#d: mvt
flutenby · 2 years
Gender is so weird, like I'm practicing in a dress rn and this piece feels so different in it, like I just want to play more femininely, whatever that means. But it means something!
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amarathemoth · 1 month
Hi Tumblr! I'm Amara, I'm Romillacect's daughter...yeah, I know, not the best reputation. But I swear on my life, Mom and I are nothing alike, I mean I barely even know her due to being in a pocket dimension almost my entire life. Ahem, anyways, little info about me: My pronouns are she/her, I like sewing, journaling, and...oh, I'm pretty good at sword fighting if anyone wants to spare with me.
Posts: Loving rambles
Reblogs: Pretty trinkets
Favorites: Precious items
Interactions with other 'RP' blogs: Jewel beetles
Interactions with Popcross fans: Little moths
Answers to asks: Love letters
[Ooc tags: ooc posts, popcross rp, mvt rp, rp blog]
Heard there were some other lovely folks on this app too.
Professor Dresden Oakland @prof-d-oakland and his fiance Sir Jackson Bright @sir-bright, congratulations on your engagement you two
Their son Sammy @thelaststarstriker, who sounds like an absolute sweetie pie
Sammy's boyfriend Jackie @rockandfire
A biomech named Charlie @charlie-the-biomech
The new reaper Alexis Jones @thenewreaper, I promise not to cause any trouble ma'am
A demon slayer named Clayton Costas @beefyglowstick...please don't kill me
Harold the Herald @stickyhandscowboy
A space...kitty? Seriously what are you? Ahem...Bustar @bustarthekittyy
James Aaron Siegal @founders-faith, loving that name by the way
Jasper Morgan @foundations-cowboy
The last survivor of dimension B133 Dilwyn @dilwynlives
My uncle...if I can even call him that, Eldrorrok @eldrorrok
My uncle Psychoperdelicth @psychoperdelicth...rest in peace
My auntie Fantorrel @fantorreli, hope Hunter's doing well. Everest says he misses you too
And...think that's everyone that I can think of off the top of my head.
[All interactions with 'Amara' has with others is in character and are not serious, all in character posts are lighthearted /gen]
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thelaststarstriker · 2 months
Um...hi everyone. I'm Samuel Sparks, but I much prefer the name Sammy. I heard from Sir Bright that this app could help me reach more people so...why not give it a try?
I...was a lab experiment since the age of 5 and eventually broke out at 10 and kinda just...ended up in Sir Bright's dimension. Eventually I ended up, somehow, being taken under Sir Bright's wing when I was 11, officially became a member at 17, and now I'm a head reseacher at 25. Crazy life story huh?
My pronouns are he/him, but if you call me they/them I don't mind.
Posts: Diary Entries
Reblogs: Creature Breakouts
Favorites: Moon Reflections
Interactions with other 'RP' blogs: Ally Check-ins
Interactions with Popcross fans: Kind Constellations
Answers to 'Asks': Diary questions
[OOC tags: ooc posts, popcross rp, MVT rp, rp blog]
Whenever Sammy's embarrassed: Strawberry dragon
Whenever he's talking to Dresden or Jackson: I love my family <3
Sir Bright...er, my papa has already informed me that there are other individuals with blogs similar to my own.
Such as
Papa's fiance and my dad Professor Oakland @prof-d-oakland
Papa/Mama is now on on Tumblr, @sir-bright
Mr Sharp...er Benny @bestmuktiversalmechcraftsman and his boyfriend Dr. Champagne Mcgreggor @breadandsupers
Harold the Herald @stickyhandscowboy
A talkative biomech named Charlie @charlie-the-biomech
Most recently a demon slayer known as Clayton Costas has joined Tumblr as well @beefyglowstick.
A bounty hunter(?) named Bustar...cool name by the way @bustarthekittyy
Remarkably, we managed to find a survivor of a dimension Eldrorrok destroyed, @dilwynlives
But perhaps the most concerning thing is that an...archon I believe it was called...has an account here as well @romillacect
Unfortunately, @psychoperdelicth now has a Tumblr as well...great
@eldrorrok, leader on the archons has come...so if you see him, run
The...animal lover? Is that the best way to describe her, do-am I allowed to call her that? Anyways, @fantorreli has joined Tumblr alongside her siblings
Apparently...somehow, Romillacect has a daughter? I-I don't know how that happened but I digress @amarathemoth
[All interactions 'Sammy' has with others is in character and are not serious, all in character posts are lighthearted /gen]
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mikan-manderin · 1 month
Intro post ;p
hey, my names mikan, aka OJ or 🍊, He/They pronouns '3'
ive been using my friends acc on anon for a while so atp i just need to make my own blog lmao
also, yes, im the orange anon on my darling Dilwyn's account (@dilwynlives)
RBs: Fruit Harvest
Posts: Mikan Chats
Asks: OJ Answers
Interactions: Folks and Fiends
Interactions with the loml (Dil): Lovely Blossoms
[OOC tags: ooc posts, popcross rp, MVT rp, rp blog]
idk who half of you guys are but i was told to tag yall by my friend so uh. hi.
[All interactions 'Mikan' has with folks is in character and not serious! all in character posts are lighthearted! /gen]
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sir-bright · 2 months
Hi, I'm Sir Jackson Bright :3 people keep asking me questions through my bfs blog so i figured I'd make my own lol
LOVE OF MY LIFE + MY FIANCE :DDDD >>>>> @prof-d-oakland <3
MY BABY BOY >>>> @thelaststarstriker <3
MY BABIEST CHILD >>>> @startheoverseer
other people:
@stickyhandscowboy Harold the Herald (annoying lol /na)
@charlie-the-biomech Charlie (cool)
@beefyglowstick Clayton (?)
@rockandfire Jackie (lol we have the same name) (Sammy's bf)
@katha-angel Katha (Star's gf... i think)
@psychoperdelicth Psychoperdellitch (Dead lol) (lil bitch)
@eldrorrok Eldrorrok (creepy)
@fantorreli Torreli/Fantorel (chill)
@dilwynlives Dilwyn (a survivor from Eldrorroks attack)
@thenewreaper Alexis (Dresden's boss)
Rbs: containment breaches
Posts: jacks rambles
Family: my boys <3
Other folk: yall
Asks: qaa
[OOC tags: ooc posts, popcross rp, MVT rp, rp blog]
[All interactions 'Jackson' has with folks is in character and not serious! all in character posts are lighthearted! /gen]
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prettyinsea-blue · 6 months
I just stumbled onto your blog, I love it!
I'm also writing my own au(ish) type thing involving Godzilla
Can you infodump about yours? :D
OF COURSE! It’s gonna get long so be prepared hah! (Most of this is actually spoilers for my own books so yeehaw)
Okay so, I’ve restarted my AU multiple times but after watching the ending credits of Godzilla: KOTM and piecing the story together that was hidden beneath the white markings— I decided to change up my AU and that is the version that I’ve kept up with.
So basically, there’s gods & goddesses thrown into it all. There’s a creation goddess named Gatix and she’s been around since earth was created, and a few elders were there as well (Methuselah, Scylla, Behemoth, and Shimo for example.)
When other kaiju species began arriving Gatix decided to split her powers between two members of the divine moth species, Akari and Daku (two fanmade moths). These two are the goddess and god of Life and Death.
Soon after these two are created, a war sparks between the MUTOS and the rest of Kaiju civilization, practically making life almost impossible on one side of the world.
On the divine moth side of things, there are two new sub-species types that are named after their respective gods. Akari moths control life and healing and Daku-moths control death and pain. Upon this, most Daku-moths are killed during their first winter.
However, as the war is in its highest point— Akari and Daku ask Gatix if they may split their powers further. Of course, they don’t know who to give their abilities too but you know— Gatix always has an idea. She decides that their granddaughter, Mothra, should take on one of their powers. Though, at the time of her birth she was born as a Daku-moth but she does not have the full power to become a goddess.
The reasoning for this is because Mothra’s faction (that’s what the moth groups are called) has become so detached from reality that they actually told her mother (Setsuko, another fanmade titan) that Mothra had died when in reality they were about to use her daughter for their own greed.
Around this same point in time, our favorite Gojiran is learning how he fits into this world with his mom, Evelyn, and his cousin, Zilla. He had lost his father, Dai, to the war and so he has to watch his mom fight all the battles by herself.
But of course, when he hits the age is 120 years old, his mother is slaughtered in front of him- which forces Zilla and him to leave the only homeland they’ve ever known.
Rodan’s also in here too! His childhood is pretty chill and I haven’t fleshed out his story entirely so that’ll be saved for later! Though I will say, he is bisexual and he does have a partner named Yoko (I decided to make a fanmade character because I couldn’t figure out which actual character to put him with.)
That’s all I say lore wise because I’d rather let you and everyone else reading this figure it out for themselves when I get back to posting Godzilla stuff lmao. And hey, if you still around long enough, you’ll see the MVT chapters get posted (maybe after a month or so because I don’t want people to get spoiled for GvK).
Thank you so much for the ask! I’ve never got to infodump before!! :))
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ammonitetheseaserpent · 7 months
@figitorynonsense @therummonster @sapphirebluephoenix @thesmallfriendlytadpole @moonpizzalol @thepiratefish @the-true-boomer @trophyxtissues
So uh. I got a random brainwave one day and now I’m working on this MVT project
‘Tis this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KV5o2XCWv0J-l9PoQrMWy_szWy_gVmEXqnOoB_VvDWs/edit
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waterlemon-melon · 1 year
✨a classical and rock sensation: klavier gavin!✨
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og text post | phoenix | miles | maya and pearl | franziska | mia | apollo | trucy | ema
world famous classical violin soloist and rock star (plays guitar and sings). didn’t do any classical concerts for 7 years until he heard of the news regarding his brother and wanted to play with the person who had exposed that side of kristoph. kristoph was his teacher and mentor all throughout his life so he really trusted what interpretations he should go for and what techniques he learned (up until aa4-4 plot and he breaks free from kristoph’s control and plays what his heart wants to play (with apollo and co supporting (aka tchaikovsky violin concerto mvt 2)) (he gets to be in the spotlight for his concerto performance before a more symphonic work is performed and apollo gets to shine). overall, very flashy playing but it gets more nuanced and sad and melancholy later on. also does composing on the side but it’s a private thing.
his go-tos:
ok this fits him so well bc paganini was also a rockstar back in the day and his works are just a show of virtuosity basically so i think klavier plays this a lot to impress his fans
ok so the reason i put 2 mvts of the tchaik vc here is bc the 1st mvt is basically his love letter to apollo! he plays this only for apollo, just wants to serenade herr forehead, no matter if it’s in public or not (actually in private it’s intimate and not all showy so apollo likes that version from klavier way more lol).
the 2nd mvt on the other hand is more abt his journey through his various misfortunes (disbarring phoenix, leaving trucy orphaned, forged evidence, kristoph and his killing spree) and with the clarinet (and oboe but whatever), he acknowledged that apollo has slowly guided him and in the end (to the 3rd mvt that is fun and full of folk dance melodies) he has pulled the darkness out of klavier
not his go to but i think the sibelius vc as a whole tracks klavier’s whole arc basically (from the ominous vibe of the 7yg, soaring melodies representing the highs of his court battles with apollo, to finally pursuing the truth with apollo)
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orangesideirrational · 9 months
drabble (technically 4) inspired by @cartilagehumdrum 's horror mvt au!
(i originally shared this in the discord server)
(if you see red throughout this then its a break in the text to explain smthn rq/ break up the different drabbles because its 4am lol)
be warned- gore? kinda? vauge depictions of gore.
you dont need to have read mvt horror to understand this, but it will definitetly make far more sense if you do
edit- sorry for forgetting but this entire thing is inspired by this post!
sorry about all the spelling errors and i hope you enjoy!!
'benny...' champagne started. benny's heart quickened and he just knew that champagne could hear it.
'whasup, champ?' he grinned unsteadily.
'can i.. have something? of yours?' champagne asked, with a voice that suggested a deep hunger. benny stepped back, not letting his smile dip but feeling fear pulse through him.
'well ya already got 3 of my ribs and a kidney, what more do ya really need?' benny asked lightheartedly, trying desperately not to let the fear infect his voice
'i was thinking...' champagne said slowly, stepping towards benny smoothly in a way that made benny's heart skip with something other than fear for a moment.
'maybe.. i could have your heart?' benny was sure champagne had somehow stopped it for a moment as he said that, because he was suddenly breathless. and very very aware that he was pressed against a wall, face an inch away from the doctor's, in a room alone with a quite-possible-psychopath that had already stolen several of his bones and an organ.
'd-dont i need that o-one t-ta survive?' benny stuttered, trying not to look at champagne's lips because that was not appropriate when his life was being threatened. even if the guy threatening him was very attractive.
'oh, ill keep it safe.' champagne assured, placing his hand over benny's chest but not touching, like if he did he wouldnt be able to stop himself from just reaching in and just...
benny took a stuttering breath and-
sterling came crashing through into the room calling for benny before stopping and making champagne leave the room.
'you ok benny? i know that guy gets to you a lot.' sterling asked. benny nodded shakily and assured him that he was fine, he would be ok.
what terrified benny most, however, was that before sterling came running in the word on his lips was yes
and champs pov-
(for this- bold= emphasis italics= flesh)
'benny...' champagne started. his heart thudded in his chest and champagne relished in the sound. it was so melodic. so pretty. just from champagne saying benny's name. now how fast can you make it go?
'whasup, champ?' benny's smile was so pretty. maybe you can take some teeth next! champagne felt a familiar hunger that wasnt his brewing as he stepped forward towards benny. just like a beast hunting its prey!! ew, hunt.
'can i.. have something? of yours?' why are you asking permisson? thats so boringg. just reach in and- champagne almost shushed it, but felt it might ruin the moment.
'well ya already got 3 of my ribs and a kidney, what more do ya really need?' oh he was so cute. his fear is so so fun! so sweet and nice and-
'i was thinking...' champagne drawled, smoothly stepping towards benny thats not all fear though- ooh this makes it MUCH more fun! and letting a smile crawl across his face, showing off his sharp teeth.
'maybe.. i could have your heart?' champagne was asking for so much, and benny didnt even know it. its not that much, just another- delicious, mind you- organ he had trapped benny, now, against a wall. he would back off when benny said no, because he would almost certainly say no, but for now this was fun. not in the normal flesh way either. this was fun for him.
benny stuttered something out, but champagne was distracted by the way his eyes ew. eyes. kept flicking down to champagne's lips. champagne didn't kiss him, it likely wouldnt be a pleasent experience for either of them i mean youve never really TRIED, but he really really wanted to. in a midly terrifying way (and not in the usual terror-filled way, either)
'oh, ill keep it safe' champagne assured. he needed benny to let him have this. his heart. yum. not to eat. he wasnt lying. he was going to keep it safe. he promised.
then someone came crashing in and ruined it.
champagne didnt hold grudges per say but if that guy was the next to be turned into a dinosaur it would be his own damn fault.
he was sure benny would say no, but the moment itself felt special, somehow.
heres also a few versions of 'if sterling didnt interrupt!' (he is being attacked by moths)
benny took a stuttering breath and swallowed a lump in his throat.
he should say no. he has to say no. this is crazy. he should just say no. or maybe dont even say it, just push champagne away and run. SAY. NO.
'sure.' benny said, breathless already. champagne blinked. was he surprised?
'oh, are ya surprised?' benny grinned, pretending his heart wasnt going a mile a minute and his throat was dry and he was bracing for sweet pain and that he wasnt so in love with this insane doctor that probably wouldve had his medical lisence revoked if this wasnt the literal apocalypse
'really?' champagne sounded breathless too, like they had both run a marathon and were now here. with benny agreeing for champagne to take his heart oh god this was insane-
'sure. as long as you put it back before i die.' benny smiled, heart going insane (just like he did. he mustve gone insane. champagne mustve made him insane because there was no way he had just agreed to let someone LITERALLY BORROW HIS HEART-)
'of course.' champagne seemed shocked and pleased and hungry and dangerous and- and beautiful and benny felt a hand cup his cheek before he passed out.
champs pov
(again- bold = emphasis italics = flesh)
benny's shuddering breath landed on champagne's neck and it felt so human that for a moment the flesh didn't exist and it was just them and-
'sure.' benny sounded breathless. champagne blinked. YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES TAKE IT TAKE IT TAKE IT GIVE IT TO US CRUSH IT IN YOUR HANDS GIVE IT TO US- benny was supposed to say no
'oh are ya surprised?' benny snarked acting like champagne couldnt feel his heart beating and hear its beautiful melody and like he couldnt feel their chests heaving why are you so worked up? it should be us because were about to get FOOD
'really?' champagne breathed and ignored bennys snark. because he had to be sure before he took his heart. WHY DO YOU CARE? JUST FEED US FEED US FEED US FEED US FOOD FOOD FOOD FOOD-
'sure. as long as you put it back before i die.' benny smiled and champagne disregarded any idea of stealing teeth the flesh ever had because holy shit champagne was in love.
'of course.' champagne promised. he didnt care how loud it screamed he was going to keep that FUCKING promise. he cupped benny's cheek which was a mistake because now he really wanted to kiss him-
and benny fell to the floor. champagne followed and ended on his knees next to an unconcious benny and the flesh was going insane.
champagne wasnt going to hurt benny. he wasnt going to crush his heart in your hands then eat it then feed it to us then then then oh my everything the possibilities GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US GIVE IT TO US hurt benny.
champagne reached his hand into benny's chest and it was warm and beautiful and TAKE EVERYTHING WARP IT FEED US WAKE HIM UP AND MAKE HIM SCREAM so human that champagne almost felt jealous as his hand closed around benny's heart and he didn't even want to disturb it because of all the stupid human poetry about love and all that shit and champagne blinked back the red red red that was seeping into his vision because he was not the flesh and he fucking promised and he withdrew his arm from benny's chest and he closed his hands around his ears because he didnt care what they screamed he was going to keep benny safe- his heart. he was going to keep his heart safe.
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breadandsupers · 4 months
Hi I'm Dr Champagne McGregor and this is my blog, obviously.
My pronouns are he/they and I'm a gay trans man :]
I have 2 jobs, one of which is literally saving the multiverse, so don't expect a regular posting schedule.
Posts: champ roars
Reblogs: bottled
Favourites: sharp posts
Interactions with similar blogs: friends and others
Answers to 'Asks': answers
Apparently people ik irl have tumblr so here's their blogs ig:
@stickyhandscowboy (harold the herald)
@prof-d-oakland (dresden oakland)
@bestmuktiversalmechcraftsman (benny sharp ❤)
@arava15 (fear herself??)
[OOC tags: ooc posts, popcross rp, MVT rp, rp blog]
[All interactions 'Champagne' has with folks is in character and not serious! all in character posts are lighthearted! /gen]
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startheoverseer · 2 months
Everyone under the sun is doing this so I am too!
I'm Star, I'm an Overseer, and if you try to kill me please do NOT cut me in half, or else two of me will grow back!
I have actually melted into the fourth wall, but that is fine, I will specify when stuff is IN vs OUT of character! (when I remember to, which will be almost never >:] )
My dimension, Z032, is locked for safety reasons. But I have nothing to hide and anyone is free to ask me about my home :]
Oh and Psychoperdelicth is my patron deity/creator so plz don't be mean to him or I will be sad 🥺 (the guilt-tripping is working, right? Right??) (..Apparently not since now he's frickin DEAD-)
@prof-d-oakland and @sir-bright are my new parents 'cause the other one died, and @thelaststarstriker is my new brother... I might be dating @katha-angel but honestly, who's to say what's canon?
mvt rp - self-explanatory i hope
star's taste testing - you give me a character, i tell u what it tastes like
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honorhearted · 10 months
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
song shuffle game!
rules: shuffle your "on repeat" playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag 10 people
tagged by @lonelyroommp3 (ty!) except i uh. don't really have an "on repeat playlist." the closest thing i have i guess is my oboe playlist which i haven't really listened to since finals but. i'll just go with that i guess
kozeluch, concerto for oboe in f maj, mvt i: vivace
saint-saens, oboe sonata in d maj, mvt iii: motlo allegro
kalliwoda, concertino for oboe in f maj, mvt i: allegro con fuoco
mozart, concerto for oboe in c maj, mvt i: allegro aperto
mozart, concerto for oboe in c maj, mvt iii: rondo: allegretto
krommer, oboe quartet in c maj, mvt: allegro
fiala, concerto for english horn and clarinet, mvt i: allegro moderato
krommer: oboe quartet in c maj, mvt iii: rondo
fiala, concerto for english horn in c maj, mvt ii: adagio cantabile
beethoven, oboe trio in c maj, mvt i: allegro
uhh i'll tag. @tragedyposting @kingfisherkink @grasslandgirl @malcolm-f-tucker @theresa-of-liechtenstein @signawyvern @notyouraveragejulie @nablah @tempestclerics and @leporellian if you'd like
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12-cluh · 10 months
updated link for the mvt ship sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gayzBEfJJUz1TShmAYbbsTMEaLW_7hyKvCQSeWmkVbs/edit?usp=sharing
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sevarix-blogs · 2 years
spooky music time!!! here are some pieces that i think give off spoopy vibes :D
Schubert String Quartet no 14 - Death and the Maiden
you've seen me talk about this quartet before, so it's likely not new to you! but i definitely recommend giving it a listen again. all the movements have themes of death which gives it an eerie edge
Saint Saens Danse Macabre
(i like this video especially bc of the violinist's spooky makeup) the title of the piece says it all, this piece is meant to be spooky dance!
Modest Mussorgsky - Night on the Bald Mountain
you've probably heard this piece before if you're even slightly familiar with dlsney's fantasia! it evokes eerie feelings and paints a picture of a spooky scene
Rachmaninov: The Isle of the Dead
a piece about.... the isle of the dead!
Bach's Toccata and Fugue
lol ok so it's really just the beginning part of this that's 'creepy' and only because of the strong association with it being so overused in spooky stuff. you'll recognize it immediately. it was not composed to sound spooky at all, it just got that association because of famous movies using it
Shostakovich Symphony No 10 Mvt 2
this movement in particular was supposedly composed to show the terror the people felt under the rule of stalin. it's certainly a terror-inducing piece!
Ravel - Gaspard de la nuit
the description of this video describes each movement well, but i'll give you a brief snippet. each movement represents a 'poem' with a spooky vibe, from a water nymph with malicious intent to the nighttime mischief of a goblin
Liszt - Totentanz
another dance of death, this time by liszt!
that's all i got for now, i hope you enjoy at least one of these! if you listen to any of them, let me know your favorite :D also!!! i put all these in a youtube playlist if you wanna listen to them together:
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tatirey · 2 years
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View full pic on Flickr -
DOUX - Ylenia Hairstyle -  Equal10
-MONCADA PARIS- Gigi Eyewear
Rosary. Rascals . Cynthia -  ACCESS 
MVT - My order 3
[DDL] Dream (Yellow)
Thanks for your visit 📸✨      
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