#damien haas angst fic
jaxthejester · 9 months
hi hello, hopefully the right side of tumblr. for all fellow antmien enjoyers, heres some angst!
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knollridge · 4 years
Long Day
Damien x Reader
1,583 wordcount
Hello!! Second attempt at fic writing~ thank you so much for the love on my first one, I really appreciate it ❤️
No warnings, just absolute fluff involving a rough day that (y/n) is having and how Damien helps/comforts you through it in which I may or may not have heavily projected quarantined touch-starvedness through
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Pressure builds in your head as you feel an onslaught of angry tears make their way to the front of your face.
Your skin is lit, as if by match-strike, with the dirty pink hue of heat and frustration.
Your whole body screams and you want to do the same.
But you can’t.
The toilet a few stalls down flushes and you hear the regular clicks, clatter, and rushing water of someone leaving the bathroom. Every part of your concentration goes towards suppressing what should have been a pleading and violent sob. Tears spill hotly down your flushed cheeks and you know that you’ll need more than the short period allotted for break to fix this.
But you don’t have that kind of time.
Your phone light burns just a bit too brightly on your stinging eyes as you search your screen. You have 4 minutes to pull it together. Feverishly pulling at the toilet paper roll you take immense notice of how loud the uneven cardboard cylinder makes every single turn, but choose - in an effort of timeliness and frustration - to ignore it.
2 minutes.
You grab eye drops out of your bag that Olivia thankfully gifted you last Smoshmas in an amazingly elaborate pun and dot them in each eye.
1 minute.
One last check in the mirror, and even though your eyeliner and mascara are gone, you have to call it good.
You briskly walk out of the bathroom and bump directly into Damien.
“Woah hey (y/n) I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He places an apologetic hand on your upper arm as his soft, brown eyes peer into yours.
“Hey, sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going” you mumble as you quickly cut the line between your shared gaze and turn to walk away from him.
“No worries! I wasn’t being as vigilant as I normally am, it’s been a long day already” he continues with a light sigh as he moves in to walk next to you. “Looks like its getting to you too, are you doing okay?”
Wanting to burst back into tears at the thought of anyone - much less Damien - noticing and caring about your emotional state, you keep focus on your footsteps and try to choose your words carefully. Right, left, right, left...
“Oh yeah I’m fine!!” your voice catches a small hitch as an upbeat persona takes over. “You’re right, it’s been a looong day hahah.” You turn your head towards him and flash a wide and almost believable smile with your eyes squinted closed so he can’t read them any further. Damien studies your expression, his thick brows coming together in question of your sincerity. A knot begins forming in your stomach as you realize he’s been looking at you without your makeup on. God, he knows. I mean, who loses their makeup halfway through the day?? It’s only a few more doors down to the conference room, I’m sure he’ll forget about it by the time we-
You don’t have time to react as Damien’s hand grips your forearm and pulls you into a small room and closes the door. You can’t see anything until you hear him flip a switch revealing a tight, three-walled room shelved from top to bottom with miscellaneous board games...and you and Damien, with standing room only, in the middle of it.
“Wai- what?” You let your arm drop away from his grasp, still feeling the weight from his hold on you. It knocks into a folding table topped with props directly behind you and as if for safety, you wrap both hands around the edge. “What are you doing? The meeting is going to start back up again soon and Ian is gonna be pissed if we show up late, especially if- if he...thinks we’re goofing off or something...” Your voice trails away as you see Damien move towards you. Leaning forward slightly, he rests a hand on the folding table, making the little space between you achingly overt. Eye-level with you now, he raises his head to look you full in the face.
“I don’t want you to worry about all that right now” he says in a low voice. “I want to make sure you’re actually okay.” Tears well up in your eyes and you immediately look down, causing them to spill to the floor. “Oh, (y/n)” Damien says in a hushed tone as he pulls you into a hug. “It’s alright, I know that meeting got really hectic.” You can’t help but to collapse into his shoulder. Each broken breath that you take feels cradled and cared for as his arms wrap tightly around you. You both stand for a minute, waiting for your sobs to subside while he lightly rubs his thumb in a circle on your back.
“I-I’m so sorry about this” you finally manage to say while wiping tears from your face. Damien loosens his embrace and places a hand back on the table, by your side.
“Don’t ever be sorry for feeling whatever it is you’re feeling. It’s like I always say, you should take 5 minutes each day to allow yourself space to just let it all out.” His gentle admonishment makes you feel more at home at Smosh than you’d felt all day. “I’m just sorry that those five minutes happened to be right now” he chuckles.
There’s something about his smile that brings on a small one of your own. “Oh gosh, I was already halfway there before you pulled me in here” you joke. “That meeting was supposed to be pretty big for me since they want me to do more with the scripts and stuff now...and it just seemed like everyone was talking over me and it was very loud and I really didn’t feel heard or understood...it was just a lot.” You think back on your initial reaction and realize you might have attributed a bit too much to the moment, but you see Damien nodding his head in understanding.
“Yeah, I noticed that you could barely get a word in and I was about to say something, but Ian called for a break and you ran out so fast, I was a little concerned.” Your mild surprise is clear on your face, and its almost as if Damien can read your mind. “You’re not as slick as you think you are (y/n)” he says with a growing grin. “First you rush off without saying anything to anyone, then you bump out of the bathroom and you won’t even make eye contact with me but I can still see that those pretty little wings that you do everyday are missing...I knew something was up.” You hope your slight embarrassment is covered by the subsiding red on your face from crying just moments ago, but you’re unable to keep a smile from appearing there as well. After feeling so invisible for most of the day, you can’t believe that he noticed as many of the little things that he did.
“You sound like a detective” you playfully scoff as you go to push his shoulder away. You end up resting your hold on his upper arm as you continue. “But...thank you...so much, for even bothering to check on me.” Your face is turned towards him, but your eyes fall to the details of his Jordans and your Converse in between words to keep focus on your train of thought. They’re so close together. “I definitely wouldn’t have made it through the rest of the meeting very well if you hadn’t. Thank you for making me feel at home.” Damien’s dark brows are tilted up towards the middle of his face, almost in confusion. He brings his hand to your upper arm as well, resting it right below your shoulder. You can feel his thumb just underneath the hem of your sleeve as he gently rubs it back and forth.
“Oh, (y/n)...that’s all I- that’s all we ever want for you. Any of us here. You’ve worked so hard and I know Ian was over the moon to bring you on as a writer...it really was just a weird and hectic start to the meeting.” You can barely fight back a new wave of tears and have to wipe a few stray ones away before they reach the ever-growing smile rising on your face. “Oh man, here you go again,” Damien teases. You let out a short laugh and try to gather yourself with tissues from your bag.
“I can’t go again! We don’t have anymore time!” You say contently, and slightly stuffed up. He can’t keep his eyes off your newfound happiness in the moment, but still takes the opportunity to rag on the situation a bit more.
“We never had any time (y/n)!” His eyes follow your smile as you laugh in agreement. “But I’m glad we made some because you deserve it. What do you say we go into that meeting and knock ‘em all out with your killer scripts?” You gratefully pick up an impression of confidence from his words and nod your head. “After you then” he says with a graceful twirl of his hand towards the door.
Your hand placed on the knob, you take a deep and thankful breath knowing that Damien has your back going into this meeting. You turn it open and can’t wait to begin sharing what you’ve created with the rest of your Smosh family.
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passionate-hedgehog · 4 years
Summary: Y/n gained more than an office when she was promoted to a main writer for Mythical Entertainment.But while she’s celebrating the new aspects of her job, her boyfriend seems to be crumbling. 
Pairing: Damien Haas x Reader
Word count: 4584
Warnings: None
A/N: When I wrote this, I was really just wanting to write a story about how a hoodie exposed a Damien x Reader relationship and then I added some angst because...entertainment, ya know? But at the time I’m posting this fic, I’ve had gone through almost losing my job because of state health mandates due to COVID. I found out that my restaurant thoroughly respects my work ethic and my schedule will remained unchanged. But working an entire shift unsure if I’ll be returning...or if I’ll see any of my coworkers that I’ve come to know as family ever again? I was able to relate to this a lot more than I thought I would. I’m not downplaying anyone that goes through uncertain things, especially during 2020. But I hope it can help a little bit. 
Y/n’s morning had been one for the books. She ran into her boyfriend’s former boss, Ian Hecox, at her favorite coffee shop while wearing a hoodie she DEFINITELY wasn’t meant to be sporting. The item had been a part of an unreleased merch line for SMOSH. They had been planning on announcing it the week after Defy, SMOSH’s parent company, had unfortunately shut down. Select cast and crew had been gifted with the limited stock, and Y/n had discovered it in her boyfriend’s closet just minutes before she ran out the door to get to the coffee shop.
Ian, a man she had yet to be introduced to before that morning, had been polite but concerned about how she had the item in the first place. She wanted to give the simple answer that her boyfriend of four months, Damien Haas, didn’t know she took it from his closet that morning. But Damien being in a relationship hadn’t been general knowledge to many people yet, and she didn’t want to put him in that position. He had been trying to work past his SMOSH days and focusing on future endeavors. She didn’t want to reconnect dots that he had worked so hard to disconnect.  After reassuring the man that she did not, in fact, legitimately steal it and that the owner never wore it out in public, she apologized for wearing it and promised to remove it once she got to her destination.
When Y/n made it to work, she was greeted with the two head-writing team members sporting nearly creepy smiles aimed at her. She narrowed her eyes at them and immediately grew suspicious. The writers, Nick and Ellie, pulled her down the hallway towards the various offices and stopped in front of a single closed door. Ellie stood off to the side of the door but grasped at the handle.
“Congrats on your promotion!” She winked and pushed the door open, letting Y/n look thoroughly into the room.
“Is this...do I have my own… what?!” Y/n looked between Ellie and the room. “What??”
“Rhett and Link, and the rest of us, agreed that since you’ve been promoted to a main writer position AND you’ve been handling a lot of other projects that go beyond your job description, you should have the space fitting for it. They have a new investment that you’ll be working with.” Ellie moved to stand by her fellow head writer, Nick. 
“Trust us. You’ll need this space. You’re about to have your hands full.” Was all Nick supplied, as cryptic as it was. “There’s a meeting in 20 minutes. You won’t have to worry about being late now that you’re so close to the main offices. See you in a few!”
The duo walked away and left Y/n to take in what happened entirely. 
“My own office?” She wondered as she finally took her first steps into her own space. There was a desk, a chair, the same kind of  desktop that is used in the other offices, and room for her personal touch. She had dreamt of her own office, and she finally had it. Y/n took out her phone and noted she had enough time to grab her meeting materials from her bag, and decided to make it to the meeting early.
The meeting had left the writer confused. Mythical had purchased SMOSH, her boyfriend’s former employer. It was a happy thing. She knew it was a happy thing. Damien had walked her down memory lane when Defy had shut down, and he found himself at home more than he wanted to be. It had been therapeutic for him. But he eventually decided to leave those memories there in the past. And now she was hit with the dilemma of whether or not she should tell him. Would she even be allowed to tell him?
“Hey, Babe!” Damien’s voice called from the doorway. 
Y/n looked up from her desktop, all inner turmoil disappearing when she saw her boyfriend’s smiling face. “Hey! How’d you find me?”
“Nick walked me down here.” The brunette let himself into the office and sat in the chair across from his girlfriend. “This is so cool. You didn’t tell me you were getting an office. We could have gone to Target and grabbed some cute things.”
“It was a surprise. I didn’t know about it until I got here this morning. Oh! Speaking of!” The woman grabbed her bag and shot an apologetic look. “I might have made a bad decision that I definitely need to apologize for.”
Damien cocked his head in confusion, similar to that of a puppy.
Y/n pulled out the black and blue hoodie from her bag and passed it over to her boyfriend. “I took this on my way out. I was in a hurry and didn’t quite look to see what it was I had put on. Eventually, I realized what I was wearing in public, and I put it in my bag. I’m sorry, Babe.”
Damien’s eyes met the fabric, and he shrugged. “Eh, it’s fine. You can just keep it, actually. I already have so many hoodies and shirts from...you can just have itz. I bet it looks better on you anyway. I don’t need it.”
Y/n copied Damien’s confused look from earlier. “Dames, this is your hoodie. YOUR hoodie. You designed this, and it’s your only copy of it. I can’t take it, Babe. How about I throw it in the wash when we get home, and I’ll just put it back where I got it from?”
Damien shook his head. “No, that’s okay. Just...consider it a gift, I guess. I don’t need it. Take it.”
“Dames-.” Y/n began.
“I think I’ll meet you in the car. I have some calls to make for a few auditions. Take your time, Y/n.” Damien got up from his seat, immediately breaking eye-contact with his girlfriend. 
After the voice-over actor left the office, Y/n let out a sigh and leaned as far back in her chair as she could, her head dangling off the headrest. She debated with herself for a few moments on whether they should talk out what was definitely him pushing unresolved feelings into a box. She decided that there was enough excitement for that day, proceeded to pack her things, and made her way to her boyfriend’s car.
A few weeks later, Y/n found herself in a private meeting with her bosses Rhett and Link. After the news that Mythical had purchased SMOSH, Y/n had found out that she would work as a main writer for Mythical and that she would also help out with minimal production work at SMOSH while they built their team back up. The SMOSH gig wouldn’t be long-term, but it was definitely something different than what she knew. The writer had assisted with some production work on GMM during her career, so the production aspect itself wasn’t unfamiliar to her. Working for two different channels? That would be tricky. 
It was not as tricky as treading the waters with Damien once he finally found out that SMOSH was coming back to life, which would be difficult since Y/n would be the liaison between SMOSH and Mythical for the foreseeable future. She would be working with Ian, going to board meetings, working in the SMOSH half of the building, and helping create a staff for SMOSH. Y/n was always up for a challenge, a chance to expand her horizons in her career. She just hoped that it wouldn’t damage the relationship she worked hard to build with her partner. 
“Tomorrow is your meeting with Ian. We’ll give you the black card to charge the lunch to. He didn’t have an exact number of how many people would be showing up, but it should be fine.” Rhett handed the credit card to her. “The cafe you picked didn’t seem too pricey, so we’re not worried. Just make sure not to lose the card.”
Link leaned forward in the chair he was occupying, folding his arms on to the desk in front of him. “Have you been in contact with him yet? Introduce yourself and all of that?”  
“Uh…” Y/n glossed over the fact that she had, in fact, already met Ian in person almost a month ago on accident. “Yeah...We already discussed a little bit about tomorrow. Going over what he’ll be telling his team and things of that sort. He mentioned that he had been keeping it under wraps from them. But I’m ready for it. I can’t imagine that happening to Mythical. I’d be devastated. I’m very thankful that you guys run your own ship.”
Rhett gave a shrug and a short “Eh, we try.” that caused Link to give a quick laugh. 
The morning of the meeting with Ian felt...off... to Y/n. When she woke up, Damien had already vacated the bed. She thought that maybe he had decided to go to the meeting that he had no idea she would be at. Perhaps she could subtly slip it in that she’d be there and they could take the same car. It took her a few minutes of searching the apartment to realize that her partner wasn’t even home. She didn’t know where he was. She only hoped that he would be at the cafe later. Y/n shook it off and began to get ready. Today was going to be nerve-wracking enough without him there.
Y/n made it to the cafe ten minutes before the determined meeting time. She found Ian easily and approached him with her head held high and an incredibly pleasant smile plastered to her face.
“Ian?” She asked as she approached his chair. He turned to her and watched the lightbulb go off in his head. “I’m Y/f/n Y/l/n from Mythical! And now, SMOSH...kinda.”
He stood up and shook her hand. “Hey. Nice to officially meet you! Although, I believe we’ve met before…”
Y/n winced and nodded, taking a seat across from him. There were a handful of empty chairs scattered around the table. She didn’t count them but was glad that the lunch meeting had already been approved by her bosses to be charged on the black card.
“Before we get started,” Ian began. “I just want to clarify that I haven’t told anyone what this meeting is about, and I’m still not all too sure who will be making it. A lot of things have been up in the air for so long, I’ve had to learn to just go with the flow.”
“Honestly, same.” Y/n replied as the waitress approached them.
A couple of people approached the table and greeted Ian and took seats by him while Y/n chatted with her usual waitress. The newcomers and Ian gave their drink orders before the server walked away.
“Shayne, Court, I’d like to introduce you to Y/n of Mythical Entertainment. Y/n/, Shayne and Courtney are two of SMOSH’s actors. They were hired in 2016.” Ian introduced.
“It’s really nice to meet you two! I spent the last month watching a lot of SMOSH, and you guys crack me UP! It’s almost impossible for me not to laugh at a video with either of you in it. Or any video, to be honest. Except for the Dominos mukbang. I got a little uncomfortable at the end of that one.” Y/n winced at the end of her introduction.
The three conversed as more people showed up, Keith showing up with Noah and Olivia. Matt Raub could be heard arguing good-naturedly with Sarah Whittle down the sidewalk as they approached. Lastly, Lasercorn and Mari appeared separately but arriving at about the same time. All of the chairs around the table were full except for the one to Y/n’s left. She glanced at it longlingly before giving her full attention to Ian.
“So! Should we order and then talk about why we’re here while we wait for the food?” Y/n suggested.
Ian nodded in agreement, and Y/n made eye contact with their server, pulling her over to the group. Everyone gave their order to the waitress before Y/n gave her own and then proceeded to give the order for Damien, in hopes that he would show up in the end.
“But you can put that last one on our personal tab. I might just end up taking it home. Thanks, Clementine.” Y/n called as the waitress walked away.
Y/n was about to officially start the meeting when her phone went off loudly. She pulled it out of her pocket to send it to voicemail when she saw that it was Damien’s name. “I’m so sorry. I actually need to take this really quickly. Continue your conversations.”
Y/n rose from her seat and walked off a few paces. She answered her call, hoping it would be her boyfriend telling her that he had a meeting he would be late for (the one she was at) and that he wouldn’t be able to pick up lunch that day. What it ended up being, though, was Y/n trying to subtly convince Damien to go to the meeting she knew he had (the same one she was at, but he still didn’t know that part) and failing miserably. 
“You know where I am with that, Y/n. I don’t know why you’re pushing it. It was a good few years, but it’s done! I need to figure out what’s next for me. Dwelling on the past isn’t going to fix it.”
Y/n took a deep breath. “Have you even talked to anyone about this meeting? Do you even know what it’s about? Maybe something amazing and wonderful will come out of it!! You won’t know unless you try! And I know you’re building on your VO work, but SMOSH is already here and waiting for you. LITERALLY. WAITING.”
Damien grew quiet on the other end of the line, and Y/n realized she said the wrong thing. “What are you talking about. Y/n? What do you mean by ‘literally waiting’? How would you know anything about SMOSH’s meeting?”
“I just..I don’t...Damien. Please. Coming to this meeting could be what you need, right now.”
“You said coming instead of going. Why would you use ‘coming’ instead of ‘going’?”
“Oh my GOD, can you please stop analyzing what I’m saying for five fucking minutes and just listen to the point I’m trying to make here?!” Y/n noticed she was yelling and apologized before talking quieter and calmer. “Please, I’m begging you. Come to this meeting. They need you here. They’re your family.”
“Family wouldn’t keep info, like this meeting, a secret. Right?”
That caused Y/n to pause. “They...they didn’t tell you about the meeting?”
“They definitely told me. You didn’t, though.”
Y/n realized that she was losing grip with the conversation. “No, wait-Damien, I didn’t-”  
“I’ll talk to you later, Y/n. Or not. Who knows, am I right?” Damien ended the call with a beep audible from Y/n’s end.
After taking a few deep breaths and clearing her eyes from any of the tears built up from frustration and legitimate sadness, she collected herself and returned to the table. When she sat down, she noticed all eyes were on her.
“What did Damien have to say?” Ian asked with a sad smile that told her he already knew the answer.
“He uh...he can’t make it. Something came up.” Y/n cleared her throat and took a sip of her diet coke. “Any chance we can just completely ignore what just happened?”
“How do you know, Damien?” The question came from someone on her left. 
“I guess not,” She took a bigger sip of her drink. “Damien and I...have been seeing each other. For a few months now.”
The surprised reactions that spread around the whole table proved to Y/n that her boyfriend really didn’t tell anyone about their relationship, including Shayne, whom he called his best friend. Y/n couldn’t imagine not telling someone that important about a relationship that’s lasted as long as it had. But after what went down over the phone, the breaking of trust and the arguing, she thought maybe there was good reason for it. In an attempt to not dwell on what happened, Y/n called on Ian to continue the meeting.
Instead of going to her own apartment after the meeting with SMOSH, Y/n decided to take Damien his food in hopes of a peace offering and have a chance to talk everything out. She pulled into the visitor parking of the apartments and took a second to collect herself. She knew her partner was hurting. The signs of his anxiety and personal, private compulsions were showing through when he thought she couldn’t see. She knew he was struggling, but all she wanted to do was fix it. But how? Would he even let her into the apartment?
She knocked on his door and waited for an answer. She knocked again a few minutes later, before taking out her key. Naturally, she’d respect his want for space, but at that moment, she didn’t have it in her. She made her way into the apartment and eventually found him laid out against his headboard, playing his Switch on his bed. He didn’t look up when she walked in or when she sat on the bed.
“I uh...I brought you your order from the cafe. Do you want it now, or should I put it in the fridge?” She asked gently from her spot at his feet.
He clicked the lock button and put the handheld device down. Looking at the bag in his girlfriend’s hands, he gestured for her to hand it to him. She leaned over to give it to him, and he put the paper bag next to his Switch. Without speaking, he nodded his head towards the door, and Y/n picked up his hint.
“Right. You probably don’t want me here right now...uh..”She scratched at her neck, disappointed in herself for thinking that he’d want anything to do with her at the moment. “I’ll just...I gotta grab some of my things from the bathroom first. I want to make sure I give you all the space you need.”
Y/n made to get off the bed when Damien cleared his throat. “No, Y/n. I was stretching my neck. You don’t have to leave.”
The writer turned to face him, pushing what she hoped was a convincing smile on her face. “It’s ok! Really! You deserve some space after what happened. I completely lied to you about today, and that’s gotta feel like trash. I can let you eat in peace for once.”
“Please don’t.” He met her eyes, and she saw sadness there. “I can wait to eat. I just...I really want you to stay. Please?”
She nodded and pulled herself up the bed to lean against the headboard next to him. “Do you want to talk about it? I understand if you don’t. And it’s completely reasonable not to want to tell me about it at all. I am sorry, Dames. I didn’t know how to tell you, so I thought maybe it would go smoothly if you just saw me at the meeting. I figured it’d be easier handling the topic of ‘us,’ too. Which...was weird to do with or without you.”
“Yeah. Shayne had questions for me. But I’m not upset that you told them. I can’t imagine the pressure that put you under. It couldn’t have been easy trying to get around it in the first place.” Damien kissed the top of her head. 
Y/n looked him in the eyes and gave a sad smile. “I’m worried about you. You tell me you’re okay and that you’re moving on, but...to me, it doesn’t look like it. To someone on the outside, maybe. But I’ve been with you since before Defy shut down. You haven’t processed it or grieved it. You barely talk to your best friend. It shows a lot that you hadn’t told him about me. Like...yeah, you’re a private person. But you don’t usually hide things from Shayne.”
The actor nodded along with her words. “Yeah, I...I don’t know how to...like I just…”
Y/n noticed he was struggling and held his hand, quietly waiting for him to continue.
“Defy shutting down and SMOSH limiting everything it was doing was hard. When we were as happy as we could get working for Defy, I never thought about ‘what’s after this?’ I didn’t think I’d have to worry about it. It all seemed to be going so well...So when it came, the loss of it all...that’s what happened. All of it was lost. Everything I did, all of the moments, the time...It felt like two years of my pure energy that I was never going to get back. I put everything I am into my life at SMOSH, and it felt like it didn’t matter in the end. So, I moved forward as fast and as hard as I could to outrun the pain I knew was coming. Unfortunately… the running didn’t work, and the pain still came. And I feel like I lost connections with people most important to me along the way.”
“No, Damien… you didn’t lose those connections. Trust me. They miss you. They need you in their lives. Whether it’s through SMOSH or just inviting them over for pizza and video games. Baby, they still love you. I promise.” Y/n sat up straighter and pulled her legs underneath her, letting both knew caps lay against Damien’s outstretched legs. “I can’t give any advice towards the running away from what happened because we both know I’m a little escape artist when conflict arises. But I think this conversation right here is a great way to begin to work through it. But I think it would work better if you talked it through with your best friend that went through the same thing.”
Damien pulled her against him and wrapped his arms around her. “Hmm...maybe. And you’re not that much of an escape artist anymore. You forced your way into my apartment and invited yourself on to my bed. We could have had a huge fight, but you went through with it anyway.”
Y/n looked up at him with her head still on his chest. “Because I love you. And I don’t want you to be sad anymore…”
Damien leaned down and kissed her, gently slipping his hands under her shirt before he pulled away. “You are more than I’ll ever deserve. Thank you for making sure I work out the things that bother me and affect me.”
“I’ll say it again.” She accentuated each of her following words with a poke to his torso. “I. Love. You. Dumb dumb.”
He grabbed her hand and guided her, so she was straddling his lap. “That hoodie you took from me last month, I didn’t get to see you in it. Can I get a peak?”
“Uh...sure? Are you sure, though? You seemed pretty passionate about not ever seeing it again.” Y/n rested her hands at his sides, softly running her thumbs over his shirt as if to comfort him.
“I think...I just didn’t want to think about my last few good memories with the company and everything. But I don’t want to run from it anymore.”
Y/n’s smile lit up her whole face. “Yeah? Then yeah, I can go put it on.”
“But could I convince you to wear it with nothing else on?”
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mytsukkishine · 5 years
udgdh maybe long request? so damien haas x reader where when ver the smosh gang go out to drink, damien and y/n are the sober ones that'll keep each other company but recently y/n has been drifting away bc she's in love with him. and one day damien gets hella drunk so y/n has to take him to her apt (which is roommates with Courtney) -maybe some drunk damien singing and giving y/n little kisses and he gets super hungover?? as well as angst/soft shiz?? sorry for the long request!! love yur fics!
A/n: whoa okay anon, I enjoyed myself too much in writing this and I hope this will be to your expectation. *wink wonk* u can anon me again if u liked it pls hahaha enjoy! Though I’m sorry because reader and Courtney aren’t roommates here sorrryyy!!!
summary: Drunk you accidentally kissed Damien. Then you avoid him for days until Courtney invited you out for a drink again. Feelings, kisses and drunk singing. What could go wrong?
a/n2: fluff and angstyy. ya’ll like hurting huh? haha
a/n3: hello, i made a Kofi account and I hope you would support me! I needed a little help with my financial shits and I hope my fanfics can be a little help. 
buy me coffee please, senpais
words: 2.4k
Also a little mature because of alcohol and kissing? lmao can u all guess the songs? it’s only two (I chose those songs because their voices suit Damien soooo much)
You sighed, empty beer bottle in hand as you looked aroundyou. Everyone was drunk. You saw Keith laying on top of Noah on the couch, bothguys in deep slumber. Courtney, Olivia, and Sarah were nowhere to be found, youjust assumed they had taken control over Shayne’s bed right now.
Oh right, the squad was at Shayne’s apartment. They had alittle drinking session, celebrated Shayne’s graduation. Speaking of Shayne,you saw him already fast asleep on the bean bag, empty drinks on the floor andhis Switch console in hand.
You slowly stood up, your head spinning a little and youstopped for a moment, eyes adjusting to the light that came from the kitchen.
You thought about turning the TV off but you scoffed, notwanting to step on Shayne because you knew your balance right now was not atits best.
As soon as you stepped on the kitchen- “Jesus!” You said alittle too loud, hand on your chest as you saw Damien on the floor, completelyhidden by the counters.
He smiled and waved, his cheeks pink and in his hand was abottle of beer.
You groaned, frowned at him but walked towards him. You tooka sit beside him, sliding down on the floor slowly as you cursed your back forhurting a little.
“Hey,” You rested your head on his shoulder and took thedrink from his hand and chugged down its contents.
You felt the warmth radiating through Damien and you can’thelp but to get emotional. Was it from the alcohol? Might as well blame it ifgiven the chance.
You have liked Damien since the first time he told you hewatches anime. You were smitten, you were pulled towards his radiance that noone can escape.
Damien was the light that managed to blind you.
And now, seated side by side, with your feelings jumbled up.You can’t help but to want to hug him and maybe confess your feelings so theitching in your heart can stop.
He was a dream. Really. He’s a gentleman, loves anime,gaming, a very nice person, and funny. Ever since he became part of the Smoshfam, many people adored him. And you thought to yourself, you were lucky enoughto be his friend, might as well stay as friends than confessing your feelingsand turning into strangers.
Damien may be kind but you don’t know if he was the type ofperson that would avoid you if you confess.
“What?” You didn’t realize that you spaced out for a momentbecause Damien was chuckling as he took the bottle away from you.
Another thing that was stopping you from confessing wasbecause you heard something going on between Damien and his friend outsidework.
Of course, who were you to compete against a long-timefriend? One time you have seen Damien with this girl, she was pretty. Longblack hair and thin waist. They were talking animatedly as they walked towardsthe mall—and that pretty much hurt you.
They look so perfect.
“Hey are you okay?” Damien suddenly, his hands on yourcheeks. You realized you were looking at him with tears pooling in your eyes.You felt our insides churn as Damien wiped your tears away.
Your head was slowly spinning but you kept your focus onhim.
“Dames,” You murmured and Damien’s pink cheeks looked likethey were glowing. Maybe because of the alcohol. Yeah, the alcohol.
“I want a drink,”
Damien chuckled, tapping your forehead in the process. “Silly,you’re drunk.”
“No. I can still drink, hell I can even recite the company’smission and vision.”
“Really? Damien raised his brow as he looked down at you,then that’s when you realized your faces were to close. You were resting yourchin on his shoulder as you looked up at him with wide eyes, your noses almosttouching.
You were used to this. The closure. You were known for beingthe clingy, cuddly friend. You always hug your friends or cuddle with them.Whether it was Keith or Courtney, Shayne or Wes. Of course, Damien received themost cuddles from you.
Your eyes were getting blurry, the spinning in your headintensified as you glanced down at Damien’s lips.
Blame the alcohol.
Your lips landed on his and it was so soft and—his lips werestill, you pulled back only to land a peck on his lips again.
You felt his hand on your cheeks and you wanted to kiss himagain but your eyes failed you as you closed them and drifted to sleep.
You groaned, the sunglasses you wore were not doing its jobbecause the sun was still blaring down on you, shaming you from what you havedone last night. After you woke up by 5AM, you found yourself on the couch,Noah and Keith on the floor sleeping soundly and no Damien to be found. Thenyou remembered what you have done and you immediately went home to find thenearest Starbucks.
You threw your empty cup in the trash nearby and sighed.
You have kissed Damien. Your friend.
Now he knew how you felt.
You felt a bile building up your throat but ignored it, theitching in your heart was worse. Maybe this was it, you thought, you hadpracticed what it would be like if you ended your friendship with Damien andthe time has come where your practice won’t go to waste.
Even though you were sobered up, your head still hurts. Andyou’re freaking nervous. It was a Sunday today, and tomorrow you will have togo to work and face Damien.
“Ugh!” You cursed up at the sun, wishing the ground belowwould just swallow you up.
The whole afternoon you managed to stay in your cubicle.With some short trips to the bathroom and pantry, you achieved to avoid anySmosh Squad.
It was going all too well when—
You squeaked as you looked up from your computer, only tosee Olivia, Courtney and of course Damien. You immediately avoided eye-contactto Damien.
“You startled me, Olivia,”
“Sorry! Just wanted to make sure how you were,”
“Sobered up.” You answered truthfully, eyes now back to thecomputer. You were glad you were wearing your hoodie over so they weren’t ableto see your blushing cheeks.
“You left before we all woke up,” Olivia whined followed byCourtney. “I’m sorry, I was in a hurry,”
“For what?” You just grinned at them. You all chatted for awhile, Damien remained quiet at the side before Courtney said goodbye andwalked away together with Olivia.
Now it was you and Damien.
You sink in your chair as you looked up at Damien.
“Can we talk—”
“Y/N, can you come to my office for a while?” One of theproducers asked you, looking up at the file he was holding and gave a smallgreeting to Damien.
“Ah sure…” You gave Damien an apologetic look then left.
Not yet. You can’t handle the rejection yet.
It has been three days since you have hanged out with thesquad, and it has been three days since you have seen Damien. The first day wasyou plainly avoiding him and now it seemed that fate was on your side becauseyou haven’t really seen him.
It was a Friday, and the office was buzzing out of peoplewhen Courtney stopped you from leaving your cubicle.
“Hey pretty lady, care to have a night out with us?” She wasgrinning slyly and you rolled your eyes. “What’s in it for me?” You playedalong and Courtney wrapped her arm around your shoulder. “A very good time,”Both of you laughed out loud but you agreed anyway.
Even though you were cautious around Damien, it doesn’t meanyou would stop hanging out with the squad. They are also a friend of yours andyou kind of miss them.
When Courtney said that Olivia and the rest were already atIan’s place, you immediately raised your brow. “We’re not going to a bar?”
“Silly Y/N. Ian has offered free drinks!” She exclaimedexcitedly and you just shook your head, heading to the parking lot and in toCourtney’s car.
Three drinks in and the rest of the squad were singing alongthe karaoke Ian has set up in his living room. It was a mess, Shayne wassinging loudly with Olivia and Keith—he was using his CFM voice, Ian was alreadyhalf-drunk and Damien—Damien was on the loveseat, just drinking.
You sighed. When you and Courtney had arrived, you didn’tgreet each other and it honestly killed you. Courtney seemed to have noticedthe atmosphere and asked you what’s up, but being the introvert you were, youjust reasoned out that you were kind of tired.
It was this again. Alcohol.
You guessed since alcohol was involved right now, it wasthe right time for you and Damien to have that talk.
However, being the stubborn you, it was now past midnightand the squad was asleep, all through the night you didn’t get the chance totalk to him.
Courtney and Shayne were on separate bean bags, bothasleep next to each other, the TV still on. Ian was nowhere to be found, youguessed he was in his room. Keith was on the couch, drooling.
It was like déjà vu. Except you weren’t that drunk. You onlyhad three drinks and stopped as soon as you saw Damien drinking alone. Speakingof Damien, you looked at the seat where he was previously in and saw it wasempty.
You sighed.
Maybe he left.
You decided to maybe grab some water from Ian’s kitchen, andthen maybe sleep on the guestroom Ian mentioned to you earlier that that wasvacant.
You slowly stood up and stretch. You sluggishly walkedtowards the kitchen and gasped a little as you saw Damien hunched over thesink.
“Goddamnit Dames, you scared me,” He didn’t answer but youcan see that the tip of his ears was red. You walked up to him and tapped hisshoulders lightly, “Damien?”
“Hm?” He was obviously drunk because when he looked at you,he was sporting a wide smile, cheeks red and eyes squinted together. “Oh hey,Y/N,” He waved but lost his balance. You quickly took hold of his arm andpulled him towards you.
“Dames, how much did ya drink huh?” You got no reply asDamien draped his arm around your shoulder, “We should—sing!” He hiccupped andyou can smell the alcohol off of him. You decided that since you have been abad friend to Damien these past few days, you’ll settle him down on Ian’s spareroom.
“Come on big boy, let’s get you to bed,” You looked at thesink and saw it was clean, meaning Damien didn’t throw up. His hair was wet somaybe he washed his face.
“Whaaat? But we’re singing,” You just shook your head andguided him, thankful that he wasn’t putting all his weight on you. When youreached the spare room, you gently laid him to sit down but he fell on his backcausing you to lose your own balance, and you found yourself in Damien’s arms.
“Y/N,” He called out softly, his eyes closed and youremained still.
“Called her for thefirst time yesterday~” Damien started, even though he’s drunk, he was stillsinging beautifully. “Finally found themissing…. Part of me,” he stopped in the middle but he continued, he hashis other hand in the air, swinging with the song he was singing.
“Felt so close but youwere far away~ Left me without anything to say~~”
With hands on his chest, you pushed yourself up gently untilhis other hand stopped you.
“Y/N,” He called softly.
“Have you been avoiding me?”
Okay, the million-dollar question you weren’t expectingright now.
You were about to answer when Damien released a chuckle.
He released a sighed as he now sang another song, “To be drunk~” Damien started, eyesclosed but he pressed his forehead against yours. “And in love in New York City~” He sang, missing some notes butyou knew that song very well.
“Mmm into morningcoffee,” He murmured but still in tune, “Burning mmhm the hours talking,” he stopped and he opened his eyes.
You both stared at each other.
“Damn…” Hewhispered before leaning in and capturing your lips in a sweet, short kiss.
You instantly closed your eyes and savored the kiss.Damien’s lips were as soft as what you remembered and you want to cry.
Damien’s drunk and you shouldn’t—Damien pulled back, a shysmile etched on his lips as he continued to stare at you.
“Please don’t avoid me… I like you,” Your heart fluttered fora moment, fat tears pouring down your eyes as Damien pulled you in closer for ahug.
You stayed there, both of your feet still on the edge of thebed and you were sure it would hurt in the morning but you don’t care.
Damien likes you. And was hurting because of you.
Boy, you two have a lot to talk about tomorrow morning.
You heard a groan beside you and you squinted your eyes, themorning light through the window greeted you so harshly that caused you to buryyour face in a strong, warm chest.
“Y/N…” A surprised voice of Damien welcomed you, and youremembered that both of you fell asleep hugging each other. “Hey,” Yougreeted with a smile and Damien was confused. Confused because he woke up withyou in his arms.
“H-how? I’m s-sorry,” He stuttered but you just hugged him.
“No, it’s okay. I-…” You started, Damien visibly relaxing inyour hug.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you, Damien. After that kiss… I… Iwas a coward,”
“No, Y/N,”
“And I like you…”
Silence. You buried your face on his chest and you heard himsigh.
“If only we talked sooner, we would’ve been kissing,” Damiencommented and you laughed, hitting his stomach softly.
Silence covered the both of you before Damien cleared histhroat, “I… I remember singing last night,” You laughed out loud, hugging himtighter. “Yeah, drunk singing. It was adorable,”
Damien grinned, “Would you allow me to sing to you in thefuture?” You felt your cheeks heating up and you just nodded. You felt Damien’slips on your head.
Now, this wasn’t what you practiced for but you ain’tcomplaining.
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Hello!!! Can you write a angst/fluff fic with Damien Haas x reader and speech prompts 11 13 and 16??? Thank you so much I love your work!!!
Sure thing dude, glad you like my stuff :)
Speech 11 - “Tell me one thing. Why wasn’t I fucking enough? I loved you. Oh fuck how I loved you. How I still love you”
Speech 13 - “Jesus you’re whipped”
Speech 16 - “I’m going to marry you one day”
“I’m going to marry you one day.”
It was a promise that Damien had whispered into the crook of her neck as they lay in bed together on New Years Day. They had been together just over a year and neither of them could imagine their lives with anyone else.
They were so painfully in love with each other, it was clear for everyone to see just from a singular look. Both were completely and utterly enraptured with the other and they weren’t afraid to show it.
Not that any of their friends minded. Damien and Y/N deserved the world and the fact that they had found it in each other was just wonderful. 
Everyone thought that they were going to last forever.
Until they didn’t.
Life got in the way of their happiness and seven months after Damien’s whispered sweet promise of a future together, it was gone. 
Everything got too busy. Y/N got promoted and had to spend more hours working. Defy went down and Damien started Twitch. Damien’s fanbase grew and more and more took a dislike towards Y/N just because she was the one who held Damien’s heart.
It was just too exhausting being with each other when every conversation ended in an argument.
And so seeing Y/N here, at a New Years party, almost exactly a year since he had vowed to spend the rest of his life with her, seemed like a cruel twist of fate.
“Really?” Shayne asked from behind him, his eyebrows raised. “It’s been five months, Damien and Jesus, you’re whipped,” he commented and Damien rolled his eyes, shoving Shayne away from him.
“Fuck off, man.” It was those words that allowed Shayne to understand the magnitude of the situation, to see how the break up was still affecting Damien.
“You okay?”
“I...I loved her man... More than I’ve ever loved anyone,” he admitted wistfully.
“Go talk to her,” Shayne ordered, taking the drink from Damien’s hands.
“either you need to get back with her or you need to get closure - neither of those things are going to happen if you don’t go and talk to her right now.”
Damien nodded his head in understanding and approached Y/N.
He wasn’t expecting the words that tumbled out of his mouth when she turned around to face him, shock written across her face.
“Tell me one thing. Why wasn’t I fucking enough? I loved you. Oh fuck how I loved you. How I still love you.”
“Do you still love me?” He cut her off and Y/N paused, clearly considering her answer carefully. “Don’t lie to me - God, please don’t lie to me.”
“Yeah,” the word was a breath.
Damien knew 2020 was going to start off well.
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Finishing blurbs from my 3K Celebration!!
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Hi, so a while ago I requested a Wes Johnson X reader soulmate au but since you are ( understandably) no longer writing for him could you do a Shayne Topp or Damien Haas or Spencer Reid X reader soulmate AU. You can put some angst in there if you want or you can make it really fluffy however you feel just with a happy ending. Please and thank you. Also I don't get tagged when you upload for Smosh but I'm on the list I don't know what's up with that. 👋🏾💜👍🏾 I love your work.💛✌🏾❤
I’m gonna let you (and everyone) in on a little secret. I’ve already got a Spencer Reid x soulmate fic planned out but I haven’t had time to put it on my Upcoming Fics Masterlist. 
It’s really angsty, though, so if you want something a little fluffier, I’d be happy to write that as well!
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mymindswriting · 5 years
Request Guidelines
Requests are: OPEN (As of 10/06/19)
PSA: I hold the right to refuse to fulfill any request that I do not want to write, or that makes me uncomfortable. I am a full-time university music student, which means I don’t have much free time, but I want to write and get better at writing for YouTubers, so please be patient with me!
Send in requests HERE
PEOPLE I WRITE FOR (* I prefer to write for them)
Damien Haas*
Shayne Topp*
Wes Johnson*
Noah Grossman
Ian Hecox
Keith Leak Jr
Courtney Miller
Olivia Sui
Mari Takahashi
Smosh (As a whole)*
The Vlog Squad 
David Dobrik*
Heath Hussar
Zane Hijazi
Scotty Sire
Alex Ernst
Toddy Smith*
Jeff Witteck*
Matt King
Corinna Kopf
Natalie Mariduena
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock*
Jake Webber
*If you have any questions about who I’d write for, and if you don’t see a person on this loist you’d like to see, please don’t hesitate to send me an ask!*
AS OF: 10/06/19 I mostly write for SMOSH. Please know I haven’t written for many of these people before and it may take me some time to be completely happy with how I capture them. 
Mental Illnesses/Self Harm (Here’s the thing about this: I feel comfortable writing about these topics, but graphic scenes won’t be in my works randomly, or untagged. I have struggled with both these things, as well as suicide, for over 8 years so I myself feel comfortable writing about them, or including them in someway if someone would like to request such a thing.)
Smut (I have written smut for real people, I am comfortable with doing so. I know some people are not comfortable with that, but all of my works will be PROPERLY TAGGED and warnings will be given correctly as needed. Please keep in mind I only write smut for people I am comfortable with, which means not everyone in my character list is someone I would write smut for. For more info, message me/send me an ask)
Suicides (Possible mention if a story needs it, but no graphic depictions of suicide scenes)
Underage Smut (Pretty sure everyone is of age, though)
Uncomfortable kinks (I have written a lot of smut, and feel comfortable writing a bunch of things, but I have a right to refuse things that make me uncomfortable. Bodily functions are a no go for sure just so you know.)
When sending in your request, please consider including:
The character you want me to write, obviously (see list above)
If you’d like it to be platonic or romantic, please specify. Otherwise, I will just do what I think is best for said request
Send in a prompt you like, a description of some sort or a scenario. Basically anything I can turn into a story for you
Be as specific as you would like, so I can really write what you are envisioning. I always try my best with every fic!
If you have any questions about who I write for and what I write about, please message me! I’m pretty open about most things, as long as your request doesn’t go against what I don’t write for, or it makes me uncomfortable, I’ll most likely write it!
My fics are written with a female character in mind, I try to keep all details vague. If you would like specific details to be included (plus size, impaired, tall, short etc) please let me know and I will try my best. Male readers will be a bit difficult since I don’t have much practice but I could try my best if you’d like!
Of course, if you have any questions about this, and are looking to request something but are not sure if I’d be able to write it, please send me an ask, or message me! I promise I will not judge and will just be honest with you if I do not feel comfortable writing it. I’m pretty flexible, so all you gotta do is ask!
Thank you for supporting me! Much love x
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thegaygermangamer · 5 years
Huzzah I have posted another tiny part of one medium sized chapter! But have faith! The next part will actually be of quality as Blueberrie will be writing it!
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knollridge · 5 years
A Walk in the Park
Damien x Reader
1,355 wordcount
This is my first attempt at writing fic!! I’ve been watching HELLA Smosh lately and have fallen in love with all the beauties there, but have a special spot for Damien 😌 If you have a comment you’d like to share, pls do! I know my dialogue, and probably a lot of other things, needs work 😅
No warnings, just a super fluffy asking-out fic. Maybe I should mention that you’ve been lightly flirting around the Smoffice? Since I don’t think that’s 100% perfectly clear below
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It wasn’t exactly an ideal day to be out. Overcast with the humidity of rain to come, soft petrichor was one of the the only things grounding your senses to the now. Opening your phone, you check the time in front of the park entrance.
2:30, you think. On the dot. You further search your phone’s screen. No texts.
There isn’t much else going through your mind but the anticipatory bubbles of anxiety rising up from your stomach. You’re on time and you’ve never known Damien to not be on time, so there wasn’t much to worry about right?
Oh, but there’s so much to worry about.
It had only been a week since you both auspiciously stayed late for work and got into arguably the most fun and in depth conversation either of you had had in a while. Your ears ring with snippets of it, as you replay the night’s events over in your head.
“...but yeah (y/n), that’s so unbelievably cool that you really seem to have found your place here with us.” Damien beams in admiration as you finish organizing your desk for tomorrow’s chaos of table reads, editing, and shoots. You can’t help but smile. He adds, in a low voice, “It’s almost kinda perfect, now that you’re here.” He looks away, turning toward his own stack of scripts and idly pushing them about his desk in an effort to distract himself.
You jokingly laugh, “almost kinda perfect huh? Are you telling me I don’t make it actually 100% perfect?” Your amused laugh is immediately the center of his gaze. He relaxes into a chuckle as well as you take the opportunity to go on. “Oh! I know what would make it better: if The Geese™ had free range of the office, huh? Yeah?” you tease, as you lightly jab him with your elbow. Having a desk next to one of your quickest, and now closest, Smosh friends was an amazing job perk. It did make it near unbearable to not be distracted simply by turning your head slightly to the right during the day, though.
Damien takes your jabs in stride and laughs as he lowers your elbow away from his body. “No, no. While that would actually be awesome, that’s not it.” His hands linger on your arm and you feel a fire catching under them on your skin. You pull away with as much grace as you can muster.
“Well, what is it then? Enlighten me please.” You implore him as if he were royalty, hoping the severity of emotion you felt for him was masked by what you hoped passed off as a continuing joke.
“Well....” Damien looks you fully in the face. You look back up at him and try to absorb the meaning coming from those beautiful, brown, puppy eyes. His face is damn near contorted with some elusive emotion you want to understand, but are too scared to pursue. His dark brows are raised, as if to pose a question and his lips are ever so slightly open, as if the question should have already left. You take a hint of a second to notice how his stubble is coming in on his jawline and above his lip before snapping back to assess his earnest and reflective eyes. His whole face suddenly shuts down as he looks away toward his desk again. Incredulous and internally screaming, you instinctively place a hand on his arm. You don’t want to read into it too much but you know above all else, you want to help.
“Oh, I see.” You state, matter-of-factly. “You think there should be more benches to lay down and nap on during the day.” Your words come together like you’ve finally pieced some elaborate puzzle together. You loosen up at your assessment of the situation and flash Damien a broad smile. “And you know what? I second you on that, there should be mandatory siesta time every single day. We could take ours right now!” There’s a reason you don’t write bits or jokes, but you’re committed to this one in hopes that you can release Damien from whatever hell just overcame him. You wrap your hand around his arm and guide him to the fabric-padded benches behind your desks. You dramatically plop down to keep the show going and gently pull his arm to motion him to sit next to you. “Isn’t this better?” You sigh happily. You worry you’ve been clinging to him too long but he seemed to melt into your touch as you timidly place your head on his shoulder. Feeling his muscular upper arm was a heaven in itself. You begin to gingerly stroke it with your thumb, absentmindedly.
“Much better,” he muses. Damien rests his head on top of yours and you can feel his soft, brown hair resting on your curls. “This all the time would make it better. 100% perfect.”
“This?” you ask, almost naively. Disrupting your position, you look up at him, asking the question again with your eyes and wondering if “this” is what he was asking with his just moments ago.
“Oh, absolutely.” Damien smiles out of the corner of his mouth. “....and...if you wanna meet me at the park Friday afternoon I think “this” could keep going.” You narrowly caught his quickly spilled words and your face went from pleading to wide-eyed amusement and shock. You don’t know if he can see it, but your cheeks are set aflame. Who knew he could be this smooth?? You playfully push him away while maintaining a wonder-stricken gaze.
“Damien!!” you’re unable to let any other words come out of your mouth. You see him buckle under false pretenses as he tries to begin again.
“Well, I mean- I mean if you would like to...” he chooses his words carefully, “...I would really, really enjoy going to the park with you and spending the day together.” His smile blossoms, if a bit uneasily under the pressure, and you can’t help but let out a big, awkward honk of a laugh. This sends you both spiraling into a small fit of laughter, made worse by the extreme feelings plaguing this end of the conversation. You both finally compose yourselves and you return a hand to Damien’s forearm.
“I cannot believe you’re asking me out!! This is so surreal, I’ve had a crush on you since I started here!”
Damien’s chagrin at the first exclamation was immediately remedied to relief at the second. “I’ve had a massive crush on you too and, honestly truly I would love to take you out if you...want to...also go out with me.” He places a hand over yours, on top of his forearm, and asks the question with eyes you could answer again and again. You look away for a second to compose yourself. Reluctantly meeting his eye line again, you have to take a deep breath before continuing,
“Oh Damien I would love to.” Your smile knows no bounds and your heart couldn’t beat faster than this moment right.......
You look up the street and see Damien wave before he gets the OK from the light to cross over. He does a half-jog in one of his classic jacket/hoodie combos, a dark-colored and long-sleeved Henley tee, fitting jeans, and shoes you don’t think you’ve ever seen him wear before. His smile grows as he gets closer and you can’t begin to contain yours as he approaches.
“Hey (y/n)!” Damien says excitedly. He surprises you by pulling you into a hug. All of the nervousness you had prior quickly melts away as you’re held in the warmth of his embrace. You snuggle further into his neck and breathe in a mixture of cologne and peppermint. You both hold each other in a savored moment of feeling so lucky that you even got to this point. He breathes out a soft laugh as he positions himself to look at you before you start your trek of the park. “This. This makes it actually, 100% perfect.” You playfully roll your eyes and smile widely at how disgustingly and actually perfect this is. You take his hand and you both start off on a wonderful conversation as you take your walk in the park.
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