notjustclockwork · 10 years
[text] I need to see you. I've ruined everything and I need to remember I've got something good in this world. C x
[Text: Cyrus] Where are you? I shall meet you where ever you like.
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scribblingthedaysaway · 10 years
Oh, whoa, sorry man.
You'll make someone happy, won't you?
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gumiho-jieun-blog · 11 years
Mission Mistletoe | Ji Eun & Cyrus
Christmas, it was one of the many times of year that Ji Eun really didn’t like. It wasn’t exactly a big holiday back home so it was more of a couple day which meant that if you were single you spent the day with everyone poking at you and asking you why you were single. What hadn’t helped her mood is that everywhere she went there was a piece of mistletoe hanging from somewhere. So the gumiho had made it her Christmas mission to get rid of all the mistletoe that she could get hold of, what was annoying was the fact that once she had got hold of some she saw a new bunch would appear in its place. She was currently dragging a bag behind her containing her current victims. Ji Eun paused as she entered the common room and found more.
A sigh escaped from her as she started to pull down the pieces that she could reach, the few people that were sitting in there gave her confused looks but she just ignored them as she went about her business. Ji Eun had managed to clear the room of the lower hanging pieces but there was one just out of her reach so she dropped the bag on the floor and started to move the table. She carefully climbed up onto the table and started to reach out for the final piece of mistletoe in the room.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
The baby was making little soft noises. Anastasia didn’t think they were sounds of the child being upset over something, rather him just making noise to amuse himself. But even so, Anastasia lifted the small baby into her arms from his crib and held him close.
The nursery she stood in was small, but she thought it was far from cramped. It was perfect. It had a small bay window big enough for a rocking chair, which she went to. She always thought it was easiest to hold an infant while sitting. James was still cooing to himself, but the sound could barely be heard over the rain the gently pattered on the window behind her.
Anastasia still detested water and being wet, but Cyrus lived in England, where it was very wet, and Anastasia could not have bared it to see him pine for his home. So she had moved away across an ocean from her old home to settle into her new one. And she was happy her. Completely and truly. Even with this rain nonsense always going on.
James made a particularly loud noise and Anastasia’s attention turned back to him. He smiled up at her and Anastasia felt her chest fill with love for him, her own smile spreading across her face. She leaned down and kissed his forehead softly, her lips lighter than a moth’s wing. James wasn’t her baby, exactly, but she loved him all the same.
Anastasia still could remember the woman that was his “real” mother, as the mother had put it perhaps only a few weeks ago. Cyrus had searched Russia for a suitable “surrogate mother”, he called it, and eventually found the woman he thought was perfect. She had had some of Anastasia’s temperament, but much longer fangs than Anastasia could ever have. She had not had the best of lives and the world had made her harsh. But once she opened up to Cyrus and Anastasia, he realized how much he was like his love. And she looked so much like Anastasia as well, which was why he picked her in the first place, of course.
It had taken nearly a year (ten months, two weeks, four days, twelve hours fifteen minutes, and thirty two seconds, to be exact) since when James’s surrogate mother first met Anastasia and more paperwork that Cyrus thought possible, but at the end, Cyrus and Anastasia had a son to call their own. Even if Anastasia’s bank account was down by a few thousand. But that barely made a dent in the sizable number that already rested in it.
Of course, in the beginning, Anastasia did not want a child. She had many reasons to not want one, one of which was that she could not have any herself, but her love for Cyrus overcame these and so she allowed him to begin such a lengthy process. Had she known, that, in the end, the surrogate mother would have died in a way she was sure the reaper had something to do with it, she would have protested a touch more. But now, with Cyrus’s son, her son, in her arms, she found herself glad Cyrus had convinced her to have one.
"Isn’t this a sight?"
Anastasia looked up to see Cyrus standing in the doorway, his hair still a mess from freshly waking, his night clothes still on him. Looking very much the way she had left him when she had left their bed to tend to their child. “Cyrus,” she said softly, looking up at him. “I hope James did not wake you.”
"No no, not at all," Cyrus said with as smile as he walked into the room. His smile grew the more he walked into the room, his cheeks nearly aching by the time he knelt down in front of his wife to be on her, and his son’s, level. "And if this is the sight I’m greeted with, I think I’d like to be waken by it more."
James looked over to his father and Cyrus beamed down at him. “Good morning, James,” he said gently. He then smiled up at his mother. “Shall I make us breakfast?”
"Yes, I think James will be hungry soon."
"Best not keep him waiting then," Cyrus said with another smile, standing up. Anastasia got up carefully as he walked out of the room and followed after him quickly, James still held securely in her arms.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
✉ for my character's reaction to getting a sext from yours
And then Ana dropped the phone and went to find him.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
✽ ✤ ☑
Note: Italicized words are Angel’s answers.
✽:Favorite season?
I rather like winter.
I have never been able to decide, I love them all.
✤:Favorite kind of food.
☑:An OTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
She’s in it! :D The Ticking Reaper, Cyrana!
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
[stares at it for several several ticks then figures out how to save it and then texts back]
[Text] I prefer to see this in person Cyrus. Are you still naked where ever you are at? It seems as if this needs to be given attention.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
Away from it All || Ana & Cyrus (London Vacation)
Anastasia was sitting on a bench in the middle of the Heathrow airport, sitting patiently with her hands folded in her lap, her luggage cases in front of her. On her left sat her father, his feet propped up by his own luggage case. He was staring at his phone and moving his fingers across the screen quickly as he sat with family. On Anastasia's other side sat her mother, who was reading a book. Both were calm as they waited with their daughter.
Anastasia was looking around, taking a half tick to assess every face she could see, her eyes moving quickly from one to the next as she looked for Cyrus. She had called him (with her mother's help) to tell him they hand landed in London and waited for him to collect her. Her parents seemed very excited to meet this boy that their daughter didn't seem to speak enough about, having only spoken of her plans with the boy since she had been picked up from the school.
Still looking around, she found a face she thought she knew and then smiled wide when she noticed Cyrus. "Cyrus!" she called happily, making her parents jump as she jumped out of her seat with the word. Forgetting her things, she ran to the boy and threw her arms around him, holding him close.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
Cyrus doesn't love you, mate. And never will.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
Do you desire more physical intimacy with Cyrus? Or anyone for that matter?
Not with anyone, but with Cyrus, I think I do.
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scribblingthedaysaway · 10 years
I think this is Abigail's friend? He was sort of weird when we talked. Dark and slightly threatening. But, honestly, I wasn't that threatened.
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
Cyrus... I am very curious about many things. I wonder if he would let me sate that curiosity...
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notjustclockwork · 10 years
A Grim Encounter || Anastasia & Cyrus
Anastasia was just wondering around, really, exploring the castle further. She liked to walk in general. The movement of her gears were comforting and a clock always keeps better when it moves, when it runs. So Anastasia knew that her body was no different. She had to move it to keep it in pristine condition, now that she was out of that closet. Which she was glad for, but the closet had either magically preserved her or perhaps just kept the humidity out, she didn't really know, but she felt very.... strange... when she started to move again.
Anastasia stopped at an unfamiliar tapestry. This particular tapestry was much more violent than anything she ever wove. It was of a great battle. She saw men dead and dying, their blood coloring the grass, trees, other men and even the sky around him. Red was the most dominate color wherever she looked, staining all around it. If she looked at it long enough, she could almost see the blood seep out of the tapestry to color the walls and carpet around her red with the blood of the dying.
She didn't move away from the horrid scene, but she did close her eyes, shutting it away from her. So much death... She didn't like such depictions. But history was one thing she loved. And history was so rarely colored in anything but blood.
"I wonder if this tells of a true story..." she said to herself, her eyes still closed, but she faced the battle still.
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notjustclockwork · 11 years
Have you had sex yet? You plan on bumping that death dude?
To your first question, no.
And I do not believe your second question fits within the parameters of the meme, Joanna. Who is even "that death dude?" What is a dude?
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cyrusthegrim · 11 years
Kisses Like Whiskey, It Gets Me Drunk | Prompt
But it was not to last. Her eyes grew dark and dull, her skin pale and cold. He pulled her close to him, desperately pressing a hard kiss to her blue lips. The envolping warmth of the dream had been replaced with a hard, icy feel. Her eyes slid shut and she fell from his arms, hitting the floor with a crack. He watched as her body shattered into a thousand pieces, dropping to his knees in horror. He reached up to touch his face only to find his hands coated in blood, blue silver blood that was slippery and metallic to the touch.
With a start, Cyrus woke up. He scrabbled around in his bed, clutching at the duvet as if to reassure him that it was real. He sat up, heart pounding, and examined his hands. For a moment, in a sliver of moonlight, they looked silver, but he blinked and it was gone.
A dream. Just a dream.
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cyrusthegrim · 11 years
Bella Notte | Open
Cyrus was sitting in the common area, on a sofa with his legs crossed. He couldn't sleep again and had got the midnight munchies. Luckily, the cafeteria was open at absurd hours. He smiled happily at the large plate of spaghetti and meatballs in his lap. He dug in, humming with contentment.
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