#dancing ahri
girlfox · 3 months
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ah the eternal battle of appreciating riot's world building & lore surrounding ahri, or yoinking her straight out and writing a general fantasy main verse for her . . .
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karis17love · 6 months
ꨄ ᴅᴀɪʟʏ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴏᴀᴄʜᴇs ꨄ
"𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘦."
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h3ll0-3lli0t · 2 years
Can you draw Ahri, Seraphine, and Jinx?
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I’m sorry but I tried drawing Jinx several times and it never worked out, plus I already was spreading super long on this and didn’t wanna delay it any longer😅
••read bio for art requests••
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playtimes-begun · 2 years
Ahri was currently humming and singing along to a song as she would gracefully dance around an abandoned temple, leaning and hanging onto marble pillars as if she were in her own sort of music video. Ya know that feeling. 
“Your eyes cast a spell that bewitches~! The last time I needed twenty stitches~! To sew up the gash that you made with your lash~  As we Dance to the Masochism Tango~!”
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97linelover · 2 months
From heartache to happiness- Kim mingyu
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summary: taking care of Mingyus niece was a highlight for both of you, but realizing that in 4 years the two of you could not get pregnant made you tired.
Seeing him with the little munchkin made you happy but also devastated.
But what if it all will turn out alright?
content: Idol Mingyu x Non Idol reader, mentions of failed pregnancys, pregnancy,angst, happy end,fluff, mentions of endometriosis
wc: 2.6 k
a/n: I´m really sorry if you´re going through something like this... I just got the Diagnosis myself endometriosis.. How to handle something like that? I really don´t know.
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“Danbi, don’t run! I’ve told you a thousand times!” Minseo’s voice echoed urgently through the corridor.
You watched her from the doorway, observing as she struggled to balance several bags of baby supplies. “Hectic day?” you asked with a playful giggle.
“Oh yes,” she replied, exhaling wearily as she gently patted her very prominent belly. “Baby Ahri isn’t making it any easier. She’s so active these days!”
“I can imagine,” you said, leaning down and speaking in a high-pitched, playful tone. “Her due date is in just two weeks, you know. We’re all eagerly waiting to meet you, Baby Ahri.”
Minseo nodded with a tired smile, then asked, “Is Mingyu still not home?”
You glanced towards the window where Sooyoon, who had been waiting by the car, waved at you. “No, he’s still at the studio,” you replied. “But he texted me that he’ll be home soon and that he can’t wait to see his niece.”
Minseo rolled her eyes with a smirk. “He’s totally smitten with her. Sometimes, I think he’s more excited than I am!”
“Well, who can blame him?” you said with a reassuring smile. “Every kid can be a handful, but as long as she’s sweet with us, we’ll manage.” You pulled her into a warm hug. “Thanks again for everything, Y/N.”
Minseo smiled gratefully. “Enjoy your time in Busan!” she called as she headed toward the car, her hands full of baby supplies.
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As you closed the door behind her, you called out, “Danbiii! Where’s my sweet little bean?” Your eyes scanned the room until you spotted her small pink slippers peeking out from beneath the curtain.
This had become a cherished ritual between the two of you. Whenever Danbi visited, you’d play a little game of hide-and-seek.
“Mmm, my little bean is hiding so well,” you said, feigning frustration. You heard a faint beep from the direction of the curtain. “Oh, I’m getting closer,” you said, tiptoeing toward it.
With a dramatic flourish, you pulled the curtain aside and exclaimed, “Got you!” You lifted Danbi into the air, and her delighted squeal filled the room.
“You found me, Auntie Y/N!” she shouted joyfully, wrapping her tiny arms around your neck.
“I always find you, my sweet little bean,” you said, pressing a gentle kiss to her head. “Are you hungry, Danbi?” you asked as she clung to you like a koala. “Shall we make some dinner for Uncle Gyu?”
Her eyes sparkled with excitement. “Yes! Let’s cook for Uncle Gyuu!” she clapped her small hands together in delight.
“How about we make meatball pasta?” you suggested, knowing it was her absolute favorite.
“YESSS!!” she cheered. You carried her into the kitchen, where she eagerly grabbed her plastic cutlery. Together, you began preparing the meal, Danbi’s concentration evident as she helped with the ingredients.
As you danced around the kitchen to your favorite tunes, you heard the door open. “Oh Danbi, who is this?” you asked twirling her around in your arms.
“My Unclessss!” she said with a giggle, spinning in excitement. Just then, Mingyu walked in, his face lighting up as he saw Danbi.
“Uncle Gyuuu!” Danbi squealed, racing towards him.
Mingyu scooped her up in his arms, his face beaming with joy. “My princesssss,” he said affectionately, his eyes crinkling with happiness. You laughed softly and set the plates on the dining table.
“Mmm, that smells wonderful,” Mingyu said, his gaze appreciating the meal. He walked into the room, holding Danbi tightly. The little girl, who was clearly fascinated by him, snuggled into his embrace.
You watched them with a smile, thinking, “Same here, little one. Same here.”
“Did you two make this?” Mingyu asked, his eyes twinkling with pride. Danbi nodded enthusiastically.
“Hey, my love,” Mingyu said, carefully setting Danbi down and leaning in to kiss you softly.
“Hi, baby,” you replied, gently stroking his cheek. “How was work today?”
He sighed with a mix of exhaustion and relief. “It was a long day, but I’m glad to be home and have a few days off,” he said, looking over at Danbi. “Now, Dan Dan, how is my favorite girl doing?”
Danbi threw her arms around Mingyu’s neck. “Good—I missed you!” she said, her voice muffled as she clung to him.
Mingyu set her down gently, and you all took your places at the table. The three of you began to enjoy the meal, sharing laughter and stories as you savored the delicious pasta that Danbi had helped prepare.
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After dinner, as the kitchen is tidied up, Mingyu and Danbi begin their bedtime routine. Danbi, now in her pajamas and holding her favorite teddy bear, snuggles up against Mingyu as he gently lifts her up.
“Time for your bedtime ritual, sweetheart,” Mingyu says lovingly, carrying her upstairs.
You follow them to the cozy, softly lit bedroom, decorated in gentle pastel colors. The room is lovingly arranged, with colorful pictures on the walls and a bed adorned with fluffy pillows and blankets.
Mingyu carefully sets Danbi down on her bed and sits beside her. “What story would you like to hear tonight?” he asks as Danbi settles into her blankets, her eyes already heavy with sleep.
“The story of the brave little animals!” Danbi replies with a sleepy smile.
Mingyu nods and retrieves a picture book from the shelf, which tells the adventures of the brave little animals. He begins reading aloud, his voice calm and soothing. He brings the characters to life with expressive tones and gentle inflections, weaving a tale that gradually eases Danbi into slumber. Her eyelids grow heavy as she listens to the story of the brave little animals and their adventures.
You watch from the doorway, feeling a mix of warmth and bittersweet emotion. The love and tenderness Mingyu shows Danbi are heartwarming, and you find yourself reflecting on your own dreams and challenges.
As Mingyu finishes the story and gently closes the book, he strokes Danbi’s hair and kisses her forehead. “Goodnight, my little adventurer,” he whispers. “Sweet dreams.”
Danbi murmurs a sleepy goodnight and drifts off, her teddy bear hugged tightly. Mingyu quietly stands up and walks over to where you are standing, a soft smile on his face.
“You know,” he begins, his voice low and sincere, “I just want to tell you how proud I am of you.”
You look up at him, surprised by his words. “Proud of me? Why?”
Mingyu takes your hand in his, his expression filled with warmth and affection. “For everything you do, for being so wonderful with Danbi and for always supporting me. I know things haven’t been easy, and I admire your strength and love. You bring so much joy into our lives.”
His words touch you deeply, and you feel a mix of emotions welling up inside you. “Thank you, Mingyu,” you say softly, your voice trembling slightly. “That means a lot to me.”
Mingyu gently squeezes your hand. “You’re an amazing person, and I’m so grateful to have you in my life. I just wanted you to know that.”
With a final, loving smile, Mingyu pulls you into a warm embrace. You hold onto him, finding comfort in his support and the shared moments of love and understanding. As you both stand there, the quiet of the night settles around you, filled with the promise of brighter days ahead.
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The next morning, you wake up early, eager to start the day. You decide to make it special by preparing a delicious breakfast. The kitchen soon fills with the tempting aroma of pancakes as you whisk the batter and pour it into the hot pan.
Just as you’re cooking the first pancakes, you hear the soft patter of little feet behind you. Danbi, still a bit sleepy but excited, wanders into the kitchen, clutching her favorite teddy bear.
“Good morning, Auntie Y/N!” she calls out cheerfully, her eyes bright as she takes in the sight of the pancake batter.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” you reply with a warm smile. “Would you like to help me make the pancakes?”
Danbi’s face lights up with enthusiasm. “Yes, please! I want to help!”
You hand her a small bowl with a bit of batter and a tiny spoon. “You can stir the batter here while I cook the pancakes. Just try not to make too much of a mess!”
Danbi nods eagerly, carefully stirring the batter with a look of intense concentration. Occasionally, she glances up at you for reassurance. A tiny splash of batter lands on the countertop, and Danbi giggles.
“Oh, Auntie Y/N, look! I’m almost as good as you!” she says proudly, her excitement evident.
You smile and nod. “You’re doing great, Danbi. These pancakes are going to be fantastic thanks to you!”
After breakfast, which turns out to be delicious thanks to Danbi’s help, you all get ready for a fun outing to the zoo. Danbi, now dressed in her favorite outfit—a colorful animal-themed T-shirt and jeans—bounces with excitement.
As you arrive at the zoo, Danbi is practically vibrating with joy. She points out every animal she sees, her face glowing with wonder. You and Mingyu follow closely, sharing her enthusiasm and marveling at the different animals with her.
When you reach the monkey enclosure, Danbi looks up at both of you, her eyes full of affection. “Auntie Y/N, Uncle Mingyu, I love you both so much!” she says, her voice filled with sincerity. “You’re the best aunt and uncle ever!”
Mingyu kneels down to her level, his eyes softening with emotion. “We love you too, Danbi. You’re the best niece anyone could ask for.”
You watch the interaction, feeling a surge of warmth and gratitude. The simple, genuine moment of love between you all fills your heart with happiness.
The day continues with laughter and discovery as you explore the zoo together. You visit the giraffes, lions, and penguins, and enjoy ice cream cones as a treat. Danbi’s joy is infectious, and you all share many smiles and moments of connection.
As the sun starts to set, you head back home, tired but happy. You and Mingyu reflect on the day’s adventures and the special moments shared. When it’s time for Danbi to go to bed, you both help her get ready and tuck her in.
As Mingyu reads Danbi a bedtime story and gently closes the book, he leans in to kiss her forehead. “Goodnight, my little explorer. Sweet dreams.”
Danbi murmurs a sleepy goodnight and drifts off to sleep, hugging her teddy bear. You and Mingyu quietly leave the room, feeling happy with how the day went.
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A day after the joyful day at the zoo, the time comes for Minseo to pick up Danbi. The farewell is heartfelt and filled with affection. Minseo gives Danbi a tight hug, and the little girl clings to her teddy bear.
“How was your day, sweetheart?” Minseo asks lovingly as she helps Danbi into the car.
“It was the best day ever!” Danbi replies with a beaming smile. “We had so much fun!”
Minseo smiles warmly and looks at you and Mingyu. “Thank you so much for taking care of Danbi and making her day so special. It means a lot to us.”
You hug Minseo. “It was our pleasure. Danbi is such a joy to be with. Safe travels, and we’ll see you soon!”
As Minseo drives away with Danbi, you and Mingyu watch them leave, feeling a mixture of contentment and nostalgia.
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A few weeks later, you begin to feel unwell and decide to take a pregnancy test on your own, as Mingyu is away at work. With a mixture of hope and anxiety, you wait for the results. After what feels like an eternity, the test reveals a positive result.
Your heart races as you process the news—you're pregnant.
As you got the diagnosis endometriosis you were devastated, you wanted kids so badly, but your doctor said that this would be pretty hard.
And you were in for a long journey, besides the horrific pains you always endoured the dream of being a mother seemed far away.
Mingyu was your biggest support trough this time, he helped you with all the treatments.
Mingyu and you took every chance to have sex, for your luck the two of you were obsessed with each other. He knew your body well and knew which position worked without being in pain.
Determined to make this moment special, you begin preparing a surprise for Mingyu. You carefully plan an intimate evening at home. You decorate the living room with soft candles, fairy lights, and a “Welcome to the Family Baby Kim” sign. You also prepare a special dinner—his favorite dish.
When Mingyu arrives home that evening, he's immediately struck by the warm, inviting atmosphere. The candles flicker softly, and the table is set with care.
“Wow, this looks amazing,” Mingyu says, looking around in wonder. “What’s the occasion?”
You smile, feeling a flutter of excitement and nerves. “I have a surprise for you. Please, sit down.”
As Mingyu takes his seat at the table, you bring out the dinner and sit across from him. After a few moments of enjoying the meal and making small talk, you finally take a deep breath and reach into your pocket. You pull out a small, neatly wrapped box and place it in front of him.
Mingyu looks at the box curiously and then at you. “What’s this?”
“Open it and find out,” you say, your voice trembling slightly with anticipation.
Mingyu carefully unwraps the box and opens it to find a tiny pair of baby shoes inside, along with a note that reads: “We’re going to be parents!”
His eyes widen in shock as he processes the message. A mixture of disbelief, joy, and emotion floods his face. He looks up at you, his eyes brimming with tears.
“You’re… you’re pregnant?” he asks, his voice choked with emotion.
You nod, tears of happiness streaming down your cheeks. “Yes, we are.”
Mingyu stands up and rushes over to you, enveloping you in a tight, loving embrace. His tears of joy fall freely as he holds you close. “I can’t believe it. I’m so happy. This is the best news ever.”
He twirled you around and you sobbed "when did you find out?" he asked looking at you "in the morning, I had this weird feeling in my tummy and I thought let´s do it" he kissed you softly.
"We´re gonna be parents" he whispered, his eyes red and full of tears "god I am so happy" he beamed with joy.
"I need to tell the boys, they need to know" he said grabbing his phone "we could tell them at the company dinner on Saturday" you suggested and he nodded excited "oh I cant wait to see their faces"
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The two of you made your way towards the small Greek Restaurant hand in hand while Mingyu carried your bag.
He was dressed in a Dark Blue Dress shirt, combined with some Black slacks and some black dress shoes.
You wore a matching Dark Blue Satin dress with some heels.
"who do you think will be the most excited?" Mingyu asked "I think Wonwoo, but he wont show it too much, probably Seungkwan and Josh, they´re gonna cry, oh and Debby will cry, and then she will tell Wonwoo to show some emotion" you giggled at the thought.
As the group of over 20 people ate in peace the smell of the Moussaka suddenly went not to well with your stomach.
Your chair screeched along the floor as you rushed towards the toilet, you hated this.
After you were done Mingyu gave you the small toothbrush from your Bag for emergencies and you quickly brushed your teeth.
The two of you walked back to the table and Seungkwan looked at you with concern written all over his features.
"are you okay?" he whispered and you nodded "actually we wanted to tell you all some exciting news" you smiled and Debby gasped.
"we´re going to be parents" Mingyu and you said grinning.
and they all gasped "NO WAY" Joshua got up and Seungkwan directly began to cry "oh my god finally" all of them hugged you and you saw Wonwoo wiping some tears away.
"nonu" you said feeling the tears sting your eyes.
and he opened his arms "I´m so happy for the two of you, you fought so long for this" he kissed your head and you hugged him tight.
"actually Wonu, I wanted to ask you something" Mingyu said giving him a small box, Wonwoo took it with furrowed eyebrows. His slightly shaky hands pulled the lid off and he gasped looking at his best friend with wide eyes.
"no way" the tears in Wonwoos eyes were getting more and more "of course Gyu" he hugged him tight.
the little box asked him 'do you wanna be my godfather? - Baby Kim'
Wonwoo pulled you into the circle and you could not stop the tears.
"I´m so happy for the two of you, baby Kim will have the best parents" he said.
And he was right, you and Mingyu became a incredible duo.
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
If you have time can you do headcanons for HEARTSTEEL Ezreal x K/DA fem!Reader? It's totally okay if you don't want to!!(≡^∇^≡)
✖ Heartsteel!Ezreal x K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.3k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: Sorry for taking a while with this! I hope I did him justice. He is just a lovable idiot with your best interests in heart to me 💚💚💚
xxxx Day to Day xxxx
- He was a brat, an absolute whiny brat when your schedules don't line up. Ezreal is Complaining, begging and whining, incessantly pestering your managers to adjust things so he can spend time with you. His thoughts are plagued by you 24/7 and he wants nothing more than to just Be with you. Reluctantly he would still go to interviews and fan meets, but whenever he's on break he's sending you voice messages, sending you photos, drooping you messages on how he misses you.
- Ezreal would totally skip out on practices to run off and be by your side. Being in the same production studio totally helped. Blinking past higher ups and security to knock furiously on your studio door. Ahri sighing as she opens the door for him. Ezreal happily walking in like it is as much his studio as it is yours. " Here to visit my love, don't mind me girls!" Happy giggles erupting from his lips as he runs up to your side. He would totally just sit cross legged nearby, cheering as you pull off a dance move. Or jokingly learning the same set and joining in when you dance.
- If you were to visit him during his practice instead, he is ecstatic, suddenly a one take wonder whenever you are near. Of course he'd have to be perfect, you were watching him of course. Ezreal would also throw cute heart hands, heart fingers, blow kisses, throw his top off at you. All the embarrassingly cute things that just make him, him. The other boys in the band tease him of course, little loverboy becomes such a chummy mess around you it is almost surprising.
- This lovable loser would totally thirst trap and give you targeted fanservice. When you were apart Ezreal is the kind of guy to lift his shirt up and take a photo of him and his abs in the mirror to send to you. " Looked super cute today! Sucks that you aren't here to check it out yourself. Teehee." If you save any of these photos, don't tell him, it'll actually make him embarrassed instead. The way he immediately freaked out and told you to change it when he saw you set his photoshoot photo as your phone wallpaper, he cannot handle such love coming from someone he loves back just so much. One sided adoration was normal for him, seeing you love him back? His heart is thumping out of his chest.
- The kind of guy to serenade you in a high school boy kind of way, sneaking into the garden area below your window, throwing rocks at your window until you wake up and check it out only to see him with a ukulele loudly singing love songs he knows you like. The only reason it wasn't embarrassing was just because he was actually good at it, he was a singer so his voice was just so beautiful you can't help but forgive him. Of course he'd wait patiently to be let into your house after, laughing as you tell him he didn't have to sneak around to get in. He did it for the romantic fun of it, not because he has to.
- Ezreal is also rarely insecure, but when he is, he goes to you. You being a professional in the industry too, and also being his lover meant you were specifically the only one he trusts to hear his fears and appropriately comfort him. Worried about his voice not being good enough, his dancing being too erratic, his looks not being just perfect. Only when you tell him, with all your own experiences as a professional, that he was doing fine, amazing even. Or that everyone in the industry feels this way, it was just part of the job stress, would he finally calm down. " Thank you...I really needed that..." Soft whispers as he hugs you, your hands in his hair calming him down as he tries to breathe.
- And if it came to you? Panic setting in before a big interview or performance? He is your personal hype man. If anyone can make you feel better about yourself it was Ezreal. He loves you oh so much and has just as many reasons to back it up. Telling you how your cute smile always leaves his mind a fuzzy mess, how he loves your voice so much he sleeps to your solo records, how he watches compilations of your performances because he really loves to see you dance, there was nothing about you he doesn't love, and he is sure your fans feel the same way. He is just as big of a fan of you as you are of him, its hard not to love him for that.
xxxx Touring xxxx
- Ezreal hates that he has to hide his love for you on stage. Sure the adoring cries of cute girls and guys from the crowd was nice but where is yours! Why were you so busy that you haven't seen his selfie! Holding back any negative feelings he would still perform as well as he could on stage. He understands that you had your own performances so you couldn't watch all of his but he is still sad and pouty over it!
- If you were hidden in the audience, the moment he spots you its a 180. Suddenly even more energetic than usual, he can't help but to hop and blink closer to the audience, trying to give you a high five before blinking back on stage. Ezreal having to explain to Alune later why he was breaking rules. But all he would do is sheepishly laugh and apologize, knowing full well he would do it again. He was just so drawn to you afterall.
- Ez is the kind of loving boyfriend that would totally buy you over the top gifts and get them delivered. Almost every location you perform at, a bouquet is personally sent to your dressing room. Always your favorite flowers, sometimes a cheesy love poem written in the card, but always sent to you before your performance. The kind of " Hey, I can't be there but I will be watching you from here <3" reminder that leaves your chest feeling warm.
- If Ezreal is in the audience? He doesn't hide it, rumors be damned, he's a fan he loves you! He hides it enough at his own stage lives, he is going all out with your fans. Lightsticks, fansigns, tees, ita-bags, he has it all. He loves you and wants Everyone to know he's a fan. VIP tickets, man is always right in front jumping and cheering, screaming fan chants, embarrassing you but also just making it so fun! He is in queue with his VIP pass for a Hi-touch too, embarrassing considering how he is already always snuggling you in your private time, yet here he was in public sneaking even more skinship from you.
- It's no longer any doubt to fans that Ezreal loves K/DA but whether you two were a thing? That was a mystery. He loves the fans shipping the two of you together though, he might not be allowed to openly declare his claim over you but, this was cute enough to satisfy him. He has a side fan account for you that is surprisingly popular with fans because for some reason, this account seems to always grab sneakily good photos of you in public.
- When you do hop by backstage to wait for him, he goes fucking crazy. The kind to happily yell your name as he runs and jumps into your arms. He loves you so much and so brightly, peppering your face in kisses, bragging about his perfect performance, excitedly telling you how some fans threw him gifts on stage. A warm smile as he places his sunglasses on your face, " Not bragging to make you jealous, I hope you know you're my one and only." A small kiss on your nose as he pulls away, flashing you a charming smile.
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togetherhearted · 9 months
A kind soul commissioned me some fluffy headcanons. Thanks so much for your trust!!
COMMISSION:KDA girls married to one lucky man
How could a simple man like you score all of those pretty and famous ladies was so beyond a mind's comprehension;yet this happened and there was no way for them to change their minds. They could get anyone, but there was something in you that made their head spin and hearts throb. Your genuine personality and true affection towards them. Each one of them took something on the table and while this looked like a hard and weird marriage this still worked. Many were hoping for a scandal, but what they got was a real and wholesome relationship. You were the glue that kept everything together. Surprisingly Evelynn was actually the oldest one of the bunch;surpassing you even;not that you minded;her mature personality balanced the whole "team." With Evelynn came the spoiling;she wanted to be spoiled but for you she would gladly go the extra mile to make you feel appreciated. At least once a month you all have a spa day thanks to her. As a diva expects from her a couple of peculiar requests and days of carrying her bags while shopping. Fear not, she will take care of you in every way possible. Akali's the youngest one in this marriage and keeping up with her energetic personality is both a blast and the equivalent of hours at the gym. She likes to treat you ramen and take you out sightseeing when the tours take them in a city no one haven't visited yet.  She doesn't shy away from letting you hear her from newest rhymes. Sometimes she asks you to join her in the studio spending hours at the table searching for the right flow while snacks and drinks are around you. Wouldn't admit you are her muse. She's the one who messages you the most if you can't go on a tour with them. Kai'sa is the one who takes care of everyone's health most of the times;as the dancer of the group, her hope is to keep you in top shape. Takes you to dance;whatever the occasion might be, all of you will be dragged on the dancefloor. She prefers solo dances so she can move freely but if it's you who ask her she will definitely close an eye and get out her comfort zone. She doesn't speak much, but she's the best listener. In Ahri you have the best confidant;she listens but also gives good advices and insights about situations. Everyone runs to her if there's a problem they might not be able to salve on their own. Ahri treats you with the utmost gentleness but also with a bit of sweet flirtatious comments. Time spent with Ahri is always relaxing; she's the type to snuggled under blankets when she's not training or modeling, acting, singing you name it. She tries her best to make time for you. Be sure to remind her to take some or time off her idol duties or will burnout herself.
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duckchu · 10 months
Hey ducky :3 I'm back with another bird boyfriend request. How about a scenario where Phel takes birdy boi to an award ceremony and Phel and Heartsteel has to stop him from going for the shinies? Thanks in advance :3
Let's gooo I honestly love writing these
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It was a big day for Phel and the rest of the band, you knew that. But at the same time, everything around you was overwhelming. It felt like everything was shining, and maybe that's the reason you were sat with Aphelios on one side and K'Sante on the other.
The ceremony itself was quite boring, but looking at how all the stuff shimmered in the lights
Oh how badly you wanted to take a closer look at that pin Ahri was wearing...or the metal details on Mordekaisers tuxedo...But you knew if you tried anything, the boys would catch you and also other people would see and you didn't want to ruin the night for them...
But then it was finally over. After some discussion with the band, you decided to go to the after party, where you got the perfect occasion to mingle with the shiniest people
Ahri thought your antics were really cute and allowed you to take a closer look at her jewelry, exchanged with letting her inspect your feathers closer, looking for inspiration
While you were too intimated to come closer to Mordekaiser, you really enjoyed watching the light dance in the armor like decorations he was wearing
And the brightest one of them all, Qiyana, who was wearing shiny things head to toe. You were lucky she in the band with Yone's brother, because you had a lot of time to look at her outfit, thought you felt too shy to actually talk to her.
After the party, you were all way too tired for anything so you just fell asleep on Aphelios's shoulder on the ride back
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uranusport · 4 months
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Saudações! Venho aqui anunciar capas especiais do K/DA que estão para doação! ATENÇÃO: Todos os trâmites de doação serão feitos por meio do Formulário de adoção linkado ao final do post e via Mensagem Privada, no Spirit Fanfics. Verifique as condições de cada capa e envie sua mensagem para @UranusMang. Os prazos de entrega e utilização da capa serão devidamente negociados, mantenha o respeito, por favor.
Capa 1: Hear Me Out (K/DA)
「 Status: Disponível 」
*Troco título
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 2: Likey (K/DA)
「 Status: Disponível 」
*Troco título
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 3: Acalanto (Kai'sa + Evelynn)
「 Status: Disponível 」
*Troco título + Frase de efeito opcional
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 4: Spring Day (Akali + Ahri)
「 Status: Indisponível - reservado por @VelhaKarmaStudios 」
*Troco título + Frase de efeito opcional
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 5: Leave Me Loving You (Kai'sa)
「 Status: Indisponível - reservado por @Marcann 」
*Troco título
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 6: Lipstick Lover (Ahri + Evelynn)
「 Status: Indisponível - reservado por @SatonePink 」
*Troco título (desde que tenha algo a ver com batom/maquiagem para não perder o sentido d design)
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 7: Slow Dancing (Kai'sa + Ahri)
「 Status: Indisponível - reservado por @Marcann 」
*Troco título
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 8: Slumber Party (Akali + Ahri + Evelynn)
「 Status: Indisponível - reservado por @Marcann 」
*Troco título (desde que tenha algo a ver com festa do pijama para não perder o sentido do design)
Música de inspiração aqui
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CAPAS REMANESCENTES (de doação anterior)
Capa 9: Going Harder (K/DA)
「 Status: Disponível 」
*Troco título (curto ou longo)
Música de inspiração aqui
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Capa 10: O que você diria agora (Seraphine)
「 Status: Indisponível – reservado por @ValentinaBlack 」
*Troco título (curto ou longo)
Música de inspiração aqui
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【 AVISO: As capas só podem ser adotadas por pessoas que realmente desejam escrever. Caso a capa não seja utilizada no prazo proposto nos trâmites, o nickname do usuário será adicionado à Lista de Bloqueio e nenhuma outra capa será doada ou feita para ele, seja por mim ou por Capistas conhecidos. Tenha respeito pelo serviço dos Capistas!!! 】
:: Formulário de adoção aqui
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:: Fanarts by: @Yajuu5 (Instagram)
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mperosx · 9 months
Super Shy || Ahri & Eros
Continued from here with the lovely and fun @mpahri
   He had noticed the first day it began but given that his wife had told him that someone had asked after him posing he merely thought it had just been a mild curiosity that would fade after a bit. Eros had let the girl trail him like a ghost for a good few hours around town as he shopped, met with friends, and took time to visit the newer exhibits in various galleries around the city. Sufficiently done with his day, he made his way back home on foot preferring to enjoy the long city walk just before the snow would surely come.
  On day two of the following Eros had sensed that it was more about the little tingle of a feeling he had noticed on day one. That sharp and undeniable feeling of hope, quick like lighting a match stick, was burning in her heart and Eros, felt it in his own. A charge! The god loved each charge he got and only stepped in when they were ready enough to seek him out or call on him within the silence of their hearts. She was the bolder sort and while it was slightly weird— the god was tickled by her growing determination.
     On the second day, Eros makes his way around town on foot again but armed with a slightly thicker jacket, the chill in the air delightfully crisp! It’s when he takes a seat at one of his favorite cafes to read for a while that it becomes radiantly obvious that she wants to talk to him. 
   Her little heart pounds with a million questions, her mind alight with her wondering of how to approach not only the topic but the god himself but above all of that, he hears a name over and over.
   There it is! Eros’ cheeks color softly when it’s clear who it is she is toiling over so much. Well, isn’t that sweet! He hums softly to himself as his order is set down and he pulls from his pocket a small journal. In neat Greek he jots down her and Ayden’s names before setting the little journal open on the table before him. It’s light magic and something he can do for now that Eros speaks the names quietly before he waves a hand over the paper. The names do nothing for a second then go from black ink to glowing pink lettering that wiggles a bit before lifting off the page to pull close to each other. On their frail impact the letters dissolve into nothing, the page blank before him.
   “Well, at least they’re compatible,” he smiles before shutting the little book and tucking it back into his pocket.
    On the third day, they speak. Or well, he does! He watches the recognition that she’s been caught dance across her little face but schools his own to an expression of understanding. She’s just curious if he can and will help! He’ll be kind and see what she needs.
    “I’ll take that as a yes,” he chuckles gently before he closes the book he’s actually reading this time when she has found him again. Its title is embossed in gold on its deep red cover as he sets the book down. Tristan and Iseult, the spelling and book itself old. Eros gestures to the seat across from him. “You’re safe friend, talk with me.”
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babs-babbles · 1 year
omg spiderverse kda yes pleaseeeeeeee
Okok so I got it!! Kda spiderverse au where Akali is this universes spiderwoman
Akali: Ninja Spider, her dimension's one and only spider person. When not suited and saving lives she's DJ's underground clubs. One night while packing away her supplies after a gig she got bit by a radioactive spider, and since then has been using her powers to help the people of Runterra City
Kai'sa: human bonded to a symbiote and this dimension's resident venom. Misunderstood anti hero who's trying her best. By day she's disguised as a local dance instructor, by night she hunts down bad guys that slip through the cracks. Pairs up with Akali on rare occasions for the really hard to get villains
Ahri: radio show host and "reporter". This dimension's "MJ"(she lives) and "Ned". She helps Akali by tracking police radios and keeping investigators off her tail. Often tells Akali that thanks to her natural charms no one suspects a thing. But don't let the sweet talk fool you, she might be hiding something
Evelynn: Definitely the dimension's Kingpin. Or at least...the women behind him. Eve runs most of the crime and such going on in Runterra City, from smuggling goods, organized gangs, the occasional missing persons. All her. Under the disguise of the original Kingpin, who she took out to take control over everything
I only know the basics and such about the marvel universe(s). But I've always liked Spiderman and the movies were definitely my favorite growing up. Combine that with my love for kda and we get cool shiz like this. Might draw up some spiderverse kda soon
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girlfox · 3 months
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so, you know, i know these are supposed to be the new champions spirits ( whomst i will ALSO be writing! ) but but. i just think the lil' spirits that flit around ahri's woods deserve to be these because i've always imagined them as will o' wisps that dance around & there are still plenty of those especially at night, guiding wary travelers into the fox's den. however i think if you're very special or they're in a good mood, the faerie lights will reveal their true forms to you and they're just LITTLE GUYS. made of swirly magic stuff, pretty and incorporeal. ahri is naturally the best of friends with them.
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sennamybeloved · 10 months
belated day 23 for @kits-ships selfshipvember, following the prompt dancing together :)
Under the vast canopy of the night sky, two she-beasts play amongst the forest. Omikayalan was draped in a peaceful quietude before they disrupted it, charging through the lush undergrowth, kicking up dirt and leaves each time their paws touch the ground. Twin laughter echoes through the trees, following them wherever they run.
How such a foolish game of cat-and-mouse began eludes them both, but at some point, Ahri ran, and Seren gave chase. They followed each other in relentless pursuit, giggling and squealing like children—until Ahri's leg snagged on a tangle of vines. They stopped her dead in her tracks, and she fell flat onto the dirt in front of her.
A sharp hiss escapes Seren's clenched jaw, drowned out by the pained, fox-like yelp that Ahri makes in tandem. Before either of them can process it, Seren is at Ahri's side, kneeling down beside her and speaking to her gently. "Are you okay?"
The most comforting aspect of Seren's abilities is that she can immediately tell that Ahri is just fine; distress does not waft from her like tendrils of smoke, so, it is unlike that she is in much pain at all. Still, she meets her lover's concern with a whine, ears pressed low against each side of her skull. "That hurt," she complains.
"I bet," Seren says, placing gentle hands atop Ahri's back and shoulders, helping her into a kneeling position. "Maybe watch where you're going next time."
The fox lets out an annoyed huff, shrugging Seren's hands off and averting her flaxen gaze, tails shifting to curl around her frame protectively.
She's not hurt, Seren recognizes, but she'd like me to treat her like she is.
Recognizing that this is perhaps not the time to tease her about being a brat, Seren tuts softly and forces herself back into Ahri's proximity, wrapping her arms around her and pulling her in close. "D'aw, poor foxy," she coos. "Are you okay? Do you need to go back to the temple?"
Ahri tries to suppress the bemused smile that creeps onto her lips, but fails. "Maybe," she giggles softly, carefully shifting so that she's looking Seren in the eye. Her expression is nothing short of mischievous.
"Uhuh," Seren's tone is deadpan, but she cannot bite back the grin that tugs at her face. "Well, then, stand up. Let's get moving."
Seren attempts to help Ahri to her feet, hands planted firmly on her body, providing anchorage where she can. Ahri follows, albeit slowly, limbs weak like a fawn's. So, Seren tosses in a final remark: "Or, do you perhaps need me to carry you?"
Ahri laughs outright at that. "You couldn't," she says, finally hoisting herself to her feet. "You're too frail."
Seren scoffs, feinging offense. "I am not! I'm just..." She trails off, finding she has no defense for that.
"Mhm?" Ahri hums. She tips her head to the side curiously, an impish smile creeping its way into rose-colored lips. She's beautiful, frustratingly so. Seren wants to kiss her.
"Shut up," is all she manages instead, voice lightly cracking over each syllable. Ahri's smile then becomes a sharp-toothed grin, the likes of which Seren admires for as long as she's allowed until their lips are crashing together, parting in a series of soft, sweet kisses, initiated by the she-fox herself.
Hands fist into each other's clothes, bodies pressed flush, breaths mingling in the frost-kissed air. It is in the warmth of each other's embrace that they lose themselves. With no anchors—nothing to sit, lay, or lean on—they struggle to keep their footing, constantly swaying and stumbling together. It is that uncoordinated bumbling that soon begins to resemble a dance. It is flawed and graceless, at least initially, but it is, most certainly, a dance.
Seren was never much of a dancer. However, Ahri is and always has been. She is a romantic and sentimental creature, and to win her adoration, she needs to be impressed. So she was forced to catch on quick. Now, she is capable of leading them in a romantic waltz under sterling moonlight.
Ahri surrenders herself to her lover's tender hold. One lithe arm snakes around Seren's waist, whilst her free hand forces its way into Seren's adjacent palm. Small, foxish face burrows into the crook of Seren's neck, who smiles—her free arm is now wrapped around Ahri, holding her close as he sways them both back and forth.
"You're such a sweetheart," Seren mutters after a while, almost entirely against her own will. It's just a simple fact, one that must be stated over, and over, and over again. "You know that?"
She feels Ahri smile against the skin of her shoulder. "Mm, I'm not sure that I do." Suddenly, she's pushing off Seren, lifting her gaze to look her in the eye. "Tell me again."
Seren can't help but snicker. All the love in the world wouldn't be able to satisfy her. To most, that is an abhorrent quality, one that is inherently linked to greed and gluttony. That may, in fact, be the case, but Seren doesn't mind.
"You're a sweetheart," she repeats, suddenly peppering her lover's face in tender kisses. "A darling, a dear, the sweetest, sweetest little fox I know..." It's accompanied by a litany of other compliments, that all disappear into the night.
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allisian · 10 months
K/DA Lore pt.3
It took me a while to decide on how teen Evelynn would look like. So I held off my last post until I could finalise her design. Yes I heavily based her off Maddison Beers look at the 2018 worlds. Its a shame I wasn't able to showcase her fashion I had in mind. Perhaps I'll try drawing a full body reference in the future.
Time for Kai'sa! KDA's most shallow member! (I love Kai'sa guys I swear. It's riot that ruined her potential.)
As a child Kaisa would travel a lot because of her father's work (military) She would grow up as a model student fluent in many languages and educated in geography and history. Kai'sa is socially underdeveloped due to her "really moves around" upbringing. She also is the "Broken Ace" type (nomadic life), always striving for perfection in her grades and career but in turn suffers socially. This makes Kai'sa very awkward and oblivious to social cues when interacting with people outside of a professional manner. Because of this, she was typically outcasted throughout the many schools she attended. Others feared her like she was some sort of monster. A creature too mysterious and focused on achieving to be understood. School became a hunt to survive mentality to kaisa and nothing else mattered in her world. Yet the longing to belong was still there in her heart. After discovering dance in her teens Kai'sa would start to evolve. She never had hobbies or any indulgences in her life. All she knew was how to survive an ever-changing environment as she constantly moved with her father's tours and deployments around the world. With dance, she finally opened herself up to the idea of living over surviving. From ballet in Russia to hip hop in the Americas Kaisa would find the universal language to feel herself and to connect to those around her no matter where in the world she was. Kaisa grew to have a passion for the arts, she discovered she was diversly gifted in creativity. Her hardworking attitude and serious studying nature helped her achieve many degrees. As an adult, she would make her own studio the Firefly Collective (located in America) where she would share her passion and teach others the wonderful world of dance and would go on to create a popular youtube channel for her studio (think 1MILLION Dance Studio). She was happy being a teacher and was astonished to have been visited by Ahri and Evelynn. Kaisa wasn't too aware of K-pop artists so she didn't recognize them as celebrities but her students did. They freaked out when popstars Ahri and Evelynn entered their dance studio. Seeking out someone to be their choreographer. Kaisa's students urged her to take this opportunity and so Kaisa became the third member of kda.
*Yes Kai'sas lore was mostly ripped off the comics. But I was able to add more context
*in 2018, one year before KDA debuted she won Hong Kong's "Can you dance?" competition. This success was what put her on Ahri and Evelynn's radar. (Kai'sa was 21 at the time)
*Kai'sa had a complete personality overhaul when she discovered dance. She went from the recluse, studyholic to the hippie, free spirited type.
*In her life Kai'sa has lived in 10 countries: China, South Africa, South Korea, France, America, Australia, United Kingdom, Russia, India and Argentina.
*She was born in south africa (as a omage to her default voice actor)
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Art by me
Here's a link to my playlist of the music I think suits this pre KDA Kai'sa
(Edit links to the other KDA girls)
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stainedpast · 3 months
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A gentle smile graces his features, almost sad-like for he was unable to attend such an important moment in their career, in what they love. Oh how beautiful they looked on the screen, outshining their prize. His hand reaches the softness of theirs, gently tugging for them to make his lap their seat, comfortable on his thighs. The dorsum of his hand caresses the silk-like skin of their cheek, the other securing them by the waist. ❝ Oh Ahri but you could. ❞ His hand dances on their shoulder before sliding down around their waist, joining the other one in securing them. ❝ You have never needed me to succeed, nor will you do any time soon. ❞ His face lessens the distance to theirs, noses brushing sensually. ❝ You looked stunning as always. ❞ Yes, he watched the streaming on tv; there were no calls at the time, lucky him.
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@vulpesse : ❛ i couldn't do it without you. i wouldn't even wanna to do it without you. ❜ ( for leo ♡ )
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lockedfighter · 3 months
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ˏˋ°• ׂׂૢ་༘࿐           @vulpesse , teefs forces the fox babie to dance with her . ♡ ₊˚ˑ༄ ↳ the system of touch ; always accepting !!
༊⋆。˚                                  doe  like  hues  sparkled  (  prettily  )  with  merriment  —-  like  rubies  flickering  against  silver  moonlight  .  the  cherry  blossoms  surrounding  them  &  the  faint  trickle  of  the  waterfall  casting  an  atmospheric  tune  .  calming  &  serene  .  hadn’t  felt  such  a  way  since  she  had  arrived  here  but  the  companionship  formed  with  the  she  fox  was  an  unlikely  collaboration  that  oddly  fit  .  tifa  often  felt  consumed  by  intrusive  thoughts  —-  knowing  this  place  were  merely  a  stop  off  point  .  she’d  pushed  it  down  in  a  craving  attempt  to  cope  with  her  grief  but  it  was  soon  that  she’d  lose  another  ;  her  friend  .
the  thought  too  s  o  r  r  o  w  f  u  l  ,  couldn’t  even  begin  to  obsess  over  such  .  ❛  ahri  ,  come  dance  with  me  !  ❜  sweetened  tone  laced  her  words  .  noted  (  what  seemed  like  )  amusement  ‘pon  pretty  features  .  here  ,  she  felt  free  .  the  essence  of  life  in  an  ironic  twist  of  fate  .  felt  she  could  truly  be  herself  .  swaying  to  the  melodies  of  nature  ,  she  cast  her  worries  aside  .  most  likely  looked  f  o  o  l  i  s  h   but  found  her  cares  disappearing  with  the  wind  . 
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❛  we  may  not  get  this  moment  again  ,  let  me  savour  it  ..  ❜  before  she  were  to  pass  on  .  incessant  anticipation  a  plague  through  her  thoughts  .  instead  ,  she  brushed  past  it  as  she  reached  for  the  femmes  hand  ,  gently  pulling  her  to  a  stand  and  using  her  arm  as  a  playful  under  arm  left  side  pass  as  she  twirled  underneath  ,  laughter  chiming  through  seconds  later  before  their  gaze  locked  &  somewhat  of  a  pleased  glint  within  .  ❛  just  this  once  .  ❜
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