#damn holoholo
fionnalovesanimeboys · 8 months
It's funny how Luffy didn't even know what hologram is and he was trying to eat it 🤣
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randomnameless · 2 months
Sagi's adventures after rekting a fucking bird
Man I was wondering what was the point of AoEs in this opus, until this stupid bird that pops up two chicks and creates another chick when one of the two dies, and those stupid chicks heal their mom so much that basically all of your damage dealt is ignored, rinse and repeat -
Anyways that battle was long and annoying, and the OST wasn't there to alleviate the "ugh" factor of that fight, unlike the previous game's long fights.
Love Rodolfo, the amoral (?) guy who's only in for the money to get a cosy position where he would be pampered - the fool achieved his dream, and now, apparently knew Giacomo?
Speaking of the evil, he's so pissed at his defeat that he swears to become stronger enough to fight against people with guardian spirits... hm.
Gotta confess the gimmick of fighting scripted battles where you're supposed to lose is growing tiresome, but at least even Sagi starts to be pissed lol
And back in the world of lore and flashbacks, obviously, the leader of the merry band that's totally not named after parts of the human body was supposed to marry after returning from a confrontation with a god (? wtf is wiseman?), but the god wiped the floor with us and when we return to our base... well, everyone is dead.
And so, the leader's first solution - that cannot be discuted, because he is the leader - is to go to some shadowy place that makes his second balk, but eventually accept to go with him (but leaving the other members of the group in the vague, like when Thoraxn asks who the fuck are we going to meet, no one replies...)
It's still a shitty idea, if you spoke to every NPC (the ones killed in this section of the FB!) they were basically telling you that accepting Wiseman's power was akin to making a pact with the Dark Brethrens... and yet, we're going to a place called the Brethren's keep.
Oh well, the gaudy design was an indication lol, this is the last dungeon from the previous game and basically the lair of the demons our five pals are going to make a pact with, that will totally not beat them in the ass.
Now, I think it was intentional, but earlier in Origins we had the mechanic of "walking slowly so sleeping monsters/enemies won't notice you" explained, and in the Brethren's Keep... well, we meet basically a lot of sleeping monsters/demons, and even some of them...
uh, dancing around one of their friends, like, wtf I can run around them or just stand next to them, and they won't attack me lol
As opposed to the first game where, even if they have their own drills, they will attack you if you're in range!
What can I say, in this flashback (1k years ago) the demons were just minding their own business/sleeping when some schmuck was killing - i mean removing their essence from their bodies to later eat them - everyone around.
And we, I mean, the 5 schmucks, are the ones who come to their abode -> we are the ones asking for their power.
It's telling that Head, I mean, Seph went to them for power and revenge, and not to the other benevolent godly entity that is the Whale (i know), his reasoning is that the Whale dgaf about what happens in the outside world, but hey, the demons weren't either, and yet you're going to them ???
What about siding with the Children of the Earth, the ones who will defeat, in history, the evil eldritch abomination that will totes not be you after making a deal with the demons? Why didn't they try to contact them?
Oh well.
It's the "I want revenge and pick the worst solution", and unlike Kalas, we can't even wonder if everyone was staged since, as I said, the demons weren't welcoming them or expecting them at all.
Still, I love the Endless Night BGM for this dungeon, it's totally not a foreboding that you're doing something stupid that shouldn't be done. Just like the title !
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cavydude · 1 month
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Hey everyone guess what's back?
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the remaster, we (the fine folks over at the Baten Kaitos fan Discord) are bringing back Spiriter Week! And now it's bigger than ever: we're going multi-platform!
So mark you calendars for September 15th-21st!!!
Wait, what's this now? Back in ye olde golden age of Tumblr, we used to have an annual thing we called Spiriter Week, a week-long celebration of our favorite card-game RPGs.
What do you mean, "multiplatform"? Due to fandom no longer being fully (or even mostly) within the confines of one website, we figured it'd be a good idea to have folks participate wherever they want to. Tumblr, Twitter, Discord, or wherever. Still have a Pillowfort? Go crazy there too.
Ok, how do I participate? It's super easy- just post something Baten Kaitos related every day. Could be a fic, art, videos, whatever. Wherever you're posting it, use the tag #Spiriter Week I am not blessed with creative prowess Neither am I we're all just bullshitting Doesn't have to be anything skillful like art or writing. Could be fan theories, a personal anecdote, ranking your favorite xyz or even a haiku. Like this example I stole borrowed from No's original post:
Holoholo bird All my apples are rotten Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
This sounds great but I'm super busy there's no way I can post every day. Again, same here friend. No worries, even just one or two during the week is fine. Let's face it, we've all aged a number of years since these were last a thing and life has a way of stockpiling responsibilities.
On what authority are you organizing this? Alright ya got me I'm just some rando with a Gibari pfp. But come on, why not have some fun and build some hype around these games we love?
That's a nice banner where'd you get it? Damn right! Credit goes to No, who still had the old banner and managed to change some digits :D
How can we follow for updates? Here on Tumblr, I (and of course anyone else who wants to say something on the topic) will be posting in the #Spiriter Week tag. Some major updates might also be posted in the baten kaitos tag but I don't wanna spam it too much.
But yeah, that should cover most of the major stuff, feel free to reach out with any questions!
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yuri-caps · 5 years
Do you have any yuri that made you cry? Because i need some :c
lol cry in a good way??? (not in like “damn this is so tragic’ way??)
well, here r some series that got me a lil misty-eyed (tbh it’s about……the Yearning):
bloom into you
cirque arachne
fluttering feelings (still crying over it tbh)
after hours
silver gymnasium
always human
ohana holoholo
aoi hana
her shim-cheong
maison de maid
and i guess i should add the manga that gets me the MOST emotional, which isn’t yuri (it’s lgbt+) but has a really lovely lesbian couple: shimanami tasogare (what a GEM)
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grellsuke · 6 years
do you have any good lgbt manga recs? i just finished shimanami tasogare and loved it
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yuhki kamatani - the author of shimanami tasogare! kamatani is x-gender (and ace!) and thoroughly incorporates lgbt characters into their works. the others aren’t like focused on the lgbt experience like how shimanami is, but they’re all wonderful and beautiful and have lgbt characters and i highly, highly rec them.
akiko morishima - a lesbian mangaka who i really like! she’s really good abt tackling the traditional stereotypes in yuri manga as well as writing stuff about older characters and frankly discussing sexuality and shit. she also has works that are not yuri manga-centric but iirc a good chunk if not all of them still have lgbt characters, so they’re worth checking out as well! (she does have a few works with some fuckshit in them tho, fair warning)
takako shimura - i don’t personally know what her sexuality is (tho shes a woman, i know this), but shimura is pretty well-known for her lgbt works. wandering son and aoi hana are probably her most famous, at least over here in the west! she also tends to incorporate lgbt themes into her works that don’t center on lgbt characters as well.
ebine yamaji - another lesbian mangaka! yamaji’s works are very... realistic, usually about lesbian working through things. there’s a lot of trauma and a lot of sadness in her works, as well as sexual content, and i really love her art. i haven’t read ALL of her works, but what i have, i’m enamored with. they’re sad but rarely TRAGIC.
hiyori otsu - i don’t actually know otsu’s sexuality, but she’s a shoujo ai/yuri mangaka who writes a lot of genuinely sweet stuff. her works tend to very much be on the softer side of things, even if they can be bittersweet, and i’ve really enjoyed all i’ve read by her. it’s nice to just, be able to read a simple and nice lesbian manga without any major angst or tragedy or even sexual content sometimes, you know?
honey x honey by sachiko takeuchi - a slice of life little manga about the author and her girlfriend! it is abt a decade old, which you can see some of, but it’s a really cute peek into their lives and japanese lgbt culture. there ARE sequel(s?), but i unfortunately haven’t managed to find any english translations for them. if you do, let me know!
my lesbian experience with loneliness by kabi nagata - i own this manga! i keep it squirreled away in the bottom of my desk and pull it out every few weeks or so because it’s deeply, deeply relatable to me. the first time i read this manga i sat down and cried because i felt it deep in my soul. absolutely rec!!! there’s also a sequel, my solo exchange diary.
the bride was a boy by chii - a cute little manga about a trans woman named chii, recounting her early years up to her current life, her transition and how she met her husband (+ abt their relationship). it’s super cute and sweet, and very informative!! an absolute rec!!
i was born the wrong sex! by mayufu konishi - i haven’t quite finished this one yet, but this is a highly informative manga about a trans woman heading to thailand for her surgery! it’s extremely extremely informative about every single step of the process, and the author is an absolute delight, so it’s one i’d absolutely rec.
our journey to lesbian motherhood by emiko sugiyama/koyuki higashi/hiroko masuhara - have you heard of the lesbians that got married in disneyland tokyo? this is them!!! this is their autobiographical story of, well, their journey to lesbian motherhood! it’s very good, i definitely enjoyed it - it IS a sequel to another manga by them, but i sadly couldn’t find an english translation anywhere… it’s completely understandable without having read it, though!!
fictional manga:
my brother’s husband by gengoroh tagame - this is one i haven’t read myself, but is pretty damn high up on my ‘next to read’ list. the author is a prominent gay bara author - this is his first dabbling into more family-friendly series. he’s also recently started another family-friendly one called our colors that may be worth looking into as well!
whispered words by takashi ikeda - it’s been a good long while since i’ve read this, but i really enjoyed this when i was younger! (has it already been almost 8 years since it ended?? i feel old) it’s about two lesbians who are best friends - one of which is secretly in love with the other. unfortunately, she’s very much not her friend’s type. :( i vaguely remember some kind of weird crossdressing shenanigans with one character, tho, so tread lightly with that.
koimonogatari by tohru tagura - if you liked shimanami, this is also probably right up your alley! it’s a very realistic manga about a boy finding out that one of his classmates is closeted and gay - and he promptly decides to tell no one because he’s not an asshole, which leads to him being one of this boy’s main confidants. it realistically deals with the homophobia that gay people face, as well as the main character’s slow realization that he’s not necessarily straight, either (or at least, that’s my hypothesis - it’s still ongoing!!). i really enjoyed it.
lonely wolf, lonely sheep by fuka mizutani - two women with the same name, same birth month, and same injury end up meeting by complete coincidence at the hospital. i genuinely adore this manga and all it is. despite it only being one volume long, it deals with heavier topics such as depression, self harm, homophobia, and iirc even suicide. it’s really, really good though and i wish all the best for them.
kono koi ni mirai wa nai by morihashi bingo - i recommend this one tentatively, as the last two chapters are not yet translated (as of 1/11/19), but i enjoyed what was there. despite the label as BL on many sites, this story is actually about a trans woman (tho there is also a gay man in the manga!). the note left off on the most recent chapter, chapter 10, was a very uplifting note that she is not alone and that how she feels is completely, utterly normal, and i have hope for the last two chapters! the art’s really pretty, too, and the metaphors. but again - who knows what could go down in the last two chaps. fingers crossed!
i hear the sunspot by yuki fumino - PLEASE read this one. this manga is about two college-aged young men who end up meeting when one LITERALLY stumbles across the other. kouhei, one of the boys, is hard of hearing - and the other boy, taichi, starts taking notes for him in class in exchange for lunch, and thus begins a friendship that will blossom into romance! it absolutely gets in depth on the hoh/Deaf community in Japan, and is definitely informative - and the guys are just genuinely so sweet (as well as the other characters!!!) and I wish them all the happiness. it’s STILL ONGOING so like, warning on that, but i’m really enjoying it so far. i think there’s also a movie based off it!
cirque arachne by nika saida - this one has some sexual elements to it, so fair warning on that, but i really enjoyed it! it’s a single volume manga about two acrobats that fall in love. the art was cute and i genuinely liked the characters, quite a lot. would definitely rec.
yuureitou by tarou nogizaka - i have not actually read this manga, but it’s another that’s amazingly high up on my to read list. it’s a supernatural horror manga, and the main couple is a trans man and a cis man! i’ve heard good things about it - from people i know personally, as well as just in general - and it’s one i can’t wait to check out.
ohana holoholo by shino tarino - i FEEL like this one is completed, but if it is, the translation isn’t done. either way, i did love what i read from this! ohana holoholo is about a bi woman raising her son along with her ex-girlfriend and their neighbor, nico. it’s really good, one that i HIGHLY recommend, and one of the woman is implied to be trans, too! (fingers crossed they explicitly state it please please please-) overall, i absolutely rec it, please check this out!
no. 6 by atsuko asano/hinoki kino - who HASN’T heard of no. 6? no. 6 is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the government is, well, the government. it involves two young men working to take it down alongside others and they fall in love. and one of the other characters is non-binary! ...honestly that’s probably the best i can describe no. 6 because WOW is it a wild trip. it’s a wild trip that i highly, highly recommend though! you want gays taking down the government alongside killer bees and a magical bug goddess? this is the manga for you. please read it.
asagao to kase san by hiromi takashima & bloom into you by nio nakatani - two shoujo ai manga centering around high schoolers that i haven’t actually read yet, both of which recently got animated adaptations!!! i have heard genuinely fantastic things about both of them (ESPECIALLY) the latter, and bloom into you is actually next on my reading list. they absolutely sound fantastic and i can’t wait to read them!!
seven days by rihito takarai/venio tachibana - a two-volume manga about two high school boys. every week, a boy named seryou goes out with a different girl - he treats them very well, showers them in attention, and then promptly breaks up with them at the end of the week because he didn’t fall in love with them. out of curiosity, his upperclassman, shino, asks him out one week - and thus begins their seven day romance. i really loved this, i really really did.
tamen de gushi by tan jiu - it’s an on-going webcomic about how two girls, qui tong and sun jing, meet and fall in love. the characters are all absurdly fantastic, from the two girls to all of the supporting characters around them, and it’s an absolute TREAT to read. i would highly rec it, there’s some lovely shenanigans in there.
last but not least, i highly rec manga written by the year 24 group. this group was a non-formal group of female mangaka in the 1970s that really revolutionized and influenced the shoujo manga genre. many of their works are considered classics today, with works such as kaze to ki no uta, claudine...!, the heart of thomas, and shiroi heya no futari among them. a lot of their works really dug in and examined sexuality and gender, and you can find some of the original shounen ai, shoujo ai, and trans manga among them. i’m a sucker for the classics, and i highly recommend them. i honestly could have listed every single of one these mangaka in my recommend authors list, but decided it was just easier to promote the group as a whole. the best for last, you know?
hope this helps, anon!
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yuri-caps · 6 years
Hi! Could you recommend any yuri manga or anime where the couples are adults and not school girls? Pretty tired of all the yuri couples looking like elementary schoolers. Thank you!
god, what a MOOD. lol sure thing! i guess first i’d point you to these posts, which both have a lot of good stuff w/ adult women: x and x. my own personal favorites are cirque arachne, ohana holoholo, and after hours. there’s a fantastic couple in shimanami tasogare, as well.
((i’d also recommend some good yuri manhwa/manhua/webcomics with adults like: miss angel and miss devil, fluttering feelings, what does the fox say (nsfw), sunshine & bright stars, moonlight garden (nsfw), lily (chinese manhua), elixir (nsfw, DARK), partition, and it would be great it you didn’t exist. not to mention, there’s a comic on webtoons called always human that’s really lovely.))
as for adult yuri anime.. damn i wish that existed! shion and yayoi from psycho-pass are a couple, but they only have a handful of scenes together. if it’s just that overly moe/childlike type of character design you hate, of course i’d recommend revolutionary girl utena (i’d recommend utena for just about any reason, actually) but the only notable adult in it, regrettably, is… akio. oh, and the anime canaan is pretty gay. that’s all i got!
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