#dONT WORRY we get to see what seam is up to in the next update
starreadssstuff · 1 year
I know the end prt 3- Takatora Samura
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Warnings: canon violence, blood, bruising, angst  (future parts) g*ns, Niragi (nothing bad will happen, in this fic or any), angst LMK if I missed anything!!
Authors Note -  I finally got around to part three YAY!!! im so happy that I got to it. I will update “clingy” when I get the chance but if you have anything that you want to see in that fic or this one let me know!! love, star 💜 
             Since the beginning of the borderlands, it was the constant fighting for your life, it was triggering but you met people you liked along the way that made this mess a bit easier. What never go easier was the nightmares evey night. They were constant,waking up in the normal world and get ready in your empty apartment. You exit the house to see its night time and you see the billboards showing you to the direction of a game. At first you think is harmless so you joining “whats the worst that could happen?” But as you enter the game you find yourself trapped in a never-ending maze of mirrors. At first, it seemed like a harmless funhouse, but as you wander deeper into the maze, you realize that the mirrors are reflecting versions of yourself that are not quite right. Some are distorted and twisted, while others are cold and lifeless. The longer you stay in the maze, the more the mirrors seem to close in around you, trapping you in a never-ending cycle of distorted reflections. You begin to feel like you're losing your mind, unable to distinguish reality from the reflections. The only way to escape is to find the one true reflection of yourself, but with each wrong turn, the chances of finding it seem to slip further and further away. You finally find the right one and the exit is opened up infornt of you. You still feel like youre losing you mind, not really ready for that mindboggling experience. You run out and see a table in the complex you had entered, this table had a small receipt printer that had printed out a paper with Y/N L/N on it an an “exparation” date on it. Its weird and you dont know what type of game this is but you need to get out. It's safe to say that you didn't, and still haven't gotten out.
              All that said, you found your now best friend, lily, and have been shown around the “borderlands” as she calls it. It was weird at first but you get used to it after a while. At the beach you were like a fish out of water, iconic but true nonetheless. You didnt know anyone and everyone seam to think you were a target. When you came around they all scatterd like emptied seashells on the sand. It was worrying and you didnt know why, you had been there for a week and hadnt played any games so what was the fuss? No one seamed to be like that around lily so what had everybodys panties in a twist? It was tring until you found out why.              This had all happened because of him. He had threatened every one to stay away from you. Why? What was the reason? Did he hate you that much? He didnt even speak to you so why did he care about who you acquainted yourself with? If he needed to say something to you then why not handle it like the grown man that he is. As you march up to him lily is tring to get you attention to stop you, youre resisting like hell, determined to get an answer. “We need to speak Last Boss” you say to him, in a stern yet polite way. He agev you a questioning look like if he didint know what had happened. You walk away but hear him follow you. Everyone parts open a way for you and him to walk through because nobody had ever heard anyone speak to THE LAST BOSS like that before so it was a miracle that you weren't sliced in half already.
             “Are you the one that has been threatening people to stay away from me?” you say as soon as you get onto the roof top. He slowly nods, not really used to being treated like this, he wasnt going to hurt you by any means. He just wanted to keep you safe so he did what he did.
P.S sorry for the cliffhanger! stick around and find out what happens next in ~I know the end~ Takatora Samura
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... Wait... waIT I GOT IT! Jevil, you have a free hand, right? Also your neck is literally a spring? Just hold the tray with your free hand and stretch your neck out as far as you can. Maybe Seam can hear you then.
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[ * This may take a few tries, but Jevil feels like he can get the hang of it. ]
[ * Seam doesn’t notice him yet, but it’s only a matter of time. ]
[ * Meanwhile, let’s check on Spade and Rouxls, hm? ]
[ * Coming next update. ]
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