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Don't pass up the opportunity to get your research published in Global Journal of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine.
ISSN 2754-0952
Submit your papers here: https://www.ucjournals.com/global-journal-of-pathology-laboratory-medicine/
#ClinPath #GIPath #SurgPath #blooducation #Gynpath #PathResidents #labmed #Autopsy #BreastPath #BSTpath #CardiacPath #ClinPath #Cytopath #dermpath #EndoPath #ENTPath #EyePath #ForensicPath #Gynpath #HemePath #MolDx #OralPath #RenalPath#PediPath #Gynpath #HemePath #MolDx #OralPath #RenalPath #PediPath  #patoloogia #patoloxía #laboratorio
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umsoheyaurora · 2 years
I had fun last night. My tears were a bit melancholic but more sweetness than sadness…I’m sure you already knew but sometimes the context may be ambiguous. Forgive me if I repeat myself, I’m only a mana-kin after all right?
I know you are hurting because as Axel Rose sang and/or wrote a whole song about ‘how much “🎵love Hurts”…..’🎵ya know he did ya, i kno u kno he did ya kno he did🎵’…hahaha………whether or not that’s the title or not you’d have to look up but its a good one and one I would put on any breakup megamix fo sho
I meant it when the tears welled upnin my eyes and said I didnt understand why but that I cared….for you of course….and God only knows why but I do…..but you kno that too…..’cheater’ (directly communicating with the Holy Smudgeprint Spirit Themselves…..) maybe someday I’ll get that eyePhone chip so I can too or whatever the hell else the cool kids are doing these days….Futurama had it first so technically I knew aboutnit before most of them (I think????) and we all know that is the beet kind of correct…. Laure loved being right….one time at our awesome wine and cheese journal clubs she yelled out “YESSSSSSS!!!! I knew it!!” in response to one of our pieces of Data (Dominique, Jenn, or Sam might remember something similar). Then she said “I love being, right! (she meant being proven right). She said “It’s better than SEX!!😳🫣🥹😆😂🤣😅🙃….personally I liked proving her wrong….heheh…which I did at least twice bookending my time in the lab there and my Thesis for that matter as she didn’t think deltaPK would kill melanoma cells before I did the experiment….the day after I treated them to her exacting specificstions with the appropriate controls I saw those dead fucking cells and was soooooo excited I went right to her office and told her “I think it worked.” She got up quickly from her desk in disbelief and said, “show me,” but she was already walking out the door towards the lab….behind me eager to show her of course….
So as I’m getting the cells out I’m explaining the experiment to her just as she had prescribed me to do it….I followed every last detail except maybe I did a serial dilution of the virus or she had told me that too….I cant remember….anyway she looked in the treated well first, of course, I always would too because I would always ‘ruin the surprise’ well thats where all the fun happens in an experiment in the treated well or the ‘business end of an experiment’….I think she gasped in disbelieve a bit, maybe even chuffed….”huh…or I’ll be damned (lol)…..that is most definitely classic CPE (Cytopathic Effect) right there…where are the controls…..[the next and equally as important part of any experiment as you know….[I’m saying this for the benefit of the peanut gallery side listeners and watchers tuning in ‘🎵Live and Direct…rect…rect🎵 yes yes y’all I do hear the faint reverberations of whispers in your minds or out loud as you listen to my thought’s I’m listening back….just so u all kno I kno u kno u kno I kno u kno….u kno??….amirite on that one? Check the text or not whatever you all have officially been pimped🙊🙉🙈🐵🐒🦉<insert you’ve officialy been pimped gif here later…if I ever remember…prolly not…Aurora just any xhibit you’ve officially been pimped gif…prefferably of a hot chica or to ur own preference…lol]
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perfectlysassypoetry · 2 months
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Aspirazione con ago sottile di un nodulo tiroideo che rivela papille arborizzanti di cellule tumorali. Qual è la diagnosi? Risposta: https://buff.ly/3x7ZNV4 #PathArt #CytoPath #PathTwitter #MedTwitter #Cytology https://buff.ly/3KUpYC9
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rnomics · 2 months
IJMS, Vol. 25, Pages 7892: Robust CXCL10/IP-10 and CCL5/RANTES Production Induced by Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Human Brain Pericytes Despite Weak Infection
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) targets the central nervous system (CNS), leading to potentially severe neurological complications. The neurovascular unit plays a fundamental role in the CNS and in the neuroinvasion of TBEV. However, the role of human brain pericytes, a key component of the neurovascular unit, during TBEV infection has not yet been elucidated. In this study, TBEV infection of the primary human brain perivascular pericytes was investigated with highly virulent Hypr strain and mildly virulent Neudoerfl strain. We used Luminex assay to measure cytokines/chemokines and growth factors. Both viral strains showed comparable replication kinetics, peaking at 3 days post infection (dpi). Intracellular viral #RNA copies peaked at 6 dpi for Hypr and 3 dpi for Neudoerfl cultures. According to immunofluorescence staining, only small proportion of pericytes were infected (3% for Hypr and 2% for Neudoerfl), and no cytopathic effect was observed in the infected cells. In cell culture supernatants, IL-6 production was detected at 3 dpi, together with slight increases in IL-15 and IL-4, but IP-10, RANTES and MCP-1 were the main chemokines released after TBEV infection. These chemokines play key roles in both immune defense and immunopathology during TBE. This study suggests that pericytes are an important source of these signaling molecules during TBEV infection in the brain. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/14/7892?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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qqdahao · 10 months
Remarkable progress has been made in the series of research on the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 by Lianhua Qingwen
Recently, Lianhua Qingwen capsule prevention and control COVID-19 media will be held in Shijiazhuang Yiling Health City. The latest research progress of lianhua qingwen series capsule in the control of COVID-19 was released at the meeting.
At the presentation meeting, Professor Jia Zhenhua, State key Laboratory of collateral Disease Research and Innovation, made a report entitled "give full play to the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and play a greater role in the prevention and control of Omicron epidemic." The report points out that Lianhua Qingwen is an innovative traditional Chinese medicine developed by using the theory of collateral disease in traditional Chinese medicine to explore the law of exogenous febrile disease and plague transmission and treatment.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Lianhua Qingwen capsule has been recommended by the COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment Plan jointly issued by the State Health Commission and the State Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine (trial version 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9) and COVID-19 's diagnosis and treatment plan in more than 20 provinces and cities.
In the report entitled "basic Research on Prevention and treatment of viral Respiratory Diseases by Lianhua Qingwen", Professor Hou Yunlong, State key Laboratory of collateral Disease Research and Innovation, pointed out that Lianhua Qingwen has a stable antiviral effect on both wild-type and subsequent mutants of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in vitro, significantly improving cytopathic effects caused by virus infection and inhibiting the release of pro-inflammatory factors.
Professor Yuan Yadong of the Second Hospital of Hebei Medical University made a report entitled "Study on the preventive effect of Lianhua Qingwen capsule on people in close contact with COVID-19". Yuan Yadong pointed out that in 1976 subjects who were in close contact with COVID-19 infection were divided into Lianhua Qingwen treatment group (n = 1101) and the control group (n = 875). The subjects in the two groups were treated with Lianhua Qingwen capsule (4 tablets per time, 3 times a day) and routine medical observation for 14 days. During the period of medical isolation and observation, for the patients with positive nucleic acid tests, the incidence of symptoms in the Lianhua Qingwen treatment group was significantly lower than that in the control group, especially it could significantly reduce the incidence of fever. This is the first clinical trial of the efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention of close contacts of COVID-19. The research paper has been published in the international academic journal Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
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human-antithesis · 11 months
Crevice Flux Warts
Intracranial collides etiodisturb Induce warted Dimorphous mature in Sponge and wisp what I crisp Dulled paraaesthetic The mectomyzed Lepromin crevice severed Towards the waste Cysts blowing sharp Grows abroads the slab With hacks completely warts Eyebroweds gyne Comatose occurs The flux over the snap Croup septic inguinal romp Excessive creviced Scarring and blobing Lepromatous stocked the testes Convex symptoms of the wrists Delighting resorpt corticonodules Gloves stained of pulp and blood Fluxed mastic foetid Vaccinates flatules Ulcerans surfaces Sputum neo eviscerated Sub acuteness bulbo scars Of spinal jaundice Genitocervica repairing develops Pedincle for the serotologyc Split fissures Fluxing perianal ratio Necroperipheral sore macerates Paroxysmalitic grummatous Spazztic spinal paraplegic Tabes horn Citiospinal girdles Involves the warts Scabing and scourging Flickened sways Stimulates refles tendinose Self puncturing rapture As aqueous Clotted increase Grossly infected Yaws inoculates Flagelated remains Extract of epidermiological slash Membranose lupose Virulentic fluids Leptospheric spirosis sloughing Focus infection surge in urine Hematogenous illness Of the tissue Empathological necroticism Via flux cytopath Flecked upon contraction scabs Branch skew Deviation impaired gait Corticrevicium fibrose pedyncle Vomiting oscillopsy Necromantic spew Subclavian as I smash the spine Spumes on your flutter Excluded venous smash Purpuric plasto stratified mycotic Through the mastic Adjacent wounds Necrotizing flaccid Abrupts eruption Retraction over The impetiginose fluids Rigidity with oculars blobings Flush disturbances In facial weakness Seizures of intrafractured Vomiting ward Slit sucking disastrous Surgical cortex The elapsed fluid will engendrate As the warts begins To traumatic grasp Necrotic crevice and rash Rapturing entirely into Fluxed tissue Fascia plastic coating adherence Hencing and mincing stuporous Spontaneous leckeage Expanded viscosity Flux starts in the warts To crevice the spine
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Work conversations
Expected: What viral concentration is needed to illicit cytopathic effects when infecting this cell line of interest?
Reality: Liam and Noel Gallagher are dickholes.
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acebiotechnology · 2 years
Organic Chaga
The white birch antler is Inonotus obliquus. The sclerotia presents a tumor shape (sterile mass), which is mainly distributed in the northern hemisphere, such as Russia and Finland, at 40 ° ~ 50 ° north latitude, and in Heilongjiang and Jilin in China. The organic chaga mushroom is a folk medicinal fungus in Russia. Its effective components have attracted extensive attention of researchers in the United States, Japan and other countries. According to the preliminary research, Chaga contains Inonotus obliquus alcohol, oxidized triterpenoids, lanosterol, suppository acid, folic acid derivatives, aromatic vanillic acid, syringic acid, etc. The organic chaga mushroom powder has the effects of anti-cancer, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar and reviving immunity.
 Basic Information of ACE Biotechnology Organic Chaga
Product Name: Organic Chaga Extract
Botanical Name
:Inonotus Obliquus
Used Plant Part: Fruiting Body
Appearance: Fine Beige to Brown Powder
 Active Ingredients: Polysaccharide
Application: Function Food
Certification and Qualification: USDA NOP, Non-GMO, Vegan, HALAL, KOSHER.
 Organic Chaga Available Specification
Organic Dried Chaga
 Organic Chaga Tea Bag Cut
 Organic Chaga Powder
 Chaga Extract 30% Polysaccharides
 Organic Chaga Benefits
Treat diabetes
The treatment of diabetes patients by ultrafine powder of Betula platyphylla showed that the whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity decreased after treatment, fibrinogen, hematocrit and erythrocyte aggregation index were significantly lower than before treatment. The cure rate of diabetes powder by inoborus powder from Komsomlshi pharmaceutical company in Russia is 93%.
 Anticancer effect
It has obvious inhibitory effect on a variety of tumor cells (such as breast cancer, lip cancer, gastric cancer, subauricular adenocarcinoma, lung cancer, skin cancer, rectal cancer and Hawkins lymphoma). Prevent cancer cell metastasis and recurrence and enhance immune ability. It is also used to cooperate with radiotherapy and chemotherapy of patients with malignant tumors to enhance the tolerance of patients and reduce toxic and side effects.
 Prevention and treatment of AIDS
It has obvious inhibitory effect on AIDS. E1 mekkawy et al. (1998) reported that the triterpenoids ganoderiolf and ganodermanontriol could significantly inhibit the cytopathic effect of HIV LD on MT-4 cells; The fruiting bodies and the active components, especially triterpenoids, of the white birch antler can inhibit the proliferation of HIV in vitro; The anti HIV effect of white birch antler may be related to its inhibition of HIV reverse transcriptase and protease activities. This effect needs to be further confirmed by in vivo administration.
 Anti aging, inhibiting infectious viruses and preventing colds
The decline of immune function is one of the most obvious characteristics of aging. In immune organs, the function of B cells regulated by thymus and bone marrow and their ability to secrete epidemic globulin decreased. These changes lead to the weakening of the immune function of the middle-aged and old people against external antigens and the reduction of the ability to monitor the mutated antigens. Modern research has proved that the decline of immune function caused by aging can be delayed or partially recovered. Among many measures and drugs to prevent and treat the decline of immune function, traditional Chinese medicine for strengthening and tonifying has been proved to be effective. White birch antler can remove free radicals in the body, protect cells, prolong the division algebra of passage cells, improve cell life and promote metabolism. Therefore, it can effectively delay aging and prolong life if taken for a long time.
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Call For Paper... Track 25 Precision medicine is "an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, Join us at the 10th World Digital Pathology & AI UCGCongress on April 04-06, 2023 in Berlin, Germany Submit your Paper at https://digitalpathology.ucgconferences.com/submit-abstract/ #Precisionmedicine #pathologyweek #digitalpath #nephropathology #slimība #nephrology #皮肤病 #immunopath #pathologist #oralpath #uropath #surgicalpath #molpath #ქიმიურიგზა #renalpath #kidney #cytopath #reproductivepath #veterinarypath #pathologyresident #medlife #surgicalpathology #clinicalpathology #anatomicpathology #ملګري #match #medicalresident
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pathologising · 3 years
pathology is such an interesting hyperfixation!! i wish i could get my mentally ill brain to focus on something besides arsgang or geocities. what kicked off your interest? :0
always loved biology n like disease n stuff! But I think when I first heard abt n fowleri n then started doing more research on it thats where it all kind of came together n I realized pathology is what I'm destined for IG <3
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Don't ignore the chance to get your article published in Global Journal of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine.
ISSN 2754-0952
Submit your papers here: https://www.ucjournals.com/global-journal-of-pathology-laboratory-medicine/
#ClinPath #GIPath #SurgPath #paiteolaíocht #patologia #pathologie  #آسيب شناسي #病理 #blooducation #Gynpath #PathResidents #labmed #Autopsy #BreastPath #BSTpath #CardiacPath #ClinPath #Cytopath #dermpath #EndoPath #ENTPath #EyePath #ForensicPath #Gynpath #HemePath #MolDx #OralPath #RenalPath #PediPath
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Luteal cell: Location- Female genital tract, #ovary #corpusluteum Characteristic and function - Production of #progesterone and formation of #corpusluteum Shape - Pear shaped Size - Vert large to large Cytoplasm - Basophilic (c) and abundant with empty vacuoles (d). Nucleus - Large (a), oval round, central to paracentral with finely stippled chromatin and prominent nucleolus (b). Cytoarchitecture - Pavement clusters or single cells. #vetpath #veterinarypathology #cytology #vetcytology #veterinarycytology #veterinarycytopathology #cytopathology #cytopath #normalcell #vetdiagnosis #impressionsmear #diffquick #diffquikstain #ovariancell https://www.instagram.com/drdashvetpath/p/Bv3Da3fhMdM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pugr3qr10uxs
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mcatmemoranda · 5 years
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A koilocyte is a squamous epithelial cell that has undergone a number of structural changes, which occur as a result of infection of the cell by human papillomavirus.
Koilocytes may have the following cellular changes:
-Nuclear enlargement (two to three times normal size) -Irregularity of the nuclear membrane contour -A darker than normal staining pattern in the nucleus, known as hyperchromasia -A clear area around the nucleus, known as a perinuclear halo or perinuclear cytoplasmic vacuolization
Collectively, these types of changes are called a cytopathic effect; various types of cytopathic effect can be seen in many different cell types infected by many different types of virus.
When examining cytologic specimens, mild koilocytosis is characteristic of ASC-US (atypical squamous cells - undetermined significance). A more undifferentiated koilocyte, possessing a more hyperchromatic and enlarged nucleus, and a higher degree of cytoplasmic clearing with a discernible peripheral rim favor an interpretation of LSIL (low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion).
Koilocytes may be found in potentially precancerous cervical, oral, and anal lesions.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koilocyte
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epucg2020dubai · 4 years
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Don’t miss the Speech by Dr. Khalid Daifalla at the Digital 5th Emirates Pathology Conference We welcome you to attend as a delegate to hear his speech. Reserve your slot for EPUCG2020 here: https://pathology.universeconferences.com/registration/ #pathology #pathologist #Cancer #GIPath #SurgPath #Gynpath #PathResidents #labmed #Autopsy #BreastPath #BSTpath #ClinPath #Cytopath #dermpath #EndoPath #ENTPath #EyePath #ForensicPath #Gynpath #HemePath #MolDx #OralPath #RenalPath #PediPath #Coronavirus #COVID19 #COVID #SARSCoV2 #nCoV19 #COVID19US #mindpeak
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rnomics · 2 months
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 11, Pages 321: Microbial Matryoshka: Addressing the Relationship between Pathogenic Flagellated Protozoans and Their #RNA Viral Endosymbionts (Family Totiviridae)
Three genera of viruses of the family Totiviridae establish endosymbiotic associations with flagellated protozoa responsible for parasitic diseases of great impact in the context of One Health. Giardiavirus, Trichomonasvirus, and Leishmaniavirus infect the protozoa Giardia sp., Trichomonas vaginalis, and Leishmania sp., respectively. In the present work, we review the characteristics of the endosymbiotic relationships established, the advantages, and the consequences caused in mammalian hosts. Among the common characteristics of these double-stranded #RNA viruses are that they do not integrate into the host genome, do not follow a lytic cycle, and do not cause cytopathic effects. However, in cases of endosymbiosis between Leishmaniavirus and Leishmania species from the Americas, and between Trichomonasvirus and Trichomonas vaginalis, it seems that it can alter their virulence (degree of pathogenicity). In a mammalian host, due to TLR3 activation of immune cells upon the recognition of viral #RNA, uncontrolled inflammatory signaling responses are triggered, increasing pathological damage and the risk of failure of conventional standard treatment. Endosymbiosis with Giardiavirus can cause the loss of intestinal adherence of the protozoan, resulting in a benign disease. The current knowledge about viruses infecting flagellated protozoans is still fragmentary, and more research is required to unravel the intricacies of this three-way relationship. We need to develop early and effective diagnostic methods for further development in the field of translational medicine. Taking advantage of promising biotechnological advances, the aim is to develop ad hoc therapeutic strategies that focus not only on the disease-causing protozoan but also on the virus. https://www.mdpi.com/2306-7381/11/7/321?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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vetisntdead · 2 years
I go to cytopath rounds exclusively to pick up pretentious cytology terms and expand my pathology vocabulary
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