ninnihei · 7 months
I got myself a new tablet and tried it out with Sesshomaru!
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I loved drawing his eyes 🥰
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carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
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pairing: sesshomaru x human!reader content: established relationship, domestic fluff, humor, slightly ooc sesshomaru: eating human food A/N: I found my old sesshomaru rp blog and got inspired to write this. Also didn't proofread this so fingers crossed.
The soft sound of a crack and annoyed grunt that followed brought your eyes up from your bowl just in time to see two bits of broken chopsticks fall to the floor from his hand. His brows were tense, the squint of golden eyes cursing the flimsy workmanship of tools, all tools by default, made by human hands. His hold was careful, delicate, and precise in maintaining an acceptable grip on the tools, yet a small adjustment between his fingers and clawed digits had snapped through yet another pair of chopsticks. They are perfectly adequate for humble village folk who made do with them, but for a powerful youkai like himself more comfortable with the luxury of those fitted for his hands, these may as well have been twigs pinned by carriage wheels– Exercising restraint or no.
That annoyed look on his face said it all for you and you purse your lips to stifle a soft titter, trying to hold your own food in your mouth while you chewed. Sesshomaru’s stare then finds you, the daiyoukai setting down the bowl of cooked meat from his other hand and letting the remaining pieces of chopsticks fall before him.
He was one whose presence you allied with mastered grace and control, yet witnessing him struggle to even hold human chopsticks in his hands without breaking them forced an amused smile on your face. Endearing him all the more in your graces. You love every chance you get to see that dignified composure break and learn about these tiny flaws of his. Sesshomaru was someone you could describe as nothing less than beautiful perfection in this world, especially compared to the likes of a human like yourself. Without much guidance or thought, you held him on a pedestal but when moments like this happen you learn that even a regal creature like himself could be relatable. His stubbornness to prove himself never failed to expose who he was behind his title and eminence. A man, like any other, who every once in a while deserves a private moment of being his honest self. You just wish it lasted longer, but his pride in his heritage would not allow him to be as such for more than a passing moment.   
It’s not his fault his powerful claws could do such a thing without even trying, it couldn’t be helped. But it’s his determination to dine with his wife in her human village, to try and try again despite a repeat performance of broken pair after broken pair. It spoke highly of the restraint he must truly hold himself to when those same claws brush over your skin and you press yourself into them with complete faith. 
“You find this amusing?” He dryly delivered to your ears only making your smile widen.
“Not at your expense, My Lord.” You uttered in an airy tone with your eyes lowered from him, trying not to allow a laugh to slip. You can feel the sear of his glare and hesitate to make eye contact, only to give yourself time to compose before the urge to laugh takes over. You set down your own bowl and reach for his, gathering a saucy, rare cut of meat. “I can look into having a special pair fashioned for you.” Maybe Master Totosai would help? If you asked nicely, but maybe humble chopsticks fit for a demon would belittle the blacksmith’s skills. It’s not like you can just waltz up to any other demon, let alone make such a trifle of a request. You’ll run it by Jaken to see if he can be of assistance
You let the last bit of juice drip from the helping before lifting it up toward Sesshomaru, looking up at him expectantly. 
“I am not concerned with this.” Sesshomaru answers, composure restored as he ran a hand through his hair, loosely tucking it back behind his ear and tossing the length over his shoulder. He closes his eyes, a quiet sigh falling from his nose and he leans forward with an open mouth gathering the helping from the end of your chopsticks.
“Shall I continue to feed you, then?” You insisted in a lighthearted tease with an arch brow
“...” His brows narrowed as he chewed, keeping his eyes closed as he did. You smiled lovingly.
“It would be no trouble at all.” 
He reopens his eyes and looks at you, glare softened. Safe to assume how you would go about this little chore you encouraged piqued his curiosity. When his mouth stills and throat softly bobs, he answers.
“Do as you like.”
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la-hannya · 1 year
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Staring at her for the longest time in silence, the daiyoukai allowed himself to take in her close presence for a few more moments, the warmth that now so effortlessly radiated from her skin, her scent and the vivid brightness of her clever eyes.
"War is not your province, Kikyo." He determined simply.
Surprised by the plainness of his reply, Kikyo tilted her head slightly to the side.
"Is that so?" She further demanded, a hint of skepticism carefully laced into her calm tone.
But her lover's next explanation was something that she most certainly did not ever foresee...
"On the night of our first encounter." Sesshomaru said, gold boring into her deep brown, "You decided to grant that lowlife with the luxury of companionship in death, yet when he asked for you to be the one to end his pitiful existence, you hesitated."
Her eyes widened slightly to the unpredictable and blunt reasoning, recalling Suikotsu and his last wish; a harsh deduction which the daiyoukai had already made once before, yet at a time when Kikyo did not grant it much special thought. She said nothing as the familiar prick of guilt let itself be known once more, however, at this point, the woman knew better than to somehow hinder Sesshomaru's perceptive views, and she only quietly listened to the rest of his verdict;
"Your hands were not meant to take life." He continued, his rich voice as if gradually soothing her rampant thoughts, "I, Sesshomaru, shall be the one to relieve you of this final burden."
Passage from ch.45 of The Rift Between Auras X
SessKik art by X
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heynikkiyousofine · 3 months
Happy Inu-Spiration 2024!
I was teamed up with @brain-rot-hour this year for @inu-spiration and we are bringing you some fun InuKag and SessSan shenanigans. Enjoy!
The Feudal Era: Adventures in BabySitting
The morning summer sun warmed his skin, alerting Inuyasha that today would be another hot one and he was more than ready to begin their journey to the beach. Unsure of why his wife wanted to go in the middle of the hottest time of the year was beyond him, but he was never one to tell her no. Even more after she returned from the future. However, they were traveling a long distance today and he really didn’t want to have to carry her and their bags in the blistering heat.
“Kagome, you’ve gone over the brats’ schedule with her five times already. I think she’s got it. Isn’t that right, Sango?” He arched his brow at the demon slayer, their gazes meeting and the only answer he received in response was her shrug. Sango knew all too well about keeping kids overnight, and so did they, he might add. He couldn’t keep track of how many times they watched her kids while she went on a trip with his brother.
“Fine, fine.” His wife gave him one of her award winning smiles and all his irritation disappeared, her brown eyes sparkling as the rising sun hit them just right. He would never admit it, but he couldn’t imagine ever falling in love with another color for the rest of his life. “Where is Sesshomaru?”
“Oh, he’s giving his farewell to Rin and Kohaku before they leave to head north on another demon hunt.”
“She’s really enjoying learning all about it and I’m a little shocked to see His Royal Fluffiness be so calm about it.” Kagome winked, leaning in close, so if the daiyoukai were to suddenly appear, he wouldn’t hear her.
“Oh, at first he was anything but calm about it. You know how when he’s especially irritated, his mokomoko gets all fuzzy, like a cat’s tail? It wouldn’t settle for days the first time Rin left the village. I had to force him to stay in the village so he wouldn’t go after them.” Sango loudly whispered back, their grins wide on their faces.
“Is Sango whispering stories again?” Said man appeared next to Inuyasha, his face stoic despite the teasing mood in the air.
“Yeah, she’s telling Sango about the first time Rin went demon slaying.” 
Rolling his eyes, Inuyasha ignored the weird bond between one of his closest friends and his brother, still not used to the affectionate way Sesshomaru acted towards her. Rin was one thing and even Kagome was another. They were simply family. Sango was a new battleground he had yet to figure out about Sesshomaru. Stepping towards the chittering women, he snatched their overstuffed bag and swung it over his shoulder, slipping his wife’s hand into his.
“Alright love, time to go. See ya both in three days. If we pass Miroku on our travels, I’ll remind him about being back in time for the twins' birthdays at the end of the summer.”
“Thanks Inuyasha, have fun now you two!” Sango waved them off without another word and headed towards her hut, the sound of six children getting up for the day filling the air.
Despite the day being warmer than he initially expected, they made it to the beach in record time, the sun falling beneath the horizon as his toes sank into the sand. Their campsite was hidden behind some trees, so if any other travelers were to pass by, they wouldn’t be able to spot them unless they actively searched for them. Holding onto Kagome’s hand a little tighter than normal, so she didn’t slip as they walked towards the ocean, Inuyasha couldn’t stop the smile from forming.
“Happy that we made it?” Kagome hummed, her cheeks flushed from being out in the sun all day.
“Yeah, it was a quick trip, but I always forget just how insane this view is. Why don’t we come more often?”
“Because we have three kids, all under the age of 6 and getting time away from them is hard enough.” She laughed, the sound drifting across his ears and easing any unspoken worries. He wondered how after six years, she was still able to calm him with such a simple action. “Besides, while I think the kids would have fun here, I would very much like to keep this a place for just the two of us.”
He nodded, the two of them stopping to watch the remainder of the sunset in silence, the waters flowing past their ankles. Arms wrapped around his life, Inuyasha couldn’t help but send a silent prayer up to the heavens, giving his thanks for bringing Kagome back into his life once more. 
Once the moon lit up the night sky, he simply scooped up wife in his arms, sealed his mouth to hers and made his way back to their makeshift bed to show her just how much he appreciated her.
Three days had passed and soon the couple were ready to return to the chaos that was their life, the summer day turning into a cool, rainy one the closer they journeyed home. Inuyasha could only imagine having six kids cooped up in a house all day on one like this was probably not the greatest, especially if the way the scent of rain permeated the air, alerting him that it wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.
Careful to not step in mud, he rounded the bend in the path with his wife at his side, Sango’s home coming into his view. From where they stood, all seemed normal and he couldn’t hear anything happening in the house, but he was sure that it was pure hectic chaos inside. He briefly wondered if Sesshomaru stayed to help or go hide in a tree somewhere, trying to stay dry. The image of a soaking wet daiyoukai made him snicker quietly.
As they neared the home, he could hear the echoes of children’s laughter, still unable to make out any definite sounds with the heavy pouring rain. Pulling aside the mat, he and Kagome froze, mouths’ gaping at the chaotic scene before them.
To his left, his oldest Moroha, currently had Hisui pinned down on the mat, her cackle causing him to wince just a bit. She had managed to get a small garden snake into the hut and was practically shoving it down the poor kid’s throat, calling him a “fraidy cat”. To his right, the older twins had backed Shippo into a corner, the kit hiding his tail protectively because Inuyasha knew all too well how much the girls love to pull it.
A soft hissed caught his attention and glancing over Kagome's still shocked face, he noticed the large pot boiling over into the fire pit, effectively burning whatever Sango had decided to make for lunch. To be truthfully honest, he couldn’t really tell what it was. In the far corner, near the back door he had helped Miroku install so it was easier to get to the stream behind their hut, his youngest lay in a pile of blankets, happily snoozing away. The only thing that seemed really out of place, well more like into full on tantrum mode, was his middle child  wailing in Sango’s arms as she glared at them.
It took him a full minute to realize she was actually giving the dirty look to the full blooded youkai sitting in the corner of rafters overhead, Sesshomaru’s face in a full on pout. Unable to hold back his laughter, he roared, doubling over, catching the sweetest of giggles his wife made beside him.
“What the he-”, Inuyasha paused, wary of little brats repeating his words, before wiping away the tears from his eyes, “Why are you up there, Sesshomaru?”
“Your pup has sticky fingers.”
“She’s three! Of course her fingers are probably sticky.” Kagome laughed once more before turning to console their child, Sango joining them and placing her hands on her hips.
“Lord Fluffy up there decided he didn’t like sticky fingers when Izayoi wanted to play with his hair. Before I could soothe her, Haruto picked the perfect time to spit up the milk you left for him and it just so happened to distract Sesshomaru enough that Izayoi sank her fingers into his mokomoko. I’ve never seen him so offended, except for a few times battling Naraku.” She sighed, shaking her head, and called out, “How long are you planning on staying up there?”
“Either until all of the children’s hands are clean or the rain stops.”
“Good luck with that.” Inuyasha snorted, turning to rescue the poor snake and Hisui from his daughter.
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misqnon · 5 months
one piece x inuyasha au bc I'm insane and wrote this during my break today
luffy is a human kid* sent to the great demon era (I'm great at naming <3) where demons rule the lands after he falls through a cursed well in the forest where he and sabo and Ace grew up. he seeks to collect all the pieces of the shikon jewel and put them back together into....one piece. (loud booing) listen,
in this era, the wielder of the shikon jewel becomes the most powerful demon that rules over all the others. luffy does not care that he's human. he wants that damn jewel
zoro is still a swordsman. not much changes. people think he's a demon, but he's actually just a really strong human who can use techniques like asura. he was a demon hunter for spare change after he got lost leaving his home village. not much changes there, either
nami is a petty thief and navigator who used to work for the demon arlong. she starts to awaken some priestess powers with usopp's help and the staff he gives her, though she doesn't really follow any other priestess rules. she learns other magic, too, still messing with the weather and wielding a variety of attacks without a care for whether they're sacred or demonic
usopp's following in the footsteps of his father- a priest turned adventurer killing wayward demons along the way. his weapon of choice in this au is a bow and arrow which sometimes he and Nami will work together to bless the arrows!
sanji is a travelling cook who's secretly the son of a daiyoukai. due to his mother's intervention, he's a hanyou, but he passes as human and his crew doesnt know he is one.
chopper is a little reindeer demon who's learning medicine and priesthood under the care of lady kureha, joining luffy's crew after they defeat the demon wapol
robin is a demon from ohara who works under the demon warlord Crocodile for a little while, fulfilling a role similar to kaguya. she deserts him after luffy and crew save vivi and the alabasta region from his reign, but she's still wanted by the world at large for being a "dangerous type of demon" with knowledge of the old world and the creation of the shikon jewel passed down in her clan.
franky is a human/zombie/demon hybrid who survived an explosion after his mentor, a demon named tom, was attacked. he put himself back together with human and demon parts alike, similarly to how sesshomaru and naraku would absorb spare body parts in the og show. he's a blacksmith!
Brook is a revived man much like kikyo was brought back by demonic methods. he has to consume souls to keep living, but he only steals the souls of their enemies. he's also pretty bad at it. he's still a musician, though his instruments are a bit more traditional
jinbei is a whale shark yokai, so a fish yokai from the same clan as Arlong...but not evil lmao. he used to be a warlord too, but decided he didn't like the whole feudal part. he's the crew's cultural guide and diplomat of sorts, attempting to keep peace between demon territories and human villages they visit alike from freaking out when a rag tag group of thieves, demons, priests, and fighters show up on their doorstep. he and robin discuss history and archeology often, and in theory robin has a lot of the same knowledge jinbei does, but jinbei has better....people skills.
the setting would be the inuyasha universe, feudal / yokai infested Japan. however, the world government is an issue in luffy's time (1500's fictional goa kingdom) that secretly has ties to accessing the demon world. I haven't thought out the logistics fully, yet. but you can bet your ass luffy's mentor shanks, who is often gone on long "journeys," was actually traveling back and forth from the feudal era and the goa kingdom this whole time.
* spoilers below
* I haven't gotten ro gear 5 yet myself but I imagine luffy is secretly the reincarnation of the demon "joy boy", which will. aid the whole shikon jewel thing. and is also why he is able to traverse the cursed well.
though, humans like shanks seek out the jewel too, for the power it can hold in controlling demons or perhaps (myth?) giving them the power of one.
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officialinuyasha · 2 months
Yashahime - Takashi Shiina Blog Translation : Rin-chan Now : Sunday S February 2022 -
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From here on, a new chapter (1) begins. 
When adapting (the anime), the backbone is what will be the focal point. I interpreted Yashahime as “a story in which the princesses, together with new readers, come to understand the world of 'Inuyasha', Lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha senpai through their adventure”.
So, in order to express this course as a “journey”, I brought in the setting of “Journey to the West” (2). This road-movie-like, or "rare road trip", so-called "Journey to the West" format has the advantage of making the process of character development and story progress superimposed on the journey, making the process towards the goal of the drama easier to understand, and is a technique often used in shounen manga since long time ago.
Inu no Taisho was a daiyoukai from the West (of Japan), so, as a journey to the core of the Inuyasha word, their roots, I think it’s logical to set the destination of the princesses in the West. But why didn't the anime do so? Because if that was the case, they would have left the Musashi region, where the characters in Inuyasha are from. Also, there’s the issue of where exactly the "Western regions" are, and how much of the circumstances and geography of the Warring States period is brought into this fairy tale world.
I adopted the idea that it would be better to go down a straight path in the comicalization so that the focal point could be narrowed down, but I am still trying to find the right balance between historical facts and fairy tales, such as whether to bring out local specialities (3) or what to do about dialects… Ah, I was thinking about poisonous high quality food now but is it rejected? It is, yes.
As the result of drawing the storyboard for the next time, it’s decided that master Yawaragi will appear, even though her role will be a little different from the anime. I thought that “since Moroha’s upbringing is different in this world line, I wonder if this master will have less screen time”, but it is unexpected. Then, the voice of Yawaragi in the original anime is played by Ryoko Shiraishi, who played the Kansai-speaking Teleporter Esper Aoi-chan in my work “Zettai Karen Children”. Unexpectedly, (Moroha’s) master is from the “Western wolf tribe, so I thought she should speak in Kansai dialect (laugh). Making her say “uchi” (4) was a bit exaggerated, but since she’s a quick-witted and agile wolf demon, “hyupaa” is inevitable. 
For those of you who say, "I don't know anything about Zettai Karen Children”, so I don't know what you mean", we will have a special surprise guest, unique to the comicalization world line, so please read on Sunday S, which goes on sale around the 25th. It's a surprise, so it's a secret who it is... but here's a hint: there’s a rumor that long ago, in the “Inuyasha” CD dramas, he was teased as “despite being a regular (5) character, he doesn’t stand out”.
The first volume of the manga will be released around January 18th (2022). It includes a talk between Takahashi sensei and me. If it was written by Takahashi sensei, it would definitely sell, but since it’s a comicalization of an original anime and moreover I’m the one drawing it, I have no idea how well it will sell. In other words, I think the number of copies will be limited, so it would make me feel relieved if you could reserve it at a bookshop.
Source: https://cnanews.asablo.jp/blog/2021/12/14/9447938
1- Saga, arc.
2- Classical Chinese novel.
3- He refers to food.
4- One of the many forms of saying “I” in Japanese. This pronoun has a feminine nuance, so it goes against the “masculine” image of the character.
5- A character that appears frequently.
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Somewhere in Time
12. Silent Comfort
Kagome sighed as she sat uncomfortably in her sleeping bag. She forced herself to focus on the sprawled textbook on her lap. Glancing distractedly at her small wrist watch, her eyes shifted to the direction where Inuyasha and Miroku had disappeared three hours ago. They had gone to a human village for supplies while she, Sango, Shippo, and Kirara waited in a small cave just off the well-traversed path.
Dusk was settling in. Sango was working to kindle fire for light and warmth.
Half an hour later, Miroku returned to the cave with two large bundles in his arms.
"Where is Inuyasha?" Kagome asked as she sorted through a week's supply of food and other necessities. The monk didn't answer and was instead suspiciously counting the remaning coins in his small pouch. When she prompted for a response, he only laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.
"Well, houshi-sama?" Sango's face was impassive but her eyes were blazing.
"S-soul collectors..." he stammered, looking down.
"Inu-baka," Shippo muttered while shaking his head.
That did it. Huffing, Kagome rose to her feet and loudly stepped outside the cave. "I'm going out for a walk," she said coldly.
"K-Kagome-sama, it's getting dark. It's too dangerous." Miroku scrambled up to follow her but was stopped when she looked at him with a dangerous glint in her eyes.
Kagome stormed away and headed into the woods. That idiot! Of all nights, tonight was the one night she expected his presence. She couldn't blame him for running to Kikyo again, but still...
Hot tears found their way out as she dashed through the forest thoughtlessly, not minding the uprooted weeds and tangled undergrowth that made her fall to her knees. Her left kneecap hit a rock, scraping the skin. Wincing, she plowed across the shrubs until she found a steady stream of river. She dipped her hands and washed away the dirt, gently scrubbing her scratched knee as she did so.
She sat against a tree not far from the stream and gathered her thoughts. She was frustrated and miserable. And lonely. Heaving a sigh, she watched as stars appeared one by one in the twlight sky. A steady breeze dried her tears and she closed her eyes.
A soft rustle brought her back from her thoughts and she turned around in alarm. "Who's there?"
A tall figure dressed in red and white emerged from the shadows. "Miko."
"Sesshomaru-sama?! W-what are you doing here?" Kagome fumbled and tried to stand but the daiyoukai waved his hand dismissively. He came forward and took a seat beside her, making sure to allow for personal space.
"Why are you alone?" he inquired, giving her a sidelong glance.
"I just wanted some fresh air," she answered lightly, hoping he didn't notice the slight falter in her voice.
"This Sesshomaru can smell when you lie." It was said mellifluously that it took Kagome a moment to note the displeasure in his tone.
She sighed. "It wasn't entirely a lie. It's true that I wanted to get some fresh air, but only because of Inuyasha." Sesshomaru didn't respond, prompting her to explain some more. "I guess I'm just being childish. I refrained from asking him to take me home because I wanted to spend this special day with my friends for once. I wanted to spend it with him."
"Special day?"
"It's my birthday," she whispered. Tears threatened to well up again and she sniffed.
Sesshomaru quirked one brow, uncomprehending.
"Today is the day I was born. In my time, we celebrate this important day with our loved ones. I just thought that maybe... this time... he'd at least tell me 'happy birthday', you know?" It took a moment before she regained her composure. The daiyoukai beside her remained silent and patiently waited for her to continue. "I was supposed to tell them when Miroku-sama and Inuyasha returned from the village, but Inuyasha saw Kikyo's shinidamachu."
"The undead miko," Sesshomaru stated and she nodded to confirm. After a long silence, he spoke again. "Does it not anger you?"
Kagome shook her head. "I can't force Inuyasha to stop chasing Kikyo any more than I can't force my feelings to change. It just makes me sad sometimes. But it's okay." She smiled ruefully. "I'm used to it."
This was answered by another silence. It was dark now and the waning moon cast silvery light around them. Sesshomaru sat with one bent knee, his arm resting on top of it. His impassive face tilted slightly upward, his golden eyes mirroring the glimmering stars above them. He looked serene.
Kagome's expression softened as she realized one thing. Tucking her legs beneath her, she leaned against the tree they shared. "Sesshomaru-sama?"
He turned his penetrating gaze on her.
She sincerely smiled. "Tonight isn't lonely anymore. Arigato."
What must I do?
The miko's head rested on his right shoulder, her warm breath lightly caressing his white fur. She had fallen asleep some time in the night.
He silently berated himself. Sesshomaru, you fool! Why did you let this happen?
A shiver from the woman brought him back to his senses. She is cold. Her odd and scant clothing made a concubine look decent. She wrapped her arms around her knees and nestled closer to him. He had noticed the small abrasion on one of her kneecaps earlier and he took this opportunity to look at it more closely. It had only bled a little and a purplish bruise was beginning to show.
He lightly caressed the little wound with his claws. Graceless yet fierce.
She trembled again as another cold draft of wind kissed her bare skin. Sighing, Sesshomaru gently covered her with his fur, his arm wrapped protectively around her shoulders.
As he listened to the steady beat of her heart, he let slip two inaudible words, barely a whisper. "Happy birthday."
END of Chapter
Featured SessKag Art: Raindrops Chapter 7 by @youkaiyume ​​
Somewhere in Time: Chapter Index
You can also find me at Fanfiction.Net, Archive of our Own, and Wattpad.
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fangsofdestruction · 1 year
Inuyasha tosses a thing of tissues at Sesshomaru and a jar of something warm. It was his mother's soup that she made him all the time when he was sick. "I heard from the grape vine tree yer ass might be sick. Are ya?"
[Unprompted ask]
The Daiyoukai easily catches what was tossed his way. "..." Sesshomaru blankly stares at the tissues and a jar of... human-grade food? Internally he scrunches his nose at the mere idea of consuming food made... for humans.
Many of them weren't quite up to his standards, but due to Rin becoming a part of his company, he'd learned to be more... tolerable of human-made foods.
"Whoever had told you that needs to recheck their information." Sesshomaru has been the pinnacle of health. In what way did he appear sick, aside from him being sick of 'Inuyasha's shit,' so to speak?
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"Nonetheless, your elder brother will accept your consideration."
It was expectedly rare for Inuyasha to give Sesshomaru anything aside from:
The classic 'Keh! Why are you here?'
An unpleasant glare
He supposes he should appreciate it for what it's worth, even if unneccessary.
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sesskagarchive · 2 years
Hi there! I’m kinda new in the sesskag fandom and after the yashahime mess I wanna drown in fluffy fics lol. Any recs involving sesskag + shippo + rin (plus sesskag oc kids would be awesome) family dynamics? Thank you!
Hi Anon,
I apologize for the delay in response. 
I'm in agreement with you on the need for some good fics after Yashahime. We already have a few rec lists that meet your criteria, such as the family/pregnancy list and the have kids list but there have been some new fics posted since then or that we haven’t featured before. I've compiled a list below.
If you need more fluff, I highly recommend checking out our Fluff Serial and Fluff One Shots lists.
Enjoy reading! ~ Admin Sage
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Curiosity Caught the Cat by mynightshining
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: Kagome's had an accident. It's up to Sesshomaru to hunt down the witch who caused it and make everything right. An Inu-spiration Halloween Bang 2021 fic! Status: One Shot
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Happily Ever After by mynightshining
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: T Summary: It was worth it in the end, everything they overcame, if the rest of their lives were like this. Status: One Shot
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Late Night Fatherhood by Ixaix
Posted on: A03 Rating: K Summary: It's the dead of night and a certain daiyokai is summoned from his bed to attend to the needs of his infant son... Status: One Shot
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A Letter to Santa by Chie
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: K Summary: Kagome organises a weekend trip to Hokkaidou for her, Sesshoumaru and Rin. After a day spent frolicking in the snow, Sesshoumaru tells her about the letter Rin has written to Santa. Status: One Shot
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Made for You by thetroll
Posted on: A03 Rating: MA Summary: Kagome makes Sesshomaru and Rin a pair of hand-painted kimonos to show her thanks.Sesshomaru, in turn, begins to bring her rather unusual gifts of his own...
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Magenta Stripes by Ixaix
Posted on: A03 Rating: K Summary: When Rin finds Kagome's newest shade of lipstick, what could possibly go wrong? Status: One Shot
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Melt by Sage McMae
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: K Summary: Sesshomaru can be as cold and unforgiving as the winter season. It's a good thing Kagome knows exactly how to thaw his icy heart. A one-shot written for SessKag week Day 4: White - Sacred / Purity and Truth Status: One Shot
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Nyctophilia by Chie
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: K Summary: Sesshoumaru can't sleep so he makes a round around the house and wonders at his happiness. Status: One Shot
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Perfect by Chie
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: K Summary: Because we all need fluff right now. A collection of short SessKag drabbles as requested by my readers. (Chapter 4 - "Shhh, you'll wake the baby" Status: One Shot
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Stealing Starlight by AshMish111
Posted on: A03, FFnet Rating: Collection of one shots written for my own amusements as well as Tumblr prompts and challenges centered around Sesshomaru and Kagome. It’s all SessKag all the time in here! Summary: MA Status: WIP
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Waiting for You by AshMish111, mynightshining, Sereia13, thetroll
Posted on: A03 Rating: MA Summary: He has always wanted her, yearned for her, craved her.And then finally, he has the opportunity to have her and it's one he does not intend to let pass him by. Status: One Shot
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Written on my Skin by Sage McMae
Posted on: A03, Dokuga, FFnet Rating: K Summary: When Sesshomaru's daughter announces that she's found his mate, he believes it's a setup orchestrated by his mother. Then he realizes who the woman is. And how blind he's been. One-shot written for SessKag Week 2021 Day 6: Orange - Knowledge / Love and Happiness / Civilization Status: One Shot
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Yearning Hearts by MaidenP
Posted on: A03, FFnet Rating: M Summary: Kagome aches for a family of her own with a certain Daiyoukai and, Sesshoumaru has been watching the lovely Miko for sometime. Will fate finally bring these two, together? Keep reading to find out! Status: WIP
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belladonnnaaa · 2 years
If I remember it correctly, there are only a total of 3 times we’ve seen Sesshomaru beaten down and wounded. First was during the time he lost his right arm, second was because of Inuyasha’s wind scar, and third was in Yashahime.
During those unguarded times, even Jaken was not able to tend to him. I guess he deliberately shuns Jaken so that no one, not even his trusted vassal, would ever see him at his weakest state. He is a daiyoukai, and a direct descendant of the most powerful dog demon; his pride cannot take it if he’s seen as weak. But one person braved the dangerous waters and offered charity despite being hissed or barked at— and that is RIN. Now, ANY DOG (lol) even if feral at first, would of course, eventually warm up once offered genuine care and affection. We eventually saw that in the long run, Sesshomaru developed some kind of empathy and compassion for others. And Rin was the first ever to teach him that. Rin was always a constant presence in his meditative and most vulnerable states.
Now this was just a passing thought when I re-watched episode 133 (or 134?) where Sara Asano appeared, but what if she had been brave enough to approach Sesshomaru and offer him assistance? Would her affections be reciprocated? Would she have been the reason he would have character development? Afterall, she met Sesshomaru first before Rin and she seems to be a kind and compassionate soul when she was still a princess. She also loved flowers, and we all know Rin loves picking flowers as well. Anyway, it’s just an idea though. My point in this long ass essay is to emphasize the fact that Sesshomaru is all kinds of fear manifested but despite that, Rin didn’t hesitate to come to him and give him help and care - which followed through until they were husband and wife.
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dualfated · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
Inuyasha, you're stuck defenseless on your human night surrounded by swarms of low-class youkai. Out of everyone you know, who's the one person you'd want to be stuck with in that situation? Would your answer change if it were one powerful daiyoukai?
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He used to trust no one when it came to that particular night. He used to loath that night. It made him feel weak and lonely, those feelings alone pissed him off. Inuyasha hated feeling lonely, hated admitting to even himself when he ever felt that way. 
He stuck a clawed finger beneath his chin, staring at nothing as he thought on the questions. Damn these masked weirdos were nosey as hell! 
“I’d probably stay with Kagome. Or even Kikyo if she was around. Their arrows would keep weak demons at bay.” Even if they were strong in their own ways, he didn’t like the idea of putting them at risk if it was them defending him in his human form against a powerful daiyoukai. There weren’t many beings strong enough he felt he could trust though. 
“Guess if I had to I’d seek out that idiot wolf. He already knows about this. Sesshomaru is the strongest person I could pick but I’m pretty sure he’d leave me to die if he didn’t decide to kill me himself.”  Chances were he might be dooming Koga and himself depending on the daiyokai. But he really didn’t know what else he could do. Better him than the others. 
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kaigura · 1 year
" you don't know anything. " said @bakyusaiga
" have i touched a sensitive spot, lord sesshomaru? "
sardonic quirk of her eyebrow; she tries to seem nonchalant, yet there is obvious curiosity and interest behind her words. his relationship to the human child is odd to say the least -- why would a creature as powerful as him bother with a weak and vulnerable girl? is it perhaps because even daiyoukai feel something akin to affection, a need to protect?
is she the only one who lacks such emotions? tsk, why would it matter, either ways?
bitterness and envy are a raw bile she has tasted many a time by now.
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" i know enough, " she shrugs, folds her arms over her chest and glances at the creature before her, a god among mortals that still may fall to his knees and weep for a human babe, " i know you care for the child. i know you would kill whoever dares harm her, " he has, and he will, and Kagura feels envious, not of the child, but of Sesshomaru himself ( he, who can still experience such pure feelings despite the blood he has shed ), " still, the thing i don't know is ... why? how is that even possible? "
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inlemoons · 2 years
inuyasha oneshots inspired by the song titles and vibes of folklore ch. 2: cardigan pairing : sesshomaru/rin universe: post-inuyasha ch1 : the 1 read on Ao3
Jaken tells Rin that ten years is nothing-- Sesshōmaru has lived five hundred of her lifetimes and would live another thousand, her time blinking away like a dirty eye awash with tears. And Rin has seen soldiers broken apart on lush green fields, and she’s known unlucky women dying on bloodstained birthbeds, or villagers tripping and falling and splitting their heads in the paddies, or those she loves torn up like old rags.
Rin knows she is a tiny thing.
Still, she raises her lantern up to gaze at the daiyoukai standing beneath the hut’s doorframe. She is tall enough to meet his eyes without tilting her head all the way back.
Lord Sesshōmaru looks the same-- as silver as water and tuned with twice the grace.
“You're back,” Rin announces. “I always knew. ”
a/n: I promise to simultaneously delight and disappoint your expectations with this series
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chickenstilldancing · 5 months
Four Seasons p. 15
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Since today's my birthday (just the day after Kagome's, feel so honoured) I'll bend the rules and post a panel from Four Seasons although it's not Sunday. This one is in all probability my favorite dialogue by far, because Rin is exactly like that, with this genuine respect towards any form of life of course but for death too. Such is the main difference between her and Sesshomaru. Centenarian daiyoukai though he may be, even with all his vast knowledge of the world, death is the one thought still eluding his mind, and in this regard young woman Rin, as a mortal, more, a mortal who's already died twice before, is much more experienced and thus you may almost say that she is in fact older than him (don't get me wrong, I'm NOT suggesting with that to endorse the whole sessrin thing as if it had no problems, of course you are free to enjoy that if you want to, but not at the cost of having your critical sensibility thrown away for some foolish fandom fighting, because you can't tell me that since by blood and law either Rin is not Sesshomaru's daughter then he has no power over her, my goodness, that girl trusts him completely and has idolized him since ever, how can you possibly fail to see a minefield ahead even taking for good that growing older she would be wiser?).
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"Within the Numbered Days", chapter 1, on ao3
Yep, I like a lot seeking such connections with other fanfics. That's what I mean by saying that I enjoy those sessrin fanfics which bring to light aspects of these two characters that you can acknowledge as true even without liking them as a couple.
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roleplay-abiogenesis2 · 8 months
❝Oh, you have finally arrived! I have missed you, Sesshomaru.❞
— to Sesshomaru
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Humans are such fleeting things. Even now, he firmly believes that. So fragile and short-lived. Their existence tragically short, too short for them to grow strong and wise, to learn where their place is in the world and how to better themselves. They chase that wisdom all of their lives, and by the time they reach it, they're too old and weak to do anything with it, other than pass it down to their young, and hope they can understand. And so many of them do not, perpetuating a cycle of ignorance and misery over, and over, and over.
Sesshomaru used to despise them; and then, he pitied them. By what mysterious power has pity turned to love however? In answering this question, he too feels too young and ignorant.
Maybe this makes him a little human in turn. What a frightening thought. But just the kind of thoughts the sight of Kikyo elicits within him. Sometimes, he worries she's aware of it too. Can he bear someone other than himself to have this kind of power in her hands?
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"I've made you wait a long time. I wouldn't have blamed you if you got tired and left." He says after coming to a stop. Amber eyes observe her calmly. The daiyoukai's gaze has lost a lot of its cold edge. "... But I am glad you didn't."
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ninnekomata · 9 months
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@inufangs asks: ❝ A fickle heart is the only constant in this world. ❞ from Sesshomaru
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well this was...unfortunate. a daiyoukai was not a guest Ronin wished to entertain in even good times, least of all a dog. he could only hope this would remain a conversation to the end.
"Fickle hearts make for insightful thoughts and keen eyes; perhaps it may make for uncertainty, but if all was certain, then what use of choice or reason?" head tilts, and he idly paws the ground to find some release of the nerves bundling under rising fur. "I do not usually find myself speaking philosophy with those of your...reputation. What quarrel have we between us, oh wandering Lord, or else what brings you to seek my shadows?"
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