#daisy's bachelorette
wildmelon · 2 years
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elspeth for @wooldawn​’s bachelorette challenge! 🐈
⊱ she/her, cis woman, pansexual
⊱ adept spellcaster, especially of practical magic
⊱ aspiration: purveyor of potions
⊱ traits: genius, perfectionist, cat lover
⊱ skills: herbalism, gardening, medium, cross-stitch, handiness, cooking
⊱ likes: crystals, rainbows, full moons, slow dancing, berry picking 
Elspeth is a quick-minded and clever witch who constantly experiments with potions and alchemy. Slightly spacey, she’s easily fascinated by the world around her and often slips into rapt reveries. When she isn’t engrossed by a certain plant or poem, she’s cheerful and bubbly with a slight penchant for mischief. A true night owl, Elspeth loves moonlit walks and starry nights by the fire. She keeps so busy and focused on her work and gardening that her dream of sharing a little cottage with a life partner has been pushed to the side. A dedicated challenge is the perfect way to force her to pay some much-needed attention to her social and love life. 
bonus pic of her cat, padlock <3 ↓
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mintydeluxes-blog · 8 months
Welcome to Bachelor and Bachelorette
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katlimeart · 22 days
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Mario girls cosplaying as female characters from Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
1 - 3. Celia
4 - 6. Nami
7 - 9. Muffy
10. Flora
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wooldawn · 2 years
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daisy’s bc :)
i’m skipping an intro for now because i’m tired and don’t want to - she’s a werewolf, past camp counselor, BIG on being outdoors, and her traits are childish, active, goofball, self-assured, and loves outdoors! contestants can be any gender and can be human, werewolf, witch, or vampire! also! i’ll be streaming the actual challenges occasionally! deadline is a tentative 11/24 and i’m accepting 7 contestants, you can submit them to the #daisy’s bc tag or tag me or both!
cant wait luv u xoxo
edit: just to add! anybody sent that doesn’t win will stay friends with her! somethin i wish i had done with remi’s bc ;-;;;;
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neverinsignificant · 7 months
no fuckin way did Joey just do a cartwheel while on the date with Maria. 😭
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skyler10fic · 1 year
To Have and to Hold: Ch. 11 Showered
By Skyler10
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Summary: The bridal party hosts a surprise shower-turned-bachelorette for Daisy and Carol, and some familiar MCU faces show up (Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Piper from AoS, Natasha Romanov, and “Val” here is King Valkyrie/Brunnhilde).
Notes: Thanks to all of my wonderful writing buddies for the bridal shower game suggestions! This was a fun chapter to write.
Read on Ao3
On the evening of the bridal shower, Elena’s living room slowly filled with women. First Jemma and Maria arrived to help set up and decorate, then Melinda brought the drinks. Carol’s friends Val, Jane, and Darcy, and Daisy’s friends Piper and Natasha rounded out the guest list. 
Elena had told Daisy and Carol to come over for dinner, and that other guests might be coming, but nothing else. She also told them a slightly later time. A note on the door said to come on in, so they hesitantly knocked, opened the door, called out that they were there, and walked inside. When they entered the living room, it all made sense. 
“Surprise!” all of the women shouted at once. 
“A surprise bridal shower,” Jemma explained, in case it wasn’t clear what was going on. 
“You guys!” Daisy exclaimed. Carol grinned and squeezed Daisy’s hand. Daisy asked, “Did you know about this?” 
“No!” Carol laughed. “I’m just as surprised as you are.”
Melinda popped her head out of the kitchen. “There they are!” 
“Mom!” Daisy laughed and went over to hug her. Meanwhile, Carol greeted their friends, and Maria made sure everyone had been introduced. 
Jemma asked Val, “So do you work with Carol?” 
Val snorted. “God no, I’m lucky I passed maths at all in school. We were on the same softball team, and now we go to all the sporting events together. Try to catch a WNBA night or football—proper football, not American football. Maria comes too with the little one on occasion.” 
“Monica gets bored with soccer and softball,” Maria explained as Carol showed pictures on her phone of Monica in various jerseys with concession snacks or napping in her seat. “She says they take too long. But we catch the WNBA when the games aren’t too late, and whatever else they go to during the day when we can.”
Meanwhile, Jane and Darcy were enthusiastically explaining their newly improved wormhole theory to Piper, Elena, and Natasha. When Jane and Darcy were called away by Jemma, Piper asked, “Okay, so did anyone get any of that or am I just an idiot?”
“No idea,” Elena freely admitted. 
“Sorry, I’ve got nothing.” Natasha shrugged. “I’ve read a lot about space, but they are way beyond my level.” 
A timer on Elena’s phone beeped, and she briefly joined Melinda and Daisy in the kitchen, then reappeared to announce that the enchiladas and drinks were ready. Maria started the party playlist in the background on Elena’s stereo system, and the bridal shower officially began. 
After dinner, they retrieved their purses for a purse scavenger hunt, which required the various friends to get to know each other even better. The true test, however, was how well they knew the brides in “Daisy + Carol Trivia,” as Jemma had titled it on her slide deck. She played the slides on the TV so everyone could see the questions and answers. Since she knew the brides equally well and had for years, she was the ideal quizmaster. Naturally, Melinda knew more of the Daisy questions and Maria knew all of the Carol ones, but the others each had questions related to their friendships with the brides as well. 
The questions for the surprise final round, however, had been a team effort from the bridal party present (Melinda, Maria, Jemma, and Elena). Jemma quizzed Carol and Daisy on how well they knew each other, like the old Newlyweds game show. Since Jemma didn’t tell the brides in advance and didn’t have their answers prepared, all she had for this round were questions on the slides. 
“And now for the happy couple,” Jemma called. “Brides come on up.” 
She had Carol and Daisy sit a few feet apart on barstools at the front of the room, facing each other. Elena handed them each a small whiteboard with a dry-erase marker. 
“Ignore the Sharpie in that corner,” Elena mumbled to Daisy. “Alfie found that one when Mack wasn’t looking.”
Daisy giggled at the child’s drawing of a small cat that would never be erased. 
Maria explained, “Those are just for the answers you’re guessing. We aren’t tallying points because 1. everyone’s a winner here and 2. we’ve seen you two compete. For those who haven’t, let’s just say there’s a reason we never put them on opposite teams.” Maria raised an eyebrow and sent the audience a look that said as well as they worked together, things got intense when they worked against each other, especially after a few drinks. 
“We’ll be good,” Daisy said sheepishly, remembering the pub trivia night or two Maria was referencing. 
“We promise,” Carol finished. They sent their best angelic, innocent looks in Maria and Jemma’s direction. The bridesmaids exchanged jokingly doubtful looks.   
Their friends laughed knowingly. 
Jemma cleared her throat. “You’ll each have 20 seconds to write your answers and then guess what the other wrote. Ready?” 
“Wait,” Carol interrupted. “So I write what I would say for me, and then I guess out loud what Daisy would have written?” 
“Precisely,” Jemma confirmed and clicked the remote. “First question! What did you do on your first date?” 
They each wrote quickly but shared a silent joke between them.
“Time’s up, and judging from those looks, it might be a rocky start?” Jemma asked.
Carol guessed, “Our first big date out was the winter formal. Is that what you said?” Daisy grimaced and revealed her board first to Carol and Jemma and then to the audience. “I said the holiday market we stopped at on the drive home from Christmas right after you asked me to be your girlfriend.” 
“Oh no,” Carol laughed. “Is that what you guessed I would say?”
“No, I thought you’d say studying together at the coffee shop,” Daisy laughed. 
“We could say we had a lot of first dates,” Carol justified, “because we’d already done so much as friends and then we were doing them as girlfriends so they were all special. But on the drive back to school was when we made it official so that’s true too.” 
Jemma clicked to the next slide. “If your partner had a superpower, what would it be?”
They wrote quickly and were ready and confident this time. 
Daisy guessed first this time. “Flying, but in a super cool way, like with rocket feet or something.”  
Carol revealed her board. “Okay, I think that counts. I said photon blasts, which would do that, but also like firepower in your hands.” 
Daisy shrugged. “Sure, yes, photon blasts. They did not teach me that in computer school.” They all laughed and Jemma conceded that it was close enough. 
“And what would Daisy’s power be?” Jemma asked.  
Carol contemplated how to phrase it. “Okay, I don’t know if this is what you would say, but in physics, everything has a frequency, right? So you could, like, control things by tuning into those frequencies.” She demonstrated a cool superhero pose and moved her open hands around. 
“Hm, like telekinesis?” Daisy asked. 
“Eh, not really.” Carol tilted her head. “It’s more like you could tap into the vibrations all around us and alter their patterns.” 
Jane bounced in her seat. “You could make things shake or break apart, even causing earthquakes or avalanches! Or even manipulate individual objects down to the smallest level. That would be so cool.”
Carol pointed at the only other person in the room who understood her language. “Yeah! And lots of other stuff. Not just earth, but liquid, metal, anything.” 
“The Avatar,” Darcy said in awe. 
Jemma squinted. “I think that’s further away from what she meant… So Daisy, what did you pick?” 
“Well, you’re not going to believe this,” Daisy teased, leading up to the dramatic reveal of her board. “I did actually put telekinesis, but this sounds much cooler. Thinking of that like a superhero fighting style? That’s badass.” She looked to her mom, who had been the one to get her into martial arts as a kid.
Melinda looked impressed. “That’d be very cool.” 
Daisy beamed at the validation. “So that seems close enough to count too, yeah?” 
Jemma opened it up to the audience, who voiced enthusiastic agreement. “There we have it. Though, I’d say the true winner here is Carol’s knowledge of physics leading to excellent superhero possibilities.” 
Val raised her hand and Jemma called on her. “Yeah, Carol, when we’re done here, can you tell the rest of us what our powers would be?” 
They laughed again and Carol agreed, then they continued with the game: “If your partner could see any living musician perform, who would they pick?” (Alanis Morissette for Carol and Taylor Swift for Daisy) and favorite foods, places to vacation, and dream cars rounded out the questions. 
“Last question, who said ‘I love you’ first?” Jemma asked, expecting a sweet, romantic story.
Daisy and Carol’s smiles fell. The images of a stormy, tearful night in college came back to them. Carol had hung up on her dad to end a shouting match and was shaking in fear and anger. Daisy had held her tightly until she calmed down and they had cried their eyes dry. They had pledged their love in trembling whispers in the dark as thunder rumbled and rain pounded the windows. No matter what metaphorical storms they weathered, they had promised each other that their love would be strong enough to make it through to the birdsong of the blue-sky morning.
“It was sort of both of us at once,” Daisy said softly, not taking her eyes off Carol.
Carol swallowed hard. “Yeah, it just came out one night.” She put on her party face and changed the topic. “So! What’s next?” 
The women understood the story wasn’t going to be shared in detail and didn’t press. Most of them knew why Carol’s mom wasn’t here at her only daughter’s bridal shower, but even Daisy’s friends Piper and Natasha could guess, being queer themselves. 
To lighten the mood, Maria introduced the next game: Marital MadLibs. She asked them for nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and so on while writing on a notepad, filling out the blanks. They all contributed a word, playing along with the expected wacky tone of the game. When they were done, Maria revealed that they had been rewriting the traditional wedding vows. She had Carol and Daisy stand in front of her and each read their half of the vows to each other in a mock ceremony. They laughed so hard, they could barely get through them. 
Daisy started reading the notebook Maria handed her: “I, Minnie Mouse, take thee, Wonder Woman, to be my wedded dog-walker, to have and to dance, from this day forward, for pretty, for worse, for richer, for cuter, in sickness and in hunger, to love and to hug, till heaven do us part.” She looked up from the notebook to smile at Carol. “Aw, mine was kinda sweet.” 
Carol received the notebook with curiosity and began reading—or at least tried to but was interrupted several times by giggling. “I, Captain Crunch, take thee, Britney Spears, to be my wedded alien, to have and to fuck from this day forward, for better, for hard, for richer, for wetter? In sickness and in scissors , to love and to pleasure?! till math do us part!”  
Everyone in the room was laughing so hard they were crying by the end. Carol handed the notebook back to Maria and covered her blushing red face with her hands. “Mine got so dirty and we weren’t even trying!” 
“Speak for yourself.” Natasha lifted her drink.
“Here here,” Val agreed with a tap of her plastic cup to Natasha’s. 
The bridal party exchanged silent amusement. The evening wasn’t over yet, but there were clear alliances forming.  
“That seems like a good segue,” Jemma hinted. “Everyone to the kitchen!” 
“Ooo, what’s next?” Daisy said, mostly to Carol, as a subtle way to check in that she was having fun.
Carol observed Elena, Maria, and Jemma’s enthusiasm and replied, “I think the cute little bridal shower is over and the bachelorette party is starting.” 
Gathered around Elena’s large kitchen island, they played a game trying to concoct the perfect Carol + Daisy signature cocktail, with the couple being the judge of which best suited their relationship. In the process, it was decided that their wedding hashtag would be “Caisy.” Piper and Jemma coined it as the name of their cocktail, but it had resounding approval from all. 
When they had settled on a winning recipe (Jane and Darcy’s mixed berry white sangria), Melinda finished her virgin pineapple daiquiri, said her goodbyes, and headed home. She said she had a long drive back, but it went without saying that having a bride’s mom at this part of the party could get awkward or embarrassing. 
For example, the next game was a Yankee swap for the party favor bags. Each guest had brought a gift bag with an item from a sex shop such as a toy or lube, a pair of underwear or lingerie store gift card, and a sex tips book or game. Jemma and Maria had brought extra for Carol and Daisy so there would be enough for everyone playing.  
Elena held up a bowl full of pieces of paper and explained, “Each of these has a number on it. Whoever draws number one picks first, and whoever draws number two can either pick the gift bag that the first person unwrapped or can pick from the pile. When the last gift is unwrapped, whatever gift you are holding is the one you’re going home with.”
Carol playfully grabbed Daisy around the waist. “I pick this one to go home with.” 
Daisy tickled her side until she let go and they all laughed, but Elena was undeterred from her mission to make sure everyone got a number and understood the game before they started. 
Luckily, Natasha, perhaps the least shy person in the room, drew number one. While no one would describe her as loud or the center of a party, she had a bold, frank, Russian-American way of speaking her mind that made people trust her. When she opened her gift bag to reveal a toy and book the others hadn’t heard of and a pair of banana-print briefs, she oohed and ahhed like a pro. Only Daisy, knowing her better than the others did, could see her strategy of getting rid of the gift by making others believe they wanted it. 
They went around in numerical order, roaring in laughter when butch Piper got a pair of lacy pink bikini-cut panties and when Jemma tried to market the mini whip and feather she unwrapped so others would want it. Sadly, her salesmanship was lacking and obvious, so she didn’t have any takers. 
Competition heated up when Val stole Carol’s gift, Maria stole it from Val, and Daisy stole it from Maria. 
“That’s the third trade. This gift is no longer in play,” Elena announced. Daisy packed the sex dice game, soft modal short boxers, and bullet vibe back into the gift bag and hid it not-so-subtly under Carol’s chair. 
Darcy poked Jane. “Aw, she stole it back for her.” 
After that, no one dared steal Carol’s new gift she had unwrapped from the pile: black lace-hemmed boyshorts, a double-ended vibrator, and The Sassy Sapphic’s Guide to Married Pleasure . Only Val was adventurous enough to end up with Natasha’s mysterious toy and book and fun enough to enjoy the banana briefs. Jane, Darcy, Elena, Maria, and Piper traded a few times but were ultimately satisfied with their gift bags as well, whether for humor or serious use. 
Jane and Darcy headed home after the exchange, and the others decided was time for a final round of drinks, which played a key part in the final game: Dirty D20. Jemma brought one of her Dungeons and Dragons die with 20 sides and displayed a set of 20 questions on her laptop, once again hooked up to the TV so all could see. They would take turns rolling the die and had to answer the corresponding question (causing everyone else to take a drink) or refuse to answer and take a drink themselves. Unlike Never Have I Ever, a simple yes or no wouldn’t suffice. These questions were more open-ended. 
“What?!” Daisy leaned closer to the TV and read over the questions. “Name a kink you want to try?”
Val shrugged. “I’m ready, let’s do this.” 
Natasha sent her an impressed look and scooted closer on the sofa. “I’m on her team.” 
Jemma sighed. “There are no teams. I just explained the rules.”
Carol stepped in to head off a rule-breakers versus rule-giver debate. “I think we’re ready! Who's first?”   
“I’ll go.” Piper adjusted the pillow behind her and sat cross-legged in the overstuffed recliner. 
Suddenly, the trumpets of “Mambo #5” started playing loudly, making them all jump. 
“Sorry!” Piper and Elena said at once as the entire room started dancing along. Elena scrambled for the stereo volume and Piper pulled out the hidden remote her leg had hit, which had forced the volume up all the way. With the volume on Elena’s party playlist down to a background level, and the fun party vibe bolstered by the unexpected throwback song, they were back on track for a silly game.
Jemma tossed Piper the die and she used the coffee table to roll. Ironically, number 5. Jemma read from the list: “Show the last naughty photo you sent.” 
Piper was happy to oblige. She scrolled through her photos until she found a sexy post-workout selfie and a smoldering expression as she suggestively pulled at her sports bra. The women whistled and applauded her sexy selfie skills. 
They continued around the room, confessing celebrity crushes, what they find attractive, the most adventurous place they’d had sex, first kiss stories, a song that turns them on, a roleplay or fantasy they’d be into, a normal (non-lingerie) clothing item that makes them feel sexy, pet names they called or were called by a partner, dream honeymoon/anniversay locations, and more.     
The game ended when all 20 questions had been answered at least once, with Jemma crossing them off as they went. To their credit, no one had refused to answer, even the extremely personal ones. 
New friends Val and Natasha decided to share an Uber home, leading to several raised eyebrows after they left, but only Piper said what they were all thinking: “I don’t know about you guys, but I ship it.” 
They all agreed and voted on a wedding-themed movie to watch while they sobered up enough to drive home safely. My Big Fat Greek Wedding won because the wedding was between the main characters (unlike Crazy Rich Asians and My Best Friend’s Wedding) and the engaged couple planning the wedding did end up married (unlike The Wedding Planner). It seemed the best omen, especially given the quotable humor. 
As Piper fell asleep in the recliner, Elena and Jemma changed the TV settings back from displaying the laptop to playing the movie. Maria, Carol, and Daisy noted how the whole night served to unite their friends and help them bond with each other. Maria mentioned how it was helpful for her and Jemma to know these women better before the wedding, and Carol and Daisy floated the idea of more parties or even girl’s trips together with tonight’s group invited in the future. This felt like one more way marriage could be a joining of their lives in a new way. They would still have their individual hangouts with their friends separately, of course, but now that their friends all knew each other, it helped to break the ice so it wasn’t awkward if they did more together too.  
By the end of the movie, they were all sober, awake, and laughing at the Greek family’s quips and quirks. They helped clean up when it was over, making sure Elena and Mack weren’t left with a trashed party house, and they gathered up their naughty gift bags. 
Elena made sure they were safe to drive and offered to let them crash in a guest bedroom for the night if needed, but they said they were okay. Piper had taken an Uber to the party but lived on Jemma’s route home, so Jemma drove her, and Carol and Daisy assured Elena that they could help keep each other alert if needed, though they were too hyped up from the fun of the party for anyone to be concerned. Maria was the only one alone, but she didn’t live far and she promised to text their group chat when she got home. 
Carol and Daisy felt like they were floating on the drive home. It’d never felt shorter. They might not be throwing the fanciest wedding of the year with the biggest guest list, but their inner circle was going to make sure it was an unforgettable one all the same. They were already surrounded by so much love and joy and friendship, no matter what came next, they knew they wouldn’t be alone. 
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moonfromearth · 2 years
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🦇 Ciera Aponte 🦇
for @wooldawn 's bachelorette challenge!! 😄
About Ciera...
Musical Genius
Bookworm, Music Lover, Snob
Likes: Violin and Orange
Highly trained in classical violin and will play for anyone who shows even a little bit of interest.
Ciera will tell you that her banishment from the vampire community was a mutual parting, but the scars left behind seem to tell a different story. Outcast from her kind, she left the familiar terrain of Forgotten Hollow for the lush greenery of the woods surrounding Moonwood Mill, taking up a new life in nature, isolated from other vampires, nothing but her violin and her books to keep her company. She's a stubborn woman who likes what she likes with no exceptions. Mostly keeping to herself, she's a mystery to many, but her isolated world is starting to feel a little too.... Isolated. Could a new romance be what she needs to liven up her life?
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wttnblog · 6 months
How Joey Grazaidei and "The Bachelor" Reformed Their Ratings Spiral
The following contains spoilers for Season 28 of The Bachelor After The Bachelor finale last night, it’s finally safe to say that the franchise is on an upwards trajectory. I’ve written at length in recent years about how producers and editors of the show were actively ruining the experience for contestants and viewers, but Joey Grazaidei’s Season 28 seems to have turned a corner for the…
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ihavebeesinmybrain · 7 months
i want joey to pick kelsey just because i like her so much and i want her to be happy but im worried that if he doesn’t end up with daisy we will be robbed of a maria bachelorette season since daisy was basically built in a lab for this shit
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loving-barnes · 1 month
A/N: Guys, it's happening! It's here! Old man Logan story for you! I don't know if you'll like it. This is what I always imagined after seeing "Logan" movie. I am a sucker for happy endings, I guess. Let me know what you think. I tried my best.
Pairing: Old man Logan Howlett x Mutant! female reader
Warning: angst, some fluff, nudity, extremely light smut
Words: 6800+
Important notes: Hugh Jackman!Wolverine | Inaccurate information from the movie. I just wanted to write my own thing, so just be aware of that.
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Shitty year. Shitty life. The only thing that eased the pain and his thoughts was the booze. He was able to get drunk. Fucking finally. No one stopped him from the liquid poison. Why would they? No one was alive. Everyone was dead, under the daisies. Sniffing them with their skeletons. All thanks to Charles. Now, that old senile fuck wouldn’t die no matter what. Fucking telepath. 
Logan threw another empty bottle on the dusty ground, snarling as he limped back to the driver’s seat of the limo. His phone had been ringing for some time now. It meant another job for him. He took a minute to collect himself to look at the notification. He hoped to call it a day. That dream died sooner than his appetite for alcohol.
One passenger, long ass drive around El Paso. Fucking rich people that don’t know what to do with their money, he thought. Last night, he drove a bunch of drunk chicks from a bachelorette party, showing him their tits. At least some fun, nice round things to look at. Tonight, it wouldn’t be as entertaining.
Touching the screen, he accepted the offer and put the phone into a holder. His eyes found another empty bottle on the passenger’s seat. Logan threw it out the window. He drove off the side road and headed to pick up the next customer. He hoped it would be someone calm. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with drunks and skanks. 
God he wished the day would end soon -  well, night. He was tired, hungry and was already in need of booze to ease his mind and pain. This life sucked. Ever since Charles managed to kill everyone over a year ago, living in this world has been a nightmare. Instinctively, he patted the spot on his jacket where he carried an adamantium bullet. Logan kept it with him, to end his life once he felt like it wasn’t worth living anymore. 
When he came to the pick-up spot, he frowned. There was one person, as expected. He pictured a guy standing there, like the one he drove to a hotel a week ago. This was a woman. She was dressed in all black, with a big black hat and massive sunglasses. Snobby girl using daddy’s money, he thought. Besides, who the fuck wears sunglasses in the evening?
Logan was ready to leave the limo and open the door for her. However, the woman was faster. She got inside on her own. At least she was capable of doing that. 
He drove away, heading to… wait, where were they headed? He grabbed his phone to look at the final destination. There was none. He noticed a note: Please drive around the city. Fuck, he wasn’t going to do that. He wanted to go back home. 
Logan rolled down the partition, mouth open to ask the question. But he was met with the woman sitting right behind him as if she was waiting for him to address her. Something inside told him to be careful. Goose bumps ran through his devastated body. 
“Where to, miss?” was all he asked. 
Her head turned to the side. Logan noticed the shape of her lips covered in crimson-red lipstick. To him, they reminded him of someone. His mind went instantly back to the days when everyone was alive. There was one person he missed the most. She used to wear a colour like that on her lips. God, he hated thinking about her. It was too painful.
“Just keep driving,” the woman replied. 
That voice. Holy fuck, how sweet and familiar it was. The booze was playing tricks on him, he was sure of it. No, she was dead. Everyone was dead. Charles killed almost all X-men with his seizure-inducted psychic attack. 
He took a deep breath to calm down. When a familiar scent hit his nostrils, he squinted at the woman. What the fuck was this? This was just some mind game of his brain. “That’s not how things work, miss.” 
She chuckled and took off her sunglasses. When her eyes met his, Logan jumped on the brakes and the limo halted abruptly. One hand rested on the steering wheel while the rest of his body turned around to look better into her face. What the fuck was happening?
“Hey, Logan,” the woman said his name. It sounded like the most beautiful melody that hit his ears.
“Y/N?” he whispered her name. 
The cars behind them started to honk aggressively. The limo was in their way, slowing the traffic down. It wasn’t wise to stand in the middle of the street. Logan cursed and started to drive again, his eyes watching Y/N through the rear-view mirror like a hawk. He feared that one blink later she’d be gone. 
He drove them to a silent street, where he knew they’d be alone, without anyone snooping around. The shock was replaced by anger and betrayal. How the fuck was she alive after everything that happened? 
Logan parked the car, his body turned back to face her. She should be glad there was the fucking partition separating them. His emotions were running wild. He’d be able to grab her by the neck and choke the truth out of her. “Fucking sing, right now woman. How the fuck are you alive?” 
“You sure this is safe?” she pointed at the outside. 
“Fuck, talk!” he raised his voice at her. “You’re supposed to be dead. How the fuck are you alive? Explain yourself before I do something I’ll regret for the rest of my miserable life.” Logan was fuming. It was like a wicked mind game. 
“I don’t know.”
He laughed. What a pathetic reply. “I should believe that?” 
Huffing, she moved to the door and stepped out of the limo. Logan got out a second later, limping towards her as fast as he could. With a painful grunt, he took the claws out of his right hand and grabbed her by the top of her long jacket. He pressed her against the vehicle. 
Y/N’s eyes locked with his. There wasn’t a hint of fear inside her. She remained calm. She expected this reaction, the distrust. Anyone would react this way. 
Her breathing was slow, even. “I can explain everything.” 
“You have one fucking minute,” he snarled.
“I’m gonna need more than that,” she said. 
He cursed under his nose. Logan let her go and stepped back to breathe. He was spiralling. Was this happening? This was a hallucination, he was sure of it. None of it was real. “Fuck, fuck! I mourned you. You’re supposed to be fucking dead like the rest of them!” He coughed.
It was painful to see him like this. One year could do a lot of damage - physical and mental. The man she once knew was broken and bruised. Carefully, her hand lifted to his face. She pressed the palm on his grey-brown beard-covered cheek. “Logan,” she said his name. “I’m so sorry for everything that happened.” 
“Shut up.” 
“So many lost, dead because of what Charles’s power did,” she continued. “I’m really sorry about this.”
As she was about to retract her hand, he grabbed her with his left one and pressed his lips on top of it. He inhaled her scent, felt the soft skin with his lips. Logan needed to be sure she was real and not just a figment of his imagination. “How?” he grunted. “How is this possible? I mourned you, Y/N,” he repeated.
She nodded, understanding. “There is a lot to discuss,” she said. “We need to go somewhere where we can talk. That’s why I wanted you to drive around. Standing here, where anyone can see us is dangerous.” 
Logan let her go. He huffed and wiped his face with a hand. The claws on the right hand were long gone. “Get in the car,” he ordered. “I know a place.”
She didn’t have to be told twice. Y/N sat on the passenger’s seat and Logan drove them away. Both of them made sure there weren’t any suspicious vehicles following them. El Paso was a big city, lightened up with many lights like Vegas. The city woke up for the night as the temperatures got acceptable to humans. 
“Is anyone else alive?” Logan asked after a while. His voice got softer. He was able to process the initial shock.
“No,” she shook her head. “Everyone’s dead. I should have been dead too.” 
“How come you are not?” 
She took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. “I think my mutation saved me. It got enhanced with Charles’s psychic attack, or what the hell that was. My mutation was always a protective one. I believe it helped me survive and regenerate. As if that whole situation unlocked something new inside me.” 
“Shit,” he gasped. “Is that even possible?”
She shrugged. “I recall something that Charles taught back at the school. High-stress situations can unlock mutant powers. Usually, it happens to teens and children. But, it’s not rare for mutant adults to have their mutation enhanced by stress, which can potentially bring out more powers.” 
Y/N reached into her boot and took out a pocket knife. As Logan stopped the limo at the red light, she showed him her forearm. “Look.” With one precise move, she cut her skin. Some blood dripped down her arm and onto her clothes. Next, it was sealed with a white light. The skin was nice and clean as if she never cut herself. 
Shit, she could regenerate now. It made sense she survived. “Damn. That didn’t happen before,” Logan commented. He thought back to the days when they were at the mutant school. She could get hurt like anyone else. Bleed like any mortal. “Just… tell me why did you decide to show up now? Why not when you woke up after that incident?” 
Logan drove them to the parking lot inside a building. It was big enough for the limo to fit through the driveway. Once he parked on the second level, he turned the gas off. 
“I didn’t know where you were or who was left alive,” she said. 
“A year, Y/N,” he glared at her. Logan’s eyes were red. He had bags under them, signalling the lack of sleep, the tiredness. “What the hell were you doing during that time?” 
The silence inside the car got heavy. This was a question she knew he’d ask. It was time to tell him everything that happened. 
Y/N turned her body to face him. Her eyes found his shaky hands. “I remember… the pain. A lot of it. My head was about to explode. There was a ringing sound in my ears. The ground was shaking. I could see our friends, the students, on the ground, yelling and gasping for air.
Then it was followed by darkness. When I woke up, I was in a morgue. There were so many of us, lying on cold tables. I was the only one alive. They were all dead.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. “I went through all the tables, saw all the dead faces of our friends and family.” 
Her voice broke. It was too painful to talk about what she went through when she woke up. How fast the world changed. Her hands trembled. “I went through all bodies,” she sobbed. “I saw all the lifeless faces. I cried my eyes out and mourned them. In the end, I realised two people were missing - you and Charles.” 
Logan’s expression softened. He was consumed by his anger and confusion. She came back to his life when he thought she was dead. He should consider it a blessing. A light came back into his dark life. Now, he learnt that her second chance at life was a complete disaster. Pain and death. 
“It took me some time to start again, trust the people around me. Afterwards, I started to look for you. I knew, deep inside, that you were alive somewhere. I made a plan, created a safe place for us once I’d find you. It took me half a year to get an intel that you were alive, here in El Paso.” 
Logan’s hand reached her face and wiped away the tears that ran down her cheeks. After all this time, he still had a soft spot for her. He always did. 
“It wasn’t easy to get here,” she continued. “Luckily, I had people from the past who owed me a couple of favours. I collected information about you. It was easy to discover you got Charles with you. I got intel about his state or how you’ve been trying to get meds for him. When possible, I’d arrange for extra medication for him.”
Logan sighed. “That was you?” 
She nodded. “Yeah. It wasn’t always possible. I tried my best to help you while I prepared for the whole plan I made.” 
He huffed. “Shit, I appreciate it, darlin’.” 
Y/N smiled at him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. I’m sorry I couldn’t…” 
“That’s okay-”
She grabbed his hand. Her fingers trailed the scars on it. They hid under the sleeves of his black jacket. “Do you… Do you know what’s happening to you?” she had to ask. “I can see you’ve changed, Logan.” 
“I’m an old man now,” he said. “I’m in constant pain, healing slowly but not fully. It’s clear I finally have my expiration date. I’ve been alive for almost 200 years. I’ve been through a lot of shit, good and bad.” 
“So,” she cleared her throat. “You feel like it’s your time to go?”
“I didn’t have a reason to live,” Logan admitted. He couldn’t look at her. His eyes were locked on the front window, watching the outside. “The X-men dead, no school, no mutants. I ended up taking care of Charles, who doesn’t want to die,” he grunted, frustrated. He smashed his hands against the steering wheel. 
Logan left the car abruptly. He needed to breathe, to move around and calm down. Charles once gave him a second chance at life. He welcomed him into the mutant school. Now, Logan wanted him to finally die. It was too much responsibility. And he was exhausted.
Y/N appeared before him, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Logan,” she whispered his name. Her mouth opened to say some reassuring words when he pressed her against the limo. His big hands grabbed her by her face and pressed his lips to hers. 
It’s been a year since he last kissed her. She used to be his anchor, the love of his life. It got destroyed when everyone died - when he thought she died. And now, being here with her a year later, the need was back. Their lips moved in sync in a hungry kiss filled with sorrow. His tongue demanded entrance for further exploration. 
Y/N grabbed him by the white button-up. She missed his kisses, his touch. However, it felt different. The time apart made it feel a bit foreign and sad. Her heart wanted to explode.
Logan pushed away, breathing heavily. “Sorry,” he sighed. “I shouldn’t have done that.” 
“It’s okay,” Y/N quickly found his shoulders. “It’s been a fucked up year.” 
He pulled her into his arms, hiding her in a tight embrace. “With you here, back in my life, it changes everything,” he admitted. 
There was a short silence before Y/N told him something he didn’t know. “I know what’s happening to you, Logan.” 
They looked at each other. His brow lifted. “What?” His arms remained on her waist.
“It’s the adamantium,” she said. “It’s poisoning you, slowing down your healing factor and killing you.” 
“How do you know?”
She told him the story of how her trusted friend from the past was able to get to Logan’s blood sample from the time when he agreed to get the adamantium. They ran some tests and even got their hands on some of his bloody clothes from a few months back when he got shot by some men in a parking lot.
“With his help, we were able to do a full analysis and figure out that the adamantium would attack your cells more with time. It’s a toxic substance released from the metal that is killing you from the inside. It’s a whole complex situation. But,” she sighed, “he was able to figure it all out.” 
He huffed. “Well, there you go, darlin’. My time is running out. Fast.”
“What if…” she whispered. “What if there was a way to heal you? Would you want that?” 
This time, they parted away to have a better look at each other. “That’s a difficult one, Y/N. I know things won’t be the same as they were a year ago.”
The sadness appeared in her eyes and he noticed. “Oh…”
“I know things are so fucked up. No more mutants are being born. If there are any left, which I highly doubt, they are all hiding.” 
“You,” she started. “You wouldn’t want me back?” Y/N had to ask. She needed to know to move on. After everything, her heart belonged to him. 
Logan closed his eyes and thought about his reply. “I will want you until the day I die. And that’s the thing. My days are coming to an end. Look what happened to me. I’m an old fuck, who could be your fucking grandfather now.” 
“I still love you,” she said looking away. “I don’t care about any of it. You are my Logan. The one who protected me, helped me grow and made me a better person. Fuck, there was always a gigantic age gap between us. Do you think, just because you have grey hair and scars, will make me love you less?” 
Logan shook his head in disbelief. “I always knew you were too good for me. Even now, you’ve been helping me while I had no idea you were alive. Shit. Such an angel in disguise.” 
Y/N swallowed hard. A lump formed in her throat. “I have an antidote for you,” she blurted out. “If you want it. If you want a better life… with me.” She knew damn well how selfish and stupid it sounded. 
She nodded. “I know, it’s crazy. I know you have no reason to trust me after being separated for a year, while you believed I was dead.” Her hands started to shake. The desperation was evident. She wanted him, needed him back in her life. “It’s up to you, Logan. I have it. If you want it.” 
His phone started to ring. Logan’s eyes moved to the car, seeing the phone still in the holder vibrating. It had to be Caliban. “Shit, I need to head back home.” 
Y/N’s heart dropped. Was this the end of it all? He didn’t want the antidote. He didn’t want her or another chance at life. “I understand.” 
Logan reached for her hand. “You are coming with me, darlin’. We are not done with this conversation. I am not fucking done with you.” He brought the hand to his lips and kissed it. “Get in the car.” 
“No,” he shook his head. “You’re coming with me. Don’t you dare jump to conclusions, Y/N. We have a lot to discuss. And believe me, I’m not fucking letting you go.” 
A warm smile appeared on her face. “Okay.”
“I just fucking hope you don’t have to leave now.”
“No,” she smiled at him. “I’m staying. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll keep you safe, I swear on my life. I’ll get you out of here. Like I said, I already have a plan.” 
Logan helped her get inside the vehicle. He drove them out of El Paso to a place he now called home. It wasn’t much, but it was a place where they could hide and survive. It was located near the US/Mexican borders, in the middle of a dusty nowhere. 
Y/N watched his face the whole drive. She could see how he squinted, frowned out of nowhere. The smile that was on his face turned into a painful scowl. He was in pain. It was a moment like this when she wished she could heal other people with a simple touch. That’s not how her mutation worked. 
When they arrived at an old abandoned smelting plant, the air was warm. Dust and dry land hit her nostrils once she got out of the limo. 
“One more thing,” Logan said and coughed. “We have another mutant here. His name is Caliban.” 
She frowned at him. Everyone knew Caliban. “If I were you, I’d kill him for what he had done in the past. Fucker used to help Transigen for a long time, tracking mutants for them. You were too kind to take him in.”
Logan huffed. He reached his hand towards her. She approached him, taking his hand into his. He got her inside the rusty old building. Together, they walked into a section that could be called ‘the kitchen’. 
Y/N’s eyes wandered around, seeing all the empty bottles of alcohol. Old long rags hung from the walls. It was like a workroom. The smell of steel and ore. At least this was a safe place where they could sleep and eat. 
“Logan?” Y/N turned to the sound to meet Caliban. She noticed how his eyes widened when they landed on her. “Shit, you are alive.” 
“So are you,” she glared at him. 
He took a sniff, frowning. “If I had known you’re alive, I’d have smelt you. I would have known about your presence. Something is different about you. I can’t smell the mutation on you.” 
“Maybe it’s your own mutation weakening,” she growled at him. 
“Mind your own fucking business,” Logan glared at Caliban. 
“Don’t you find it odd that she’s alive?” he raised his voice, finger pointing at the woman. “How is that fucking possible? How come she doesn’t smell like one of us?” 
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t have to explain myself to you, Caliban. Also, I don’t care if you don’t trust me, because I certainly don’t trust you.” 
Logan’s lips turned into a smirk. He took off his black jacket and threw it on the wooden table. He rolled up the sleeves of his white button-up. There were scars over his forearms, even old bullet wounds that didn’t properly heal. He could feel her eyes on them. 
“Come on, darlin’. I’ll take you to see Charles.” 
Y/N made a face while looking at the albino mutant. With Logan, they left the kitchen area and headed to the back door. He took her into a different section of the lot, through a crooked door. The inside of the space was dark until Logan turned on a small light. 
A movement came out of an old bed. “Who’s there?” Charles’s voice echoed around. 
“I brought you, someone,” said Logan. “Someone you know very well. It might lift your spirits.” 
Y/N had to smile when she heard Logan’s softer, calmer voice. Her hand gently brushed against his lower back when she walked closer to the old man. Her legs stopped at the edge of the bed where she saw a very old Charles Xavier with white longer hair and a stubble. 
“Professor,” her voice was a mere whisper. 
His eyes found her, eyeing her face and hair to the clothes and hands. He lost his breath for a moment. As if a ghost was standing in front of him. “Y/N?” he gasped. “Is that you?” 
She nodded, smiling. “Yeah, Professor. It’s me.” 
Her lips opened, ready to tell him to read her mind. She immediately halted. Y/N knew his powers were not what they used to be. “My mutation saved me,” she gave him the simplest answer. “It evolved, like you taught us back at the school.” 
Professor’s eyes moved from her to the man standing in the back. “You did at least something right,” he said to Logan. “You became such a disappointment. At least this-” 
Y/N’s eyes widened in shock. “Professor,” she scolded him. She never imagined these words escaping Professor’s lips. 
She turned to Logan. He had a plastic case in his hands. Then he handed two pills to Charles. “Take them, now,” he said gruffly. “Come on.”
Charles did as told, swallowing the pills and sticking out his tongue at Logan like a child. 
“We’ll let you rest,” Y/N said, smiling weakly at the old man. “I’ll see you again tomorrow.” 
“You are staying?” he asked. He received a simple nod from her and it made him smile. 
Logan brought her to a room with one bed. There were several empty bottles of liquor, cigar butts and other shit. It was spacious, smelled like alcohol, cigars and Logan. This was all he had. At least some privacy, a place to sleep. Those days of living in luxury were long gone. 
He turned on the light. It was yellow, illuminating the place enough for them to see. “You can take the bed,” he said, breaking her thoughtfulness. 
Y/N glared at them. “And where will you sleep?” 
He opened and closed his mouth. There were many options, including the damn limo. But he wished to sleep next to her like they used to before as a couple. Logan huffed. 
“You know, you look very handsome in those formal clothes,” she said. “Sexy, dare I say.” 
“Those were the days when I was,” he scoffed. “Now, I’m basically a fossil.” 
Y/N slowly took off her long jacket. She put her hand into her pocket, feeling the glass vial. Her hand let loose and draped the piece of clothing over a chair - or something that looked like it. The hat was long forgotten in the back seats of the limo. Then, she approached him, carefully resting her hands on his chest. When he didn’t move, she gently unbuttoned the white shirt for him. 
“Y/N,” he sighed her name. 
“Will you let me do this?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet. “Will you let me show you, that in my eyes you are still the handsome man I still love?” 
She helped him take off the button-up and let it fall on the dirty ground. “Fuck,” his breath hitched. “Darlin’.” 
Her hands moved up, gently stroking the skin on his neck until she reached his bearded face. “The beard suits you. Miss the mutton chops, though,” the left side of her lips curled up. 
Logan couldn’t resist. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. One, two and then his tongue asked permission to enter to which she obliged. His big hands slid down her back to her ass, taking a handful of it. “I missed you,” he admitted between the kisses. 
“Missed you too,” she nodded. When their lips disconnected, she grabbed him by the white tank top he wore and dragged it out of his pants. Y/N helped him get rid of it. She could sense the hesitation from him. 
Once it was off, her hands gently stroked his hard chest. Her fingers delicately brushed all the scars that littered his still muscular body. The regeneration was barely working. There was a day-old wound. Someone fucking shot him a day ago and the wasn’t there to protect him. Without thinking, Y/N pressed her lips on his left pectoral, right above his nipple and a scar he had there. 
“Why are you doing this?”
Her hands slipped to the belt of his pants. “To show you that I love you the way you are,” she admitted. “That I want you no matter what.” 
Logan stopped her by grabbing her wrists and pressing them back to his chest. He didn’t let her go. “I don’t deserve you.” 
“I…” she closed her eyes and pressed her ear against his beating heart. The sound soothed her. It was a sign he was here and alive. “I want to show you, that I do want you whether you are old or young. I want you to know, that even if you don’t want the antidote, I’m here with you until…” her voice broke. The thought of him dying was terrifying. 
“The antidote,” he sighed. Honestly, he forgot about it. The conversation before was short.
“It’s okay if you don’t want it…”
Logan helped her sit on the bed. Their knees touched. His big hands held her smaller ones. He remained close to her. “I need you to tell me more about it. All I know is that you have it and it has to do something with the adamantium poisoning my body.” 
“All I know is this: The antidote will stop the poisoning and stop the dying process. A friend of mine was able to make a new element that successfully fought the molecules of the adamantium. Many outcomes may happen once you take the antidote. There is only a 1% chance of side effects. Hell, even less than that.” 
“What are some of the outcomes?” he asked. 
“Either it’ll only cure you and stop the ageing and dying process. Or the regenerating factor will kick in and heal the scars and wounds littering your body,” she named a few. 
Logan shook his head. “So, no matter what, I’ll be stuck in this old body.” He winced when a wave of pain hit his body. His hand reached for the first bottle he found, drinking the alcohol like a lemonade. 
“Sexy old body,” she grinned at him. “Would it matter?” she raised her brows. “You’ll be strong again. No more pain. No more booze as painkillers.” Y/N reached for the bottle and took it away from his hands. “I’m here, with you, Logan. You don’t have to do this alone.” 
The next words he said were something he’d never imagined he would say to anyone. “I’m scared, Y/N. There is this fear inside of me that life will suck for another two hundred years. And now, here, with you, I fear that I’m gonna lose you again. It was painful the first time. I’m not gonna be able to do it again.” 
Carefully, she climbed onto his lap. He put her hands on her waist while Y/N buried her fingers into his hair. “That’s how I feel now. I feel I’m going to lose you just when I was able to get to you.” She then brushed the tired skin under his eyes with a thumb. “I don’t want to lose you, but I will if you won’t take the antidote. Fuck, I want to be so selfish and convince you to take it. However, the choice is yours.” 
Hot tears spilt from her eyes. The choked sobs made Logan clench his heart. He knew his girl would never force him even when she wanted to. She was never selfish. It was his choice. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, inhaling her sweet scent. Damn, she smelled better than he remembered. 
“I want to sleep on that,” he said. “I’m so fucking tired. I should take a shower.” 
She tilted her head and smiled suggestively at him. “How about we take it together?” she asked, voice innocent and sweet. 
“Hm, you really wanna get inside my pants,” he laughed which made him cough. 
Y/N glared at him. “You make me look like a perv,” she said. 
“Who was undressing me minutes ago?”
“Who let me and didn’t stop me at the beginning?” she asked back. 
Logan patted her ass cheeks. “Come on, darlin’. I’ll show you the hole I shower in. At least we’ll save some water.” 
They got off the bed. First, Logan walked to an old wardrobe where he took out a simple t-shirt and some boxers he rarely used. He handed them to Y/N. “Something to wear afterwards,” he said. 
Like Logan said, it was a hole where he usually showered. It was big enough for two, even three people at the same time. It had hot and cold water. He had a soap and a shower gel. Hell, he had a spare towel, a smaller one, for Y/N. 
He leaned against a washbasin when his eyes locked on Y/N’s body. He watched her like a hawk as she undressed from her all-black attire. Over a year had passed since he saw her like this - exposed to his hungry eyes. She was right there, showing him her gorgeous body. No shame, no need to cover herself up. Only a gentle smile tugged at her lips. 
Y/N called him in. She put her body under the warm stream of water. This time it was her turn to watch him undress from the pants. And, like before, he didn’t wear any underwear. Her eyes were met with his semi-hard member. 
More scars littered his thick thighs. Mostly slashes from knives. And yet, he was still beautiful. A sexy man who had her heart for a very long time. 
His lips pressed into the back of her neck once he stepped inside the shower. His strong arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her back to his chest. 
Logan’s hands caressed her body. He felt every curve, exploring her as if it was for the first time. Her body was soft and warm. When one of the hands brushed up through her navel to the left breast, he squeezed it and then moved up and wrapped it around her neck. “So pretty, all mine.” 
They couldn’t resist each other. Logan had her pressed against a cold wall in no time, slowly filling her up with his cock. He enjoyed every push, every clench. He muttered sweet nothings into her ear as she moaned his name. Slow, sexy and filled with love. No, he wasn't fucking her like in the past - hard, rough. This was lovemaking. Emotions played the main role here. 
After the shower, and a long soft make-out session, they returned to the old bed. Logan put her body over his. Like this, they could sleep on the bed until the very morning. Or at least Y/N did. 
Logan kept thinking most of the night about the person in his arms. Some higher force brought them back together. In the past, he lost everyone he loved. When Y/N came into his life, he hesitated to let her in. That woman swallowed his heart and made him feel things he never knew were possible. When he lost her again, and the rest of his X-men family, he was ready to end it all and die. Not anymore.
This was the first time Logan used this pet name since reuniting. Y/N’s eyes opened immediately, her head tilting up at Logan. Was something happening? “Everything okay?” she asked. 
Logan brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes were small, tired. But they sparkled when he looked closer. “I’ll take the antidote.”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “I have you now. I have something worth living. I thought about your survival and your mutation. Shit, you can heal now, Y/N. It’s giving me hope that I’ll be able to spend many more years with you.” 
Y/N climbed up his body to press her lips onto his. It was a sweet, short peck. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want to force you or anything. This is purely your choice.” 
He grabbed her face into his hands, staring into her eyes. “I love you,” he said. “Let’s do this now.” 
“Oh, okay!”
While she went into her jacket to get the antidote and an injection, Logan sat up and cracked his fingers. His hands were shaking. A painful groan escaped his throat when he felt another wave of pain. He longed to take a bottle that called his name and drink it in one go. 
Logan’s red, tired eyes rather moved to the sweet ass of his woman. The view was nice, distracting. A smile formed behind his thick beard as he memorised it. 
Y/N got back to the bed and prepared the blue liquid. “One more thing,” she sighed. “We don’t know whether the healing process will be painful or not. I’ll be with you the entire time.” 
“I’ll manage. I’ve been through a lot of shit. It’s not gonna be painful as the damn application of adamantium into my bones. Or the feeling when I thought I lost you.” He stretched his left arm, showing her the big vein popping out. 
She took a deep breath through her nose and lowered the needle to his skin until it penetrated it. She injected the antidote into the vein and took the needle out. The tiny wound instantly closed. 
Logan’s breathing sped up. He frowned, gasped for air and grunted. He was in a lot of pain. The effect started fast. Y/N dropped the empty injection on the ground. She jumped up, grabbing Logan by his wide shoulders. “Breathe,” she told him. His body was hot, sweating. “Logan, breathe.” 
A scream erupted from his throat. His fists clenched, eyes closed shut. It was evident the pain was unbearable. The roaring brought Caliban into his room. His mutant eyes wide as he watched Logan rolling on the bed in excruciating pain. 
“What the fuck have you done to him?” he shouted at Y/N. 
She didn’t know what to do or what to say. “Wait!” she yelled at Caliban, raising a hand not to intervene. 
That’s when she noticed that every wound, every ugly scar started to disappear, leaving the skin nice and smooth. It was working. She felt some relief inside her soul. 
Logan’s chest was heaving. Grunts and snarls came out of his mouth. Luckily, the shouting was done. He was calming down. All those voices and pain turned into heavy breathing. 
“Logan?” Y/N appeared above him. She scanned his face and moved downwards his body to his rising and falling chest. 
“Holy shit,” he gasped. “Did it work?” 
Caliban appeared above him. “What the hell? How is this possible?” 
“Yes, it did,” Y/N smiled. 
Logan’s body healed. Every wound, scar or pain he felt minutes ago was gone. Even his eyes looked brighter. The redness was gone as well as the dark bags under them. 
He lifted his body from the bed and found Y/N’s face. Both hands pressed to her cheeks and then moved down her neck. “Fuck, you look so damn beautiful. I can fucking see. My vision was fucked. I had to wear reading glasses.” 
“Hey,” Caliban reminded them he was present in the room. “What have you done to him?” 
“I cured him,” she said. 
“How’s that possible?”
“I have my ways,” she replied, eyes never leaving Logan’s face. A smile played on her lips. She couldn’t stop staring into his pretty face. Well, he was handsome even before she gave him the antidote. “How do you feel?” 
Logan pressed a kiss to her lips, hugging her body as he pulled her into his lap. He was never fond of PDA, but now, he didn’t give a shit about it. If it made Caliban uncomfortable, good. At least that fucker would leave his room and give them some privacy.
The kiss ended. “I feel reborn. I don’t feel any pain. I can see clearly. Like a goddamn miracle.” Logan put her down on the bed next to him and walked to a mirror he had in the room. “Fuck!” he gasped. He stared at his reflection. 
He kept searching for the scars on his shoulders and his face. Or the one over his ribs. There was nothing. What remained was the grey-brown short hair or the thick beard. His fingers touched every part of his face, just to be sure it wasn’t an illusion.
“At least I don’t have to watch the puss on his knuckles,” Caliban commented. “By the way, it’s time to give Charles his medication. Since you are all cheerful and healthy, it’s your turn. I had a rough night,” he said grumpily. 
Logan glared at the mutant. “Fine.” 
Once Caliban was out of the room, Y/N walked to Logan. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Thank you, darlin’.” 
“Anything for you. Now, it’s time to move to the rest of my plan,” she said. “I have a safe place for us. It’s gonna be a long drive to Canada, but everything is set and ready. And by us, I also included Charles. We need to take care of him. He once welcomed us to the mutant school. It’s our turn to do the same.” 
He shook his head in disbelief. “Always the one with a plan. What about Caliban?” 
“Sorry, not included,” she said. “He did a lot of shit in his life. I can arrange some supplies for him once we leave, but that’s it.” 
“When do we leave?” 
“As soon as we can. Let’s give Charles his meds, pack everything you need and leave,” said Y/N. 
Logan took a deep breath. “Come here,” he whispered. He needed to kiss her. It was like sealing a deal with Y/N, that this was the new beginning, a new chance to have a better life. Was this finally his happy ending? 
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a/n: i’m almost shocked at how fast this fic got written?? thanks to anon who indulged my fun little request for a new hockey to write about (inspired by @wyattjohnston ‘s post earlier about how there’s only fics for certain hockeys in the nhl fic tag and also bc i have so much fun writing for new guys in the fic exchanges!!)- how could i resist vancouver’s own prince charming? hope you guys enjoy because i had fun writing! ☺️
word count: 2.7k
tw: single dad!brock, nanny!reader, dirty talk, minor daddy kink, fingering (f receiving), handjob, dirty talk, nipple play
summary: you’re nothing but the nanny for brock’s daughter, until one night all the lines get blurred
Kya snuggles closer to you in her sleep, blonde hair tickling the underside of your chin. Her cheek is pressed up against your collarbone and her little body is hot, making you feel all sweaty where she’s connected to you.
The TV casts the room in a faint blue light, the low volume serving as white noise along with Kya’s little puffed air snores.
You think about moving her to her bed, but she’s so soft and cuddly when she hasn’t been lately and you can’t find it in your heart to get up. Unfortunately, the four-year-old has your heart in a vice-like grip and you’d do anything for her. Including being a human mattress.
So you stay on the couch, stroking her back and humming softly when she stirs briefly. Eventually, the clock ticks over to the eleven o’clock hour and you know it’s only a matter of time before Brock’s home and your shift is over. Not that you have to go very far to get home - your pool house turned bachelorette nanny pad is practically spitting distance from the back door. If you tilted to the left a bit and angled your neck, you’d be able to see the little planter with multicolored flowers that Kya had helped you plant last week.
And by help, you mean crushed a few daisies in her little fists and ate a mouthful of dirt before you could stop her.
A+ nannying for sure.
You’re still thinking about it when a familiar voice startles you from your thoughts.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Brock’s voice rumbles through the dark room, laughter around the edges.
Without thinking, you reply, “just thinking about the handful of dirt I let Kya eat last week.” Then you wince, wondering why Brock’s presence always makes you say the stupidest things.
He laughs fully now, stepping around the couch and dropping into the armchair. He’s in his post-game look - rumpled suit pants and button down with the sleeves rolled up, bare feet with his loafers kicked off in a pile at the front door, and blonde hair darkened from his shower. His palm rasps over the few days’ worth of stubble growing on his chin and his face splits into one of those smiles that makes Twitter (and you) swoon.
“She’s gotta get vitamins and minerals from somewhere, right?” He teases and your cheeks heat.
This is why he makes you say the stupidest things. Because he’s a real-life Prince Charming with the personality to match.
You smile back at him, a reflex. “There are some leftovers in the fridge, if you’re hungry and want to get in your own vitamins and minerals,” you joke back, shifting Kya on your chest when she starts to slip.
Brock shakes his head. “I’m good, thanks. I’ll take Princess Ky upstairs and you can get some rest,” he stands, arms out to grab Kya.
Weirdly, you shift and hold her closer. “It’s, um, I don’t mind. She’s been really snuggly today and it’s nice,” you shrug one shoulder. “She watched a little bit of the first.”
“Yeah?” Brock’s face lights up. He loves it when you bring Kya to games and he gets to wave at her during warmups.
“Mhm,” you smirk, “she was obsessed with Quinn.”
Brock narrows his eyes at you, scrunching his nose in disgust. “Real nice,” he shakes his head, “making fun of the guy that your best friend over there belongs to.”
Your cheeks lift in a smile, your arms holding Kya comfortably. “Don’t be jealous of my bond with Ky. Daddy’s still her favorite.”
Something flickers across Brock’s face, there and gone before you can analyze it. He chuckles, says, “I better be since I pay for all those chicken nuggets she inhales like a freaking vacuum,” and excuses himself upstairs to change.
You watch him leave, chewing at your lower lip while you study the curve of his ass in his slacks, feeling awful even as you’re appreciating his form. Kya mumbles in her sleep, nonsense words and a ‘Daddy’ and your name, eyelids twitching as she dreams.
Brock’s back a few minutes later, comfortable in sweats and a threadbare t-shirt. Still barefoot, now he smells like mint toothpaste in addition to the locker room soap. “Sure you don’t want me to take her?” He asks, sitting down on the couch with you, a cushion’s worth of space between your bodies. “Feels like I should let you off the clock and hold my kid now that I’m home.”
“I really don’t mind,” you promise him. “Kya’s…she’s exactly what I want my own daughter to be one day.” You think maybe you’re over sharing, but it’s late and Brock just looks so domestic and comfortable. It’s easy to pretend when he looks like this. His eyes soften as he studies you and the way you’re holding Kya.
“She’s a pretty cool little girl,” he agrees warmly, reaching out to run a hand over her head. His palm
makes her hair staticky, fine strands lifted into the air. You blow at them gently, giggling when they stick to your face even after you try smoothing them back with a hand.
“You know,” he says too casually after a comfortable pause, “she, the other day when you were off, she said that she never wants you to leave.”
A little piece of your heart breaks with his words because you know one day you’ll have to leave. It’s easy right now, nannying for Kya while you get your Master’s, but what happens next year when you’re finished with school and you have to find a real
Your face must show your distress, because Brock coughs slightly and rushes to say, stumbling over his words, “I didn’t mean, she’s four. You know, they say stuff all the time. When you do have to leave, it’ll be okay. She’ll be okay.”
He means well, you know that, but it doesn’t help and to your horror, your nose starts to burn and tears well in your eyes. You don’t really want to cry in front of Brock, not over something that’s at least a year away, but you feel the dam starting to break.
“Um, I do think I’ll head out for the night,” you say quietly, trying to not let your voice crack. You shift Kya in your arms and transfer her to Brock’s, making sure she stays asleep. “She really should be out for the night. So, um, I’ll see you in the morning.”
He takes her easily, arms practiced with adjusting her weight against his chest and her head on his shoulder. You jump up from the couch and wave over your shoulder, heading for the back door, ignoring Brock’s whispered shout of your name.
It’s so silly, to get so emotional about Kya outgrowing her need for a nanny, her need for you. But you’re more attached to Ky and Brock than you’re willing to admit, even to yourself.
Right now, your best option is to play your sad music playlist and cry, just to get it out of your system before getting back to normal in the morning.
The music helps. The crying helps more. The two glasses of wine help the most.
And then there’s a knock on the door, scaring the ever living shit out of you. It’s so late your visitor can only be one person.
“Brock?” His name is a question on your lips when you open the door, your brow furrowed.
“Hi,” he looks upset and your brain works sluggishly to figure out what could be bothering him. “Can I-?”
He gestures a little and you nod, stepping back automatically. “Yeah, of course. It’s your pool house,” you say. “Is Kya asleep?”
He nods, holds up the baby monitor. You can see Kya’s little body sprawled out on her bed and a smile curls your lips - she sleeps like a starfish, arms and legs akimbo. “She’s done for the night,” he replies quietly, setting the monitor on the little table you have next to the door for your keys.
Brock’s been in the pool house before, a million and one times. But this time, the air crackles like it does before a thunderstorm, your nerves on edge.
“What are -“
“I’m sorry.”
You and Brock speak over each other, words getting jumbled in the air. You giggle a little and Brock smiles, his shoulders relaxing.
“I’ll go,” he says, still smiling. His hands run through his hair, the strands flopping over his forehead before getting pushed back into place. “I’m sorry, for what I said. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“Oh,” you aren’t expecting the apology and you start to excuse him, “I didn’t -“
“You did,” Brock cuts you off. “Your eyes are all red and I’m so sorry. I just thought, Ky loves you so much, that you’d want to hear what she said about you. I wasn’t thinking about - about you leaving.”
“I’ll have to eventually,” you shrug, the wine dulling the sharper edges of your emotions.
Brock’s jaw works and you wait for him to speak, patient like he’s Kya. A few seconds go by and he scratches at the back of his neck. “I’m not good at - I want you here, as long as you want to be here. I don’t care if Kya is a grown woman with her own kids, I’d want you here.” He pauses and his words sink in, battering at the boundary you’d built around your heart.
“What?” You whisper, hands fluttering at your sides. You suddenly don’t know what to do with them.
“I…I think, no, I am. I am definitely falling for you,” Brock says, tone firm and eyes soft, crinkled at the corners. Those damn blue eyes that have starred in a fantasy or two of yours. He reads your silence as negative, apparently, because he frowns and continues, “if I just made this uncomfortable, we can forget it ever happened.”
“No!” You nearly yelp, Brock’s eyes widening at your sudden increase in volume. “No,” you repeat quieter. “I don’t want to forget this happened. I’m just … surprised. I didn’t think you thought of me as anything but Ky’s nanny.”
His smile is contagious and you’re both grinning like idiots at each other.
“You haven’t been Ky’s nanny in my head for a long time,” he confesses. “Just been hoping you felt the same way.”
“Definitely feel the same way,” you giggle, feeling hysterical.
“Can I -?” He steps forward, into your space, and you nod, knowing what he’s asking. And then all you know is Brock’s mouth on yours, his hands warm on your waist, his hair soft under your fingertips. His tongue traces the seam of your lips, teeth nipping at your bottom lip when you open your mouth. A groan fills the air and you’re not sure if it’s yours or his.
Your chest crushes against Brock’s, bodies flush against each other. His cock is prominent against your thigh, hard and hot through the layers of fabric separating the two of you. For months, you’ve fantasised about this, wondered what it would feel like to get your hands on Brock and it’s better than you ever imagined. Hot and hard, his lips soft against yours, his hands gripping at your ass, dragging you closer and closer. Your hips chase his, involuntarily moving for relief.
“Brock,” you whine his name, surprising yourself with the neediness that colors your tone. He growls against your jaw and lifts you, arms braced under your ass, settling you on the countertop in your tiny kitchenette. He steps into the space created by your spread legs, your thighs at his hips, ankles locked at his lower back.
“Shit, wanted to do this for months,” he mumbles against your skin. His lips mark a hot trail down your neck and over the heated skin of your chest. His hands are down the back of your shorts, kneading at your ass.
His cock presses against your heated core and you moan, loudly and unashamed. Brock’s laugh is clearly delighted and he presses himself against you harder, drawing a strangled moan from your throat.
“Making such pretty noises for me,” he croons, dragging one hand up your side to grope at your breast, rolling your nipple until it’s a stiff peak. “What other noises are you going to make for Daddy?”
“Oh my god,” you keen, arousal flooding your panties. “Brock, oh my god, I need you to touch me.”
“What’s the magic word?” He replies, ducking his head to suck at your nipple over your shirt. The scrape of his teeth and the wet fabric makes you shiver, clit throbbing.
“Please,” you wail, grinding your hips against his.
“Please…?” He trails off and your heart pounds in your chest, pleasure coiling low in your stomach.
You sigh, a shaky exhale. “Please, Daddy, touch me. Please make me come,” you whisper the words in his ear, nipping at his earlobe.
Brock whips your shirt off, tossing the fabric to the floor. You’re not wearing a bra and normally you’d be self-conscious, but Brock’s staring at you like you’re the first woman he’s ever seen and you’ve never felt hotter. “Christ,” he mutters, palming your breasts and kneading them tenderly. “So fucking gorgeous. Just, just fucking stay with me forever, please?”
You nod, agreeing. “Yours, I’m all yours, I promise,” you cradle his face in your hands and kiss him deeply, leaning in as close as you can.
Somehow, his shirt ends up on the floor with yours and your fingers can trace each muscle on his chest and stomach. You drag a nail over his nipple and his skin erupts in goosebumps, so you do it again, skimming your nails over his skin and scratching at his biceps.
“Mark me up,” Brock encourages you, lifting your ass off the counter with one hand so he can tug at your shorts and panties. “Make sure everyone knows I’m yours.”
He’s certainly doing the same, sucking bruises onto your skin. There’s a bite mark over your breast and it feels like his fingers dug bruises into the flesh of your ass.
“Just want you,” you blink away a sudden rush of tears, still in disbelief that this is happening. “Been thinking about you for so long, Brock.”
Your fingers dance down to the waist of his sweats, pushing at them until his cock springs free and you can get a good look at it. It’s just as perfect as his face, thick and long and hard as steel.
“Come on, honey,” his fingers swipe at your clit, making you inhale sharply and arch your back. “Put your hands on me. Touch me.”
You obey, wrapping your hands around his cock and stroking him. Softly at first until Brock grunts and wraps his hand around yours to increase the pressure and speed. “Like that,” he instructs you, leaving his hand in place and using the other to smear your arousal over your clit and inner thighs.
“I don’t have any condoms!” You gasp, Brock’s index finger teasing at your entrance. The thought hits suddenly, annoyingly.
“Doesn’t matter,” he replies, kissing the moan from your mouth when he plunges his fingers into your cunt. “I’ll make you feel good just like this.”
Brock’s a man of his word.
He makes you come twice, once on his fingers and one on his tongue. The first time you make a mess of the counter, dripping all over the place. The second time he’s got you laid out on the couch, his stomach splattered with his own come from the handjob you’d given him.
And then he cuddles.
Wipes between your legs with a towel and wraps
you in his arms under a throw blanket. Kisses the crown of your head and tells you all the filthy things he’s thought about doing to you.
“Hey,” you pipe up, amusement bubbling in your chest, “do I get a bonus for every blowjob I provide?”
Brock’s surprised laughter vibrates at your back, shaking your entire body. His arms wrap around your chest and squeeze. “No,” he deadpans, sounding like he’s struggling to hold back his laughter, “but we probably should talk about your job.”
“Tomorrow,” you insist. “I love taking care of Ky. So we’ll work on a transition.”
The transition from Ky’s nanny to Brock’s wife and Ky’s mom takes about six months less than you anticipated.
“Best job promotion ever,” you tease Brock at the altar, Kya practically glued to your side and shouting her excitement when you kiss for the first time as husband and wife.
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cawthorntales · 2 months
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Closing September first. If not all slots full will cancel.
Assistant: Um don't the bachelors and bachelorettes usually meet us and film a tape for contestants?
Producer: They do.
Assistant: So then why is this a photo?
Producer: Because Mr. Bloom here doesn't know about this yet. His twin brother is surprising him.
Assistant: Is that a good idea? I mean people will want to know about the guy.
Producer: I think it'll be great for ratings. Plus his twin sent in the info. His name is Daisy Bloom. Gardening has always been his passion. Ever since he was a kid he could be found outdoors gardening, playing in the mud, hiking, fishing you name it.
Daisy leaves on a farm with several farm animals and his crops in Henford. Fitness is also important to Daisy and when he's not tending to his farm animals or crops he can be found in the gym. He's been on a few dates, but he has yet to find a guy he connects with. Maybe you could be the lucky fellow to win his heart?
Assistant: So he's a country bumpkin hick who gets dirty? You really think audiences will like that?
Producer: Debra you do realize farmers are super important right? They literally keep the rest of us fed. They deserve chances at love just like everyone else. Plus who doesn't love a good looking rugged fella?
Assistant: I guess you're right.
Producer: I often am.
You're guy must have the loves the outdoors trait as the g1 heir has to marry a sim with that. Other than that. No trait rules.
I will also do two themed photoshoot challenges for people who entered. These will be mandatory, but doing them will give your contestant a plus 5 in romance and friendship for the first one and a plus 5 in friendship for the second one.
You can send in a spare from your game. Or a failed bc contestant. Or you can make a guy from scratch.
He must have green hair.
Must have a bio and photo.
I have werewolves, cats and dogs, cottage living and romance garden or whatever it is called.
cc is fine
This will not start until Grayson's bc is over. And Grayson and his stuff will always be my priority. This bc will update twice a week. And the legacy once a week.
2) @invisiblequeen
3) @changingplumbob
4) @simstagramsomeone 
You can read Sims In Bloom Legacy challenge rules HERE That is what this is.
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Oh my hey! Please, if you haven't already, please, could you do if you haven't please do favorite singer and song of the sdv bachelor/ettes
Oh, this is the first time I've posted an ask about a topic like this, so I hope I did it right. Thanks for the question, and have a great day! 🫰💕
SDV bachelors:
Harvey's radio will always play Louis Daniel Armstrong or Ella Jane Fitzgerald because the doctor loves listening to jazz. If he wants something more energetic, Harvey will switch to the Latin music radio channel. He's sure to start dancing in the kitchen when Pete Rodríguez's "I Like It Like That" comes on. With music like that, cooking dinner becomes more interesting and fun.
It may sound pretty cliche, but Alex will definitely have a workout playlist with songs from the 80s rock and roll, pop rock and metal genres. Stan Bush ("Touch", "Fight for survive", "Never surrender"), Paul Engemann ("Push it to the limit, "The Eagle Lands"), Survivor ("Eye of Tiger"), Judas Priest ("All guns blazing", "The Sentinel") would be his favorites.
I'm sure Sebastian will be a fan of alternative rock (Nirvana - "Smell like teen spirit" and "Lithium"), emo-core (Taking back Sunday - "Cute without an "E") and electronic rock (almost all Celldweller albums, his favourite album is "Wish upon a Blackstar"). I also think that Sebby often likes to enjoy breakcore, not really remembering the specific artists and listening to whatever he likes. This is how I imagine Sebastian trying to explain to his mom what breakcore is (Warning: loud).
It's quite difficult with Sam because he's a real melomaniac. He listens to absolutely everything and almost all the time. Depending on his mood, he can listen to both heavy metal and pop music. However, the most frequently played bands in his music player are definitely the Beatles (his two favourite albums are "Help" and "Yellow submarine"), Coldplay ("Yellow") and Arctic Monkeys (the album"AM"). And also any popular song that gets stuck in his head (California girls we're unforgettable, daisy dukes bikini on top-).
Classics for Elliott! Our dear writer - and without masterpieces of classical music? Unthinkable! Mozart, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Grieg, Debussy - all either playing in his little radio on the table, or the writer himself sits down at his piano and plays music by famous composers. He also loves modern classical music, and sometimes light jazz.
Shane listens to rock and heavy metal like Metallica, Ramstein, AC/DC all the time and you won't change my mind (I'll fight for that headcanon). I like to think he just lies on his bed, turns on his music player and plays the loudest heavy rock you can imagine in his headphones. One of his favourite songs that he listens to all the time is "For whom the bell tolls" (Metallica).
SDV bachelorettes:
Actually, I always thought that Maru would like synthwave and retrowave genre. I don't know why, but it would be just her style to include a playlist with synthwave artists (all Home songs, especially "Resonance" and "Head first"). If this genre is a too calm and the young inventor wants something a bit more energetic, her choice would be Daft Punk (Around the world, around the woooooooooooooorld!) or Disclosure ("Grab her" and "Omen" are her favorite songs).
Abigail's choices are quite chaotic. One moment she can listen to dark electro (Owl vision - "Horus" and "Holy shit"), and the next moment the amethyst lover admires folk music and promises herself that she will also learn to play the flute (Percival Schuttenbach - almost all songs, but especially "Karanfilce" and "Lazare", as well as Sowulo - the whole album "Sol"). She is also a lover of video game soundtracks and dark ambient. As I said before, pretty chaotic music taste.
All the popular pop, dance-pop and R&B you can think of - that's what Haley's playlist is. Ariana Grande, Doja Cat, Rihanna, Beyoncé, Britney Spears.... Haley doesn't have a particular favourite song, she likes everything. In the evening she likes to listen to the same pop and dance music songs, but in slowed down version + reverb.
Emily just can't live without energetic dance music. She could probably compete with Sam for the title of Starview Valley's music lover. And the genres can be diverse: from electro-swing (Caravan Palace) to Latin music (don't play Kaoma - "Lambada" in front of her, otherwise she will drag you to dance), from RnB (Beyoncé) to disco (Bee Gees).
When classical music is played, Penny falls into a melancholic mood. She is particularly affected by Claude Debussy's cycle of six piano pieces "Children's Corner", and she loves to listen to the piano version and the orchestra version equally. Besides classics, the young teacher also likes to listen to Enya (she always sheds tears when she listens to "May it be" or "Aniron"). But Penny will shed real rivers of tears if she hears the soundtrack from Titanic (especially "Hymn to the Sea").
If you ask Leah about her favourite music, the artist will name you a few groups of indie music and alternative music. After all, those are her favourite genres. In her free time, she sometimes likes to relax listening to Slenderbodies (especially "Belong" and "Opal ocean"), or Glass Animals (she can listen to the whole "Zaba" album all day long and she won't get bored). Leah also loves listening to songs by the indie duo King of Convenience (especially "Mrs Cold").
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katlimeart · 21 days
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Mario girls cosplaying as female characters from Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
1 - 4. Lumina
5 - 7. Your Daughter
8 + 9. Kate
10. Ruby
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abbysimsfun · 2 months
Sims In Bloom: Generation 2 Pt. 1 (Passing the Torch!)
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Generation Two: Heather "Buttercup" Lea Nesbitt Cat Lover, Geek, Unflirty, Independent Veterinarian Favorite Colors: green, yellow Favourite Drink: Granite Falls Grappo Blanco Favourite Music: Focus Music Nickname: from her dad, Neal, who picked it because her astrobotanist mother, Daisy, loves yellow
Just before Heather Nesbitt’s 21st birthday, her youngest sister, Hazel, announced she’d fallen for her longtime friend, Nicola Moody-McMillan. The family was happy for her, but a twinge of sadness pulled at Heather’s heart. Holly was engaged to Kris Bell, River had promised his future to Cassandra Goth, and now the baby of the Nesbitt clan, blue-eyed Hazel, had declared one of her childhood besties her one true love. Heather couldn’t help but feel a little like she was missing out, even though she loved her independence.
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She put her feelings aside to celebrate her birthday at the Gnome’s Arms, the riverfront pub across Finchwick Square, just a few steps from their front door. She blew out the candles on a honey cake made by her dad, Neal, and danced until Everett pulled her away to the ruins. He would never stop loving her, nor she him, but they shared a fleeting kiss among the crumbling stones and agreed they were both on the right paths, however far they diverged from one another.
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She would soon leave for Spencer’s bachelorette trip to Selvadorada, and Holly was planning a vacation from school to join, too. She wanted to catch exotic fish, of course, while studious Heather couldn’t wait to follow adventurous Spencer around ancient temples in the Belomisia Jungle that they’d read so much about in school.
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At home in Henford, Heather loved to tear through the blue water and let Cordelia Falls wash over her, but she cut her usual morning swim in the River Bagley short – today she had to say goodbye to her good friend, Dylan Kraus. Now that they’d graduated and despite her clingy mother Susan’s trepidation, Dylan was moving to San Myshuno to work as an electrical engineer. Heather didn’t know when they’d see each other next, but as fate would have it, her next trip to San Myshuno would come just weeks later, when Malcolm Landgraab called to invite her to the Romance Festival in the Arts Quarter.
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Would unflirty Heather blow her big date with Malcolm? ->
(NOTE: At some point this generation I start to get better with getting the plumbob out of the way, but I'm still too reliant on headlineeffects to tell me the names of random sims around town and sometimes the plumbob will sneak by. Honest apologies!)
<- Previous Chapter | Generation 1 Summary
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skyler10fic · 2 months
Sweet Fantasy
For the @ficwip5k!
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Summary: Carol and Daisy are in a new relationship and on vacation for the first time at their friends’ wedding. They are also ready for another first, which reveals fantasies and dreams they can make into reality. 
Read on Ao3
Carol’s heart raced as she packed up the last items she’d need on her vacation. She’d stayed up late finalizing the road trip playlist, and now the coffee and nerves had her jittery while trying to zip up her backpack and hit the road.
It was her first trip with Daisy, her new girlfriend. They’d been together a few months, but with work and grad school and family and friends, it still felt so fresh. It would also be their first night together alone—intimately, if all went to plan.
As friends, they had stayed in cabins, beach houses, and hotels with the rest of their friend group, so Carol wasn’t nervous about whether they would travel well together, but this was a defining step in their relationship. It was so romantic, and the reason for going even more so. Two of Daisy’s closest friends, Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz, were getting married.
Everyone inserted a “finally” when they talked about it, as the couple had been inseparable since their freshman year of university. People had taken to calling them FitzSimmons, and many forgot they weren’t yet married. This year, they’d each graduated with PhDs and decided it was time for the beachside wedding of their dreams. Jemma had explained at her bachelorette party that it was about more than the conveyor belt of relationships for them. By now, they knew they had each other through every storm. No matter what the future had in store.
Daisy was much closer with them, and she would be standing as a bridesmaid with Jemma at the front for the whole ceremony. But it didn’t matter to Carol whether she was invited as a plus-one or as a guest in her own right. She had a navy dress with a red and gold shawl and jewelry to coordinate with Daisy, who would be in the bridesmaids’ assigned lighter blue with silver jewelry. Daisy had modeled the dress for the bridal party and Carol in the store, and that night, Carol had had a vivid dream about taking it off her.
Carol arrived at Daisy’s apartment and was greeted with a kiss and a “just five minutes, I swear!” But Daisy was true to her word, and with a backpack, a wardrobe bag for the dress, and a duffle bag for the rest of her things loaded into Carol’s Subaru Crosstrek, they were ready to start the road trip playlist and the GPS app to the beautiful resort for a romantic weekend away.
Jemma had reserved luxurious rooms for the wedding party with ocean views. A clear container on the table held Daisy’s flowers with a note from Jemma. Carol noted the majority of the room was taken up by a singular, soft, inviting king-sized bed. Daisy had to rush away to the rehearsal, leaving Carol to rest and flip through the channels on the room’s TV. The next thing she knew, she was being awakened by the sound of Daisy returning.
“Aw, my sleepy driver.” Daisy pecked a kiss to Carol’s forehead, brushing back bedhead hair. “C’mon, it’s time for a late lunch with the wedding party before we start getting ready for the ceremony tonight!”
Groggy, Carol cleaned up and looked 100% presentable to be introduced to their friends’ families as Daisy’s girlfriend, a title that still thrilled her to the core. The one or two older relatives with raised eyebrows or a hint of scrutiny didn’t phase Carol. She’d been out far too long to care about random elderly strangers, and all of the Fitz’ and Simmons’ relatives who had crossed the Atlantic and the entire U.S. for the wedding were far too well-bred to make a homophobic comment aloud at the table.
Carol picked up from the conversation that both families were old money and influential, and she sat up straighter. Daisy fit in with any crowd naturally, however, and Carol adored watching her charm everyone from the young flower girl and ring bearer boy to the posh grandparents.
It wasn’t until seeing Daisy come down the aisle in the line of bridesmaids that evening, though, that Carol really understood how deeply in love with Daisy she was. Daisy found her in the crowd and smiled, and that’s all it took. Carol swore she’d marry that girl someday, when they were ready. Whatever it took, anything Daisy needed, Carol knew she’d do it a thousand times over to be her wife forever.
The ceremony wasn’t long objectively, and the photos afterward were remarkably efficient thanks to Jemma’s talent at planning, but it seemed to take forever as Carol counted down each minute until she was reunited with Daisy. Carol wandered over to the reception area, lit by tiki torches and hanging lanterns, and a live band began to play. A few minutes of small talk with guests was interrupted by the lead singer, introducing the newlyweds as husband and wife for the first time.
“Hey.” Daisy bumped Carol’s shoulder as she applauded along with the rest of the crowd.
“Hi,” Carol returned and impulsively wrapped her arms around Daisy from behind. She kissed Daisy’s cheek and they watched FitzSimmons start their first dance. The Father-Daughter and Mother-Son dance was next, then the singer announced that it was time for all the couples in attendance to join in. Daisy turned and extended a hand to Carol.
“Wow.” Carol took Daisy’s hand and followed her.
“Wow what?” Daisy inquired as they began to sway along with the other couples on the dance floor.
“Just, we get to do this. Be a couple.” Carol shrugged. “It’s nice.”
Daisy caught on to Carol’s feigned nonchalance. “It’s more than nice. I love it. I love being your girlfriend, and I love that everyone in the world can see that you’re mine.”
“I love you.” Carol blushed and her eyes widened as it slipped out, but Daisy kissed her quickly before she could say anything else.
“I love you too.”
Carol kissed her deeply this time, not noticing as the music ended. People began to stare and smile, remembering their early days. When they came back to reality, Daisy waved to their audience and Carol blushed deeper red. Daisy led her off to the buffet table, and they ate dinner, staying out of the center of attention, at least until Daisy needed to help with the cake cutting and distribution.
After cake, dancing, and champagne, the newlyweds had been sent off to their beachside honeymoon cabana for the night before leaving on a cruise tomorrow, and the guests started to return to their rooms. With official duties done, Daisy’s attention—and little touches—were entirely focused on driving Carol mad. Carol wanted her more and more with each stroke of Daisy’s fingers on her skin: as they danced, as they sat side by side and Daisy stroked Carol’s bare knee under the table, as they kissed behind the photo booth…
“Maybe we should take this party somewhere more private.” Carol extended a hand to Daisy this time and they sauntered off indoors to the elevators, ready to move on to the second part of their night.
Daisy locked the door behind them and Carol turned on a lamp. They didn’t bother closing the curtains over the glass doors that opened to the ocean. No one would be able to see them anyway. Shoes came off first, and Carol’s shawl and Daisy’s purse were tossed on the dresser, then Daisy retrieved makeup remover cloths from her toiletry bag for each of them and they stood side by side in the bathroom, daring each other to make the next move. Carol took down her updo and shook out her hair to fall in dark blonde waves, and Daisy took out the hibiscus flower pins holding her shoulder-length brown hair back. Daisy set her jewelry aside, and Carol followed suit with her own. It was like a choreographed mating dance, one making a move and then the other.
“Help me unzip?” Daisy turned her back to Carol and pulled her hair to the side. Carol gladly obliged, slowing the zipper halfway down Daisy’s back to lean in and kiss Daisy’s neck. Daisy’s perfume combined with her natural pheromones in a scent custom designed to make Carol intoxicated, love drunk.
“My turn,” Carol whispered as the zip hit the end of its track. She slipped her hand just inside the dress around Daisy’s bare waist and tickled her side.
“Hey!” Daisy giggled in surprise. She turned to face Carol and stepped out of the dress, revealing a strapless pushup bra and lavender lace and silky panties.
Carol drank her in with a finger tracing down Daisy’s perfect body. “You’re so beautiful.”
Daisy set her dress on the counter and deflected. “You’ve seen me in a bikini before.”
“Not the same.” Carol grabbed Daisy’s hips and guided her closer.
Daisy permitted a short kiss and then ended it to say, “I thought you said it was your turn.”
She found the zipper at Carol’s side and exposed Carol’s bare skin to her touch this time. Instead of tickling, Daisy opted for grabbing Carol’s ass and squeezing. Carol giggled, and Daisy withdrew her hand in favor of helping Carol out of the navy dress.
Daisy deposited Carol’s dress on top of her own on the counter and admired Carol’s black bra with the revealing, tiny cups and translucent black boyshorts. “These are gorgeous, but no clothes allowed in this party. Sorry, ma’am. These are going to have to come off.”
“Hypocrite,” Carol teased and reached behind Daisy to unhook her bra with expert speed.
“Fair enough,” Daisy conceded and tried the same but giggled in embarrassment as it didn’t happen quite so quickly for her. “How did you do that?”
“Stay with me and in time, you’ll learn all my tricks,” Carol promised and unhooked it herself. “Ready? 1, 2, 3.”
On 3, they both let their bras fall and tossed them to the clothing pile too.
“One more left, but you’ll have to catch me first.” Daisy darted past Carol into the bedroom and Carol chased after her, grabbing her around the middle and collapsing into the plush bed together. Their laughing turned to scooting up to lay on the bed properly, which turned to kissing and touching, to tongues and nipples teased, to breathless little sounds of needing and desiring.
“Please,” Carol begged at Daisy touching her through the black underwear. “Please please.”
“Mmm these definitely have to go. Far too overdressed.” Daisy dragged Carol’s underwear down her legs. She sat up and tossed them to the side, but before she could return to Carol’s naked body, it was Carol’s turn in their dance.
Carol sat up in front of Daisy and teased her fingers down the front and sides of Daisy’s panties, dipping in the lace sides and stroking the silky fabric. The dark spot in the middle of the lavender grew.
“You’re right, these are in the way,” Carol remarked casually. “I do like seeing how much you want me though.”
She tossed Daisy’s panties to join her own, and they were bare before each other, out of moves in their stripping game.
“You don’t have to just see,” Daisy purred. “You can feel.”
She moved around Carol to lie back on the pillows and bit her lip. Carol eagerly joined her and rolled half on top of her. Trembling in reverence, Carol brushed her hand down Daisy’s bare body, no waistbands or seams stopping her. Her fingertips teased through Daisy’s tuft of curls and dipped in to feel Daisy’s wetness for herself, as invited. Daisy captured Carol’s mouth in a desperate kiss, sucking and licking, with Carol reciprocating in kind, tongue mirroring the strokes of her fingers deeper and deeper into Daisy’s core. Her thumb found Daisy’s engorged clit, and she took mental notes as Daisy moaned into her mouth. Their mouths parted and Carol craned her neck down to suck on Daisy’s breasts, tongue and free hand playing with Daisy’s peaked tits as Daisy came apart under her.
“Fuck, fuck,” Daisy panted, “god, Carol.” Carol’s fingers worked her faster, harder, learning exactly what patterns would drive her girlfriend over the edge. Carol watched as Daisy’s mouth fell open and her muscles tensed. Carol now understood the word holy. It was the closest she’d come to watching someone having a divine experience as Daisy cried out “oh god, yes!”
Carol worked her through the orgasm, extending it for her as long as she could until Daisy, relaxed and satiated, instinctively jerked her hips away. Too sensitive for more, Daisy snuck her hand down Carol’s ass and further forward between her legs to tease Carol’s dripping wetness.
“You’ve been wanting me too,” Daisy assessed in her most sultry tone. “How long have you been like this?”
“Too long,” Carol groaned as Daisy played with her before finally inserting the tip of her middle finger. “Can’t count how many times I’ve dreamed about this. Having to wake up to finish without you really there.”
“Me too,” Daisy confessed and moved her thigh against Carol’s until they slotted just right for Carol to ride her, grinding as Daisy teased Carol’s pussy with one hand and brushed her hair back with the other. Daisy added another finger, deeper, and stroked inside her in time with Carol’s grinding.
Daisy stretched her tongue out to lick Carol’s lips and they kissed roughly until Daisy bucked her hips up reflexively, which started a faster rhythm.
“Make me come,” Carol begged.
“Can you come like this?” Daisy added a third finger, stretching Carol wider. “Tell me what you need, anything, baby, anything you need.” Daisy wrapped her other leg around Carol’s, drawing her as close as humanly possible.
This made Carol moan. She grinded harder and her own thigh came in contact with Daisy’s renewed wetness. Their breasts rubbed just so, stimulating each other. The final piece was Daisy joining Carol’s moaning as the grinding became mutual. Still focused on getting Carol to come for the first time, Daisy noted the way Carol pulsed harder around her stroking fingers. Daisy returned to two fingers for longer, faster strokes and let the others stroke Carol’s labia.
“Fuck!” Daisy cried breathlessly. “Come for me. I wanna see you come for me.”
“I’m… Daiz, I’m…” Carol’s voice hitched as she moaned in pleasure. She jerked against Daisy and all of her muscles shook, right on the edge, cresting as Daisy’s body moved against hers, inside her, all around her. Just as she’d always dreamed. Years of longing were realized into an orgasm that washed over Carol in intense, all-consuming pleasure.
Daisy held Carol close as Carol’s arms gave out. She removed her fingers and grabbed Carol’s ass again instead. After a minute, her other hand guided Carol’s mouth to hers and they rolled onto their sides to bask in the afterglow.
Their kissing grew soft and their touches more gentle and slow.
“If I weren’t so tired, I’d keep going all night,” Daisy confessed.
Carol gazed at her in pure joy. “Me too. We should probably get to sleep, though.”
“Can I tell you something,” Daisy whispered though it was only the two of them, inches apart.
“Anything.” Carol’s sleepy silly grin mirrored Daisy’s.
“I’ve been looking forward to this part too.” Daisy shrugged the shoulder not against a pillow. “The domestic stuff. Showering together, waking up together, couple stuff. That’s the stuff I had dreams about.”
Carol sat up and sighed happily. “That’s good to hear because I would do anything to make your dreams come true. C’mon, girlfriend.”
She pulled herself away from the inviting bed, knowing they would be back and under the covers together soon. She unzipped her duffle bag and pulled out more comfortable underwear and a soft tank top to sleep in.
“I love you, girlfriend.” Daisy scrambled up after Carol and pecked a kiss to her shoulder before moving on to get her own sleepwear.
“Love you,” Carol returned and lightly spanked Daisy as she walked past to the bathroom, making Daisy laugh.
Their shower, while sexy, was more about intimacy and exploration than actual sex, washing away the busy day and night. When they were ready for bed, they snuggled in close and turned off the lamp, with no alarm or agenda set for the next day.
Carol awoke to the warm comfort of spooning Daisy like a teddy bear. Teddy girlfriend, half-awake Carol thought to herself and hummed lightly in amusement. They had both used Daisy’s pineapple coconut lotion after their shower and Daisy’s neck so close was far too tempting. She started to roll away so she didn’t impulsively wake Daisy too early. A quick glance at her phone, though, told her it was well past 9 a.m.
Daisy made a sad whine and looked over her shoulder to see where Carol had gone. “Come back?”
“Have you been awake?”
“Not long. Just for a little while.” She held up her phone, which showed her ebook app open. “I got up for a bit, but came back to bed and you were too cuddly to want to leave.”
“I think I got up and went to the bathroom around sunrise? And then went out on the balcony to take a picture?” She opened her phone’s photos app. “Ah, yup.”
“Nice!” Daisy admired the photo of the sunrise Carol had taken in the few minutes she’d been awake.
“The sun is bright now.” This observation and Carol’s frown about it made Daisy smile.
Daisy put her phone back on the bedside table and Carol did the same. “Lay back down with me?”
Carol was happy to return to their spooning. “You know, I’ve had a fantasy like this for a long time.”
“Mmm, just this or that kind of fantasy?” Daisy rolled her ass against Carol to emphasize her meaning.
Carol smiled into a kiss to Daisy’s spine, finally able to give into the temptation. “The latter.”
“Tell me about it. What did you do next?”
Carol’s heart raced in anticipation as she acted it out in real life, moving her hand down from casually resting on Daisy’s stomach to dipping her fingers under the waistband of Daisy’s soft, thin sleep shorts. She propped up on her side so she could watch the bulge of her hand moving between layers of fabric. She waited for Daisy’s sigh of pleasure, then pushed Daisy’s underwear to the side and teased her. She finally pushed Daisy’s underwear down from the top to get better contact with her entire hand.
Daisy rolled her hips to grind against Carol again in impatience as Carol avoided her clit. “I had a dream last night that we had the whole beach to ourselves. No one else to see us.”
“Yeah? What did we do with that opportunity?” Carol started a small love bite on the back of Daisy’s neck, where it met her shoulder.
Daisy’s breath hitched as she continued. “You untied my bikini bottom, and then my top, while I sat facing you in your lap. I was naked under our umbrella on a big beach blanket, but you had on on a one piece and shorts so I couldn’t do anything but let you touch me everywhere.”
She was losing her train of thought as Carol stroked, making her wetter than she’d been when she’d woken up or she’d been while reading an erotic novel a few minutes ago on her phone.
“Then what?” Carol prodded.
“I was shy because I felt so exposed, but you told me I didn’t have to worry because you were there and would take care of me. And then you fucked me just like this with your fingers, just, like, ohhh, yeah.”
“But you were sitting on my lap, yeah?” She murmured into Daisy’s ear. “Do you wanna do it right now?”
“Mmhm.” Daisy whimpered and stripped off her shorts and underwear. Carol arranged the pillows and sat up so Daisy could straddle her. Carol stripped her of her thin shirt, relishing the way Daisy’s nipples stood to attention in the AC-cooled room.
She didn’t need further instructions. She stretched her fingers and resumed touching Daisy. Now, from this angle, Daisy began lifting her hips slightly and lowering them, fucking her fingers. The light wet sound it made was music to Carol.
“Could we hear the ocean? In your dream?”
Daisy nodded, wordless now.
“Did I do this?” Carol bent her fingers inside Daisy and felt for her G-spot. The spongy area made Daisy cry out.
“Yes, yes, yes!”
“That’s my girl,” Carol praised. “And do you like my thumb here?”
She shifted her wrist to rub her thumb, coated in Daisy’s cum, over her hot, pulsing clit, and it responded in swelling erection at her touch.
Daisy nodded harder and tried to push Carol’s tank top up to reciprocate some of the pleasure.
“Un-uh. You said I’m in a swimsuit so you can’t touch me where you want to.” Carol used her free hand to move Daisy’s to one of Daisy’s own exposed breasts. “I want you to help.”
Daisy opened her mouth but she still didn’t have words from the pleasure, so she closed it and nodded again.
Carol took Daisy’s other hand and brought it to Daisy’s core. “If you can’t tell me, show me. Show me what I did in the dream.”
“Okay,” Daisy exhaled more than said. Daisy moved her hand over Carol’s, essentially using Carol’s hand to pleasure herself. Carol copied how Daisy was teasing her right breast on the left. Daisy arched her back and Carol could tell she was right at the edge.
“Show me,” Carol murmured. “That’s a good girl. Teach me to worship you.”
Daisy moaned and cried out Carol’s name. Her eyes closed and her mouth fell open, fully nonverbal as she came, a silent scream of ecstasy. Her body shook the way Carol’s had last night, and Carol worked her down, then held her close as the aftershocks flooded over her. There was something especially erotic about holding Daisy’s naked, trembling, orgasm-drowning body against her partially clothed one, physically aching with desire.
Daisy stirred against her and laughed in delight. “That was the hottest fucking thing I have ever experienced.”
Her words were slurred slightly and her mouth captured Carol’s sloppily. Drinking her in was all Carol wanted at that moment. Naked Daisy, essentially giving her a lap dance as she moved with their kiss. She couldn’t take it anymore. She rolled them over so Daisy was on her side and sat up to strip off her tank top and boxer briefs.
“I need you, fuck, I need you,” Carol confessed.
“I packed something special, just in case,” Daisy teased and got up from the bed, making Carol whine.
“If this is clothes, I’m not sure it’s worth the effort,” Carol warned. But Daisy opened a drawstring bag from her luggage to reveal a strap harness and dildo.
“I don’t usually wear this,” Daisy warned. “So don’t get used to it, but this time we can make an exception. If you want.”
Carol’s mind exploded at the idea of riding Daisy and it was her turn to lose her words. She swallowed and stuttered out. “Yes, got it. Please, yes, please.”
“I can’t wait to show you the rest of my toys,” Daisy teased as she put on the harness. “I have some new ones I got especially for us to play with together. Sleepovers are going to be more fun than ever.”
Carol was practically vibrating herself with anticipation as Daisy climbed back in bed, dildo bobbing in front of her and lube in hand.
“That’s the advantage of girlfriends. We can do all the sleepover stuff.” Carol caught Daisy by the hips and flipped their positions to straddle her.
“Mmm yeah.” Between each phrase, Daisy kissed down Carol’s jawline, neck, and chest: “Bake cookies, French braids, spin the bottle, share toys, ride each other’s strap…”
“Can’t wait.” Carol meant it too, taking charge of the lube bottle to get exactly what she wanted. “Tell me if it’s not fun, though, yeah?”
“That’s supposed to be my line.” Daisy guided Carol’s hips until Carol could sink down on her. Carol stopped her there, though.
“I’m serious. If this hurts, we can take it off. I would never want to hurt you.”
Daisy kissed her sweetly. “You too, yeah?”
Carol nodded. The truth was, she was already aching, but in need. She gave in to the discomfort and moved her hips, sliding up and down the dildo with the help of the silky lube.
“Ohh yes,” Carol sighed in relief. “Can I go faster?”
“Of course, babe.” Daisy moved one hand up to feel Carol’s breast bounce in her palm and traced her thumb in from Carol’s hip to spread Carol wider, exposing her clit. “You are perfect. Every inch. I mean, look at us.”
Daisy thrust her hips up to meet Carol’s, and Carol gasped and moaned in reward. Carol bounced faster and faster, and her hand moved to touch her clit, getting herself off as she did as instructed and watched Daisy’s dildo disappear in and out of herself.
“Oh god,” Carol panted. She rocked harder, rolling her hips in time with Daisy’s thrusts. She threw her head back and closed her eyes, lost in the moment. “Fuck!!”
This time, she came fast and hard, and Daisy was right there to catch her again as she leaned forward and rested her forehead on Daisy’s shoulder.
As much as Carol loved it, the strap really was beginning to hurt now. Reluctantly, they parted and cleaned up.
“Breakfast and then beach?” Daisy offered as they dressed in casual vacation T-shirts and shorts.
“Sounds wonderful.” Carol admired Daisy in the mirror as Daisy applied a tinted sunscreen to her face and blended it in. Carol brushed her hair casually, as if they did this every morning. “And, you know, thank you, for this morning. And last night.”
Daisy met her gaze in the mirror and winked. “Very welcome, and thank you. I meant it earlier too. Sleepovers with you would be nice.”
“How about next weekend?” Carol rushed out before she could second guess if it was too soon.
“I’m free, and I have cookie dough in the freezer,” Daisy flirted. “I need someone to bake it with.”
Carol pulled her hair back in a ponytail and reassured. “I am always here to help.”
“Good. Speaking of food…” Daisy grabbed her room key and slipped on her sandals. “We better get down to breakfast before it turns to lunch.”
They had perfect timing leaving their room, as the elevator doors opened to reveal their friend Mack with another bridesmaid, Elena, in the casual clothes she’d worn to the rehearsal. With a bridesmaid dress bag on her arm.
“Good morning!” Daisy and Carol greeted in unison.
“Hi,” Mack cleared his throat. “We, um, this is…”
Elena stepped in, rolling her eyes at his embarrassment. “Exactly what it looks like.”
“Yeah, girl!” Daisy gave her a high five. “Mack’s a catch.”
“And you two?” Mack changed the subject to stop squirming at the attention on his sex life.
“Oh yeah,” Carol assured. “Midmorning, no hangover, can’t stop smiling? Definitely what it looks like.”
Daisy slipped her hand around Carol’s waist as the doors opened on another floor and other guests got on. Carol kissed her temple, unable to resist for even a minute more. She resolved to keep every weekend reserved for Daisy in her calendar from here on out.
They flirted their way from Saturday to Sunday, from the beach to restaurants to the pool to walks along the pier to a sunset dinner cruise to shopping in the harbor village to sharing a large ice cream float. Eventually, they had to check out of the hotel and drive home.
The silliness and sexiness softened into the real stuff. They exchanged stories they hadn’t shared with anyone else, vented about their families, and confessed things too deep for any other venue, but in the car, things were easier to say aloud.
Carol stalled by filling up with gas even though she had half a tank left, and Daisy stalled by inviting her in for dinner when they got home, knowing they’d have to order delivery because she didn’t have anything decent to make. Dinner turned into a movie, which turned into one last night of sex.
“Stay,” Daisy pouted, knowing she couldn’t. “You already have your stuff in your bag.”
“I have to go to work in the morning.” Carol frowned, but then brightened as she remembered this was a new normal, not a special one-time event. “But we have next weekend to look forward to.”
Daisy walked her to the door. “Love you. Text me when you get home safe.”
“I live 20 minutes away,” Carol laughed and kissed Daisy goodnight. “But I will. I love you too.”
A new Carol drove home, transformed from the nervous girl she’d been on Friday morning when she’d left. She wasn’t afraid to blast love songs on the drive back and in the shower and in her headphones at work throughout the week. Their fragile, new, baby-tender relationship had blossomed into the blissful honeymoon stage, committed and secure, but still floating on dreams and young love.
By the time they made it down the wedding aisle themselves, they looked back at this stage in fond nostalgia, but with a much firmer foundation. Their first vacation together was an adorable and precious memory, but by their own honeymoon, the love that bloomed back then was unshakable, forged in the fire of fights and resolution, compromise and comfort, grief and finding home together. They never stopped sharing their secret desires, fantasies, and most intimate dreams, however. And they never stopped feeling the awe, sometimes in the most ordinary moments, that no matter what life dealt them, they had each other.
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