#damon reznor x traveler
commander-krios · 11 months
Movie Night
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Damon Reznor/f!Traveler Rating: Teen Summary: Halloween is a good time for some cheap scares. Words: 1477 Additional Tags: Tilaari Traveler, Halloween, Horror Movies, Mentions of Horror Elements, Mild Gore, Medical Inaccuracies, Blood
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“Blood would not spurt like that.” Ryona said from the couch where she sat sandwiched between Bash and Ayame, waving towards the screen where a B-rated horror movie played. “It’s medically impossible for it to be that violent.” “I don’t know.” Vexx interrupted, kicking his feet up on the coffee table and leaning into the seat of the metal chair he’d smuggled from the kitchen. A bowl of popcorn sat precariously on his lap. “I’ve seen some interesting blood splatter when people are shot or stabbed. Nothing is impossible, Doc.” Ryona glared at him, but didn’t say anything else like the fact that she’d seen a lot during her time as an Archangel, opting instead to lean into Bash. Her boyfriend threw an arm over her shoulders, not once taking his gaze from the film. Astrea smirked from where she lay on the floor with Damon, hidden amongst a pile of pillows and blankets. He was stretched out on his back, one arm tucked behind his head while the other was wrapped around her while she rested her head against his chest. His fingers toyed with the edge of the shirt she wore, brushing against her hip every few minutes.
“Why? Why are they doing that?” Ayame asked with a squeak, covering her eyes with her hands, only to peek through her fingers to continue watching. “What is the point of any of this?”
Damon rolled his eyes and Astrea bit her lip to keep from laughing. “The point is to scare yourself.”
“Who wants to be scared on purpose?” Aya pulled her blanket up around her shoulders, hiding beneath the fabric.
“Oh come on, Aya. It isn’t that bad.” Bash pointed at the screen with his free hand, smiling widely until a victim got decapitated. He grimaced at the sight. “Oh, maybe it’s a little much.”
“It’s fake.” Damon muttered, turning his head to graze his lips over Astrea’s hair. “Besides, decapitation is too messy. Better off going for the jugular and being done with it.”
“You are not helping.” Aya snapped, throwing the blanket over her head so she couldn’t see the screen.
“It’s not even that scary.” Vexx stated, stuffing a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “You should lighten up.”
Astrea glanced up at Damon, but he was already watching her, a smirk curling his lips. Without even bothering to shift his gaze to his friend, he waited for the moment when she read his plans in his eyes to open his mouth. “Good thing there aren’t any snakes in tonight’s movie. Otherwise, carrot head would probably piss himself.”
Vexx nearly choked on the food in his mouth. When he managed to clear his throat, he glared in their direction, emerald nothing more than a sliver. “Astrea has a big mouth and I wasn’t scared. It surprised me.”
“You nearly fell into a fountain, Vexx.” Astrea added, only to draw Aya back out from under her blanket in a fit of giggles.
Vexx’s cheeks flared almost as red as his hair. “We’re missing the movie with this stupid shit.”
“Making fun of you is more entertaining.” Damon grinned at him, not even bothering to move an inch from where he was cuddled up with Astrea.
Vexx flipped him off.
All it did was get another laugh out of Damon. Astrea snuggled closer, her fingers trailing down his chest, her focus totally not on the movie and he didn’t mind that fact not one bit.
“Oh!” Ryona’s frown deepened, ignoring the rest of them to wave at the screen. “That’s entirely ridiculous!”
“I think you’re supposed to suspend your disbelief, Ry.” Bash said, a smile twitching his lips that he somehow managed to smother when she glanced at him. “Uh, I mean, it’s all in good fun.”
She sighed, rubbing a finger against her temple. “Yes. I know. I’m sorry.”
“No, keep ripping the film apart.” Aya said, no longer cocooned in the stupid blanket. “It’s not as scary if you destroy it with logic.”
“You’re still going to have nightmares tonight.” Damon called over to her. She threw the remote at him, only for him to grab it midair before it hit either him or Astrea. He held it out mockingly, shaking it a bit to drive home the point.
Astrea pulled the remote from his hands, shifting in order to press a kiss to his cheek. When he glanced down at her, his blue eyes softened the moment he noticed the smile aimed at him. “Let’s just enjoy the movie, okay?”
He returned her smile with a grin of his own. He found it getting increasingly difficult to deny her anything. “Yeah.”
Damon leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her waiting lips. Her responding grunt of delight was reward enough.
Ayame started to gag, getting a laugh from Bash (and most likely an eye roll from Ryona). He ignored them, tangling his hand in Astrea’s silver hair, pulling gasps from her mouth. It was barely a few seconds before Vexx’s entire bowl of popcorn was dumped on their heads, the kernels now covering their hair, their skin, their clothes.
Astrea turned away to sneeze, but Damon’s eyes were for the man standing a foot or two away, a dickish grin on his face. If Astrea wasn’t best friends with him, if she didn’t actually care about what happened to him…
“I’ll fucking kill you.”
“What the hell do you put on that popcorn, Vexx?” Astrea asked, shaking red powder out of her hair, sneezing again. “It hurts my eyes.”
“Chili powder and paprika.” He said with a laugh, moving out of Damon’s reach… not that he couldn’t get him with other means. Like a knife, in the shower, days later.
“You ruined a perfectly good bowl of popcorn!” Ayame shouted from the couch, jumping up to grab the empty bowl, her terror completely forgotten in her exasperation.
Vexx raised an eyebrow, but kept his eyes on Damon. “You can go make more.”
Ayame glared at him, violet eyes flashing dangerously. “I’m talking about the seasoning. It’s an affront to decent food. You heathen.”
“As if you know anything about ‘decent food’.” Vexx shot back, clearly offended. “We’re lucky if we don’t get food poisoning from the crap you make.”
“At least I can still feel my taste buds after I make something to eat.”
“As much as I hate to admit that Vexx has a point,” Damon cut in, getting a withering glare from the pilot. “You eat peanut butter sandwiches, Aya.”
“Don’t forget the jam she buys.” Vexx scrunched his face in disgust, as if he knew anything about the mass produced sugary shit that Ayame consumed on a daily basis.
Ayame chucked the bowl at Vexx and it bounced off of his big head, landing in Bash’s lap as he watched from the couch. “Watch it!”
Ryona cleared her throat loudly, cutting into whatever delightfully detailed insult Aya was cooking up. Which was disappointing, but it gave Damon the chance to dig beneath the blankets as Vexx turned to glance at the doctor, fishing out the little surprise they had for the former K’Merii.
“Hey, carrot head?”
When Vexx turned back around, he was immediately suspicious of Damon’s tone, slanting his eyes as he tried to figure out what he wanted before he asked. He failed. “What?”
He tossed the object in his hands towards his friend, only for Vexx to realize halfway through attempting to grab it out of the air what it was. A snake.
The scream that came from Vexx’s mouth nearly made Damon lose it, but it was the expression of terror and the way he tripped over his own feet on the way out of the room that did it for him. Damon fell against the pillows in laughter, his breaths coming in short and painful gasps. Aya had joined him in the pile with tears streaming down her face before she buried it in a pillow, muffling the sounds from her mouth.
“That wasn’t nice.” Ryona muttered, but she couldn’t hide the twitch of her lips as she fought a grin, golden eyes on the rubber snake abandoned on the floor. “Can we continue watching the movie now?”
Damon inhaled deeply, willing air back into his lungs. It took a few tries before he could speak again. He stood, hauling Astrea along with him, helping her to pick out a few more pieces of popcorn before tossing it at Aya who was still in tears. “Good luck with that, Ry.” He tossed his arm around Astrea, pulling her tightly against him. “We have a date with a shower.”
A sound of disgust followed them out of the room and he laughed, content to spend his night far away from the idiots as possible. Especially if it meant more alone time with his princess.
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I love him your honor ( Pt2 ), he’s seriously has the cutest route.
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rainidayss · 23 days
been tired of rewatching the same a6 edits over and over so I made my own (its a template im not a editor 🥲)
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starclast · 9 months
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fernsplaysthings · 1 year
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Had a short moment the other day where I thought I'd doodled a Damon looking a little too Crow-like...and then had a whole other moment. Because I love parallels.
Firstly like, the aesthetic; dark and bright. That's just a me thing.
Secondly, amnesiac royalty joins up with new bunch of merc-like people, getting close to a rogue-ish person who holds their feelings close because of a shitty backstory. And has killed a bunch of people. Both royals get a sudden and unpleasant reminder of who they were, both having believed their older sister, the Queen, was dead at some point or other, and both not being best impressed at finding this all out.
Nice lil coincidence for me.
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Bear Hugs
Hihihihi.. I was looking at october writing prompts... and I will somehow tie some into Andromeda six. Constructive criticism is appreciated :D
OC details: Akira Peg’asi. Kitalphan. Female. 5’7. 
Might be out-of-character for Damon, and I went a little off prompt.
Damon x f!traveler
Bear Hugs
After they had gotten to Tilaarin, Akira noticed Damon paying more attention to her.
Not his usual kind of attention… The kind of attention where he seemed to be making sure that she wasn’t going to get herself hurt. He seemed more attentive, aside from the now-familiar softness Damon showed her. They had been on Tilaarin for a few days, Akira and Damon spending as much time as possible together. (Without raising the suspicion of her sister Nerissa ;) )
Akira opened the door to her room, not expecting to be swept up into Damon’s arms in a bear hug. “Ah- Damon!” Akira playfully scolded. She hadn’t expected him to be here so early, “Lemme go, jerk!” She laughed. “I try to surprise you, and this is what I get?” Damon smirked, keeping his arms wrapped tight around her, “Maybe you should be more grateful, princess. Especially when I have you trapped like this. Akira had no issue with Damon holding her. She enjoyed his presence, and the way he made her feel safe. However, she had a point to make. “I’ll get you back, Damon!” She giggled out. She tried to reach his sides and tickle him, assuming it’d make him let go.
“Oh..? Trying to tickle me, princess?” Damon chuckled, his laugh low and excited, “It seems you forgot I’m not ticklish. But you are,” He smirked, using Akira’s vulnerable position to dig into her sides. Akira near screeched, “Dahaamon!.. You’re teherrible!” She laughed, squirming in his grip. Her squirming had no effect on his hold, as he was much stronger than her. “I’m showing you my love!” Damon said playfully, “How dare you reject it!”
Despite his sporadic antics, Akira loved seeing how comfortable he had gotten with her.
He had gone from the lurking assassin in the corridors of the Andromeda Six, a man that she had been unsure if he wanted to kiss her or put one of his knives in her, to the man who had allowed her to see his vulnerabilities. 
Maybe not all of them yet, but some was better than none. She adored how joking and playful he could be when he was comfortable.
“Alright, alright…. I’ll stop,” Damon grinned.
“Thank you for stopping that horrendous torture,” Akira said dramatically, earning an eye roll from Damon.
“I’ll stop for now... I can’t say anything about later..” Damon winked, teasing her.
“Damon!” She rolled her eyes, playfully hitting his arm.
“Now you’re gonna hit me? Aww.. I didn’t know you were into that, princess,” He drawled, pulling her into another tight, encompassing hug.
“Put me down!” Akira squealed as he picked her up in the hug, “Where are you carrying me to?” She giggled out.
“You’ll see~” He said, flopping down into the round bed of the room. He loosened his arms around her just enough for her to twist around to lay her head on his chest. “Comfy?”
“Mhmm… I love you Damon..” Akira mumbled softly, sliding her arm around his waist.
Damon hesitated for a moment before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, “...I love you too, Akira..” He mumbled.
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m4gicisland · 2 years
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა damon reznor x f!traveller  — sfw / fluff / lazy proofread / 1.2k wc
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it’s not as if damon had received a lot of gifts in his life. 
growing up, his birthday was never celebrated, if even acknowledged, and he’d learned that expecting so much as a “happy birthday” was a complete waste of time. he would be met with nothing but disappointment, and damon wasn’t a huge fan of disappointment.
it was just another day to live through. another year in which he had somehow avoided a one-way ticket to hell. because, let’s be honest, only in his wildest dreams would he be granted any bittersweet depiction of an afterlife. in reality, damon reznor was undeserving of second chances—even ones that he didn’t believe in.
throughout the years, the assassin had somehow acquainted himself with people that, deep deep deep down, had a heart. one big enough to bless him with gifts on a day that he had gone years without recognising.
but opening the door of his quarters at the ass crack of dawn to a member of the royal peg’asi family clutching a knife in their hands on such a day? the thought of an afterlife paled in comparison. that seemed more within his reach than whatever clusterfuck of a fever dream he was having right now.
“to what do i owe the pleasure, your highness?” resting one hand on the door frame, he took their brief silence as an opportunity to rack his brain for an explanation. the target on his back might as well be tattooed with all the people who dream to one day put him out of his misery, but he cannot recall doing anything that would push this peg’asi to darken his doorstep with a knife so early in the morning.
“i brought you a gift!” the princess exclaimed somewhat excitedly, although the uncertainty in her voice and inability to make eye contact made damon raise a scarred brow. a gift? for me?
“i hate to break it to you princess, but it’s the middle of july. i don’t think santa made plans to come early this year.”
“don’t be a dick, damon. i know it’s not christmas,” the princess’s gaze raised to meet his. “in fact, i’d say today is a bit more special than christmas...”
it took everything he had to not snort at such a comment. while damon reznor was a dick, he most certainly wasn’t dumb. he knew exactly what today was, but he had better things to do than pay any attention to that fact.
“i’ve gotta say, i’m surprised you even realised. i don’t remember telling you the day my mother made the greatest mistake of her life.”
“oh no, i’d say she made it long before that,” the princess grinned. “but that’s not the point! here-“ the royal waved the knife in damon’s line of vision, making it impossible to miss. “-take this.”
he took the knife with ease, weighing it in his hands. it felt familiar, his eyes narrowing with realisation. “this is my knife.”
“shocker.” the princess rolled her eyes, her smile lighting up her face. “the knife isn’t the gift, dumbass.”
“ah, but it would’ve been a very thoughtful one.”
“hey, you know any sane person would question why they’ve answered the door to someone with a knife in their hand?”
“ha, i doubt there’s even an ounce of sanity on this ship, princess.”
rolling her eyes, the princess bent down to retrieve something hidden behind her legs. damon failed to notice the messily wrapped object she’d kept tucked out of his sight.
despite the insanity of this situation, one question tugged at his thoughts. “seriously, how did you know?”
she held it out eagerly, pushing it into him. “i was having a nice little chat with ryona the other day and she let it slip.”
he had no choice but to take the gift into his own hands if he wanted to leave without a hole in his stomach. seriously, the force was unexpected.
“alright, alright, i’ve got it.” he held the gift out between the two of them to examine. it’s shape is reminiscent of the notepads that lived comfortably on his desk, only this one was wrapped up messily in about three different designs of wrapping paper. “but if this is my gift, why the knife? i don’t think threats are part of the tradition.”
“well, it’s been a while since i’ve been able to give a gift like this. i’ve always had so much fun doing the wrapping part and got sort of... carried away? i used too much tape, it’s quite difficult to open without cutting it somehow. i just thought it would come more naturally for you to use a knife.” the princess smiled apologetically.
“well, if the gift is shit at least i can stab it to show my disapproval.” damon laughed. “or maybe i could stab you for insulting my honour?”
the princess’s mouth gaped open in poorly concealed horror. “insulting your honour?”
“i didn’t even want to celebrate my birthday, but you went and got me a gift i hated just to make things worse. i’d be deeply offended.”
“whatever. just open it, will you?”
damon proceeded to cut the wrapping paper open with swift ease, almost confirming his suspicion of its contents. he peeled the paper away to reveal a doodle of an orange tabby cat glued neatly to the cover. it’s a sketchbook. flipping through it uncovers multiple illustrations of all different breeds of cats.
“i originally wanted to get an actual cat, but your birthday gift isn’t worth getting thrown out into space for.”
damon chuckled, although his gaze didn’t leave the sketchbook. “blondielocks definitely wouldn’t approve.”
the princess hummed in agreement. “instead we can torment him with my drawings until he caves and brings us the real deal as a peace offering.”
after examining every page, he closed the book gently and tucked it under his armpit. “thanks, princess. this is not what i expected when you showed up to my room with a knife, but i’m pleasantly surprised.”
the princess winked at the assassin before knitting her brows together. “hey, i think i deserve more credit. do you know how long it took to draw all of those cats? do you know how much debt i’m in with bash now? he’s expecting a lifetime supply of crayons after this project!”
damon clicked his tongue. “it’s impolite to demand things from the birthday boy. did you not learn anything from that expensive education of yours?”
folding her arms across her chest, the princess huffed a defeated sigh. “fine. happy birthday, damon.”
chuckling in amusement, damon leaned down to tuck a stray hair behind the princess’s ear and brushed a soft kiss to her forehead. that precious, adorable angry look quickly being replaced by one of shock. “thank you, princess.”
satisfaction painted his face as he stepped back into his room, leaving the flustered princess with the gorgeous view of his door once again.
as if the gift itself wasn’t a big enough shock, the warmth flooding his heart left him with more to think about than he’d have liked so early in the morning.
the princess was a fool if she thought he’d let the captain lay a finger on her artwork. it was his, and only his. he would treasure this gift for as long as he had to celebrate the tragedy of his existence.
an unexpected gift from the same person he’d threatened and tormented all those months ago. if she could forgive him, maybe he wasn’t all that bad.
maybe damon reznor was deserving of second chances after all...
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dontwritemeoff · 2 years
making breakfast for june, cal, damon, and bash!
I have been brainstorming domestic moments that might have occurred in like the time between Orion and Tilaarin and when this struck me I was just like :O
This is each member separately, but I do think a big crew breakfast would be a fun thing to write as well
I am fs planning to finish this with Ryona, Aya, and Vexx!! I just wanted to get something out since I’ve been working on this for like 3 days lol
TW: food mention
We know that this man canonically barely sleeps but we don’t really know his eating habits? So for the sake of this he gets hungry just as often as anyone else lol. 
You don’t actually set out with the intention of making breakfast for him. It’s actually sweeter than that: you simply integrated him into your morning routine. When making yourself breakfast (and this is a morning where you have time for more than just some water and granola, you like actually cook), you find yourself already considering June’s needs. You hadn’t seen him in the hallway, and you’d gotten up fairly early, so you assumed he was still in his room. Whether he was actually asleep or not, who knows.
You debated whether to eat yours first and just wait for him to come into the kitchen eventually or take it to him, and decide on the latter since you were also hoping for a private moment with him away from the mayhem of being full time mercenaries.
Transferring the food you’d cooked into some more portable dishes, you exit the kitchen and make your way to June’s door. With your hands full, you knock on the door with your elbow, and while awkward it gets the job done. You can hear some shuffling behind the door and then June answers in some comfortable pants and a shirt you can tell he hadn’t been wearing prior to five seconds ago. 
He answers on high alert but then his eyes soften when he sees you. 
“(YN), good morning, um, to what do I owe this surprise?” He asks, smiling softly yet still quirking his eyebrow. 
You smile and hold up the food you’d made, steam still wafting slightly from the top of the bowls. “I made breakfast and hoped to have a quiet morning in with you!”
“You made me breakfast?” He asks, as if that isn’t obvious from the two portions you’re holding and the invitation to eat some with you.
“Oh, well I guess I did,” You respond, “I wasn’t really thinking about doing anything special, I was just already thinking about you and made you some without thinking.”
He looks surprised for a moment before smiling deeply, the corners of his eyes wrinkling. “Come inside, I was thinking about you too.”
While it’s a bit cramped trying to both eat off from his desk, and he only has one chair that he all but forced you to sit in, insisting that standing was no problem, you both find yourself occupied with thoughts only about how happy this companionship makes you. 
During his light rant on the proper storage of Lizzie’s food and how Damon keeps taking it out of the fridge even though he knows that it needs to stay cold, you take his hand and run your finger along a fresh, but albeit, small cut. You’d reached out without really thinking about it, and June cuts off his sentence preemtively.
“Are you not using the cream that Ryona gave you for these cuts? It doesn’t seem like this has healed much since yesterday. You know you should be doing that,” you scold, despite there being no anger behind your voice.
He blushes just slightly, barely visible with his tanned skin and the greenish tint to his blood. He averts his gaze but you know he’s guilty.
“It’s not that big of a deal and my hands are already so scarred anyways, I don’t see how they could look any worse,” he deflects, and from the look of sadness that passes over your face he knows he’s said something wrong. He just wanted to keep you from worrying about him.
“June,” you start earnestly, “you do realize that I love you, wholeheartedly and completely, and that includes all your scars, external and internal? I will always accept you just as you are, and care for you even for the most trivial things. I know that it must still be hard adjusting to this level of attention, but I will always remind you that I care about every small part of you.”
There’s a silence that follows that statement, as you see tears welling in his eyes. His brows furrow as he tries to process every word of your statement. Twice already today you’d cared about him as if it was second nature and now you’ve told him that he has your unconditional care and support. While he’d found trust and friendship with the crew of the A6, nobody had cared for him in this way, without judgement and as if it was like breathing. The feeling of it crumbled him, and he took you into his arms, cupping the back of your head with his hand as he buried his face into your shoulder.
And you hug him back just as tight, as with your arms you could squeeze the doubt and pain right out of him. While you hadn’t considered how much your small actions would mean to him, you wanted to convey how big your emotions were too. When June pulls himself back together again and pulls away from the hug, you smile and wipe his cheeks dry with your hand. 
“How about we go to the kitchen for seconds?”
With preparations for Tilaarin and the diplomatic nightmare of dealing with Alisa and Oppo simultaneously, you hadn't seen Calderon in a couple days, besides in passing where he gave you a soft look but kept walking.
While your time with Cal had been short, you knew this man as a workaholic with no sense of self care, and got it in your head to make sure he was taking care of himself, since he couldn't seem to do it himself. Before you went to bed you'd stopped by the bridge to make sure he wasn't still there and luckily only found Aya confirming the path to Tilaarin and making minor adjustments in the autopilot. Satisfied that Cal was most likely at least in his room, you went to bed yourself.
The next morning while making yourself something to eat you noticed a distinct lack of dirty dishes from Calderon. (At this point, you'd eaten with the crew enough to know who used what and Cal was extra particular with his items.) Sighing, you started up the stove to make sure that he ate something more than a handful of nuts or some plain bread.
Once you'd finished and plated both of your meals you realized you had no idea where he was. Most likely he was already awake doing god knows what, and you didn't have the energy to hunt him down. So, you picked up your com, took a deep breath, and called the shipwide line:
"Paging Captain Calderon Lynch, from Prince(ess) (YN) Peg'asi," you laugh inwardly at the formality that certainly wasn't necessary but conveyed urgency, "I need you to report to the kitchen."
You can hear Bash laughing from the hallway, and through your mild embarrassment hold out hope that Cal is even more embarrassed and that he'll arrive at least to chew you out.
You sit at the table, waiting in silence for a minute, when you hear the automatic door slide open and a peeved but blushing Calderon step in.
"To what do I owe this, pleasure," Cal begins, "your majesty." You know that if it has been anyone but you, he would already be yelling, or even more likely wouldn't have entertained the request at all.
"No need to have a stick in your ass so early, Captain," you tease back, "and I'll have you know that your continued well-being is of utmost importance so I believe my call portrayed the exact right amount of urgency."
"And what is your concern with my well-being?" He asks, leaning against the counter with the air of someone with undeserved confidence.
"Well, and I don't know for sure as a [Tilaari/Kitalphan/fellow human], but I believe people need to eat to live and if you don't do that for long enough it's not good for you."
You gesture towards where the breakfast is already beginning to cool and raise your eyebrows suggestively.
"Do you think you need to take care of me?" Calderon sighs, though there's no defensiveness in his voice and he takes a seat.
Taking the seat next to him, you take his hand in yours and near force him to look you in the eyes. "It's not about thinking I need to, it's that I want to. You're someone important to me, and the rest of the crew, and you can't be the one sacrificing himself for others. We're in this together, ok?"
Calderon swallows the lump in his throat and nods, determined not to cry at such a small gesture. But in the back of his mind he thinks, when was the last time someone's done even something this small for him? Squeezing your hand, he releases it to grab the fork and take a bite, smiling at your anticipatory face for his reaction to the food.
"It's wonderful, (YN)."
I imagine with Damon is less of you making him breakfast and rather making it together. We already know he can cook and bake pretty well, so I'd like to think he makes himself nice meals as a way to have something he can control. So when one morning you're both entering the kitchen at the same time, he quirks you a smile and asks, "You come here often?"
"Not as often as I probably should," You respond, reaching around him to open the fridge. When he sees you pouring yourself just a bowl of cereal he furrows his brows a bit and then sighs.
"Is that all you're having?"
"Um. Yeah? What, is there something else I should be eating?"
Damon pauses, an inscrutable look on his face, then sighs resignedly.
"You ever cook in that palace or did you have a personal chef to do it all the time?" He teases, but steps aside from the stove so you can see what he's doing.
"Uh....I never really made anything, but sometimes I'd sneak into the kitchens to get a midnight snack or extra food. I don't think that counts though."
Damon let's a breath out of his nose in laughter and says, "No, I wouldn't count that as cooking. But I know a thing or two about stealing food, too."
You swat his arm but feel a pit in your stomach. Was it pity, sympathy, or simply sadness that he had to experience such desolation? You shake the thoughts off and lean closer to him, either to see better or to simply get closer. The reason doesn't matter.
"So what are you making?" You look at a greased frying pan and a mixing bowl filled with what you think is a mixture of eggs, milk, and cinnamon.
"Well I was going to just make myself a plate of eggs and call it a day but I figured if I'm teaching you then I might as well make something nice. You ever have French toast?" He takes a...whisk? You weren't sure, like you'd said, you didn't have much experience with cooking. He hands the whisk to you and says, "Here. Mix until it's all one consistency. I'll let you know when you've gotten there."
You hold the side of the bowl and begin mixing like your life depends on it. Maybe it was your pride making up for the fact that you felt so inexperienced compared the rest of the crew. What you didn't know was that that would cause the mix to start spraying everywhere.
“Hey! ‘The hell you do that for?” Damon shouts in surprise as he gets egg and milk in his hair.
“I! Um! I thought you had to mix it really hard?” You say guiltily, setting the whisk down as gently as possible. 
“What? No, these ingredients are mostly liquid! They’re just to soak the bread in!” He says, swiping his hands through his hair. When he sees your dejected look, he purses his lips and puts the whisk back in your hand.
“Here,” he puts his hand over yours, “We’ll mix together. See, nice and gentle, just with enough force to break the egg yolks.” You can feel the callouses on Damon’s hands as he holds one of yours stirring the whisk and the other is over your hand holding the bowl.
“Ok,” you say quietly, since his chest is pressed against your back, “and what next?”
“Well, we let the bread soak while we make some [coffee/tea/drink of choice].”
The rest of breakfast is made without any more spills, mostly you observing Damon but he does let you flip the toast in the skillet, laughing lightly at your surprise when the uncooked side begins to sizzle. When you’re finished and both sitting down to eat, you smile widely at him. You’re extremely grateful for his patience with you, and not just today. Adjusting to life as a not-so-ordinary person has certainly not been easy, but after his apology he’d been nothing but gentle, though he’d never admit it.
“Thank you for teaching me this, Damon. I hope you’ll let me learn more from you.”
“I, uh, it’s really no problem,” he says, pointedly looking at his plate as he picks at his food, “It’s nice to have someone to do this with anyways.”
Bash is another member of the crew known for his baking prowess, so I think he’d make something really nice once a week that he can eat off from for the rest. Like meal planning but for like an oatmeal bake lol.
He keeps his portions labeled neatly (well, not all that neatly but you can certainly tell they’re his from the doodles that accompany his name) in the fridge, and he has lots of fun mugs to drink from, one matching your own “I <3 Cursa” mug. This particular morning you can see steaming tea coming from a mug that has clip-art of tools on it and says, “Kiss The Mechanic” in bright pink lettering, and you know it has to be his, though you have no idea where he would have gotten it. There were a few very specific gift shops on Chrono, however, that seemed like they had something for everyone. You had to stop him from buying you a T-shirt covered in words that started out reading, “I have a kick-ass biomechanical boyfriend, and yes, he bought me this shirt.”
Since the tea in the mug was still hot, you knew that Bash had to be around somewhere, though he wasn’t currently in the kitchen. Knowing at that point his habits for breakfast, you took out one of his portions from the fridge and set it on the plate to microwave (? I have no clue what cooking would look like in the future). 
While waiting for that to finish, you rummaged around in the fridge for something for yourself, finding some fresh fruit that Ryona had picked up on Chrono, with a note that said “for sharing but do not eat it all!!” and laughed. You knew for sure that even if she hadn’t labeled it, she would have made an exception for Bash. Taking the carton of fruit out of the fridge you, spoon some onto Bash’s oatmeal to give it some more flavor and set it on the table before making a bowl of fruit for yourself. You hear the doors swish open as Bash walks in, yawning. It takes him a moment to process that his food was already warm and waiting for him on the counter.
He looks at you and then back at his food. “Did you do this?” He asks, before picking it up to smell it.
“Um, yes? Don’t worry, I didn’t poison it.”
“Oh,” he starts, “Well, uh, thank you. How did you know that was what I wanted?”
“Bash, you eat the same thing every morning and the containers are covered in your name. Plus, while I may be sheltered, I know how to operate a microwave.”
He picks up his bowl and mug and takes a seat next to you. He then eyes the fruit in his bowl and the fruit in his. “Is this Ryona’s?”
“Yes, but she said she’d share. Do you not like it? I’m sorry I put some in without asking, I thought you’d like the extra flavor.”
“Oh! No no, I love it, I just, I don’t know. I’m not used to people caring for me. Sure, the crew cares about me but, I never had someone taking care of me growing up, and when I was under the care of the Archangels it was because I couldn’t take care of myself. It felt more like a debt I’ve yet to pay back. So I guess when it’s something small and out of the goodness of someone’s heart I just don’t really believe it. Not that I don’t believe you and your feelings! But, my brain doesn’t want to, you know?”
You smile at his ramblings, he always manages to make you smile.
“Sebastian,” you say with a fake stern voice, causing his eyes to widen, “I don’t just do this out of the goodness of my heart but the love in my heart. I pay attention to you and your habits and want to take care of you because I love you. It’s that simple, and I’ll keep doing it until you and your silly brain of yours believes it.”
He takes your hand and raises it to press a kiss to your palm. 
“I love you too, (YN). I hope you’ll let me take care of you too.”
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mansikka-draws · 3 years
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an old doodle that i never posted
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it-holic · 4 years
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wayhavnsfinest · 4 years
I did a thing. I wrote a short Damon X reader adromeda six drabble. I haven’t written anything that wasn’t a speech or a research paper in years. I hope you enjoy it. I also hope this hasn’t been done before. I haven’t searched any fanfic for A6 so I don’t really know what’s out there.
Anyway here you go!
Your hand immediately goes to your forehead to shield your eyes from the bright Teranium sun. Ever since you were offered a spot on the crew, you’ve  been running whatever errands Damon thought you could manage. Which apparently consisted of laundry, dishes and the occasional picking up of supplies from Oppo. 
This time however you were sent on a different type of mission- “find Damon and bring him back. We leave in a half hour.” The Captain’s words bounce around your  mind as you start down the alley toward the Arc. After all there are few places where the stab happy assassin can get his disgusting krill juice he enjoys so much. 
After a short but scorching walk to the Arc, you sigh in relief as the cool air from the building caresses your sweaty skin. After a quick lap of the club, it’s clear that Damon isn’t there. Turning you step out of the Arc bracing yourself against the heat as you start the trek back to the ship.
“Come on little guy, that’s it, who’s a sweet boy.”
Your ears perk up as you walk toward the voice. You have to basically pick your jaw off the floor when you see a jacket-less assassin crouched over, coaxing a small malnourished kitten out from behind a dumpster. Admiring the view of his muscular forearms you break yourself out of your trance. “Damon?” The sound of your voice sends the kitten skittering back to his hiding spot behind the dumpster. The assassin stands up and turns toward you, his eyes narrowed, very clearly annoyed. 
“Newbie, unless you’re here to help me smuggle this cat onboard, I would suggest you head back to the ship.”
The question escapes before you can stop yourself. “You’re trying to smuggle a cat onboard?”
“Are you going to help or not?”
Deciding that working under Damon would be a lot more bearable if you helped with this crazy plan, you go along with it. “Sure, I saw that Oppo was offering some sort of  fish at their  club, I’ll go get some if you want to try to coax the little guy out again.” 
“I’ll do that, since clearly you terrify the poor thing.” Giving you a lazy smirk he squats down and resumes trying to coax the kitten out. You can’t help but smile at how soft Damon looks in this moment. Not able to wipe the smile off your face you head back to the Arc. 
Once you secured a basket of what looks like a type of  fish and a bottle of water, you hurry back to where you left the assassin and the cat. Upon arrival you immediately notice the kitten curled up in the lap of  a very pleased assassin. “Well it looks like my fish isn’t needed to win him over.” You smile. As soon as the kitten smells the fish he hops out of Damon’s lap and pads around your feet meowing for food. “Here you go little buddy.” You set down the basket of food and pour the water into a small bowl you swiped from Oppo. 
As the kitten eats, you look at Damon. “So what’s the plan for smuggling this little guy on board?”
Damon shrugs as he puts on his jacket. “I was thinking - a classic misdirection technique. You distract the Commander and I sneak this little guy onboard.”
“What happens when your jacket starts meowing?”
Damon grins “We can say it’s Bash. Besides, if June can have a lizard. We deserve a cat.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. “We?”
Picking up the cat, Damon tucks the kitten safely into his jacket, “yeah I figured, if you help me smuggle him onboard, he’s your responsibility too.”
“I’m surprised you’re into animals. Not something I expected from the team’s assassin”
As he starts back to the ship he shoots you a wink. “I’ve always had a thing for strays.” 
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commander-krios · 5 months
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Lovely art by @valkblue of my Traveler, Astrea Peg’asi, getting carried away from a fight by her boyfriend, Damon Reznor 😂 thank you so much for this amazing art!
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scgdoeswhat · 4 years
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"Caught you."
Day Three - Chase
Alondra finally lets Damon catch her.
Colored sketch for the @andromeda-six #Andromedatober prompt list.
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Ko-Fi & Commissions Open; link in bio.
Tag list under the cut.
Tag list: @hellomynameisdevi @brightpinkpeppercorn @leondaltons @toglidethroughlife @the-strangerthings @ayameikeda
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rainidayss · 5 months
Aphrodite (A Damon and Ester Snippet)
Just a silly little thing I jot down after discovering the origin of Damon's name.
Warnings: None
Setting: Tilaarin (Epi 7-8?)
Damon and Ester walk relaxedly, side by side, the sun slowly setting in the distance. Damon stretched; sparring with Nerissa was actually tiring. He had to admit that she knew her way around a blade; flopping into bed seemed very appealing right now. Damon glanced at Ester, whose head was tilted downward, auburn hair tickling his eyelashes. He looked lost in thought.
He nudged Ester’s shoulder, saying, “Keep doin' that, and your brain’s gonna burst one day.”
Ester blinked as if coming out of a daze and looked around at him, “Oh, sorry. I was just reflecting.”
“On what?” Damon asked.
“Some stuff Alisa said,” Ester replied, then his lips twitched into a smile, “...She said she’d hunt me down if I hurt you. I don’t see why she should be teasing you about being protective.”
Damon shook his head, “Somehow, I’m not surprised.”
Ester laughed softly, “You really care about each other. She’s like your very own Pythias, huh?”
Damon tilted his head in confusion, “My what?”
“Pythias,” Ester repeated, “From the story?”
“Still no clue what you're talking about.”
“Damon and Pythias,” Ester made a dramatic gesture with his hands. “It’s an old human story. Greek. It’s the origin of your name. You didn’t know?”
Damon rolled his eyes, but it was affectionate, “There’s only one nerd outta the two of us, and it isn’t me.”
Ester whapped Damon on the shoulder lightly, and Damon grinned.
“Well, put simply, Pythias and Damon were close friends, and one day, a tyrant king accused Pythias of going against him and said he was to be executed. Pythias accepted his fate but asked if he could travel to his homeland first to close his affairs and say goodbye to his family. The king refused, but Damon, seeing how important this was to Pythias, said that the king could take him hostage until Pythias came back. The king agreed and said that Damon was to be executed in Pythias’s stead if he did not return. Pythias left, and soon, the deadline for his return started to arrive. The king grew impatient, but just as Damon was about to be executed, Pythias returned. He apologized and explained that he had been captured by pirates but had fled the ship by jumping into the sea and swimming for hours until he found shore, desperate to come back and save his friend. Touched by the pair’s friendship and loyalty to each other, the king let them both go free,” Ester turned to look at Damon, cheek flushing faintly, “It’s a bit of a fairytale ending, but the story grew popular, and Damon and Pythias became known as an icon of loyalty.”
Damon stared at Ester, “How the hell do you remember random stuff like this?”
Ester shrugged, “I don’t know. You interest me, and I suppose a passion for something helps me remember it.” This time, Ester flushed completely, “I-I mean, it interests me. I enjoy mythology, and Greeks played a big part in it—stop laughing!”
Damon bit inside of his cheek to quiet down his chuckling, “You're adorable, did you know that?”
Ester sped up, eyes fixed determinedly away from Damon and ears still bright red, “I’m never telling you anything ever again.”
Damon jogged closer to Ester, “Nooo, oh come on- don’t worry. You interest me too. And besides, if Alisa’s my Pythias, you’re my Aphrodite,” Damon said the last part in Ester’s ear, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. Ester turned to make a face at him, and Damon started laughing again.
“You’re so cheesy,” Ester groaned.
“Sorry, I think you mean charming,” Damon raised his eyebrows.
Ester rolled his eyes but smiled all the same.
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starclast · 9 months
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slushrottweiler · 4 years
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WIP: Damon says consent is Sexy
Featuring one of my Travellers; Gemina- and Damon Renzor from @andromeda-six
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