sillymillyxd · 6 years
UT-Pieces: Chapter 44
Well, for starters my name hasn’t always been ‘Dandy’.
At this point though, I guess it doesn't really matter what my name use to be.
I haven’t always been a flower, either. I was human once. I use to live in a big city, in my little apartment, where everything was fine.
Or...that’s what I would tell myself.
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sillymillyxd · 6 years
I did it! I made a playlist...or started one at least.
These aren’t all the songs. I want to include a few more that I will add later. I’m just worried that they will reveal too much about where this story is going. 
One of them is pretty much my main inspiration behind the entire story, so it’s kinda a big deal for me.
Also, I decided not to add UT Soundtrack songs because otherwise, this play would be HUGE!
I have included a list of songs below as well as brief descriptions.
1. Regina Spektor-The Call: A very pretty song, I also enjoy the visuals. The song reminds me of the most recent chapter (Ch 44) and just the general feel of the story.
2. Undertale - Bonetrousle KAZOO’d: Exactly what it sounds like. This is what Dandy’s kazooing is inspired by. Song relates directly to chapter 6.
3. Set it Off - Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: I actually have a really sped up version I listen to on SoundCloud and it just reminds me of Flowey. Everything about this song reminds me of him and I used it as chase must while I was thinking up chapter 22.
4. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - Pop Star KAZOO’d: This was my original idea for the chase music from chapter 25. Super happy, super fast, super fun!
5. Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal - Lance/Red Trainer Theme KAZOO’D: This was the second chase song I thought it could be...cause I mean...it’s awesome! Maybe a little too intense though? (again, chapter 25)
6. Undertale - Dogsong KAZOO’d: ......heheh (chapter 25)
7. Echo (Cover) {JubyPhonic}: This song is a good one. Not really related to a chapter, but it reminds me of Dandy’s struggle with their emotions. And the part starting at 2:15 reminds me of chapter 39-40-41.
8. Thousand Foot Krutch - I See Red: This is the first of many TFK songs. Many of their songs have a side of hopefulness to them or positivity, which I like. But I included this song for its lyrics but doesn’t really influence a specific chapter. It just reminds me of Dandy and Frisk’s friendship.
9. TFK - Lifeline: Oh this song. I think I’ve mentioned it before, but this is my main influence for chapter 31. Before I heard this song, I didn’t really think the chapter would go quite the way it did. But then I heard it and..well..you know what happened.
10. Mind Brand (English Cover) {JudyPhonic}: (WARNING! Song Contains Mature Content) This song was stuck in my head for a long time. Though it's not story specific...it is directly related to one of my author notes in chapter 36. (You know what one.)
11. The Game of Life (English Cover) {JudyPhonic}: What can I say? JudyPhonic is one of my favorites. This was one of the first songs I heard from her and it reminded me of a mentally unstable Dandy. The second verse doesn't really fit, but the rest of it does for the most part...kinda? Sorta? No? Eh well, I’m still including it.
12. So Cold - The String Quartet Tribute to Breaking Benjamin: I used this song quite a few times while writing the story. It gets me into that emotional state of mind without distracting me with lyrics.
13. Imagine Dragons - Bleeding Out: This song was one of the songs when I planned out chapter 40 & 41. I always knew kinda what I wanted to happen, this just helped me think about it.
14. TFK - E for Extinction: This was the other one and the original one I used for inspiration. But, the other song by Imagine Dragons just seemed to fit the mood better. This one is more intense, where the other one was lower key and just gave me a more hopeless feel.
15. Bad Apple!! MIDI: Now this one needs some explaining. This is what I thought Dandy’s battle music would originally sound like. I did a lot of looking around and I think Bad Apple would’ve added just the right amount of intensity to the battle and it had a tempo that matched many of the other battle songs without being too fast or slow. Of course, I later changed it so it matched the “magic music” theory. Still like it though.
16. Most Emotional Instrumental Music: You...you don’t have to listen to the whole thing ^^; This is just what I’ve been using lately to write the really really sad chapters. It lasts a long time so I don’t have to go repeat the song over and over again.
17. Trapt - Enigma: Well, this is an old song but I recently rediscovered it. It’s my original angsty song. The one I used to listen to back in my high school days. Usually when I wanted to think of story ideas that were incredibly heartbreaking. Relates to chapter 43 the most (maybe even 42?) but I’ve been using it to think of past chapters too.
18. Paramore - My Heart: This song reminds me of Frisk and Dandy’s friendship. Not chapter specific, just in general. Maybe even a bit literally ;) ?
19. Disturbed - The Sound of Silence: I know this song is overused, but I still like it a lot. This is what I think Sans would sound like(at least during the first part). I’ve been splurging on this song so much the past few months. Mostly because I’ve been thinking of writing something from Sans POV after the story is over and I’ve been using this song as inspiration for it.
WELL! That’s all of them for now, I will reblog when I add more.
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sillymillyxd · 7 years
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Day 13 - My Little Dandy
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sillymillyxd · 7 years
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Some Sans and Dandy doodles.
Because I don’t draw them enough and they are FUN.
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sillymillyxd · 7 years
UT: Pieces - Chapter 31
You watch as Sans’ face turns from a look of concern to a completely dumbfounded expression. The hand hovering above pulls away slightly as he just stares at you.
The light from the candle flame flickers across his features as he stands frozen in place, still seeming to process what it was you just said.
That phrase… you’ve heard it uttered only once before. No matter how many playthoughs you went through, no matter how many times you’ve talked to him in that hallway, he had only said it one time.
But despite that, the sentence had stuck in your head like glue.
Because honestly, who would ever say such a thing?
‘I’m the legendary fartmaster.’
It’s such a ridiculous phrase.
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sillymillyxd · 6 years
UT: Pieces - Chapter 45
You let out an exhausted sigh as you stare blankly at the ground before you, feeling drained.
That had to be the most amount of talking you’ve ever done at once.
But you had to do it.
He had asked for you to tell him everything about you, and there was so much to cover.
After going over your beginnings, you had proceeded to tell Sans everything you were afraid to tell him before. About the visions and how your emotions started to fade. About the events that had occurred in the Core, causing you to flee to the Ruins.
You explained how you met Chara, how you found out exactly what they were, and relayed everything the ghost child told you.
You told Sans everything you could think of that was relevant to you and that could give him some insight into what was going on.
The only thing you didn’t tell him about was your weird dream from earlier. Mostly because it was just that, a dream.
It took a while, but you’re finally finished.
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sillymillyxd · 8 years
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Inktober Day 11
Dandy with a Sans pumpkin.
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