#meanwhile with koutai
koushirouizumi · 2 months
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} {""Millennium"" Bug}: Y2K24 Edition
Taichi, walking back in Way Late after a really tough day of Taichi's own: (Loud enough murmur) Koushiro, are you awak-- TENTOMON: (sHHHHHHH) {Lightest of buzz'ng noises} T A I C H I: Tentomon, Quietly to Taichi: (Koushiro was in bed by 2 A.M. tonight but is actually getting decent rest in).... TAICHI, Taking in view: TAICHI, Light laugh: (I should be expecting it by now) Koushiro, half curled up on side, sheets haphazard, still in work outfit, full rest mode GO: . . . . . Taichi: (It's ok if Koushiro's still in Koushiro's work outfit, we'll take care of that later.) Taichi: (Also, Koushiro uses the way better software that Koushiro personally developed, anyway.)
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taichi-x-koushiro · 9 months
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Taishiro {Koushiro x Taichi}, just pre 02
Yamato: Seriously... learn how to tie a tie, you football obsessed person!! TAICHI: its Not MY Fault. I Never wear suits with ties. {LAUGH} YAMATO: ITS KNOWLEDGE EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE-!! Koushiro, attempting {+Failing} to tie new uniform tie, Off to side: ('I couldn't do it either...') Taichi: {is Oblivious (to Yamatos plight)} YAMATO, Oblivious to Koushiros plight: {SIGHING}
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Taishiro/KouTai {Taichi x Koushiro}
ME, LOUDLY, INTO MY VOID: ANYWAY, as soon as Koushiro is more fully in charge of the spaces/buildings Koushiro works in/heads, Koushiro Izumi One Hundred Percent works to make those spaces as accessible to Disabled people and visting Chosen as POSSIBLE (and Koushiro also hates those fluorescent and other too-bright lights) At other times they have "quiet hours" and the Digis can visit more easily in between. There is Wheelchair accessibility, and Iori's acquaintance from that hospital also visits in between, among other such instances, and the Chosen drop by absolutely appreciating all of this. Koushiro, meanwhile, is Finding Out A Lot About Koushiro's Own Self in regards tO Such things----
Taichi probably to Koushiro at some point: You mean the reason you were so ...before at times was because of-?
Koushiro groaning as Koushiro is trying to rebound from yet another energy draining Experience, while almost all the LIGHTS are off: It's a long story
Taichi genuinely sympathetically: You know you have time to bounce back until you're ready, right?
Koushiro: (Taichi-san, YOU should be the one hearing that Too...)
Taichi: ???????
Koushiro: (But I suppose 'this' also isn't 'unexpected'...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai{/shiro} (Koushiro x Taichi)
Someone involved with the Chosen Children, to Taichi Yagami: Uh, so, is Izumi REALLY your "friend"?
Taichi, slowly: ...Why do you ask?
That Person: Well, I mean, you guys don't even hang out super often. It's like Izumi's always off hiding somewhere. Like aside from the work he does, like that Izumi doesn't even want to be around peopl---
Taichi, cutting That Person off: "Koushiro" has Koushiro's OWN stuff to do. I don't need to "hang out" with Koushiro "24/7" to know that Koushiro cares about the team---
Taichi's mind: (And 'me')
Taichi: --Koushiro likes email communication and long distance type stuff anyway, Koushiro LIKES writing out the "thoughts" even if Koushiro rambles a lot, so I sometimes have to tell Koushiro to 'scale back' a bit so I can keep up with what Koushiro says, but--
That Person: No, I mean, don't you think Izumi needs to work on communicating with you better?
Taichi: ...It's true that Koushiro is a very private person, and our communication could always use "improvement", but I think the one that needs to ""work on communication better"" is you.
That Person, Probably:
Taichi: (I'm outta here.)
Koushiro, later on, genuinely surprised: ...You said that?
Taichi: It was either sit there and listen to them put you down for the rest of the conversation, possibly multiple times, or do something about it. I chose the--
Koushiro: --Latter.
Taichi: ...Yeah, so--
Koushiro: (I'm glad Taichi-san said that) but...
Koushiro, definitely not shyly: Well, um... "Thanks."
TAICHI: (...Koushiro's thanking me Koushiro's thanking me Koushiro's thanking ME KoushirO'S /THANKING ME/----)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi}
Koushiro, coming back home, finding Taichi, typing furiously while BEAMING at the screen: Koushiro: ... ('This is unusual. Taichi-san's usually not this excited to---') Koushiro: Taichi-san? What are you doing? TAICHI, automatically: I'm making a poll!!! kOUSHIRO: Koushiro: Let me see-- Taichi, showing Koushiro the poll: These are so cool, Koushiro!!! Poll option on Poll Taichi Made: ("I want to treat Koushiro gently *only if Koushiro wants") Koushiro: tAICHI-SAN---
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Koushiro: Taichi-san, I don't know if anyone's pointed this out to you, but you do have a thing now called a "Phone" Taichi: Koushiro: ( ... "That I made for you") Koushiro: ( "After creating my own tech company, and definitely not focusing on making us the most perfect models capable, and, then, transforming them into psuedo-Digivices---" ) Taichi: Taichi: Right Koushiro: Taichi: You have one too, you know? KoushiRO...: Taichi: Koushiro: ... r i g h t Both: *never use it* (Who needs PHONES, man?!?) Taichi: It's cooler to play games together anyway-- Koushiro: ("...And, 'other' things") Koushiro: ("Okay, but we SHOULD try and text / use these, more...") Taichi: ("But you don't even really USE it outside of the group chat, and even THAT's more strictly for Chosen activities only, and it was near impossible to get YOU to call me on the phone as it was, because you were so used to e-mail, and then Hikari kept constantly interfering with the connection when she needed to use the 'Net, and I had to /arrange times/ with her, just so I could talk with you without me also accidentally kicking her off the computer which would make her rEALLY upset, so we eventually had just mutually decided to wait 'till something better came along and suddenly Texting happened, but then you never used texting, and now we just meet up where we can after work /anyway/, and---") KoushirO:
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taichi-x-koushiro · 6 months
Meanwhile with KouTai {+Yama}
TAICHI: {SIGHING...} YAMATO: Yamato: ...What's going on?? Taichi: Taichi: Well, you see... YAMATO: TAICHI: MIMI-CHAN got Koushiro, as a gift, this set of... I think they're called -- Y A M A T O: TAICHI: "NECO-MIMI" 'Ears', and--- YAMATO, MENTALLY FACEPALMING: TAICHI: Koushiro actually tried them, but it's ... Yamato: "Unusual" of Koushiro?? Taichi: ... ..I'm not sure "unusual" is the way to say it but... Yamato: Was Koushiro acting unusual about it? Taichi: NO, that's the thing about this! YAMATO: T A I C H I: Koushiro was trying them out, but doesn't really like wearing them in public. So Koushiro wore them while around Hikari and me for a while. Yamato: ("Ah.") Taichi: And that's what happened! So when the ears moved... (*leans in, conspiring-like but louder*) Koushiro wasn't acting very different at all!!! Yamato: Koushiro Wasn't. Taichi: No... like, Koushiro would be looking really blankly at us, like what happens a lot, and they'd sit straight upwards. Yamato: (Koushiro was PAYING ATTENTION to you---) Taichi: Then, Koushiro got super interested in the Pibook again, and they were ALSO sitting straight up AND moving back and forth a lot, but Koushiro wasn't DOING MUCH, just using the Pibook like usual...!! YAMATO: (*LONG GROANING in Taichis general direction*) ('YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, IT MEANS KOUSHIRO'S 'INTERESTED' IN-') TAICHI, BANGING FIST INTO PALM: AND THEN!!! And then, when I finally {'Got Koushiro's Attention' implied} asked Koushiro about playing a game, the ears were lowered!! YAMATO, AGAIN MENTALLY FACEPALMING: Taichi: I-It means Koushiro DOESN'T want to, with me-- righ-- Y A M A T O: (KOUSHIRO WAS SO HAPPY YOU ASKED THAT KOUSHIRO DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO YOU!!!!)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with KouTai {A.U.s} - featuring "The Past World" {Royalty A.U.}
Prince Taichi, in my old A.U.: This is likely going to sound really weird, and I don't want you to think I'm taking all this 'too lightly' but... Koushiro: I won't. Prince Taichi: Prince Taichi: ... The truth is, I never even *wanted* to be a Prince, I was "born into" this life? Koushiro, gazing sympathetically: Prince Taichi: This might sound kind of selfish of me, but I'd give up *all of This* if it meant I could see *Hikari* again, even if I have *nothing but the clothes on my back*, you... see? Righ-- Koushiro: (*NODDING*) Yes, I understand. PRINCE TAICHI: Koushiro: I never had a sibling, but I miss my family *dearly* too any time I'm away from them, so in that sense, I relate... but even if I know what must be done... I always wish to see them again. PRINCE TAICHI: ... Koushiro, firmly: I don't think it's wrong. Prince Taichi: (Koushiro Gets It. Koushiro GETS I--) Koushiro, standing up: ... Which is why I'm going to help amplify *your* powers *to the best of my ability*, if it means doing so will help YOU see Princess Hikari again. PRINCE T A I C H I: Taichi: You're really *helping me* with *thi*--?? Koushiro: Yes. (You're Important to Me) T A I C H I: TAICHI: (... I'm in lov--???)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with Steve & Frigimon [of DigiAdvs 02 & Co.]
Miyako: Hey, Steve-kun, what are you {and Taichi and Izumi-senpai!} watching?? ? Steve, glancing at Koushiro, who is Watching with full Attention, and Taichi who is Wide-eyed watching Koushiro Watching: Oh, just a fun little thing called "Fiddler on the---" Daisuke: "Fiddler"??? STEVE: :) You'll See--- Daisuke & Miyako, Crowding to Watch Too: ... Daisuke & Miyako, during 1st song: ... STEVE: ("It was tWELVE---") Frigimon: (Steve's seen it more times than Steve can count by now, but it's the first time everyone else is watching.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. & KouTai [and some O.C.s]
Taichi: Maybe we should continue this tomorrow... Koushiro: That's right, we have some leads, but it will take a little more research... Taichi: (I'm concerned about Koushiro overworking self again.) Koushiro: (I know a little better now, but I do have to research this.) Ken: (*leading Daisuke near the door*) Excuse us for a moment. (*Takes Daisuke out of Koushiro's office*) Daisuke. What Has Been Happening. DAISUKE: (*SWEATING*) Listen Ken I'll tell you everything as soon as we can--- KEN: Tell me everything. I may be able to research into their past to find out "what happened" too, but I'll need a better lead. (It'll also help take some of the pressure off Izumi.) KEN: (And it looks like I need to keep a closer eye on Daisuke now.) Shane: (I'm already watching out for Daisuke, but this is really out of all of your leagues.) Ken: ... Wormmon said earlier Wormmon could "feel" something "near" you. Tailmon kept looking intently in the direction too. DAISUKE+SHANE: KEN: I'd like to speak with this person. DAISUKE, Leading Ken bit further away from the door: (It's not that you can't try, but they're difficult!!) KEN: (*I* was "difficult" too.) DAISUKE: Ken, once in room next door: Please show yourself. SHANE: (*remaining Digital*) (If I don't want to talk I won't. Especially not with this person.) Daisuke: ... (They're not showing.) KEN: I see. Ken: But, since you are "attached to" *my* Queer-platonic Life partner, this might prove to be "inconveniencing". DAISUKE + SHANE: KEN: If you believe I'm letting Daisuke out of my sight from now on, you're mistaken. DAISUKE: KEN--- SHANE: ... Shane, Digitally Materializing, Looking at Daisuke: It's not like I'm *directly* involved in the things happening to Daisuke. Shane: (You KNOW This.) Daisuke: (I KNOW But Ken Is LIKE THI---) Ken: You are truly (Still?) a Chosen, aren't you? SHANE: ... SHANE: If I said I wasn't? (Was??) Daisuke: Ken, I already talked with them. Shane doesn't even want to Jogress--- Ken, Looking at Daisuke: ... Ken: Daisuke might be (mostly) unbothered, but now that we know, I'm involved. Shane: I have nothing against you either. Ken: Then answer my questions. Shane: Fine. What. Ken: You were tied to "that place" but now you're "here". With Daisuke, *IN* *Odaiba*. Why? Shane: Your guess is as good as mine. I was pulled back out of the Digital void when *Daisuke* tried opening the gate. (So.) Ken, LOOKING At Daisuke: DAISUKE: (I DIDN'T KNOW!!!) Shane: Anyway, I mostly stay "behind" only *watching* as it is, since I can't *do* muc--- SHANE, Physically wobbling in: (WAIT---) DAISUKE, reaches with free arm to steady: SHANE LOOKING AT KEN: (If *YOU* keep hanging around, *you'll* get dragged into all this TOO, *AGAIN*, Probably-) Shane, grunting in Daisuke's general direction: *Give me a minute*, I'm--- (*wobbles, GLITCHES*) KEN, Looking at Daisuke: (This is BAD.) Ken: (If this keeps up, *they'll*---) DAISUKE: (I KNOW BUT????) SHANE, Steadied: I'm ok. (*breathes out*) Yeah, I'm ok. (*glitching back out but still visible*) Shane, to Ken, VerY very Tired: (It's not like I *want* to be here trailing Daisuke, OK?) KEN: (If you think I'm just going to leave this ALONE---) DAISUKE: (YOU TWO)--- Shane: ... (Turns back to Stare at the Wall for a while) (I prefer staying quiet anyway.) Ken: I have more questions. Shane: I'll only answer what I actually *know*. Daisuke: (What IS This.) Daisuke, to Ken: (...Hey, I appreciate it, but Later, maybe, then...) Ken: ... Shane: (I'll Just Stay Over Here.) Ken: (You still have to answer my questions!) Shane: (Maybe I SHOULD have stayed in the Void---)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs 02's Daisuke+Co. & KouTai [and some O.C.s]
Koushiro: I could try cleaning up the picture a bit, but it might prove "difficult". It's pretty small, and... "low quality." (Showing others Again) Koushiro: We may not get as much "detail" as we hope. But based on this alone, we can "see" some obvious details already. Koushiro: They have dark (Black) hair, dark (Brown) eyes... The hair is a little "spiky" at the ends, but not overly so. (*Pointed Blinking*) It's just how it naturally falls. They're short... and small of build. Maybe somewhat wider shoulder width than {mine} the average person we'd know... Taichi: (I wonder if they played sports at all?) Daisuke, muttering to Taichi: (They said they weren't very "sporty". I think they might have ONCE though, but it's probably not "just because" of that... not like your training) Koushiro: ...And they wear all black. (*Showing*) Chosen not Koushiro: (Like a 'goth'.) Hikaru, Staring: Hikaru: It's true Shane wore black often back then, but sometimes wore blue jeans and the like too... Miyako: That's still very ("goth") like that, though!! Iori: They might stick out in a crowd in Odaiba... it'd look out of place at my residence and the dōjō too, if my family didn't "know" you all already. Daisuke: Yeah, but this was in the U.S. Hikaru: I did live there when I was younger, but we moved by the time I entered high school... that's when I met you. My old friends and some family are still there but... (*trails off*) Daisuke: (Hikaru doesn't understand why someone looking like Hikaru's long time childhood *online* 'mutual' Shane would still be tied "there" instead of "here". Hikaru might still not believe it's them...) SHANE: ... Shane: (/I'm close enough I can touch Hikaru./) Shane: (I saw Hikaru "in-between" but even now Hikaru looks a bit different...) Shane, carefully reaching a hand out, trying to gently touch at the ends of Hikaru's curly hair... suddenly half-Physical: SHANE: (!!!) (*FADES*) HIKARU: !! I Felt something?? (Just... now?) Hikari: What happened?? Hikaru: From the back, I felt "something"... TAICHI, Looking at Daisuke: DAISUKE, LOOKING BACK: (I don't think Hikaru would mind if Shane "revealed" themself now, but Hikaru might get emotional...) SHANE, Digitally floating back and higher, "out of sight": (I'm Not Going To) Wormmon, nudging Ken, noticing Tailmon staring INTENTLY at said spot: KEN: ... Ken, Looking at Daisuke: You said you actually "saw" or encountered someone like this person? Daisuke, Nervous Laughing: It's A Long Story But Hikaru: But Shane disappeared over 10 years ago... Koushiro: Do you remember any other specific details? Hikaru: Shane suddenly stopped coming to the local synagogue's services, which was suspicious even for Shane... once people there and Shane's family realized Shane was truly missing and not just "off on Shane's own", they put out a notice. But not even Shane's few family members left there could find Shane after, and the room was "spotless". I didn't find out until the news showed the report... Ken, Quiet: ...Like when I... left. Hikaru, still doesn't know Everything from when Ken was the Kaiser but had Ideas since they had some private Talks: Maybe... but there were no signs of struggle, and not even a message left... just that the computer chair was pushed back a little, and the screen was "on". But all it even showed was part of the desktop. And the Internet browser was open, but not on any page. Just the default. Like Shane was only just logging in and hadn't actually started using it yet. (We e-mailed back and forth a lot...) Koushiro: There's still a chance something to do with the Digital World happened, but... Daisuke, Didn't Tell them Shane Has A Partner: KEN, Looking at Daisuke: (We Need To Talk.) DAISUKE: (Later!!) SHANE: (...) (Oh, so that's Daisuke's other Queer-platonic Life partner.) (I recognize them now.) (They had a cool Partner 'Mon and helped Daisuke out a lot as support back then. But they're... kind of Stiff.) SHANE: (I'm {probably} going to have to keep this up for a while...)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai{/shiro} [Koushiro x Taichi] {Post-Kizuna, somewhere around "The Beginning" x GhostGame}
Koushiro, collapsed in back of room on a comfy chair, reading (for once not on the laptop but...): Espimon, nearby, relaxing on comfy chair, ...fiddling with Espimon's "odd items" again: Taichi, walking in: Koushiro, turning page: Espimon, fiddling: Taichi, grinning: You two look like you're having a blast. Espimon, not looking up: Huh? I'm busy... Koushiro, not looking up quite yet: Taichi-san, just let me finish this one page and... Taichi: I know, I know. (*putting things down*) Koushiro & Espimon, returning to Those: Taichi, watching for some moments: Taichi, gaze drifting more in Koushiro's direction: Espimon: Espimon, blinking, looking up: You're looking at Koushiro funny. Koushiro, caught by surprise only slightly: ????? Taichi, lightly laughing: Koushiro looks cool. Koushiro: T-Taichi-san--- Espimon: ... Now your face looks funny. (In Mind, about Koushiro's current expression: "What is That.") Koushiro: You don't have to 'comment' on it...-- Espimon, missing the cue: But it does? Taichi: Guys, it's no big deal, I just... (*hand on back of neck*) Um, Koushiro, talk to me about what we're doing for food later. Koushiro, nodding, shifting away so Koushiro can finish reading that 'page' as Taichi goes to change: Espimon, glancing at Koushiro: I did "this" with Fake-Hiro too, you know. Koushiro: "This"? Espimon, shrugging in the direction of thing Espimon's holding: Like, "Relaxing"... but 'this'... Koushiro, Instantly: It's 'stimulation'. Espimon: "Stimulation"... Koushiro, calmly: Like to regulate, or recharge... Espimon: "recharge"... like (my) circuits?? Koushiro, blinking: Something like that... Espimon: ... Huh, ok. (*goes back to Stimming*) Taichi, coming back from changing: Koushiro, to Taichi, light-chuckling: It still needs some time. Espimon, ~suddenly~ finishing up: I'm done now... Koushiro, glancing at Taichi: Taichi, glancing back to Espimon: ...Wanna come with? Espimon: Is there good food? Taichi: THE BEST. Espimon: I'm there. Koushiro: (..It's similar to 'me', but not just 'me'.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventure's Taishiro / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi}
Taichi: Do you need more time? Koushiro: (communicating via nodding + some kind of signal) {"Yes, [the Adopted part /aside/], I *do* need 'More Time' to Figure *Myself* Out, preferably, the next 50~+ years of my li---"} Taichi: More time with . Me, too? kOUSHIrO: . . . (Quick-Nodding)!!! ( "YES" ) Taichi, hesitating only slightly: ...You know, you could have told me that before and it'd have been fine?... Koushiro, making a face: ("Taichi-san, the *whole point* is I'm having *trouble*, here...") Taichi, light-laughing: I know, I know! Koushiro, mentally breathing a sigh of relief: Taichi: (I can always tell when Koushiro's ...agitated or . more Obviously "glad", but we need to work on the rest, too.) Koushiro, Looking Quizically At Taichi: "?????" Taichi: (Koushiro's Trying Though!) Koushiro, genuinely grateful: (..."You" are Too, Though.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' Kou+Tai/Taishiro [Koushiro x Taichi]:
Koushiro: Taichi-san
TAICHI: ... Er, what's up, Koushi---
Koushiro: Let's play Smash tonight
Taichi: Koushiro, are you o---
Koushiro: I also need to speak to the rest of the Chosen later. Not now. Later
Taichi: ... Did something break on the 'Net again-?
Koushiro: (ALL of our blogs are breaking The Network.)
Taichi: I'll get the ... stuff ... ready
Koushiro, NODDING: Let's go.
T A I C H I:
Agumon and Tentomon, exchanging glances:
Taichi: (It WASN'T me this time!!!)
Takeru, later on, in the chat: This kind of thing surpasses even me, so...
Koushiro, typing: (Keep everyone calm until it's over)
Takeru: ... How's everything with Tai---
Koushiro: It's great.
Taichi: (That's probably all Takeru's . Getting)
Taichi, the next day, walking in:
Everyone else: (So, whAT---)
Taichi, cheerily: So, are our blogs back to working as usual yet??
Everyone minus Koushiro who isn't there yet, exchanging glances:
Taichi: (You guys keep an eye on it while we're ... gone.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
{Index}/{DigiAdvs}/{Head-canon[s]} The (Mis?-)Adventures of Steve & Frigimon
Since 'today' is basically Yet Another Day for me, I'm collecting a series of head-canon / reaction posts & Thoughts TM I recently made for a vastly under-acknowledged Long-Time Fav That Most People Apparently Don't Remember Exists! (even though they, too, featured briefly in 02's "World Tour" arc...)
This Series A.K.A, What It (May) Mean To Be A (Canon!)Jew In The Digital World (Yes! A Certain One Exists!) + Dealing with Certain Aspects of DigiAdv + 02 ""Lore""
Most of these I marked as 'no r.b'., but feel free to 'Like' anything involved, or refer to this index + if you also appreciate Steve & Frigimon! (of Inter-national Chosen fame!...)
Pt 1: "Gole...m"on Pt 2: "S...ephiroth"mon Pt 3: "Wizar"mon & "Witch"elny Pt 4: Meeting Daisuke Again ("Holiday"s in ..'03!) Pt 5: "Sister"mon{s} Pt 6: "Devi"mon Pt 7: {+"Belial"}"Vamde"mon? / Literally Any "Evil" 'Mon, really Pt 8: (~Totally Not Confronting~) Qinglongmon Pt 9: Meeting Jou Again & "Studying" Pt 10: "Pump"mon & "Costumes" Pt 11: "Gobli"...mon ("Let's Just...") Pt 12: Meeting Koushiro Again / Meanwhile With KouTai & Steve? Pt 13: "Snow"mons (Or ... Featuring, Frigimon! ...) Pt 14: The meaning(?) of "Becoming Adults" {Kizuna Spoiler} Pt 15: 'Meeting' Menoa {Kizuna Spoiler} ("You see, Frigimon was asking me about {MY}---") Pt 16: Lighting the Candles & "Potential" [Post-Kizuna] & an aftermath of Meanwhile With KouTai & What It May Mean to Be "Partners" (Mentioned: Tentomon) Pt 17: "Witch"mon Pt 18: "Witch"mon & "Pump"mon Pt. 19: Espimon Appears Pt. 20: Meanwhile with Steve, Frigimon, Espimon & KouTai ("You know, Espimon reminds me A LOT of...")
(If you have questions about any of these, feel free to send a respectful Ask, So long as my blogrules are followed!)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Koushiro, receiving the message N.Y Chosen Steve previously sent: ("'A cute'" "'Mon'" that "kind of acts like" me' 'showed up...' '?? ? ? ?'") Taichi, leaning over to read: Koushiro, giving Taichi a LOOK: (H-hey!!!) Taichi: (OK, OK, I won't look) Koushiro: (*...reads Taichi the message*) Taichi: Tell Steve I'm seeing a cute expression on your face right about now. Koushiro: (t-tAICHI-SAN---) Steve: (*receives the reply*) Oh--- (*laugh*) Frigimon & Espimon: (?????) Steve, showing the pic Taichi snapped and convinced Koushiro to send: They're really cute. Espimon: ...Che. I don't GET it, but they look "happy" here, I Guess. Kind of like "fake Hiro" when Fake-Hiro is with the others. Steve, mentally taking Note: And cute. Espimon, psuedo-nodding, repeating: And cu---- Frigimon: (Got you.) Espimon: ---Well, I GUESS. (*huff!*) Not me, though. Frigimon: (This feels like it might go on for a while.) Steve: (It's just genuinely really sweet, they're pretty similar, too...) Steve, laughing in mind: (Anyway, TAICHI... sure is going to keep Koushiro's attention today.) Taichi, later on: (You were messaging Koushiro ever since the meeting back in '02????) Steve: (Well, we're something like 'friends'... but Koushiro was always talking about you too, it just naturally flowed like that) Taichi: (!!??!?) ("Koushiro talked about me?!??") Steve, laughing: ("I don't know where Taichi-san would, even like to 'hang out' at? Taichi-san likes to eat but... Steve-san, do you have any advice? I'm rather bad at this kind of thing, I don't eat out often, my parents usually..." "Taichi-san seemed happy when I finally asked Taichi-san to 'hang out' the other day. I know I took some time to ask, but the level of confidence that was required..." "I'm trying to introduce Taichi-san to the concept of e-mailing for a while now, but Taichi-san doesn't typically write long messages." "Taichi-san wrote back. It was rather short, but... And, uses a lot of 'emojis'..." "I want to wear something a little 'different' - I know I did with Mimi-san 'back then', but I'm still a little, well, it's disconcerting..." "I gave the tickets my other American friend gave me, to go the football game, to Taichi-san, and Taichi-san was really, really thrilled. I can't obtain these all the time, but if possible..." "The football game was really loud, but Taichi-san seemed to have a lot of fun, and I can't help but admit it was a very exciting atmosphere." "Is it ok if we practice speaking again? I'd like to brush up on my French. Someday, I think Taichi-san would also like to go to..." "After making the new Digivices, Taichi-san began to call more, but as for proper communication over the phone, I wonder if I'm handling it well with Taichi-san..." "Is it all right to also invite Taichi-san to {gathering Koushiro was also invited to by Steve}?" "Taichi-san seemed to really enjoy the gatherings, so I was quite pleasantly surprised.") TAICHI: (oH) STEVE: (Go for it, "Taichi-san".)
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