fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Womansday in the parc
Samantha hosted another succesful womansday in the parc. Some woman still haven't left the party, Shania Leppert, Rachel Leppert (Barrow), Dakota Rogers, Katrina Reagan (Caliente)
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Katrina: I'm going home, guys.
Samantha: No, please, tell us about that wife for Hugo
Katrina: She is wonderful for him. They have met and they bonded instantly over the fact that both have lost a partner.
Rachel: you can leave the match making over to Katrina.
Dakota: haha, once my two youngest are 18 you can match them with a young lady
Katrina: Isn't Gavin still single too?
Dakota: No, he is courting Anna Maher
Samantha: Oh, I remember her. She was very snabby as a girl
Dakota: She still knows very good want she wants and apperantly she wants Gavin. They are going strong
Shania: So the broken courtship between him and Joanna didn't break much
Dakota: No, I'm very relieved that he seems to have found the deal for him.
Samantha: A burden of your mind
Dakota: Certainly
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Rohan&Faith's wedding day
It's the weddingday of Rohan Elderberry and Faith Leppert.
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The ceremony is at the church, where else can you expect from a pastors daughter?
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The first kiss, saved for this day.
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The Leppert family, still growing. Not with children of Joshua&Shania but with in-law's. The first two grandchildren are still to little to attend. A third is on the way.
Joshua is relatively happy about this marriage. But Shania isn't. Now her two older daughters are married and she is left with a bunch of teenage sons and only three little daughters, Hope (9), Joy (6) and Charity (4). Shania will have to do a lot herself.
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The Elderberry family. Ekram and Eleonore are very happy about the marriage of their grandson. They are hoping for great grandchildren.
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The lovebirds
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Max and Grace
It's the wedding day of Max Villareal and Grace Leppert.
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Since Max is loaded with money this wedding is somewhat different then the other weddings of fundiechurch.
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But the ceremony isn't any different then if it was in the church.
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The twins Elijah and Charity were pretty amuzed by the kiss
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The Villareal family: father Jacques passed away a couple of years ago. The children are Hugo's but Benjamin&Luna adopted them. Now it's time for Max and Grace to provide more nieces and nephews for them.
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The Leppert family: The second child of Joshua&Shania Leppert is married off, only eleven to go. And they are both waiting for the first grandchild to be announced. Faith will miss her sister, she is the only older sister left to run the household with her mother. Hope, the next daughter, is only 7 years old. Joy is 4 and Charity 2. All those boys in between don't help much.
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The happy couple, now off on their honeymoon.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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Our two girls have arrived! Laura and Maria are the smallest two baby's we have ever seen but they are doing great and are both healthy and home. Big sisters Julia and Kaira are the best sisters ever and help out with the girls all the time. Colton&Nina Reagan, Julia Kaira
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We have been blessed with a third son, Ezra. We are all very in love with our little blessing and love to cuddle him. Bob&Eliza Pancakes, Babette, Bethany, Evan, Barbera, Brooklyn, Eric
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Our twins are here, safe and sound. We named them Charity and Elijah. With eleven children in the house it's good to have two baby's so the waiting time for a cuddle with one of them is shorter. We are all doing great. We have been blessed incredible. Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett, Joy
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We have been blessed with a third daughter, Joceline. We are very happy with our foursome and love to be a family of six. Hugo&Gaby Villareal, Jack, Janine, Juliënne
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We have happy news, we are expecting another baby! We are so happy to add another little one to our little family. Pierce and Evie are thrilled to become big siblings. Justin&Supriya Delgato, Pierce, Evie
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with not one but two baby's. Our first set of twins! Praise the Lord! Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett, Joy
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Baby Pancakes #7 is on the way! Our family will again grow and we are very thankful for the gift the Lord gives us again. Bob&Eliza Pancakes, Babette, Bethany, Evan, Barbera, Brooklyn, Eric
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We have been blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy, Rick. The girls are in love with their baby brother and we can't be more thrilled to be a family of five. Timothy&Lydia Barrow, Christa, Heather
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Doubling in love! We are expecting twins! We feel so blessed to become parents to a set a of twins. The girls can't wait to become big sisters to two little baby's. Colton&Nina Reagan, Julia, Kaira
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We have been blessed with a healthy little girl who we called Meghan. The childeren are taking turns holding their little sister. We are so thankful for our second daughter. Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson, Julian, Owen, Annabell
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We are thrilled to announce we are expecting a fourth little blessing coming soon! Hugo&Gaby Villareal, Jack, Janine, Juliënne
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Another womansnight at the Freeman's. Besides being heavenly pregnant with her eight child, she is still the host. It's not the big party's anymore like it used to be but still nice. This time Katrina Caliente, Sienna Barrow, Shania Leppert, Bella Goth, Allison Clarkson and Jade Clarkson came.
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Allison: Well, Sienna, how is your youngest grandchild doing?
Sienna: Oh, it's such a little cutie!
Jade: And did I hear it right, is Mathilde expecting another set of twins?
Sienna: Yes! She is. Ethan is really hoping for two boys.
Katrina: Well, having all girls is fun to.
Sienna: They already have a son and Ethan loves it. So he wants more sons. And they already have four girls.
Shania: I'm a little jealous at her. Having so many girls at first is so helpfull later on. I'm leaning on Grace and Faith a lot.
Bella: Yes, having a girl first is very helpful. But Cassandra married way to early for my taste.
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Shania: How did you do that, Bella, and Sienna, and Allison too.
Allison: How did I do what?
Shania: Dealing with the fact you can't have children anymore?
Allison: oh, well. I was already older when we started being quiverfull and doupted if I still could have children. But I got pregnant two more times and each pregnancy was a wonderful suprise.
Shania: Yeah, that's different then me. And you Bella?
Bella: Hmmm, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with five very little childeren. There is five years between the twins and my youngest, Nicolas. So I was a bit relieved when another pregnancy didn't came.
Shania: Hmmm, yeah, that's a way of looking at it. And you, Sienna?
Sienna: I was a bit heartbroken about it. During my childbearing years I learned how to deal with not getting pregnant as often as I might had expected. But when even the possibilty to become pregnant was out of the question it was defently hard. I would have wanted a seventh child.
Shania: I have eleven children but I still would be open for more. They are so precious and a huge gift.
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Sienna: It's important to live in the day, Shania. Live and enjoy the moments you have with your childeren. Someday soon they are gone. Either married or just walked away because they wanted different things in life.
Samantha: It must be hard for you, Sienna, seeing Leah wanting different things in life.
Sienna: I'm just thankful she is back for now.
Jade: Is she back?
Sienna: Yes, she is living with us for now. We don't know exactly why she suddenly couldn't live in her old place but she had to move out, very suddenly.
Samantha: You must be very thankful to have her back home.
Sienna: Yes, I'm very much.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Woman's day out in the parc
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Some woman are having a day out in the parc together, Luna White, Allison Clarkson, Sandra Kenley, Susan Kenley, Alexis Kenley, Shania Leppert, Zara Rogers and Samantha Freeman.
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Allison: So, Sandra and Susan, are you both settled in town and church yet?
Sandra: Certainly, especially now that Ralph is already courting a girl from church we feel really part of it.
Luna: I heard, Ralph with Leah Barrow. I never though she would end up married
Susan: Well, they aren't married yet, just courting.
Allison: But that already surprises us.
Susan: What's wrong with her?
Luna: She is just independend. She really doesn't want to be a mother.
Susan: Oh, I would love to become a mother.
Luna: It's such a blessing
Allison: How are the children doing?
Luna: great! It's like they never lived anywhere else. I love being their mommy.
Allison: So good to hear
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Samantha: How are you feeling Zara?
Zara: Great! I just can't wait to meet my little baby.
Alexis: I can imagen that. Nine months are long
Samantha: Did you and Dylan have any luck so far getting pregnant?
Alexis: No, not yet. I would love to be pregnant. We have been putting it of for so long, now I can't wait any longer.
Shania: I can remember what that feels like. Joshua and I did that too at the beginning of our marriage.
Alexis: Really? And you had 13 children after that?
Shania: Yes! 11 singeltons and one set of twins at the end.
Alexis: Wow!
Samantha: Just start with one, Alexis. The others will follow after that.
Alexis: haha, I wasn't planning on starting with 13!
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Titus proposing
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Titus Leppert and his girlfriend Rachel Barrow are on a date. Titus mother, Shania Leppert, is along as a chaperonne.
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Titus: Rachel, I enjoyed spending time with you so much and really liked to get to know you better. I have learned one other thing in the past nine months, I love you and I want you as my wife. Rachel Barrow, do you want to marry me?
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Rachel: Oh, Titus! Yes!
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Rachel: I love you too!
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We feel very blessed with the birth of our second son, Josiah Freeman. We are already so in love with our little man and Daniel is the sweetest big brother you can imagine.
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We are very happy to announce that my wife and I are expecting another blessing soon, your pastor, Joshua Leppert
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We very happy to announce that we are expecting again. We feel so blessed by God to take care of another child in His glory. The childeren, especially Sienna, are very excited for the new baby. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley
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We have been blessed with another girl! We are totally in love with this little bundle of joy, and that's her name, Joy. It suits her very well. We now have four girls and seven boys. Praise the Lord! Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting another blessing! While Shania is getting to the age that we know childeren will stop coming we are so thankful that we, yet again, are reciving a precious baby. We can't wait for baby Leppert #11 to make his or her arrival. Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Fiath, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope, Truett
(AN: They are sure having that big family, fundie woman dream (or have night mares) about, and that with many boys. Pastor Joshua is proud to set the good example for the church)
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We are totaly in love with this healthy baby boy, Liam. We are adjusting to a family of nine very well so far. Logan&Alice Nelson, Lois, Anthony, Lawson, Alyssa, Lincoln, Ashely
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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It's time for another womansnight. Samantha Freeman loves to organise them. And all the ladies of the church love to come.
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Shania: How is the search going for Belle, Dakota?
Dakota: (sighs) no where, no results
Sienna: There is just no lead to go from, you see. If only there was a trace to follow
Jade: It's horrible. I pray every night for my sister and Leah.
Nancy: It really is horrible.... (Nancy is thinking about this a lot, whising she could do something, but she can't say that she is with the police)
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Dakota: I just can't understand what happend. If something horrible happend, why are there no traces? I just don't get it.
Hannah: Do you think she left herself?
Dakota: Why on earth would I think that?
Bella: Well, she did give a lot of trouble. Maybe this something next in line with that.. I don't know
Hannah: Leah was troubeling too. She only wanted to make music. Sometimes I think they left themselfs.
Dakota: What a horrible thing to say and think, Hannah and Bella! How could you? How could she have done that? No! I believe nothing of that.
In the livingroom are Christine Maher, her daughter Lydia, Alice Nelson and Mathilde Barrow talking
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Alice: Do you like it, Christine? To have Howard home more?
Christine: Yes, I like it.
Lydia: I was a bit surprised thow, mom, I never thought dad would give up being the treasure.
Mathilde: I'm just a bit surprised that Ethan didn't got elected. Pierre and Benjamin are both younger and Benjamin doesn't even have childeren yet. How could he lead the church?
Lydia: Well, maybe he has the time because he doesn't have childeren yet.
Christine: He does have his own business so he could be the new treasure.
Alice: I haven't heard about who is the treasure from Logan. But it would be nice for him to have someone with the church elders with more time. Especially now that we are expecting again.
Lydia: How have you been feeling, Alice.
Alice: Good
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are so happy to announce that the Lord has blessed us with another baby on the way. We can't be thankful enough to become parents of a seventh baby. Kylian&Samantha, Daniel, Josiah, Vivian, Levi, Amos and Martha Freeman
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Baby Leppert #10 is here! Baby Truett made a healthy and safely arrival. Everything is going great with Truett and Shania. Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan, Hope
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We are so happy to announce that we are expecting again. And not with one baby, but with two baby's. We can't wait for little Julian to become big brother. Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson, Julian
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We feel so blessed with yet another little one on the way. Baby Jack is only ten months old but we are sure he'll be a great big brother. Hugo&Gaby Villareal, Jack
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We are very thankful for the birth of a daughter, Hope. It's quite a change for all of us after five boys in a row. We are enjoying every single minute of it. Joshua&Shania Leppert, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah, Jonathan
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We are so excited to announce that we are expecting a baby! We need all the advice we can get before our baby arrives in eight months. Romeo&Cassandra Clarkson
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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Another womansnight at the Freeman's with Samantha Freeman, Hannah Eaten, Dakota Rogers, Sienna Barrow, Eliza Pancakes, Katrina Caliente, Christine Maher, Shania Leppert, Allison Clarkson, Nina Reagan, Cassandra Clarkson, Jade Clarkson and Mathilde Barrow.
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Dakota: How are you feeling Shania?
Shania: Good, thanks
Dakota: Already your ninth child, isn't?
Shania: Yes, indeed. And how are you?
Dakota: Well, busy with my two little boys. They keep me on my toes. And I lost my biggest help, Jade.
Katrina: You still have Belle, right?
Dakota: Yes, she still lives with us but she isn't that big of a help that Jade was. She has her own mind reguarly and I really have to work on her obeying to me and Oliver.
Shania: What a shame that your eldest daughter living at home isn't helping out that much
Dakota: Exactly, it's a shame and she must feel it.
Katrina: But, you do get a grandchild, isn't it?
Dakota: Yes, Jade is pregnant. I'm not ready to be a grandmother but I'm thrilled for her.
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Samantha: So, Allison, finaly you are becoming a grandmother.
Allison: Yes, indeed. I can't wait for that little baby to arrive. And hopefully Romeo&Cassandra won't wait that long to announce too.
Samantha: Then you have too!
Allison: Yes, that would be wonderful
Samantha: Then you have only one wish left, I think. Getting Mabel married.
Allison: haha, yes, but I don't know if that's ever going to happen.
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
Churchims Bulletin
Year 16
Edition 9
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The family of our pastor is very blessed to be expecting another baby. This new blessing will join siblings, Titus, Grace, Faith, Micah, Joseph, Paul, Zacheriah and Jonathan. Congratulations to our pastor and his wife, Shania.
Changes since last edition
Married: Nina Caliente & Colton Reagan
Birth of Evan&Barbera to Bob&Eliza Pancakes
Birth of Rafael to Howard&Christine Maher
Birth of Eleonore&Caroline to Ethan&Mathilde Barrow
Married: Jade Rogers & Pierre Clarkson
Birth of Sienna to Solomon&Hannah Eaten
Turned adults: Luna Villareal, Belle Rogers
childeren: 51 (-2,+8)
adults: 38 (+2)
total: 89 (+8)
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