#daily helob
semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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Day 21; Helob waiting in the rain, in hopes perhaps his favorite customer may visit soon so he can go home ]:> 
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sozo-loves-you · 2 years
So me and @daily-helob did a collab
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half-dead-lamb · 2 years
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I-if you’d draw any character, then you could, you could draw, Helob 🥺👉👈 <- absolutely not the Helob daily blog 100% not
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would you feed him not helob daily blog :pleading:
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mr-faxmachine · 1 year
This also sets place in the Divine Hubris AU, way after the main game story is finished. so things may differ from canon.
A mother's tears: Page 1/4
Fanfic suggestion by @skeletondanc3r
Ever since his declaration as the new god of death, the lamb has endlessly bartered with the ancient entity. It has been many a year since the days he would crusade against the bishops; Fighting them to no end, he grew tiresome. He felt as if this was going nowhere, nothing new has happened since he rescued the four bishops. Heket walked up to the Lamb with a curious gaze, sitting down with him as he stared out into the distance.
"………You… look tired…" She tried her best to speak, but with a missing throat, it is rather complex. She put her hand up to her own throat, feeling a bit of pain every time she spoke. "Oh, it's nothing… nothing, really…" He was rather quiet, somber in his moment of silence. "Just that, it's-" Heket would put her finger on the Lamb's mouth, trying to shush him.
"….Shamura…….. ….. felt….. worse….." Heket would cough up some blood, refusing to speak any longer as she went back to the cult; leaving through a portal as The Lamb gathered his thoughts. "They felt worse…? What did she… nevermind, I'll just head back." He went to go through the portal, but…
"…I sense god tears, young god." The mysterious entity spoke. Curiously, the lamb went to their doorstep. "Oh, right… What will I get this time, I wonder? Another missionary necklace? An immortality necklace?" The small Lamb would give a god tear to the entity, as he closed his eyes. "…This will do, young god. Use it well." When the Lamb opened his eyes, he saw something unusual; A moon necklace?
"But… I can get this from any crusade, what does this-" He was interrupted by the entity, who spoke out unto him. "We sense you are growing dull, so we give you this charm. It is not the same as the night necklace." Perplexed, he would walk back to the portal with a bit of hesitation. Where he was greeted by a worried Kallamar. "O-oh thank the gods! You're back safe! How was the crusade, are you hurt?! Do you-"
"Save your breath for a moment, I need time to think!" The Lamb would rush inside the private quarters of his Temple, studying the peculiar charm closely. "What… is this? I've never seen a charm like this before!" Unlike the gold necklace that gives immortality, this necklace is unusual. It bares the moon, yet it seems to not have an insomnia spell attached to it… It looks too different.
After a few hours, The Lamb would come back out still puzzled. Scratching his head as he went on to do his daily duties, meeting up with Shamura who wanted to speak with him. "…What do you think this is, Shamura?" He would put it in Shamura's clutches, they look carefully at it… as if they're remembering something.
"…Well well now… this is rather unusual, I feel… familiarity… " Shamura was confused, taking a closer look at the necklace… then it hit them. "Necklaces made from sun and moon's tears, trapped souls in the depths of limbo, shed their turmoil and let them free… Sacrifice is key." Shamura suggested, which made The Lamb shiver.
"Sacrifice? Haven't I done enough of that…?" He got on his knees, about to weep from the words Shamura said. "You know what happened to Prince Cuddles, you know what happened to Allocer, AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO- To…" The lamb nearly broke down, shaking from anger and sadness at the same time, he put his hands on his eyes, Shamura started to feel the pain…
"Now now… it is not the time to mourn, my grace… Let us converse at a later date…" Shamura wiped the tears from their eyes, sniffling a bit. "You do not want to give me a migraine." Shamura then left to the temple, leaving The Lamb to his duties. He went back out to see the spider merchant Helob.
"Aaah, my number one customer! How can I help you today, yes?" He licked his lips, patting the webbed up follower. "This one doesn't look that tasty… how about I give it to you for free?" The lamb nodded, taking the follower with him. "Listen, I do not want to get attached. Here's a necklace and get in the temple." The follower shivered, walking to the center as most of the lamb's followers looked away, shivering.
Then, a giant tendril shot from the ground, grabbing the needless follower as they screamed, the lamb looking down at themselves as his fist clenched, bringing down the follower into the other dimension. All grew silent as the portal stayed open, unable to close. "W-what? What's going on? Why won't it close?" The lamb tried his best to close it, but it won't budge. He went down to check it out as the followers felt curious as well.
"…YOU WILL CONTAIN ME NO LONGER, BEAST!" A warcry yelled out, a black and white tendril erupted from the portal, with a hooded being stabbing at it with a familiar moon scepter; Slicing it in two, the mysterious figure then landed upon the floor, all of the followers shocked as the figure unhooded itself… "Back! Stay back! I will slice your belly open! I will cut that crown from your HEAD!"
"Hold on… You!?" The Lamb was shocked as he saw the little cat, Aym… his expression went from anger to tiresome after seeing Narinder. "What foul place is this? Moments ago I was… I was…" Aym then fell on his knees, his weapon falling to the ground with a few clangs… Proceeding to fall face first onto the floor as the portal closes, becoming unconscious.
A few hours later, Aym groaned as he woke up in a bed with a bandage covering his upper head. "Where… where am I…? Who… how…?" He then looked to his side, seeing some food left out as he's nestled in blankets. Narinder was standing by the door, crossing his arms with an agitated expression. "Oh, good… you're awake." He frowned, looking in the other direction. "M-master…? Did… did we fail you…?"
Aym looked sad, trying to reach for the tray. He proceeded to cough a little while he began to look at the note left for him. "I remember you. A small, adorable kit… Eat well, you need this. -S" The note read, as Narinder began to comment on the cat's constant coughing. "So I see the blasted lamb couldn't heal your breathing problem." He then walked toward Aym in his bed, sitting down in the chair.
"…Yes, Ahem… He called it "Asthma". Both me and my brother-… Where's Baal?" Aym asked, looking at Narinder's staring eyes. "And uh… your tail is showing." With this remark, Narinder was startled and blushed in embarrassment. "SHUT UP, AYM." Narinder growled as he grabbed his own tail, with a little meep coming from Aym. "O-of course, Master!" Then the lamb came in with a white-robed individual… looking familiar, Aym stared at him.
"….Hey." The Lamb smiled, relieved that Aym is doing okay. He sets Baal down on the bed, wringing some water on the cat's head. "…Brother…." Aym spoke, eating more soup as he felt more relief, seeing him next to him. "Is he… okay, Master?" Aym rubbed his head, still having a headache from the sudden drop. "….Narinder, we need to talk outside."
The two left as Aym continued to enjoy his soup, staring at his sleeping brother with a bit of worry; trying to pet him in his sleep as he considers his place in the world.
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delirisse · 1 year
♡♥︎ Febru-pair-y Challenge ♥︎♡
This February, I'm going to try to draw a ship daily. Thank you to everyone for helping me fill the list for 28 wonderful ships and rarepairs
Here they all are. This isn't the order I'll do them in — that's a surprise c:
Aym x Lamb
Baal x twt user @/Fort_T_Four 's Piper (ref) (Baal x Follower)
Baal x Lamb
Flinky x Ratau
Forneus x Narinder with baby Aym and Baal
Fox x Ratau
Haro x @/salilaoceania's Aiperos (ref)
Haro x Plimbo
Heket x @/wyrmy's Lilly (ref)
Heket x Followers (Gusion, Eligos and Zepar)
Heket x Lamb
Helob x Rakshasa
Helob x Sozo
Klunko x Shrumy
Lamb x Follower (Witness Agares)
Lamb x Multiple followers
Lamb x Narinder
Gang!Lamb x Gang!Narinder (ref1 & ref2)
Lamb x Narinder x Sozo
Lamb x Sozo
Lighthouse Keeper x Ratoo
Lighthouse Keeper x Red Fox
Shrimp x Snail wife
Me x Forty
Personal OC ship, not cotl but it's for a bday
Aym x Follower
Narinder x Follower
Leshy x Follower
Below the break is the voting I did, but I didn't want a new post with the changes.
But then I received a quite a few suggestions at the same time. So, help me pick the last three, please? 😅 I can't insert polls yet rip
You can reply with as many ♡ as you like
🤍 Aro Shamura
🖤 Aym x follower
💜 Aym x follower Narinder (no, they're not related)
💙 Baal x follower
💚 Forneus x Kallamar
💛 Narinder x follower
🧡 Ratau x Heket
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cloudsrust · 2 years
How do you think helob and Sozo met?
So- They start to actually talk to one another once one of Sozo's followers ends up in one of Helob's traps. Until then they had just crossed paths, observing each others from afar just because of curiosity. The first time it happens they just discuss payment for the follower- the next times though (mushroomos.. aren't the brightest) they start chatting more- until the even get to share stories to one another, Sozo talks about his travels and the mushroom/rituals he discovered during them, while Helob describes how their daily hunts went. The excuse of the mushroomos soon isn't even needed anymore (even though Helob still catches one or two at times just to have an excuse to visit for an extra chat) and Sozo often stops by their shop when he decides to hunt for mushrooms on his own.
But why would they chat if they have practically nothing in common? Well Sozo just feels like a real chatterbox when he wants, especially when it's about mushrooms. Helob instead, at first does so out of curiosity for Sozo (it is important for a hunter to understand whether a new face is a prey or a predator)- but then they slowly start to appreciate this little work break.
I see Sozo as being an outsider, meaning he used to travel all over the place for his research. That at least until he discovered menticide mushroom and devoted his life and being to them, thus setting his definitive base in Spore Grotto. Helob instead was born and raised in the Lands of the Old Faith, more precisely in Silk Cradle. Yet they never really took part in the cult of Shamura, living by themselves and by their own beliefs, so they’re technically an outsider too fate wise. They're both alone in a way or another (wouldn't count mushroomos or the little spiders as real company, since they're technically afraid of both the research and the hunter)- which can become quite boring even for someone like Helob, who has been a lone hunter their whole life. So they're practically a little break from each other's routines in my head- just two fucked up predators keeping each other company ya know?
Imma also.. leave down here a little written bit that is kinda about it! (it's from Helob POV)
He had a weird presence to say the least, at times entertaining while others.. just curious. The thing that puzzled the spider the most was how neither his manners or scent matched with any ant they had ever met. And those occasional fresh splotches of blood on his fur and clothes..
Even with such doubts, Helob had never bothered to thoroughly investigate much about Sozo, simply chalking up most of his oddities to the spores that perpetually surrounded him. They didn't perceive him as a threat and he didn't seem to perceive them as prey, the rest they had no rush of knowing. Discovering everything about him straight away would've ruined a good chunk of the fun of their little chats after all.
The day the spider found one of his little guys stuck in one of their traps was when they actually started to talk to one another, instead of just sharing stares whenever one crossed the other's path. The first times they had just discussed payment for the followers' lives, then they had slowly started straining from the commercial path, slipping instead into a more casual chit chat. None of their interests really matched apart from perhaps hunting- one for meat, the other for.. well, mushrooms. Yet that dissonant chatting had quickly become a pleasant break from Helob’s usual routine. Stories of hunts that had gone for the best or the worst and detailed descriptions of rituals and mushrooms mixing together, taking the place of the daily slaughter that threatened to become a mere background noise for the spider.
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nayialovecat · 2 years
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Your daily portion of bug love xD
I really like the kind of chemistry between Hami and Parka… Prince Hami is so horny sometimes, and Parka is focused on his duties towards the prince… I write with very good vibrations about them. This fanfic became saga of Sozo's Royal Family... lol xD
A small plot spoiler: Parka ends up at the court of King Sozo as the chosen one of his son Prince Hami. However, his duties (apart from the obvious ones, within the alcove) include accompanying the royal son in his duties (e.g. reading letters, settling cases, participating in ceremonies), conquering hostile anthills… he also imposed himself as Hami's bodyguard (not that Hami, who is a warrior and strategist, needs it).
Parka is still learning the rules of the Darkwood domain, but is open to everything. In the second picture, for example, he's watching the participants of the Hunger Games (i.e. eight followers versus Helob in an arena the size of a large forest, whoever survives the longest hidding and running - wins)
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loststolenorstrayed · 2 years
i would just like to let you know, you are the TRUE Helob fan /lh -the Helob daily blog
Thanks ^^ yknow what’s funny he’s not even my favourite character I’m just obsessed with this game in every aspect
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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Day 22; as he eats so often and he stands at the selling points almost if not all the time in game, you must wonder, how isolating must it be? How alone he must feel as the only person we see him talk to is simply a customer and nothing more
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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Day 46; a gift from the lamb! How sweet! 
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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Day 2; He sleeepy
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
Here are some of my ideas^^
Sozo and Helob hanging out
Sozo trying to get Helob to eat a mushroom
Helob brushing his fur
Helob learning how to cook food
I will do these all as (in order) day 26, 28, 30, and 32 ^^^!
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Day 26; Sozo is very chatty today, and Helob is willing to listen -:0
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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Day 52; he doesn’t like the taste of mushrooms, it’s just bothersome to get one of these little guys in his traps at this point
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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Day 69 (no do not make the joke); happy halloween -:D
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semi-daily-helob · 2 years
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day 39; today? He stole ):-
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