#danae nason
nerds-yearbook · 1 year
2012 AD On December 21st a polar shift brings about the end of the world. (2012 Doomsday, flm)
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
Invasion of the Pod People (2007)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
Even for The Asylum - a collection of talentless producers and directors who shamelessly trick the visually impaired into buying or renting rip offs of bigger films - Invasion of the Pod People is a low point. For a brief instant, I considered awarding this film an ironic star and then decided against it. There is one scene with some unintentional comedic value but to reach it, you've got to dig through a lot of manure… by hand.
After a strange meteor shower, Melissa (Erica Roby) notices odd behaviour from her co-workers. Her boss, Samantha (Jessica Bork) keeps insisting Melissa bring this bizarre plant home. Could it be connected to the ever-growing number of imposters living among us?
This movie is literally the same thing as Invasion of the Body Snatchers. In the past some of the feeble efforts from the studio have featured what could be described as “original stories” but this is just the same plot we saw before in 1956, 1978 and again in 1993 but under a different name and with none of the suspense or horror. You’ve got the entire plot figured out from minute one - including the ending. Before you argue the same could be said about all the other remakes, keep in mind each new take mixed things up a bit. By being made during the Cold War, the alien invaders in the original represented the red scare. In another decade, the doppelgangers made us think about conformism. The updates featured top-notch special effects or added new elements to the mythology.
To be fair, director Justin Jones does have one noteworthy addition to this now-familiar story: gratuitous lesbian sex scenes. Melissa shows no hints of being attracted to women until four pod ladies start making out inside Samantha’s apartment, tearing off their clothes in a scene that should be erotic but instead makes you feel dirty, like you just watched a real-life hidden camera couch porno. Don’t these women know these images will be out there for display… forever?
The filmmaking is best described as “pathetic”. The lighting is poor. The dialogue is even worse. It’s delivered by non-actors, some of which are clearly reading the script on their lap. You wouldn’t think a low budget would harm this plot. As if on a dare, Invasion of the Pod People proves you wrong. The plant everyone keeps trying to push on Melissa is clearly a big chunk of ginger stuck inside a random pot. They couldn’t even paint it green or something? Do they think we’re too stupid to notice? If you HAD to save money somewhere, cast twins instead of wasting your money on a crappy screen double effect that barely conveys the information you want it to. Human beings don’t act like human beings in this movie, which makes you kinda glad the sinister figures are painfully obvious. Well, I say “glad” but that’s in theory.
Like so many Asylum films, Invasion of the Pod People is an inept waste of time. The scene were the lesbian pod people try to seduce our protagonist makes for some decent jokes about “the homosexual agenda” but that's hardly worth the effort needed to stop yourself from walking away from this ordeal. It’s been a long time since I seriously considered taking the DVD out of my machine and snapping it in half like I did today. (On DVD, December 13, 2019)
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chrisnaustin · 1 year
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If only I were she!
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bloglopesca · 2 years
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CINEMA 2012 Doomsday 2012 Doomsday (2008) (V) Realização Nick Everhart; Intérpretes: Cliff De Young, Dale Midkiff, Ami Dolenz, Danae Nason, Joshua Lee, Sara Tomko SINOPSE Neste épico desastre, quatro estranhos numa jornada de fé são lançados num templo antigo no coração do México em 21 de Dezembro de 2012. Para os Maias é o último dia gravado. Para os cientistas da NASA é uma cataclísmica mudança polar. Para o resto de nós, é o Doomsday (Juízo Final). OPINIÃO Filme MUITO MAU, completa perda de tempo. #LopesCa #LopesCaOpiniaoFilme #Entretenimento #Filme #Cinema #Opinião #Diário http://lopesca.blogspot.com/2009/11/cinema-2012-doomsday.html ►Like/Gosta◄ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=443242097814492&set=a.143408627797842&type=3
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beegyuz · 3 years
10 songs, 10 people (not really). 🐘
rules: put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people.
tagged by: @starrytxt
i tag: whoever wants to do it! :) not me having no friends to tag
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favorite playlist (at the moment): kr&b n’ chill khh/krap.
text me — dpr live;
gold (feat. dean) — offonoff;
tmi — gray;
get distance — dana kim;
we — dahee;
escape — rosy;
flower — haon;
poem (shhh) — colde;
push me — ph-1;
see you (with noair, nason) — amin, dept.
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beautifulfaaces · 4 years
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Danae Nason
American actress
Rachel [Manchester by the Sea: 2016]
Jana [Unfreedom: 2014]
Nurse Decker [One Life to Live: 2005]
Blue green eyes
Playable: young adult, adult
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biographiesofactors · 3 years
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beritasumbarcom · 6 years
Gagasan Membangun Museum Perbankan Nasional Di Bukittinggi Itu, Luar Biasa…!
BeritaSumbar.com -
Padang,BeritaSumbar.com,-Dr Kresno Yulianto (Pakar Manajemen Museum Universitas Indonesia) pada acara Bimbingan Teknis Pengelola Museum Sumatera Barat yang digelar 24-26 April lalu di Hotel Aliga Padang menyebutkan bahwa Sumatera Barat memang Luar Biasa. Kaya dengan potensi Museum yang bakal mencerdaskan anak bangsa. Bekas Tambang Batu-Bara saja bisa disulap menjadi Objek Wisata Tambang di Sawahlunto, lengkap dengan museumnya.
Di Lima Puluh Kota juga tengah dibangun Proyek Museum Nasional PDRI.  “Ternyata di Bukittinggi juga ada Bank Nasional 1930, Bank Pribumi pertama di Indonesia. Juga sekaligus tempat magangnya Margono Joyohadikusumo yang memulai pendirian Bank Negara Indonesia (Bank BNI 46) di salah satu ruangan Bank Nasonal 1930 tersebut.
Apalagi cikal Peruri (Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia) juga ada di Halaban, Sumatera Barat. Konon percetakan uang itu juga sangat terkait dengan Bank Nasional 1930 ini. Informasi ini baru saja saya peroleh dari teman saya Bapak Yulfian Azrial Budayawan Nusantara kebanggaan kita, yang juga penulis Buku Museologi pertama di Indonesia bersama Bu NoviyantiSH.MM. “Bila memang ada yang ingin membangun Museum Perbankan di sana. Ini tentu sangat luar biasa. Terus terang saya sangat mendukungnya… Apalagi in sangat spesifik. Belum ada Museum Khusus Perbankan Nasional di negara kita, ” ujar Dr. Kresno Yulianto”
Sementara Budayawan Yulfian Azrial ketika dihubungi secara terpisah membenarkan adanya gagasan untuk membangun Museum Perbankan ini.”Gagasan ini memang sudah lama saya sampaikan ke Pengurus Team pengembalian Bank Nasional 1930 yang berkantor di Gedung Perjuangan Bank Nasional 1930, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No 25. Kota Payakumbuh.  Bahkan kemaren (27 April 2018) saya kembali membicarakannya dengan bapak Nusyirwan Abas Kamil.” ujar Yulfian Azrial. yang juga pernah menjadi Penggagas, Deklarator dan Pimpinan Forum Bisnis Pemuda ASEAN ini.
Museum Perbankan nasional Ini Akan Sangat Luar Biasa Dijelaskan oleh Yulfian Azrial, Selain menjadi Bank Pribumi pertama, sebenarnya orang-orang yang terlibat di Bank nasional 1930 ini merupakan actor-aktor pejuang sejati dari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Karena itu Bank Nasional 1930 ini tidak hanya berperan dalam memodali perjuangan kemerdekaan bangsa, tetapi juga menjadi lembaga sukarela dan penggalangan kekuatan masa dalam –masa-masa perjuangan.
“Dari Konsep perjuangan inilah satu-satunya Bank yang sejak awal telah menjalankan prinsip-prinsip syariah dan prinsip-prinsip bank modern yang sebenarnya. Bisa jadi dari sinilah munculnya gagasan Pasal 33 UUD 1945, bagaimana ekonomi gotongroyong (ekonomi berjamaah) menjadi kekuatan yang luar biasa. Bahkan Tokoh-tokoh Bank Nasional juga merangkap sebagai Konsultan bisnis bagi para nasabah, sehingga jaminan uang kembali tidaklah mengandalkan apalagi sampai mengincar ‘sitaan jaminan’ seperti praktek perbankan kapitalis saat ini,” jelas Alumni Fakultas Ekonomi Unand ini.
Kemudian para pejuang yang tergabung di bank Nasional ini juga yang menggerakkan penggalangan dana untuk membeli Pesawat Pertama untuk Republik Indonesia, a awal zaman kemerdekaan. “Sekarang lebih dikenal pula perjuangan Halim Perdana Kusuma dan Iswahyudi, yang gugur saat menerbangkan pesawat ini, ketimbang kisah perjuangan Amai-Amai yang rela melepas gelang, cincin dan kalung emasnya untuk membeli pesawat p[ertama untuk Republik Indonesia itu,” ujar Mak Yum, sapaan akrab Yulfian Azrial di kalangan generasi muda. “Bayangkan… bila museum ini jadi, selain terkait dengan Bank Nasional sendiri sebagai institusi, maka tentu akan ada satu ruangan yang lemngkap dengan data terkait Perjuangan Dalam membei Pesawat Pertama. Satu Ruangan lagi bias jadi Ruangan Tan Malaka.Lalu Ruangan Bung Hatta yang juga bereperan di Bank Nasional ini. Ada Ruangan Didikan Suvbuh Muhammadiyah yang juga digerakkan Bank ini. Yang tak kalah istimewa tentu adalah Ruangan yang dulu pernah dijadikan tempat magang oleh Margono Joyohadikusumo. Ruangan yang pernah dipinjamkan sekaligus untuk kemudian menjadi lokasi tempat berdirinya Bank Negara Indonesia 1946 (Bank BNI) untuk pertama kali,” ujar Yulfian Azrial. (***)
Baca berita selengkapnya di sini.. from Berita Sumbar via BeritaSumbar.com
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