#cyril stacy
lordofcrowns · 3 months
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Something about obedience & admiration.
[🔥 Mild spice / full screenshots below the cut. ]
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101 Ways for a Witch to Stumble a Priest™
In which XIV is my personal OC dress-up simulator & I revel in any & every opportunity to make Brontë look soft & also to make Cyril absolutely suffer.
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diastrefo · 2 years
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"You can speak plainly here, lay down your burden."
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avettabendrot · 2 years
@lordofcrowns :'D I think I died there almost.
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erisffxiv · 1 year
Stormy Seas
**Feat. a friends oc: "Cyril Stacy" @diastrefo **
A chill crawled down my spine. I’d like to think it was from the wind and the rain but I wasn’t so naïve. Captain Cyril Stacy... I mentally kicked myself. I should’ve pried for more information, but I was desperate to leave that bloody town. The barkeep I’d bribed with my last gil had mentioned there was only one ship leaving port that night but he, very likely willingly, had left out the most important detail of all… who captained the vessel. I had thanked the Twelve for the thick clouds blocking the moon's light as I snuck aboard. It must have been sheer luck that I was able to make it to the cargo hold, tucking my small frame amongst the barrels and crates below. Or so I thought.  
I clutched the ratlines, desperate to remain upright. My legs unaccustomed to the sea, let alone it being as angry as it was at that moment. Another wave rose and sea water rushed across the deck. Gripping the ropes, I pulled myself up with full intent to climb. At that moment, lightning flashed and illuminated the world. That’s when I saw his face… and his damned smile. My brows furrowed in frustration. The bastard was enjoying this. We were enveloped in darkness again, save for the lanterns. In this storm, they didn’t provide much light. Not wasting time, I stretched my arm above me to continue my ascent. I wasn’t really sure what my plan was and my stomach turned with the idea of running from a fight. However, I was ill-equipped to take anyone on, let alone him.
The only belongings I owned were the clothes on my back, the coat I’d left below, a dagger and the choker around my neck. The dagger and choker never left my person, being my most valuable possessions. Holding my weight with one hand, I reached down to pull the weapon from my boot, tucking the handle between my teeth. Briefly my eyes scoured the deck, searching for my pursuer. Why hadn’t he called his crew to hunt me instead? Why was their illustrious Captain giving chase himself on such a dangerous night?  
A deep voice slid through the howl of the wind. I wasn’t sure where it’d come from but I needed no further warning to move faster. Finally I’d reached the platform just above the yard. I leaned back against it, wrapping an arm around it to hold me steady while removing the dagger from my mouth with the other. I wasn’t going down without some sort of fight and kept my gaze at the edge of the platform, watching for any sign of the man who hunted me.
Personally, I was willing to stay there as long as was necessary to stay out of his hands. Fate thought otherwise. A large wave rose beside the ship. I watched in horror as the monstrous wall of black and deep greens and blues rose higher still. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, as if allowing me to contemplate my life and why I’d decided to step foot on a ship, this ship, at all. The roar of the ocean was deafening as the wall of water came crashing down on top of me. It pinned me against the mast and pitched the ship to the side. A thought flashed across my mind and I hoped, just for a second, that the Captain would be washed overboard.
I could feel myself sliding. Desperately I drove my dagger into the wood below me, my sad attempt to keep from being pulled off of the platform. Just as the ship was righting itself I slipped. And I fell. My arms flailed about to catch anything. How far up had I climbed? I thought as I fell through the air. Then with a loud slam, I hit the deck. I swore I heard bone and wood alike splintering and breaking. The air was knocked from my lungs and sharp pain shot through me as if the lightning above had struck me. The darkness of night seemed to be growing closer, enveloping me like a blanket. Just before it overtook me, something seemed to form from the blackness itself. A man? A gold orb drew closer and I could see the white of his teeth with that same arrogant smile on his face. Ah, Captain Stacy. I wanted to laugh but my lungs wouldn’t expand. Finally, unconsciousness claimed me.
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ravenlaguz · 1 year
henry and i have been learning russian now for the past month or so and at this point i can read/pronounce words written in cyrillic and its exciting! and now im learning more words and sentence structure but anyway
the lessons have included names written in cyrillic (Анна - Anna, Дми́трий/Дима - Dimitri/Dima) and im not sure how mine would be translated? its a variant of a diminutive for anastasia so idk if it would be translated as the closest variant or phonetically
Anastasia - Анастаси́я - Ста́ся - Stasja/Stasya - Stacy?
or like
Stacy - Стасй/Стаси with a more elongated ee/ii sound at the end rather than ja/ya?
learning a new alphabet has been really cool
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kwebtv · 5 months
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To Serve Them All My Days - BBC One - October 17, 1980 - Januiary 16, 1981
Drama (13 Episodes)
Running Time: 60 minutes
John Duttine as David Powlett-Jones
Frank Middlemass as Algy Herries
Alan MacNaughtan as Howarth
Patricia Lawrence as Ellie Herries
Neil Stacy as Carter
Susan Jameson as Christine Forster
Charles Kay as Alcock
Kim Braden as Julia
John Welsh as Cordwainer
Cyril Luckham as Sir Rufus Creighton
Simon Gipps-Kent as Chad Boyer
Belinda Lang as Beth
Nicholas Lyndhurst as Dobson
David King as Barnaby
Phillip Joseph as Emrys Powlett-Jones
Michael Turner as Brigadier Cooper
Norman Bird as Alderman Blunt
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myrna-nora · 2 years
2022: Books
January 1. Silent Parade (沈黙のパレード) (2018) Keigo Higashino 2. A Nun in the Closet (1975) Dorothy Gilman 3. The Maid (2022) Nita Prose 4. Rock Paper Scissors (2021) Alice Feeney 5. It's in His Kiss (2005) Julia Quinn February 6. The Chuckling Fingers (1941) Mabel Seeley 7. Untimely Death (He Should Have Died Hereafter) (1958) Cyril Hare+  8. No Exit (2019) Taylor Adams 9. Apprehend Me No Flowers (2020) Diane Vallere 10. Rules of Murder (2013) Julianna Deering + 11. The Lady's Mine (2022) Francine Rivers 12. Bats in the Belfry (1937) E.C.R. Lorac March 13. The Four Graces (1946) D.E. Stevenson 14. The Kill of it All (2022) Diane Vallere  15. The Spy Who Loved Me (1962) Ian Fleming 16. The Paris Apartment (2022) Lucy Foley 17. Nine Lives (2022) Peter Swanson April 18. The Nutmeg Tree (1937) Margery Sharp 19. A Time of Love and Tartan (2017) Alexander McCall Smith 20. Four Aunties and a Wedding (2022) Jesse Q. Sutanto ^ 21. Mrs. Pollifax Unveiled (2000) Dorothy Gilman ^ May 22. Finlay Donovan Is Killing It (2021) Elle Cosimano 23. All Creatures Great and Small (1970/1972) James Herriot 24. On the Way to the Wedding (2006) Julia Quinn ^ June 25. The Resting Place (Arvtagaren) (2020) Camilla Sten 26. Confessions (告白) (2008) Kanae Minato 27. Finlay Donovan Knocks 'Em Dead (2022) Elle Cosimano ^ 28. The Woman in the Library (2022) Sulari Gentill  29. Under Lock & Skeleton Key (2022) Gigi Pandian  30. Under Currents (2019) Nora Roberts 31. The House Across the Lake (2022) Riley Sager July 32. Miss Butterworth & the Mad Baron (2022) Julia Quinn, Violet Charles 33. Rose Cottage (1997) Mary Stewart * 34. Death in the Stocks (1935) Georgette Heyer + 35. The Swimming Pool (1952) Mary Roberts Rinehart + 36. Octopussy & the Living Daylights (1966) Ian Fleming ^ 37. The Science of Murder (Murder Isn't Easy: The Forensics of Agatha Christie) (2021) Carla Valentine August 38. The Peppermint Tea Chronicles (2019) Alexander McCall Smith 39. Spiders From Mars (2020) Diane Vallere ^ 40. Nightwork (2022) Nora Roberts 41. Parker Pyne Investigates (1934) Agatha Christie * 42. Murder Underground (1934) Mavis Doriel Hay 43. A Promise of Ankles (2020) Alexander McCall Smith 44. Till Death Do Us Part (1944) John Dickson Carr September 45. The It Girl (2022) Ruth Ware  46. A Flicker in the Dark (2022) Stacy Willingham 47. Solace Island (2017) Meg Tilly 48. Love in the Time of Bertie (2021) Alexander McCall Smith ^ 49. The Ink Black Heart (2022) Robert Galbraith ^ October 50. The Midwich Cuckoos (1957) John Wyndham 51. The Bullet That Missed (2022) Richard Osman ^ 52. A Song of Comfortable Chairs (2022) Alexander McCall Smith ^ November 53. Love Me or Grieve Me (2022) Diane Vallere ^ 54. The Couple at the Table (2022) Sophie Hannah  55. The Twist of a Knife (2022) Anthony Horowitz ^ 56. Kurashi at Home (2022) Marie Kondō December 57. Mystery in White (1937) J. Jefferson Farjeon 58. Murder for Christmas (1949) Francis Duncan 59. The Christmas Card Crime & Other Stories (2018) Martin Edwards (Editor) + read what I already own challenge ^ finished or caught-up in series * re-reads
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hearty-an0n · 4 years
let’s be real,,,, ppl wouldn’t even know half the time if a female cc was ND because societal ableism runs so deep no one can recognize the signs in afabs and masking is much more common in afabs with adhd than amabs :’) they’d just think she was quirky on purpose or something
HONESTLY!! i could go on forever about how afab people mask because thats all we know how do to but. so many people can claim that they’re not ableist because their favourite amab cc is neurodivergent and they’ll say something about how women talk too much
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manawalls · 4 years
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head kisses.
( feat. @lordofcrowns )
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suri-chi · 4 years
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Warm- up sketches and found the coolest pixels of the night (or I always thought so in the past) @lordofcrowns. And course it seemed he just got a cool glam. Cyril always rockin’ shit. 
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verdandir · 4 years
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An early(very) Christmas Gift for @lordofcrowns​ of little Verdandir and Cyril.
Art by: Mishhe
3 Extra Variations Under Cut
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lordofcrowns · 1 year
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— "Run, run."
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diastrefo · 7 months
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A quick sketch of Them™
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elisartdumpuwu · 4 years
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Some art I did of a hot man (but my art does not do him justice). @lordofcrowns
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kepesktribe · 4 years
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:D My first sight of Cyril in game. Sorry I couldn't say hi. My time in Leap of Faith ran out. (I'm the HW in the corner.) ~MK
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finalsongxiv · 5 years
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                                                           ❄☆ HAPPY STARLIGHT! ☆❄                    There’ll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself, you’re unstoppable.                                                               - S.U.I.T.S and Company   Original Picture (Top) Taken by @lordofcrowns​ and various character pictures from blogs under the cut. 
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MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Members and (unwilling) Contributors: That Guy on the Wanted Poster at the Mini Mart: @lordofcrowns​​​ That Germlin Who Keeps Touching Things @finalvalor​​​ Ate the Whole Starlight Cake By Herself @manawalls​​​ MA THAT CAT IS BACK AGAIN @reshaepocan​​​ (Honorary Member) Mechanics Master Dragon Waifu @verdandir​​​ Trying to Get Free Pizza with Seduction @finalsongxiv​​​ [I’m looking forward to another year of being with friends and making bad choices! You guys are wonderful and I hope this year brings you happiness, health and wealth! Thank you for everything! <3] All my love, COZY 
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