#damnedrainbows; emily.
gctchell · 3 months
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@damnedrainbows asked: “Were you ever going to tell me? Who I was?” (EMILY TO LILITH BECAUSE LET’S MAKE IT THREAD LIKE 94)
It felt as though ice had just spread all throughout Lilith's back, freezing her at the shoulder blades and stiffening her posture, suddenly causing all attention to be lost on her one dark lily she had managed to grow in her room.
The heart that beat so, so slowly in her chest suddenly stopped.
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"What did you say?"
She heard her perfectly.
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hellizens · 3 months
@damnedrainbows (plotted starter with my Emily and their Alastor)
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Emily stares with a furrowed brow at the tall antlered man standing alone near the hotel bar. That must be Alastor. The Radio Demon. Vaggie's warned Emily about him: how he's dangerous and likes to trick sinners into giving him their souls. As a fellow Angel, what reason would Vaggie have to be dishonest?
She doesn't exactly want to draw his attention...but maybe staring isn't the best way to avoid someone. He's bound to notice sooner or later. Especially since, for the time being, they're the only two in this area. There's no one else to direct his attention to.
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screentimeoverlord · 2 months
Okay I'll set up some starters.
For Vox @bxrningembers, @lcftcult
For Striker @a-hell-of-a-time, @copaceticjillybean
For Sera and Emily Keenie bopper for either Seraphim?
For Any @neatandniffty @damnedrainbows
Do add if you already got some ideas in mind over DMs.
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metaladam · 2 months
@damnedrainbows: emily more likely
Nah emily has her shit togethor and is pretty mature. U can tell Sera rlly needs the Pen to teach her a thing or two.
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hissing-head-honcho · 4 months
@damnedrainbows from x
He smiles wide as the reunion finally occurred. How long had it been since he saw her smile? Felt her embrace? Too long...far too long. He thought he'd never experience it again, especially now with his new circumstances. But, Heaven gave him this chance. Well...mostly Emily got him this opportunity. He will not waste it. "Yesss my friend...I'm here....."
He embraced his dearest friend tightly, coiling his tail around her a little. Tears formed in his own eyes, "...I've misssed you too."
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gctchell · 1 month
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@damnedrainbows asked:
Emily holds what she’s made against her, shy as she approaches the woman who has been looking after her for all of these years. A maternal touch she’d never understood until recently, and suddenly why Lilith has always felt like more than a mentor makes sense. “Happy Mother’s Day. I um…tried to grow some carnations, but they didn’t want to bloom for me. Heh, I don’t have the best green thumb I guess. S-so to substitute…I made this one.”
Hesitant baby blue fingers reach out to her Mother, holding a crumpled little delicate pink….paper flower. She was no idea the weight that such a gift will carry. (shhh pretend it’s still Sunday)
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"Emily!" It was always an enthusiastic greeting, Lilith casting aside absolutely everything to rush to the girl, a frantic energy lacing her speeding gait. Her hands reached out to take her daughter's, but instead, she was met with paper flower.
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It surprised her. The crumpled flower was gingerly unfolded and turned to face the Queen more pointedly, gently rotated as she took it in. The reaction with her stunned expression could potentially draw worry - until her expression fell into a sentimental pinch.
It was disbelief giving way into fondness. Even when they were separated?
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"Incredible." Lilith breathed, thumbing the dog-eared end of a pink petal. "It just came to your mind to make it, didn't it?" It's too easy to go out and purchase a flower, it takes time and dedication to make one at home from something other than a seed.
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gctchell · 3 months
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@damnedrainbows asked: Emily leans against Lilith’s shoulder, seeming despondent. It’s exhausting sometimes, always being happy, because she knows she needs to be. She needs to keep heaven happy, but how can she do that when something inside her is crumbling? “Do you ever feel like you can’t meet your purpose?”
"Time to time, yes, I do." Modest waves of flaxen hair curtain over Emily's shoulder and blanket her, gently hugging her to the Queen's side. "Depending on who it is you speak to," which was just about everyone here in the clouds that knew of her story, "I am one of the original idols of 'failed purpose'. I never became the Mother of Humanity." Instead, she was the Mother to Demons; dark wonders spun from her touch like she was weaved from the dust of the Earth.
To bear heaps of children of her blood, however, is where that feeling of unmet purpose flared. During one of their many, many heated arguments, Adam would mock and call her the 'Mother of Miscarriages', and that got beneath her skin.
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"What is weighing on your mind, little dove?" Lilith laid one of her hands over Emily's, giving it a gentle and assuring squeeze. "I can see the wind has been taken from your wings."
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