venti, Xiao, Gaming, Baizhu.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 4 months
LOVELIES (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) and yuckies (O_O)
Welcome to my chocolaterie!! And what can I do for you on this lovely day?
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(Wowow it’s like I’m a real sfw tickle blog— Here's what to know when requesting or interacting!!)
❆ Please don’t tap the glass!! It scares the ice cream 🍨 (interaction etiquette)
All of these SFW!!!!!!! If you talk to me about s3x I will throw up on you <3 Otherwise be as outlandish as you please!!
Questions and chit-chat? ✅
Loredumping about OCs? ✅
HCs? ✅
AUs? ✅ Will write for them if given information!!
RPing? ✅ If it's among friends and just for fun then sure!!
Non-fandom tk thoughts? ✅
Teases? ❌
Irl tk gifs? ❌
Photos/art with nudity? ❌
Uncredited art reposts? ❌ (I will find you)
Hate and harm? ❌
I encourage you to request rarepairs (or at least pairings with less content on here) and wlw ships or pairings with women ehehehe!!!!
Requests will likely be full-length fics (~1-1.5k words) unless a drabble is specifically asked for. Depends if the muse is right :] Please leave requests in inbox, it’s the most convenient and fun way!!
❆ Smells fishy… (OFF THE TABLE!!)
Any s3xual, nsfw, k!nk, f3tish, non-con content
Proship/illegal ships
Old people lees, around 40+ (I’m sorry…) (excluding immortal characters who appear young)
Real people??
X Reader/OC x canon (unless it’s platonic? Or OC x OC)
Gore??????? (In- In a tk fic??) /jj
Open to discussion about most of these (except for those in red). If there is something I am uncomfortable with writing that is not listed here, we can talk about it!!
Some of my favs!!!!!! ♥︎
I’m up for writing basically any character or (legal) pairing/poly, all I ask is for a mood and any thoughts on the ship + a scenario if you have one, but here are my favorites!!! Pretty much any platonic groups welcome!!!!
All favorite ships listed here can also be platonic!! Sorry if you don’t know the ship names I made some of them up tehe
Bolds are the favs of my favs, pink is my fav of the favs of my favs!! If no pink, it’s probably bc I couldn’t choose. Starfished are the fandoms I’m most obsessed with/know the most about!!!
NOTE: I will include children and animals, but please keep in mind I do not think of them in a romantic, nsfw, or necessarily tickly way.
Genshin Impact 𓇼
Unfinished :( Started Sumeru. I don’t think the ships are accurate at all 😭
Kokomi, Ayaka, Miko, Gorou, Ei, Heizou, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Lumine, Venti, Amber, Fischl, Albedo, Razor, Noelle, Klee, Sucrose, Bennett, Furina, Sigewinne, Navia, Freminet, Lynette, Lyney, Chiori, Yanfei, Shenhe, Beidou, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Childe, Columbina, Arlecchino, Nahida, Collei, Cyno, Nilou, Kaveh, Layla, Faruzan, Dehya, Wanderer, Mualani
Basically anyone with Lumine or Kokomi… Kokorou, Ayalumi, Venlumi, Eimiko, Shenlumi, Beiguang, Yantao, Bennefischlrazor, Xingyun, Albecrose, Arlebina, Cynonari, Haikaveh, Scarachilde, Mikokomi, Ganqing, Neuvifuri, Furinavi, Clorivia, Chilumi, Xiaother, Kazuscara, Kazuhei, Aember, Eulamber, Jeanlisa, Yunyan, Kokosara, Kokoayanilou… and probably more
Fontaine Siblings, Albedo and Klee, Lumine and Aether, Collei and Amber, Collei and Cyno and Tighnari, Nahida and Scara, Childe and fam, Beidou and Kazuha and Ningguang, Ganyu and Shenhe, Lisa and Razor, Xingqiu and Chongyun and Xiangling, Kokomi and Childe (lol)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 𓇼
Up to date with anime + manga!!
Nene, Hanako, Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Mei, Sakura, Yako, Tsuchigimori, Sumire, Tiara, Mokke
Hananene, Mitsukou, Kounene, Hanakou, Aoinene, Sakunene, Terukane, Aoiaoi, Sumihaku
Minamoto Siblings, Yugi Siblings, Tsuchigimori and Hanako, Mitsuba and Nene
Project Sekai 𓇼
Up to date with main story, not caught up on events.
As much as I love the vocaloids, I prefer writing for the human characters. I also probably won’t write for NPCs.
(I love them all 💕) Saki, Ichika, Honami, Shiho, Shizuku, Minori, Airi, Haruka, An, Kohane, Toya, Akito, Emu, Tsukasa, Rui, Nene, Kanade, Mizuki, Ena, Mafuyu
Polyneed, Shizumino, Minoharu, Shizuairi, Polyjump, Anhane, Akitoya, Antoya, Polyvbs, Emukasa, Polysho, Polyniigo, Mafuena, Kanaena, Mizukana, Mizumafu + Fond of literally any non-unit romantic pairing except for Shizuku or Tsukasa with Leo/Need (they’re siblings): Honakana, Mizumino, Shizukasa, Ichikana, Mizurui, Minoshihokoha, Mizukasa, Honaemu, Airiena, Mizuan, Minokana, Akimino, Kanakasa, Shizumafu, Haruan
Tenma Siblings (including Toya ofc), Hinomori Siblings, Shinonome Siblings, Leaders!!!!!, most of the above pairings
Bungou Stray Dogs 𓇼
Not as familiar with Cannibalism + Hunting Dogs arcs (I actually know nothing about the Rats in the House of Dead lmaooooo)
Have also read Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen and BEAST
Atsushi, Dazai, Kyouka, Kenji, Haruno, Kunikida, Chuuya, Higuchi, Gin, Kouyou, Q, Lucy, Louisa, Poe, Margaret, Twain, Aya, Sigma, Nikolai, Bram, Mizuki, Agatha, Teruko, Tecchou, Yuan
Atsulucy, Akuatsulucy, Ranpoe, Soukoku, SigSkk, Siglai, Sigzai, Higugin, Marthorne/Hawmitch, Suegiku, Loulu/Montcott, Kyoukenji (in a wholesome crushy way)
Atsushi and Kyouka, Atsushi and Dazai, Kouyou and Chuuya, Chuuya and like all of the kids, Aya and Bram, Tachihara and Teruko, Poe and Karl, Fukuzawa and Ranpo and Yosano, and all the factions (ADA and Guild especially)!!
Bocchi the Rock! 𓇼
Up to date with anime!!
Bocchi, Nijika, Ikuyo, Ryo, Seika, Kikuri, Eliza
Polykessoku and every pairing in it
Bocchi and Kikuri, Ijichi Siblings
Lycoris Recoil 𓇼
Up to date!!
Chisato, Takina, Kurumi, Erika
Chisataki, Eritaki, Sakufuki
Everyone in Cafe LycoReco
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K 𓇼
Up to date!!
Pretty much all of the Saiki Kusuo ships are qprs bc I do see him as aroace!!! 🖤💜🩶🤍💚
Saiki, Toritsuka, Aiura, Akechi, Yumehara, Kaidou, Hairo, Kuboyasu, Mera, Rifuta, Suzumiya
ToriSai, PolyPsychickers, SaiAi, SaiKechi, ImuTeru, SaiKai, YumeKai, KokoMiko, ChisaMiko, YumeAi, KuboKai, KuboKoko, KokoNen, KuboMeto, SatouHii, HaiNen
Saiki and everyone, Saikis, Saiki and Rifuta, Kaidous, Kokomi and Hairo, Kokomi and Saiki, PK Psychickers, Toritsuka and Aiura, Aiura and Akechi, Mera and Saiki, Saiki and Yuuta
Buddy Daddies
Up to date!!
Miri, Kazuki, Rei
Kazuki and Rei and Miri
Unfinished :(
Nana Komatsu/Hachiko, Nana Osaki, Nobuo, Reira (I don’t support her being a p3do tho /hj), Shin, Yasu, Mai/Misato
Shin and Hachi, Hachi and everyone, Yasu and everyone
Skip and Loafer
Unfinished :(
All of the characters!!!!
MitsuShima, Yuzumako
Six of Crows 𓇼
Up to date!! (Only for the SOC book trilogy tho)
Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Matthias
Polycrow, Kanej, Wysper, Ninej, MatthiNina
Watched Season 1!!
Teru, Iko, Stigma, Piltz, Keheheh/Kufufu, Shrimpy, Pepesha, Mingming, Ai
Teru and Pepesha, Andreanova Family, Teru and Shrimpy, Mingming and Teru and Pepesha, Kufufu and Tzveta
Pokémon 𓇼
It’s gonna get way too complicated if I try to list every character I like… I’ll just say the games I’ve played
Ultra Moon, Sun, Y, Legends Arceus
XY and XYZ, Journeys
MoonLily (yeah I’m obsessed with them), SereShauna (games)
Little Nightmares
The kids :))
Mono and Six
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Up to date!! I’ve also watched TLOK and I love Korrasami!!!
All of the main kids :)))) Aang, Katara, Ty Lee, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Yue
Kataang, Mailee, Sokki, Maiko, Zukka (eugh… flashbacks)
The Gaang, Zuko and Aang, Iroh and the kids, Zuko and Azula, Sokka and Katara
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Up to date!!
All of them :)))) Scorpia, Entrapta, Melog LMAO
All of the canon ones :DDDD Catradora, Glimbow, Scorfuma, Entrapdak, Spinetossa
Super Pal Trio
The Owl House
Up to date!!
I like… all of them!!!! No like actually I like all of them (I like the Collector a lot)
Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda
Owl family, Noceda family (includes Hunter and Vee ofc), Blight siblings, Collector and the kiddos
Alien Stage 𓇼
Up to date!!
Mizi, Sua, Hyuna, Ivan, Till
Mizisua, Ivantill, Mizitill but in an unrequited love way lol, Hyuluka (one-sided on Luka’s side and toxic but Hyuna cares for him like family but also loathes and almost fears him—)
Any and all platonic pairings!!!!!
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Unfinished :( But I already know the rest of the story lololol
Tanjirou, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sabito, Makomo, Urokodaki, Rengoku, Muichiro, Aoi, Tamayo, Kanae
Zentan, Zennezu, Tankana, Inoaoi, Inozentan, Kananezu, Shinomitsu, Obamitsu, Sabigiyuu, Zenkana
Zenitsu and Kanao, Kamado family, Kamaboko squad, Kocho sisters, Urokodaki children, Hashiras, Tamayo and Yushiro
Honkai Star Rail
Unfinished :( Up to date with main story!!
Stelle, March 7th, Robin, Firefly, Himeko, Ruan Mei, Huohuo, Bailu, Sparkle, Fu Xuan, Black Swan, Misha, Yanqing, Dan Heng, Acheron, Argenti, Boothill, Yunli, Asta, Serval, Gepard, Sushang, Topaz, Sunday, Screwllum, Kafka, Clara, Seele, Bronya, Lingsha, Tingyun, Siobhan, Baiheng, Jiaoqiu
Danstarch, Stellefly, Robinhill, Bronseele, Kafhime, Acherswan, Robinstelle, Robinfly, Pelalynx, Astarlan, Aventio, Caikong, Yunqing, Marchfly, Bronpaz, Guishang, Ruanstelle, Robinabi (THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE CALLED??), Tingmei
Astral Express Family, Landau Siblings, Sunday and Robin/Oak Siblings, Yanqing and Jing Yuan, Stellaron Hunters and Stelle, Guinafen and Sushang, Clara and Svarog, Xueyi and Hanya, Yunli and Yanqing, Lingsha and Yunli, Jingliu and Yanqing, Yaoqing Trio
Latest Update: 9/12/24
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lovesick-level-up · 1 year
our new whitelist!
so, we've been meaning to properly update our whitelist for a bit, but it has taken forever. we're going obviously update our rentry, but if you want to read through the list on here, look below!
(it might take us a while to format everything so, just read below for now lmao)
we have... so many favourite characters and ships... how do people have short whitelists. we might need to split our pages into the whitelist, and then another page for our greylist and blacklist lmao.
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(mondstadt) diluc, fischl, klee, albedo, kaeya, jean, venti
(liyue) yao yao, yelan, qiqi, xingqiu, ningguang, xiao, xinyan, zhongli, childe
(inazuma) shinobu, itto, ayaka, ayato, yoimiya, kokomi, raiden
(sumeru) alhaitham, kaveh, cyno, dehya, wanderer, layla
(dr1) ishimaru, celestia, sakura, togami, chihiro, mukuro
(dr2) the whole cast except for teruteru, but especially gundham, sonia + ibuki
(drv3) shuichi, kaede, miu, kokichi, gonta
(other) juzo, kotoko
(students) all of the characters in 1-a but especially momo, kaminari + bakugo, nejire, tamaki, mirio, shinsou
(heroes) midnight, present mic, eraserhead, thirteen
(villains) dabi, toga, twice, shigaraki
ace attorney:
miles, phoenix, trucy, klavier, franziska, maya
all the eeveelutions, mimikyu, fairy types, penny, larry, grusha
hatsune miku, kaito, the kagamine twins, luka, vflower, solaria
the owl house:
the whole cast but especially raine, amity, king + hunter
(project sekai, ddlc + stardew) all characters
(mh) frankie stein
(milgram) yuno, mikoto, fuuta
(overlord) albedo, shalltear, demiurge
(dbz) vegeta, bulma, android 17, android 18
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(mondstadt) kaebedo, jeanlisa, diltorre
(liyue) beiguang, xiaoven, xingyun, tartali
(inazuma) thomato, ayamiya, kokosara
(sumer) kavetham, cynonari, kavethaynonari, candehya
project sekai:
(mmj) shizuairi, minoharu, poly mmj
(n25) mafukana, mizuena, poly n25
(vbs) anhane, akitoya, poly vbs
(wxs) ruikasa, emunene, poly wxs
(dr1) ishimondo, celesgiri, sakuraoi
(dr2) komahinanami, komahina, bandaid, sondam, soniabuki
(drv3) irumatsu, saiouma
(students) kiribaku, shinkami, tododeku, tsuchako, momojirou, miritama
(heroes) erasermic, miruyumi
(villains) dabihawks
ace attorney:
wrightworth, franmaya, klapollo
(overlord) albedo x shalltear
(dbz) bulma x vegeta, goku x vegeta
(toh) lumity, raeda
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nostalgiacore, glitchcore, gothic, lolita, cyberpunk, vaporwave, webcore, light + dark academia, punk, fantasy (especially piratecore), demoncore, spacecore, flowercore, nature
dark, bright, brown, black, pink, red, blue, yellow
any disability, lgbtqia, xenogender, etc pride
especially autism, did, wrist brace users and avpd headcanons for disability ones
especially trans, bisexual and gay headcanons for lgbt ones
angst, unrequited love, flower meanings, friendships
kinds of edits:
redesign sprite edits, moodboards, icons, reply icons
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
Cyno x Albedo
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my opinion about cyno x albedo can be condensed into that one "me and my husband saw you across the bar and we think you're really hot" meme. yknow the one? cyno/albedo exists in my head as an extension of cynonari where albedo is invited to the threesome lmao but like generally speaking i think theyre sweet. heavy emphasis on the "they're in a relationship, not sure which one" because they have Something going on but its not a seeerious one, if that makes sense
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aetheternity · 2 years
What are some of your favorite and least favorite genshin ships?
My favorites are the ones I always end up posting I'm a huge
Xiaother/Aexiao (Xiao and Aether) Al Haitham/Cyno (Haino/Cytham) Beigguang (Beidou/Ningguang) Ittosara (Itto/Kujou Sara) Chilumi (Childe/Lumine) fan
For ships I just like though it'd be Jean/Diluc, Kazuha/Scaramouche, Aether/Scaramouche, Albedo/Aether, Kuki/Heizou, Bennett/Fischl, Albedo/Xingqiu, Chongyun/Hu Tao, Zhongli/Guizhong, Eula/Amber, Xingqiu/Xiangling and Gorou/Kokomi. I'm kinda starting to like Kaeya/Dainsleif too.
Ships I hate most people know: Any Venti ships outside of KazuVen (Cause Kazuha is the only character I could see working well with Venti and being good as his partner.)
I hate Cynonari so much it's so boring as a concept: friends to lovers is a lame trope.
I can't stand Xingqiu x Chongyun while I like their dynamic to a degree and I think the ship makes perfect sense I hate how the fandom has made their entire relationship "two gay twinks" 🤢 (They're not even twinks the definition of the word directly contradicts what the fandom keeps saying about them being underage not that I expect Genshin fans to read.)
Razor x Bennett another ship the fandom has ruined. The shippers are rude as hell and they never get called out. Their relationship feels like a friendship nothing about it screams gay.
Kavetham because it feels like the two of them aren't allowed to have their own characters without being called gay and it's exhausting.
Eimiko same reason as Xingyun honestly. Plus I find it hilarious how everyone will call Yayato an "illegal" ship because of the age gap and power imbalance as if Eimiko doesn't suffer from the same fate. Plus Yae was raised by Ei so.. interesting.
Jeanlisa terrible ship name/terrible fans.
Zhongchi most of the fans don't listen to the actual chinese fans when they say that Zhongli giving Childe chopsticks was not an act of love. Also I just think the ship only exists to sexualize both guys as much as possible.
Ittogorou I just ugh I hate this ship it's so overly sexualized like I like gay ships with an abundance of romantic tension. Plus it only exists because of one voiceline and an in game joke that isn't funny and reminds me of why I can't stand Yae.
And the ships I don't like/don't get [just as a sort of bonus]
Scaramona I'm pretty sure it's an enemies to lovers thing but I don't get it.. I know they had an event together I just don't get it..
KokoSara another enemies to lovers my favorite trope but they're so professional with each other I can't find it cute at all.
Alberose they have no chemistry 😐
Ganqing I just find them both so boring that I can't like any ship with either of them.
Zhongxiao I mean I see them as father and son but they're canonically not so yeah they have a good relationship but like.. it wouldn't be very healthy either way.. cause Xiao treats Zhongli as this always correct force above him and it's a little too imbalanced power wise.
Dainlumi I like the dynamic without liking the characters together.
And any ship where they have never had any in game conversations/ have no voicelines for each other. I don't get any of them Childe/Diluc, Jean/Ningguang, Thoma/Diluc all of those I don't get it.
I'm pretty sure after this no one ever has to ask me what ships I like and don't like again.😂
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prawndip · 2 years
Genshin Impact Masterlist
see here for more information regarding what I write about
[♥] - romantic
[♡] - platonic/familial
[❥] - other/solo
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cricket noises here
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[♥/♡] - Genshin Characters and Hair (+gn!reader)
[♥/♡] - Genshin Characters and Hair (+gn!reader)
[♥] - Acting Grand...? (x gn!reader)
[♥/♡] - Genshin Characters and Hair (+gn!reader)
[♥] - Cold Hands (as well as Everything Else) (x gn!reader)
[♥] - Headcanons (+ gn!reader)
[♡] - Braids (+ gn! reader)
[♥] - Cold Hands (as well as Everything Else) (x gn!reader)
[♥] - Acting Grand...? (x gn!reader)
[♥/♡] - Genshin Characters and Hair (+gn!reader)
[♥/♡] - Genshin Characters and Hair (+gn!reader)
[♥] - Cold Hands (as well as Everything Else) (x gn!reader)
[♥] - A List of Things I Love About You (+ gn!reader)
[♥/♡] - Genshin Characters and Hair (+gn!reader)
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[♥] - Headcanons
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kusuguricafe · 11 months
fandom and character list
last updated: march 26, 2024
feel free to ask me if you’re curious whether or not I’ve seen an anime not listed here, I’ll also gladly take recommendations if there’s one you think I might like!
boku no hero academia
characters: midoriya, bakugou, kirishima, kaminari, mina, sero, todoroki, uraraka, hagakure, momo, jirou
ships/pairings: bakudeku (bakugou/deku), bkkd (bakugou/kirishima/kaminari/deku), kamibaku (kaminari/bakugou), kamideku (kaminari/deku)
fruits basket
characters: kyo, tohru, yuki, hatsuharu, momiji
ships/pairings: kyohru (kyo/tohru), yuki/kakeru
characters: all of karasuno, kenma
ships/pairings: kagehina (kageyama/hinata)
characters: kyouko hori, izumi miyamura, tooru ishikawa, sakura kouno, kouichi shindou, chika ichijou
ships/pairings: horimiya (hori/miyamura), shindou/ichijou
hypnosis mic
characters: ramuda, hifumi, doppo
link click
characters: cheng xiaoshi, lu guang, qiao ling
miss kobayashi’s dragon maid
characters: kobayashi, tohru, kanna
ships/pairings: kobayashi/tohru
characters: chocola, vanilla, mc
ouran high school host club
characters: all the hosts
paradox live
characters: akanyatsura, bae
sasaki to miyano
characters: sasaki, miyano
ships/pairings: sasamiya (sasaki/miyano)
sk8 the infinity
characters: reki, langa, miya
ships/pairings: renga (reki/langa)
umibe no étranger
characters: shun, mio
ships/pairings: shun/mio
yuri!!! on ice
characters: yuuri, victor
ships/pairings: victuuri (victor/yuuri)
video games
genshin impact
characters: all the anemo boys, traveler (aether and lumine), albedo, kaeya, tartaglia/childe, thoma, gorou, yae miko, tighnari, cyno, lyney, lynette, freminet, furina, gaming
ships/pairings: cynonari (cyno/tighnari), kaebedo (kaeya/albedo), kazuscara (kazuha/wanderer), lynlumi (lyney/lumine), scaralumi (wanderer/lumine), xiaoven (xiao/venti)
obey me!
characters: demon bros, solomon, mc
ships/pairings: asmodeus/mc, leviathan/mc, mammon/mc
project sekai
characters: wonderlands x showtime, vivid bad squad, virtual singers
zelda botw
characters: link, zelda, sidon, mipha
ships/pairings: miphlink (link/mipha), zelink (zelda/link)
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gay-salt-amber · 2 years
What other Genshin ships do you have?
Cynonari, albedo x huffman, huffman z herbalist gui, xingyun, chili, xiao x chongyun... this list could prolly go on forever lol
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