boreal-sea · 11 months
Daily prompt
How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t! Lol. I spend pretty much all my waking hours on front of a screen. I know I shouldn’t, but the computer has basically been my life for most of my adult years. And right now I’m writing a thesis, so both my work and my play is on a screen.
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meinradsocien · 6 months
How do I manage screentime for myself on mobile?
Taking less time on customising, and keeping the file manager free from uneducating visuals I may urge myself to keep watching, going offline and more, are my first line of defence. But before I explain much, I need to explain the intimacy between myself and the heading above. It is one I came across through Jetpack’s prompts and I had to add “on mobile” to it. I have to admit that I never owned…
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animakis · 9 months
Exploring Strategies for Effective Screen Time Management
In the contemporary era, managing screen time has become a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The constant influx of digital devices and the pervasiveness of online activities present challenges that demand thoughtful consideration. This exploration aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how individuals can effectively manage their screen time, fostering well-being…
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mangus-khan-blog · 10 months
Kickin' It Old Skool
How do you manage screen time for yourself? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE The first time I noticed my iPad notifying me about my screen time usage was disturbing. I didn’t know it was a thing until that point. I wondered why it tracked this information and what it would do with it. So, instantly, I pulled out my journal and started hashing out theories about what “The Man” would do with this…
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fam22 · 10 months
How do you manage screen time for yourself? By Hand systematicly
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penguinreadcom · 10 months
How do you manage screen time for yourself? Forget about it.. wakakaka
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lartistecrypto · 10 months
Le droit à la déconnexion, le nouveau luxe
Pour répondre à l’incitation Jetpack “Comment gérez-vous votre temps d’écran ?” Voici mes quelques pratiques. Comme tout crypto artiste qui se respecte se doit d’avoir un minimum d’organisation et une ligne de conduite pour rester créatif et productif, je me suis dit que répondre à cette incitation pouvait t’être utile. Je sais qu’avant la mise en place de plusieurs pratiques, je me laissais…
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azroykusanagistudio · 10 months
How do you manage screen time for yourself? Depending on how close you are to The One Above All
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shortstories4al · 10 months
How do you manage screen time for yourself?
I have the nasty habit of waking up early… at 3.30 AM. Sleep at 8PM, but then I am digressing. I work remotely, which gives me the option to balance between work and life. My screen time would be browsing newspaper sites, X (or Twitter), and switching between Amazon Prime and Netflix. The management part is easy, when I am free I roam around these sites. Watch a movie here, and catch up on a…
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theodoravanyar · 10 months
Prompt Answer: Screen Time
How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t. Lol. Legitimately, I should balance my screen time a little better.
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sahilkasera · 10 months
Screen Time
How do you manage screen time for yourself? Managing screen time is crucial, especially for those whose job involves spending a lot of time on screen. Excessive screen time can lead to several issues, including physical strain on eyes and body, sleep deprivation, an increased risk of obesity, susceptibility to chronic health conditions, a decline in cognitive ability, impaired social skills,…
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albeo · 11 months
Vida digital o real.
¿Cómo gestionas el tiempo que pasas frente a las pantallas? A muchas personas les gusta pensar que tienen un control sobre su vida digital pero hay muchas distracciones en las pequeñas y medianas pantallas. Las distracciones comunes que pueden surgir al utilizar teléfonos o tabletas incluyen: Redes sociales: Las aplicaciones de redes sociales como Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.,…
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angel-c-28 · 11 months
Pennies For Prompts
How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t. Society makes many things concerning that really isn’t if you’re not a trends person. For example, “intermittent fasting” was interesting to me until I found out it was just skipping a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner), which is what I did already as a lower income black person and a caretaker.
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corneliusbella · 11 months
Finding Balance: Managing Screen Time as a Christian
How do you manage screen time for yourself? In our fast-paced, digital world, managing screen time has become a challenge for people of all faiths. As Christians, it’s essential to navigate this aspect of our lives in a way that aligns with our beliefs and values. Let’s explore how we can strike a balance between our digital lives and our spiritual journey, drawing inspiration from the…
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How Do You Manage Screen Time for Yourself? Strategies for Construction Safety Professionals
How do you manage screen time for yourself? Effective screen time management for construction safety professionals is a balancing act between staying informed and avoiding digital distractions. Staying connected with the latest safety updates and communications is essential, yet it’s equally important not to be overwhelmed by the constant flow of information. This balance ensures that safety…
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babymamatraumas · 11 months
how do I manage screen time for myself?
How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t have any particular system, I just set my phone down sometimes and forget where I left it.
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