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empress-lotus · 3 months
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Happy Dakini Day ♾️ Krodikali, the black wrathful goddess, fully enlightened, spontaneously cutting through ego, like lightening straight to the ground of all being.
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doylewesleywalls · 11 months
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© Doyle Wesley Walls -- Devi 2692
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 months
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You don't have to do anything with your mind,
just let it naturally rest in its essential nature.
Your own mind, unagitated, is reality.
Meditate on this without distraction.
Know the Truth beyond all opposites.
Thoughts are like bubbles that form and dissolve in clear water.
Thoughts are not distinct from the absolute Reality, so relax;
there is no need to be critical.
Whatever arises, whatever occurs,
simply don't cling to it, but immediately let it go.
What you see, hear, and touch is your own mind.
There is nothing but mind.
Mind transcends birth and death.
The essence of mind is pure Consciousness that never leaves reality,
even though it experiences the things of the senses.
In the equanimity of the Absolute, there is nothing to renounce or attain.
~Dakini Niguma
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soggy-frites · 1 year
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My girl.
Yes, that’s a Thresher Maw tattoo around her thigh.
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Being satisfied with what we already have is a magical golden key to being alive in a full, unrestricted, and inspired way. ~ Pema Chödron
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ksjanes · 11 months
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Had a great time at a full moon Halloween party. I dressed as a Blue Dakini. QR code reveals information about a blue dakini.
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Tattoo work by oaastudio
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empress-lotus · 11 months
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Wisdom dakinis, sky dancers, are the feminine embodiment of bliss and freedom that are at the essence of enlightenment. They can arise in any form, terrifying or stunningly beautiful, to aid tantric practitioners in cutting through their ego.
Dakinis will reveal that which you yourself are blind to and that which gets in the way of your path to truth.
All women are dakinis one way or another.
I rest within the one taste of the sphere of absolute being, the great female principle ♾️
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doylewesleywalls · 8 months
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© Doyle Wesley Walls -- Devi 2701
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mahayanapilgrim · 2 years
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One day, a young student approached the Buddha and asked him to teach him about the nature of reality.
The Buddha led the student to a nearby river and pointed to the water rushing by.
"Do you see that water?" he asked.
"It's constantly moving, always changing. It flows downstream, never staying in one place for long. This is the nature of reality - it's constantly changing, always in motion."
The student nodded, understanding what the Buddha was trying to teach him.
Buddha continued, "Just like the water flows downstream, so too do our thoughts and emotions. They come and go, never staying in one place for long. But if we learn to let them flow, if we learn to let go of our attachments and desires, we can find peace and freedom within."
The student took the Buddha's words to heart, and he made a commitment to practice mindfulness and non-attachment in his daily life. And as he practiced, he began to experience a sense of peace and freedom that he had never known before.
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artoflifehealingarts · 7 months
Being a dynamic principle, the Dakini is energy itself; a positive contact with her brings about a sense of freshness and magic. She becomes a guide and a consort who activates intuitive understanding and profound awareness, but this energy can turn suddenly and pull the rug out from under you, if you become too attached and fixated. This can be painful. When the energy becomes blocked and we feel pain caused by our fixation, this is the wrathful dakini. Her anger pushes us to let go of this clinging and enter her mysterious home. - Lama Tsultrim, Women of Wisdom
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New work from the Dakinis collection
Some on Traditional multimedia art on canvas
Other in digital on awesome sauce products at @redbubble
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rearend · 2 years
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mountain-sage · 27 days
"Having released clinging to a self, there is no need to justify yourself or make any demands on the universe. Pure being is pure seeing, the "heart essence of the dakinis." It is completely without an agenda, seeing only what is there to be seen."
"Dakini is a Sanskrit word that roughly translates as "sky dancer." The sky is a metaphor for the nature of mind, free of subjectivity, bias, and expectations. This is the nature of pure being, reality itself. The dancer is a metaphor for the phenomena we experience, for whatever is sensed, thought, or felt. To one who is still a servant of the ego, the dancer represents the confused projections that keep us circling in samsara.
To one who is free of clinging, the dancer, the dancing, and the source of the dance-one's open mind-are all the same. The "heart essence of the dakinis" is the pure enjoyment of knowing that whatever happens is the playful, graceful movements of one's mind. One knows that every movement of one's mind has no reason, meaning, or message beyond itself."
~ Dudjom Rinpoche
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