#d'angelo drafts
aster-d-angelo · 5 months
Reth and Valia — First Fight
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
“Why do I have to be here again?” Valia grouched, crossing her arms as she pressed back into the wall.
A rumbling laugh broke overhead, Reth grinning at her. “Aww, I love you too.”
Good God, why? “I mean, c’mon, you clearly don’t need me here watching you eat,” she tried again, hand gesturing at the metal tray propped on his knees, this close to empty like he was dragging it out.
“Well, you don’t have to watch me eat, but I totally understand if you do. I’m just that irresistible,” Reth shrugged, shoving a hunk of stale bread into his mouth and making Valia’s eyes roll.
“Do you have any manners at all?” she groaned, turning her head in disgust as Reth gave her a good long look at the chewed-up food. How old was he, five?
She was trying, she really was, but the day had been long and she fully lacked the patience for any of his antics tonight. Thankfully, Reth finished not long after, though not without near-constant teasing, and they both walked back to his cage in the evening light.
Having a looming form twice her height hovering off her shoulder all the way down the dark corridor was not her idea of ideal, especially every single night, but she could never get far enough ahead to be comfortable. It was like he knew exactly how big her personal bubble was and pointedly stayed inside it to tick her off.
Finally, they made it back, Valia twisting the dial and punching the button with a sigh. Back at full size, Reth relaxed against the wall, tossing a smirk her way. “Care to join me?” he asked, waving a hand at his abs.
“In your dreams,” she snipped back, shutting the door with a little more force than necessary.
“Go get your beauty sleep, then, sweetheart. Gotta look good for your big day tomorrow,” came the overly-cheerful reply.
“Oh, shut up,” Valia muttered without any real heat, trudging back down the sandy corridor to the dorms. Like she had time for sleep — good grades didn’t earn themselves.
The light in her dorm window burned long after the rest of the campus turned in for the night.
Valia woke to the sun in her eyes, making her squint at the unwelcome burn. With a moan, she rolled over to escape it, mind hazily whirring to life as she stared at the ceiling. The sunlight had crept down the wall, almost to the floor.
With an undignified shriek, Valia launched herself out of bed, getting in a quick glance at the clock as she flew into the bathroom.
Their first fight was in fifteen minutes and Valia had overslept.
The next few minutes were a whirlwind of activity, Valia cleaning up and twisting her hair into a loose braid. Her uniform was wrinkled from being tossed over the back of her chair last night instead of hung up, courtesy of her near all-nighter. The cadet cringed as she threw it on. Hopefully, her superior officer wouldn’t be around to chew her out.
Hopping towards the door as she pulled her boots on, Valia snatched up her dorm key, the all-important cage key, and a protein bar, slamming the door behind her.
Then the door flew open again, Valia nearly tripping as she sprinted back to her room to get her gauntlet, breakfast between her teeth as she quickly locked the door on her way out. Forgetting that stupid thing would’ve been a one-way ticket to a competency evaluation and that kind of thing only led downhill.
Then it was a mad dash out of the dorms and down the main path to the arena, Valia ducking into the shadow of the barracks. Jogging along the corridor, she slowed at the low humming drifting from his cage, the imposing form within silhouetted in hazy sunlight.
Letting all her frustration and nerves out in one short breath, Valia scurried into the cage, hurriedly smoothing out her uniform and looking up to see Reth glancing her way. Since the ceiling was too low to stand, he was forced to kneel, continuing to hum as he knotted a blood-red sash around his waist.
Though he was still shirtless, his pants looked new, inky black against the pale sandstone — the higher-ups must have wanted him to look decent for the public. A second, less harried look let her notice the tough bandages wrapped around his hands and halfway up his forearms, leaving his fingers free.
“Late for your first fight? Not a good look, princess,” he drawled, finishing the complex knot and letting it hang near his hip as she stewed near the door, unwilling to get any closer than necessary. “I was even nice enough to give ya a heads-up last night.”
Of course, he would get right on her case.
“Who asked you?” she shot back, albeit halfheartedly — being late was one of her pet peeves and her failing burned more than the casual reprimand. “What am I even supposed to do?”
The barest smirk crept onto his face as he moved to sit cross-legged, sending light tremors under her boots. “Usually, my handler leads me into the arena and keeps an eye on me during the fight in case I…misbehave.” Arms crossed, he leaned forward slightly, making her subconsciously lean back. “You know where the arena gate is, right?”
“I’m not an idiot,” Valia snapped, twisting the dial and smashing the button with far more force than necessary. The blinding light the device so kindly emitted was significantly dimmer now — she’d finally found the brightness setting that the last idiot had left on high.
Dust swirled up as Reth swiftly shrunk to a manageable size, dusting himself off and flourishing at the door with a smirk.
“After you.”
She swept off with a huff, storming down the sandy corridor. Much to her annoyance, Reth kept up easily, hands in his pockets as he sauntered along off her shoulder. His presence so close by was still unsettling, to say the least, but Valia pushed it to the back of her mind. Having very little idea what she was currently supposed to be doing, it was best to be focused, right? Yeah, absolutely.
What little focus she’d scraped together was immediately shattered by a loud growl directly behind her. Valia nearly jumped out of her skin, whipping around to see Reth trying to hold back a laugh at her surprise.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Didn’t get any breakfast yet,” he shrugged casually, smiling down at her.
Her mouth opened to ask why, only to snap shut as the answer kicked her in the teeth. Embarrassment seared her face, Valia quickly hiding it as they continued down the corridor.
They arrived at the gate, the massive, cage-like anteroom connected to it possessing more than enough space for Reth to regain full size. Assuming parade rest with her back in a corner so she didn’t have to worry about being stepped on, Valia’s gaze immediately dipped to the floor, guilt eating at her.
She’d had one job and she’d failed. Her teeth worried at her lip, mind flicking through worry after worry. Would it be a disadvantage to fight on an empty stomach? Was he in more danger now that she’d neglected her duties? Would this be enough to end her probation as a handler, or even her career as a soldier?
As they waited, the giant rolled his shoulders, bouncing in place and making Valia wobble slightly, nervous eyes flicking his way as her train of thought derailed. He certainly seemed fine at the moment, though she wouldn’t take that for granted.
In spite of her uneasiness with being around him, Valia watched him limber up with no small amount of interest, taking note as his face settled into something more serious. Huh, so that’s what his game face looked like…
She quickly looked away as he caught her stealing a glance, practically feeling the smirk bloom on his face. But before he could say anything, another officer burst through a nearby door, exasperation clear.
“What are you doing down here? You’re supposed to be in the box,” the man lectured, gesturing for Valia to follow him. An embarrassed heat flushing her face once more, Valia skirted around Reth’s feet, making for the door. Not like they’d told her what to do. Was this a test, like dumping her in Reth’s cage had been? If so, she was failing miserably.
“Wish me luck,” rumbled out behind her, the faintest hint of playfulness audible. Pulled from her thoughts, the cadet turned in time to catch him making a show of cracking his knuckles before the door clicked shut.
“C’mon,” the officer said, leading her up a staircase several flights to another door, which lead out onto a small, empty balcony. Valia jumped as the distant clamor of an excited crowd suddenly crashed down on her senses, the formless mass resolving into a massive arena filled to the brim with people the more she blinked in the harsh sunlight. An abrupt, sharp burst of anxiety twisted her stomach.
“W-What do I have to do—” she tried, only to be bodily settled at the stone railing, the officer just rolling his eyes.
“You make sure he doesn’t try any funny business and bring him in when the fight’s over. It’s not rocket science, cadet.”
Before she could question anything else, he was gone, the door slamming shut behind him. Turning back, Valia took in the sand-filled pit below, noting the other gigantic gate set into the opposite wall.
Her fingers traced over the gauntlet, picking at the raised design embossed in the metal. She’d never been to an actual fight before, having only seen bits and pieces on TV. As terrifying as giants were, it was the brutality that had always put her off, the unnecessary blood and broken bones turning her stomach. Hopefully, this fight wouldn’t be as savage — the last thing she needed was to puke her guts out in front of twelve thousand people.
Before she could think on it further, a booming voice echoed through the arena, making her leap clear out of her skin.
The responding scream set Valia’s nerves on edge, the arena seating writhing with excited spectators.
Music swelled, pulsing through her head. Valia gripped the balcony, eyes locked on the opposite gate.
Massive wooden doors creaked open a fraction, only to violently explode outward as a giant form burst onto the sand.
Valia blinked as the new asset strutted to the center and threw his arms out wide, welcoming the crowd’s resulting cheers before flexing outrageously. “You know you want it,” he grinned, winking at the crowd and earning a round of distinctly feminine screams. He changed poses, tanned muscles bulging and fangs flashing, effectively whipping the crowd into a frenzy as the arena shook with a chanting roar of RI-OT, RI-OT, RI-OT.
Shameless, absolutely shameless. Valia leaned onto the balcony, hiding her slight blush behind her gauntlet as the giant strutted back to his gate, running a hand through short, swept-back hair that glowed green in the sun. Compared to Reth’s lean frame, this giant was a bit stockier, compact muscle on muscle built for power. Maybe Reth would have some trouble with this one—
The doors opened a little more reasonably this time, her asset ducking out and sauntering to the middle, hands in the air to receive the thunderous shouts at his entrance. The showboating wasn’t nearly as extreme, though he wasn’t immune to light posing and playing up the crowd. Apparently, the crowd liked the cool, confident type just as much as the sexy ball of energy, shrieking with approval and setting the cadet’s ears to ringing with an even louder roar of DE-MON, DE-MON, DE-MON.
Valia just rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as Reth made his way back to his gate. The wall wrapping around the arena came up to mid-chest, putting her at the perfect height for his flirty wink as he turned to face his opponent.
Both giants settled into battle position, the Riot crouching into a wrestler-like pose while Reth shifted his weight back and brought his hands to bear. The silence before the bell was unbearable, the entire crowd deathly quiet as the tension grew to a breaking point.
Before the bell’s brazen echoes had even fully resonated, the Riot was off like a shot, sand flying as he closed the distance between them in milliseconds flat. Hands up to guard, Reth’s gaze suddenly shot upwards as the other giant launched himself into the air.
Valia’s jaw dropped as the Riot’s shadow fell over her, the giant crashing out of the sky with a superman punch that had Reth stumbling back.
Not to be outdone, Reth ducked the wild haymaker that followed and responded with a quick combination to the torso, a flash of a grin appearing as the Riot retreated slightly.
The next couple minutes were spent trading blows back and forth, neither fighter really giving an inch. The crowd screamed the whole while, making Valia’s ears ring with their intensity until all she could hear was a dull roar. Yep, she would be deaf before the fight finished at this rate.
Then the crowd shrieked again, this time in shock, and Valia’s attention snapped back.
A tiny spark of worry zipped through her to see Reth down on one knee, arms up to block the rain of punches the Riot was so gleefully handing out. Her hands gripped the railing again, heart thumping just a little faster.
Then like a streak of lightning, Reth’s hands dropped to the arena floor, his leg lashing out to trip his opponent. The Riot went down with a THUD that rattled her bones and sent the crowd into hysterics.
With a smirk, Reth jumped on his opponent, straddling him and throwing punch after punch. The Riot struggled underneath him, forearms going red with the beatings. In spite of herself, Valia leaned forward, silently urging Reth to finish the fight as the Riot seemed to stall.
Then in a split second, the Riot shoved Reth back, creating enough room to bring a leg up. Before the other giant could react, the Riot planted a foot in Reth’s chest and practically launched him across the arena. Valia had only a second to suck in a gasp before the massive body slammed into the wall beneath her.
The stonework exploded under her feet, a cry of unadulterated fear escaping her as Valia tumbled headlong into the arena. Time seemed to slow, debris filling the air around her — not that she had to worry about that, really. The fall would be more than enough to make a splatter out of her.
Was this how she died? Not quite what she would’ve wanted, though it was certainly dramatic.
Then something smashed into her back, knocking the air from her lungs and setting fireworks popping in her vision. Instinct kicking in in spite of that, Valia curled into a tight ball, arms protecting her head as crumbling stone cascaded around her and thudded dully onto the sand below.
Wait, below?
When the thunder of stone finally died off, Valia dared peek from under her arms, coughing at the dust clouds that roiled around her. Somewhere beyond the dust, the crowd had gone deathly quiet, holding their collective breath.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
Her heart skipping a beat, Valia’s gaze whipped up to see a dusty chest forming a shadowed wall overhead, Reth’s equally dusty face smirking at her from above. She quickly sat up, her hands pushing against rough cloth instead of sand as the hand beneath her shifted into the sunlight.
He’d caught her — in the middle of all that, he’d caught her and kept her from being crushed. How he’d even noticed her in the chaos…
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine…” she managed, wincing as various bruises, scrapes, and cuts made themselves known as she got to her knees.
Catching sight of the wall behind Reth — or what was left of it — nearly made her jaw drop. The walkway around the edge of the arena was completely obliterated, the giant’s back embedded in the thick stone just short of the actual seating and sparing the crowd the worst of the damage. A number of officers roamed the seating itself, checking the people closest to the damage and evacuating the entire section. Oblivious to her ringing ears, the announcer’s voice boomed overhead, probably asking people to remain calm and all that jazz.
The crowd’s murmuring steadily rose in volume, but above it came the calls of several other officers, asking if she was alright and to tell the asset to let her off on the wall for Christ’s sake, there were cameras!
“Go on then, sweetheart. I’ve got a fight to finish,” his low voice rumbled, her perch lifting to be level with the wall. Something squeezed her chest and Valia restrained the urge to touch one of the fingers partially curled around her for safety.
Stepping off his hand into the officers’ care found her a bit dizzy and as the adrenaline started fading, a building headache took its place. Hand holding her head, Valia turned to watch as Reth wrenched himself free of the wall, brushing off the lingering dust and debris as he stood. “Oi, mosshead, we’re not done here,” he called to the Riot, who was still blinking in surprise on the sand.
The last Valia saw of the fight was her asset’s muscled back, covered in sand, scrapes, and developing bruises while the crowd screamed in appreciation.
“Are you alright?” one of the officers asked, a hand on her arm to help her along the quieter corridors, but Valia barely heard it, too wrapped up in her brush with death and a now pounding headache to focus. She was starting to feel lost in a fog, her thoughts scattered and disconnected.
“That asset didn’t do anything to you, did it?” another snapped, a look of disgust twisting his face and making her frown.
What, like save her life? Valia tried to push through the confusion, surprised at the irritation that bubbled up. “No, he didn’t,” she replied after a few moments, almost immediately slipping back into a daze. Why would they ask that? That had nothing to do with…anything…
“Good. Otherwise, I might’ve had to beat some sense into it. Not that it doesn’t deserve that anyway,” the second officer muttered, Valia glancing at him in confusion.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re kinda spacey,” the first officer piped up again, his hand now holding her up more than guiding her.
“I jus’ need a minute. Head hurtsss…” Valia trailed off, a hand pressed to her aching head. A couple pain meds and maybe a nap…that would help…
She didn’t remember arriving at the medic station, suddenly blinking into a bright light trained on her eyes.
“Can you tell me your name, sweetie?” the older woman behind the light asked, moving it between her eyes.
Her name…Definitely started with a V…
“Valia…Valia Larke,” she managed, momentarily lost in the dark brown eyes gazing into her own.
“And how old are you, Valia?”
“18…no, 19. Birthday’sss in a month and I get to go home.”
The medic smiled, clicking the light off. “You get leave time for your birthday? That’s awesome.”
“Mm,” Valia hummed back, staring at the intricate braids hanging over the woman’s shoulder. “Can I take a nap now?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, darling. You have a concussion from your fall earlier.”
Oh yeah…
“I didn’t fall. He caught me,” she mumbled, gazing down at her hands, her index finger tracing over her palm. Right above where the latch for the gauntlet sat…
She stiffened at the bare skin under her fingers. The latch was gone, along with the rest of the gauntlet.
A spike of fear shot through her, her head whipping up. “Where’s my…” Valia trailed off as the word escaped her, showing her bare forearm in hopes that the woman would understand.
“Oh, your gauntlet? One of the officers took it for when the fight’s over. You’re not really in any condition to be a handler right now,” the medic explained, smiling sympathetically as she strapped a blood pressure cuff on Valia’s arm.
Oh. Well, at least she wouldn’t be verbally eviscerated for losing a complex piece of technology that cost more than her entire officer education.
They ran through the rest of her examination, Valia’s attention wandering from the medic to the wall of supplies to the room that she finally noticed was actually full of people getting treated for various superficial injuries and back again with no particular purpose. Once in a while, her eyes drifted down, brow furrowing as she absently brushed at her uniform. Wrinkled and dusty — the poor thing was not having a good day.
“There,” the woman finally finished, taping the last bandage in place with a smile. “You really lucked out, kid. Aside from a concussion, you only have a few cuts and scrapes that’ll heal in a few days.” She stood, moving to the supply cabinet and pulling a couple things out. “I’d thank someone if I were you.”
She probably should thank him, shouldn’t she? “Yeah…”
“I’d like to keep an eye on you for a little longer, but I have to go check on the boys, so I think I’ll just have you come with me.” The woman gathered up a few more things, flashing another smile her way. “The name’s Maederova, by the way, but you can call me Mae.”
“Valia,” the cadet replied, legs swinging absently.
“I know, honey,” Mae chuckled, slinging a bag over her shoulder and offering a hand. “Come on, let’s see how they fared. It was a pretty even match-up, so I probably have my work cut out for me.”
Valia stared fuzzily at the dark-skinned hand a moment before taking it and hopping off the table. She trailed along behind the taller woman as they stepped out into the sun, glancing up occasionally in curiosity. “So…you’re the giant doctor?”
Another chuckle, warm and amused. “Yeah, I take care of those big idiots.”
Valia’s eyes widened almost comically. “And you’re not…afraid?”
“Is there something to be afraid of?” Mae replied, a mischievous twinkle in her dark eyes.
And Valia didn’t have an answer.
“Well…” she finally mumbled, gaze on her feet, “they’re really big.”
“If there’s one thing I learned in life, it’s that size rarely ever matters,” Mae laughed, the cool shadow of the barracks falling over them as they walked. “They may be a lot bigger than us, but they’re still just people and should be treated as such.” Her brow furrowed the tiniest bit. “Of course, if you ask anyone else, they’ll think you’re insane. Giants are just slaves and weapons to them.”
They reached the cage, the young officer posted outside all too eager to hand off the gauntlet and key he’d been given and book it out of there. Mae just chuckled wryly, strapping the gauntlet onto her arm and unlocking the door. Inside, Reth was laid out on his back, an arm under his head. He glanced over as they approached.
“Hey, doc, what’s up?” he cracked a smile, getting one in return. Then his eyes flicked to Valia who had subconsciously stepped slightly behind Mae. “Hey, sweetheart. You feelin’ alright?”
Wait, why the hell was she acting like a shy toddler? She was an officer-in-training for crying out loud! Moving stiffly to stand next to Mae, she forced herself to meet the expectant eyes trained on her. “I’m fine.”
Her gaze dropped quick enough to miss his expression, the massive body carefully rolling over and making her shiver slightly at its proximity.
“She has a concussion, so she’s hanging out with me for a while,” Mae spoke up, gesturing for Reth to sit up. “You’re gonna be on your best behavior, right?”
“I’m sorry, am I ever not?” Reth grinned, towering over the both of them as he brushed the lingering dust off. Then he laid a scuffed-up hand flat on the sandy floor.
Valia’s jaw dropped as Mae walked right up into it with zero hesitation, even standing as Reth slowly lifted his hand level with his scraped-up chest.
“Glad to see you’re not as roughed up this time,” Mae commented, running her hands over a couple deep scratches as long as her arm. “Did Zekk go easy on you or something?”
“Only if using me as a wrecking ball counts,” Reth huffed out a laugh, only to wince and hold his bruised ribs. “You should see the arena.”
“Oh, I heard. I think they cancelled all fights for the next couple weeks till they get it repaired.”
Down on the ground, Valia wavered, uncertain what she should be doing, if anything. Mae didn’t look like she needed assistance, but it was so damn awkward just standing here third-wheeling the conversation. Her nerves weren’t in the best shape either, watching Mae stand so fearlessly in Reth’s hand and act like what she was doing wasn’t at all dangerous. She had to know Reth could drop or crush her in a second, accidently or otherwise, yet she was acting like it was perfectly fine.
Well…maybe it was fine. Reth certainly hadn’t done anything to indicate otherwise and he’d only ever been gentle with her — completely oblivious of personal space and not inclined to listen to anything she said, but…gentle.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
For a split second, she was back in his hand, gaze unconsciously snapping up. That same smirk looked back, Reth cocking his head slightly at her. “You look a little out of it.”
Unexpectedly, a light blush climbed her neck, her hands twining together as she looked away. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine.”
She really should thank him. He had literally saved her life today — he deserved that much.
It took a minute to get her legs to cooperate, but Valia finally walked a hesitant, wobbly line over to the massive hand pressed against the floor for support. She could feel his dark eyes following her, a quick glance up letting her glimpse his eyebrow raised in curiosity. The cadet managed to get within arms-reach of his fingers, unable to push herself any closer, heart fluttering softly with anxiety.
“I…I wanted to…thank you for earlier…” she started, gaze flicking everywhere but his face, trying to string her thoughts together through the low-level throbbing in her head. “I would’ve died if you hadn’t caught me, so…”
Just do it, V — do it and get it over with. Hesitantly, Valia reached out to the nearest knuckle, fingers quivering ever so slightly. “Thank y—”
Dizziness suddenly slammed into her, her vision flickering for a second as she lost her tenuous grip on her balance. A shout from Mae fuzzed in her ears, unintelligible.
Then something big whipped past her and she tumbled forward onto a calloused, leathery surface that gave just the smallest bit under her weight. Not the unforgiving stone floor, then. That was good; she hurt enough as it was.
Blinking the leftover stars from her vision, Valia sucked in a quiet gasp at the broad, battered hand cupped under her, her legs dangling past long fingers to just brush the floor.
A chuckle rumbled above her. “Whoa there. You’re falling for me pretty quick, don’t ya think?”
Bad jokes aside, her face burned so badly it was a wonder it didn’t catch fire. And yet Valia couldn’t really make herself get up, her brain apparently still trying to collect itself even as part of her desperately wanted to push away. To her mild surprise, it wasn’t anything personal. He was just…so much…
When she didn’t respond right away, trying to make her limbs work the way they were supposed to, the hand lifted, fingers propping her into an upright position, the index finger resting lightly on her shoulder to keep her in place. “You gonna be okay?” his low voice asked with a grin, sending a shiver through her when she could literally feel his words. “I know I’m a lot, but that’s just more of me to love.”
She hardly heard him, distracted by the soft pressure on her shoulder. Such a gentle touch from such a huge being shouldn’t have been possible and yet here it was. The same hand that had nearly pounded the Riot’s face in was now holding her upright, treating her like some precious thing.
She’d always known he’d meant no harm — she wished she’d figured it out before he’d scared the shit out of her the first time, but hey — but to save her twice in one day and then take care of her in a way she knew she didn’t deserve, especially after how she’d been treating him…
She had no idea where they’d come from, but the tears sliding down her face surprised her just as much as they did him. His fingertip lifted slightly, still just barely in contact with her shoulder.
“I’m sorry!” she suddenly blurted out, startling all of them, Reth pulling his hand back in surprise.
The silence that followed was tight with confusion. The stunned looks on Mae and Reth’s faces probably would’ve made her giggle if she’d felt at all like laughing.
Eyes flicking over her, Reth finally ventured a hesitant question, his expression verging on wariness. “…for what?”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled again, breath starting to hiccup. It was probably the concussion talking — emotions swirling, words jamming up in her throat, unable to spill out — but somehow it still felt necessary. “I’m sorry for…for…”
Dammit, she couldn’t get it out. Reth’s awkward silence wasn’t helping either, his uncertainty palpable even in her off-kilter state.
“Valia, honey, don’t push yourself,” Mae suddenly called from her perch on Reth’s hand. “Your concussion still needs to heal.”
She blinked, sniffing as the doctor’s words sank in. “O-Oh, o-okay,” Valia stammered, wiping quickly at her eyes in an effort to hide her profound embarrassment. Damn, now her nose was running. Could this day get any worse?
“Alright, let me down, hon.”
The scuff of skin scraping on sand caught her attention, Mae stepping back onto solid ground and fiddling with the dial acting as a welcome distraction. “Not too bad this time, boy,” she commented, tapping the button and pulling out some supplies as Reth shrunk to a more practical size. “Let’s get you bandaged up.”
Surprisingly, no sarcastic comment was forthcoming, Reth sitting in unusual silence as Mae started cleaning his wounds. The cadet would’ve thought further on his lack of a comeback, but her runny nose took priority — not to mention she didn’t want to think too long on her absolute failure of an apology.
Not wanting to get snot on her already roughed-up uniform, Valia searched her pockets, praying she hadn’t forgotten a handkerchief in her mad dash out the door this morning.
Instead, her searching fingers closed on crinkly packaging, Valia pulling out the protein bar she’d shoved in her pocket and completely forgotten about. She stared at it a moment, thumb absently rubbing at the shiny foil.
Then something clicked in her foggy mind and Valia gripped the bar a little tighter, moving determinedly towards the giant once again.
Reth glanced at her as she approached, his lightly furrowed brow and uncertain gaze making her eyebrows rise slightly. Some small part of her wanted to celebrate about finally making him uncomfortable for once, to get him back for all those times he’d teased and flirted with her until she’d wanted to scream.
Instead, she held out the protein bar, purposefully making eye contact. “Here.”
His eyebrows rose, eyes flicking from her to the bar and back, hints of wariness bleeding through his neutral expression.
“You didn’t get breakfast this morning,” Valia responded firmly to the unspoken question, lifting the bar higher in prompting. Where this sudden burst of confidence was coming from, she had no idea — probably the concussion again — but she was going to thank him, dammit, and no hesitancy on his part was gonna stop her.
There was another moment or two’s hesitation before Reth gently plucked the bar from her hand, staring at it in a manner that looked a lot like awe. Did he really like it that much? It was just a protein bar and not even one of the good flavors at that.
Then deft fingers peeled back the wrapper and snapped the bar in two, Reth holding out half in her direction.
Valia blinked, slowly accepting the bar as their eyes met.
“Thanks,” he murmured, a hint of his smirk coming back as he bit into the bar.
The tips of her ears suddenly burning, Valia dropped her gaze to her bar. “No problem.”
Too busy with each other, neither of them noticed Mae’s little smile as she continued to bandage Reth up.
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az-wwe · 4 months
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Ima tell y'all what I told wrestling twitter, I'm here to give good vibes, peace and love....I'm here to help people with positive vibes but...sometimes bad apples ruin it...if you need me let me know even if its just to distract you im here
- AZ/Owen
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starfxkrreloaded · 12 days
OKAY. dbf!pope… he’s a little older, more experienced… we’re at his house bc he’s helping reader w course work and uhhhh some moment of tension happens and boom he manhandling us into his bed and he fucks so nice :(
- sunflower anon
so...i took a few liberties with the scenario bc it just started pouring out of me 😁
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pope always said you were welcome to come over, no matter what time it was or the occasion. and now seemed perfect--the day had been almost too long, the critiques on your rough draft were really hitting you. you just weren't grasping the material despite pouring over it every night, and you were tired.
so instead of worrying about it anymore you went to pope's house after class--eyes still red and puffy from crying in your car as he poured you a cup of hot chocolate, "thanks for letting me come over, i just couldn't take my dad right now after the day i've had."
he shrugs, giving you that soft smile as he topped off the drink. six marshmallows and a swirl of whipped cream just like when you were little.
"you can stop thanking me, i'd let you over no matter what and you know that."
it was true, you stop by just as often on summer days because you're bored. but fall in heyward's house was something special, always warm and cozy from the chill outside. more often than not he spent the time showing you music he claimed you had no idea about and this was no different.
"i got a new song for you little bird, come on."
your heart thudded as he led you down the hall to his room, it always started this way. he'd pick out a vinyl, and halfway through the song the air would shift.
it was d'angelo this time, a b-side you'd never heard before filled the room as he came up behind you, "like this one?"" pope's hand slowly slid up your sweater. he was just testing the waters first, letting his fingers trace circles over your belly button as goosebumps rose over your skin, "i know for a fact you never heard this before."
"mhm..." words escaped you as he kissed your neck, every ounce of tension was leaving your body as his touch, with one hand gently ciupping your breast and the other reaching under your skirt, there was little you could do as he walked you over to the bed. you could feel him growing hard and thick between your asscheeks and you whimpered.
"let me know if you want me to stop." the hand in you sweater comes up to your mouth, and he slips two fingers in your mouth at the same time the other slips two fingers in your cunt with a loud squelch. you hadn't realized you were so wet.
already you felt like you were gonna lose it, both sets of fingers thrusted in and out of you, and you felt like your brain would melt out of your skull. everything from the past week evaporated, all your stress and worries leaving your mind as you quickly turned into nothing but a moaning mess. pope's fingers wer deft, curling againt that gooey spot in your cunt until you were drooling down the front of your sweater.
"there you go, let it all out."
the sound of pope's voice made you moan louder, it was like a direct shot to your veins as your clit pulsed against his palm. you were sure if he didn't feel your heartbeat there he had to feel it banging through your chest.
with a pop he takes his fingers out your mouth, before you know it he's using his now free hand to push your shirt up and take your peaked nipple between his calloused digits, chasing your lips in a messy kiss. if it weren't for his grip keeping you up, you know you would have fell face first into the bed as he works you up into what you know will be your first orgasm of the night.
you cum with a shudder, and he grunts when you sink your teeth into his bottom lip at the shock of it, making your legs tremble so hard he clamps his arm around your middle to keep you upright.
pope's hand is gentle as he cups your twitching pussy, softly massaging it as he helps you kick your panties off, "good girl, that was a big one huh?"
you nod pitifully, "god yeah, i need to lie down."
he snorts softly, but helps you until you're laying on your stomach. piece by piece he strips you bare except for the fuzzy socks you're wearing and pats your ass softly, "can't sleep yet sweetheart, got some more for you if you want."
the bed dips and you can feel him already, letting out a soft moan when he brushes the head of his cock against your dewy lips.
"i always want more." you cant help but be bashful, even as he slides into you.
"thought so."
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darnalearnstowrite · 6 months
nello specchio scena di violenza
A/N: So, this little piece, inspired by this lovely fanart by @vamp4rebatscave (I dearly hope neither you nor the commissioner mind!) has been sitting in my drafts forever, and what is this blog even for if I never post anything I write, so... Enjoy?
(Title from D'Angelo by Diablo Swing Orchestra.)
"So? What do you think?"
"Hm." Armand crooked a critical eyebrow at the screen and then picked up the device from Lestat's hand as if to verify his assessment with closer scrutiny.
"I've seen better."
With that, he rolled onto his back and stretched languidly like a lazy housecat; back arching, fingers spreading. With a dull thunk, the phone fell onto the plush carpet.
"Insolent imp," Lestat hissed around a grin tugging at his mouth as he drank in the sight: auburn curls fanned out like a rusty halo on the maroon silk, the arched brows, the dark eyes sparking with challenge.
With one lithe motion, he got up on his hands and knees and crawled over Armand's body and made as if to reach for the fallen device – but then stopped, and let his hair fall forward to tickle Armand's face, earning a deeply unamused look which only made him grin wider.
"Brat," Armand countered, and then, lightning-fast, buried a hand in his hair and pulled him down to nuzzle his nose into the underside of his jaw, lips brushing against his hammering pulse.
He froze – only for a second, undecided – and then lifted his head to grin down again while one hand drifted over Armand's chest, deftly undoing the buttons of his shirt. Armand watched him, eyes dark and cheeks flushed; his beauty bewitchingly mortal, belying the hungry darkness beneath.
A spattering of freckles adorned his pale chest, right between two rosy, peaked nipples. He could not help himself – he leaned down to press a kiss to the cool, smooth skin. The hand in his hair shifted, into something of a caress. He took it as encouragement and kissed him again, nails dragging lightly over his exposed ribs.
Armand squirmed and hissed softly, both hands now tightening in his hair. He chuckled deeply, pressing his lips to his throat while flicking one hard nipple with his thumb.
"Figlio di puttana!"
And then he was on his back, Armand straddling his hips, nails digging into his chest through his shirt, cheeks rosy and eyes wild. His own hands drifted to Armand's narrow waist, thumbs caressing his hipbones.
"What a dirty mouth you have on you, chèri."
But Armand was... somewhere else, even he could tell. Under the spell of some evil memory, perhaps, lost somewhere within the centuries of dust and darkness, or beyond. He dared not look.
No, no. That wasn’t right. Not this time.
“Caro?” His thumbs resumed the soothing motion. “Torna da me, carissimo.”
Slowly, the focus returned to Armand’s blown pupils and his fingers loosened from his shirt. His claws had torn through the thin fabric. Ah, but he had others.
With careful movements, Lestat tugged him down and framed his face, his beautiful doll’s face, between his hands. Armand's hands, in turn, slipped under his shredded shirt as if seeking warmth, coming to rest over his racing heart.
“You’re afraid,” Armand whispered, brow furrowing, gaze losing focus again. Feeling. Listening.
“Yes.” It came out as a short, helpless laugh.
For me – or for yourself?
He leaned up on his elbows, into a tender kiss, words ghosting over Armand's soft mouth:
“Both, caro.”
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butmakeitgayblog · 6 months
Have you ever considered giving Lexa a different last name than Woods?
Oh yeah! I mean, demon Lexa. Obviously. Couldn't pass up the opportunity for D'Angelo. Altho technically that's her making up her own name. She has many names throughout her existence, that's just one among thousands.
For Cruel Intentions I was kind of in love with the idea of naming her Woodforde because of the old money air to it. Alexandria Woodforde. Gustus Woodforde. Clarke and Lexa Griffin-Woodforde. I liked the richness of it. But ultimately I decided that enough of the story was such a hard-right turn from the general Lexa known to the fandom, I wondered if people wouldn't be like "ew her name should be Woods it's always Woods who tf is this Woodforde chick supposed to be 🤨"
And for a brief time, CoA Lexa was going to be Lexa Woodson. I think that might actually still be what is written in my first original draft pages from waaay back before anyone even knew I existed 😅
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HALESTORM's LZZY HALE Discusses Her Songwriting Process In New Episode Of 'How I Wrote That Song'
BMI (Broadcast Music Inc.),Beasley Media Group and Xperi's HD Radio Technology recently announced the launch of the third season of BMI's signature series "How I Wrote That Song", featuring acclaimed songwriters from country and rock/pop. Each episode of the six-part series will give audiences an insider's look into the creative process of writing and producing hit songs as well as the stories behind them.
In the latest installment of "How I Wrote That Song", Radio Sara of WMMR asks Lzzy Hale of HALESTORM about her biggest hits, going back to when the band came out swinging in 2009 with the single "I Get Off". Despite the saucy title, the song's first draft was actually about how the band won over a few hardened record executives in the audience at a live showcase. Lzzy developed the lyrics further with a writing collective called The Girls, explaining: "I was telling them this story [about the show] and one of them — and this is why I love writing with women, because our sense of humor is the same — was like, 'Oh, so you got off on them enjoying what you do'… and we took over this piano, in the lobby of this hotel, and were singing 'I get off on you, getting off on me,' just totally annoying everybody around us."
She adds with a laugh: "It originally didn't start from sex, but it definitely grew its own legs!"
Sara and Lzzy also discuss the Grammy-nominated song "Uncomfortable" and a new track called "Terrible Things". Along the way, they touch on her unexpected radio hit with DAUGHTRY this year, swapping gender perspectives in song lyrics, and how activism plays a role in her writing process.
Additional award-winning music creators included in the series include heavy hitters Ann Wilson (HEART),Tyler Hubbard (May 30),Luke Spiller of THE STRUTS (June 13) and Clint Black (June 27).
"BMI is thrilled to announce a stellar lineup for Season 3 of 'How I Wrote That Song'," said BMI's AVP, creative, Nashville, Mason Hunter. "It is such a great way to highlight the vast talent that BMI has the pleasure to represent, and it gives our songwriters a way to connect with fans as they tell the stories behind their biggest hits. Thanks to our wonderful longstanding partners at Xperi's HD Radio Technology and Beasley Media Group for pushing this compelling content out to their listeners."
"After two consecutive, highly successful campaigns with our partners at BMI and Xperi/HD Radio, we are excited to bring back 'How I Wrote That Song' to celebrate some of the biggest hit songwriters heard on our radio brands," said Beasley Media Group's chief content officer Justin Chase. "Our listeners and digital audience love to hear the story behind their favorite songs!"
"The 'How I Wrote That Song' series has been a great success, and Xperi is excited to continue working with BMI and Beasley Media Group to highlight the songwriters who create the songs we know and love," said Xperi's senior vice president, radio, Joe D'Angelo. "This is especially meaningful to us as we continue to build on 20 years of broadcast radio innovation, both through our HD Radio Technology, which delivers superior audio quality and a wealth of content choices for music fans around the world, and our DTS AutoStage in-vehicle media platform, which now supports lyrics, further bringing the songwriter into the radio experience."
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tilbageidanmark · 2 years
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Movies I watched this Week #93
3 Faces, my third from Jafar Panahi (after ‘Taxi and ‘The year of everlasting storm’). He and a famous Iranian actress play a version of themselves, as they drive to a remote village in Northern Iran, after receiving a desperate suicide video from a young girl. Created on the sly, in spite of a 20-year ban from film making by the regime, it’s a primitive and touching road movie into a very rural area, giving a real feel of nights out in the boonies. The trailer. 7/10.
Visconti + Bogarde X 2:
🍿 The Most Beautiful Boy in the World, a thoughtful, new Swedish documentary about Björn Andrésen, who played 14-year-old Tadzio in Visconti's 1971 ‘Death in Venice’. He was an introspective orphan who lived with his grandmother, and was thrown into insane international fame when the film became a hit. Not only Dirk Bogarde, but Visconti himself and the whole production team were gay, and he was exploited as a gorgeous twink trophy. The rest of his life was colored by melancholy and sorrow. 8/10.
🍿 The Damned, his deviant Nazi-porn melodrama, A Krupp-like family sage, a-la ‘Dallas’ and ‘succession’, but with incest, homosexuality, child rape, and an orgy of perspiration and swastika flags. Tedious Götterdämmerung of greed, decadence, power struggles and hatred in a garish, kitschy 2.5-hour-long faux-historic soap opera. 2/10.
“...Une carafe de rouge?...”
From the opening score of The Man on the Train, its’ clear that it’s a quiet French Neo-Western: Laconic bad boy Johnny Hallyday, dressed in a leather-jacket, comes to Annonay, a sleepy provincial town, planning to rob a bank there. Retired old teacher Jean Rochefort invites him to stay at his large house after they meet by chance at the local pharmacie. As they spend a few days together, they both become envious of each others life: The bank robber wants to retire into a life of peace, and the teacher who never ventured to do anything exciting dreams of breaking the rules just one time before he dies. 7/10.
2 X Young Treat Williams:
🍿 Laura Dern played a restless, sexually-curious 15-year-old teenager in Smooth Talk with such conviction, it’s frightening. This adaptation of a Joyce Carol Oates' short story paints a subtle psychological portrait by Joyce Chopra, a first time female director. But then it turns into a terror-inducing third act, when the sinister ‘Arnold Friend’ coerces her into coming with him for a drive in his convertible. I literally had to stop it numerous times, because I couldn’t handle to see what happens next. 8/10
🍿 ...”The draft is white people sending black people to make war on the yellow people to defend the land they stole from the red people...”
I clearly remember the controversies when non-American Miloš Forman adapted the youth anthem Hair into a movie: so many years after the peace movement died, made by a Czechoslovakian, he changed the performance and the sounds of most of the songs. But the film was then - and is still now - a terrific musical, and a testimony for certain hippy ideals, anti-establishment and anti-war, pro-drugs, sex and Rock 'n' Roll. Terrific dance choreography by Twyla Tharp, breakthrough roles for John Savage and Beverly D'Angelo, and unforgettable Nicholas Ray as the general. (Poster Above) - 9/10.
The Aviator's Wife, my 2nd of Éric Rohmer’s “Six Comedies and Proverbs" (After ‘Pauline at the beach’). A charming story about love of some young Parisians. 7/10.
Hiroshima X 2:
🍿 “Duck and Cover” - The Atomic Cafe (1982), a chilling documentary without any narration, made entirely out of nuclear weapons propaganda from the Cold War on the subject of nuclear warfare. It demonstrates how misinformation and propaganda was used by the US government and popular culture to accept and ease fears about nuclear warfare among the American public.
🍿 "...You saw nothing in Hiroshima”...
It’s been 40 years since I last saw Alain Resnais’s first painful feature Hiroshima mon amour and I was even reluctant to try it again, but within five minutes, it overwhelmed me deeply, with sadness and beauty washing over me. This poetic one night of love and remembrance between the French actress and Japanese architect was my best film of the week.
2 by director Aneesh Chaganty and writer Sev Ohanian:.
🍿 My 4th re-watch in 5 months: Searching, a perfect thriller about dad John Cho frantically looking for his missing daughter. This was Chaganty‘s directorial debut. It was created brilliantly in a ‘Screenlife’ format (where the whole movie occurs on computer screens, smartphones, browser windows and surveillance footage). But what I loved most is the relationship between the father, teenage daughter and the pretty dead mom. 10/10.
I’m very sad to read that they just finished shooting “Searching 2″!
🍿 Their next suspense film was Run, about an isolated, disabled teenage daughter who discovers that her mom is keeping her hostage. It shared some similar traits: with ‘searching’: The bond between parent and child, the claustrophobic scope of just the two of them occupying one house. But it ended with Sarah Poulsen becoming a ‘Misery’-type crazy mother, and the plot twists turned tired and unconvincing. 3/10.
There’s a nice little Easter Egg, with a photo of the "fish_n_chips" model from the previous film on the University of Washington brochure.
2 scores by Bernard Herrmann:
🍿 "The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world..."
78/52: Hitchcock's Shower Scene refers to the number of setups (78) and the number of cuts (52) in the 3-minute ‘Psycho’ scene, (which took one quarter of the film’s four-week shooting schedule). A good documentary. My usual pet peeve: Stop drowning your film with suggestive background music lasting 100% of the time! Especially when you analyze how integral the sparse original score was to the terror inflicted. 
🍿 Living Doll, episode 126 of the original ‘Twilight Zone’, mentioned in the documentary above. Telly Savalas plays a mean stepfather who is being terrorized by a murderous doll, Chucky’s original inspiration.
2 more with Buster Keaton:
🍿 The Chemist is a 1936 American short talkie featuring Buster Keaton as crazy inventor Elmer “Happy” Triple. It was one of the 17 films he did for the small Educational Pictures. 3/10.
🍿 After writing a play titled ‘Play’ and a song called 'Song’, nonsensical Irish absurdist Samuel Beckett titled his only film script Film. The 21-minute experimental, silent short, starring the nearly-dying Keaton, was subject to extensive analysis and many in-depth interpretations. But I didn’t enjoy it. 🍿  
“..These people are primitive...” My second by Jacques Tourneur (After ‘Out of the past’) I Walked with a Zombie. It’s a strange, atmospheric horror film that was analyzed at great length for its use of Haitian Voodoo, mental illness, bondage and racism. But in my one viewing I didn’t grasp it.
The Adventures of Tintin, was a 1991 Canadian TV series of 39 episodes based on Hergé’s classic bande dessinée. It retained its distinct ‘Ligne claire’ style of clear strong lines with no hatching, while eliminating some of the racist stereotypes of the original albums. I only watched the two parts of ‘The Crab with the Golden Claws’, which marked the first appearance of the alcoholic Captain Haddock. (In the 70′s when i lived with Ester and David, I collected all of Tintin’s books for him, and read it to him many times.)
My first exposure to Polish director Walerian Borowczyk, who worked in France during the 60′s to 80′s, and was called “A genius who happened to be a pornographer”. Immoral tales (1973) is his infamous anthology of four pornographic fantasies. Art house excuse for debauchery a-la Marquis de Sade, which include graphic stories about blowjobs, masturbation, bestiality and incest. Paloma Picasso, Pablo’s daughter, stars as a naked countess who bathes in the blood of virgins in order to gain eternal youth. Boring male gaze - 2/10.
Another “So-bad-I-couldn’t-finish-it-film”: The Decline, a Canadian survivalist camp thriller. As we morbidly wait for total societal collapse, tales about Preppers sound appealing. But this amateurish, predictable debut was awful - I lasted 45 minutes.
(My complete movie list is here)
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pinadosie · 5 months
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aster-d-angelo · 1 year
Reth and Valia — Growing Pains
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Sweet Lord above, I’m gonna murder him. I don’t know how yet, but I’ll find a way.
It’s only been a week and already I’ve developed a twitch that kicks in with a vengeance whenever he’s brought up.
Where to begin…
Okay, so I realize being a handler is supposed to be a good thing. It shows I can handle my responsibilities and care for a living being without fail. It might even be enough for a promotion in the near future.
But good God, did it have to be him?
Yes, I know I shouldn’t complain. I was given a responsibility and I’m gonna fulfill it even if it kills me, which at the rate things are going is a likely possibility, but dammit, he can’t go a little easier on me?
Every day, it’s the same: get up, go take care of the giant bastard, nearly grind my teeth to dust, and then go about the rest of my day.
Until dinner, when I have to do it all over again. Rinse and repeat.
It actually wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t make it an excruciating point to get on my nerves every single minute of every single day. He just won’t let up; every other sentence out of his mouth is teasing, insulting, or downright flirting, and the whiplash from irritation to anger to embarrassment and back has long since given me a near-constant headache in his presence.
I just…I just don’t know how to act around him. His moods flip like a goddamn light switch, leaving me scrambling to keep up. Just when I’m feeling sympathetic towards him, he starts teasing me again, and the moment I’m ready to flip my lid, he sobers up or God forbid starts flirting.
That’s probably the worst part, feeling like I’m just another warm body for him to hit on. I realize he doesn’t get out much, but it feels so useless. Like, are you really getting something out of that?
I’m probably being too hard on him, but would it really kill him to stop trying to get a rise out of me for more than two seconds? It doesn’t help that he’s so good at it…freakin’ jerk…
With a heavy sigh, Valia pushed back from her desk, dropping her pen and stretching out stiff muscles. It was probably best that she stop that particular entry right there before it devolved into a spate of name-calling and increasingly violent threats.
A glance at the clock brought on another sigh and Valia reluctantly threw on a jacket, latching the gauntlet back on and grabbing her key before heading out.
Nights were cool lately, much cooler than the warm days they’d been having. The indigo sky above was speckled with stars, wisps of cloud barely visible in the dying light. Hands in her pockets, head craned back, Valia star-gazed until the barracks blocked her view.
Walking down the dark, silent corridor alone was never fun, Valia hurrying past cage after cage trying not to look inside any of them. She almost walked past Reth’s cage in the dark, turning on the little lantern light set in the wall by the door so she could see to use the key. Should really think about a flashlight…
The cage door squeaked open, Valia slipping inside and venturing a couple steps into the darkness beyond. The lantern light didn’t reach inside very well and her skin crawled at the impenetrable blackness filling the cage. “Anybody home?”
Not ten feet in front of her, a pair of teal eyes suddenly blinked open, shining eerily in the dim lamp light and scaring the shit out of her. Before she could beat a hasty retreat back to the door, however, a hand materialized behind her, dimly backlit and deepening the gloom around her. A toothy smile gleamed in the shadows, sending a shiver up her spine.
“Well, look who’s back,” came the low rumble she was slowly becoming accustomed to. “Wasn’t sure you’d be back after this morning.”
Ah, yes, this morning, when she’d basically stormed out the second his needs had been met, head ready to explode with frustration. “Yeah well, I have a responsibility to take care of you. I’m not going to abandon my duty just because you’re being a massive jerk,” Valia shot back, a thread of steel in her tone despite the lightest tremors running through her.
The hand withdrew with a chuckle, trailing light drag marks through the dust. “Ouch. Tell me how you really feel.” Sand and clothing shifted, Reth presumably sitting up in preparation. “What're we waiting for, then?”
Mouth thinning, Valia twisted the dial, smacking the button. The bright flash illuminated the cage for a second, an afterimage of a light dust cloud and a swiftly shrinking giant burned into her night vision. Then darkness returned, Reth soon sauntering into the dim light, hands stuck in his pockets. For once, he didn’t say anything, a fact for which Valia was secretly grateful as she led the way back down the hall.
Their first and only stop was the “cafeteria” — really just a fancy name for the patch-of-dirt courtyard across from the wash stations. Reth plunked down in his usual spot against the wall while Valia went to retrieve his meal. The tray was twice the size of normal ones, half-full of stale bread, a handful of slightly overripe fruits and veggies, a cut of jerky, and a cup of water. The cadet couldn’t help the wince as she hauled the tray back to the giant — at least it wasn’t gruel.
Reth accepted the tray like he always did, with a nod and a smirk. Valia just ignored him like she always did, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms as she scanned the courtyard. They were a little later than usual today, so only a couple other assets were around, finishing up their own meals. Their handlers looked bored as hell, hardly acknowledging their asset’s existence until they were done, then leading them back to their cages with hardly a word or even a glance.
Unexpectedly, a sliver of guilt slithered through her chest, watching fellow officers handle their assets so callously and sensing an uncomfortable similarity to her own actions. She’d never thought of herself as a cruel person, and from what Reth had said when they first met, she was different, apparently more kind than others had been. She had taken a strange sense of pride in that, having won the vague approval of a species that severely disliked her own.
But given how quiet and relatively compliant Reth had been lately, she wasn’t sure how well she’d kept that up. Indifferent could be just as bad as cruel, after all.
A poking sensation pulled her from her thoughts, Valia skittering to the side instinctively as she noticed Reth in her immediate peripheral, a hunk of bread in his hand. “Wha…did you just poke me with your food?” she sputtered, brushing at her uniform and scowling at the bread crumbs.
“Well, nothing else was getting your attention, sweetheart,” Reth answered lazily, tearing off another chunk of bread and holding out the tray with a smirk.
With a huff, Valia snatched it up, feeling heat climb her neck a bit as she took the tray back.
They made their way back to the cage without issue, Reth ducking inside and heading for the corner while Valia trailed some feet behind. Another twist, another click, and Reth was full-size once more, invisible in the dark as he presumably settled against the wall.
And that was that. Okay, time to head back to the dorms and hit the books for tomorrow’s quiz—
A yelp escaped her as a hand abruptly descended, cutting off her path to the door. Valia whipped around, staring up at disembodied teal eyes, mind racing for an explanation.
“Where’s the fire, sweetheart?”
She struggled with the spike of irritation. “I’m going back to my dorm. I have a quiz tomorrow.”
“And you hafta be studying every second until then, right?” She could hear that goddamn smirk as he tilted his head. “Do you ever relax?”
Breathe, Val, just breathe. “I do, actually. Thanks for the concern, if that’s what that was,” Valia snipped, pivoting on her heel and attempting to sidestep the long fingers in her way.
They shifted with her, making her teeth grit as she glared over her shoulder.
“I don’t think ya do.” His fingertip gently tapped her shoulder, making her jerk back. “How ‘bout you hang out with me for a bit so I can be sure?”
He couldn’t really want her to stick around; hell must’ve frozen over.
“What’s the catch?” was out of her mouth before she realized it.
Another chuckle, soft and amused. “You wound me, sweetheart.” His arm came down just like before, letting him lean down into the dim light and putting her level with his smirk. His warm breath just vaguely brushing past her, Valia resisted the overwhelming urge to step back, her back mere inches from his fingers, breath held as their gazes locked.
“…maybe I just appreciate your company,” he said quietly, making her freeze in place.
Hold up. Was this flirting? It seemed like flirting, but…
Her mouth opened once or twice, but her usual sarcastic responses didn’t seem appropriate somehow and she didn’t really have any others handy…
The silence stretched almost to the point of uncomfortable, Valia struggling to process as her face slowly flushed. Thankfully, it was enough for Reth to pull back with a snort, hand moving just off to the side, essentially freeing her. “Well, that’s a no. Don’t study too hard, kay?”
For the second time that night, guilt squeezed her chest as that neutral expression of his slid back into place. It didn’t take a genius to know why he wanted the company and used her wellbeing as an excuse, but she still couldn’t wrap her head around why he’d choose her. They hadn’t had a decent interaction the entire week she’d known him, barring that one moment when they’d first met, and even now, she couldn’t talk to him without wanting to punch him in his big smug face. Sure, she was around him the most, but he had to have somebody else to hang out with!
No, now she was just being stupid. He spent at least half of each day in the cage, interaction between assets outside the cage was frowned upon, and none of the officers wanted anything to do with the assets — there was literally no one else.
She took a deep breath and let it out.
Alright — time to start being the decent human being he apparently thought she was.
Before she could change her mind, Valia moved a little closer, hesitantly taking a seat on the sandy floor and catching his attention. “I guess I can stay for a few more minutes,” she mumbled, a finger swirling through the sand as she tried to avoid eye contact. “But you try to pick me up again and we’re gonna have a problem.”
A moment’s pause and she felt more than saw him lie down on the dusty floor, getting settled a comfortable distance away to her mild surprise. Eyes still on the floor, she missed the little smile that appeared.
“Yes, ma’am,” he murmured, and Valia’s heart skipped a beat as the words practically vibrated through her.
This was gonna take some getting used to.
Shutting her dorm door behind her, Valia stifled a yawn as she made her way to her desk, rummaging through her textbooks. Finding the one she needed, she plunked down and went to crack it open, only to catch sight of her abandoned journal entry just off to the side. A thoughtful pause had her toying with her pen, eyes tracing the neat, tight words.
It’d only been a few minutes and she’d pretty much hightailed it out of there, but…
Her pen scrawled another few words at the bottom of the page.
Okay, he’s not so bad.
Satisfied, Valia turned back to her book, settling in for a night of study.
The next morning, she went about her duties as usual, stopping in for breakfast before heading to the cage.
“Morning,” she murmured absently, mind occupied by the day’s schedule as she unlocked the cage door and stepped inside. It was a fairly light day and her quiz wasn’t until after lunch, so she could squeak in a review if she needed to…
The lack of response finally broke into her thoughts and Valia glanced up to see Reth propped up on an elbow, watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. He was unusually quiet, making her squint suspiciously. “What?”
A smug little grin appeared, Reth tilting his head. “Nothing.”
What was his deal this morning? Valia just rolled her eyes, spinning the dial. “Whatever.”
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az-wwe · 6 months
Ilja can be drafted to the main roster now
...Can Tony D'Angelo go too...
I don't wanna separate them
I need my Don and my Czar
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lustigeseisball · 1 year
Kann sich der Philly Club noch einmal verbessern?
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In Brielles erster Offseason als General Manager der Philadelphia Flyers wurden sofort Änderungen vorgenommen. Sein größter Schritt war die Entsendung von Ivan Provorov im NHL trikot Philadelphia Flyers zu den Columbus Blue Jackets im Rahmen eines Deals, an dem drei Los Angeles Kings-Teams beteiligt waren, darunter die Torhüter Cal Petersen, Sean Walker und Helge Grans sowie zwei Draft-Picks.
Briel schickte auch Center Kevin Hayes für einen Draft Pick zu den St. Louis Blues und kaufte das verbleibende Jahr des Vertrags von Guard Tony D'Angelo auf. Er wechselte in die Free Agency und suchte nach erfahrener Hilfe, indem er die Stürmer Garrett Hathaway und Ryan Pollin sowie den Guard Mark Starr engagierte. Die Flyers bleiben unter Cheftrainer John Tortorella ein hart arbeitendes Team. Es gibt jedoch noch viel zu tun, um diese Liste abzurunden. Wenn Couturier und Atkinson Schwierigkeiten haben, wieder in Form zu kommen, wird sich die Offensive der Flyers im Vergleich zu den 2,68 Toren pro Spiel der letzten Saison nicht wesentlich verbessern. Jeder Rückschritt von Tippett und Frost wird die Leistung des Clubs weiter beeinträchtigen. Außerdem fehlt ihnen ein zuverlässiger Nummer-1-Verteidiger, der ihre blaue Linie untermauert. Hathaway im nhl trikots ist eine großartige Ergänzung zur Check-Line der Flyers, und Starr war einst das Rückgrat der Blue-Line der New York Rangers, aber seine besten Saisons liegen hinter ihm. Pauline ist mittlerweile seinem dritten NHL-Verein seit der Saison 2021/22 beigetreten. Könnte eine große Wende im Schicksal des Philly-Clubs möglich sein?
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
Lakers Re-Sign D'Angelo Russell, Secure Jaxson Hayes on Two-Year Deal
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The Los Angeles Lakers have reached a new agreement with guard D'Angelo Russell, securing his services for the next two years. Sources familiar with the deal have informed The Times that the contract is valued at $36 million. In the second year of the deal, Russell will have a player option, granting him additional flexibility. This development comes amidst a busy free agency period for the Lakers, who are still in the process of finalizing the contract for Austin Reaves. The talented player is a restricted free agent and has attracted interest from other teams, with the San Antonio Spurs reportedly considering making an offer. During the NBA trade deadline, the Lakers made a significant acquisition by obtaining D'Angelo Russell as part of a trade package that also involved Russell Westbrook. This trade played a pivotal role in transforming the team's season, ultimately leading them to the Western Conference finals. After the trade, D'Angelo Russell showcased impressive performance statistics, averaging 17.4 points and 6.1 assists per game. His three-point shooting was particularly noteworthy, with a solid 41.4% accuracy. Throughout the postseason, Russell displayed moments of brilliance during the Lakers' victories against Memphis and Golden State. However, he encountered difficulties when facing the Nuggets, leading to his demotion to the bench in Game 4. Upon his return, D'Angelo Russell will join an upgraded Lakers backcourt that now features Miami guard Gabe Vincent and is expected to include Reaves once the Lakers match any offer. The team wasted no time in solidifying their frontcourt by securing a deal with New Orleans center Jaxson Hayes shortly after the start of free agency. Standing at 6 feet 11 inches, Hayes is highly regarded by the Lakers as a physical player who can fulfill the backup center role behind Anthony Davis, reminiscent of Dwight Howard's impact during the Lakers' 2020 championship run. At the age of 23, Hayes spent his first four seasons with the New Orleans Pelicans, averaging 5.0 points and 2.8 rebounds in 13.0 minutes per game last season, starting two games while battling injury throughout the year. Jaxson Hayes, a former first-round draft pick from Texas in 2019, had a noteworthy NBA journey. Following his selection as the eighth overall pick by the Atlanta Hawks, Hayes was acquired by the New Orleans Pelicans in a multi-player trade. It is important to mention that Hayes had a legal matter in the previous year, resulting in a sentence of community service, domestic-violence classes, and probation. Read the full article
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thef1nalb0ss · 1 year
Faction Rankings: April 17, 2023- April 23, 2023
10. Diamond Mine
They lost the tag title triple threat, due to Ivy accidentally getting hit ringside by Reid and Julius leaving the ring to help her, which left Brutus alone in the ring with Gallus, leading to him getting pinned.
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9. The Schism
Even though if it was accidental, Reid's collision with Ivy ended up costing Diamond Mine the tag titles. Of course, it also cost The Schism, as it led to Gallus getting the pin to retain their titles.
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8. The New Day
Xavier's match with Gunther didn't end the way he'd wanted it to, but he had some great offense on the IC champion and, at a few moments, it appeared as if Xavier was about to end Gunther's reign.
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7. Chase U
Andre will get the chance to get revenge on Bron this week. Although it's unclear if it's a match he asked for, or one he ended up in after Duke challenged Bron on his behalf.
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6. LWO
After The Judgement Day and The Bloodline made a temporary alliance, Rey lost against Solo on Raw. On Smackdown, him and Santos suffered another loss against Damian and Finn. But their fight against The Judgement Day may get a new ally soon, as Bad Bunny returns this week. Zelina also got a match against Rhea for the Smackdown Women’s Championship at Backlash.
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5. Damage CTRL
Iyo's match with Bianca has not received an official date yet, even after Dakota lost to Bianca. Bianca will surpass Becky's reign as the longest reigning Raw Women's Champion soon, so Damage CTRL may want to get that championship match before their long-time enemy reaches that milestone.
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4. The Judgement Day
While Damian and Finn won against Rey and Santos on Smackdown, the loss Damian, Finn, and Dominik suffered to Kevin, Sami, and Riddle on Monday as part of their temporary alliance with The Bloodline may cost them in the future. In addition to this, Rhea will defend her title against Zelina at Backlash, and Bad Bunny is coming back this week- and his sights are likely set on getting revenge on The Judgement Day.
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3. The Bloodline
Paul saw an opportunity to solve the Kevln, Sami, and Riddle problem. That opportunity involved a temporary alliance with The Judgement Day- the alliance being that The Bloodline would handle The Judgement Day's problems, and The Judgement Day would handle The Bloodline's problems. Solo defeated Rey, while The Judgement Day lost to Kevin, Sami, and Riddle, so The Bloodline's problems were not solved. The Riddle problem may be now, however, after Solo defeated him in a no-DQ match and him and The Usos put him through a table after the match. Now, they need to put their focus on The Usos' rematch for the tag titles this week.
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2. Gallus
Gallus retained their titles after ringside chaos caused Brutus to be left alone in the ring. With Diamond Mine and The Schism defeated, The D'Angelo Family busy with Pretty Deadly and Pretty Deadly busy with the Family, Brooks and Jensen fighting with each other, who will their next challengers be?
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1. Imperium
In a grueling match, Gunther retained against Xavier. With nearly everybody on Smackdown having been defeated by Gunther, The Draft will hopefully bring in some new challengers for him.
Speaking of, there is somebody in NXT who is one of the few people in the past few years to have beaten Gunther in a singles match...maybe The Mad Dragon is looking to end Gunther's reign once again.
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vinishbuzz · 2 years
"D'Angelo Russell returns to Lakers with a bang, scores 28 points in win over Kings" #DLoading #LakeShow #NBA
“D’Angelo Russell returns to Lakers with a bang, scores 28 points in win over Kings” #DLoading #LakeShow #NBA D’Angelo Russell made a triumphant return to the Los Angeles Lakers, scoring 28 points in their victory over the Sacramento Kings. Russell, who was drafted by the Lakers in 2015, played for the team for two seasons before being traded in 2017. Russell’s return to the Lakers comes at a…
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
Lakers hold off Warriors in thrilling D'Angelo Russell homecoming
The Los Angeles Lakers (26-31) snapped a three-game skid with a 109-103 road victory over the Golden State Warriors (28-28) Saturday at Chase Center in the return of D’Angelo Russell to the franchise that drafted him. Jarred Vanderbilt and Malik Beasley also made their debut for the Purple & Gold, scoring 12 and four points off the bench, respectively. All three aforementioned players arrived to…
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
Omg why the fuck do I note every fucking person who isn't white like my brain is immideatly like "they're different" and it is so fucking annoying I don't know whether I should learn to do that for everyone or learn to not do it at all and I feel so rude for doing it but is it really that wrong because isn't it natural for people to notice what is different but still it feels like I'm painting them in my mind as an outsider and then my stupid "I'm unique" complex hits and I feel more comfortable around them because I see them as different from everybody else just like I think I myself am and I fucking hate myself this is going in the drafts. I don't like not being able to tell if I'm being racist or not, like I don't think I am but also I'm pretty sure I didn't think I was being racist when I was calling people racial slurs in my head so I don't trust myself to make any judgment on that anymore and that's also because I always think I'm right so my opinion can't be racist but then I'm proven wrong that my opinion is kinda shit and fucking shit I hate this. I hate myself. Don't take this as me doing that whats it called pity thing because omg I hate my mind and everything about my brain...yeah I feel like this is why I need a friend, so I can get a second opinion on things, because no matter how objectively I think about things, I most often do not change my opinions or thinking without someone else directly making my opinions look like shit. That's also why I don't like Johnny Depp anymore, someone told me that he isn't a great person, I myself could not come to that conclusion. My opinion of Logan Paul is also entirely formed from D'Angelo Wallace. I can not think for myself even if my life depended on it, but I think that I can and that is probably the biggest failure of me. I desperately need to learn to regocnise when something is my opinion, and learn that my opinion isn't objectively the right one, therefore if someone shares their opinion and it's different from mine, my opinion isn't objectively wrong either. I thought Unity(the song) was pretty good when it came out but then my friend at the time said that it was pretty bad, so I started disliking it as well. I struggle to enjoy things when someone has directly said that they don't like it.
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