#daisuke endou
puzzlevision · 4 months
Mamoru Endou - Mark Evans
Daisuke Endou - David Evans
Haru Endou - Harper Evans
i see what youre doing, level-5
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blackvulturezart · 2 years
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It’s already the 20th of December in Japan, so here I am with these fanart of Die! Happy bday babe!
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wrenfeathers · 8 months
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This family gets spikier (is that a word???) by the decade
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y3lise · 1 year
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my second piece for the @inazuma11zine !!!!
@c7arisse helps me a lot with this one by doing all the little background notes !!
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meandmyfandoms1230 · 1 month
Inazuma 11/ digimon adventure AU where Taichi goes to raimon middle instead of Odaiba for one reason or another and helps Endou start the soccer club. This leads to the events of 02 happening while the events of og are going on causing so much chaos.
Some notable things from my brain are that Taichi is okay with Endou being captain because he has already saved the world/Japan like 3 times by now and does not want that pressure again. He's fine with being support and providing advice.
The first Teikoku match is when he gets called back to the digital world by agumon, it's why Gouenji needed to save the others. Some people are mad for a bit but they eventually calm down.
Taichi also keeps the coolest head whenever they go up against something crazy, a skill that come in handy espically against aliea ("digimon are basically aliens so...")
Also around Aliea is when raimon gets their digimon partners, for extra chaos and fun. I may-or-may-not have a basic list already.
Taichi's hissatsus that I've come up with so far consist of "Courageous Charge" a dribbling move to break past multiple opponents and "Terra Shot" a shot that coats the ball in high-temperature atmospheric energy and releases it towards the goal.
Also also, Ken and Daisuke join the team with Toramaru for the ffi. They have a combined shot called like "imperial lance" or something. Ken also has a move called "The Rocket"
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sobashahzadi · 1 year
my offerings to the ina11 fandom
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it’s harus turn on xbox unmei
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cappybawa106 · 2 years
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I know he's not dead but it's funny
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midorikawawas · 2 years
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ie-dilf-tournament · 2 years
Gouenji Katsuya VS Endou Daisuke
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misfitmiska · 8 months
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So @randomnumber20 came up with the idea of GO Endou having a beard like Daisuke’s and the idea was too funny to ignore so yeah enjoy the sillyyy~
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azuretl · 7 months
I am honored to announce that I was part of the fantastic localization team that's bringing Ryusei*Fantasia to the west!
With Ryusei*Fantasia announced, I thought I could write a little bit about my experiences with B-PRO and the interesting coincidences that led me to this fantastic franchise. Since I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this blog, and I'm deadly sick still, I might as well do a bit of random writing and talk a bit about the project! Weird rambling under the cut.
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So, I actually knew about B-PRO when it was first announced years ago. My sister and I are huge fans of TMR (TM Revolution, aka Takanori Nishikawa) which stemmed from our love for the Sengoku Basara franchise. (I can go on forever about that one... We did cosplays, photoshoots, nightly gaming sessions [we had all the games in Japanese], I wrote fanfics... um yeah. It was...*a time* :P ) We caught wind that TMR was producing a new virtual idol group...and that's when I learned about B-PRO.
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I didn't know the boys, but I did know that the music was going to be FIRE... And after seeing images of the characters, they didn't really have a lasting impression (except for Korekuni... At the time, I recognized him as "Kishio Daisuke's character" :'D I'm also a seiyuu fanatic, so...).
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(Ahhh...the Daisuke team for KITAKADO...)
Fast forward to a few years later, B-PRO was still in its infancy, and, being the huge seiyuu fan that I am, I listened to a lot of seiyuu music. (I-CHU, Actors franchise, i7, etc. etc...) When just playing a random song list, I ran into some B-PRO music. That's really the extent of what I knew about it... It had a great voice cast and the music is FIRE.
I also found out that Kato Kazuki is voicing in it :O (And then I was certain the music was going to be SOOOO GOOOOD). I'm also a huuuge tenipuri fan (POT head here :'D. Cosplays, fanfics, fanart, dream novels [do people even remember those?] I've done it all.) and naturally, I became a huge Tenimyu fan as well (Prince of Tennis Musicals... I even got a group of friends together to cosplay + reenact some dances from Tenimyu for cosplay contests...and won quite a few of them too ;) ). My favorite Tenimyu cast was the Dream Live 3 group. (I guess they're considered season 2 Seigaku?) with the D-boys and Yanagi Kotaro/Endou Yuya as their Ryouma. (People who don't know Tenimyu, sorry for all the terminology that probably doesn't make sense to you lol... *sweat*) And my favorite school happened to be Hyoutei.
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Now, for those who don't know, Kato Kazuki (voice of Aizome) played the captain of Hyoutei's tennis club in the musicals (Atobe Keigo) and he EMBODIED that smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch <3 aura. If you don't know PoT, Atobe is basically Aizome but younger and filthy rich. And naturally, Tenimyu being a musical, meant Kato Kazuki had to sing live... and I fell in LOVE with his voice. He is such an amazing singer! And actor! (I also started watching Kamen Rider Kabuto because of him... he plays one of the Kamen Riders and he is, again, a smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch... I guess he gets typecasted a lot...)
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All this is to say, I really really really like Kato Kazuki...as an actor, singer, performer... he excudes sexy and he has so. much. presence. Seeing him working in an idol franchise was pretty refreshing and exciting!
(Side note, Goshi's voice actor- Toyonaga Toshiyuki is also in the Prince of Tennis musical... and he shared the stage with Aizome's voice actor, Kato Kazuki, quite a lot. They also interacted a lot in the backstage behind-the-scenes videos. They're really good friends so... queue my utter surprise when I found out how Goshi and Aizome interact in the stories >>;;;; )
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So that was really the extent of my knowledge of B-PRO. Great music, great cast, great character designs. So when I was approached about joining the team, I was very eager to throw my hat into the ring. (PLUS my absolute favorite voice actor, Kakihara Tetsuya is in it... I HAD TO!!!) But boy, oh boy, was I hit with UTTER SURPRISE when I found out how much DRAMA and INTENSITY and STORY the franchise actually has!!!
What I thought might've been "just another idol game" turned out to be so full of drama... It was such a nice, pleasant surprise. I won't go too much into the process and the stories, since you'll all have to play the game to find out! But wow, all the boys were *nothing* like I thought they were at first.
Just for fun, here's what I thought at first vs what I think of them now. (Opinions are my own... and I'm sorry that some of my earlier opinions were...for lack of a better word, *dumb* )
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Goshi Typical bad boy chara -> I would love to have this character as a bigger brother. He's caring and really looks out for his kouhai... How can anyone NOT like him??? He's my second favorite...!
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Aizome It's Kato Kazuki...so the typical Ore-sama kei, smug, flirty -> Ore-sama kei, smug, (playfully) flirty, and someone with so, so much depth. I want to be his friend...just to be there for him. He needs Goshi and Ashu more than he thinks. And you'll never convince me that he and Goshi aren't an old married couple that gets into fights literally every two seconds.
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Ashu Genki boi #1 -> I remember his scenes very strongly, oddly enough. THRIVE needs him. Aizome and Goshi need him. He may act like a happy-go-lucky boyo with too much energy, but he's the water that helps keep the other Aizome and Goshi flowers alive, whether they realize that or not. He's also a really, really good senpai :')
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Kitakado Prince-kei. It's Ono Daisuke so...guessing we're gonna get something like his Starry Sky counterpart. -> Pretty much that... but he's also sooo silly whenever Korekuni is involved. Has a silly side to him, and a very loving and charming side too. He's a good guy XD and no one can convince me that he's NOT a married couple with Korekuni ._.
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Korekuni Kishio Daisuke!!!! The Daisuke combo! Pretty boy. Guess he's snobby? -> I see a lot of myself in him. He's highly professional and demands the same level of professionalism from his peers, though that can come off as strict. He's so much more than his appearance, and he's not afraid to show that.
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Masunaga (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THIS)I thought he looked...kinda boring...? -> He was one of the characters that I did the most research on because I wanted to grasp his character and who he really is...and when I did, boy... the tears were everywhere. I just want him to be happy. His side story is one that I remember MOST vividly. He's a good leader and a good person and I just really really really want him to be happy.
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Onzai KAKKIIIIIII *screams and flails my arms around* I thought I would love him the most because of his voice actor. (I am obsessed with Kakihara Tetsuya) -> *pats his head* You're a good boy. I wish you will love yourself and realize how much everyone loves you ;~; He's more than his pretty looks... and he's very insightful. He really understands his teammates and cares for them deeply.
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Osari The last time I heard Morikubo Shotaro voice a genki boy was GET BACKERS. [I KNOW I'M SHOWING MY AGE BY SAYING THAT...] Genki Boi #2. -> The mood-maker and a ray of sunshine. His crazy nicknames almost drove me nuts 8'D but he's such a lovable character. It's impossible to dislike him. I know one of the TLers on the team REALLY likes him and I can understand why!
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Nome I love this character design SO MUCH!!! He's so good-looking! -> He's still really good-looking...I love his hair color...his build...his everything. Character-design wise, he's still my favorite. Was funny when I found out he's a gym buff :'D makes sense... He would also make a good big brother to the boys ;u; Though I THINK he has a big brother?? If I remember one of the special events I translated right...
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Sekimura I'm usually not a fan of megane-types. He's okay. (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THAT...AND I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT APPRECIATING HIM MORE BEFORE) -> WOW where to start. I want him to be successful. I want him to be happy. He has SO, SO, SO much depth. He deserves SO, SO, SO much. He breaks the usual megane-type trope and he's his own self that stands out SO MUCH. I appreciate him so much for his faithful, loyal support of his friends and I just REALLY want him to be happy. And no one can convince me that he's NOT madly obsessed with Onzai. He'd date him if he got the chance. :P
First off, before diving into characters, can I say that THESE BOYS ARE THE FURTHEST THING FROM SOMETHING AS EDGY AS "KILLER KING" I expected super edgy boys in this band... ._.;;
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Haruhi Genki Boy #3. Ah, I think this will be my favorite genki boy. -> He is not my favorite genki boy :'D He's still great of course!!! But it's funny how that didn't turn out the way I thought it would. He's also a giant ray of sunshine, though a bit selfish, but that's part of his charm. The side story for him though... *Haaah* Haruhi... just...whyyyy... But I really really really liked his backstory. He admits his faults and grows to overcome them and I truly, really respect that.
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Yuduki The gloomier of the twins. Lack self-esteem? -> He does lack self-esteem, but he grows from it too. I actually really like Yuduki...I was surprised because I didn't expect that. Again, he's another boy that had way more depth than I imagined. He takes good care of Haruhi, but he's not limited to being Haruhi's shadow. His individual stories away from Haruhi are where he really shines, I think. Go for it, Yuduki! Ganbare!!!
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Akane Genki boy #4. -> MUST. PROTECC. AKANEEEE. *HISSSSS* The BIGGEST surprise for me is that Akane became my TOP. FAVORITE. BOY. His background story and his interactions in the special event stories made me empathize with him A LOT. He has INTENSE imposter syndrome and he doesn't know when to stand up for himself...so he needs his friends to help him. And in response, he LOVES his friends and will do anything to help them. He's selfless for his friends but tends to forget to care for himself. I can go ON AND ON but please, please PLEASE check out his backstory when the game comes out!!! That hit me really hard... and it resonated with me a lot. It might not with others, but it really did with me. Akane love. *sob sob sob*
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Shingari Ah, it's Egu... Egu? With that kinda character design? I guess he's the silent type then? -> There's more depth than I imagined. I remember his backstory quite well, too, because it showed a more vulnerable side to him, and I came to understand Shingari really well after it. *pats his head* He's a good boy. I hope him success. Don't worry, you'll have your friends and your senpai with you! It's okay to be a bit vulnerable sometimes!
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So...that was my evaluation of the characters before and after working on the series. It's okay if you don't agree with my views on the boys, I'm not saying they're the only view and the right view...it's just *my* view, after working on the select parts of the game that I did. It was *amazing* how much my opinions changed. No one was really entirely what I thought they were like...that just shows how much depth the characters really have. They're not bound to just their trope, but there's so much more about them... and I came to appreciate them and the franchise EVEN MORE than ever.
I am so genuinely blessed to have gotten the chance to work on this series and I am so genuinely grateful to PQube and the team that was put together for this title. I can't wait for all of you to play the game and experience this yourself, whether you're new to B-PRO or a veteran fan.
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soccerpunching · 1 year
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starline148 · 2 years
11th November is Pocky Day so I’m going to accept some requests to draw ships sharing Pockys! I’ll draw them all with the same pose because time, but feel free to ask for any of the following ships (you can ask for Ina11 OG characters as OG or GO, if you don’t say anything I’ll guess they’re from OG). I may be slow but I’ll do them! At least I’ll finish for next Pocky Day hahaha
Inazuma Eleven: -Kidou&Fudou -Someoka&Fubuki Shirou -Sakiyama&Henmi -Endou&Kazemaru -Kogure&Haruna -Shinobu&Haruna -Gouenji&Toramaru -Tatsuya&Midorikawa -Tsunami&Tachimukai -Narukami&Otomura -Genda&Sakuma -Sein&Desuta -Meza&Iyatani -Tobitaka&Fuyuka -Haizaki&Mizukamiya -Mark&Dylan -Hidetoshi&Luca -Gianluca&Marco -Handa&Matsuno -Touko&Rika -TeresxEdgar -Fidio&Demonio -Rococo&Natsumi Inazuma Eleven GO: -Ichino&Aoyama -Kirino&Shindou -Hikaru&Kariya -Tsurugi&Hakuryuu -Minaho&Manabe -Hamano&Hayami -Nishiki&Midori Minamisawa&Kurama Some ships I love from other fandoms in case you want to see other things beside Inazuma Eleven, most of them are from when I was a kid hahaha -Daisuke&Ken (Digimon) -Takeru&Hikari (Digimon) -Ash&Misty (Pokemon) -May&Drew (Pokemon) -Diluc&Kaeya (Genshin Impact) -Razor&Bennett (Genshin Impact) -Xingqiu&Chongyun (Genshin Impact) -Al Haitam&Cyno (Genshin Impact) -Kyo&Tohru (Fruits Basket) -HoroHoro&Ren (Shaman King) -Zelgadiss&Ameria (Slayers) -Bokuto&Akaashi (Haikyuu!) -Kuroo&Kenma (Haikyuu!) -Kageyama&Hinata (Haikyuu!) -Doremi&Kotake (Ojamajo Doremi) -HazukixYada (Ojamajo Doremi) -Maka&Soul (Soul Eater) -Beth&Cocoru (Puchi Puri Yucie)
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meandmyfandoms1230 · 4 months
I need MOAR BnHa/Inazuma Eleven ideas/headcanons!!!!!!! :3
That moment when you're like "ask me for more!" And then some asks you for more and you're like uhhhh...
Here's some more/expansions about what I said earlier:
•Aki is quirkless, she'd be too powerful with a quirk, and because of Japan's stupid laws he can't play quirked soccer and has to settle being a manager. She'd kick the boys asses any day of the week.
•Taichimukai has a copy quirk that works through some sort of visual processing (see it then be it, lol). If he sees something and understands the basic concept behind it, he can replicate it perfectly (he can only replicate one quirk at a time, but any other skill he can do whenever). Also, if he uses it often enough he can build upon the thing he's copying in his own way (like copying someone cooking so much that he gains some intuition about what tastes good, so he makes his own recipies). He uses God hand often enough that he evolves it differently from endou. (His parents had a hard time in his ninja phase)
•Kageno Jin has an invisibility quirk that turns off whenever people are actively looking at him. It honestly just bends light around him
•Otonashi has an information processing quirk like her brother, but hers works more towards compiling data and computers while Kidous is more creating tactics
•Kabeyama can earthbend
•Rococos quirk, I'm still trying to figure out. When I'm thinking about their quirks, I'm also looking at a charcters role in the show and how they use their skills. I'm still trying to figure out a way for Rococo to copy daisuke that makes sense as a quirk and also makes sense in the events of the show. I want the universes to fit together, not change important plot points.
If there's a specific charcter you want, ask and ill put my 2 cents in (please keep in mind that I'm still in the process of watching GO, and I haven't finished Orion yet because of how stupid it is)
(Here's the original post if you need it)
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year
Fate/Samurai Remnant second trailer, ‘Rogue Servants’ detailed
Gematsu Source
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Publisher Koei Tecmo and developer Omega Force have released the second official trailer for Fate/Samurai Remnant, as well as new information and screenshots introducing the game’s “Rogue Servants.”
Get the details below.
■ Characters
Rogue Saber (voiced by Tooru Sakurai)
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A Rogue Servant of the Saber class. An armored warrior who rides a gray horse and wields an odachi. He is chasing after an enemy he calls a “demon” in order to destroy it.
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Rogue Archer (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki)
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A Rogue Servant of the Archer class. His true name is Arjuna. A white-robed warrior who wields a bow clad in blue flames. He is honest, polite, and always behaves honorably.
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Rogue Lancer (voiced by Nobutoshi Canna)
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A Rogue Servant of the Lancer class. His true name is Cu Chulainn. He treats his crimson spear, which is longer than his own body, as part of himself. He is combative and always looking for a worthy opponent.
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Rogue Rider (voiced by Chiwa Saito)
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A Rogue Servant of the Rider class. Her true name is Tamamo Aria. She captivates the men of the world with her lovely appearance, and in some way otherworldly speech and conduct.
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Rogue Caster (voiced by ???)
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Rogue Assassin (voiced by ???)
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Rogue Berserker (voiced by Daisuke Endou)
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A Rogue Servant of the Berserker class. A long-haired fighter with a muscular body who has lost his sense of reason due to being a Berserker. He is with Takao Dayu for some reason.
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■ System
Rogue Servants
You can fight borrowing the power of Rogue Servants that you form bonds with through the Waxing Moon Ritual. Overwhelm enemies with their unparalleled strength.
Various Encounters
You may encounter a Rogue Servant in the town of Edo. By interacting and forming bonds with them, they will become reassuring allies that will support Iori and company with their tremendous strength.
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The Struggle for Holy Ground
Take control of interconnected holy ground, expand your influence, and seize your enemies’ holy grounds. Rogue Servants will also lend you their strength in the struggle for holy ground.
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Fate/Samurai Remnant is due out for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam on September 28 in Japan and September 29 worldwide.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
Trailer #2
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choberr · 1 year
Me talking about IE to my (ex)non-IE fan friend but neither of us can take a shit seriously
(since the logs are written on our mother language but we gave each other nicknames based on TMNT characters; Donnie = me and Leo = my friend)
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Leo: why's a middle schooler kid fighting with this guy
Leo: why's the guy shaped like a square
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Donnie: The men in this photo are the same person
Leo: how
Leo: huh
Leo: what
Leo: where
Leo: [the previous photo but it's only showing grandpa Daisuke's face] "im dead" ~ guy
Donnie: Oh and the guy is the grandpa of that middle schooler boy
Donnie: [replying to the first photo] the boy in this one
Leo: huh
Leo: AA
Donnie: [replying to a photo of Asuto] this guy's mom is dead
Leo: pity
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Leo: a
Leo: mom
Leo: his mom
Leo: is so
Leo: so prettu
Leo: y*
Donnie: ikr
Leo: im losing my mind
Donnie: [the clip of Zeus vs Ogre in the movie where the whole Zeus team is absolutely demolished and is on the ground while Aphrodi is the only one standing]
Leo: the fuck
Donnie: These guys aren't dead but they look like dead what the hell
Leo: soccer
Leo: how is this soccer what
Donnie: Ngl I'm questioning that too
talking about Hissatsus
Donnie: There's this one Hissatsu Technique
Donnie: where a guy summons penguins straight up from the ground
Leo: oenguin
Donnie: fr penguin
Leo: i love penguin
at some point we talked about the Ogre movie so 🧍🟧/ 🟧 = Mamoru, 🧍🟥/🟥 = Kanon, 🧘‍♀️ = Leo
Donnie: Then just as Ogre's captain (Baddap) is going to finish off the orange headband boy (Endou), the man's (Killard) job is finally done
Donnie: So the red headband boy (Kanon) is finally able to intervene
Donnie: I'll find the clip hold on
Leo: 🧍🟧 🤛🧍
Leo: 🧍🟧 🧍🟥 ❌ 🤛🧍
Donnie: found it
Donnie: [the clip of Kanon stopping Dead Spear]
Leo: [replying to Leo: "🧍🟧 🧍🟥 ❌ 🤛🧍"] LITERALLY THIS
Donnie: [replying to Leo: "EHAT IS THIS"] me when I first watched Inazuma Eleven
Donnie: [replying to Leo: "LITERALLY THIS"] real
*a little bit of Leo having a crisis here*
Donnie: Okay so the red headband boy had intervened right
Donnie: The momentary dialog is this
Donnie: 🟥: hi
🟧: ...
🟥: say hello
Leo: 🟧💭: what in the fuck what is going on why are we here the fuck are you huh
Donnie: 🟥💭: why did they make me go 80 years in the past
Leo: 🧘‍♀️💭: wdym 80 years
This was it lol. Maybe I'll do a part 2 who knows
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