#daemon x machina was a great game dont get me wrong
weirdunclegamer · 1 year
I might hafta take my week off for my birthday in august a little later then usual...
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isaacathom · 6 years
its time for me to yell
ooh fuck thems robots. this looks really nice. hyping me as fuck. loving this beat. oh my god they blueballed me what the fuck was that cut. daemon x machina...... nieeat.
ooh, xenoblades. wai- wait didnt they just release that a while ago. that yellow haired lady is VERY familiar. hold on. hold on whats happening. is this a sequel or dlc. those are characters from that recent xenoblades. oh, dlc, kickass.
reggiiiieeee hello. reggie we know what a swich is. reggie. Reggie. oh lets go.... they looks ok i guess. what if i just play like, pokemon go............. ok.
reggie can we see something like, Cool. reggie pls.  PLS SHOW
im ready maybe? am i ready? i dont - mario party. yea ok. thats fair. id probably play it if i had Friends. multi switch is kickass though. i do love that. shame i have No Friends. i do have some nostalgia for mario party though??? which is weird..... because.... ok yknow what it is. its because i have nostalgia for a mario party -esque game from my primary school computers. smth to do with dungeons and dragons. the volcano exploded.
seros???? SEROS???? am i being fucking called out. fire emblem?????? THREE HOUSES??? OH NO???? DONT FUCK ME AGAIN LIKE THIS.  DO NOT FUCK ME AGAIN LIKE WE DID WITH FATES.
Oh it looks fucking great though........ oh it looks fantastic. like it looks really good. the interactivity with filler units gives me uhhh dynasty warriors vibes, but in a good way.
ok so is three houses its NAME??? or was tat like, a Thing..... i hope its just the name and its a single ver game. not a fan of the split game thing.
idgaf about fortnite. i hope they all have fun. today? nice. thats fun.
hi reggie. reggie no. 10am is, what, 2 hours? 1 hour? i cant math, its 2am, be nice.
oh overcooked 2, cute. im into nindies. killer queen black? oh multiplayer stuff. lads. Lads im begging you. im shit at games. i HOLLOW KNIGHT FOR SWIIIITCH. kickass. i like that. i mean im shit at hollow knight but i Like That.  today??? today??????? TODAYYYYYYY!!!!! FUCK. FUCK ME. I WANT IT. YOU WHORES.
octopathhhhh. ooh, new demo. thats nice. i like those devs committment to iteration and improvement.
sizzle real, i see. its bouncing off me lads. i saw a minecraft rip off tho. paladins now? neat. i cant read 90% of these logos. oh thats twewy. i know that.
shinya- whomst are you. are you the new guy or am i getting confused. i dont.... think he was the new president.... no, wrong guy, ok.
nice cop out, sir. oh this is cute. show me! show me sir! shiny mario. kirby boy...... beautiful boy..... botw link, love him, pls. hi marth.  ALBW ZELDA!!!!!!!! ALBW ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!! A LINK BETWEEN FUCKING WORLDS ZELDA. IM BLESSED. NITNENDO! NINTENDO!!!!!!! NINTENDO IM SO GAY FOR ALBW ZELDA IM BLESSED. OH I LOVE HER. ILL STAY ON THAT POINT BECAUSE I ADORE ALBW ZELDA SO FUCKING MUCH IT HURTS.  I LOVE HER. SAKURAI YOU HAVE BLESSED ME THIS DAY. THANK YOU SIR. I AM BLESSED. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. i am confused that you didnt use botw one? not sure why. but i wont complain. i fucking adore albw zelda. i love her SO FUCKING MUCH. YALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
‘infinity war is the most amibitious crossover of all time’ nintendo: *cracks knuckles*
NEW???? oh. oh we’re going in depth? CAPPY. WEDDING OUTFIT. WHERES THE DRESS YOU COWARD. LET MARIO WHERE HIS DRESS. OH THE DETAILS.  FEMALE PIKACHU. I LOVE HER. I LOVE THIS. HHH. YES. midair charge? kick. heyy yuri lowenthal in my smash games. snake?? snake! snaaaake! im being pummeled but im loving it. pichu!!!! ZELDA!!!!!!! ZELDA. ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZELDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ADORE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!! im gay for zelda so bad
LEAF!!!!!!!!!!!! LEAF LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER! SHES HERE!!! she was removed from let’s go in favour of ???? but here she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
do they wanna remind us advent children exists. three whole links..... my god.. MY BOY! KIRBY MY SON!!! hahahhh dev joke. oh streamline monado, kickass. oooh ganon mm. 12 whole voices..... oh yea pit. man this is hype as fuck. i love the DETAILS. I LOVE THE DETAILS!!! SO NICE!!!
this is delightful but i Will not sleep tonight. oh jeff...... wii fit is still here....... but i love her so its fine. oh this is SO MUCH. THEY KEEP GOING. IM NOT MAD IM JUST IN AWE. THEY DROWN ME IN THIS CONTENT. THEY REALLY WANT ME TO BUY THIS
BRAND NEW?????? DAISY!!!!!!!!!!!! DAISY!!!!! MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FUCKING WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FUCKING ADORE DAISY! YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!! MY WIFE IS HERE!!!!!!!!IM IN LOVE. IM DESPERATE
NEW!!!!!! Oh. i was excited for a sec but yea, inkling. i do love her. pls tell me she can have the splat 2 look too, i love that look... splat 2 inkiins? no? ih ok. 
holy shit it keeps going. they cant have time for animal crossing........... how can we have time. NINTENDOGS ASSIST TROPHY. NINTENDO DOGS.  oh delightful. oh this is content lads. oh my god i fucking Nut everytime i see zelda, oh my god...... yall dont understand......... how much i love her.............. my girlfriend. SPIRIT TRAIN!!!!!!! SPIRIT TRAIN!!!!! THEYVE ACKNOLWEGDED SPIRIT TRACKS. IM DYING. LADS. NITNENDO IS DIRECTLY CALLING ME OUT. THESE FUCKERS KNOW I LOVE ALBW AND SPIRIT TRACKS AND TEYVE GIVEN ME BOTH. LADS IM BEING CALLED OUT.
oh fuck me i need a fucking switch dont i.
oh my god it never ends..... my hips killing me. nintendo i came here for animal crossing. 
is that a camecube controller. IT IS. WHY. BUT WHY. I KNOW HATS COOL BUT WHY.
come on..... give it to me..... im ready sakurai........ im ready...... im prepared. im open....... im o- uh? huh? is this star wars? oH MY GOD. oh damn. so ridley, ok. fucking nice. i dont like, feel anything about ridley, but fucking Nice. OH MAN. THERE HE IS. THERES THE BOY. OH MY GOD. A MADMAN. THE POWER.
just 4 fighters from the sex number nintendo, you can Do it. i know you wont but jsut Imagine that shit. just think about it.
anyway 2 mins left, yall fuckers got like, animal crossing. december 7th, nice. into it.
IS THAT IT??????????? WAS THAT IT???????? DAMMIT!!!!!! ANIMAL CROSSING???? doesnt exist.................. my depression.............
anyway i love zelda im fuckin deceased.......... i love her so much............................................... im deceased................ she slew me............ hhh
ok i need to sleep its fucking nearly 3am adios bitches <3
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