Dérive des continents
Une grande menace
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echoland · 3 months
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cole swensen
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A snapshot from the fabulous Jessica Lange's street photography book Dérive, about drifting in early-pandemic New York City
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decalcomania21 · 11 months
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For this dérive I took inspiration from Haegue Yang, a Korean artist who created an amazing piece called the “Carsick Drawing”. She traveled toward Huu Nghi and Youyoguan and during that time Ms Yang traced the movement of a car shake with ink on paper.
For my transport I chose the bus 83 which I take every day going to university. The bus wasn’t that shaky as usual but still I could describe how my journey went with the line that I draw.
I had a lot of fun doing that dérive and following Ms Yang steps. Drawing the line made me think of every little shake that the bus created and I paid more attention to little details surrounding me. I found it surprising that I was waiting for a hole in the road just to create more shaky line. Usually you want to have your journey as smoothly as possible but in that case I wanted completely the opposite. Bumpy ride was what I was looking for and inconvenience for other people in the bus I got what I was waiting for.
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souadmani · 2 years
“Ce ne sont pas des figures seulement sentimentales qui apparaissent dans les images de Souad. Ces fantômes, ces visages, ces lieux embués, indiquent un chemin parcouru. Une histoire. Ethnologie.”
De dérive en dérive, Gafsa, de Souad Mani. RC (ZO mag’)
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charliezsuzsus · 2 years
Reflective Research Journal
Week Two: beginning Monday 3rd
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Went on a collaborative dérive with Weronika. Took pictures, notes, draw on things with chalk, and took sound recordings of the experience.
Throughout the dérive there were things I saw which reminded me of past experiences. Cobbles which reminded me of a specific spot in my hometown, which reminded me of tesco, which reminded me of milk. In fact, everything I saw reminded me of something, struck some sort of memory, which of course is how my mind figured out what it was, or what it might be used for.
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Time - and time perception - is of great interest to me. Throughout the dérive it became apparent that how we experience time is inseparable from our memories. We might linger on a street that reminds us of our Gran’s, for instance. At the time I was also reading Henri Bergson, which definitely influenced my thoughts and work.
“The present state of an unorganised body depends exclusively on what happened at the previous instant.” - Bergson
This interlinking of time lead me to think of my dérive as being a “drift through time”. I manipulated the proportions of the mapped journey to represent the percentage of time spent there, then, after seeing the - somewhat crude - diagram of someone else who has time-space synesthesia, I noticed than in order to have my work a more faithful (to my mind’s view) 3D quality, I could lift the map from lines to chunks, and included spirals where we “lost time”.
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I’m now going on to making a painting of this shape, and I hope to include thread or some sort of 3D “linking” element. I’m thinking of Barbara Hepworth’s sculptural work, where she uses string to link opposing points in her pieces, but I feel her work is too neat to accurately convey what I see to be the “mess of time and memory”. However, memory goes on linking in a continuous, almost-loop anyway (returning to the same point over and over again, but from slightly differing angles and weight), so a truly faithful construction would be physically impossible.
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Perhaps then I should create a loop of string first, and orientate and manage it on the canvas, to give myself a limit and a parameter to work within. I could use pins of some sort to mimic Hepworth’s technique, which would also link in to the work I’ve done with road maps in the project so far. I think I’ll first experiment with tape and string on the wall, to get an idea of scale/technique/effect, and see if I like the look.
It would be good actually to have canvases that link with thread, so the memory is dipping in and out of different dérives and durations.
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elparra · 2 years
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There's nothing more brutal than this plant I found walking with my partner
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whilesunset · 2 years
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Hace poco se cumplieron dos años de aquella noche en La Cueva en la que, jugando al Trivial, no conseguí el quesito azul porque, a la pregunta de cuáles son los colores de la bandera argentina, respondí amarillo, blanco y azul en vez de celeste…
Ya han pasado un año y cinco meses desde que volví, y se acerca el fin del relato/repaso de mi periplo por tan hermoso país. En mi interior un cóctel donde la pizca de nostalgia se emulsiona con el agradecimiento y la dicha como ingredientes principales, y una gran cantidad de personas, momentos y lugares dibujan un fondo dulzón.
En las recetas, como en el Trivial, los matices son importantes. Y, de la misma manera que ya no olvidaré los verdaderos colores de su insignia, tampoco olvidaré las delicias de ese particular elixir que fue mi vida en la Argentina.
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina 11/04/2021.
Foto por / Pic by / Photo par: Oihane Zuazua Mármol.
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marcogiovenale · 9 days
来回 "lái huí (back and forth)": recording the field along the new silk road / film project by antoine prum
来回 Lái Huí (Back and Forth) Recording the Field along the New Silk Road A film project by Antoine Prum In July 2022, when travel restrictions due to the pandemic were finally lifted, a small group of volunteers boarded a train from Berlin to Istanbul for a full-scale test of the ambitious film project Lái Huí (Back and Forth), which is scheduled to be shot in Spring 2024. As part of this…
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Panique au ministère… de la bien-pensance
Et tout devient irréel ! Et souvent pathétique ! Par Claude Picard Nous avons besoin de VOUS pour poursuivre notre combat face à la dictature de la pensée unique.Cliquer ICI pour nous soutenir Panique au ministère… de la bien-pensance Quand la présidente de France Télévisions, Delphine Ernotte, a déclaré en juillet 2023, lors d’une audition à l’Assemblée nationale : “on essaie de représenter…
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echoland · 6 months
you can in fact vacation exactly where you are. just look at the view from anywhere
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ruemorinpointcom · 11 months
Bar à Pitons
Programmation du mois de novembre 2023 Continue reading Untitled
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decalcomania21 · 11 months
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Today, I decided to go for a walk and explore the Wembley area where I live. Because I moved here less than a month ago I didn’t have a chance to get to know this place as I wanted to. That’s why it was a great opportunity to see where I will spend this year.
At first I found it quite difficult not to think about the destination of my “little journey” but after few minutes I forgot about everything that stresses me and let myself enjoy this moment of freedom.
Walking around, especially near the stadium I discovered that everywhere I look I see students. This place is full of people working on their projects in cafeteria or going to a store at 11 pm and doing quick last minute shopping. I was turning my head left and right trying to see those people, like me, figuring out themselves in reality of student life.
I wasn’t really optimistic about my first dérive but now I can say I didn’t have any reason not to be. Thanks to this journey I could explore Wembley more deeply than when I do going every morning to uni. I feel affiliations to this place and I ensured myself that this is something for me, where I belong.
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endless-stateless · 1 year
Dérive in Cairo's metalworking district, October ‘22.
Samsung S9. Straight out of camera.
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charliezsuzsus · 2 years
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Moments (from a dérive) & Kierkegaard: the changing perception through changing state of mind, resulting in changing intention.
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amymmill · 1 year
‘anyone’s life can be so pathetically limited’
currently reading this text on a packed bus to get to the train station just to get another bus and I was just hit with the thought of how repetitive each day is. Apparently you’re in control of how you live but when you really think about it it’s just a continuous cycle of standard routine, placed in your lap by the guy on top. I thought of going against this routine plenty of time knowing I wouldn’t actually dare to cause a break in the chain of my limited life.
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