🐭⚽ Let the battle begin! It's time to conquer the Blood Bowl field with your fierce and furry team!
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councilof13 · 8 years
Last year was a bit of a tough one for my hobby progress, the kids take up so much of my time and I’ve really struggled to get much done. I’m hoping that as they’re a bit older, I might start to get a little bit more opportunity to progress. 
We’re moving into our first home early next month and I’m hoping to get a bit of dedicated space set up which would really help me to be able to work on things. I went through a spell of using my Project Box and that was really invaluable in what little hobby time I did manage to pull together last year.
Fingers crossed for some updates soon with lovely pictures of painted minis. It feels like way too long since I’ve lifted a brush in anger.
Happy new year to you all, thanks again for all the amazing feedback you give me, it really helps me to improve and motivate myself to keep at it!
May 2017 bring you many victories and leave your enemies annihilated before you! ;)
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