crystalkittyrvt · 3 years
Fail Fix Ultimate Post, final part!
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Alright, she's a weird one. The bubblegum/cotton candy rainbow theme is adorbs, for sure, but this doll originally comes with platinum blonde hair as seen here:
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The gimmick of this doll is you "dye" the hair yourself. I hated this so much. The end look is alright, but the dye leaves residue on your hands and is super messy. The plus side is that it washes out clean so whenever you want you can go back to platinum blonde, but I wanted to try the fishtail braid look as the box advertises. It looks alright I suppose.
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Her eye-con is a heart. One of the more obvious ones to spot!
Body types:
(Warning, naked dolls!!)
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From what I can tell there's three distinct body types. I call them goddess, skinny minis, and tall babes respectively. The variety really helps them look diverse on the shelf, as some dolls are literally taller than others. Add to that that no two skin tones are the same and you get a fun lil cast of representation. I bet you any girl could find one of these dolls relatable to herself. Additionally, their sculpt is such that the torso itself is minimally changed between body types so there's no real issue with clothes fitting the other dolls.
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Final thoughts: I'll be honest this is the first doll line I've collected since MLP but I'm pleasantly surprised. As I've said before on my blog the fashion aspect of these dolls is lacking a bit - not sure if they put all their budget to the face and the gimmick and kinda forgot the clothes, or what. In the end I can easily see making my own clothes for them though, so it doesn't bother me too much. Excited to have these on my shelf - and eager to get more shelves so I have room for the new girls.
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mr-hollymoon · 3 years
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Bought another one, love them. ❤️ She has a lot of hair! 😍 I need Dance.Stylz for a complete collection, but I'm not sure if I can find her. 😕
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indarlingarmor · 3 years
A few new additions.
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Remember back when I used to say I wasn’t going to get many RH dolls? Well, Karma went on sale. I don’t like her as a character and I’m not into the neon, but she’s really pretty. Great eye makeup.
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I also added to my Fail Fix collection. Dance.stylz glitter variant! I just wish her outfit was a little less boring and shapeless. Her hair is very cute although I’m a little worried the braids are going to fray at the bottom. PreppiPosh is very adorable but I don’t get why her butterfly clip is as big as her head. It’s cute, but so massive. I ended up taking it off because she looks weird from the side.
Their new Bat-names are Jordan and Julia.
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beandollhouse · 3 years
#FailFix dolls might just be my new love
If Wal-mart continues to clearance out the #FailFix dolls I might just yet them all cause honestly their really nice for $10 each
I just opened the Pretty.Artee one and she is cute as shit. I honestly don’t have to do anything with her face or her outfit though I might add some accessories. I think I’m gonna can her Nadine
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I also have the Dance.Stylz one cause her braid omg
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She’s getting a whole new outfit. I was gonna maybe change her face but it grew on me...and aso their makeup is super hard to remove (acetone isn’t gonna do it and I am not melting a face again). She’s already in Bi pride colors so I’m use that as an influence for her new outfit. Gonna be a fun project.
Overall I’m liking these dolls. Brushing out the hair is a bit of a pain but a good wash seems to fix it. The faces are nice, I believe the sculpts are by the guy who created Monster High. I’m picky on dolls with inset eyes (don’t know if that’s the right term for the) and I just can’t get to liking Rainbow High, but these ones are the right balance of life-like and cartoony for my taste at least. Much better than the ‘Snap Star’ dolls we had a few years ago.
The line definitely suffers from some of the common stereotypes we see, especially with dolls of color, in many dolls lines. I don’t know what else to say about that, I wish I did.
I hope the line continues though and I would love to see a guy doll but with the hair and make-up gimmick at the forefront I doubt it. Unless we can get a guy going full glam-rock or goth which would be awesome I think.
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crystalkittyrvt · 3 years
Ultimate Fail Fix Post!!! (Part Deux)
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She's a fan favorite from what I've read, and I can see why.
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Her eye-con is a star! I also love the sprinkle makeup.
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DJ is the weird one. From what I can see she doesn't have an icon in her pupil; however, I still think she's super cute and I love that she's tall and shows spunk.
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See, nada. I wonder if it was a production error or if they skipped her for reasons. Who knows, I don't make dolls.
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Before I say anything about Dance, yes I changed her clothes. She originally comes with this super oversized jersey thing and while I appreciate the theme she's going for, I just thought it was missing out on potential. So instead, she's wearing 2Dreami's jumper.
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Her eye-con is a basketball. What can I say, ball is life.
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indarlingarmor · 3 years
October 13
I got the glitter variant for Dance.Stylz. Sadly her dress was super boring even with the glitter, so I decided to finish her makeover with some borrowed EAH/MH fashion.
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And in the tradition of Batwoman side character names for my Fail Fixes, this is Jordan.
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