#f!traveler x damon
commander-krios · 1 month
Violet, Violet
Fandom: Andromeda Six Pairing: Damon Reznor/f!Traveler Rating: Gen Summary: There wasn't much on Tilaarin that could catch Damon's eye. It was too bright, too perfect, too rich for his standards. But there was one thing he did like: the violets. They reminded him too much of a certain princess. Words: 1017 Additional Tags: Tilaari Traveler, Humor, Love, Idiots in Love, Friendship, Fluff, Flowers, Not Beta'd
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial
Read on AO3
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"You look like an idiot."
Alisa's voice came from somewhere behind him, near the gazebo where he was supposed to meet Astrea for their date soon. With a shrug, Damon blatantly ignored his best friend in favor of gathering up the bouquet of blue flowers he'd 'acquired' from the elaborate gardens spread around Tilaarin. He chose them because their gorgeous shade of blue reminded him of Astrea, it was a bit darker than her skin tone but it was soft and smelled good... like her.
"Jealous that Zane doesn't pick flowers for you?" He asked instead of rising to Alisa's bait, facing her with the bundle in hand, making sure not to crush the delicate stems in his hand. 
Alisa snorted, rolling her eyes to the sky. "I don't need flowers when he's gives me everything I want in-"
"Ew, I don't want to know." Damon brushed past her to add the flowers to the small picnic he had set up. It was a simple spread in his opinion, there was only so much he could do with the limited time he had, but it was some of his best recipes: dark chocolate brownies, a hearty quiche stuffed full of vegetables that he'd scrounged up, a few of Bash's best lemon bars, some fresh fruit from one of the food stands he'd stumbled across, not to forget the kebabs he'd grilled just before bringing everything over. 
Maybe he should've asked Astrea what her favorite foods were before doing this. Shit.
"Besides," Alisa continued, watching as he fussed with the containers of food, trying to find a good spot to place the violets so Astrea would immediately see them. "Love is a weird look on you, Reznor. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Laugh about it all you want somewhere else." He snapped, trying not to let his frustration show. Alisa knew him as well as he knew himself, but there were things that even he didn't know that surprised him. This was one of those things. "She'll be here soon and I don't need you ruining something that's supposed to be fun."
Damon could feel Alisa's mismatched gaze burning a hole into his back as he opened the bottle of wine before putting it back in the ice bucket. Astrea was most likely on her way already and Alisa was only being a distraction. 
"I'm not makin' fun of you... much. It's cute... and insanely gross." He glanced at her to see she'd scrunched her nose up in something like disgust.
"Coming from the woman who is sleeping with the man who named his shotgun after her." 
Alisa went to shove him and he ducked the swipe, dancing out of her way with a laugh, finding her frustration even more satisfying than before. At least he knew he wasn't the only one with complicated feelings for a person he never expected to fall for. Alisa and Zane were a weird pairing that somehow worked and he really didn't want to know the details of that.
Alisa curled a hand around his wrist before he realized it, his mind was running a mile a minute lately, and she slipped around behind him, pulling his arm tight against his back, tweaking the muscles in his shoulders and then he was on the ground, pinned beneath a woman probably half his weight soaking wet.
He struggled against her grip but she shoved her knee into his back, right between his shoulder blades, and the sudden pain made him pause. She'd nearly broken his arm before, back when they were children, and she was much faster and more clever now. Probably could even stick a knife between his ribs before he felt it.
A laugh broke the stillness that followed and both he and Alisa glanced up to find Astrea standing at the entrance to the gazebo, golden eyes dancing with amusement at the sight in front of her.
"Damon, are you poking fun at Zane's show of affection?" Astrea raised an eyebrow, brushing a hand through her silver-white hair, the bioluminescence of her Tilaari heritage making her skin glow. "Coming from a man who names every one of his knives for a woman he's known, you have no leg to stand on."
Alisa barked a laugh before rolling off of him, getting to her feet before he could even get his hands beneath him. 
"Hey, you got the honor of the biggest knife I own."
She shook her head, meeting Alisa's eyes with a tired expression. "How did you deal with him for this long?"
"He's your problem now, Princess." With a grin that would spell trouble for him later, Alisa waved a goodbye before slipping into a crowd of rebels who walked by, disappearing as quickly as she'd appeared.
Smiling, Astrea turned back to him, as beautiful as the day he'd met her, all bright smiles and sparkling eyes, and freckles that were like stars scattered across the expanse of space. There was a brief moment, every morning when he woke and saw her sleeping next to him, that he wondered what it was she saw in him. How could she see goodness in a man who murdered for a living?
She moved closer, slipping her arms around his waist, standing on her toes to press a soft kiss to his chin. Their eyes met and she laughed, fingers tickling against his back gently. "We can be each other's problem."
Damon smirked, the corner of his lips curling up at her words. With a finger, he brushed some of her hair behind an ear, tucking a violet there in one motion. She looked at him questioningly, reaching up to touch the delicate bloom.
"What was that for?"
Because I love you.
It was on the tip of his tongue, but instead of the confession tumbling from his mouth, he only gave her a devious look before attacking her with his fingers, tickling her sides until she couldn't breathe. Damon wasn't a coward most days, but with this, he would do it right. And for now, it'd have to wait.
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m4gicisland · 2 years
૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა damon reznor x f!traveller  — sfw / fluff / lazy proofread / 1.2k wc
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it’s not as if damon had received a lot of gifts in his life. 
growing up, his birthday was never celebrated, if even acknowledged, and he’d learned that expecting so much as a “happy birthday” was a complete waste of time. he would be met with nothing but disappointment, and damon wasn’t a huge fan of disappointment.
it was just another day to live through. another year in which he had somehow avoided a one-way ticket to hell. because, let’s be honest, only in his wildest dreams would he be granted any bittersweet depiction of an afterlife. in reality, damon reznor was undeserving of second chances—even ones that he didn’t believe in.
throughout the years, the assassin had somehow acquainted himself with people that, deep deep deep down, had a heart. one big enough to bless him with gifts on a day that he had gone years without recognising.
but opening the door of his quarters at the ass crack of dawn to a member of the royal peg’asi family clutching a knife in their hands on such a day? the thought of an afterlife paled in comparison. that seemed more within his reach than whatever clusterfuck of a fever dream he was having right now.
“to what do i owe the pleasure, your highness?” resting one hand on the door frame, he took their brief silence as an opportunity to rack his brain for an explanation. the target on his back might as well be tattooed with all the people who dream to one day put him out of his misery, but he cannot recall doing anything that would push this peg’asi to darken his doorstep with a knife so early in the morning.
“i brought you a gift!” the princess exclaimed somewhat excitedly, although the uncertainty in her voice and inability to make eye contact made damon raise a scarred brow. a gift? for me?
“i hate to break it to you princess, but it’s the middle of july. i don’t think santa made plans to come early this year.”
“don’t be a dick, damon. i know it’s not christmas,” the princess’s gaze raised to meet his. “in fact, i’d say today is a bit more special than christmas...”
it took everything he had to not snort at such a comment. while damon reznor was a dick, he most certainly wasn’t dumb. he knew exactly what today was, but he had better things to do than pay any attention to that fact.
“i’ve gotta say, i’m surprised you even realised. i don’t remember telling you the day my mother made the greatest mistake of her life.”
“oh no, i’d say she made it long before that,” the princess grinned. “but that’s not the point! here-“ the royal waved the knife in damon’s line of vision, making it impossible to miss. “-take this.”
he took the knife with ease, weighing it in his hands. it felt familiar, his eyes narrowing with realisation. “this is my knife.”
“shocker.” the princess rolled her eyes, her smile lighting up her face. “the knife isn’t the gift, dumbass.”
“ah, but it would’ve been a very thoughtful one.”
“hey, you know any sane person would question why they’ve answered the door to someone with a knife in their hand?”
“ha, i doubt there’s even an ounce of sanity on this ship, princess.”
rolling her eyes, the princess bent down to retrieve something hidden behind her legs. damon failed to notice the messily wrapped object she’d kept tucked out of his sight.
despite the insanity of this situation, one question tugged at his thoughts. “seriously, how did you know?”
she held it out eagerly, pushing it into him. “i was having a nice little chat with ryona the other day and she let it slip.”
he had no choice but to take the gift into his own hands if he wanted to leave without a hole in his stomach. seriously, the force was unexpected.
“alright, alright, i’ve got it.” he held the gift out between the two of them to examine. it’s shape is reminiscent of the notepads that lived comfortably on his desk, only this one was wrapped up messily in about three different designs of wrapping paper. “but if this is my gift, why the knife? i don’t think threats are part of the tradition.”
“well, it’s been a while since i’ve been able to give a gift like this. i’ve always had so much fun doing the wrapping part and got sort of... carried away? i used too much tape, it’s quite difficult to open without cutting it somehow. i just thought it would come more naturally for you to use a knife.” the princess smiled apologetically.
“well, if the gift is shit at least i can stab it to show my disapproval.” damon laughed. “or maybe i could stab you for insulting my honour?”
the princess’s mouth gaped open in poorly concealed horror. “insulting your honour?”
“i didn’t even want to celebrate my birthday, but you went and got me a gift i hated just to make things worse. i’d be deeply offended.”
“whatever. just open it, will you?”
damon proceeded to cut the wrapping paper open with swift ease, almost confirming his suspicion of its contents. he peeled the paper away to reveal a doodle of an orange tabby cat glued neatly to the cover. it’s a sketchbook. flipping through it uncovers multiple illustrations of all different breeds of cats.
“i originally wanted to get an actual cat, but your birthday gift isn’t worth getting thrown out into space for.”
damon chuckled, although his gaze didn’t leave the sketchbook. “blondielocks definitely wouldn’t approve.”
the princess hummed in agreement. “instead we can torment him with my drawings until he caves and brings us the real deal as a peace offering.”
after examining every page, he closed the book gently and tucked it under his armpit. “thanks, princess. this is not what i expected when you showed up to my room with a knife, but i’m pleasantly surprised.”
the princess winked at the assassin before knitting her brows together. “hey, i think i deserve more credit. do you know how long it took to draw all of those cats? do you know how much debt i’m in with bash now? he’s expecting a lifetime supply of crayons after this project!”
damon clicked his tongue. “it’s impolite to demand things from the birthday boy. did you not learn anything from that expensive education of yours?”
folding her arms across her chest, the princess huffed a defeated sigh. “fine. happy birthday, damon.”
chuckling in amusement, damon leaned down to tuck a stray hair behind the princess’s ear and brushed a soft kiss to her forehead. that precious, adorable angry look quickly being replaced by one of shock. “thank you, princess.”
satisfaction painted his face as he stepped back into his room, leaving the flustered princess with the gorgeous view of his door once again.
as if the gift itself wasn’t a big enough shock, the warmth flooding his heart left him with more to think about than he’d have liked so early in the morning.
the princess was a fool if she thought he’d let the captain lay a finger on her artwork. it was his, and only his. he would treasure this gift for as long as he had to celebrate the tragedy of his existence.
an unexpected gift from the same person he’d threatened and tormented all those months ago. if she could forgive him, maybe he wasn’t all that bad.
maybe damon reznor was deserving of second chances after all...
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Bear Hugs
Hihihihi.. I was looking at october writing prompts... and I will somehow tie some into Andromeda six. Constructive criticism is appreciated :D
OC details: Akira Peg’asi. Kitalphan. Female. 5’7. 
Might be out-of-character for Damon, and I went a little off prompt.
Damon x f!traveler
Bear Hugs
After they had gotten to Tilaarin, Akira noticed Damon paying more attention to her.
Not his usual kind of attention… The kind of attention where he seemed to be making sure that she wasn’t going to get herself hurt. He seemed more attentive, aside from the now-familiar softness Damon showed her. They had been on Tilaarin for a few days, Akira and Damon spending as much time as possible together. (Without raising the suspicion of her sister Nerissa ;) )
Akira opened the door to her room, not expecting to be swept up into Damon’s arms in a bear hug. “Ah- Damon!” Akira playfully scolded. She hadn’t expected him to be here so early, “Lemme go, jerk!” She laughed. “I try to surprise you, and this is what I get?” Damon smirked, keeping his arms wrapped tight around her, “Maybe you should be more grateful, princess. Especially when I have you trapped like this. Akira had no issue with Damon holding her. She enjoyed his presence, and the way he made her feel safe. However, she had a point to make. “I’ll get you back, Damon!” She giggled out. She tried to reach his sides and tickle him, assuming it’d make him let go.
“Oh..? Trying to tickle me, princess?” Damon chuckled, his laugh low and excited, “It seems you forgot I’m not ticklish. But you are,” He smirked, using Akira’s vulnerable position to dig into her sides. Akira near screeched, “Dahaamon!.. You’re teherrible!” She laughed, squirming in his grip. Her squirming had no effect on his hold, as he was much stronger than her. “I’m showing you my love!” Damon said playfully, “How dare you reject it!”
Despite his sporadic antics, Akira loved seeing how comfortable he had gotten with her.
He had gone from the lurking assassin in the corridors of the Andromeda Six, a man that she had been unsure if he wanted to kiss her or put one of his knives in her, to the man who had allowed her to see his vulnerabilities. 
Maybe not all of them yet, but some was better than none. She adored how joking and playful he could be when he was comfortable.
“Alright, alright…. I’ll stop,” Damon grinned.
“Thank you for stopping that horrendous torture,” Akira said dramatically, earning an eye roll from Damon.
“I’ll stop for now... I can’t say anything about later..” Damon winked, teasing her.
“Damon!” She rolled her eyes, playfully hitting his arm.
“Now you’re gonna hit me? Aww.. I didn’t know you were into that, princess,” He drawled, pulling her into another tight, encompassing hug.
“Put me down!” Akira squealed as he picked her up in the hug, “Where are you carrying me to?” She giggled out.
“You’ll see~” He said, flopping down into the round bed of the room. He loosened his arms around her just enough for her to twist around to lay her head on his chest. “Comfy?”
“Mhmm… I love you Damon..” Akira mumbled softly, sliding her arm around his waist.
Damon hesitated for a moment before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, “...I love you too, Akira..” He mumbled.
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rhaenyratargeryn · 4 years
Prompt: Day 3, Chase Pairing: Damon x f!Traveler Summary: It’s hard to give chase when neither knows who is the hunter and who is the prey.
It's a dance in which he knows all the steps and she next to none.
She had had her lessons back at the palace, certainly and she had learned of all the rises and falls, left foot change, right foot change, promenade step... a constant push and pull, lead and follow. But with Damon sometimes he followed and she led, only for the roles to reverse once more, leaving her stumbling and faltering to find her place again.
But not once did they collide, movements mirrored enough as to never allow such a blunder.
She almost wished for a collision, a sudden stop to this game and this dance, leaving nothing but the pulsing of their hearts between them. He didn't hesitate because of shyness that was for certain, or because of any lingering doubts... no. His smile showed that he savored this as keenly as he would her kiss, if he ever disdained to take it. 
Meanwhile, she felt as if she was losing her mind, consumed with equal parts annoyance and sheer aching want. A fleeting touch on her hand, a breath on her cheek— these tiny delights were positively sinful to her skin. As intoxicating and maddening as his smile.
One day she would be bold enough to take that step out of turn, to throw off the dance, this barely veiled chase, and to kiss him— rich yet sweet, like the darkest of fruits. 
One day.
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darling2411 · 2 years
I thought I did
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18+ minors DNI
pairing: Damon Salvatore x reader 
summary: You forget that you asked Damon to come over today
warnings: masturbation (f and m), shitty ending
ⓘ Hope there are no typos but if there are, I’m sorry:))
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You laid on your bed. A few minutes ago you were doing school stuff.
Now your hand traveled down your body.
Slowly inching closer to their destination, eager to complete the task of getting yourself off.
It was normal right?
Everybody needed a little stress relief sometimes.
You pushed passed the waistband of your panties and your fingers made contact with your soft flesh. Sliding further down you gathered your wetness and spread it, rubbing your clit delicately.
Drawing circles around it your hips bucked up chasing the sweet release. A moan escaped your parted lips as you felt your slickness increasing, soaking your fingers.
While you were doing a perfect job at masturbating Damon, your best Friend, made his way to your front door. Not bothering to ring the doorbell he took out the backup key hidden in your plants and unlocked the door. Closing it he heard pants and whimpers coming from your room. Jumping to the wrong conclusion he ran over to your closed bedroom door.
You were still clueless that your best friend had entered your home and now stood in-front of you bedroom door, hearing you.
Damon wanted to open the door but when he heard you moaning he stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide, mouth slack.
Were you getting yourself off ?
His imagination ran wild.
Imagines of your soaked fingers and dripping cunt flashed trough his mind, right before pictures of him on his knees in front of you, pleasuring you, followed.
Why was he thinking of you like that?
You were best friends, nothing more.
But it also had been some time since the last time he had been intimate with someone.
Hence why your sound made him react in this kind of way, imagines drowning his mind, dick hardening and longing flooding his vines.
Your fingers slid trough your wetness ,gathering it and spreading it to your clit.
Rubbing fast circles around your bud you felt your orgasm approaching.You’re hips bucked uncontrollably and your toes curled.
A silent scream left your lips when you tipped over the edge, a buzzing feeling flooding trough you.
You were slowly coming down from your orgasm it was the first but you intended to have at least one more today, you deserved it.
Panting and breathing hard you heard a groan coming from the direction of your door.
You turned your face to the door, shock written over your features and hand still on your cunt you saw Damon leaning against your door, hand on his groin palming his hard one trough his jeans.
You were frozen in place, your brain not able to comprehend the situation.
Damon, your best friend, was standing inside your room. Watching you get yourself off while palming his boner.
When your mind processed this information you eyes widened and your mouth opened in a loud squeak.
“ Damon! What the hell are you doing here?”
“You uhm”, his gaze was still latched onto you heating up your skin and making your pussy clench.” I- you, we… . Today is movie night. I thought you were still at work that’s why I used the spare key.”
“Oh fuck me, I wanted to cancel our plans. I thought I did.”
“If you insist.” He gave you a smirk.
“ what do you mean?”
“ well you said fuck me and I can do exactly that, [y/n]. “Of course this was the only thing he heard.
Who was this man standing in front of you, definitely not you best friend.
“ you want to do what?! We’re best friends…”
“ Yeah we are. And you cunt is glistening with arousal an my dick is leaking with pre cum. So we either both get ourselves of or help each other finish.”
You starred at him in shock. He couldn’t be serious.
This would change everything.
Or maybe he just saw this a stress relief .
Relief ,that’s what you were seeking and if he was the one who could bring you to feel this sweet blissful release you wouldn’t dare to say no.
“ Okay.”
“ Okay?” Damon asked slightly shocked not expecting you to say yes to his idea.
“Yeah we can do it. But not like you suggested. I will touch myself and you can touch yourself but no touching each other alright?”
“No head?”
“N-no.” You said not sure about your decision.
“But I can talk right?”
“You can talk as much as you want.”
The silence that filled your room was crushing, weird and filled with sexual tension.
Yes this situation was awkward as hell but it also turned you on to the maximum.
When Damon eventually begun to unzip his jeans and pulled down his boxers you eyes were focused on his every move.
His rock hard cock hit his abdomen, truthfully already leaking pre cum.
You traced the veins of his length with your eyes just as your tongue would.
“ Like what you see baby? Bet you wish you could suck my cock right know.”
Your mouth watered.
“I would have let you but you didn’t want this remember?”
You regretted that decision. You wanted to suck him off so bad. Instead you pulled your shirt over your head and started kneading your breasts and flicking your nipples. The sensation making you moan and Damon groan.
“ Oh fuck you’re beautiful. What I would do do suck on those breast of yours. Beautiful,fucking beautiful.“
Using his pre cum as lubricant Damon’s hand begun jacking him off. The movement of his hand changing between fast and slow, teasing himself.
Traveling form your breast your right hand made its way to your core. You let your fingers envelop your silky folds. Gasping when you dipped your index and middle fingers down to your entrance, pushing into the warmth of your arousal before spreading it up to your clit.
The movement not going unnoticed by Damon he let out a loud moan. His pumps faltering slightly.
His eyes never leaving you.
“ Spread those gorgeous legs for me baby. Want to see you, all of you.”
Ignoring the butterflies in your belly you opened your legs some more.
“ Such a pretty pussy. Would love to eat you out. I know you would taste amazing.” The thought alone made him move his hand faster.
“ Wish I could fuck you. Could make you feel so good.”
Your body jolted with pleasure, your hips grinding into the mattress while you rubbed your clit.
One finger pushed into you with force while your other hand still massaged your boobs.
Moaning you moved your fingers faster and faster until your body trembled and you were about to tip over the edge when Damon said.
“Don’t you dare come without me. I’m almost fucking there.”
Thrusting into his hand Damon sped up his movement letting out a pornographic moan.
“Almost there” he groaned.
Rubbing your clit faster you couldn’t hold it any longer. “ Damon I’m gonna cum. Oh god I’m gonna-“ and with a loud moan of his name you reached your high and fell over the edge.
Groaning out your name Damon released all over his hand a bits even hit his stomach. Panting you laid on your bed while Damon still leaned against your door, apparently he slide down, because he now was in a sitting position.
After some time when you both begun breathing normally again you wanted to get up and get something to clean you up when Damon came over to your and said “let me do this.”
He pushed you back on the bed and laid between your legs.
“ let’s find out if your tastes just as sweet as I imagine.”were the last words heard before the room was filled with whimpers and moans.
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steph-writing · 4 years
“You look delicious,” Damon’s low voice rumbles against my stomach, his breath burning against my skin.
His fingers caress my waist and I shiver under his touch. He seems to bask in my reactions, for every time I show how good he makes me feel, he kisses my skin for a moment longer. The warm, silky feeling of his lips mixed with the roughness of his fingers and teeth make my head spin in delight.
It’s always like this with him, rough and unexpected, yet the hint of affection is always there, and I can’t help but eagerly arch my body towards him.
“Stop squirming. You’ll drop the food,” Damon chastises me, the warmth of his breath against my lower stomach making me struggle to suppress a shiver, and I begrudgingly settle back down.
Tonight we decided to have dinner on our own in his room, and Damon came back from the kitchen with several different sweets he whipped up instead of actual food. I believe I started to complain, but when he whispered in my ear all the things he planned to do to me… let’s just say I was more than glad to let him use me as his banquet table.
Join me on Patreon for more! Dinner for two | Damon x f!Traveler
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
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Imagine: You and Katherine have been sending dirty messages for a couple of months. One day your on a date when she gets jealous.
Pairings: Katherine x Human!Reader + Damon x Human!Reader
Warnings: smutty, fem!dom, f/f.
Words: 1028
For the last couple of months I've been having uh i guess you could say sexual conversations with Katherine Pierce. I don't really know myself when exactly or why it started. I'm not 100% sure how i feel about it either. All I know is that I've never had any sexual emotions towards another women. Tonight I'm going on a date with Damon though, I'm weirdly excited. I'm only going out with him cause he saved my life a couple of times and i have to repay him somehow.
I had just got out the shower and got changed into my outfit Caroline bought for me 2 days ago when I was at work. I drove straight to the Grille to meet Damon, what a night of unfortunate events tonight's gonna be.
I walked in an immediately saw Damon sat at a table by the bar. I walked over and sat down across from him.
"Hey Damon."
"Are you okay ?"
"Yes I'm fine, how are you ?"
"I'm okay. I don't know...you seem a little off, Damon."
"Thanks for the concern, why don't I show you how fine I am."
I giggled and blush and little.
"The Damon Salvatore asking me to be proved wrong, that could mean many things but I'm okay with that."
Despite being flattered by Damon flirting with me and actually being nice to me in his own way, I couldn't help but let my mind wander over thoughts of Katherine. Recently that's been happening a lot. Whenever I've had a good time at the minute, I always end up thinking...what if Katherine was here instead. I'm not sure if it's sign but I need a distraction and Damon is perfect.
My hand had been grabbed and pulled in an upwards motion by Damon. He dragged me up to dance. The disco lights blinding every drunken eye, the smoke swimming around the crowd of people and the sweat and alcohol blending together sending strong fumes around the room. He turned me around so my back was resting against his warm up front, his big hands found my hips whilst his own hips swayed behind me, sometimes brushing against my behind. I duplicated his movements and his head started to fall down to my neck. His soft pink lips resting on my neck, placing incredibly soft, light kisses.
I was going to turn around when I was picked up and sped to...my bedroom. I turned around from looking at my wardrobe and saw Katherine stood there. She started strutting towards to me whilst I backed up against the wardrobe as much as I could. She finally reached the spot not even an inch in front of my face and twirled a strand of my Y/C/H hair and gently tucked it behind my ear. She leaned in and let a warm breath escape, hitting my cheek. She leaned in further and swept my hair to the other side of my neck. I gulped slightly and my heart started to beat faster, the adrenaline rushing around my body.
"You are mine, why were you with him like that."
She whispered in my ear and pulled back slightly to lock out eyes in a stare.
"I-i don't-I don't k-know."
She smiled at me stuttering. Her hands travelled behind my shoulders and down my spine until she located the zip of my skirt. It fell to the floor along with my jacket she pushed down my shoulders and the top she lifted off my head. I was left standing in my white underwear and heels.
"I've seen your body before but damn Y/N your really are a goddess."
I blushed a dark pink and let my hands roam my upper back until I un-clipped my bra and let it plummet to the ground allowing my perky breasts to breathe. She looked over me before grabbing my neck and pulling me closer and attacking my lips with a passionate kiss. I was pulled away from the wardrobe and pushed on the bed. We were kissing each other with more passion than the first along with me forcing her leather jacket off her and throwing it on the floor along with her top and pants. Leaving her in my position, in only her black lace panties.
I kicked off my shoes and flipped us around. I kissed softly down the trail between her soft breasts and stomach until I reached her panties and drew them down her long legs.
Travelling back up her body, leaving little kisses on her legs I finally reached my desired destination. Sloppy kisses were left on her inner thighs and her soaking clit. Her jagged breathes only ushering me further. I licked a stripe up her clit and back down to her entrance and thrusting my tongue in. Sucking up her pre-juices covering her walls, she let out a moan. I rapidly and continuously thrust into her with my tongue until pulling out and standing on my knees.
My right leg resting beside her left leg a do her right resting on my shoulder, I slowly grinded my clothed pussy against her bare one and rocked back and forth. The friction being to much after a couple of seconds, I ripped my pants down my legs. I resumed my previous position and grinded against her, both clits rubbing against the other the wetness aiding the difficulty level. Still massaging her pussy with mine, I was building a knot in my stomach that's due to release my juices. Her clit started to throbbing against mine sending us both over the edge.
I raised off of her and fell beside her body.
"Do you know I would never of felt this good if I went home with Damon."
"Damon is good in bed honestly though that was better than any of times he eat me out."
"Well I'm glad to be of service."
"So would a round 2 be impossible ?"
"Are you kidding ?! Of course not, we can more than just 2."
I leaned over to kiss her.
"It's my turn, to make you feel good."
I giggled.
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homeformyheart · 3 years
Ooooo let's do 16. kissing knuckles for your traveler and Cal!
thanks for encouraging me to write more A6, @captainsaku! Decided to keep it short and simple (*eyes the 20 other prompt wips*).
author’s note: this is more raynie than cal, but this is my first time writing more than a few sentences for an A6 pairing, so i hope you enjoy! copyright: all characters, except my oc traveler, are owned by wanderlust games (@andromeda-six). series/pairing: andromeda six – calderon lynch x f!traveler (raynie peg’asi) rating/warnings: k+; none word count: ~500 words based on/prompt: physical affection prompts // 16. kissing knuckles summary: raynie is nervous and cal calms her down.
raynie peeked out from where she was waiting behind a curtain backstage. her eyes widened at the sheer size of the crowd and she quickly turned away, closing her eyes and trying to push away the fluttering in her stomach.
after everything the crew did, after everything she went through, they were finally here. at this long-awaited moment where she would address goldis for the first time since her family was killed.
she wiped her sweaty hands down the side of her dress, hoping it didn’t stain.
how did nerissa manage to do this so easily?
how could she think she could do this at all?
why would she even want to do this?
“hey stowaway.”
raynie lifted her head and looked straight into the soft blue of cal’s eyes, his large build creating a shadow over her smaller one.
“you can do this,” he said.
searched his face for any signs of sarcasm or teasing, but she knew she wouldn’t find any, not like she would have if it were damon in his place.
“how do you know? i don’t know how to be a ruler, i was barely let out of the palace and i have no experience.”
raynie covered her face with her hands, trying to take deep breaths and keep the onslaught of panicked tears at bay.
cal gently pried her hands off her face, holding them in his large ones.
“i know because i’ve seen what you’re capable of first-hand. you’re reckless and careless with your safety sometimes,” he said, a hint of fear glinting in his gaze. “but you’re brave and resourceful.”
she dropped her gaze, feeling a flush begin to creep up her neck and color her cheeks.
he raised her hand to his lips, forcing her to draw her gaze back up to meet his.
“but most of all,” he murmured against her knuckles. “you care about others. it’s why i fell in love with you.”
his lips brushed against her knuckles, the featherlight touch sending goosebumps up her arms. cal released her hand and gave her a soft smile before turning her around so she was facing the stage.
she looked back once as he nudged her forward, catching his gaze that seemed to hold a million promises between them. he bowed before making his exit, and a renewed sense of determination fueled her steps.
maybe she could do this after all.
* * * * * taglist: @gloynporslen; @anotherbeingsworld; @pearlsandsteel;
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cheeseburgersstuff · 4 years
Our New Life - 6
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Steve x Reader
Damon x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: language, mistakes, lots of time gap, (my shitty attempt...)
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Chapter 6
It’s been twenty-five years since she chose to live with Damon, twenty years a long time. Now when she looks back, it feels like a few months, when she started to control her hunger, when she tried compelling people for fun just to practice with Damon. Damon didn’t leave her side for once in those years. He kept looking for hope that could bring Katherine back. And she chose to help people and took part to make this world a better place to live. Not like her Steve but still, she was making it better somehow.
They were helping each other to achieve their goals. Sticking together, she was helping him find her, and Damon kind of became a good guy, just to help her for no other reasons. 
In all those years they traveled to a lot of places, for work and for fun too. After becoming a vampire, y/n’s changed completely. Now she thinks about her human self and her vampire self, she prefers this one. She became more confident, sexier, and more fun.
She was scared of anything now. She was living a fearful life with Damon and Man! Damon’s company was indeed fun.
Right now they were moving to New York, well because they didn’t have any other place to go, New York was quite fun and y/n also wanted to go there. After Steve’s and Bucky’s death she moved to Georgia and never went back. Going there brought a lot of memories and made her smile. 
“Mom, what if nobody becomes my friend.” The only reason she was sad was her friends. “Oh, honey. You will. I promise. Now c'mon daddy will drop you at your school.” her mother said, kissing her.
“Why are you smiling huh?” Damon asked her. She sighed, her head on the car’s window. “Nothing, just thinking about the time when I came to new york. The time when making friends was the only biggest problem I had.” Damon chuckled and with that, they started a life in New York.
The next was pretty exciting for y/n. Damon went to meet a friend of his, he also asked her to go with him but she denied it. She had to visit all those places where she grew up. 
She went to Brooklyn, in that alley where she grew up with her two friends. Everything got changed of course but still can see herself with those two boys. 
“Goodbye! Be safe kids.” her mother said waving at them. They were going to school together. She holds Steve’s hand making that little boy blush. 
She walked towards the diner where they used to hang out almost every evening. Where she used to go on double dates with bucky and Steve, feeling extra but Steve used to ask her so she had to. 
“Steve this is Sally, Sally this is Steve, your date and this is y/n our best friend.” Bucky introduced them to Steve and his dates. She could see that Sally was looking upside down at Steve, making him feel uncomfortable.
After a few hours, Sally left Steve, no matter how many times that would happen, it always makes y/n angry.
She went to Steve and sat down where Sally was a few minutes ago. She filled her plate with food and started to eat. She could feel Steve’s eyes on her. y/n looked up at him “what? Eat!” she said trying to sound angry but when he gave her that sweetest smile that she loved the most, she couldn’t help but smile in return.
After visiting all the old places, she wanted to go to Steve’s grave but there was nothing because they didn’t find his body. So she went to the statue they made in his honor, well in Captain America’s honor. She was looking at the statue when someone placed their hand on her shoulder. She turned around to find a man in his late 50s with a kid. “I‘m sorry to bother you, ma’am. But I think I’ve seen you somewhere” he said hesitantly. “Um...i don’t think I know you, sir,” she replied politely. “What’s your name if you don’t mind me asking.” “my name is y/f/n” 
He gasped at that and the next question made her gasp “did you know Steve Rogers?” she looked around to see if someone was looking or not. Making sure no one was looking at them she asked “who are you?” that man smiled “I’m Howard Stark, the owner of Stark Industries. And this is my son Anthony Stark” which made her chuckle. She remembered Howard Stark the last time she went somewhere with Steve and Bucky was his exhibition. “Howard stark? Hmm, I think I’ve heard that name somewhere.” she said smiling “how do you think you know me Mr stark.” she asked him “Well, a friend of mine showed me a picture once of a beautiful woman whom he loved the most, who coincidentally looks just like you.” he said, making her chuckle. “Well, you have quite an amazing memory.” and then she looked into his eyes, compelling him “you don’t remember that photo Steve showed you, you know nothing about Steve’s love life,” she said and he nodded. She pulled back and smiled at him “so what you do y/n” “by profession I’m a doctor but I can pretty much do anything.” she said being cocky. That’s what she does, act cocky after being a vampire. 
“That’s amazing, I kinda need a multi-tasker for help.” he chuckled.
And from that day she got appointed by Howard Stark not officially more as a friend, whenever he needed help she was there, as a lifesaver. She wanted to join Shield but didn’t because of who she was. Only a few people know her.
A few years passed and she was still in New York, working with Stark. Damon was in New York too, working with some of his buddies.
She was in Stark’s house for dinner. During those years, working with Stark. She made friends with his wife and his little son. 
“Do you age y/n, like ever,” Maria asked, making her laugh? “I mean look at your face, nothing has changed since the day I saw you.” “she is right y/n '' Howard also had to interrupt. “well...I use a lot of beauty products” they both laughed at that. 
She noticed Tony wasn’t eating his food. Nor was he talking with anyone. When the dinner was over, she went to tony. “What happened buddy? Why so angry?” she asked playfully. 
At first, he didn’t reply, making her frown. “I’m angry with dad” there came the reply. “Oh okay, what did he do? Tell me” “he is always busy, always talking about his work or that Captain America friend of his, he loves him” he grumbled. She laughed seeing that little boy being jealous of Steve. “oh, so you don’t like Captain America?” “like? I hate him” she sighed. “Well, it’s okay if you don’t like someone you know. You can’t like everyone all the time. But hating someone is not right, someone you don't know, hating someone is not cool.” she told him nicely. “You know your dad always talks about you with me, how much he loves you. But I don’t hate you. That even makes me love you more, you know. Always listening to your stories makes me love you more.” she told him. “Dad always talks about me,” he asked surprisingly. She nodded “always” then she mentioned him to come closer when he did “it’s okay. I don’t like a lot of people too but don’t tell anyone.” she whispered in his ear making him giggle.
With that, she left the Stark residence and went towards her house…..
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werezmastarbucks · 5 years
Blunt hook
Kai Parker x fem!reader smut
gif not mine
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that’s like the first and the last smut I ever write ugh yeet
also I wrote this very cool thing on psychological analysis of Kai’s head bugs. check it out, it’s on my main blog. I love it.
word count: 2788
choking (light), fingering, dom!Kai, female reader
The reader had helped Kai escape hell, so now he’s trying to get her to side with him in everything else, too. However, Y/N is too stubborn, and not afraid of physical pain. Thank f*ck Kai always has a plan B.
The sky was full of Perseids and sound. Kai was taking his time and never hurried himself, but still found it was rather curious how long it takes to get used to a new form of living. Every. Damn. Time. It’s been a couple of months since he got out of hell, and every single day now he was amazed, unmistakably, by the air. I mean, can you imagine? It actually flows right into your nose and then down your throat or whatever. And it tastes so good! Being a vampire sure enhanced all the sensations, too. He was practically happy every day, agitated, even. The only thing was…
He shrugged, distracting himself from the stars and the comets flying ahead in white blinding flashes. What a beauty, he thought, what an unexpected beauty he thought he could never appreciate.
Then he saw her. And the idea came to him. All he needed at this point of being out of hell was a tiny little detail for the ascendant. It was maddening to think that virtually everything he needed was in his hands, except for this teeny-tiny metal hook less than a pinky nail in size, shiny and blunt. Without it, he could not travel back to the prison world. Without it, he could not get the reaper out. Without it, the devil would not let go of him and let him be. And the Boring Faces took it away from him. How insensitive of them not to take his lust for life into consideration.
But her. She might be of use and help. She went out of her way to open the gates of hell to let him crawl out. She went through being tortured, which means he won’t get anything out of her by inflicting pain. Kai had something on his mind though; she was wearing a dress.
Y/N was standing with her head tilted back, almost falling, looking at the cluster of the burning comets shooting through the horizontal line.
A light gust of wind brushed her hair, and then a hand grabbed her by the forearm. Y/N swayed, but managed to stay on her feet, and then she was pulled aside. Kai shot her a mad glance and walked, casually but fast, and she had nothing else to do but follow him, trying to move her feet as quick as possible.
Stalling would take a considerable amount of wit, so she started thinking right away, clutching her purse out of nervousness. Nobody considered her feeling for this nut job. Nobody. N/Y, hold him off as long as you can, but no sweat. Forget what you’ve gone through for him and lie to his face while we betray him yet again. Just stay here between the two flames, nothing special.
She sighed, trying to wiggle out of Kai’s grab, because his fingers bit into her flesh like burning coals. Kai looked back at her, dropping speed a little bit, but his eyes said nothing.
“What?” she gasped, trying to loosen his fingers. Kai didn’t give in, dragging her on towards the shade of trees. People were stepping away politely as they walked, like none of this seemed strange to them. Y/N finally levelled with Kai, but he still didn’t let go of her arm, clutching on her like she could vanish in thin air.
“Talk”, he commanded, throwing her to the side of a tree. He looked out from the shadow, making sure all the lights and the babbling people were left aside, blind to their conversation here. Their noise was still nearly unbearable, but Kai was getting better at focusing every day.
She caught herself, pressing her back to the trunk of a birch tree, and held onto it. Kai’s face as white in the shade, silvered by the faint moonlight and the rare specks of golden light from the bonfires. His eyes seemed completely black, the pupils enlarged, like he was on the verge of screaming form all the smells, and sounds, and the most of all, impatience.
“Start talking, Y/N. Where is it?”
“I don’t know what you’re on about”, she tried to make her smile seem innocent and failed, unable to hide the slow excitement that was rising in her. That. That is why she’s completely useless in things like that. She already forgot where they hid the dam detail even if she knew.
Kai grabbed on her purse, pulling on the strap. She barely managed to bend her head to let it slide off her shoulders. One second later, and she would’ve been choked, or beheaded. The vampire opened her handbag, thrashing it with sharp movements. She let out a giggle as he threw it aside, half empty.
Blood ran to her face as the vampire stepped up, closing a shadow on her. His arm flew up and rested on the trunk just above her head, and she felt comfortably caged. Kai licked his lips, trying to hold from acting right away, trying to come up with the most gracious way to get it out.
“Damon and his brother, they hid the last detail from my ascendant”, Kai elaborated,
“Come on, Y/N you know well what I’m talking about. Don’t make me hurt you”, he stared deep into her eyes like a snake charmer.
“I don’t actually want to hurt you”.
“I don’t know where it is, Kai. They don’t tell me. They know…”
Y/N paused, wondering if he could hear her heartbeat. Of course, he could. Irregular, quick, like a little puppy jumping and twisting in her chest, sending bright sparkles to her eyes, because she just can’t hide how much fun this all is. When fear goes away, there’s just fun.
Kai felt, this was the moment she could say something. He shifted; stooping above her, cupping her face with his palms. Soft hair was brushing the backs of his hands as he held her, pleading:
“They know you don’t want me to go back. Right? You don’t want me to go back to hell, do you, Y/N?”
She smiled sheepishly, thinking, what a bastard. He is one manipulative bastard with his blackish eyes and his perfect American chin. He tilted his head like a robot, knowing that was his best angle. Nothing worked. Kai felt her warmth, the hot spasms coming out of her skin, her desire was so obvious it was ridiculous, and yet she stood there, immovable like he didn’t matter. She was good, this one, stamina like a real fighter. Well, he guessed, torture and being alone for some time does that to people. Their skin touched and yet nothing happened, although he could practically hear her insides warming up, he could see the pupils of her eyes widening hungrily, and it made him feel weird, like he was hungry, too.
Y/N kept silent, thinking that would drive him mad enough out of a simple reason. She didn’t really have a plan. After all this is done, she thought, I’m moving the hell out of this cursed hole. She was as tired of the Boring Faces as Kai was, she just hid it better.
“Well”, his face hardened as his hands let go of her face. Kai looked at her, familiar violent glimmering dancing in his eyes. It was hard to tell in the dark whether he was smiling or grimacing. Maybe it was time to run, she couldn’t tell. Before she could decide anything, his whisper cut her ears like a razor.
“Maybe you’re hiding it somewhere here. Under your dress”.
Then his hand slid down so quickly she only felt it when it already was on her left thigh. Warm finger caressed her skin lightly, tracing its way up, until his palm lurked under the skirt. Y/N’s brain screamed: that feels not bad at all. Evident attractiveness of this undead heretic was burning her eyes. She was torn between staying prideful and keeping him at her side – for whatever reasons.
“Why aren’t you fighting me?” his voice brushed her face, she could almost taste its timbre. She bit her lower lip from the inside not to blurt out anything. Let him entertain himself, she’s not going to do his work. This man, this crazy type in front of her, manipulative, always with a plan, awoke a feeling in her, a desire to stand up to him, even if in this weird, submissive way. Well, she’ll figure that out, she thought. It’ll all unfold by itself. Right now, she just knew, she wouldn’t brush his arms off, no matter what he does, or how hard he does it.
Kai gasped comically.
“Are you my distraction?”
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A boyish, excited smile brightened his face. It lit with amusement and anticipation.
“What am I supposed to be distracting you from?” Y/N asked in a thin voice.
“Bae, everything”, he blurted readily.
His palm moved just as his eyes narrowed again. There was a shift in his mood. Like a kitten, that’s too young, he really did get distracted. The ascendant detail is important, sure. But there’s this one, propped up against a tree, and he’s curious as to why she’s not running, not giving in. She’s just smirking, almost brave enough to show him what she really wants. Fortunately, he can almost read her mind.
There was hunger inside of him, not only for blood, but an eerie sensation of dryness in is throat; the light-headedness when he realized he’s watching Y/N, but she doesn’t see him. When he’s just an invisible observer, and all she does is his by all means. Being in the crowd, really stop seeing people. Kai did the opposite, and he chose her. If you rid yourself of self a little bit – excuse the pun – you’re free to watch whoever you want. Kai’s seen way more than anybody else. The tip of her tongue snaking in the corner of her mouth, and the curves of her hips as she walked, the wild glimmering in the corners of her eyes. The slender fingers crooking on her cheeks, caressing her own neck. The softness of the earlobe pierced by the golden earring. The thin delicate skin on the inside of her elbow. Her cocky posture, ever-ironic grin letting out deep sigh of her tired, unamused voice.
The hidden soul of that girl was not pure. She was not pure. Kai was wondering if he’d contributed to that.
His hand touched the fabric of her underwear, and he felt comfortable. He pressed his thumb on her pubic bone, wondering, how hard would be too hard.
“Hands on the tree”, he ordered, and her palms were glued to the trunk in a second. Y/N pushed her back against it, trying to move as little as possible. Her thighs moved forward as she leaned backwards, the wings of her shoulder blades colliding with the tree. Kai towered over her like a leopard over a cheetah cub.
“Let’s see if it’s there, do you mind?” he murmured, and Y/N bumped the back of her head against the hard trunk. His fingers pulled her panties down and pressed on her clit persistently. Y/N neck went hot. Kai watched carefully as her nostrils flared a little, like he didn’t know what he’s doing, like it was something alien he was touching. He was trying to figure out the connection between the hunger he was experiencing, and the warm, welcoming wetness of the inside of her. Y/N was thinking about how smooth his skin was. It was so fucking smooth, seemingly perfect to touch. She opened her mouth to say something, but Kai’s other hand immediately pressed on her face, covering her mouth.
“Nah-uh. Keep quiet. Do as I say”.
He made himself horny saying that. He didn’t expect these words out of his own mouth, just as his fingers slid inside of her, and he felt Y/N sucking on the air from underneath his palm. She tried to bite the skin lightly, but swayed, obedient, never looking away. Kai’s eyes were dark and calm, like oceans of Malivore, hypnotizing, eyes with a trace of tragic smile deep inside.
Y/N wanted so bad to raise her hands and weave them around his neck, to hang herself onto him, shifting all the weight, and ride his hand. Keeping still made all her muscles sing a tense melody of pain, making pleasure all the more even, sending it like sharp flashes of color all down her body. She begged to god that she wasn’t shaking, because she really couldn’t tell anymore; she was throwing all her might into not moaning as his three fingers were moving inside, rubbing the sensitive skin, sliding in and out, pinching and pulling. Her right knee gave in, and she swayed again, nails clawing into the bark; Kai took his palm off her mouth and wrapped it around the girl’s throat; her whole neck went into his fist like it was carved for it. He propped her up and squeezed her throat, lightly first, then tighter and tighter, until her mouth opened a little, and his own jaws separated as he looked inside. His tongue pressed against his canines violently, bursting the tip of it and bleeding into his mouth. The hot blood pumped into his face and nose, and he grabbed her by the clit, immersing his fingers inside down to the first knuckles. He was fucking her, they both realized, with his hand, and that was one way to do it. Y/N propelled her hips, giving in to her own screaming body, because that movement was the only one she could think of. The ultimate goal of that one moment was to string herself onto his hand, deeper, deeper, harder, so that he could destroy her, tear her apart.
Kai loosened his hand on her throat just a little, to hear her whimper as her eyes rolled. Biting shiver shot through Y/N’s body, but she was glad to see she stood; trunk of the birch tree was hurting her head, so she tilted it forward a little and gasped for air as Kai’s hand let go of her. Both his hands, to be precise. He rubbed his right hand on Y/N’s thigh, leaving a hot trace of cum on her skin in gentle touches. He couldn’t help tracing the sharp bone of her hip, drawing circles around the tip absent-mindedly. The only way he could now relieve himself was to grab and squeeze her hip possessively, making her groan softly. There was supposed to be hurt. He usually hurt someone as a result of… the process. The normal pattern of events was him standing with his hands covered in thick dark blood in the end of the picture, gratified deeply by the seizing screams, calming his beast down. Pain. Was it something like that? Kai looked deep into her face and read her. He saw that orgasm was pretty much like physical pain, only, it made her show her teeth in a smile.
It was over, Y/N figured; blood was pumping in her ears, and even if he said something, she couldn’t hear. She wrapped her hands around Kai’s neck and rested on him, locking her fingers on the short, soft hairs on the back of his head. Just for a moment, he’s going to belong to her, while he’s whispering his hot threats in her ear. His voice, the scent, the breadth of his shoulders – all hers, just for now, as he’s holding her against this very tree.
“Come on now, Y/N”.
Kai knew he had like three seconds to slither inside of her mind while she’s fragile. While she’s messed up, sweet smell of pleasure and indolence pouring out of her like a syrup; he could as well just lick it off her skin.
“Where is it? Where is it”, he pressed his face against hers, listening to her deep, erratic breathing. He was keeping up with his own noise, confused by the sudden outburst of eagerness and a boner. He had to be focused, but he couldn’t but admire a little this oily, feminine beauty. Her wrists pulsating with blood were so close to his face the smell flooded him.
The bravery of her, though, as she lifted her face and looked him in the eye. Pupils expanded, glistening with lust and mischief. She said:
“I really don’t know. Why don’t you try it with you mouth next?”
The smile curling her lips made the groan wake in the depths of his chest. Kai let the hot air out of his nose, clenching his jaws. He brushed off Y/N’s arms, pushing away, and stepped out of the shadows with an audible roar. The sound of her laughter was ringing in his ears.  
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commander-krios · 1 year
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As always, I'm blown away by the beautiful art by my love @valkblue. Damon and Astrea look so soft, so in love, so absolutely perfect. The colors are gorgeous, the background is perfection... gosh, thank you so much, my dear!
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daylight-imagines · 5 years
Miss Me?
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader Warning: Bits of violence. Nothing different than what’s in the show. Word Count: 4419 Request: del-rcys
Part 2     Part 3
You had a habit of getting yourself into bad situations. Sometimes it wasn’t your fault. Usually, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. For months you’d been traveling. You’d been all over the states and you saved your sister’s recommendation for last: New Orleans.
Caroline, of course, had never been there. But she said a friend had told her about it. You knew that friend was Klaus even if she’d never admit it. You didn’t even want to think about what the Originals were up to, and had every intention of avoiding them during your time there. Things were crazy enough back in Mystic Falls. You didn’t want to be dragged into the Mikaelsons’ drama as well. After all the last time you were around them you had died. Now you were one of the few hybrids left living. 
You hadn’t wanted to leave Mystic Falls. But it was important to learn as much about siphoners as possible. The Twins’ powers were growing and you needed to be able to help them. That’s why you were traveling. You’d been all over the country talking to different covens and witches. Finding ways to help the twins. 
Caroline and the twins were the only family you had left. It hadn’t been that long since your mom died. You were eighteen when she told you about the supernatural- a year before the Salvatore brothers came back to Mystic Falls. By then you had already known though. She’d died a human death even if it was too soon. That’s what she wanted, but that didn’t lessen the hurt. When you were young, the two of you weren’t close, but things had gotten better between the two of you. Now she was gone. That wound was taking a while to heal.
You and Caroline didn’t have the same father. Your parents had met in high school and had a short relationship that ended up with your mom pregnant at eighteen. Liz had granted your dad full custody because she thought it would be safer and happier for you. Even then she planned to be sheriff.
Your childhood had been amazing. Your dad had inherited his father’s business, and it didn’t require too much of his attention. He usually only had to go into work for a few hours each day. Once you were old enough those hours usually happened when you were in school. 
Before you started school, most of your time was spent with your dad. He took you everywhere. It didn’t matter whether it was work, a business meeting, or town function you were with him. The only times you were really apart where during the weekends with your mom. Every other weekend he’d load you and your bags into the car. When you were younger,  you’d be kicking and screaming. He always promised that if you really wanted to come home he’d come to get you. It didn’t happen often but every time you called he was there.
You were twelve when you had your first big fight with your mom. It had been a pointless argument. You wanted to spend the last few days of the weekend at your friend’s house, but she said no. You’d begged for hours. She wouldn’t budge. So you grabbed your bag and went outside to call your dad. He was there within twenty minutes. When you got in the car he didn’t drive away as you expected. 
“Running away doesn’t solve the problem. You can only do that if you face them,” he said. “But it’s your choice. You can go back in and spend time with your mom and sister, or I’ll take you home.” 
Of course, you were twelve so you went home. But it wasn’t the only time you heard those words. It was what your dad always told you, and eventually, it sunk in. You never ran away. It didn’t matter what it was: fights at school, bad grades, fights with your mom. You didn’t run away and you didn’t give up. 
Sixteen was a hard year. You were in a car accident and the other driver didn’t survive. You hadn’t been the one that was drinking yet the universe decided that death was on your hands. The next full moon you shifted for the first time.
For three days you missed school because you were sick. Every muscle in your body ached, you had a fever, and you felt nauseous. The only times you had gotten out of bed were to use the bathroom. You couldn’t eat and you only slept for a few minutes at a time. On the fourth day, your dad came into your room a few hours before dark. He walked over to you and pulled you up.
“Dad, what’s happening?” 
“It’s ok baby. We’ve gotta go downstairs.”
“I don’t feel good dad.” You stood up but started to fall. He caught you and picked you up.
“Everything’s gonna be alright.”
He carried you downstairs into the basement and laid you down on the floor between two columns while he went to lock the doors. You watched as he locked it and put a board across it. He did the same for all the doors. He came back over and bent down beside you. He grabbed your arm and locked a chain around it.
“I need you to listen to me,” he said. “Something’s happening to you. There’s not enough time to explain it right now. I promise I’ll explain it tomorrow.” 
He locked your other arm up then your legs and stood up. The pain in your body increased and you let out a scream. 
“Dad what’s happening,” you cried. The pain kept getting worse. It felt like your bones were going to break through your skin. 
Your eyes widened when your dad yelled. You watched as his bones started to break.
“It’s alright. Look away.”
You let out one last scream before everything went black. 
He explained the werewolf gene to you the next day. He explained how the curse had affected your family for generations. It was a major shock. Especially since you had to hide it from everyone even your mom and Caroline. It hurt to think your mom would want nothing to do with you if she knew, but you understood that she was raised to believe that the supernatural was wrong. Sharing that secret brought you and your dad even closer.
Things changed when the Salvatore brothers came back to Mystic Falls. By then both of your parents had told you about the supernatural, and you immediately knew what they were when you met them. You just wished you’d figured it out before Damon had got a hold of Caroline. When she told you what he’d done to her you’d been ready to kill him. If she hadn’t asked you not to, you would have tried. 
You knew when Caroline turned into a vampire. After her friends, you were the first to find out. She was terrified you’d reject her, so you told her your secret. She never told anyone which you were thankful for. But when your mom found out about Caroline you decided it was time to tell her the truth. 
After that, you were dragged into all the drama your sister’s friends faced. You didn’t mind it since you got to make sure Caroline was safe, but sometimes it was irritating. Especially when their solutions were poorly designed. 
Even though you had to deal with all the threats Mystic Falls faced, you hadn’t been directly harmed or threatened- minus a few wounds here and there. That changed when Klaus came into the picture. By that time you’d experienced nearly fifty full moons. Breaking the Sun and Moon curse sounded like a dream come true, but you’d never want someone else’s life to be the price. You weren’t surprised when Elijah told you all the curse was fake though. It also sounded too good to be true. Too staged. 
Surprisingly you liked Elijah, but you also kept in mind that he was a threat. You also knew your friends wanted him gone, so you didn’t get attached. You had been at the dinner party Damon threw, and you hadn’t been thrilled when they’d daggered him. But you knew there was nothing you could do to change it.
The first time Klaus came to Mystic Falls you and your dad had luckily been able to stay off his radar. The second time you hadn’t been that lucky.
The two of you came home late after having dinner with your mom and Caroline. Everything seemed normal until you stepped into the living room. He was there sitting calmly on your couch.
“Hello. I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Klaus.”
Your dad stepped in front of you. “Why are you here?”
“Werewolves are hard to find, and there are two of you here. You see, I have a proposition for you,” Klaus said. “I want to make hybrids. And the two of you would make fantastic candidates.”
“No,” you said. He turned his gaze to you and smiled. That smile sent fear through your entire body.
“I wasn’t really asking love.”
He stood up and went to move towards you, but your dad stepped forward. 
“Please. I’ll do what you want, but please leave my daughter alone.”
“Why would I do that?” 
“If you do I’ll be loyal to you until the day I die.” 
“Dad no-“
Klaus thought it over for a moment. A sire bond was helpful, but real loyalty was different. 
“I can promise to spare her today. But if in a month or a year I need more hybrids our deal may change.”
Your dad wasn’t happy with that arrangement but it was better than the alternative. He agreed. 
“If your loyalty to me falters. I’ll make you kill her.”
Within a second Klaus had fed your dad his blood and snapped his neck. You couldn’t help the scream that left your mouth. You dropped next to him and looked up at Klaus.
“Why are you doing this?” 
He didn’t answer instead handing you a vile of blood.
“When he wakes have him drink that.”
He also handed you a slip of paper with a phone number on it and told you to give it to your father. Before leaving he turned back to look at you. 
“If you ever decide you want to become one of us, you know where to find me.” 
“Don’t count on it,” you said. 
After he left you had called Caroline and she brought Stefan and Tyler over. In the end, it had been alright. Your dad hadn’t been too badly affected by his change of species. 
Things calmed down for a while after that. Then an invitation to a ball held by the Mikaelsons arrived at your doorstep. You were afraid that if you didn’t go and Klaus found out he’d be angry and take it out on your father. The ball wasn’t awful. You got to spend time with your sister and friends. But you were surprised when Elijah came up to you later in the night.
“Y/n correct?” Elijah asked.
“I’m surprised you remember. We only met briefly and it wasn’t the best circumstances.”
“I did end up with a dagger in my heart.”
You rolled your eyes. “I had no idea about that plan.”
“You didn’t approve?”
“My friends’ plans don’t always have much thought in them.”
He laughed. “I have to agree.” 
“My, my brother who is this lovely woman?” You turned to see a man younger than Elijah walking over. They shared very similar looks, but this one had a glint in his eyes that both scared and excited you. 
“Y/n this is my brother Kol. Kol this is Y/n Y/L/N.”
“It’s nice to meet you.”
“And you as well.” He placed a kiss to your hand. 
“If you would excuse me,” Elijah said. He left when you nodded. 
“I don’t know why someone as beautiful as you would be talking to my brother.”
“I talk to a lot of people,” you said. “It doesn’t make them special.”
He smiled and was about to reply when Klaus walked up behind him. Kol watched as you seemed to shrink into yourself and lower your gaze to the floor. He turned and saw his brother was the reason. He didn’t like it. 
“Brother, I see you’ve met Y/n.” He turned to you. “I’m glad you came, love.”
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
“Nik how about you go find that blonde you’ve been ogling all night instead of ruining everyone else’s fun.”
Once Klaus was gone Kol turned back to you. 
“What’s my brother done to you darling?”
“My dad is one of his hybrids and that blonde is my sister.”
He nodded. “So you're afraid to anger him.”
“He’d take it out on my family.”
“Yes, he would.” He smirked. “How about we make him unhappy for a moment?”
He held out a hand. “Would you dance with me Y/n.”
You smiled and took it. “I’d love to.”
The look on Klaus’s face had lifted your spirits.
You knew about the white oak your friends had found, but you didn’t get involved in what they were planning. You stayed out of any plans they had involving going against Klaus. 
Your life continued normally until the hunter came to town. Klaus forced you to help find and capture him. Then you had to watch him. When Klaus let for Italy the hunter got out, and he was killed by Elena. After that things went back to what’s normal when living in Mystic Falls. You spent your time learning about the five, helping deal with Jeremy Gilbert, and trying to keep your family safe. Once again your normal was going to change.
You were sitting on the couch watching TV when there was a loud banging on your door. You opened it to find Klaus standing there. He wasn’t happy. 
“You’re coming with me love.”
He grabbed your arm and pulled you along behind him. He took you into the woods. You stumbled along behind him, but he never slowed. You had already noticed the sword in his hand. You were afraid to think about what was going to happen.
“Klaus, what’s going on?”
“The fact that you don’t know means you don’t have to die.”
“Quiet now.”
You could see people standing a few feet away. When you got closer you realized it was the hybrids. Your dad was one of them. Klaus let go of you and you leaned against the tree closest to you. 
“Stay here and don’t move,” he said. “And stay quiet.”
You watched as he moved behind one of the hybrids and ripped his heart out. He moved from hybrid to hybrids not sparing one. Then your father stepped forward and you felt your heart stop.
“You would risk your daughter’s life for this?”
“I would risk mine,” your dad answered.
“You’re going to lose yours while she watches.”
He turned and saw you. You’re sure it was an awful sight. You had scratches all over from stumbling through the wood and tears ran down your face.
Your dad let out a sigh. He knew there wasn’t a way out of this. He mouthed I love you before Klaus ripped out his heart.  
Your scream cut through the silence that had fallen over the woods. It was an awful type of scream that seemed to stem from your very soul. Sobs took over your entire body. You couldn’t breathe and you couldn’t think. Klaus followed the last hybrid and you stumbled over to your dad. Another scream tore itself from your throat when you saw him. You fell to the ground beside him. You were twenty-one years old, but you felt like a child. You sat by the body unable to move. 
You watched Klaus come out of the crypt. He looked at you and threw the sword on the ground. 
“Come here, love.”
“You killed them. You can leave now.”
Suddenly he was right in front of you and you stumbled backward. He grabbed your arm and pulled you up.
“I told your father if he ever betrayed me I’d kill you, but I have a better idea.”
You watched as he opened the vein on his wrist. 
“No.” You tried to break free from his grip but he held on tighter. He forced his blood down your throat. You coughed and stepped back. “Elena’s human. If you kill me I’ll just die.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure,” he said. “You’ll want to go see your sister when you wake.”
He snapped your neck and left you in the woods. Tyler found you and took you to Caroline. It turned out Caroline had taken some of Elena’s blood and hidden it. She wanted it just in case something ever happened to you. You were glad she did. You’d be dead if she hadn’t.
So you became a hybrid. One of three in the entire world. You spent the next few days breaking your sire bond. After that, you locked yourself in your house. You didn’t leave and wouldn’t let anyone in. Three days passed before Caroline forced herself inside. 
She found you in the living room. The room looked like a storm had blown through it. Furniture had been broken, glass was shattered, and you sat in the middle of it all.
“Oh Y/n.”
“Go away, Caroline.”
She stepped over larger pieces of debris and sat next to you. She grabbed your hand and frowned. It had taken a grey tint and there was dried blood from the times you’d gotten hurt during your fit. 
“You’re starving.”
You didn’t answer. You knew that’s what was happening, but you didn’t care. Klaus chose to turn you into a hybrid, you could choose if you lived like one. 
“You know I didn’t want to be a vampire,” Caroline said. “But now I wouldn’t give it up for anything.”
“For the rest of my life, I’ll be known as one of Klaus’s hybrids.”
“Don’t let him be the reason you don’t live.”
You stood up and ran your hands through your hair. “Why should I live Caroline?”
You walked slowly towards the kitchen, and she followed.
“There’s no reason why you shouldn’t!”
“My dad is dead Caroline,” you shouted. 
“You still have a family Y/n.” She was crying now. “I know how close you and your dad were. But we’re still here.”
You held onto the doorway to keep yourself from falling. You couldn’t cry anymore but that didn’t stop you from shaking with sobs.
“It hurts so much Care.” 
“I know,” She said. “But it’ll get better.”
You took a deep breath and looked at her.
“If I look as bad as you we’re both in trouble.”
She laughed. “No matter how bad I look it’s always better than you.”
She walked over and put your arm around her shoulders.
“Come on. The funeral is tomorrow and you can barely stand.” 
You made it through the funeral, and you even made it through the days after. Being a hybrid wasn’t awful either. You didn’t like having to drink blood to survive, but you never had to shift again unless you wanted to. You didn’t have to live in fear of the full moon. You didn’t have to be afraid to hurt someone. 
Klaus hadn’t contacted you since the night he killed your dad. You were shocked. You assumed he’d try and make you his servent like his old hybrids. Not that he could, since your sire bond was broken. It was a shock that he didn’t try.
In the weeks after your dad’s funeral, you moved out of your house. It hurt to leave. You grew up in that house, but you couldn’t live there without your dad. You moved into an apartment in town and went back to taking classes at Whitmore. You tried to live normally, but you didn’t know if that was possible anymore. 
For a while, you were able to pretend like everything was fine. But when Christmas time came you couldn’t pretend.
It was a few days before Christmas- the first one without your dad. It was his favorite holiday. That reminder made the pain of his death come back in full force. That was another downside to being a hybrid- the heightened emotions. So you ended up at the bar. You knew it was a bad coping mechanism, but you didn’t care. Other people deserve to be happy, and you weren’t in the mood to pretend like you were.
You were in the bar for hours before anything interesting happened. By then you were sure if you had still been a normal werewolf you’d be at the hospital due to the amount you drank. 
The doors opened and someone walked in. You could feel his eyes on you before you turned around. Kol sat next to you, but you didn’t lookup. 
“I hear you’ve been through the wringer since the last time we saw one another.” 
You sighed. “Your brother sucks.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
“Why are you talking to me?” 
“I enjoyed our past conversations. Especially the one at my mother’s ball.”
You smiled. “That pissed Klaus off.”
You regretted looking at him the moment you did it. It was like all the air had left your lungs and your heart sped up. That hadn’t happened before, but he also hadn’t been looking at you like that before. Your eyes met and it was almost like you couldn’t look away. He shouldn't have looked at you like that. You weren’t sure why he was looking at you like that. Flirting was one thing but that- shouldn’t happen. But if it did...no you couldn’t even think about it. Unfortunately for you, the sad emotions weren’t the only ones heightened as a hybrid.
“Are you alright darling?”
That damn smirk. Part of you wanted to slap it off his face. The other part wanted something very different. You let out a breath and realized your mouth was dry. You finished your drink and turned back to Kol determined to keep your composure. 
“I haven’t seen you around lately.”
“Did you miss me, darling?” He asked as the bartender filled both your glasses. “I’ve been running errands for my brother.”
“You listen to Klaus?”
“To avoid being out in a box for an unknown amount of time that’s the price I have to pay.”
That made you stop and think. You couldn’t imagine having that kind of relationship with Caroline. You were always close and always looked out for each other. What Klaus did to his siblings, you’d never understand.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s been a thousand years. I’m over it,” he said. “How are you enjoying your vampire qualities?”
“I forgot you’ve got prudes teaching you,” he said. “Imagine what it would be like if you embraced it.”
“Then how would you teach me?”
He moved to where his chest as pressed against your back. He leaned in closer to you and motioned towards the other end of the bar. There was a man there who’d been in the bar longer than you. 
“See him?” 
You nodded struggling to concentrate on what he was saying. But one of his hands was running up and down your arm leaving a trail of warmth everywhere it touched.
“Now listen, focus on his heartbeat.”
It wasn’t hard. Besides the bartender, he was the only other person in the bar. Staying in your seat was the hard part. The heartbeat was the first thing you heard but then you the blood flowing through his veins. You hadn't fed on a human, but you'd be lying if you said you didn’t crave it. Blood bags weren’t enough. There was a constant burning in the back of your throat.
“Are you listening darling?”
“Mmhmm.” You were fighting every part of your body to stay in your seat. 
“You get him alone, compel him to stay quiet, take your fill of his blood, then compel him to forget it ever happened. Or till he’s dead if that what you prefer.”
You took a sharp breath and turned away. You leaned against his chest taking deep breaths. The veins under your eyes had appeared and you felt your fangs extend. 
“Well well darling, have you never fed straight from the vein before?”
She shook your head. Kol’s arm was wrapped around your back and he was practically holding you up. 
“Here’s your chance.” 
You looked up into his eyes. He was different from your friends, he was even different than his siblings. There was none of the self-loathing or unhappiness you saw in the other vampires. He loved what he was. He took pride in it and made the most of it. 
You realized how close the two of you were and couldn't help moving your gaze to his lips. You both moved forward slowly. Your lips were centimeters apart when the door to the bar opened.
“Y/n.” Your sister’s voice snapped you out of your daze. Kol was gone. After making sure you had control of your face you turned to your sister. 
“Hey, Care.”
“Are you ok?”
You breathed a sigh of relief knowing she hadn’t seen you with Kol. Or she just wasn’t mentioning it. That wasn’t a conversation you were ready for.
“Yeah. Can you give me a ride home?
Caroline went to wait in the car while you paid for your drinks. When you stood up something crinkled in your pocket. You pulled out a piece of paper with a phone number on it. A phone number you were determined to use but shoved back into your pocket anyway.
Three years had gone by since your transition. That was the same amount of time that had gone by since you’d seen the originals. Kol died and you heard the rest ended up in New Orleans. You’d been in New Orleans for a week and had yet to see any of them. Of course, good things didn’t last. 
A shop in the French Quarter was owned by a witch who could give you information. After your meeting, you left ready to get back to your hotel. Of course, when you stepped out of the shop you came face to face with someone you thought you’d never see again- the same smirk on his face he had three years ago.
“Hello darling,” he said. “Miss me?”
Part 2  Part 3
I want to thank @del-rcys for requesting this series and coming up with some great plot ideas. This is going to be a long series, so if you want to be tagged in future parts comment here, send me a message, or send me an ask. Thank you for reading!!!
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steph-writing · 4 years
His fingers burn against the bare, sensitive skin of my stomach. My every breath comes out ragged, the anticipation building up in me with every feathery touch of his.
“Damon, please,” I breath out, trying to tug my hands free from the restraints on the bedposts once more, desperate to close the distance between us, to pull him closer and end this blissful torture he’s putting me through.
“Getting restless, are we?” I can’t see him through the blindfold he has me wearing, but the smirk is clear in his voice as he replies, his fingers leaving a burning trail on my skin as he drags them between my breasts.
He’s been teasing me for a while now. And I, tied up and blindfolded, can do nothing to speed things up.
Damon moves his hand up to my neck, and I gasp. This is driving me insane.
I wish I could touch him. I wish I could see him, run my hands through the smooth, dark strands of his hair, lose myself in his deep, sapphire eyes -- eyes I know are watching my every reaction.
But more than anything, I wish he would touch me.
I swallow thickly when Damon runs a thumb over my lips, pulling my bottom lip down. “Open up.”
Join me on Patreon for more! Kinktober | Damon x f!Traveler - Sensory Deprivation
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ao3feed-bamon · 4 years
by therickdiaries
All Anabella King ever wanted to have was a quiet, simple life. But when she wakes up one day with fangs, super senses and an unquenchable thirst for human blood... that's when things started to get a little complicated.
d.s x a.k (starting on 1x09 of the vampire diaries)
Words: 9369, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Vampire Diaries (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: The Originals (Vampire Diaries), Original Female Character(s), The Travelers (Vampire Diaries), Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, Caroline Forbes, Klaus Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson, Tyler Lockwood, Matt Donovan, Emily Bennett (Vampire Diaries)
Relationships: Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore, Alaric Saltzman/Damon Salvatore, Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Katherine Pierce/Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Damon Salvatore/Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore/Original Female Character(s), Caroline Forbes/Damon Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson/Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert/Stefan Salvatore, Caroline Forbes/Stefan Salvatore, Klaus Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, Katherine Pierce/Stefan Salvatore, Rebekah Mikaelson/Stefan Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore/Original Female Character(s), Klaus Mikaelson/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Inspired by The Vampire Diaries, Vampires, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, im bad at tags, i worked on this for four days pls be nice, I love my OC, pretty slow burn, Emotional Baggage, Unrequited Love, i love damon salavatore, :), ok im done i hope you enjoy, also on Wattpad, I AM SO BAD AT DESCRIPTIONS AND TAGGING DONT BE MAD I SWEAR ITS GOOD
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/23601487 via AO3 works tagged 'Bonnie Bennett/Damon Salvatore' https://archiveofourown.org/works/23601487
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novellaquill · 6 years
Hold On
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Pairing: Stefan x Reader
Warnings: Depression, Self-harm, angst, suicide
Summary: Stefan tries to stay at your side and make you feel loved while you struggle with depression and try to be there for him.
A/N: If you or a person you know is struggling with depression please talk to someone and take the necessary steps to get help. I know it’s hard because I deal with it as well but I have support from the people that love me and if there’s no one there for you just know that I will always be here.
Key: Y/N-Your Name, N/N-Nick Name F/F-Favorite Food F/D-Favorite Drink F/S-Favorite Snack Y/F/N-Your Full Name
Loving and fighting
Accusing, uniting
I can't imagine a world with you gone
It was like life just couldn’t get any worse. Elena was still in her magic sleeping coma, Katherine was back, again, came back the Queen of Hell and was now playing to use the hellfire to destroy Mystic Falls. Perfect. Everything was just perfect.
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of
I'd be so lost if you left me alone
Being the only other witch beside Bonnie the pressure of saving the town on top of everyone who had died since you moved her was just too much on your broken mind to handle. You wanted it to stop, you wanted everything to just stop. Who would care anyway? No one except your loving and now human boyfriend Stefan who adored you and worshipped the ground you walked on.
You locked yourself in the bathroom
But by the time you had thought about him, it was too late. You had already locked yourself in the bathroom at 11:58 at night. Now you were trying to clean your wounds and wait so you can sneak back into bed but every second was a century. A soft knock took your attention away from the crimson liquid that pooled down your arm, ”(Y/N)? What are you doing up this late at night?” said the sleepy voice of the youngest Salvator of brothers, Stefan. Well Shit. ”I just had to pee go back to sleep I'll be in bed in a minute, ” you said turning on the faucet to make your story sound believable. ”(N/N) why is the door locked, ” he asked jiggling the knob, ”Can I come in?” ”Just hold on a second I'm almost done.” Now that made him worry you two are completely comfortable with one another that you didn't mind being in the bathroom together and never had to lock the door unless Damon was home. Damon had left 4 hours ago and had yet to return home. Stefan just couldn't shake that sinking feeling in his stomach, ”(Y/F/N) open the door or I’m going to break it down!”
Lying on the floor when I break through
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
“STEFAN I SAID I WAS-FUCK!” You had turned too quickly and hit the ground face first. That was enough for him to break the door down and rush to your pulling you in to feel your heartbeat. There was a silence in the bathroom and a tension so hard that you need Diamond to cut through it. Thankfully, you healed so no hospitals but unfortunately, you lost some blood and on top of your magic and emotional turmoil you almost fainted.
Can you hear me screaming "please don't leave me"
”Why? What happened? Why did you do this to yourself, again, please I need to understand, ” he begged rocking your shaking form on the bathroom floor. This wasn't the first time he found your bloody body in the bathroom but it had been a long time since the last time this happened. You nuzzled your face into his neck feeling his tears rain down on your head while your own was on his shoulder. ”Everything that has happened it was too much it like it's up to me and Bonnie to save the day. The whole town is depending on us and if we fail...” you couldn't bring yourself to finish your sentence. Stefan shushed you and wiped tears, ”Everything will work out so don't think like that.” ”Why are you still with me Stefan, ” you asked looking deeply into his eyes, ”I mean I'm an emotional disaster and I'm sure you don't need another burden on your shoulders.” ”You're not a b-” you cut him off, ”And if I can't get my emotions in check I can't do magic properly, then who is going to want me then Stefan? Who's going to need me then?! I'm scared and I don't know what’s wrong with me.”
”Hold on, I still want you, ” he said kissing your forehead and picking you up bridal style, saying
”Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, I still need you”
A long endless highway, you're silent beside me
Drivin' a nightmare I can't escape from
He shouldn't have left you alone, not after Katherine had decided to pay you a visit and push you further down that dark hole that you had just came out of. He kept looking over at you in the passengers trying to not let your silence get to him and focus on getting you to the hospital. Seeing you like this was a nightmare that he constantly tried to escape from but it never seemed to over.
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadin'
Hiding in the shock and the chill in my bones
He prayed to a God that he didn't believe in for you to see live. You couldn't die. He couldn't see you die. The very thought chilled him to the bone. The shock of knowing that you had tried to kill yourself because of his ex didn't settle in until he pulled up at the hospital.
They took you away on a table
I pace back and forth as you lay still
Thanks to him not being a vampire anymore he couldn't give you any blood to heal and thanks to everyone for not answering they had left him pacing back and forth waiting for anything that would give him a sign that you would live and he could see your beautiful smile. His N/N’s beautiful instead of the scene of your still, lifeless body taken away from him on the table.
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
The relief when he finally had you into his arms was soon overpowered by the dreadful feeling that strangled all the happiness he felt because of his lovely girlfriend, his world had not wakened up from her slumber. Stefan laid his head on your chest listening to the beat of your heart silently, begging you not to leave him like many others before you have done in the past.
Can you hear me screaming, "please don't leave me"
Hold on, I still want you
Come back, I still need you
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on, still need you
You didn't know when you woke up but you knew that you needed Stefan. You tried to leave but the doctors wouldn't let you until you were mentally stable. You could suck up to the doctors so they'd let you go, you just needed some time.
I don't wanna let go
You didn't want to let go of this relationship. You didn't want to let go of Stefan. Honestly, you didn't try to kill yourself Katherine pushed you off a building but because of your history that wasn't believable.
I know I'm not that strong
You knew that you're not as strong as Bonnie or Caroline but you had to get through this. You wanted to live to spend the rest of your life with the people you loved. You wanted to get married, have kids, and grow old with the man you loved so much.
I just wanna hear you
Saying baby, let's go home
You wanted to hear him, ”Let’s go home (Y/N), ” only for you two to travel because home was wherever you are together. For some reason, almost dying puts some shit into perspective. However, the whole time you having doctors nurses in your face you didn't see him, not even once. You could pray that he’d take you home.
Let's go home
Stefan’s P.O.V.
Yeah, I just wanna take you home
I wanted nothing more than to take (Y/N) home and hold her close as we binge watch random shows stuffy our faces with (F/S) wasting the day away. I could only hope that the hospital cooked (F/F) and gave (F/D) so you would cooperate. A tear fell down my cheek, I would never watch another show with you again. I would never take you home. Katherine's pleas stole my attention from you, ”No. No.Stefan, please.” Looking directly at the flames I stabbed her in the chest, ”Burn in hell.” Turning to Damon I say my final words, “Goodbye Brother.” The flames were the last the I saw before it all went black.
Gentle hands ran through my hair coaxing me to wake up. The soft sound of crying would be barely noticeable if the person crying wasn’t a few inches above me and their tear wasn’t falling on my face. Begrudgingly opening my the sight above nearly made me believe I had died if the scorch marks on both of our bodies weren't painful proof that you had saved me from the flames of hell. ”How?” I asked voice raspy from smoke, ”I caused the lights to explode and escaped through the window, you know, I don't like hospitals especially when my boyfriend tries to get himself kill by fire from hell.” ”I was trying to protect you. You were so stressed I-” Your lips connected with my mine shutting me up. I instinctively hold the back of your with my hand tenderly adding pressure deepening the kiss on for you to pull away leaving me breathless. ”I appreciate it but getting yourself killed won't help at all.” ”But-” ”Shhh Stefan you dying wouldn't help me. I'd be devastated. I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I don't want to drag you down either so I’m giving you a choice to-” This time I cut you off, ”Hold on, I still want you.” A smile spread across your face, ”I still need you.”
Come back, I still need you
“That’s great that you two made up but you continue to be cutesy I'm going to throw up.”
Well, that got me in the feels, honestly, Stefan’s death killed me and this song made me cry. So putting them together without killing my favorite Salvatore brother off works for me. Thanks for reading!
~Novella Quill
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader word count: 4 771 / reading time: 17 minutes warnings: mentions of smut (?!) is that even a warning? idk but just to be safe. summary: Mystic Falls is under attack; Kai and Reader are keeping a secret from her friends, though secrets have a way of coming out. *gif by me ________________________________________
Y/N dragged her feet across the floor, left her coffee mug on the desk next to her laptop and glanced at her boyfriend who was currently asleep in their bed. It was barely 6am, the first sunrays were seeping through the semi-closed curtains but none of it seemed to catch her attention. No. That was all Kai, who barely had a sheet covering his bare naked body. There were spots of blood on the pillow and a couple of other places as they had ‘wrestled’ the night before which would be nightmare to clean but none of it bothered her. Instead, just before she pulled her chair to sit down and give her history assignment one last look before sending it in, she tiptoed as quietly as she could and bent over him. Her fingers ran though his messy hair for a moment, her lips touched his briefly and almost instantly he returned the kiss. Before she knew what was happening, Kai had grabbed her and tossed her under him on the bed. His body pressed against hers firmly while their fingers intertwined on either side of her head and he continued to kiss her as if he was starving. For all she knew, he was. It was just how her life with him was. They had gone for not being able to stand each other to not being able to stand being away from each other in a couple of months. Though their romance was still a forbidden love because if her friends caught up on what she had been up to, or the real reason why Kai had softened up the past few months… things would not end well for any of them.
   “Kai—“ she barely managed to whisper, instantly getting lost in his eyes. His lips curled up into a wide smile and he brushed his nose against hers for a second before kissing her briefly again. Y/N used his momentary distraction and rolled on top of him. “Slow down –“
   “Not possible.” he grinned, intertwining his fingers with hers while she held his hands against the soft pillows. “You know, you look so fucking hot in my t-shirt. I’ll never get over it –“
Y/N shook her head smiling. “Yeah, well. You have the best t-shirts. So soft and they smell so nice. Mine are awful. Awful…”
Kai laughed under his breath, sitting up in the bed while her hands hooked around his neck and his slid down her waist. “Why are you up so early?”
   “Cuz –“ she tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t let her. “—I got school work to finish. You know, some of us are still in high school.” she pushed his hands off her and got to the desk, taking a sip from her coffee as she leaned in against it. Kai braced himself on his elbows, his eyes remained focused on her the entire time, following every curve of her body and something told her he knew she was not wearing underwear… “And because there is a crisis. Remember? Cade? Katherine? Sirens –“
   “And you know I want you as far away from this as possible. It’s not safe –”
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, folding her hands on her chest right after. A long moment passed in silence and Kai’s eyes pierced into hers. Keeping things from him was her least favorite thing to do, mostly because her boyfriend caught up with her lies and secrets pretty quick. And whenever she didn’t spill the beans on her own, he had his own way of torturing the truth out of her. “That’s kind of hard to do when Sybil is my new history teacher –“
   “What?!” Kai jumped up from the bed. Her gaze instantly drifted down south towards his semi hard lenght. Damn, what wouldn’t she do to freeze time and spend a few decades all alone with Kai. Just the two of them, skin to skin; travelling across the world and just being happy without worrying about any of this. “Why haven’t you told me this before? No, you are not going anywhere today.”
Y/N bit her lip, placing her hand on Kai’s chest while trying not to think what would happen if she were to stay there with him all day long. “I can’t hide. That’s not me and you know it.”
   “It’s too dangerous –”
   “You are out there.” she placed her hands on his shoulders, unconsciously feeling his biceps. Damn, she bit her lip. “You think I don’t worry 24/7 about you? My own friends want you dead –”
   “I can take care of myself and that’s different. You are a human, I’m a heretic.” he argued. “I can easily take all your friends down with a flick of my wrist. Sybil and her weirdo babysitter sis too.”
   “Or she can siren you to –”
   “To what?” he tried to meet her eyes but she kept avoiding his gaze up until the point she tried to push him away. “Y/N?”
Her gaze met with his. “You know what she did to Damon. I don’t – I don’t know what I’d do if she messes with your head and –” her eyes watered a bit and she wiped her nose with the back of her wrist. “Kai, it’s too dangerous not only for me to go out there –”
Kai gripped her wrists and pinned them behind her back, leaning towards her. “You are the most important person in my life, Y/N. Sybil cannot erase you from my head, or my heart or my soul. You are seared on them for good and nothing’s going to change that. Ever.” he gazed longingly into her eyes. “You are my everything… I love you more than you could possibly imagine but you should’ve told me about Sybil. I am your boyfriend –“
 “Excuse me?”
 “You are not my boyfriend.” Her eyes remained focused on his, watching the nervousness grow in them. “You are my soulmate, the love of my life –“ his lips crashed against hers in an instant and she could feel his length rub against her inner thigh. So close, but so far away. “—Kai –“ she took a shallow breath, keeping her eyes closed for a moment longer remembering the feeling of his lips on hers. “I’m gonna be late –“
  “For where?” he nibbled on her earlobe. “The bed is in no hurry, neither is the desk, nor is the wall. I’m going to be your private tutor for the day because there is no way I am letting you out of my sight until this is all over. That’s an order. You do what I say when I say it –”
Y/N’s lips curled up into a smile. “So over protective, and so so fucking hot when you get so bossy. Makes me think all those naughty things –”
Kai’s expression changed between grin and a serious look within seconds. “Oh? No, no. S-stop it with the googly eyes and the lip biting or the first lesson today will be a disciplinary one.”
Y/N raised her eyebrows. “Awh but daddy, if we stay home I will have to be tied up. Otherwise I’d crawl over the desk to my smocking hot teacher and spend the rest of the day learning new high notes in which I can moan his name –”
Kai shook his head interrupted her with a kiss. His mind had been drifting away since the second he had woken up shortly before she had ‘woken’ him up, and a part of him really wanted them to stay at her place and spend the day ‘studying’. The other knew he cannot miss the strategy session at the boarding house –
   “Alright, alright, I am not going to school today.” she muttered, feeling a little out of breath. Kai almost sighed in relief when he noticed her expression flash with something he couldn’t pick up on. There was something else he didn’t know, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. “I am crashing the strategy session at the Salvatore house.”
 “You are?” he grinned. “So, you mean to tell me I get to spend the entire day with you?”
 “Yes –“ she pushed him off her and headed towards the walk in closet. “—and no. You can’t make those eyes at me. You can’t look at me like that and get my heart racing as if I’ve been running a marathon –“
  “Can’t I?” he braced himself against the door, taking in every inch of her body as she got dressed. Y/N grabbed her black ripped in the knees skinny jeans but he shook his head. “Short black skirt? P-please? No underwear… F-for me?” She shook her head smiling and grabbed the skirt instead along with a slightly puffy white buttoned up shirt, getting dressed as quickly as she could. “Perfect.”
Y/N bent over to put on her ankle high Converses. “Kai, I am serious. You can’t let your wondering hands go places. You can’t make comments and you definitely can’t –” she looked up at him, but he had a spaced out look in his eyes. “Malachai!”
  “What?” he said innocently. “Just enjoying the view –“ he caught his t-shirt just as she threw it at him. “I know, I know. A house full of vampires. Gotcha. I’ll behave, promise.” he put the t-shirt on and whooshed himself around the room to get dressed. “I’ll go pack your lunch. Be back in a jiffy –“
Y/N shook her head smiling, fixed her hair and grabbed her laptop before putting it in her back and taking Kai’s phone and hers from the night stand. Her mind spun around at the thought how Kai would be right there by her side all day, struggling to control himself while she would be fighting herself not to steal a heart-eyes glance or get a little taste of his lips, however brief it might be.  Something told her if someone was gonna crack it would be her, though who could blame her.
   “Focus Y/N –“ she muttered to herself, walking in the small kitchen/living room where Kai was already done packing her lunch and two to-go coffee cups. “What are you going to eat?”
Kai spun around and in a flash had her pinned against the doorframe. “You –“ he brushed his fingertips against her cheek, tilting her chin up before his lips collided with hers. His body pressed against hers and for a moment she forgot how to breathe… and whose air she was breathing in the brief seconds she managed to get some air. “Just one –“ he whispered before kissing her again. “—one more kiss.”
  “S-stop –“ she tried to push him off but her heart just wasn’t in it. “Kai, you want to leave me breathless before we leave so you have to give me mouth to mouth every spare second we get alone at the boarding house, don’t you?”
  “No.” he shook his head, his lips curling into a wide smile. “Yes, yes. Okay. You got me addicted to your lips and everything about you. I need you in my bloodstream asap or I might die –“
Y/N gripped his shirt and pulled him down for another kiss before pushing him off her. Quickly she tiptoed to the counter to grab her coffee and lunch bag when she felt him playfully slap her ass. “Hands to yourself.” she scolded him. “No puppy eyes, no quivering lip –“
   “Fine, fine.” he sighed. “Let me just grab my phone and we’ll –“ Y/N pulled his phone from her bag. “You think you are so smart, don’t you?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, passed him his phone and walked out the door without saying a word, heading towards the elevator with him at her tail. They stood in silence while waiting for the doors to open, stealing glances at the other as usual whenever they were in public.  “So do we carpool or –“
  “Sure, why not.” she took a shallow breath, meeting his eyes. “Saving the planet is always on the agenda, but remember –“ the elevator’s bell interrupted her. Kai gave her a slight nod and they walked in. As soon as the doors closed and it was just the two of them, Kai’s lips and hands were all over her making her forget whose air she was breathing… until the doors opened again and he pulled away as if nothing had happened.  Y/N stared at him and took a shallow breath. “We keep us between you and me. We ran into each other on the way there.”
   “Gotcha –“ Kai smiled innocently at her, holding out the building door for her.
It took them less than 20 minutes to get to the boarding house, all the while during the car ride he wouldn’t let go off her hand. His gaze barely left her during the entire ride and on the few occasions the red light stopped them, he used his opportunity to steal a kiss or two. Though the closer they got to the Salvatore house, the harder things got and by the time he parked the car in front of the house their act had started. Who knew who might be watching out the windows. Y/N ran her fingers through her hair, lifting herself on her toes for a moment to check if there was someone in the living room and rang the bell. Kai stood awkwardly next to her, taking a step away when he heard someone coming towards the door.
   “Hey, Y/N –“ smiled Caroline, opening the door. Y/N smiled her friend, whose smile faded away quickly when she saw Kai was there. “Are you stalking her or something? You keep showing up everywhere she is –“
Kai walked inside without waiting for an invitation. “Relax Clarisse. I ran into her on her way to the Grill. Isn’t your motto ‘All hands on deck.’ No, wait. It was ‘Protect the humans in Mystic Falls’ or something?” he glanced at Y/N, who rolled her eyes and made her way to the sofa. “Can’t let our golden girl die before graduation right?”
   “We don’t have a motto.” Caroline closed the door, taking a step towards them. Kai poured himself two fingers bourbon and sat on the opposite end of sofa, though his eyes kept drifting towards his girl. “I’ll go get Damon, you stay away from her –“
Kai raised his hands in defence while Y/N pulled her laptop onto her lap and glanced at her friend. “No rush. I have to proof read this history paper for the –“
  “—history teacher from Hell?” interrupted Kai. Y/N pursued her lips to try and hide her smile before glaring at him. “Sorry –“
  “Whatever Sybil is up to at the high school, grades come first. Whitmore or Harvard or Cambridge – they won’t care about the Devil and his minions being let loose on Earth and me being in the middle of it.” muttered Y/N, her gaze drifting towards Caroline who was almost out of the living room in that moment. “Cannot get into law if my grades are flunking –“ she winked at Kai, who scooted a little closer to her. Her finger pressed the power button on the laptop and she mouthed at him ‘Stop looking at me like that.’, glancing back at the screen.
Kai grinned at her and took a sip of his drink, watching her eyes widen the second she glanced at the screen a moment before she closed the lid. “Everything okay?”
Y/N stared at him and turned her laptop towards him, opening the lid before making sure she couldn’t hear footsteps. Not that it mattered seeing how her friends could move faster than the light. “What is this?” she said in a hushed voice, pointing at her desktop wallpaper where instead of a picture of the waterfall near by the Wickery Bridge where was her and Kai’s secret make out spot out of the way, was currently a picture of a shirtless Kai in her bed with barely any fabric covering his –
   “That’s me.” he smiled innocently at her, though his eyes sparkled with fire and mischief. “You like it?
    “I know it’s you—“ she shook her head unsure of she should smile at him, kiss him or slap him for his little surprise. “—but how it got here?”
Kai scooted towards her, whispering in her ear. “I wanted to surprise you when you opened your laptop in the morning. I had no idea you’d end up coming with me here –“
  “Color me surprised.” she pecked his lips. “And to answer your question – I love it. But if I had been at school – you could’ve sent me to the principal’s office. Detention doesn’t look good on college applications.”
Kai grinned at her. “As if I’d let that be a permanent mark in your file.” he leaned in closer. “Chocolate –“ he whispered in her ear. “How do you always smell like chocolate? It’s driving me nuts –“ Y/N turned her head sideways when he whooshed himself away. Her gaze drifted away and as soon as her friends popped up, she slammed her laptop shut. “Damon –“
Caroline glanced between her and Kai. “Everything okay? How’s your paper?”
Y/N looked up confused. “What?”
  “The history paper for the teacher from Hell?” Damon waved his hands before her eyes. “It was such a big deal you had Stefan wrapped up into helping you. It better be good –“
  “Oh, it’s – hot like a supernova. Definitely gonna bang that one later –“ Y/N muttered, catching Kai’s amused look for a second. “Ace it, I mean.” smiled Y/N, putting her laptop back in her bag. “You know me. I am never the one in trouble –“ her glance drifted towards Kai for a split second. “—though someone else is.”
Damon and Caroline glanced at each other and then at Kai and Y/N. “Who?”
   “Sybil.” stated Y/N, glancing at her friends. “Who else?”
Damon poured himself a drink. “Yeah well, after what she almost pulled yesterday our little siren is lucky I haven’t ripped her head off for hurting my favorite little Gilbert.”
Kai glanced at Damon and then at his girl who kept avoiding his glance and somehow found a way to scoot away from him even further on the sofa. “After she pulled what yesterday?” his eyes remained fixed on Y/N. “What happened?”
Y/N brought her knees up to her chest. “Nothing –“
   “I wouldn’t call you almost getting barbecued to the stake like a Salem witch nothing but –“ Damon muttered. Kai’s eyes widened and Y/N jumped up from her seat, taking Damon’s glass from his hand. “Be my guest –“
Kai jumped up right after here. “That’s why you were covered in dirt and ash last night—“ he muttered to himself, gripping her wrist. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
   “Cuz I knew you’d freak.” she yanked her wrist back while Damon stood between them confused. “Plus, I wasn’t hurt –“
   “You weren’t hurt?!” Kai exclaimed. “You could’ve died!!” Caroline and Damon glanced at each other while Y/N ran away from Kai and he kept going after her. “Don’t walk away from me.”
   “I have legs, I can and will walk away –“ she said in a hushed voice. “—because we are not having this conversation here.”
Caroline stepped towards them. “What’s going on?” she turned towards Damon who shrugged his shoulders, squinting his eyes a little. “Why is he so upset?”
    “I don’t know and I don’t like it.” Damon muttered watching Kai and Y/N have a silent starring contest. “You don’t think they –“
   “No, no way.” Caroline’s eyes widened. “Not after he put her sister into a magical coma.”
Y/N ran her fingers through her hair. “Malachai, please –“
Kai shook his head. “You kept this from me. I thought we were done doing that.”
She tried to touch him but he pulled away. “I’m sorry.”
   “You – you are sorry?” he gripped her hand and put it on his chest completely forgetting where they were. “Feel this? The air is being pulled out of my lungs and my heart being slowly torn right out of my chest, by you. Do you even realize what even the thought of me losing you is doing to me?”
Y/N shot him a warning glance but he didn’t seem to care they were in the middle of the Salvatore living room and her friends were there. Not only that but Bonnie just walked in with Matt. “Behave. Keep us between you and me. That’s all I asked.”
   “Doesn’t apply to your safety.” he tucked in a strand of hair behind her ear. “This comes above all else—“
Damon grabbed Kai’s wrist and yanked him back, then turned towards Y/N. “Explain. Now. You got five seconds before he loses his head.”
   “What’s going on here?” Bonnie wondered, dropping her jacket on the sofa. Matt raised his eyebrows, glancing at Kai and Y/N who pushed her way past Damon and took her boyfriend’s hand in hers. “Why are you two holding hands?”
   “Kai and I –“ she glanced at him and sighed. “Last night after the whole incident I went to the Grill to get a drink and ran into Kai. He took me home and… that’s it.”
   “That’s it?” Damon shrugged his shoulders. “What was he talking about then saying –“
   “We kissed.” Kai protectively pushed Y/N a little behind him. 
  “What?!” Bonnie, Caroline, Matt and Damon exclaimed in unison.
 Damon growled.”I’m gonna rip his head off –”
   “I kissed her… because I like her and she likes me. I know you don’t like it or me especially after everything I’ve done. I deserve that, I am not a good person and I own that. But being with her these past few months… It’s something. And under other circumstances this warm and fuzzy feeling I get whenever I’m around her would be absolutely revolting to me, but I love it more than anything.” he sighed, gazing lovingly at her. “I love her –”
Damon started laughing and for a few moments it all seemed perfectly fine up until the point he pushed Kai ten feet away and turned towards Y/N. “Have you lost your mind? You want a boyfriend, I will find you a boyfriend. How about that boy who took you to prom a few months back –“
   “Who? Jake? Y-you know Kai is the one who actually took me to prom and I made Jake up, right?” she said quietly. Damon’s eyes widened and he grabbed her shoulders, pinning her to the wall. Caroline rushed towards them but Kai was faster and pushed Damon off Y/N. “Jesus –“
     “Nope. Just me.” Kai grinned. Y/N mouthed ‘Shut up’.
Caroline pulled Damon back. “Let her explain. Might not be what we think.” she glanced at Bonnie who was currently pouring herself a drink, clearly having a hard time taking in what was happening. “Y/N might be the youngest of all of us, but don’t forget who was the one who outsmarted Katherine –“
    “Youngest, best-est, brightest… Hottest. –” grinned Kai, completely avoiding everyone’s looks. He only had eyes for his girl and her cheeks burned red at his words. “My girl–”
Damon groaned while Caroline closed her eyes, pressing her lips together trying not to comment on Kai’s words. “Tell me you are on vervain –” the vampire asked.
    “You think Kai compelled me to love him?! Are you insane?! You wanna know the truth? Here it is – ” Y/N said, holding tightly onto Kai’s hand. “You vanished, Damon! You and Enzo. Elena was in a sleeping curse, Jeremy is God knows where and everyone was busy looking for you. I lost everything and everyone in a blink of an eye because of Sybil… Except Kai, who was there every time I was alone at the Grill, or when I needed someone to talk to who didn’t mind listening to me ramble for hours. Kai who made sure I got home safely every night and kept me safe from all those guys who kept getting too handsy.”
Kai poked her in the stomach. “Awh, don’t skip on the best part. The first night I followed her home to make sure she got there safely and my little fireball here pulled a knife on me.” he grinned. “I swear I’ve never been more arous—“ he cleared his throat. Everyone except Y/N almost collectively groaned at his words. “—ed than when she gripped my hand behind my back and shoved me face-first against the door, and then put the blade under my chin and tilted my head towards her. Something happened when our eyes met and I just… knew it was her I had been looking for all my life without realizing it.”
    “Awwhh –“ she hugged him with one arm, both of them looking at each other with heart eyes. “You never told me that.”
    “So what?” Bonnie snapped. “Just because he acted like a decent human being for once, you decided he is a good boyfriend material? He is a murderer!”
Y/N sighed quietly and stared at her friends as if to say ‘Really? You are going with that one?’ “He is the man I love –“ she stated, feeling Kai squeeze her hand for a moment before he leaned in towards her, inhaling her scent. Damon growled. “I know you all have complicated history with him, but the Kai I know is not the Kai you see. He is not the same person he was back when he came out of 1994 –”
    “Yes, we remember he turned from an evil caterpillar into a slightly less evil butterfly –” interrupted Damon with his usual snark. “But he still is who he is –”
    “He is not the person he was after 1903 where you left him –“
    “To protect Jo and everyone else!” Bonnie took a step towards her. “He killed his entire family –“
    “And whose fault is that?” Kai said. Y/N kicked him in the shin. “I am just saying, I never would’ve –“
Bonnie shot him a glare that made Y/N’s blood freeze and the second she saw her friend’s hand shoot up, she stood between them. “There is nothing you can do or say to change that. I am old enough to live on my own, old enough to make my own decisions. You hurt him, you hurt me.”
Kai grinned and wrapped his hands around her from behind. “My girl. So fiery.” He pulled her up a little until her feet kicked at the air and he heard her laugh. “Love it.” he kissed her cheek as he let her feet back on the ground. “Love you –“
     “I love you too –“
Damon groaned. “Ugh… my ears are bleeding.” Y/N rolled her eyes and took a step towards him, wrapping her arms around him. There was one thing Damon couldn’t resist – her hugs. Perhaps because in a way it made him feel close to Elena again, or maybe he just didn’t want to break little Gilbert’s heart. “You have lost it. Positively and when you end up dead, and you will, just make sure Elena knows I was against it and tried to make you see reason.”
    “You can’t be okay with this?” Bonnie protested. “What if –?”
    “I’d never hurt her.” Kai said quietly, glancing at every single of his girl’s friends. “I’d die before that happens or before I let anyone else hurt her. I’d gladly sacrifice my life to keep her safe.” He caught Damon’s gaze. “You know I’m telling the truth. You might not trust me about anything else, but trust me about this –“
Damon groaned wrapping his arms around her, studying Kai’s face. “Just… no more kissing and googly eyes and the L word mention around us, okay?” he kissed her head. “Or I might forget and just rip his head off for even daring to breathe the air around you.”
Y/N pulled away with a smile on her face. “Thank you.”
Kai leaned in to whisper in her ear. “What did Sybil do when she messed with his mind? We might need to send her a ‘thank you’ card.”
    “Only thing keeping me from killing you right now is because Elena would never forgive me if I killed her little sister’s… whatever he is, even if he is the one who put her in a coma.” muttered Damon. “Don’t push it.”
________________________________________ MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘17 MASTERLIST- FLUFF ‘17 / MASTERLIST - FLUFF/ANGST ‘18
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