#daja vu writing this
So since I can't decide on whether or not I should post the two first draft scenes of my story as one post or two, I'll just share something else. The two story ideas I have. Not counting the one I actually writing.
The first one: Do what I've seen other people do. Write out Trapped and Panic! Videos as a story. -But with a twist! Maybe it's just the current main four (Geoff, Layne, Eli, and Cesar). Starts the same way. -ish. Car trouble. They start walking. Find a house and go ask for help. Someone comments on the weird vibes and daja vu. And commence the video. At one point their cover of Trapped plays on a speaker system (probably after they split up?). It's at this point where they nope out and try to leave. If they haven't tried already.
I haven't written anything on this one. And actually, I doubt I will but that could change. It was a random idea that came up after I'd checked out AO3 a while back. And that is just a rough idea of what it would be.
The next idea was: The twenty-one pilots mesh-up video. Because I swear, Layne seems to be semi-conscious through parts of the video. It's the look in his eyes. I'm probably just seeing what I want but I don't care. Cause that's what fanfiction is for. Having fun with concepts. -mostly from Layne's perspective. -Tony saves them.
Now this one is actually my side-project. I don't actually expect it to turn into anything but who knows. It's one of those things that I'm not taking too seriously (doesn't have to be perfect), but I am serious about it. If that makes sense.
As for my main story I talked a little about what it is in my How it Started post. These are just the ideas and thoughts that floated through my head when I had concluded that I would write VP fanfiction. The ones that feel a little plausible for me to be able to possibly write. Because if it was within my creative capabilities I'd write something for most of their videos. Like a Vikings thing came to mind before but that is so far outside of my ability to do!
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thebadchoicemachine · 2 years
♧ <3?
You’re my: wonderful friend. I think my first ever mutual?
How I met you: I sent you asks about minecraft lore I think.
Why I follow you: Friendly chill helpful and into interesting things to say. Also cool art 
Your blog is: my first Proper™ tumblr experience 
Your URL is: impossible to remember; you change so often. I don’t even think I remember all of them. The first I can recall is Princeboo
Your icon is: ideal. and gateway to good music
A random fact I know about you: you’re younger than me
General opinion: very gender I have to say
A random thought I have: you are specifically :] face to me. 
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kezibun · 4 years
Oof. . . Ever just get serious daja vu moments where you're like.... did I dream this??
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xdsockmonkey · 5 years
The Best I’ve Been in A While
Pairing: Aziraphale x Reader (could be platonic or romantic), Crowley
Word Count: 1,653
Warnings: Mentions of a breakup, hurt comfort
Summary: Reader gets broken up with, Aziraphale helps
Notes: *I tried to make everything as gender-neutral as possible* This is based on @thependragonwritersguild​ prompt #11596 for @daryls-crossbow-carols-boots​ who asked for someone to write an Aziraphale fic and I finally got an idea
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You had recently moved to London… well, not that recently. You had moved here over a year ago, got a relatively good job and two solid friends, but you still felt like something was missing. You had gotten a black kitten to keep you company—you loved Butters (the name was part of the reason you fell in love with her) but there was still something missing. Today was Saturday and you were fulfilling your tradition of going on a random adventure one day out of the week. Today you were wandering some streets you had never paid much attention to while sipping some coffee. So far you had discovered two pet stores, a donut shop, a pizza shop and a Christmas store. As you were walking down the street, looking at the colorful shops you were passing, you accidentally bumped shoulders with a stranger.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” you exclaimed. As your head turned to look at the stranger, you first noticed his dark sunglasses. But for a split second you could see behind them and you could see bright yellow-orange eyes. The stranger pauses for a second and stands up straight.
“No worries,” he quietly says, before walking away. As you continued to wander around you kept thinking about that man. He intrigued you and you felt an immediate urge to want to be his friend. Later that day, when you were home curled up on your bed with your cat you suddenly got a text.
“We scheduled too many people for tomorrow, you can have the day off,” your manager sent. Not putting too much thought into it, you turned off your alarms and decided to watch some TV while falling asleep.
When you awoke the next morning, you instantly thought of the man with the yellow eyes. Throughout the morning you continued to feel the strong urge to go back to the streets you wandered less than 24 hours ago. You ate a quick breakfast while watching TV then changed into some casual clothes. Once you felt ready to face the world, you grabbed your phone and earbuds and listened to some of your favorite music as you walked to the streets you wandered the day before. As you were nearing a corner, something made you stop—some kind of feeling, similar to daja vu. It made you feel as though you were walking toward something greater. Your feet began to move forward again, and before you knew what you were doing, you had entered a shop. The atmosphere of the building immediately brought you a sense of peace and you just knew you were in a book shop. It was incredibly quiet but some soft squeaks of old stairs told you someone was here.
“Hello?” asked a sweet voice. Instinctively, you stopped all movement and suddenly felt very out of place. Feeling unsure of yourself, you decided to turn around and exit the bookshop. Right as your hand touched the handle the stranger said “You don’t have to leave… if you don’t want to that is.” Something about the way he spoke made you take your hand off the door handle and turn around. What you didn’t know was that this day was the start of the best year of your life.
You began to hang out at the bookshop more. You learned that Aziraphale was the name of the man who ran the shop and that Crowley was the name of his friend (the man with the sunglasses that you had accidentally ran into). About six months after meeting them they told you they were an angel and a demon. Life was great. You had found these two amazing people that you spent most of your free time with, unless you were with Charlie. You had met Charlie two months after meeting Aziraphale and Crowley. Charlie had asked for your phone number, then immediately asked you on a date. Not having anything to lose, you agreed. Things were great in the beginning, they made you laugh and were incredibly respectful with any boundaries you set, but after two months of dating something in the relationship felt off. You tried to spend more time with them and to talk about what was going on but they would always change the subject, so you just dropped it.
Now, here you are, almost five months into the relationship and Charlie is coming to your apartment to “have a very serious talk.” You were sitting at your kitchen table trying to calm your shaking hands.
“They should be here by now,” you mumble to yourself. Not even a minute later an uneven knock comes from your door. Taking a deep breath you stood up and walked to your door. Gathering all your courage you opened the door.
“Hey!” you said, forcing a smile to your face. They looked nervous, but not a good kind of nervous like when you’re on a rollercoaster, it was a bad kind of nervous like when you have to take a test you didn’t study for.
“I’m just going to make this quick,” they start, not even looking you in the eye. “We’re over. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.” And with that, they were gone. You were left standing in the doorway completely flabbergasted. You slowly backed into your apartment and locked your door. Turning around you slid down the back of the door. You put your hand over to try and control your sobs. You sat against your door for an hour as sorrow overtook your body. Butters curled up between your legs and tried to lift your spirits. Eventually, the afternoon turned into the evening and you had to find the strength to stand up and get something to eat. Shuffling to your kitchen you grabbed a random snack and stumbled into your bedroom. You turned on the TV, not bothering to change the channel to something you’d actually like to watch and ate your snack. Feeling a tiny bit better you checked your phone. You had 20 unread texts from Crowley and 40 missed calls from Aziraphale. You felt bad for not answering but you didn’t have the emotional capacity to do that right now, so with the TV still on you rolled over and went to sleep (even though it wasn’t even 6 pm yet).
When you awoke the next day you felt a lot better. You weren’t at 100% yet, but you felt as though you could function. When you checked your phone you had even more missed texts and calls from Crowley and Aziraphale. You decided you better go visit them before they thought you were dead. Sighing, you got up and brushed your teeth then got dressed. You walked to a coffee shop and got a drink before continuing your walk to the bookshop. As you got closer you became more nervous and almost considered turning back, but you forced yourself to continue forward.
Your steps slowed as you walked up the steps of the old store. Slowly, you pushed open the door and walked inside. You didn’t even know what brought you here, you began to think that it would’ve been better if you started at home. You didn’t want to be a burden to them. Hearing the familiar creaking of the old stairs, you knew they were here and it was too late to turn back.
“Y/N! Darling, is everything alright? You weren’t answering your phone and I almost came over last night but Crowley convinced me to wait til tonight if we still hadn’t heard anything…” the Angel continued to ramble. Your feet pulled you forward and before you knew it, you had yourself wrapped around him in a warm hug. His train of thought halted and his arms were soon wrapped around you. You were trying so hard not to break down right there but a few tears escaped.
“What’s wrong?” Crowley asked from behind Aziraphale. The Angel pulled away and gave you a concerned look while checking over your face. You suddenly felt very small under both of their strong gazes. Your eyes diverted to the ground as you began to fidget with your hands.
“Y/N, you know you can tell us anything,” Aziraphale said as you began to fight back tears. “We need to know what happened so we can help.”
“Umm… you remember Charlie right?” you quietly began.
“Of course,” the angel replied.
“About three months ago I felt something in our relationship change… oh my God, I’m so stupid of not doing anything about it sooner!” you cried. Suddenly feeling very weak on your feet, you felt yourself start to collapse. The angel and the demon leaped toward you and caught you; one on each arm.
“Let’s come have a seat on the sofa,” the angel mumbled. Slowly all three of you shuffled to the sofa as tears poured out your eyes. Once you were all settled on the sofa (Aziraphale on your left and Crowley on your right). Crowley had his hand resting on your shoulder while Aziraphale had you hand in both of his.
“Continue dear,” Aziraphale whispered. Taking a few moments to compose yourself, you regained your train of thought.
“Anyway, the main point is, they broke up with me yesterday. They didn’t say why th-they just said it was over.” Once again you crying your eyes out and your body was exhausted. Before you knew it, your body collapsed sideways onto Aziraphale as you continued to cry. His arms quickly wrapped around your body and held you close.
“It’s okay. Everything will be alright,” Aziraphale whispered into your hair. You hardly noticed Crowley leaving the two of you. “You can stay here as long as you want.”
And you did. That night you went back to your apartment to get Butters and her toys and food. You stayed at the bookshop for nearly three weeks. Your heart began to heal and before you knew it you were the best you had been in a long time.
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dateamonster · 2 years
i rly gotta get back to writing those two other parts that are supposed to accompany daja vu actually LOL maybe someday
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cchsctv · 6 years
Expectations are High
Well it's daja vu again... CTV leaves for STN in Seattle AT 3 AM (we love CTV). After an amazing experience last year, I know this years crew will make this trip just as good as the last one. We have a very talented group this year, and the bonding has already begun. I am excited to see how much closer this group becomes, and show the rest of the nation that CTV is a force to be reckoned with. However, as usual STN doesn't just spark one emotion. Yes I'm excited, but I am also stressed, worried, scared, and so much more. I want everyone to succeed this year, as this group has worked so hard for it since the year began. Well I need to be awake in a few hours because we're LEAVING AT 3 AM so I will write back tomorrow night.
Good night STN Blog and see you in Seattle,
Matthew Schwam
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