#daisies and briars whumptober
FIC UPDATE: Muscle Memory
AND IT'S DONE, FOLKS! I have posted the Fourteenth and final chapter of Muscle Memory.
Buck makes some pretty big life changes, including restarting therapy.
“Because now, I’ve completely fallen apart and dissected myself and I’m in therapy and I’m crying all the time, and the other day, I was sitting out in the water with Christopher, and he was talking about a Marvel movie he wanted Eddie and I to take him to see, and for a brief moment, I thought ‘this is the happiest I’ve ever been.’”
“That’s really good, Evan. That’s really good.”
“And nothing is at all what I thought I needed it to look like, but somehow I have so much of what I need.”
“Do you think,” Dr. Copeland asks carefully, “it’s because you’ve stopped looking and started doing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, take the Age of Absolutely idea, for example. Saying yes to the things that come your way. Were you just waiting for the right thing to offer itself up to you? The thing that would make you happy?”
“I guess I kind of did do that.”
“But no one thing - one person, one job, one relationship - is going to be the key to happiness, Evan. You are the key to your own happiness. And by taking the steps you’ve needed in your life to heal, like restarting therapy and time off work and leaning on your support system, you stopped waiting for happiness to find you, and you started constructing it.”
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jeeyuns · 7 months
writing patterns
tagged by @exhuastedpigeon ✨
rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 8 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Buck's Coma vs. Real World Checklist
0.3k | rated G | multimedia art Turn over & look at the digital alarm clock. If the numbers can all be read, this is real. Try to breathe through a fully closed nose. If impossible, this is real.
morning glory
2.6k | rated E | buddie non-linear: the morning after the night before He wakes up slow as molasses trickling out of the pan. A line of warmth is searing down the length of him from the back of his neck to the ticklish points behind his knees. Buck can tell the sun is up too by the weak bands of light creeping their way over the bed and just inside his field of vision.
hope is a sword 
5.5k | rated T | whumptober 2023 prompt #5, debris, pinned down, "It's broken." The next call sounds through their radios and A shift is in the engine as one in the next minute, all jammed in like sardines with sweat trickling down their backs, grins and bellies sharp with hunger. There’s no other place in the world Eddie would rather be (aside from his couch with his son and Buck, but that’s a story for another time).
proof of concept: ach tagais 'nós na hoíche
part 1 of a series | 8.2k | rated E | eddie helps buck through a bad drop Buck’s just closed his utensil drawer as softly as it will let him, hardly gripping the edge of the kitchen counter with his other hand, when his phone chirps. The unexpectedly piercing ding of his message tone rends straight through the eardrums, making him gasp and lose his grasp on the edge of the granite.
slouching towards bethlehem to be born
ch 3/8 | 23.7k | rated M | eddie is haunted by memories that don't belong to him Awareness blows through his eardrums and he’s rudely yanked back into the ability to chronicle two of his senses. “Come on, Eddie! Eddie, hang on. Eddie–” the pleading, formless voice blooms out and begs him. 
3.1k | rated E | buddie feelings realization and a demonstration They find themselves, like any other easy, lazy night, on Eddie’s couch. Buck looks over from his usual sprawl, attention already drifting past the moody resolve of John Wick choosing violence over the death of his dog Daisy on the Diaz’s TV screen.
slip like freudian
4.5k | rated T | slightly cracky: eddie is taught a lesson by a witch After a rather sideways, unusual morning, Eddie finally makes it to the station parking lot. He’s somehow five minutes early, so he allots three whole minutes to lightly smacking his head against the steering wheel. 
how life goes on the way it does 
ch 12/12 | 39.6k | rated E | buddie & past lives movie au Ravi’s just finished collecting the last of the devices ready for the probie charging pool when a woman with a wild halo of curls strolls into the station’s engine bay. “Hi! Can I help you with anything?” he calls out to her. 
definitely love to set the scene with descriptions that i always hope can help you visualize...feel like you're plopped right in the middle of a scene with a character. also like to switch povs every time i switch fics. indivdually, i can't do multiple povs within one story though. i feel like i take my cues from screenwriting more than anything when i set out to put words on the page. this is making me hungry to blow dust off my fics again!
no pressure tagging: @kitkatpancakestack, @transboybuckley, @shitouttabuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @devirnis, @malewifediaz, @spagheddiediaz, @puppyboybuckley, @pirrusstuff, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @pantsaretherealheroes, @lemonzestywrites, @thewolvesof1998, @captain-hen, @rewritetheending, @athenagranted, @butchdiaz, @housewifebuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @homerforsure, @anakinfallen and anyone else who wants to! it's been an age and a half since i tagged anyone for anything. mwah! 💞
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aspecbuddie · 10 months
Fic Writing Review 2023
tagged by @your-catfish-friend <3
Words and Fics
44,282 words posted to ao3
1 fandom, 14 fics (9-1-1), half of which were apparently romantic buddie, which is more than I would have anticipated knowing me
Most recent drop: If You Were Here, I'd Never Have A Fear (2.7k | T)
Longest fic: Please Stay With Me Until You Close Your Eyes (10.1k | T)
Top Fics by Kudos
I Spent The Night Dancing (I'm Drunk I Suppose) (4.1k | T)
They Stared Us Down When We Met In The Emergency Room (3.5k | G)
If You Were Here, I'd Never Have A Fear (2.7k | T)
Everything I Feel Is More Than Just Some Sad Excuse (1.7k | T)
I'm Scared Of Shadows From My Past (3k | T)
My Fandom Fic Events
I considered taking part in whumptober but didn't 😅😅
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
the aroace!eddie buddie fic
the 5x06 fic (which might be posted before the year ends - and is probably going to have at least 2 chapters 😅)
I found a 'chris finds out about the will' fic in my files the other day and that might be posted before the end of the year
I've started a part 2 to the thanksgiving fic and have an idea for a part 3
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
(No Pressure) Tags: @aroeddiediaz, @steadfastsaturnsrings, @pirrusstuff, @butraura, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @disasterbuckdiaz, @rainbow-nerdss, @fionaswhvre, @evanbegins
[Please let me know if you want to be added or removed: I tried to figure out which mutuals write fic and haven't done this yet but have probably messed up somewhere 😅💚]
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FIC UPDATE: Muscle Memory
HELLO VERY excited to share Chapter Eleven of Muscle Memory - one of the key moments in my imagining this fic.
Eddie comes over for lunch. Buck gets closer to the answer.
“So I think, instead, you should kiss me.”
Buck coughs a little, stunned. 
“ What ?” 
“You know, to see if the theory works,” Eddie says, cheeks flushing. 
Buck blinks. “Eddie, are you asking me to kiss you for science ?”
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Hello! No new Muscle Memory chapter today (my apologies) but here is some of what I've been working on today!
Gonna keep updates here to keep myself accountable and for anyone who is interested to know what's up :)
A snippet from my latest chapter of Things We're All Too Young To Know:
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, buddy.” Buck promises, wiping a tear off Christopher’s cheek with his thumb. “Y-you did the exact right thing. You called me. You got help. That was so brave and so smart.”
Buck has a feeling that if Christopher had called a family member, this might have gone very differently for Eddie. 
Christopher sniffles. “Dad said if anything terrible ever happened, it’s your job to take care of me. So I thought…”
Buck’s heart stutters. Christopher knows. Christopher knows and he thought… He thought the same thing Buck had thought… And well, of course he did. Of course he’d been afraid that… Christopher knows better than either Buck or Eddie. He knows that parents die. 
Buck shifts so he can lean forward and hug Christopher. 
“It’s my job to take care of both of you, okay?” Buck says. “And I will. I-I always will.”
Buck takes a moment to think before deciding on his next move. 
Then, carefully, he offers Christopher his pinkie. 
“I promise.”
A snippet from my upcoming chapter (chapter five) of Muscle Memory:
Being pulled over without a proper license or registration has made Buck hyper-aware of a lot more that could go wrong in his life right now. 
If he gets hurt in some freak accident - you know, like a lightning strike, tsunami, revenge bombing, or hell, even choking on a piece of bread - he probably doesn’t have health insurance. He literally can’t put himself in danger. Can’t put himself in harm’s way. Because he might, what, be thrown out from the hospital? Left to suffer and die? God, he hasn’t had to worry about this in  years. 
His passport is fucked. 
His gym membership pass is fucked. 
His library card is fucked.
Everything is fucked. 
And Bobby doesn’t care about him. 
And, finally, a snippet from my upcoming Whumptober probject:
“What are you doing up?” Is the first thing Eddie says the moment he walks through the door. 
Buck rises from his spot on the couch. 
“No, no,” Eddie snaps his fingers. “Sit.”
“Not a dog,” Buck says, crossing the room to get to him. “You okay?”
Eddie sighs. “My shoulder is killing me. Bothered the old wound. Otherwise, I’m good.”
Buck leans forward and kisses his forehead. Eddie wraps his arms around his waist, pulls him close, and sinks his forehead into Buck’s shoulder. 
“I hated it,” Buck whispers into his hair. “Watching you fall on the news. Not being there with you. I hated it.”
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