#dandy answers things
dandelionfaggot · 1 month
*boop you*
:0 an boop. for me. boops you also
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r4zzled4zzle · 1 month
*uses non-anon magic to make them twisted for a while*
What now- (a.)
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uncracked-case · 26 days
You said one time (earlier?) that you should do something about the liability that is... Brightney.
I... Wanna ask what you mean by this. Yes, I understand how having a walking spotlight (sorry Brightney) around would make things... Difficult to deal with the twisted. But if a blackout happens and she is around, wouldn't that be much better? A fair trade I'd think...
And it isn't clear just how... Reliable the lights are deeper down there... And it's not like there is much you can do about it, right?
-Sunny Anon
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(…Again. How are they hearing my thoughts?)
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Well. I suppose I should explain my reasoning for why Brightney is a liability to the investigation, then.
While you may have a point about Brightney being useful in blackouts - blackouts don’t happen often enough for it to be a real issue. Her bright light prevents her from being able to sneak around like the rest of us.
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And, well…
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…She’s made several mistakes during this investigation.
And Goob paid the price for one of them.
(So I’m thankful we got that medical kit when we did. Otherwise… the situation could have been worse than it was. Much, much worse.)
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ginkovskij · 4 months
i know i'm at work but what if i don't want to work
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meirimerens · 1 year
this is probably a very niche thing, but do you have any hand headcanons about pathologic characters? as in, who's right-handed or who's left-handed... or both.
since most of the population is right-handed, imagine that if i'm not mentioning anyone they're either right-handed OR i don't have any particular headcanons. + you get some handwriting headcanons as well, a "buy one get one free" deal
Dankovsky: right-handed, relatively neat writing when he wants, otherwise you're getting that Doctor's Handwriting
Burakh: naturally right-handed, but he trained himself to be able to write with his left hand when he sprained his wrist age 14. his left-handed writing is kinda fucked up and it's obvious that's not his natural dominant hand, but if you squint and focus it's readable
Clara: ambidextrous, but she has very rarely written in her life so she doesn't even notice.
Andrey: naturally ambidextrous, has a left-handedness dominance
Peter: naturally ambidextrous, has a right-handedness dominance
(fun fact about ^ i headcanon that they always had to be sat together at school and for a while the teacher didn't understand why they didn't get any work done and then realized that's because the way they had them (peter on the left and andrey on the right) their elbows keep bumping in each other's so they just switched them around and it was fine)
Rubin: naturally left-handed but trained himself to be able to write/do other stuff with his right hand in case (it was for him a thing of like Discipline)
Lara: right-handed, relatively clean handwriting unless she starts losing it and scribbling
Grief: left-handed
Eva: right-handed, neat handwriting, likes to either embellish her lettering a lot or have very "dry", austere, almost worryingly simple shapes
Yulia: right-handed, a nervoussss writer, very tense grip on the pen, very low and slanted letters
Nina and Victoria: both ambidextrous
Katerina: naturally ambidextrous, her proficiency in both hands has been coming and going, and her morphine addiction has made her lose her grip and stability on her writing to the point it looks like chicken-scratch now
Capella: naturally ambidextrous, she uses mostly her right hand so far but will learn to use the left one more as well as she grows up + trains with stuff like sewing, embroidering, playing instruments,...
Khan: right-handed, relatively clean handwriting. it gets cleaner and more precise as he grows up because he goes on to go to college and learn languages, so he takes pride and effort into materializing the letters of languages other than his own like greek, arabic, any using the latin alphabet, etc.
Notkin: left-handed. he's barely literate because of his Shit Life Syndrome making his writing, when he tries, somewhat unintelligible. since he barely ever writes he has no muscle memory of how to hold his pen so his left hand doesn't smear the ink all over.
Catnip: right handed, clean and pretty handwriting, her grammar is kinda shit but she has an excuse. she's an orphan.
Dandy: right-handed, messyyyy handwriting, but his grasp on grammar's preddy good. paired with his sister ^ they make for Notkin's Redaction and Deciphering Team.
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that-darn-clown · 2 days
the MCI in the au had a Lot of controversy, fun fact. minus the obvious (Jesus Fuck That's A Lot Of Dead Kids), the controversy surrounding it included:
how/why the kids were lured (this was done to find some semblance of a possible motive, and then work from there. it didn't work out entirely, but they tried)
the...MULTIPLE people falsely accused and convicted of the murders (one guy they quite literally pretended to put in jail and then immediately released to be put in Witness Protection because they only pretended to arrest him to put the public's mind at ease)
the '87 Massacre PROVING that the police sucked at their jobs and that the killer hadn't been caught.
William and the fact that this man SUCKS at trying to prove his innocence, and yet STILL didn't have more suspicion put on him. his alibi's shaky as fuck!! he's literally the only person big enough to safely fit inside the suit used for the murders!!
whether Andrew actually was an MCI victim or not
whether Charlie was a "failed" MCI victim or not
in order:
the motives that the public came up with due to the camera footage: Bea was lured using the promise that the killer would help her find her dog (correct, right on the nose), Junior was lured during his meltdown after not getting to see Foxy, with the killer promising to help him calm down (technically right; William was specifically taking him to see Foxy, who was undergoing maintenance), Gabi was lured with the promise of a birthday surprise and Isaac went with them to keep an eye on his sister (technically also right but it took them Fucking Ages to get this one), and Andrew had seen something he wasn't supposed to see (very incorrect. Andrew didn't witness anything, he just got into an argument with William).
William just pointed the finger at multiple Fredbear's employees, mostly ones closer to him in height (reminder that this man's 6 foot fucking seven). the guy that got put in Witness Protection that i mentioned earlier, that they only pretended to arrest to put people's minds at ease? was 6'4".
like. for the kids murdered in '87, think about it: the O'Hare suit was used, it was in fucking June, and there were five kids. if that wouldn't be a sign that the police got the wrong fucking guy and sucked Really Bad at their jobs, i dunno what would.
William's alibis were literally just "I was at home that night/I was working at Fredbear's/I was at the bar" and no one could fully disprove it, and William stated that, if his O'Hare suit just had to be used by a different employee, that they had stilts that those people could use to fit better in the suit. so, ""technically speaking"", someone else could've used the suit, especially if they were close to Will's height. but you can see why this technically "proved his innocence" in the eyes of most of the town (except for the families mostly affected by his bullshit. there's a reason why about a fourth of town hates this guy, either quietly or vocally).
a lot of factors go into why Andrew is theorized to potentially just be a runaway and not a part of the MCI: his horrible home life, the fact he wasn't technically lured, the fact that almost no one who was there saw where he went after he left Cassidy alone at the table, the lack of evidence in general, his tendency to run away from home and stay with friends for weeks on end, and, most notably, the fact that no body was found in 1985 like the others were. the town's split on what to believe. Andy's dad just didn't really care, and thought they did run away; "Maybe he finally decided to stop being a pussy and leave town like he said he would a hundred fucking times. Took 'im long enough." this would come back to bite him in the ass in '87, however. William didn't confirm nor deny anything, obviously. for the record, Andy's body was dumped in the lake.
Charlie was theorized to be a "failed" MCI victim due to her death only being a month prior to the other victims and the fact that someone clearly seemed to have booked it out of there really quickly. the belief was that whoever had killed him had meant to take her body somewhere else and dump it there, but had heard someone approaching (Marionn, most likely, who had come out of the building to look for Charlie) and decided not to risk it. others simply went along with what police said happened: some "crazed drunk motherfucker" had snapped and beat Charlie up using a beer bottle before leaving him for dead.
other "fun" facts:
so...while i try not to focus too much on racism in the Fnaf universe that would've like. very likely existed, let's be real here, i do try to think about how it would've affected things that happened in the timeline. after Gabi and Isaac went missing, and it became clear that the police were...not focusing as hard on those two's case as much as the others', Henry held a gun to their head legally (aka Threatened To Sue Their Asses) and went You better start investigating that shit or So Help Me God. there are two men in Hurricane that you just don't fuck with legally: William and Henry. the difference is that William used his powers for evil (getting away with So Much Bad Shit, Especially Murder), and Henry used his for good.
Benson Douglas (Andy's dad) was the guy that William pinned the murders on in '87, since he worked there. why? These Two Hate Each Other. plus, Benny over here didn't do himself any favors with how he reacted to Andrew's disappearance. spent ten years in jail before they realized that he had no idea how Springlock Suits worked, meaning he couldn't have done either the MCI or the '87 Massacre.
1987 was just William being the boss of several people who hated his guts for various reasons. Jeremiah "Jeremy" Fitzgerald-Hernandez, Fritz Smith Sr., Shawn Scottson (Phone Guy, who came to hate him after...certain events), and Benson Douglas. an older brother, two fathers of dead boys, and someone who would eventually open Michael's eyes. don't ask how William managed this, he doesn't even fucking know either.
I've been watching a shitton of forensic files lately, and this feels so real. I love the inclusion of a fake arrest of a guy who was then put in witness protection, very acab of your writing, and very accurate. I'm actually obsessed with the realistic inclusion of racism and how henry shut that shit down, we stan a king, truly.
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jazzy-flowerr · 2 days
Hey! No hate obv but you made a post abt dandys world
One of the creators is a known groomer, and there's a long doc abt it if you want more info
Oh I had no idea! My bad!
I'm not really one to do a lot of research on people so I apologize for not knowing about that.
I'll make sure to edit that post and add a little disclaimer about it, but thank you for letting me know! Hope you have a good day!
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magpigment · 1 year
do u have any art tips?
i have a handful, yeah! idk how helpful they'll be because i'll be quite honest, idk what im doing, but i'll sure try to be as cohesive, comprehensive and helpful as i can!
pretty much my number one tip is the most annoying one to hear, which is unfortunate because it's also the most effective, but PRACTICE.
practice is genuinely the one thing that can improve your art like nothing else can.
experiment with your style, your coloring techniques, your poses, your anatomy, your use of perspective and background, anything and everything can and will help! one thing that also helps with that is finding elements of others art (their dynamic scenes/poses, their coloring or lineart style, the palettes they use, etc) and mess around with that until you find something you like.
ive been mostly doing that to try and improve my digital art because boy oh boy am i not great at that yet, and ive already noticed obvious differences between my digital art from a couple months ago to now.
depending on what medium youre using (digital, traditional) my tips would vary, because im still very new to digital art, and i mostly do traditional art.
for digital art if that's what you're using, just mess around with brushes until you find something that works best for you! dont be afraid to mess around w different methods of coloring and shading, and one thing that ive noticed makes art look a lot better digitally is using interesting color palettes and experimenting with the colors you use to shade and highlight. im not super great at this yet, so take this advice with a grain of salt lol.
for traditional art, you’d have to ask about a specific medium because i mess w quite a few and have different techniques for most, but i hope this helped at least a little, and i’d be glad to try and help further if you’d like! but as just a general overview that’s what’s been helping me A LOT lately and i’ve been improving pretty steadily!
i hope you have a great day ^^!
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deva-arts · 1 year
Seraphina, a bit of a bird , a bit of a human . Maybe. But, my question. When she eats eggs, is it technically cannibalism?
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Long answer: no. Short answer, no.
#vincenttag#nathanieltag#soniasanderstag#amontag#let amon be croccy as a treat#Oc rambles in the tags tag#everyone but nate and sera is sitting on the floor. it's cozier in a pile i guess. they do this a lot.#nate is the only one interested in this all because he's a big nerd when it comes to people's inner workings#literally and metaphorically! dude loves biology and psychology. what a nerd. what a goof. someone staple a 'kick me' sign on his sweater.#vincent just eats raw things sometimes. for no reason. he thinks it's a way to quote 'learn food better' but then he does this sh*t#vince also thinks it's cool and edgy. it is not. no one is okay with this. just eat your meals cooked and stay in your lane vincent#sera hates the bird comparisons because she's heard so much of it. puns. jokes. gags. nicknames. getting birdseed for christmas.#Made an entire presentation only to confuse her friends further on the bird situation#sonia's three moods are “flirty” “happy” and “Ick”#Amon likes to nap in his other form since he doesn't use it and it gets uncomfy after a while. Woken up for this... He barely rests as is :#To answer the age old question#no it is not cannibalism. they are not birds and if they still have traces of bird DNA it is definitely not from chicken or fowl#birds eat other birds all the time too. from eating eggs to eating their own eggs to eating smaller birds- they're like fish in that sense.#Sera used to order chicken a lot when with her former partners to try and dispel the 'but bird though' thoughts before they manifested#It did not work.#vince has a tendency of ripping all of his shirt sleeves and backs off instead of. y'know. getting them tailored. Sonia sobs every time#sera gave nate a similar 'watch' to hers. when activated it becomes a handy dandy lethal weapon! he has to wear it to sleep 'just in case.'#sera strapped it to his wrist saying 'don't worry. it isn't dangerous. to us.' and he hasn't slept the same since. yay vigilante waifu!#ARK_SYSTEMA#Seraphinatag#art#artwork#digital art#my art#my artwork
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lakka-arts · 2 years
I assume you are neurodivergent it’s either that or you have a lot more joy than you think you do in the way you love things
you are absolutely right my friendo!! And ahhhhh I’ve never heard anyone state it that way. I am aware of how much energy I have and in a way, it’s just easier to let all of my emotions out rather than to hold them back because I want people to know that I appreciate and love them/their content, however that does mean that when I’m down in the dumps, it’s harder to fill up those spots 😅😅 but yeah!!
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ofgravitation-moved · 2 years
Today's date creeps up on him sooner than he'd like and weighs on him more than he'd care to admit. There's a certain sense of obligation to the date despite his obvious hang ups. However, the many moments spent alone one another made their connection … complicated, to say the least. Neito was many things but he wasn't a liar. There was no sense lying to himself about what this blossoming right beneath his nose. It's what leads him to her dorm at a vacant hour just to leave it waiting right outside her door and slip away to avoid any unwanted attention. Trying to explain his way out of this would prove more challenging than his decision to deliver it in the first place.
Deciding what to leave behind actually came to him easier than he thought. Sweets. Chocolate cookies and covered strawberries sat in boxes fitting one description: gold. The significance spoke for itself, neatly hiding the note underneath that lacked a sender but not the importance of the day.
'Happy Birthday.' -For the birthday girl!
she's not expecting anything, honestly. in most cases, she'd rather keep her birthday a secret than go around blabbing the date. ochako wasn't numb to the fact that the holidays were such a hard time of the year for so many and the last thing she ever wanted to do was have someone worrying over her getting a birthday gift two days after the christmas holiday.
waking up this morning, ochako layed in bed a little longer than she normally would have. the covers were warm, the room was dark, it would be so much easier to fall back to sleep rather than start her day, but the earlier she started it, the sooner she got it over with, right? right.
rubbing tired eyes and mussing down some stray brunette locks, ochako shuffled her way towards her dorm door and thank goodness she looked down when opening it, or she might've stepped all over the gift someone had left her.
the gift was wrapped neatly. covered in gold. noticing it, ochako felt her heart flutter-- had he really gone to all this trouble? bending down ochako undid the wrappings and felt her cheeks tinge pink. chocolate covered strawberries and cookies? she found herself smiling, and before anyone else could see her and make a comment, she shut her door and placed the gift on her desk, the card slipping to the side when she placed it down.
as expected there was no sender on the card, but the golden wrappings were all ochako needed to see to knoe who it was from. pulling her cell from her pocket, she dialed neito's number.
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" morning nei. " there's a pause and ochako laughs, her cheeks darkening as she makes for the door again. " wait up for me and let's walk to our classes together, yeah? oh! and.. you didn't have to, but, thank you. "
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dandelionfaggot · 3 days
mutual are you okay you reblogged a post that said “i might be doing really terrible on the emotional regulation front but in my defense ive had a gaping hole in my chest since i was 12” five times in a row
i'm having a bit of going through it and struck some chords in me. birthday soon so i'm thinking about years and time. been having a period of highs and lows. talked to a psychiatrist yesterday and it was good. but also i guess emotionally taxing. and then work is. a lot. also i love fall but i get massively depressed when it starts getting dark and cold
hey i closed my phone ages ago i completely forgot about this. thank you for asking. i am doing my best. i have a new med that should hopefully make me less anxious so fingers crossed for that......
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brightsthebrightney · 1 month
Ah hello! A question: which came first, the chicken, or the egg?
“ the classic question of the ages! How exciting… “
“…do you want the actual answer or would you prefer if I just said that and then walked away because ‘it would be funny’?”
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uncracked-case · 1 month
Rodger! Here's a cookie *le gives cookie*
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Ah! Thank you for the cookie.
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Unfortunately, though, as of right now - I cannot eat. I will save this for later, though. Again, thank you!
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a-hazbin-spider · 5 months
Kisses on Demand || @dancingdevildemon
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Beckoning with a finger, Angel gestures Dandy closer. The lust demon leans in, certainly he’d want his prize. Fingers lightly grip his chin to tilt his head down and allow Angel to connect their lips together. His other primary hand cups his cheek gently.
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adandylittlehero · 1 year
Dandy, someone or something is altering my messag— Try checking the microwave, HERO!
- Rando
[The Hero seems...vaguely confused, but they nod]
Alright, Friend! Weird place to put a key, but it doesn't hurt to check!
[The Hero looks in the microwave, but doesn't find anything]
Huh, nothing there...
Anyway Friend, are you feeling alright? It sounds like you're stutterin' and stuff when you try to talk. Either that or i'm hearing things wrong...but either way, you sure you're alright?
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