#danai x andy
cosmic-hoebo · 3 months
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thecitybee · 2 months
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My baby here on Earth showed me what my heart was worth So when it comes to be my turn, could you shine it down here for her? 'Cause my love is mine. All mine.
Study of this. Final version of this.
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flutterbyoz · 10 days
Chemistry can't be forced or faked, especially chemistry like this. Some have it, some don't but few have it like Andy and Danai
Can I have them back on my screen again please?
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dandrew-stuff · 4 months
Do you remember about those pics?
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when we were wondering what Andy and Danai were doing/filming last year in Senoia and specifically in Alexandria? Now we know…
The Walking Dead: The Return.The full episode is 41mn only on Xfinity.
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whateverisbeautiful · 4 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#11: I See Things (S3E12)
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Something I appreciate so much is that Richonne's journey is a love story, not a fairytale. Their story feels grown and grounded, healthy, and realistic, while also feeling perfect and aspirational between two flawed people doing their best in a broken world. And through each season of their slow burn, we got to organically watch the many building blocks of what makes their love so genuinely strong and special. So I cherish these early moments that laid Rick and Michonne's foundation, especially here in my favorite scene from the masterpiece OG Richonne ep that is Clear...
Rick, Michonne, and Carl pack up to leave King County after a stellar episode with both Rick and Morgan’s storyline and Carl and Michonne’s storyline. The acting was superb all across the board in this ep. 👏🏽
The three really do look like a family as they pack up and head out. And in their own ways, this scene has Carl and Rick both telling Michonne...
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I love that it just took one trip for Carl to be completely warmed up to Michonne. And he admits this in the best possible way to his dad. Because Rick, in such a dad way, asks if everything went okay with her, and again, I always feel like Rick really really wants the answer to be yes because deep down he knows he wants Michonne around.
And to me, it isn’t just Rick asking if everything went okay on their trip but if everything is okay with Michonne as a whole. This episode was about Rick and Carl beginning to truly accept Michonne and learn that not only does she not have a problem, but in fact she is the beautiful solution to so much in their life. 
It’s also just great to watch this scene back knowing Rick is asking Carl about the woman who will become his wife and mother to all three of his children. 🥰
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And then I will forever love Carl saying, “I think she might be one of us.” Just the absolute best. 😭 That statement is the gospel truth too. And it’s so meaningful because of how much Michonne will end up being not just a vital member of tf but a true blue member and matriarch of the Grimes family.
Michonne truly belongs in this group and this Grimes family, and I love that intuitive little Carl picked up on that so quickly. That seal of approval from him is huge because it allows Rick to feel like he can slowly but surely stop fighting the clear undeniable connection between himself and Michonne. 
I also absolutely love Rick’s dramatic reaction to Carl saying Michonne is one of them. He can’t hide that this is great news to him, and you know Rick's extra side is so loved by me. 😋
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Rick acts taken aback and asks, "What?" and I think part of it is actually being surprised that Carl made such a big statement because he could have just said 'yeah she was cool' but instead Carl lets him know she’s truly meant to be with them. And also part of the reaction is because our man Rick has for sure been catching some sorta feelings, even if just the earliest stages of attraction.
I know Rick's happy to hear his son likes her as much as he deep down wants to like her too. Also I really don't think Rick would be having a low-key tickled reaction like this over just any newcomer getting a good report.
Then Carl is just the cutest when he gives a little laugh and tells Rick "Everything went okay." This is all just so precious, especially after Michonne helped Carl retrieve a photo of his family all while planting the seed of Grimes 2.0 at the very same time.
And think about it - this moment is occurring so freshly after losing his mom. Carl probably hasn’t had many smiling moments since then, so I know it means the world to Rick to see that Carl and Michonne bonded and that she brought some joy back into his son's life. She's the best. 🥰
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Then, because our lovely leading man is always expressive when it comes to his kids and Michonne, Rick has the biggest smile hearing this.
And again, we gotta be so for real for a second because this smile from him is not just cuz it in-general worked out with a newcomer. I feel this is specific to Michonne. Because like I said, Rick really wanted Michonne to check out (partly so he could keep checking her out🤭) and so he’s really glad to hear that she more than did.
I love that even this early, Michonne is putting smiles on Rick and Carl’s faces. After everything they’ve been through leading up to this ep, it’s refreshing to see.
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So Rick is happy, but then he pauses as tho he’s seeing something - likely Ghost Lori. And my theory has long been that Ghost Lori stayed showing up in moments like these to let Rick know his soulmate had now arrived and he should get with Michonne, just like Lori got with her soulmate while Rick was in a coma.💁🏽‍♀️ 😋
Like I just know in this moment Lori's ghost was looking at Rick like...
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It’s interesting how we the audience don’t see what he’s hallucinating like we have in other episodes. I like this choice tho because in just seeing Rick staring off it shows how much Michonne was able to read and understand him.
Like all Rick was doing was standing there, and from the outside looking in, it could easily be missed that he was having another hallucination - but Michonne knew Rick was having a moment of seeing things cuz she gets him. Always has. 😌
So Michonne notices it right away and her look of care and concern is really sweet. Throughout the series, Michonne so often looks at Rick like her heart is tugged by this honorable man in all his humanness.
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I also love that she brings it up. She could’ve just noticed him seeing things and not said anything, especially because it’s personal and they're still mostly strangers. But this choice to bring it up immediately established that she and him can talk on a deeper level, even this early in the relationship.
And it shows Rick that he doesn’t have to feel misunderstood or ashamed for these episodes he's been having. Someone else sees it, and not only that - relates to it too.
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So she gently asks if he saw something and Rick silently looks surprised that she could tell exactly what was happening.
Michonne says, "I know you see things - people." And then in one of the first examples of Richonne doing their signature thing of leveling with each other through being vulnerable, she tells Rick she used to talk to her dead boyfriend. Saying reassuringly, “It happens.” I repeat, Michonne is the best. 👑
It is lovely to see Michonne open up about this, and I love how innately she knew she could share this with Rick. We saw in a s3 scene by a fire with Michonne and Andrea that Michonne was not the type to fully open up about her past family, and yet here with Rick she's willing to share something personal and offer up this part of herself. It just further suggests that Rick and Michonne have a different and uniquely intrinsic connection. And I repeat - they trusted each other before they knew they trusted each other.
It’s also sweet that Michonne is willing to be vulnerable to help Rick feel less alone. This is such a big reason why their union is so special. With each other, they're never in it alone.
They are cut from the same cloth and understand each other deeply. And despite living in a world that would suggest you should always have your guard up, I love that Michonne and Rick instead allowed themselves to open up to each other, slowly but surely. 🥰
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Also, more and more, I realize that the making of Richonne was actually so obvious from season 3 forward, and especially here in Clear.
Like this episode really plants the seed of Rick, Michonne, and Carl becoming a whole family because that family theme runs all throughout.
I mean even just the fact that the episode takes place in Rick and Carl's old hometown, bringing only Michonne on this run where she gets to gain insight into the past of her future husband and son, R&M essentially co-parenting together when Michonne offers to go with Carl to get the crib, and then Carl wanting the family photo and needing Michonne's help to retrieve it, and then Michonne finally opening up a bit about her family.
Richonne was looking like Morgan's apartment in this ep because, honey...
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So then Rick is quiet for a sec after Michonne addresses him seeing things and letting him know it happens, and I know deep down he appreciates this moment from her. It's a rare moment of someone looking at him not to lead or provide an answer but simply to know he's not crazy or on his own.
And then Rick definitely gets flirty as he asks her if she wants to drive. (and again, letting Michonne drive is another establishment of trust) Also, I just love that throughout their pre-canon era, Michonne is the one Rick most wanted to be sociable with from team family.
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I adore this scene for being the first moment of flirting between them as he asks if she wants to drive and she smiles and says "yeah." Rick then says "good" and takes the scene to new levels of adorable with his playful flirty energy when he adds, “Cuz I see things”  and hands her the keys to his heart and the car. 😊
It’s a nice way for him to admit Michonne was right that he sees things but still keep things light. And it's adorable how quickly Rick would go into flirtation mode with Michonne, even this early on.
(Side note: Y'all sometimes I used to want a body language expert who has never seen TWD to analyze these pre-canon Richonne scenes because I just know they'd confirm that Rick and Michonne's pre-canon moments read as more than platonic. But truly there is no body language expert needed for it to be known that Rick's energy is flirtatious here.)
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And same for Michonne's energy afterward because I love how she smiles as she holds the keys and watches him go. #SmittenKitten 😋
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They’re both real fond of each other, y’all. Even in season 3. Like this moment lets you know Rick and Michonne really do have “common interests” lol.
And while of course Rick and Michonne are still on their own individual healing journeys atp so they aren't yet aware that they're meant to be, it's still nice that in this scene they at least now know they like each other as people.
I love that Michonne who can read people so well, knew Rick was a good man doing his best in this world as a leader and father, and as she closes the trunk she looks like she knows she might have found her new home with these people, which I love that for her. 🙌🏽
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This beautiful scene is just such a great and foundational moment in Rick and Michonne's love story and gives an excellent peek into how their dynamic will be going forward as they evolve into a husband and wife. 👏🏽
And how spoiled are we that Gimple was planting the Richonne seeds back when he was writing for Season 3 (before Richonne's journey had even aired for us to see), and now here we are 11 years later with Scott, Danai, and Andy having created a whole miniseries dedicated to Richonne and constantly confirmed to be an epic love story. 🤩🥳🤗
Like this is me and every Richonners' energy for a reason lol...
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I'm forever thankful to Danai, Andy, and Scott for loving Richonne like we do and returning to give Rick and Michonne Grimes closure. And I'm grateful that we stan a married ship that always flourishes within the actual franchise. #WinningSinceTheBeginning 🥰
There's also just something so poetic about the fact that way back during the season 3 Clear days, Scott said Danai was able to pick up on the Richonne trajectory because she was a writer - and now we'll have the privilege to watch a whole TOWL episode written by the illustrious talent Danai, herself, as she gets to help shape the final chapter of Richonne's years-long love story. What. A. Journey. 😭🙌🏽
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So as the classic and fitting 'Home' song concludes this phenomenal 3.12 ep and the three drive away, it shows how these three entered that town as strangers and left as a family more than they could ever imagine. They didn't know it entirely yet, but after Clear, Rick, Michonne, and Carl were on pace to become home to each other.
Imo, Richonne was written in the stars from the moment they laid eyes on each other at at that prison fence. But after Clear, it was set in stone, with no going back, that Richonne was bound to happen. They were too perfect together, too much passion and attraction emitting from them in these early stages for it to not eventually blossom into more.
Rick and Michonne were destined to be Mr. and Mrs. Grimes. And heartwarming scenes like this just made that so, well, clear. 😌🤍
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myobsessionsspace · 3 days
Page 1 • Page 2
The Walking Dead:
The Walking Dead - At First Sight
The Walking Dead - Pillow Talk
The Walking Dead - Their first scene together
The Walking Dead - Must Have Been Something Else (video edit)
The Walking Dead - ILY (video edit)
The Walking Dead - Power Couple
The Walking Dead - The Morning Before The Morning After
The Ones Who Live:
The Ones Who Live - Take My Hand
The Ones Who Live - Spearmint & Baking Soda
Other Posts:
Andy x Danai x Norman & a couch - Almasi Arts
Danai x Steven
Danai x Lauren
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shinymentalitynerd · 2 months
This is my first time posting on here, but I want to share something I posted on Facebook on the Just Melissa McBride page.
I have thought about this and don’t understand, with all the important things going on in the world, why someone wants to attack another group about a TV show. As I said on Twitter (I refuse to call it X) I don’t think that #Carylers spend any time thinking about Danai, Michonne or Richonne. I think they are showing their inferiority complex with all their negative tweets about #Caryl and doing a poll about what they think makes us the maddest.
What makes me mad, and I suspect many others, is how AMC, et.al. treat Melissa McBride. She has been faithful to the show, and along with Norman Reedus, didn’t take time away from TWD that the writers had to come up with barely plausible scenarios for them to be away from the show. Think about how different the show would have been if they didn’t have to adapt the story to fit Andy Lincoln’s, Danai Gurira’s and Lauren Cohen’s career aspirations.
Melissa took a minor character, and with her great acting, turned it into one of the main leads in the show. Norman did the same. Rick and Michonne were intended to be major characters from the beginning. They are all good actors, but Melissa and Norman started at a lower rung on the playing field and thus displayed greater range in developing their characters. Did you know that Melissa wasn’t even in the opening credits before season 4?
We all know how Melissa was poorly treated about the spinoff. AMC treated the fans poorly too as they were not honest about what was going on. I’m not entirely convinced, until I see it, that AMC is going to treat Melissa and the fans right going forward.
Valhalla Entertainment said they didn’t mean any disrespect towards the character of Carol and the actors, Melissa. Of course they did. They wouldn’t come up with some exclusionary group to start with if they didn’t. What was the point of the entire article? To single out and exclude Melissa and Carol.
Ok, I’ve ranted enough. I just have to say I’m not holding my breath that we are going to get the show we want. I’m still hoping, though.
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siancore · 3 months
be great if anyone who's left on the hell site x twit would get a hashtag emmy campaign going for andy clutterbuck and danai gurira. they deserve it 10000xs over.
You know what, that’d be a great idea. I’m not on that site, but if people are, they should get to it!
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spoilertv · 3 months
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
Here to request all the Walking Dead x Fear the walking dead baddies. Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jon Bernthal, Andy Lincoln, Norman Reedus, Kim Dickens, Colman Domingo, Melissa Mcbride, Lauren Cohan, Danai Gurira, Steven Yeun, Christian Serratos, Lennie James, phew the list is endless.
Hey tags, we'd love to see all these amazing FCs on our dash! Come and join us! The only person we're missing is you!
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richonnesokoye · 6 years
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a series of andy and danai being the cutest people ever at sdcc
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wereworldsurvivor · 6 years
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thecitybee · 3 months
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Nothin' in the world belongs to me But my love mine, all mine, all mine.
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flutterbyoz · 1 month
I adore their offscreen friendship so much!
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Gold was struck with Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira. I've never seen such electric chemistry, such love and care for their characters and their on-screen relationship and I love the evident love and care they have for each other IRL too. Their friendship is precious. They really do love Rick and Michonne as much we do and it shows in the dedication they have for telling the most beautiful love story ever seen on-screen. We really do have the best ship captains and I'm beyond grateful to both of them for everything they've done over the years. They, and Scott of course, have not only given us an amazing record breaking spin off, but a spin off that they co created, co wrote and co produced, I mean what other ship can say that?!
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These two are so special and we really need to see more of them, I'd watch them in literally anything but TOWL season 2 maybe, please??
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dandrew-stuff · 4 months
New photos and bts from episode 02 of The Ones Who Live featuring Michonne and Rick(Danai and Andrew too🤭)!
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michonnegrimes · 4 years
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Andrew Lincoln talks about the first time he filmed with Danai Gurira          part of Andy’s Ode to Danai
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