#dadifer returns
morningbloodystar · 3 months
Ddddddddddaddddddd wear the sparkly hat!
The things I do for you people....
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buckbylightning · 1 year
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ruewrites · 2 years
Something Broken and Something New
Ships: Diavolo/Lucifer
Word Count: 3085
Warnings: None
This has been in the works for a while! But I am finally starting to get through my WIPs! Yaaaay! Anywho I am super stoked to be posting for this au again! I still absolutely adore it, it's so good and @lefthanddraws ( @requiem-for-the-left-hand) is super talented!
Comments are appreciated!
It would have been a day like any other. It could have been a day like any other. He would have started the day off with his coffee and giving the sun a run for its money on his way to work. He would sit down and start to analyze each and every single one of the stacks of papers that stood menacingly before him before picking one to start with. If it was a good day, he wouldn’t have to deal with a single one of his brother’s shenanigans. It would be a somewhat stress free day, not completely, but it would do. If it wasn’t one of those lucky days, Lucifer could only hope that half of Tokyo wasn’t already ablaze by nine. 
Lucifer leaned back into his chair with a sign, flipping through his notes for the day and orienting meetings scheduled long ago in his mind. Most important were his meetings with Diavolo. It couldn’t be any other way.  Diavolo was the number one, the head, whatever he said went without question. Of course this didn’t mean that Lucifer didn’t try to advise him every now and again. However, sometimes he had to wonder if Diavolo even heard him. He wasn’t a stubborn man (although he also wasn’t not a stubborn man) he was simply-
He set his mind to something and suddenly it was the only thing that existed, a goal that had to come to fruition. Most of the time his plans were part of a bigger plan for a future he could see on the horizon. In short, Lucifer didn’t envy Barbatos in the slightest, especially not when his job entailed wrangling Diavolo most of the time and making sure he didn’t miss his appointments on top of completing his work. Poor, poor Barbatos. Maybe one day some angel above would smile upon him and present him with an opportunity to have even a tiny break. God, wouldn’t they all love a break. But the days never slowed and problems always seemed to pile up. There would always be cogs to turn and work that piled up no matter how quick a pen scrawled across paper. 
What a life, keep going until you break, if you break. And if you break you pray you aren’t broken beyond repair. And in those prayers you beg that a broken person never turns out to be someone you love more than life itself. 
But all of that was a lifetime ago now, even if some days it seemed like only mere minutes had passed.
Lucifer gripped his cup a little tighter, made his eyes focus a little longer. If he became engrossed in his work, that would become his sole focus. If he could only tune out the world a little longer. That was until his world came crashing through his office door.
His world was a whirlwind of a man: strong and chaotic. A mere gust of his breath could blow an entire army away. 
“I have a job for us, a special job.”
And Lucifer tried his hardest to be an unbending wall. 
“I already have plenty of jobs I need to fulfill Diavolo. Jobs that are important for the wellbeing of the family.” Someone had to keep Diavolo grounded, and in reality it took two someones to complete the task. He had to be strong against Diavolo’s whirlwind will. He had to-
Diavolo placed a hand on his shoulder, eyes shining with intent. "I think you can make an exception for this job."
It was that moment that Lucifer finally noticed that Cerberus, his ever so loyal Cerberus, was at attention. His lips were pulled back in the beginnings of a snarl, his hair stood on ends, and a low growl rumbled in the back of his throat.  Cerberus never growled at Diavolo. In fact, he was one of the very few people the dog actually allowed to pet him. With him, Cerberus seemed like an average everyday puppy.
His eyes followed the dog's gaze to behind Diavolo's legs. How he missed this, he had no idea, maybe he really was more sleep deprived than he thought. A young girl, who could have been no older than eight, peaked out from behind Diavolo's legs. Her fist wrinkled his suit pants that Barbatos had no doubt spent hours ironing, and her tears stained his expensive fabrics. Maybe he should get some rest, if she had been some sort of enemy they'd both be dead right now. 
The command for Cerberus to heel left his mouth is a single breath. As the dog relaxed, Lucifer returned to the work at his desk. "I'm not a babysitter Diavolo."
"Lucifer, she was all on her own, lost and afraid."
"Take her to Asmodeus then. He's good with kids." Certainly better than Lucifer would ever be. 
"Asmodeus isn't here." 
Lucifer stopped. Placing his pen on the table he turned once again to meet Diavolo's gaze. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and his smirk was quirked in a way that Lucifer knew he believed he had already won their little debate. 
"Don't you remember?" he continued, "Our little doctor friend took him out to the hot springs for their- oh how long have they been together now?"
"Too long."
Lucifer didn't keep it a secret that he was not fond of a man like that pursuing Asmodeus. Sleeping with him was one thing. Lucifer could care less about their relationship with the doctor as a client. It was when Solomon started getting a little too touchy and when that puppy love in his eyes started to become a bit more evident that Lucifer had started becoming concerned. It was one thing to catch them tangled up together, it was another to find them lost in each other's eyes and for Asmo to take him home.
The last thing Asmodeus needed was a liability.
Lucifer was more than aware Asmodeus could have anyone he wanted, yet he chose a man like that. A man who'd crawled from garbage. The why would probably forever escape him. What did Asmo see in him? What could that man offer him? He doubted he actually had a medical license, and he didn't exactly live a lifestyle that Asmo was accustomed too. But to top it all off he was just so…
Lucifer would never understand it. Never.
"Don't say things like that, Lucifer," Diavolo put a firm hand on his shoulder, "I think Solomon adores your little jewel, and from the looks of things Asmodeus, couldn't be happier."
"That's what I'm worried about."
Lucifer went silent, he could feel his mind slipping off to a far, far off place.  He didn't want to go, but he also couldn't find it within him to resist. He was losing his grip, so Diavolo tightened his own on his shoulder. "You know, I think this job would really be good for you."
Diavolo was closer to his ear now. His breath was hot and wet, sending memories dancing across Lucifer's skin. 
But no. He wouldn't give in. He had to stay steadfast. He couldn't bend to Diavolo's will. He had to stick to his guns.
He wouldn't give in.
Lucifer couldn't believe he gave in. Damn Diavolo. Damn him straight to hell with his silver tongue. How dare he know Lucifer so well. How dare he know how to pluck his strings. How dare he.
"So, you said you lost your parents in the marketplace, yes? And then you ended up wandering away and down the alleyway?" Diavolo had the little girl on his shoulders. She sniffled and nodded. The quietest of yes's left her lips and she nodded atop Diavolo's head. "I see, well you have no need to fear young lady, we'll make sure you're delivered home safe and sound." 
How Diavolo could make such promises, he would never know. You could never assure the future. Promises were made to be broken by the twisted fingers of fate. It was cruel and cold, but that was simply how life worked. It would try to break you, you just had to resist. 
Cerberus trotted  closely by his heel. His gait never  broke for a second and his claws hit the pavement with exact precision. 
Tip. Tap.
Tip. Tap.
Quick like tiny drum beats.
Tip. Tap. 
Tip. Tap. 
“Lucifer? Are you in there?” 
Lucifer blinked. Was he in there?
“I asked you if you wanted to get ice cream. It’s a nice day and we're out here," Diavolo's smile was more blinding than the sun, "Plus, kids love ice cream."
Lucifer let out a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. One day, one day, this man would be the death of him. Diavolo's eyes were glued to him. He knew that look, he knew it so well. That was the look Lucifer got when he did something Diavolo liked. He let his hand dropped down the side of his neck, giving himself a moment before he spoke. "It doesn't matter what I actually think, does it?"
"I care what you think!"
"I didn't say you didn't."
The little girl on Diavolo's shoulders piped up, "I want ice cream!"
Well, it seemed like her tears were momentarily forgotten, and Lucifer prefered that to the crying. Why did Asmodeus have to be gone with that sad excuse of a man? If he were here he could care for the child easily. Lucifer wasn't good with little ones. They made him uncomfortable. But the child had seemed to make their decision for them, and Lucifer definitely prefered her happily humming and eating the sweet treat rather than her crying.
"Lucifer! Say 'Ah'," Diavolo was holding an amalgamation of whipped cream, sprinkles, fudge, and Lucifer supposed there was ice cream in there somewhere. It would be disgustingly sugary sweet, much like Diavolo himself. Well, on the inside.  They didn't need rivals knowing who Diavolo was soft on. They didn't need them knowing he was soft at all, and that made this little mission all the more dangerous.
The spoon pressed closer to his lips, cold metal begging for entry into his mouth. Lucifer glanced up, meeting hopeful golden eyes. This really wasn't an appropriate way to hold themselves in public. It was far from appropriate actually. What would something like this do to their credibility? 
Diavolo pressed further.
Lucifer gave in.
The metal spoon was hard and tangy on his tongue, but the ice cream gave away so easily. It was rich and sweet, quickly blending into the warmth of his own mouth. When Diavolo pulled the spoon back the aggression of the metal left quickly, but the sweetness lingered long in its absence.
"Has he never had ice cream before?"
The child's voice was barely above a whisper as she looked back up at Diavolo. 
"I believe he has, he's just a prideful man."
"He doesn't wanna admit he likes ice cream?" 
She turned to look at him now, completely scandalized by the idea that Lucifer could like ice cream, but never admit to enjoying the tasty treat, "You're sad mister!"
What a bold child. If only she had any clue who she was speaking to. Diavolo's booming laughter filled the spaces all around them, not even attempting to hide them. Lucifer would be lying if he said he wasn't fighting back a smile. Part of him wanted to allow himself to smile, but he knew that he couldn't. It wouldn't be as harmless as his mind would have him pretend it was.
"And on that note, I believe it is time for us to continue to search for your parents."
Lucifer couldn't give this child back soon enough.
If only the universe didn't hate him as much as it did. Lucifer didn't think he could be any more anxious than he'd been getting ice cream, but the longer they walked around the districts the more anxious he became. He was almost positive they were going in circles at this point. He was certain they were going in circles at this point. They were taking directions from a child, of course they were going in circles!  What other outcome could they possibly expect? None! There was no other outcome! This was ridiculous. They shouldn't be doing this, someone else should, anyone else would have been better.  Anyone.
"We can't keep doing this," Lucifer growled, rubbing his temples with his fingers. He could feel the beginnings of a migraine palpitating in the back of his skull.
"What do you mean?"
Lucifer didn't need to look at Diavolo to know his brow was furrowed. There was a slight change in his voice, a hesitation. It was if he was trying to work out the answer to his question before words were even spoken. Or maybe Lucifer just knew him well, maybe he was just adding an explanation where there was none.
"We need to return now. We can't keep wandering around like this."
Now he would have to prepare himself. 
"It should just be the next apartment-"
"We've passed by the 'next apartment' five times now Diavolo," Lucifer had to put his foot down. They couldn't be doing this anymore. It was getting ridiculous, "We're going back and doing things my way."
"But Lucifer-"
"Do not 'but Lucifer' me, we are going back now."
A comprehensive list of things Lucifer thought could have definitely gone better.
Number one.
Whatever the fuck just happened back there.
The crying had been unbearable. He was practically begging for something, anything to make the child stop crying. What he managed to scrounge together was a notepad, a pen, and something that he assumed was some type of candy.  He didn't know what he'd done per say, but it did work. 
Slowly he typed away on his computer, keeping one eye on the child to make sure she didn't destroy anything in his office or get into trouble. All of this trouble would be over soon enough. Lucifer had managed to narrow their options down to three developments based on information the child had given them and he was pretty confident in his findings. Now all they had to do was take her to each one and hope someone knew who her parents were.
He couldn't do this much longer.
He wasn't good with kids.
He was never good with little ones.
Asmodeus was much better with them than he was, he knew how to make them smile and keep them from making that horrible horrible crying, but he was off with that man doing who knows what. If only he was still like he'd been when he was younger, always looking to Lucifer for advice and hanging on to every word he had to say.
All his brothers had been cute when they were younger (and maybe they still could be now, but he'd never admit it). 
He opened a drawer at his desk and moved some files aside to reveal his secrets below: a little pile of crude drawings done in crayon. Some things could be made out, people, the sun, sometimes animals-
But they all had one thing in common: each one was made by one of his siblings. 
Lucifer took a long look at them. They were memories from a different time, a time that was so far away from now. 
But maybe he had done this once before.
Maybe there was a slim chance-
He put his face in his hands and dragged them down from his hair. He had to be out of his mind. But perhaps he could pull it off one final time. He rose from his desk and wandered over to where the child sat, not paying him any mind as he took a seat behind her.
Perhaps he wasn't broken beyond repair.
"So, what are you drawing?"
Diavolo fidgeted with his sleeve. 
Lucifer wasn't pleased with him.
He hadn't seen an emotion like that directed at him in quite a long time. And maybe he deserved it dragging Lucifer around all day, but it had been fun hadn't it? Hadn't they enjoyed themselves? Didn't they have a good time?
Diavolo thought so.
They got to walk around and eat ice cream like a little family! Did they borrow someone's lost child to do it? Yes, but it was necessary! Perhaps if he spoke to Lucifer he could convince him into one more fun outing! They could go to dinner!
He needed to apologize first. Lucifer was not happy, and an unhappy Lucifer would absolutely not want to go to dinner with him.
He straightened his attire before hesitantly knocking on the office door.
"Lucifer? I'd like to speak with you if you're there."
No answer. Was he not speaking to him? Or did he take the child out himself to look for her parents?
"Are you there? Lucifer, I wanted to apologize."
Still no answer.
He wanted only a few seconds longer before opening the door and poking his head inside.  
And oh did the sight before him surprise him.
Lucifer was asleep. Reading spectacles falling down his nose and a book dangling from his hand.  His other arm was wrapped securely around the small child, protecting her as she slept on his chest. Slight snores left him occasionally as his chest rose and fell.
Diavolo was in absolute awe of the sight. It was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen. The only being he’d seemed to disturb was Cerberus, who lifted his head to see who had entered the office space. He held his breath as he walked closer, afraid to break the moment but wanting to make sure it was real. A smile crept onto his face as he dared pull some of Lucifer's hair and press a kiss to his forehead. He then took a picture, for memories sake, and removed Lucifer's gasses from his face. 
A new giddiness filled him as he left the room. He'd have Barbatos prep dinner for all of them, and then they'd reunite the child with her family. After all, they couldn't return her on an empty stomach, it would be nothing short of rude.
And he hadn't seen Lucifer that relaxed in a while.
Perhaps they should find lost children to return more often. 
It would certainly give him an excuse to spend more time with Lucifer.
And Diavolo thought that was a very lovely idea indeed.
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kristsune · 3 years
There was plenty of silliness that followed the boys throughout the many games that were attempted last week, including but not limited to: soupsoupsoup aka new emotes by pentoll, shUT UP Tim, the brothers describe the difference between (American) football and rugby, see with the peepers and think with your squishy cloud (screenshot), purple letters first, mom vs mum, the dadification of BJ, New Jersey accents enter the stream, I agree with the lack of accurate zoology for snakes, full quivering crouch, weeeeee I didn’t make it!, do am a fancy lad!, ya winnin’ son?, HaVe yoU MeT mY GoOd FriEnD tHe MaSTeR CHieF, New Jersey accents make a return, Ben is right, its just America who knows where anything is, Ben’s Space Station Wagon, brave little boy, Big Boys, we all feel like cats watching a bright flashy screen, Tim did a win!, And no Tim, you didn’t assign that. and Oh No Chonk Boys. 
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art by erebusodora, screenshots by me
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