#danganrompa review
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This page is dedicated to reviewing all sorts of anime. I'll be talking about my opinions on characters/anime related topics and controversies too, but that will be less frequent than the reviews. I also often discuss LGBT* representation in anime, especially in regards to queer women
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Please bear in mind that my posts will contain spoilers, because I will talk about the characters/plots of specific anime (I won't give out major spoilers or speak about huge plot twists, it will be done in a similar style to a blurb in a book) so do not interact with my posts if that's a problem. If a certain anime deals with triggering or sensitive topics, I will put a trigger warning before I start talking about the plot and in the tags (if I remember), but let me know if I miss anything - I am always more than happy to correct my mistakes.
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In the interest of keeping my reviews fair and accurate, I will only review anime I have watched at least a season of (please note - where this isn't possible, I will watch all available episodes) but I will not have watched all the anime I talk about until the end (it will be specified when this is the case).
How to navigate my posts
My posts will always contain the following:
Genre: (pretty straightforward, the genre of the anime in the way I interpret it, which could differ from the official one)
Where I watched the anime
A ranking out of 10 on characterization, originality, comfort, addictiveness, art style, setting, plot/storytelling, philosophy (if it made me think/learn something) and consistency (if the quality decreases as the show goes on, with lower ratings meaning it does)
A brief summary of the plot and mentions of the main characters, followed by a discussion on the strong/weak points of the anime
Any extras I think might be useful/interesting.
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Danganronpa anime review💜
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Why Candy is an icon 💙💜💚
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My favourite anime women pt 2 💚
My love for Sayaka and Kirari 💜💙💚
Sayaka and Kyoko- relationship analysis (pmmm)
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Celebrating found families in anime
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Violet Evergarden - its important and timeless message
Kakeguri anime review
Kakeguri twin anime review
Mary Saotome- A lesson in character development
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operationrainfall · 11 months
REVIEW: Master Detective Archives: Rain Code 
Title Master Detective Archives: Rain Code Developer Too Kyo Games, Spike Chunsoft Publisher Spike Chunsoft Release Date June 30, 2023 Genre Mystery, Adventure Platform Nintendo Switch Age Rating Mature Official Website When I first saw Master Detective Archives: Rain Code, I was drawn in by how unique it looks. When I found out some members of the Danganrompa team was behind the…
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thelocalmuffin · 3 years
Hey everyone, as you know, I have Gnosia brainrot, so if you aren't really interested in hearing my thoughts on it, I put a readmore on this post. This is not spoiler free, unfortunately, but I will try to avoid as much as I can but I do recommend giving it a chance. It's twenty five dollars and has an extremely high replay value.
Overall thoughts:
Gnosia is a visual novel/strategy game that relies on tact, deduction skills, and stealth. It tells the engaging story of a crew being infected with Gnosia after a mission goes horribly wrong. Gnosia is a parasite that wants to destroy the crew. You are one of these crew members, trying to help your comrade, Setsu as you end up solving the mysteries of the Gnosia together. To do that, you must become close with the crew, but at the same time, be wary. They may be your enemy.
This is honestly one of the best games I've ever played. It's all I ever wanted in a game and that's not even an exaggeration. There is a lot of heart and love for each element of the game, and it shows. This isn't just some triple A title, but a rare treat that many will enjoy, if given the chance. Fans of visual novels will like the story and art, people who like strategy games will like the deductive skills they need to use since this game will not hold your hand.
Excellent, engaging gameplay that keeps you on your toes, regardless its repetitive ways.
There's a leveling up system to help with your skills and though the game is trickier at first, as most games are, you will soon find out when your crewmates are acting far too out of character, you can start catching lies, and point out contradictions. Though, to my personal delight, unlike most visual novels, that's not enough. You need to build up your charisma and pair up with the right people to win, regardless of which side you've been assigned. As I mentioned, this game will not hold your hand. It does not question your intelligence, though, and you will feel satisfied when your crewmates actually start to take your side.
Unfortunately, if you do struggle with repetition, I do suggest to take the game slow so you don't get burn out. There are loops that will sometimes take forever for a story plot to be addressed, but if you talk to others, you will learn little tidbits about them and there are some loops that are just a regular game without any new information. Don't get too discouraged, it will pick up its pace if you give it a bit of time. 
This is what I'm going to gush most about. Writing is sturdy and fulfilling. and I honestly recommend anyone writing a timeloop/paradox story to take some notes from this story because it does it correctly.
You will not feel unsatisfied when you finish the game. Every question is answered and there is next to no contradictions in the plot, which is almost unheard in this genre. You get the answers you seek, but enough to make you have questions that aren't necessary to have answered, but would like just a morsel more of details on. I only played once before making this review, so there's a possibility that these small details are addressed.
For those who like darker visual novels, you will enjoy the plots they explore but not feel like they push the limits just to see what they can get away with, like Danganrompa is so guilty of. Murder, backstabbing, and little girls being creepy is all part of the package, but it doesn't feel like it's out of place.
Though, there was something that really surprised me they explored, especially with the game's official T rating. They do explore sexual assault/sexual themes. I know the rating says suggestive themes, but honestly, I think they should have gone with a sexual themes warning instead and slapped an M rating. I'm trying to not get into too many spoilers in this, but let's just say some characters are motivated by sex and lust. Hell, I'd argue it's an important plot point that isn't unwelcomed. I just think an accurate ESRB rating would have been appreciated especially to those trigged by that content. 
I do love the writing, but I do need to bring up a glaring flaw. Some of the characters do fall flat. I really felt like a few characters were barely explored, like Gina and Chipie, and honestly, it's a shame. There was something there, I could tell, but they just didn't add enough with them. For as long as the game is, they really could have fleshed out all of fifteen characters equally. Keep in mind I have only played one run, so perhaps I haven't spent enough time with them, but I did beat the game, so I was expecting a bit more.
I do wish they explored the characters a bit more and added a few more things to learn about these characters. Yes, I know this would have made the game longer than it already is, but it would have helped with some of the repetition issues and made them more whole.
About the romance scenes I keep seeing critique on: the only canon option is Setsu that's confirmed and honestly...it's a bit of a shame. I do like Setsu a lot and ended up accepting their confession, but I wonder what would have happened if they allowed other romanceable options? 
With that being said...I think they did most of it correctly by not adding in love interests. It would have detracted from the suspense of Gnosia, and I'm not going to lie...Remnan got me a few times when he was Gnosia because I did think there was a possibility of a romance. (Yes, you are allowed to call me out on that.)
I'm going to go off on my favorite part of the game's writing: there is no worship the protagonist trope. You know how delightful that is in a world where other games have characters exist to pander to the protagonist and the player's very existence? No? Well, I’m going to tell you why.
Characters react to you as one of their own: not a sore thumb that needs to be worshipped (i.e like Fire Emblem does), but rather, you are one of them and you are as suspicious as anyone else on board. Sure, characters like Setsu will give you natural praise, but that's because you are their friend and that is what close friends do.
With that being said, there's great representation with Raqio and Setsu, and they/them pronouns are used accurately and not in a demeaning way. With that...they do screw up a bit with Raqio. It's not perfect, and it's a bit of a shame, because they were so close to getting that down. With that being said, it's the best I've seen in media in a really long time.
I will admit that the soundtrack was the weakest part of the game to me. It's not bad by any stretch of the means, but I think a few more songs would have really helped bring more mood into it and help the repetition issues. It does feel a bit out of place, and honestly, part of me wonders if that was the point? I am a huge fan of video game soundtracks, so I will admit, I was a bit bummed, though it's not bad enough to where it's a deal breaker. I think some will enjoy it, but I did start playing with the volume down about half way through.
I have to talk about this since it does apply to the writing. I have one word to describe the artwork. Breathtaking. It looks so perfect for the setting. It's a bit surreal, but it's perfect for the story it is trying to tell. It's got gorgeous backgrounds. Not to mention the designs for each character. The designs for each character have sci-fi tropes that many will love but with enough uniqueness to stand out. Style and substance work hand in hand in this game and that is a rarity for me.
Overall thoughts
Overall rating 9.8/10, mainly because the soundtrack does take away from the scene for a bit. Variety in music would have really helped it be that much more engrossing. This is what visual novels should be, and honestly, sci-fi writers should take some notes, too. It's a timeless game that has immersive gameplay, a legendary story that doesn't hold back, and for a game about paradoxes and timeloops, it feels complete. With the very small flaws it has that I pointed out, I think it will appeal to the right audience and I encourage everyone to play it. It's twenty five dollars on the switch, and I hope it it gets a PC release because it would do really well on there.
Any thoughts of your own I didn't mention? Just want to go off on the game with me? Let's talk! Thanks for reading, much love, and see you all soon.
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bonsaisheep · 4 years
Rating my Steam Library badly, I have no taste addition.
Title: Danganrompa: Trigger Happy Havoc Time played: 29 hours (I have played it like, 1.5 times, it was a bit over 20 hours for my first play through)
Review: I want to be able to recommend this game. The actual game play/mystery side of things is really well done, and all the charterers are distinct and interesting. It is also Battle Royal meets Ace Attorney. There are just a few issues. The big one I always bring up (and this is technically a spoiler), is there is a character, who, to western queer audiences, gets mis-genered. She presents as female and uses female pronouns when you meet her, but it comes out after her death, that, and this is the way it is presented in game, is a super fem guy who dresses in female clothing as a way of dealing with their lack of masculine traits. After this point, they are referred to as male pronouns. I have been told that there is some Japanese gender weirdness going on around all of this, but I want to give a heads up. It also has what I would describe as usual Anime sexism, though it is hardly the worst offender. IDK.
The game does have super interesting characters, and is a well done, very fair play mystery. Also a decent chunk of the cast dies, FYI. I also feel like the characters respond pretty reasonably to the situation, and like, the killers feel like they all have valid motives. If you want a fun black comedy and mystery, maybe check it out, though critically with caveats. I really enjoyed it, but like, I am also very aware of the flaws. Kyoko, Hina and Sakura are my faves, and someone really needs to like, give Motoko a hug.
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roseratea · 5 years
Sweet ★ Fuse: At Your Side
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Title: バクダン★ハンダン (Bakudan★Handan) Length: Medium (10-30 hours)  Release date: 14/06/12 🇯🇵,  27/08/13 🇺🇸 Developer: Otomate  Publishers: Idea Factory, Aksys Games Platform: PSP (Vita compatible)  Genre: Otome, 7 routes, Modern Setting, Otome Danganrompa, Kickass *___* heroine, Daddy LIs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Plot Summary: The game starts on the day when Saki Inafune, niece to famous game developer Keiji Inafune, is set to visit her uncles new theme park inspired by the games he created. As a family of an owner, she’s has received an invitation to super exclusive pre-opening event and she’s really excited about it. However, this good mood is short lived as when she arrives on the opening ceremony, it turns out the park has been hijacked by Monokuma an unfriendly mascot Count Hogstein. If that’s not bad enough, Hogstein then blows up the Ferris wheel, takes the guests and park staff hostage and then proclaims that the only way out is for seven people to participate in a series of games. Saki, being a woman of action that she is, volunteers as one of the participants of the deadly contest and that leads to her being thrown right into the midst of our eligible bachelors.
Reviews: Wakasa, Meoshi, Mitarashi, Urabe, Shidou, Shirabe, Mikami
Walkthroughs: { Wakasa } > { Meoshi } > { Mitarashi } > { Urabe } > { Shidou } > { Shirabe } > { Mikami }
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dakenshadow · 2 years
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2 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 15:49:28 GMT
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2 notes • Posted 2021-11-09 16:49:18 GMT
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2 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 17:01:59 GMT
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2 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 20:16:28 GMT
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2 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 17:25:54 GMT
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