#cywren caster
senorpugbean · 1 year
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Cywren Caster
From a dead channel's fallout 3/ Fallout new Vegas series
Illusion of character involvement <3 I also got lazy with the last artwork
Have this while I prepare some Kara art
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evilmagician430 · 5 months
Okay considering the Fallout universe probably CAN'T co-exist with the 1st Dimension, not even in the near-far future due to Fallout being an alternate history piece of fiction (and if you choose to believe that there are copies of every character with differences in each dimension but that sometimes the difference in a dimension is that a person DOESN'T exist), what do you think a 1st Dimension Cywren would be like?
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rielohel · 6 months
do you do any a skyrim/fallout/oblivion tale content?
No :( imma be so real with you I don’t think I finished any of Jordan’s side series. I watched a lot of Fallout and I watched the beginning of Oblivion (my comment was featured in a video btw 🤭) but I never finished it. I would be interested in potentially writing Cybomb stories though because I love those two.
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patronsaint-prometheus · 10 months
Ayo Taleblr fandom I love you but ur really sleeping on the tale series characters. Don’t get me wrong i LOVE fan-owned p.i.e (and the occasional acachalla family who i see on my feed. Y’all are sleeping on them too. Just to a lesser extent) but I really need more tale content up in this bitch. Let me start.
Asylum weaver is a trans man. He’s also very autistic and has a hyper fixation on being a pirate and the sea. Sari is his emotional support woman and they’ve been in an on-and-off situationship for years. They’re best friends through all of it. They just cannot decide if they actually like each other romantically for the life of them. Sari isn’t actually as macho as you might think. Girl gets tired of the big strong persona. In their more romantic moments Asylum makes a point to give her flowers or take her on a cutesy picnic date. It means a lot to her, even if they are back to bickering like an old married couple before they even get home.
Cywren caster is a disaster bi with a lame boyfriend. Timebomb is her (also bisexual) lame boyfriend. He’s intersex and transmasc and his top surgery was done at the same time Cywren surgically removed his bomb. Cywren is Amab and probably nonbinary in some way. Has a very complex idea of gender but social anxiety and fear that she isn’t who her father would’ve wanted keeps her from talking about it much. They use she/they pronouns and calls herself a trans woman out of simplicity. Her and timebomb pass as a cishet couple very easily to both their relief and dismay depending on the situation.
Vahl Aradur is a cishet woman who doesn’t get it. She has the energy of a violently supportive but also very confused ally. She was on the hetero side of a unrequited queer longing w/ Lydia. When all was said and done they found peace with being just friends. Lydia introducing Vahl to the world of lgbt ppl was actually how she met her husband Farkas. A trans guy who had not transitioned at the time they met. They bonded over their shared “girly” traits like jumping up on coffee tables whenever a spider was near. Farkas being a trans man and Vahl being a massive tomboy they found comfort in knowing that the other would not baby them for their traditionally fem attributes.
You’re welcome. I have correct opinions on the tale series forever.
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Road trip doodles! Clearly I worked harder on some poses than others lol
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hardware-sparks · 11 months
tumblr user cywren-caster whose only post is an assassin's creed gifset. are you alive anymore
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vt-headcanons · 10 months
#053: lesbian cywren caster. you agree. reblog
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aininx · 2 years
Compiling all of the superpowers and superhero uhhh au??? And everything else. Just.... You'll understand later...😳😳😳😳
This is me just trying to expend me and my friend's Diamond 4 superhero au....
-Diamond 4-
Raja (Crystal King)- Crystal manipulation
Husna (Snowglow)- Ice and snow manipulation
Yuva (GG)- Pyrokinesis and danger intuation
Maria (Qué)- Super speed and temporal time rewind
Amzal (Mxar)- Metal manipulation.
Azzah (Ms. Loli)- Non. Used swords.
-The Universal-
Papa Acachalla (Chief)- Pyrokinesis
Getrude (Snow Queen)- Ice and snow manipulation
Sally (Medusa)- Snake hair, claws, wings and petrification (only in demon form).
Billy (Medic)- Flight, healing and resurrection
Sue (Shampoo)- Create bombs and explosions
Spencer- Cyborg body parts
Johnny Ghost (Poltergeist)- Invisibility, intangibility and slight levitations
Johnny Toast (Prince)- Energy projections
Spooker- Illusions creations
Colon (Scopes)- Metamorphic limbs
-Stormcloak Army-
Valh (Stormcloak Queen)- Shapeshifting and sonic scream
Lydia (Valor)- Danger intuition
Farkas (Bear Hunter)- Enhanced tracking
Sophie- Non. Uses swords.
Ma'isha- A literal cat girl
Cywren Caster (Wanderer)- Metal detection.
Timebomb- Timebomb generations.
-S.S Weaver-
Asylum (The Champion)- Adrenaline activation. The more he bleeds and take damage, the stronger and faster he becomes.
Sari (Debt)- Teleportation
-Vt villains-
Maddie (Cinema)- Tranquilization through skin contact
Darth Calculus- Nightmare inducement. Can show people their worst memories and trap them in it.
-Other Vt peeps-
Officer Maloney- Can turn into a crow
Daniel- Puppet mastery. Dispense green string from fingertips to control other people limbs.
Hosuh- Shock. Can shock people into doing his bidding or telling the truth. Most useful in interrogations.
Stephen- Knife dispenser. Can dispense knifes from his skin.
Annabelle- Bandit. Can steal anything she can hold and see.
Jay- Heatwave. Can heat up the air and object. Can set thing on fire if he touch it.
Gavin- All seeing eye. Can tell him about important stuff. Is random from telling about someone's crush to how to run a a stream.
-Dream Team-
Dream- Eldritch. Mutant face, enhanced speed and skills.
George- Glitch/Error manipulations.
Sapnap-Netherite chains. Can produce large netherite chains from wrist.
-The Trio-
Bad- Halo demon.
Skeppy- Diamond shifting. Can turn skin into diamonds
A6d- Blackout. Can make people temporary blind and can see in the dark
-Random other ocs...-
Anno Akari (Sentiment)- Vibe. Can use her emotions as different powers.
Fujikawa Asuka (Firebullet)- Non. Really good with guns...
Mizuno Mai (Bandit)- Bandit. I reused Anne's power....
Akagi Takehiko (Prince)- Write. Can write in the air.
Sugiyama Tadashi- All seeing-eye
Sugiyama Takashi (Ryujin)- Water manipulation
Juno Fontes (Juno)- Emotion manipulation
Gozen Momiji- Photokinesis
Yonamine Takeo (Lupa)- Lycanthropy
Ilda Bunko (Ares) - Engine
Yonamine Inko- Non
Uraraka Yasushi- Clean air. Can clean the air from poison and toxin by moving his hand.
Kirishima Keiko (Demoness)- Harden acid. Her body discrete acid that she can harden at will.
Hikaru Junko (Nova)- Supernova. Her body can turn into a condensed galaxy.
Tsubasa Mari (Mariposa)- Metamorphosis. Can turn into a swarm of monarch butterflies.
Imada Jay (Alter)- Heatwave. Can rise the temperature of their surroundings. Can set things on fire by touching it.
Kiriu Ayano (Mist Walker)- Mist. Can turn body into most and fogs.
Tey Er-Xuan- Netherite chains. Can produce thick, indestructible and heavy chains from her wrist.
Uraraka Suzume- Cannibal
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pika-yolo · 2 years
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sometimes i wonder what fallout 4 tale would have been like but i don't care that much because these three are awesome as is
also cannot bring myself to watch em anymore so
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jelly-phantom · 5 years
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Some pride Icons! I forgot how much i loved Venturiantale. I'm definitely going to draw more tomorrow!
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
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Ta-da! Cywren Caster! I had to use the color 'Salmon for both her lips and scars, I hope it's visible enough... I never actually watched Another Fallout Tale but apparently Cywren survived a gunshot between the eyes, so there's one scar, and the others are just random ones for added badassness.
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evilmagician430 · 5 months
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who wants to listen to my painfully mid vt youtube playlists
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vahlaradur · 5 years
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randomeverything1 · 5 years
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Wow the tale characters are back and they look so good!! 😍😍😍💕💕💕 Jordan did such a good job remaking them 😍😍😍😍💕💕💕
@asylumweaver @denimpunk
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Someone who knows more about A Skyrim Tale than me please assist!!
Are Vahl and Cywren related at all???
From what I remember she’s only related to Poets, right?
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hardware-sparks · 10 months
Cywren Caster Mothman Event
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