#daemyra beach scene
baxterbella24 · 5 months
There are new stills from season 2 everywhere, with the new costumes and wigs and beautiful hair and face cards, but I decided to share this today because there are still people claiming Emma and Matt don't have any chemistry, and well, I lack mental sanity to do anything more productive. Enjoy or ignore, whatever suits you. Without watermark because there is no point. Love.
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thequeenwechoose · 4 months
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House of the Dragon Countdown to Season 2
Day 11: Favorite Scene
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whateveryeah · 1 year
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arabian-bloodstream · 2 years
Unpopular take: The Daemon/Rhaenyra sex scene was much better directed than the Rhaenyra/Crispin sex scene. Much more realistic, just much better overall.
Rhaenyra was a sheltered virgin who had only been exposed to sexual exploits THAT NIGHT for a brief period, and yet there she was on top, doing all different kind of positions, an expert at the art of seduction, taking the lead. Really? Girl was a virgin, and yet, in a few short hours, she’s riding Crispin with a satisfied smile on her face like a seasoned pro. Really? Really!?
Compare that to the Daemon/Rhaenyra scene where Rhaenyra had given birth about a 4-6 weeks prior. There was hesitation, vulnerability because of the emotional distance between her and Daemon. The last time that they had been in this type of a situation, Daemon had literally left her wanting and vulnerable, refusing her touch. Literally. The last time they had spoken, he had literally left her standing in a room, abandoned her.
Dude had literally abandoned her... twice in a freaking row. So, here Rhaenyra was putting herself out there emotionally, sexually, saying, “I want you.” Offering her heart, her body, all of her to him. Of course, it was going to be tentative, hesitant. And for Daemon, he didn’t look away from her. He was soft, he was slow, he took his time, revealing himself to her. Kissing her slowly, gently, assuring her with his look, with his touch, with his kiss that this time he wasn’t running away, leaving her, abandoning her again.
And as the encounter continued, the passion built, but it wasn’t two separate people finding their passion separately--as had been the case with Rhaenyra and Crispin. Nope, Daemon and Rhaenyra were with each other every step of the way. And in the end, in that final moment, Rhaenyra’s look was one of a warrior who had achieved success because she had finally (FINALLY!) gotten what she wanted.
There really was no comparison. None at all.
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theroguequeen · 2 years
Daemon and rhaenyra having their beach reunion while the kids got into a whole lot of trouble and them coming back and rhaenyra realizing that while she got reunited with the love of her life and finally doing the dirt with daemon everything once again became a bloody mess was in a way a little bit hilarious but I loved the way she just needed 0.3 seconds to activate the protective mom and queen modus.
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dreamsuvivor · 2 years
I’m sure people would appreciate the chemistry between Emma and Matt more… IF THEY COULD ACTUALLY FUXING SEE IT.
Lightning department count your days
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HOTD 1x07: Rhaenyra x Daemon - Beach Scene
“- Laenor has been restless for years, but now, he will be useless. Or worse. I know better than anyone that our marriage is a farce. But I at least make the effort to maintain appearances.  - You have more to lose.  - Yes, well, that has been my lot since my father named me heir. We did try... to conceive a child. We performed our duty as best we could. But to not avail. There was no joy in it. I found that elsewhere. If felt good to be desired.  - I understand Ser Harwin was quite...devoted to you.  - Should’ve forbidden Ser Harwin from returning to the Riverlands. Harren’s curse is said to be as strong now as it was after the Conquest.  - That’s a ghost story, one Ser Otto and the Queen would gladly exploit.  - I do not believe Alicent capable of cold murder.  - Each of us is capable of depravity. And more than you would believe.  - I believe it of you.  - If you’re accusing me of some depravity, you’ll need to be more specific.  - I’ve been alone. You abandoned me. - I spared you. You were a child. - Yes. Yes, I was a child. And look at what my life became without you. Droll tragedy.  - And I wonder what you think of mine by comparison?  - I know little of it. Did you love her? - We were happy enough.  - Well, that in itself is a great achievement. I am sorry. - Don’t be.  - I am at least allowed to mourn my losses.    Rhaenyra.  - I’m no longer a child. I want you.
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emmadarcyextra · 2 years
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Emma D'Arcy's new behind the scene photo. There on the beach, they eyes are closed. I am wondering if they retreated into their inner-being. The unending whispers of the waves can lull any soul. Being attuned to nature, I believe Emma D'Arcy did embrace their surrounding.
I edited out a couple of the folks from the photo because Emma D'Arcy is the focal point. Always.
A few lines of poetry by me.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 10 months
Okay, I have to say, Queen Rhaenyra looks too hot. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
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I seriously hope she’s looking at Daemon.
From what I hear, we can expect one hell of a Daemyra sex scene.
They better bring it! And none of that beach darkness shit. I want light, hotness, sexiness, passion, love - the whole shebang!
If that is Daemon she is looking at…I just know he won’t be able to resist her!
People, get working on a fic!
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
Eleventh Doctor x reader fluff disguised as smut because it’s actually the reader’s first time and they’re really nervous. But the Doctor’s incredibly sweet and patient. Kind of inspired by the Daemyra scene from episode seven? I’m still not over it.
a/n: wow wow wow I cannot tell you how much I loved this!! seriously this was so much fun to write and so perfect for my first request! thank you so so much, anon, I really hope you like it!
word count: 3.2k
cw: some angst and hurt/comfort vibes in the beginning, worries of unrequited love - but it all gets resolved, so much build up, definitely gets spicy later on, I think the request pretty much sums it up
ps. if you want The Feels, the song I imagine them dancing to is The Night We Met by Lord Huron
A Thing Of Poetry
Your cheeks flush as reality begins to settle around you, adrenaline leaving your senses far more alert than you'd like. The chill of the ocean breeze does little to cool your skin, let alone soothe your ego, and it all seems a terrible joke that despite having a Time Lord by your side, you're incapable of erasing this moment from history.
You'd need only travel a few minutes into the past, just enough to create a distraction, some sort of loud noise that would send you both back to his blue box, or out exploring beyond the sands. It wouldn't be anything serious, not in the big scheme of things. Of course, there was always the chance that your past self would run into your current self and tear a hole in the fabric of space and time, which admittedly seemed rather an extreme risk for what essentially amounted to an embarrassment. It's also exactly why the Doctor would never allow it, and it isn't as if you could fly the Tardis without him. Not that you would want to. You can't imagine one without the other.
No, the only thing you truly want right now is for this unbearable, almost unbelievable silence to end. He's the Doctor, your Doctor, who not a few hours ago managed to talk for ten minutes straight without so much as taking a breath. The same man who once explained water in such a way that by the end of it, even the poor fish was confused. The Time Lord who has a clever, if not somewhat silly reply to everything and everyone in the whole of the universe, and yet, here and now, seems incapable of uttering a single word.
You've done the impossible in rendering him speechless, and you're not entirely sure how to feel about it. Unsettled seems a good word. Awkward, chastened, terrified, the list goes ever on, but you're trying not to dwell on it too much. Instead, you attempt to refocus your attentions by observing him, hoping to discern something of an understanding from his movements.
He stares at you with wide eyes, unreadable save for the obvious shock. His long lashes continue to flutter the way they always do when excited or nervous, and his fingers are trailing along his bottom lip as if examining a precious artifact.
You wonder if you've made a terrible mistake.
His gaze begins to wander, drifting from yours to the midnight sea stretched before you. At the end of a trying day and a few near misses, he'd asked to take you here, a moonlit beach at the edge of the world. A world, he said, where dragons once roamed. Your face lit up at the mere mention.
I knew you'd love it.
You'd nestled yourselves in the sand, just a little distance from the incoming tide. You hadn't any blankets or towels, only a knit jumper and his body heat to keep you warm. It had been, by all accounts, the perfect evening.
It might have stayed that way.
You never should have kissed him.
Your Doctor lets out a deep sigh, a sound so uncertain, you think your heart might break. You can't bear the silence a minute longer.
"I'm sorry," you choke as you haul yourself to your feet, all but running back to the Tardis.
"Y/n," he murmurs. His voice is soft and painfully kind, enough to make you consider turning back. You can't help but imagine the way he'd wrap his arms around you, holding you tightly as he kissed the top of your head, comforting and consoling you until the dawn. All you want is to snuggle into him, but you're already fighting back tears, and it doesn't seem fair to let the Doctor see you cry.
You force yourself to keep going. He says your name again, louder this time as he shuffles about the sand. You hear him curse (his idea of cursing, anyway) as he slips, unable to get a firm footing, but you keep your eyes fixed straight ahead as you trudge across the beach. Knowing his coordination, or lack thereof, you have a few minutes before he catches up with you.
You find yourself trembling as you fling yourself into the Tardis, propping the door shut behind you. She rumbles, seeming to sense your distress.
"I'm alright," you mumble, burying your face in your hands. "I'll be alright."
The Tardis lets out a low groan.
"I know," you heave a sigh. "I don't buy it, either."
You run your hand along the rails as you make your way towards the stairs. You plan on going straight to bed, but you've not made it two steps into the hall before you find yourself on the other side of the console.
You swear you can hear crickets chirping as you glance around. Did you take a wrong turn? You must've done.
You give your head a good shake before returning to the stairs, taking them two at a time and heading to your right. You end up exactly where you were a few seconds ago, steps away from the Tardis console, in full view of the doors.
"Oh, god, no." Your voice is little more than a whine. Even to your own ears, you sound like a child, but you can't bring yourself to care. "No, no, no, don't do this to me," you plead with the ship, panicking as you hear the Doctor's voice getting closer.
You run up the stairs again, though you don't know why you bother. The Tardis keeps putting you back in the console room, determined for you to be there when the Doctor arrives. Unfortunately for the both of you, you're too stubborn to simply give in.
"You're just like him, you know," you grumble as you head up the stairs, yet again. "Neither of you play fair."
The Tardis hums sympathetically. Where do you think he learned it from?
You snort as you keep walking. The whole thing becomes somewhat soothing - like walking in a circle without getting dizzy. That's how he finds you, arguing with his old girl while walking in a loop, disappearing up the stairs before reappearing seconds later on the other side.
You're too caught up in your own whirlwind of frustrations to notice the Doctor, who's currently leaning against one of the rails and smiling something proud.
Look at you.
Stomping around the Tardis, arguing with her as if she were your own, refusing to surrender despite knowing you can't possibly win...right now, you look a little less human and a little more Time Lord.
Though he tries to suppress it, you can't help but hear his giggle. You turn on your heel with a glare, staring him down. "What?" You flinch at the venom in your voice, but it doesn't seem to fluster him in the least. He just keeps on beaming.
"Oh, nothing, nothing at all," he chuckles as he rubs his hands together, a cheeky glint in his eye. "Just reminding me of meself."
You cross your arms. "Oh, am I?"
The Tardis gives another little rumble, which the Doctor matches in turn. "Yes," he smirks, straightening his bow tie. "Yes, you are."
You try desperately to cling to your anger, an ire so warm it's nearly burned away even the deepest of insecurities, but it doesn't stand a chance against your Doctor. His lopsided grin is already beginning to quell your irritation, leaving you more vulnerable than you'd like. Anxiety trembles in your core while shame coils itself around your heart and in an instant, you remember why you're stuck in this predicament in the first place.
You never should have kissed him.
You chew at the inside of your cheek, offering him a small smile you hope looks sincere. Of course, it doesn't help that you can barely meet his gaze.
In four long strides, he's made his way over to you, eyes alert and brows furrowed. "Something's wrong." His voice is low, a slight growl in the back of his throat the way there always is when he's serious.
You shake your head. "I'm fine."
"No, you're not," he mutters, looking you up and down as if you're something to be analyzed, searching for a crack in the surface. Your Doctor, always looking for some physical wound, some stretch of skin easily mended. You feel exposed when his cheeks flush, realization dawning on his features.
You manage a nod, gulping down a bit of tension. "Yeah."
"Oh, Y/n," he sighs as he leans in, closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against yours. His breath is warm on your skin, like a campfire beneath an autumn moon. If only you could stop thinking of his lips.
"I'm sorry," you mumble.
He pulls away just then, making you regret having said anything at all. "For what?"
He's looking at you with such concern, at once both gentle and steadfast. It certainly isn't a help to your poor heart, which is beating approximately five times faster than it should be. He's really going to make you say it, isn't he?
Your fingers are shaking as you run a hand through your hair, forcing yourself to look at your shoes, at the console, anywhere but his face. "I shouldn't have kissed you."
Kissed. Such a small word, a thing of poetry, and yet it feels like an awkward curse as it tumbles out of your mouth, tasting of something forbidden. You feel so tiny. So silly. You just wish you could disappear. You just wish he could say something to make it all better.
Well, that isn't what you had in mind.
You bounce on the balls of your feet, completely overwhelmed with nervous energy. "Why did I kiss you?"
"Why are you sorry?"
You perk up, daring to look at him as a little spark of hope begins to flutter in your chest. His brows are still furrowed, confusion etched on every line of his face, both endlessly ancient and unfathomably young. Such a beautiful contradiction, your Doctor. The way he's looking at you...
"I...your reaction," you stammer. "I thought you didn't like...I thought you didn't want..."
You trail off as he breaks into a grin, taking your face in both of his hands and again, you find yourself feeling tiny. This time, you don't mind it so much.
"Oh, Y/n." His voice is soft, almost a whisper. His thumb grazes your cheek, wiping away a fallen tear. "My silly, wondrous, Y/n."
You're about to say something, ask him a question, perhaps, but you never get the chance. His lips are already brushing against yours, immeasurably soft with a tender passion you had only ever dreamt of. Your breath catches itself in your throat as his long lashes tickle your skin, his grip on you tightening as he loses himself in a kiss filled with a lifetime of yearning.
You wrap your arms around his waist, pulling him close until his chest is against yours and you can feel his hearts, both beating almost as quickly as your own. You can't stop yourself from moaning into his mouth as he presses you up against the rails, no more than you can help the shiver down your spine when he echoes it back to you.
You find yourself trembling as he pulls away, admiring the slight blush that still lingers on his cheeks. "I've wanted to do that since the moment you first stumbled into my Tardis," he murmurs, offering a smile as sweet as it is mischievous. He sweeps his thumb across your lower lip, chuckling as you suppress another moan. "I never imagined you wanted the same."
"More than anything in the world," you admit, swallowing down a shaky breath.
He gives you a wink. "Which one?" God, he's sly.
You slide your hands down his chest, wrapping your fingers around his suspenders and giving them a playful snap. You could swear he growls in response. "All of them, Doctor. I want you more than all of them."
He takes one of your hands in his, eyes refusing to leave yours. He presses his lips against the soft skin of your wrist, gentle, and yet desperately possessive. "What are we waiting for?"
He slowly leads you around the console, drawing you nearer the stairs, but despite the fact that your desire is growing by the second, you can't ignore the nervousness in the pit of your stomach.
You curse your voice for wavering, wishing you could maintain any semblance of the confidence you felt a minute ago. If you're being entirely honest, part of you is terrified. Not of the Doctor, never of the Doctor, but of disappointing him. After all, you aren't as experienced as most humans, let alone a thousand year old Time Lord.
He needs only glance at your expression to see your apprehensiveness, and it doesn't take a moment for him to spring into action. The lust in his gaze is replaced with something softer as he strokes the back of your hand. "Y/n?" he asks, his voice overflowing with care.
"I...I haven't...well, you know how some people...you know, most people..."
His forehead is all scrunched up as he tries to make sense of your words. You can't blame him, of course, you can hardly make sense of them, yourself. You hadn't thought any of this out, but you're determined to get through to the end.
"I'm what you might consider," you continue, uncertainly, "well, that is to say that I'm not one to have participated in...you know, I've never..."
Mercifully, understanding flashes in the Doctor's eyes before you manage to butcher another sentence.
"I see." He runs a hand over his jaw, eyes darting about the console room as he contemplates. You start to curse yourself again, worrying you'd ruined it all. You shouldn't have said anything. Why did you always have to say something?
"Oi, you," he murmurs, kind but firm. "Stop that."
"Getting lost in that head of yours." You nod sheepishly. He's right, seeing through your anxieties as he so often does.
"Doctor?" you ask, hesitantly. "I want this. I wasn't lying, earlier. I want this more than anything, and maybe I shouldn't have told you-"
"Oi," he interrupts, wagging his finger like the silly old man that he is. "What did I just say?"
"Get out of my own head."
"Exactly." He taps the end of your nose, making you smile and squirm. "I'm glad you told me. If this is what you want-"
It's your turn to interrupt. "It is."
He smiles and squeezes your hand. "Do you trust me?"
You don't even consider your answer. You've known it all along. "Always."
He winks and snaps his fingers. The Tardis dims her lights as music starts playing from the console. A song from your world, a song he knows you love more than anything. The lyrics always made you think of him.
He brings your hand to his lips as he bows, tipping an imaginary hat and beaming when it makes you giggle. He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close, his voice but a whisper in your ear as you dance in the heart of his ship.
"You're divine," he hums, kissing the base of your throat. Your hands slide into his hair as he lightly sucks the sensitive skin, cheeks flushed from the sensations as well as his words. You can feel him smiling as you shiver. "I want to show you."
"Show me, Doctor?" You're nearly breathless. "Show me what?"
He brings his lips back to yours, engulfing you in a kiss so longing, so endless, it cannot but threaten tears at the sheer romance of it all. It nearly shatters you when he breaks away, caressing your cheek as his green eyes, full of stars, pour into yours.
"I want to show you how brilliant you are," he murmurs. "I want to show you just how much I adore you."
You gaze up at him, lashes fluttering as you blush. The music seems quieter, somehow, and it's only when your eyes drift from the Doctor that you realize you're no longer in the console room.
The Tardis, it seems, transported the both of you to your bedroom. You can't help but giggle.
"Too right, old girl," he chuckles, looking up at the ceiling and giving her a salute. "Too right."
He takes off his jacket, draping it over a chair before shrugging off his suspenders. Next is his bow tie, which he slowly unravels and sets gently atop one of your shelves. He's undone two or three of his shirt buttons when you still his hands with yours.
His eyes are twinkling as you make your way down to the last, brushing aside the fabric to run your fingers along his chest. It's his breath that shakes, now, as you explore further, hands toying with the zip of his trousers.
He swallows a moan as he stops you. As much as he wants to know what your hands would feel like around him, it can wait. This night is about you.
With a kiss that leaves you trembling, he begins to undress you, an act that can only be described as reverent. He presses his lips against every inch of your bare skin, the shock of the cool air immediately soothed by the warmth of his breath.
When you're standing before him, all but bare, he sinks to his knees and asks once more if you trust him.
"Yes," you whisper.
He places loving kisses along your hip bones before moving down to your thighs, holding you steady when you begin to quiver with anticipation. Your hands tangle themselves in his hair, gripping tight as he gets closer and closer to your aching sex.
"Please," you beg, not even certain what you're begging for.
He smiles against your skin. "As you wish."
Head between your thighs, you call out for him, your voice little more than a whine as his tongue swirls around you, sucking at your most sensitive spot all but dripping with arousal.
"Doctor," you murmur breathlessly as his fingers slide inside you, unlocking secrets even you were unaware of. He hums your name, the vibrations sending intense waves of pleasure through your core. You cling to him for dear life as you clench around his fingers, your own digging into his scalp.
The orgasm feels endless. You wonder if it is. If the Tardis is somehow looping time, or if the Doctor is simply that good. Something tells you it's the latter. The thought sends a tingle down your spine.
He licks his lips, swallowing your arousal with a moan as he looks up at you with a smile. "Do you have any idea how delicious you taste?"
You giggle as you cover your face, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks yet again. He rises from his knees, kissing his way up your body until his lips are against yours, the ache between your thighs already returning. You're still shivering from his fingers, his tongue, everything he did, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
"Don't worry, my love," he purrs. "The night is just beginning."
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baxterbella24 · 10 months
I made this for another outlet, but I wasn't sure it would've been appropriate to share it there, so I decided to post it here instead. It's nothing out of the ordinary and there certainly are tons of more remarkable fanvids out there, but it's the first one I've ever made even tho I worked as a video editor for several years, so... It's kind of special to me, I guess. I plan to do more in the future, not necessarily for this show or this ship tho, but we'll see what happens. I hope someone enjoys it :)
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cyprus-green · 2 years
Regarding Daemon and Beach Sex
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So I, like most, completely agree that the Beach Sex scene would almost certainly have been better with anyone other than Sapochnik directing. But the people mentioning how appropriate and perfect Daemon and Rhaenyras reactions are, are on the money for me.
To me, this is the apperance of much older, broken and bruised people. Someone mentioned it in the Daemyra discord, but the grief they feel is in large part the loss of 10 years. They're mourning what their lives became because they couldn't (or refused to) be together.
Daemon must feel immense guilt. He knows he's favored his neice. He knows there's something there that calls to him, something deep in his blood, as consuming as it is ancient that calls him to Rhaenyra. He realizes just how deeply in the brothel. And he bolts. She can't see him she can't love him. He fucks his partners from behind , forever taking pleasure. Rhaenyra wants to consume him. Wants him. Her choice (of which women get very few in this world) is this Rouge Prince. His hands were made for violence. For bloodshed. For taking. For fucking.
But we all know that Daemon is , at his core, absolute mush. His most vulnerable self is when he's pressed his forehead against the people he loves. Facing them, presenting himself without looking them in the eye. To look someone in the eye is to open yourself up to rejection.
This night, he warns her. Gives her an easy out. But he's out of excuses. There's no where to run or hide. He can't reason out of this. The fact is that Rhaenyra loves him, wants him, needs him.
Daemon leaving created beautiful and loving --but not supremely fulfilling-- relationships. But what is wasted, what they lose from Daemon's fear is eachother. For 10 years. Daemon loses sight of who he is, without Rhaenyra. He has no home without her.
So this time Daemon doesn't run away. Because there's no where to hide. He's moved across the sea. Had another life. A wife. Children. Male Lovers. None of it satisfied. But now his refuge is gone. Laena was refuge for this wayward Dragon. As Ser Harwin was for Rhaenyra. But their shelters are now gone.
He can't run anymore. Rhaenyra has no one to numb her pain anymore. Daemon left her heart shattered and angry. But like the practical woman she was, she found happiness where she could.
This sex scene is an apology. It's Daemon looking love in the eye, and saying "very well". It's Rhaenyra finally feeling as if she's not alone. If Daemon is by her side, she's invincible. He makes her aware of her own power. He brings out the fire within her. He reminds her that they're made of the same Valyrian stuff. When Daemon looks at Rhaenyra he sees parts of himself. He sees a dragon, desperate for comforts of home.
This love scene is the embodiment of "taking her as she is" but for Daemon. He's craved love and attention the entire time. True attention. He wants to be needed by his family. He wants to be asked to be by his familys side. So when Rhaenyra asks him, when she admits that she needs him, for him. When she makes it clear that through him she's made stronger. She does what Viserys never did. She asks him to be by her side. For good. Forever. She does what he cannot admit to Viserys. He says he needs nothing. Rhaenyra knows. She admits the truth for them both.
The love scene is mature and pensive, but mostly beautiful in how Daemon allows himself to be seen, accepted and consumed. There's no where to hide. And he gives himself up to love.
Pic Credit to Veru on Daemyra Discord
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hllywdwhre · 1 year
Excerpt from the unnamed Daemyra x reader fic
Sorry for any errors, this is just a rough draft. This scene wouldn’t leave my head and I needed to get it out before I exploded.
Tessarion landed on the beach of Dwarfstone a moment after Ser Addam’s unfortunate introduction to Daemon’s anger. It was her’s and Viserea’s landing that distracted Daemon and allowed for Ser Addam to be pulled away from him. Viserea felt the eyes of the Westerosi army on her as she walked up to the stone slab being used as a makeshift table to hold War Councils, but she did not allow for their gazes to intimidate her. The anger she felt was written clearly on her face, no matter how much she felt the anger was stupid. She was a princess, and she knew that part of her responsibilities were to be wed and have children; she wasn’t angry at her responsibilities. She was angry at Viserys for claiming she and Rhaenyra would have their choice only for her own choice to be rejected immediately.
“We don’t need any help from the King.” Daemon said, his tone sharp and almost offended at her arrival.
“Do you really believe the King allowed for the Princess he views as another daughter of his to leave the safety of the keep and enter a war ground?” Viserea replied, mimicking his tone.
“Then why are you here?” He asked.
“I’m here to fight.” Viserea said, and before she could reply, a knight in the Velaryon colors whose name Viserea didn’t know spoke up.
“You’re a Princess. A war ground is no place for you, you need to be back in King’s Landing where it’s safe. You’re much too valuable.” His tone showed sincere worry for her, but it only made Viserea’s blood boil more.
“You’re correct, I am a Princess. And Daemon is a Prince. Our titles are of equal importance and he is allowed to fight. There’s another Princess who’s your future Queen still back in King’s Landing where it’s safe. If Daemon is allowed to fight, I see no reason why I should not be allowed. It’s not like me and my dragon would hurt your cause.” Every word Viserea spoke was laced with confidence, anger, and determination.
She wasn’t going to just be led away peacefully. If they wanted her gone, they could knock her out, tie her up, and drag her back to King’s Landing.
“We could use another dragon, especially one of Tessarion’s size. She’s grown since I was last in King’s Landing and she looks to be the same size as Caraxes. Her dragon alone could turn the fates.” Corlys’ support wasn’t what Viserea expected, but she looked towards him and gave him a small nod in thanks to which he returned.
“That’s too bad, she’s going back to King’s Landing.” Daemon said, leaning over the stone table as if to say the conversation was finished.
Viserea grabbed hold of his armor and turned him so he was forced to look at her as she spoke,
“No matter what the whispers in Flea Bottom are, my father did not name me Viserea because of the supposed favoritism he showed towards one brother. My mother and father named me after the great Queen Visenya who fought alongside Aegon the Conqueror, placed the crown upon Aegon’s head, and was the first to hail him as King. My dragon was named to honor the goddess of Old Valyria that makes dreamers such as myself. I understand the honor in being given these names and I do not intend to bring them dishonor by lying around King’s Landing when there is a war to be fought.“
Violet eyes met violet eyes and Viserea noticed a change in Daemon’s that she couldn’t name. It did not match the smirk that came across his face as he spoke again,
“Alright then, Princess. You’ll fight.”
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allyriadayne · 6 months
what parts of the script you wished they kept and is there something you were happy they cut?
three scenes come to mind that i wish they have kept:
ep 9 when alicent discovers her hand is being offered to the greyjoys because it makes so much clear her motivations regarding getting to aegon first, plus emphasizing her search for agency and power under patriarchy.
ep 7 when daemon and rhaenyra have sex on the beach because the differences in the script bridge the gap much much better between earlier episodes daemyra and later episodes daemyra than the scene we got. also because, again, emphasizes rhaenyra's agency in this relationship.
rhaenys and baela conversation in ep 10 because god it locks rhaenys' character and finally makes her make sense. also baela has her moment as her parent's daughter. this is interesting because it's the only deleted scene that was released! condal regretted it probably because it really was important.
i also liked several directions and conversations that we did not get in ep 10 because explain and unravel daemon and rhaenyra very well. especial mention to the scene between jace and rhaenyra also in ep 10 because while i adore it, it don't think it fit that well with the episode. i really hope some of it get reused for season 1 tho.
and the ones i was happy they cut i think only the one in ep 10 where daemon is in the room when rhaenyra is giving birth (twitter link bc i had to scroll my feed) because i don't think it adds anything when we already have daemon in the war room. oh and the one where rhaenyra calls alicent a whore (couldn't find the link rip). not because i think it's bad and ooc but because the fandom would've ruin it lol.
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unusual-raccoon · 10 months
Thinking an AU where Lucerys is married for political advantage in a similar fashion to Rhaenyra when she was young.
As such he’s estranged from his family and made to be a loyal wife to his husband.
When he is able to see his family again, instead of feeling joy, he is hurt and lashes out.
I just need JaceLuke having a Daemyra beach scene, with Luke telling his older brother, “You abandoned me,” & “look at what my life has become with you”
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
The Daemyra beach sex scene is one of the worst sex scenes I've seen. It's so stiff and frigid and it looks like they're afraid of touching each other. There's no melting, no revealing in each other, no basking in the ambiance, no true passion in it. Let's not even talk about Rhaenyra's face at the end because if that's the face of a woman who had fulfilling sex with the man of her dreams then I don't wanna know what she looks like when she's having boring sex LOL.
And Daemyra stans had the nerve to claim that we have porn-rotted brains and need to get our heads out of the gutter and stop wanting gratuitous porn-like sex scenes. First of all: you can go online (Twitter and Tumblr specifically) and see how many of them constantly bitch and moan about how they were robbed of 20000000 Daemyra sex scenes 🤢, and how they hope next season they get more sex scenes and how they wanna see Daemyra have angry sex and sex on the painted table. They're the ones who want them to have a sex scene equivalent to the sex scenes from 365 days. They're the ones who sexualize Daemon choking Rhaenyra calling it a kink, but we're the ones whose brains have been rotted from porn. Second of all: all we asked for (which we didn't) was a decent sex scene. A sex scene that they claimed was "passionate, sensual, and loving" when it wasn't. That sex scene was purely transactional and Rhaenyra trying to secure the political bag. You know who had a passionate, sensual, love scene Stefan and Elena from TVD. That scene is everything the Daemyra idiots think the beach scene was when it wasn't. Lastly: Daemyra stans were the main ones bitching and moaning about how bad the sex scene when the episode aired I remember 🤣🤣. They were the main ones saying that they had no chemistry and that it was flat, but when everybody else (team Green, team neutral, casual viewers alike) started to say the same thing these idiots backtracked and started claiming that it was the greatest love scene in the world. Overcompensation at its best. Bullshit at its worst.
Aside from Rhaenyra's face at the end of that sex scene, it was so pitiful and sad to watch her chase after him at the funeral, to throw away her dignity and self respect and follow after like a lost puppy dog after everything he's done to her. Then she goes on to tell him her whole 10 yr life story when he doesn't do the same in return, and spills her secrets to him (poorly hidden secrets that everyone knows about) when again he doesn't return the favor. It's like this man nearly got you disinherited, left you alone in a brothel, abandoned you to get trampled on at the wedding and you just welcome him back with open arms!! Grooming 101 at it's finest! This is what Ryan Condal meant when he said that Daemon's grooming of Rhaenyra is not only abuse, but that it traumatized her and shaped her into the person that she is
Yep, they were the first ones crying about the show doing Dumbnyra and that dry a** “love scene” wrong(just like with chokegate).
Then they realized that by saying that it was dry they couldn't say that the show portrayed Dumbnyra as an epic romance so they started backpedaling and saying that the scene showed how much “mature chemistry” they had together and that there was some ten-minute cut of the scene that HBO is going to release… at some point…..
Not to mention they lied about how there was some scene of them doing it on a table that got cut(which I see they've now moved onto saying it will be in season 2 🤣).
Or how they are hoping Alys uses some potion to make herself appear like Rhaenyra and then proceed to rape Daemon so that they can get a sex scene in season two(the fact that they try to accuse others of being demented sex-crazed perverts is straight-up hilarious when they peddle this cow dung).
It is really funny to see the mental gymnastics these people will do to claim that show!Dumbnyra is the ship to end all ships and that beach sex was the culmination of their love while at the same time claiming that this show isn’t canon(the same way they try to say that Rhaenyra died a dragonriders death when that doesn’t even exist in the book. That's 100% Sara Hess’s sh*tty writing to make Rhaenyra’s death look less pathetic). Which they by and large didn’t claim until the finale then they finally realized this wasn’t the Dumbnyra show.
This show has made it clear from at least episode four(it’s actually been clear since the premiere but they don’t consider a underage girl having her uncle make passes at her to be grooming) that Dumbnyra wasn’t an epic romance, but they ignored this because incest is hot or whatever.
It’s actually cause they were the only two youngish white people in a relationship, but I’m not getting into that today since they always start crying when you point that out too. Dumbnyra wouldn’t be this popular if they had more competition. I’m really hoping they get overtaken by at least the Alysmond fandom because they truly are an insufferable bunch of delusional weirdos.
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This 👆🏽was a preclude to beach sex(where Rhaenyra looked like she wasn’t having the time of her life) and to this👇🏽
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No one was duped. These people know what a good or even okay sex scene is (there are so many shows and movies that have decent sex scenes, HOTD should be ashamed of themselves). They know how an actual romantic relationship would be portrayed. Hell, they know that Dumbnyra in the books(see their stealing and re-wording of the text) isn’t an epic romance.
It’s a relationship built on grooming/lust for political power/ to be closer to brother dearest that culminates with Rhaenyra’s abandonment(which the show is setting up since Daemon keeps abandoning her every chance he gets).
Her being used by Daemon is the reason why I have 0.001 of an ounce of sympathy for her🎻(She’s still incredibly sh*try character and her going on a racist tangent about Nettles is 100% on her).
The only reason why these continue to lie and act oblivious(and hope no one calls them out on their bullcrap) is because they don’t want to admit they were wrong(that or they really are delusional).
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