#d20 fhjr
mytholinerd · 4 months
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My brain currently.
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rainbownomja · 4 months
Oh man I'm worried about Cassandra. and Kristen (and all of the bad kids but that's a thought for another time) I'm wondering if whats happening with her has anything to do with Galicaea gaining new and improved traction. I mean. That's part of how Cassandra was forgotten and destroyed by her previous followers in the first place. With only one follower now, and that follower being the ex-girlfriend of the person who is changing and reconstituting the energy of Galicaea, I wonder if the whole "deities are reflections of their followers" is a major part of this.
Like, Kristen is lost for a whole slew of reasons. She's got a shit ton of pressure on her with school, no (blood) family to guide her, probably undiagnosed fantasy branded ADHD along with the Trauma, and is now in charge of starting an entire religion pretty much entirely on her own. AND she was helping her party save the fucking world (again) for the entire summer too.
Meanwhile, Tracker is clearly succeeding in the same amount of time to do similar (ish) things (though Tracker also isn't in school, or saving the world (and in fact the reason they had to save the world was helpful in her pursuits!) Now, I'm also wondering about some weirdness with that princess, but again a thought for another time).
Kristen is drowning and she isn't talking about it, she has nobody helping her (and none of the adults are asking her if she needs it when they should be), no guidance, no nothing.
And she is the one follower of Cassandra who is terrified of dying (rightfully) and doesn't know how to ask for help or be assertive, who has been in pain and cracking with whatever is happening to her for probably a few months without Kristen knowing about it. While also being that reflection of her singular follower who I'm sure is totally not internalizing a lotttttt of shit right now that is detrimental to both of them.
Like I feel so hard for both of them. It is heartbreaking to watch.
Whatever is happening, I hope it doesn't kill Cassandra before they get things figured out...
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sea-buns · 5 months
Dude Adaine looks so fucking happy in her new art. She seems so relaxed and content and, like, SIMPLE. Just- look at the progression here:
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There is no anxious undertone or manic look in her eyes. If anything, her eyes look curious now. Curious and open and unworried. She is simply happy.
Adaine is happy, and I am going to cry.
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sorbeau · 3 months
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sketch i forgot to post from the latest ep
how bout them barons from the baronies huh
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chickensoup1025 · 1 month
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zeropencils · 2 months
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Oh Cassandra,
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mercy-be-mine · 3 months
The PCs went straight into investigation mode as necessary of course, but the Gang… the Gang just found the dead bodies of a teacher (Kristen’s teacher) and a fellow classmate. Rotting. Murdered. The kids are not alright.
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banchiedoingart · 3 months
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i need fabian to kiss this woman RIGHT NOW
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sylvansleuth · 4 months
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And now I'm to acceptance.
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smolidotti · 6 months
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I don’t want just them gone from reality, I want the space they occupied in reality to be gone as well.
-Ayda Aguefort
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mytholinerd · 4 months
Are we gonna breeze past the fact that Fig may or may not be destined to wear the armor of Pride and wreak havoc unto the world?
AND Adaine if she had gotten corrupted by rage she would destroy falinel in a search to kill her mother???
These (bad) kids are like 6 inconveniences away from gaining a villain arc.
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queencaramilflinda · 4 months
Cassandra originally became the Nightmare King because her followers thought they had done something wrong by giving their Goddess of Mystery a name. They never meant to hurt Cassandra, never intended for their Goddess to start dying because of their actions. And yet the Goddess of Mystery, Doubt, and Uncertainty fears death. She cannot find the beauty in that darkness. So she found a way to live forever, even if that meant she couldn’t be herself: she chose to become the Nightmare King.
Or that’s the narrative we’ve heard at least. It’s happening again, Cassandra is disagreeing with her followers and she’s scared their actions will cause her to die. But this time it’s clear whatever is going on with her and her relationship to the Nightmare King is not intentional. It’s painful, it’s sudden, it seems to react to her emotions and she has no control over it.
Maybe the original transformation into the Nightmare King wasn’t as planned as we thought. Maybe Cassandra and the Nightmare King aren’t as separate of entities. We know Galicaea has multiple faces, the peaceful moon goddess who is steadfast and constant and the wild wolf moon goddess who is primal and ever changing, and her mood or triggers could set her off at any time. Is the Nightmare King another face of, an aspect of Cassandra?
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sea-buns · 6 months
oh, Lou-Ally-Murph table dynamic
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how I've missed you
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sorbeau · 2 months
If you're taking requests could you draw the bad kids hanging out with Aelwyns cats?
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kristen kept getting scratched :(
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rosvyy · 2 months
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DEVESTATED that no one has drawn or even written about oisin and adaine!!! (if they have please @ me PLEASEEE I LOVE THEM SM) ((this borderline was just an excuse to sketch oisin)
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heytherecentaurs · 5 months
Siobhan is very good at communicating. Everything she said is so straightforward and concise and frank.
Also, because Adaine is so often the straightman, Siobhan had to play TWO Side Quests to get her silliness out beforehand.
I love her.
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