#dad ian
ianthoni · 8 months
This is exactly why he's the "dad " of Smosh. He doesn't think Smosh belongs to any person but it's a whole with all the crew in it. He doesn't see them as workers he saw them as funny talented and intelligent friends of his and try to make them all part of Smosh and shine individually. I love this man so much. Long live Ian Hecox! The Smosh dad💖
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rayrayor · 9 months
It’s @galladrabbles time and thank you @juliakayyy for this weeks prompt : Caught Up
Lily learned the truth about what really happened with Svet from Ian and is now on the search to repair it with papa.
Caught up
When they got home , Lily went in search of papa. She found him asleep on her bed holding sneaky bastard.
Papa was not tall like daddy but to Lily he was larger than life. Daddy grounding and centering , papa her protector. He fussed and protected them all.To think he was not always this confused her. But now she was caught up and was glad Terry was dead. She had Milkovich in her and would have hurt him or died trying.
“ Hi papa”
Teary “punk?”
“ I lied papa, don’t hate you , love you “
“ c’mere”
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ohkate · 8 days
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"To be a father is to discover your own heart walking around outside your body, to guide and protect while allowing the space for another soul to grow." — John Eldredge
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lilac-hecox · 6 months
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→ 4 : The Smosh Cast commenting on how much happier Ian is now that he's reunited with Anthony.
“He's reborn.”
<- 10.1 | 10.2 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5
Gif: @xxmoonch1ldxx  Layout: @jovenshires
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thebearer · 7 months
Anything with lip Gallagher and your four babies on Christmas morning pls I’m so soft thinking about them
lip has been chain smoking in the garage all night putting their toys together. he thought boy toys were hard to put together until he had amelia and had to put a dream house together.
at least he has cookies he gets to eat.
"leave one, lip." you whisper. "take a bite out of it so they know santa took a bite."
he's rolling his eyes, but does bc he'd rather die than have that christmas magic ruined like frank and monica did. when santa came, and it was rare, it was clear it was frank. he would give it to monica that she at least tried.
on christmas morning, lip's slept a total of three hours but he's woken up by excited screeches, jumping on the bed.
you and him are drinking coffee, letting jude pass out all the presents. he always grins when one extra is in your lap, one you didn't know about. you give him a look and he shrugs.
"we said no gifts, phillip."
"c'mon," lip snorts, shaking his head lightly. "just be polite and say thank you."
you give him a soft smile, opening whatever it is this year- a small necklace with four birth stones on it that has you emotional.
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I present to you the work of another painter of fish plates. Y’know how you use ‘scare quotes’ for various purposes, including indicating that you’re not actually sure about The Thing?
Well, this guy was so bad at whatever he was painting that we call him…
The ‘tadpole’ painter:
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Here’s another example:
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This one was sold as part of the Graham Geddes collection at Bonham’s auction house in 2008 for £2,040.
They describe it as ‘three fish including a wrasse with dorsal spines, an angler-fish, the rounded body with multiple black dots, two large round eyes with pupils, an open mouth with teeth bared, and a ray with pointed face, the body with multiple black dots’.
Which like… bold fucking move missing out the fact that they have legs. Though I can’t say I envy whoever had to write the description.
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smoshidiot · 1 month
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“we love making each other laugh”
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Love how the Doctor specifically told Ruby not to accidentally engaged and then BOTH of them went and did exactly that
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mickeym4ndy · 2 months
I can’t stop thinking about a fanfic idea where Mickey does 8 years in prison after season 5 as planned, and when he gets out he moves to whatever city Svetlana and Yev live in, determined to move on with his life.
And then 8 years later when Yev is like 17, they’re all back in Chicago for a few days because Yevs got a big soccer game or something for school. Anyway they lose the game. So afterwards, him & his friends sneak out of the hotel and end up getting into a fight with the other team and one of them gets injured so an ambulance is called.
And Yevgeny isn’t hurt or anything, just a black eye and bruised knuckles. So he can’t figure out why the red headed paramedic keeps looking at him like the guy has seen a ghost.
But then, his mom and dad arrive, ready to cuss him out for being so stupid. And Yev notices his dad and the paramedic look at each other with that same stricken expression that the red head was wearing earlier, and he starts to piece it together.
And so 16 years after Ian and Mickey’s break-up, Yevgeny meets his dad’s first love and gets to witness their long road back to each other.
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xxmoonch1ldxx · 6 months
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Ianthony and their children <3
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swiftllama · 6 months
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damienhaas Fathers said that I may have up to two sweets after my meal if I remain polite.
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smosh-tastic · 1 month
stop stop whoa omg omg this is so sweet 🥹🥹 and so hilarious!!! i will never get over this oml
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this made my day bwhaahahahahhaa
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kandyzee · 2 months
Do u guys think Ian thought about mickey when he was gay jesus? Did he think about mickey when he was trying to help all those gay teens with bad homes lives ?? He must have. right? RIGHT??
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thebearer · 9 months
lip gallagher with baby mia when one of the boys accidentally hurts her while they’re playing🥺
"How long you think they'll stay out there?" Lip rasped, hands smoothing down your waist, your hips.
"Hm," You sigh, leaning back against his chest, his chin hooking over your shoulder. "Probably not long enough." You grin.
Lip presses a kiss to your shoulder- inviting. "Think we could make it quick." Lip muttered, hips flush against yours. "Just bend over f'me, I'll be real quick-"
A screech, high pitched and urgent had you both stilling, every parental atom in your bodies halting and jumping with alarm. Lip looked out the window over the sink. Jude, Freddie, and Ronan all standing in a half circle over Amelia.
"Shit," Lip muttered, bounding out the back door towards the kids. "What happened? What's goin' on?" He demanded, looking at his boys with a stern glare.
Amelia sobbed, big tears that streamed down her cheeks, hands and knees skinned and bleeding. "What happened? C'mere, Mia." Lip cooed, picking up the four year old, holding her to his hip.
All three of his boys stared at him, unmoving, a little guilty. "Hey, I'm not askin' again." Lip snapped, firm and commanding. "What happened? How did your sister get hurt?"
You came down the steps, a wet cloth in hand, just in time to see Ronan start to crack. He was your baby, never very good at lying, especially to you.
"Oh, Mia, what happened? Are you ok?" You cooed, running a hand down her messy curls. "Roanie," You looked at your youngest softly. "What happened? Did she fall?"
"Yeah," Jude said before Ronan could answer. "She-She tripped."
"Ronan," You hummed. "Did your sister trip?"
Ronan fidgeted under the looks of you and Lip, unsure and nervous with his brother's beside him. You and Lip knew better, knew that one of them got too rough and pushed her.
"Jude pushed her." Freddie rolled his eyes. "Jude just own up to it. You're gonna get us all in trouble." He muttered.
"I didn't mean to!" Jude snarled, diving at his brother to smack him in a way that contradicted his opposition. "She wanted to play with us, and-and she got in the way!"
"Yeah? You're supposed to be careful." Lip tried to contain his irritation. Jude was a kid, they all were, only seven. "You're not 'sposed to lie to us either. What'd we say about that?"
"It's not fair!" Jude whined, shoulders dropping in a fit. "You make us play with Mia, and she doesn't even know how to! She cries all the time!"
"Hey," Lip snapped.
"Jude," You pressed a hand to Lip's arm soothingly. "You just have to be a little careful with her, ok? She's still little." Jude bristled with anger, lip jutting and face scrunching- he looked just like Lip. "And Mia, when the boys are playing, you need to get out of their way, ok?" You turn towards your youngest.
Lip glares at you, hugging Mia closer to his chest. You fight back an eye roll, he babied her so much- so soft now.
"Take her inside. I'll get the first aid in a sec." You mutter to Lip, nodding towards the door. "C'mere, Judie." You coo, pulling the sulking, young boy close.
"I know you don't like playing with your sister all the time, but thank you for including her." You whisper, your forehead against his. "She loves playing with you."
"I know." Jude sighs, breath a little shaky. "She just... She gets in the way, Mama."
"I know." You hum, hand stroking down his curls. "Just let me know next time, ok? You don't push people down."
"I didn't mean to." Jude whined. "She was in my way."
"Still," You countered. "You don't push. Tell her to move, and if she doesn't, come get me or Daddy, ok?" Jude nods, still a little pouty. "Ok, go play. You guys have about an hour then it's bath time." You announced, pressing a kiss to the top of Jude's head, before the three boys scattered back out to play.
Lip had Mia in his lap, rocking her soothingly while he tried to wipe away the dirt. He was so gentle, holding the cloth to her hands and pressing kisses to the palms. It made your heart burst.
"How's it look?" You ask, reaching under the sink for the First Aid- with four kids, it was always stocked.
"Just scraped." Lip muttered. "Think it just needs Neosporin and some bandaids."
"Does it hurt, baby?" You ask Mia, frowning lightly at her quivering little lip.
"Yeah." Amelia nodded, curling into Lip's lap. "I fell'd, and-and hurt my hands and my knees, Mama." She lisped, rubbing her wet eyes.
"I know. Daddy's been taking care of you, though, hasn't he?" You coo, pulling the Neosporin out. "Here, this will make you feel better, ok? Let Mama put it on."
"Burn?" Mia asked, pulling her hands back frantically before you could put the cream on. You'd had to use peroxide on a cut for her a few weeks ago and she'd screamed at the burn. Now she was terrified all medicine would burn.
"No, not burn. You won't feel this one at all." You hum, slathering her little scrapes in Neosporin. "You wanna pick out your bandaids?"
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jessij1997 · 2 months
"Thank you" @twinklyylights for the weekly prompt on @galladrabbles 😎
"What's about other dinosaurs?" Mickey questioned.
"No. T-Rex eats them AAALL!" Amy replied.
"Oh okay. Got it." Mickey smiled. "So little T-Rex show me your teeth then."
Amy opened her mouth and makes a dangerous sound. Mickey brushed her teeth and then he puts her into bed.
"Is daddy getting better tomorrow?" Amy asked seriously.
"I don't know." He kissed her forehead.
"Give daddy my Rex, pops"
Mickey takes the plushy T-Rex from his daughter and left the room.
He went to the bedroom, layed next to a light depressed Ian. "It's from Amy."
"Thank you" Ian cuddled the purple Rex.
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In S10 of Shameless Ian initially does not want to marry Mickey. When Mickey realizes why he eventually says “when you get over this whole I’m not worthy of love bullshit why don’t you give me a call” and man did that hurt. Combine that with Lip saying he thinks they should get married if that’s what they want, but Ian needs to figure out why he doesn’t want to marry Mickey now and it hurts even more. But then the next episode Ian beats up Mickey’s date (don’t talk shit about Mick) and proposes, and we never confront this idea that Ian doesn’t think he deserves to be loved. And though I loved groomzilla Mickey, the Gallavich wedding, and married them in S11 I just really wish the writers would have given Ian time to love himself and realize he deserves love
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