#dani clayton imagine
Weakness- Dani Clayton
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Pairing: Dani Clayton x Reader
Characters: Dani Clayton
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Dani from the haunting of bly manor with the prompt word ‘weak’
Word Count: 544
Author: Charlotte
Since Dani had come to work at Bly Manor, you had become rather fond of her. It was clear to you that she was running from something, but it wasn’t your place to ask questions and you would wait until she was ready to tell you, if that ever happened. Even if you didn’t know much about her, beyond what she was willing to tell you, you were just glad to have her in your life and would do what you could to make her feel welcome in Bly.
You had joined her in her room, whilst the kids were helping Owen bake a cake, giving her a break from her duties as their au pair. Work was a constant at the manor, so it was a nice treat when your daily duties were relieved for a moment.
“I can drive us to town,” you offered. “There’s not much there but I can give you a tour.”
Dani turned back to you with a gentle smile. “Let me finish getting ready and then I would love that.”
She turned her attention back to the vanity in her room. She rummaged through the top drawer to find the earrings she wished to wear. Once she found them, she looked up into the mirror to help her put them in, but she paused. At first you didn’t notice but when she dropped the earrings as she dug her nails into the wood of the vanity, you couldn’t ignore what was going on.
“You alright?” You asked.
Her breathing hastened as she stumbled back from the mirror, tripping over the leg of the chair that was pushed up to the vanity and falling to the ground. You jumped up to assist her.
You crouched down beside her, asking her if she was okay again but she didn’t respond, only silently crying, her eyes darting around the room as though she was trying to find something. You weren’t sure what you were meant to do, so just wrapped your arms around her until the shaking and erratic breathing settled enough for you to ask her questions.
“What’s going on?” You asked softly, having never seen her react in such a manner in the short time that you had known her.
“I- I keep seeing things… things that aren’t there,” she croaked.
“What do you mean?”
She hesitated. “Every time I look in the mirror, I see him… I see Edmund just before he died. I see his face with the headlights distorting him. I… I don’t know what to do… I don’t know how to stop feeling this fucking weak.”
You had no idea who Edmund was or what had happened to him but now was not the time to ask, you just had to focus on what she had been comfortable enough to tell you and work with that.
“It’s okay, Dani,” you reassured her. “It’s going to be okay. We are going to get through this, but you need to see that you aren’t weak. You are so incredibly brave to tell me this and see that you want to change things. It will be okay.”
She didn’t say anymore, leaning her forehead against your shoulder, letting you embrace her until she felt safe once more.
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fawninthealps · 2 months
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i promise to look for you in the next life.
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voxmortuus · 1 year
Number 139. for Love Quinn xFem!reader please?
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✧*̥˚ PAIRING: *̥˚✧ Love Quinn x F!Reader ✧*̥˚ UNIVERSE: *̥˚✧ You ✧*̥˚ WORD COUNT: *̥˚✧ 495 ✧*̥˚ PROMPT: *̥˚✧ From THIS prompt list: 139. “take off your underwear” - “but, there’s other people here” - “they won’t see you, there’s an entire table here” ✧*̥˚ TRIGGER WARNINGS: *̥˚✧ Public smut | Fingering in public | Reader hinting to public oral | PLEASE TELL ME IF I FORGOT ANYTHING!!! I want to make sure readers are fully aware of what they are getting themselves into when they read this… ✧*̥˚ NOTES: *̥˚✧ I will literally write for any character you send me prompts for; I love branching out! So, thank you for sending me Love Quinn! This was a nice break from ATJ and others. ✧*̥˚ DIVIDER CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @nyxvuxoa ✧*̥˚ IMAGE CREDIT: *̥˚✧ @tvandfilm ✧*̥˚ My Master Masterlist *̥˚✧
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The restaurant was beautiful, but of course, it was, and with Love, you wouldn't expect anything less. This woman knew how to wow you, she knew what made you tick, she knew what got your gears going in a matter of words. She knew how to give you culture, she knew how to make you smile and laugh. She gave you butterflies and she very much knew she made you feel these things, but truthfully, you told her almost daily. Looking down at yourself you often wonder why she's with you, but she always reminds you that it's what's on the inside that matters more than anything. That is most important because you need to not think badly about yourself because she loves you for you, for all of you. For every curve bump and every imperfection, in her eyes, you are art.
Looking around you draw in a breath and bite on the bottom corner of your lip before you reach for your glass and take a small sip of your beverage you look over at her and smile. You admire her, the curve of her lips, the blue of her eyes, the soft feather-like strands of her hair. With a few blinks and a warm hand on your arm, you shake your head and smile.
"Shit, hi, yes, sorry… what?" you ask. "I was just admiring you. You're absolutely stunning tonight." you state softly.
"Oh please, you're the stunning one, but did you not hear what I said?" She asked.
You flush softly and shake your head. "No, sorry, I was too busy admiring you."
"I asked you to take off your underwear.” she smirks after stating so rather bluntly.
You bink a few times and look over her face and tilt your head, and you clear your throat and lean in… "Uhhhmmm… but, there’s other people here.” you give her a nervous chuckle.
Licking her lip she takes a sip from her glass and looks back at you. "They won’t see you, there’s an entire table here." she smirks.
You flush deeply and look around and you draw in a deep breath and look around again before you slip your dress up and you slip your panties off and put them in your purse. She watches you and smirks and she places her hand on your thigh and slides her hand up your thigh and smirks slipping her fingers between your legs to feel you.
You went to speak but she gave you a stern look and smirked as she started to play with your sensitive bud. You bite your lip and you let out a soft breath. To be honest, she wasn't going to care if the whole establishment heard you.
"After this, I'm getting under the table." You state boldly.
All she could do was chuckle and look over your face. "Good thing I never wear panties." She chuckled softly as she slipped her fingers into your warm dewy core.
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taschamonnii · 9 months
Rainy Day - World to Ourselves
Damie (Dani Clayton x Jamie Taylor - Victoria Pedretti & Amelia Eve) 
Summary: What if Bly just didn’t have ghosts? This is what it could look like if there were no ghosts to ruin things and Jamie and Dani got to continue dating while working at Bly.
TW: Smut
Read on Ao3
Here is the title song: World to Ourselves by The Coast
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AN: Damie prompts and bits all AU. 
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Word Count: 4,327
Imagine This:
Laughter echoed down the long hallway. Flora and Miles were full of energy and the rain outside did nothing to help the children release said energy. 
Dani sighed. The rain made her want to crawl back in bed for the day. She followed quickly behind the children. "Hey, no running down the stairs."
Both children slowed slightly as they spoke in unison. “Yes, Miss Clayton.” 
“Hey, you lot, where are you off to in such a hurry?” Jamie said as she closed the front door behind her.
Flora stopped, “Jamie! Oh, won’t you join us? We are going to play cards!”
Jamie smiled “I don’t know it seems like two gremlins who run down the stairs shouldn’t get the pleasure of playing games at all let alone with me.” Jamie looked up to meet Dani’s gaze. “What do you say Poppins should we play just the two of us to teach these gremlins to listen?” 
Dani chuckled as the kids pouted. 
"You know maybe you are right," Dani paused rubbing her chin, "or maybe we play in teams the two of us against the kids, and whoever loses cleans up the classroom?"
Jamie smirked at the idea of winning a game of cards against the two little gremlins and possibly sneaking away with Dani while they clean the classroom.
"Let's show 'em how it's done Poppins."
The children bolted towards the classroom. Dani let out a soft laugh at the children as she walked closer to Jamie.
"They are really full of it today. Must be the rain. Did you get everything ready for the storm?" 
Jamie reached out to the rambling blonde and pulled her close by the hand. 
"They are always full of it. Yes, ma'am, I did. Everything is all set for the storm. I'm sure I will still have plenty of damage to clean up if it's as bad as last time."
Dani smiled at her favorite broody Gardner.
"So, I get you the rest of the day?"
Jamie smirked and leaned in to plant a promising soft kiss on Dani's lips.
"The night as well, Poppins."
"Mmm. Are you staying the weekend?" 
“Might as well, my old truck is not the most reliable as you well know.”
Heat rushed to Dani’s cheeks at the memory of being stuck on the side of the road on the way back from the pub in town and Owen stumbling onto the pair making the best of their time alone in Jamie’s truck. Jamie has brought it up every chance she gets knowing full well how embarrassed Dani was and how red she gets when it’s brought up.
Jamie smirked at the memory of Owen flashing his light into the backseat only to see Dani straddling Jamie. Both of their hands occupied with each other as they made out like teenagers. Dani lightly elbowed Jamie in the ribs, “stop thinking about it!”
Jamie bit her bottom lip. “Why would I want to do that, Poppins?”
Dani rolled her eyes, “Jamie.”
“You know, what. Now, we should go before the kids destroy the classroom.”  
Jamie smiled she knew exactly what and she loved every second of it. She pulled Dani closer yet again quickly kissing her before she could head towards the classroom. Dani quickly kissed her back and pulled away turning towards the classroom. Jamie bit her bottom lip as she followed wrapping her arms around the other woman’s hips as they walked making them both laugh. Jamie let go as they approached the classroom. 
The kids were already shuffling the cards all over the table giggling to themselves. She quickly pulled Dani’s chair out for her and settled next to her. 
“So, what game of cards are we playing? Poker?”
Flora let out a fit of laughter, “no, silly we are playing goldfish!”
“Oh, how silly of me, of course, we’re playing goldfish.”
Dani couldn’t help the way her heart swelled watching Jamie interact with the kids it was one of her favorite things to witness. 
The game took off rather quickly Jamie was unsurprisingly great at this game and was quickly winning. Miles let out a sigh as Jamie took yet another one of his cards. “This is so not fair!”
Jamie smirked. “It’s not my fault I’m so skilled.”
Dani glanced at her wristwatch. “Time’s up anyways looks like you two get to clean up in here.” 
Miles threw his cards to the table. “So not fair!” 
“Miles stop it we lost fair and square.”
Flora got up and quickly started cleaning up the cards on the table. “Come on Miles it’s our mess anyway. Plus, it is not that much.” 
Miles huffed but followed his sister’s lead and started to pick up miscellaneous books.
Jamie stood and put out her hand to help Dani up. “Let’s go check on dinner Poppins.”
Dani stood but stopped at the doorway. “Once you two are done in here go wash up for dinner.”
Flora smiled “Yes, Miss Clayton.”
Jamie didn’t wait for Miles to respond before pulling the hand in hers out the door and down the hall. Dani smiled as she let the brunette lead her into the old storage closet across the hall from the classroom. Jamie lightly pushed Dani against the door to close them into the dimly lit room. Their bodies pressed together and Jamie lightly trailed kisses up the soft neck she had mapped and memorized. She smirked against the most sensitive part as she felt Dani shudder under her touch. Dani sighed and let her head fall back to rest against the door. The soft kisses were a much-needed break from the day.
Jamie trailed up along the curve of her neck to her jaw and finally to her lips. Dani couldn’t stop her hands from traveling to the firm backside of the other woman. Jamie let a soft gasp leave her lips as she felt the blonde pull her closer. They both moved to deepen the kiss, but both jumped back at the loud sound of thunder cracking outside. 
"Actually, my name is Jamie but if you want to call me Jesus."
Jamie smirked that is until Dani lightly smacked her arm.
"Ouch! No need to get violent, Poppins."
Dani rolled her eyes "we should probably get back out there anyway." 
"Do we have to? I'd much rather just hide away in here with you the rest of this bloody rainy day."
"Really? In a storage closet?"
"Well, my flat would be preferred but since we are here at the moment it'll do." 
"What would we do on a rainy day like this in your flat?"
Jamie leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips over Dani’s neck, humming before she spoke. "Well, we'd have to keep warm as you know my flat is rather drafty, so I doubt we'd want to leave the bed. I would make us tea and we could listen to music and watch the rain hit the old windows. Maybe watch an old movie and cuddle or something."
"Or something?" Dani laughed, "that does sound rather nice actually." 
Jamie hummed her response into Dani's soft skin kissing up her neck yet again. Dani felt helpless to the buzzing heat and hummed a soft approval. Jamie moved her hands to the soft curve of Dani's hips. The brunette groaned at the limited contact. “Bloody clothes, why do you insist on tucking in your shirts, Poppins?” 
Dani couldn’t help but giggle, “specifically to torture you the way your overalls torture me.”
Dani moved her hands up Jamie’s toned abdomen and wrapped her fingers around the straps of said overalls pulling on them. 
Jamie quirked her eyebrows, “you love my overalls! Said so just this morning.”
Dani bit her bottom lip, “and you love that I tuck my shirts in if I do recall you said something along the lines of Poppins out to scandalize the village again.” 
Jamie quirked her lips and glanced away for a second recalling their teasing conversation this morning when they first greeted each other. She couldn’t deny the way she appreciated Dani’s wardrobe all her clothes fit her body just right highlighting some of Jamie’s favorite assets. 
Jamie’s thoughts were interrupted “Dinner’s ready!” Owens’s voice sounded from right outside the door the women were pressed against. 
Jamie jumped slightly at the sudden interruption she groaned as she let her head fall to the blonde’s shoulder. “Owen, you prat! One of these days you’re going to give us a heart attack?” 
Dani laughed as she pushed herself and the women still clinging to her away from the door to open it. Owen rolled his eyes as Jamie stared daggers at him. Dani gave Owen a small smile, “what’s for dinner?”
“Bangers and mash.”
“Why didn’t you say that in the first place?” Jamie said as she took off towards the kitchen. 
Dani and Owen shared a laugh as they chased after her. 
The comfort food was perfect for the rainy day and made dinner a rather quiet affair as everyone enjoyed the meal. The silence was broken only by the loud clap of thunder and heavy rain pelting the old windows. 
Hannah rubbed the back of her neck, “it’s getting rather bad out there.” 
Owen reached across the table and grabbed her free hand, “it’s alright, love.”
Hannah gave him a soft smile and squeezed his hand. She hated storms and he knew exactly how to comfort her. 
“Why are storms so dreadful?” Flora asked.
Jamie turned to the little munchkin who had settled in the seat next to her. “Storms are a part of the natural cycle of things they aren’t mean to be dreadful.”
Flora huffed “but they are loud and scary.”
“Think about it this way the flowers and trees need the rain to blossom and grow just like you need food to grow. How does old Owen tell us when food is ready?”
Flora smiled “he shouts it out.”
“Precisely, the thunder is just the clouds telling all the plants that it is time for some nutrients.”
Flora tilted her head to soak in Jamie’s words. “You are the smartest! I just wish the clouds didn’t have to be so loud.” 
Everyone at the table let out soft laughter at the sweet comment from Flora. Jamie lightly patted Flora’s hand on the table. “Thanks, kid. If ever the clouds get too loud for ya, you can always come to me.”
Flora beamed at Jamie giving her a wide grin that reached her eyes, “you’re the coolest!”
Dani was melting in her seat on the other side of Jamie. The Gardner was so guarded and hard around the edges but also so incredibly soft and kind. It filled the Au Pair’s heart with love. She was happy that dinner was almost over and soon she would have Jamie all to herself. 
Miles and Flora got to play while the grown-ups cleaned up dinner. Then it was off to bed.  
Finally, after a bit of an extra struggle from Flora Dani was able to wander into her room. 
Jamie was waiting for her there sprawled out on the bed lounging like it was her bed, not Dani's. 
Dani couldn't help but smile at the smirk on the brunette's face. "Someone looks comfy." 
"And someone else looks entirely overdressed."
"Is that so?"
Jamie nodded and quickly stood up. "I could help you with these pesky clothes."
Jamie reached out, smoothing her slender fingers over the thin pink shirt collar. Her hand then trailed down Dani's chest and abdomen. She grabbed at the extra fabric sticking out of the light blue jeans and tugged but the material didn't budge. Dani's pants were too tight, so she moved lower to unhook the belt and undo the button and zipper. Soon Jamie had Dani's long porcelain legs free. 
Dani was helplessly watching the way her girlfriend's eyes became dark and the way she trapped her bottom lip between her teeth as she drank in Dani's exposed skin. 
It sent heat pooling to her core. Jamie knew what she was doing but Dani also knew what she was doing. At this point, they had both learned quite a lot about each other. Her hand wrapped around the tan freckled wrist and long fingers moved to control the firm hand leading it to the incredibly warm and wet cotton between soft thighs. 
Jamie sucked in a breath at the contact her breath then caught in her throat as her fingers were pulled up to pink lips and pulled in to be sucked. Dani pushed herself to keep eye contact this was a new thing she learned that Jamie enjoyed and fuck if she was going to let her nerves make her miss the way Jamie’s eyes darken. 
They shared a quiet moan and before Dani could blink Jamie was pulling her in for a searing kiss. Her tongue slid in as Dani gasped. Their bodies pressed impossibly close, and hands searched out skin shedding away the remaining articles of clothing. 
They fell in a tangled mess of limbs to the bed and Dani smirked as she was fastest to secure being on top. She straddled the tan, toned, and freckled abdomen of the Gardner sighing with relief as her sensitive core made contact with the heated skin. 
“Fuck, Poppins!”
Jamie could feel how hot and bothered she had made her girlfriend and it drove her nuts that the proof was dripping on her abs and not her tongue. She didn’t get the chance to voice her thoughts as Dani couldn’t wait any longer and started to grind her hips down creating blissful friction for the blonde but sweet agony for the brunette. 
Dani could feel the firm grip on her hips tighten as she moved, she knew that when she took what she wanted it drove Jamie wild, and she could feel the excitement building in anticipation of how Jamie would take control. 
Jamie pulled the blonde by the hips encouraging her to grind down harder and faster until she had to throw her head back at the pleasure. Jamie was quick to take advantage of her girlfriend’s distracted state to pull the woman up her body. She scooted down quickly as she felt Dani stiffen in her hands.
“Jamie, what are you- Oh!”
Jamie didn’t give Dani time to figure it out and pushed forward sinking her tongue through slick folds. Dani shuttered at the contact this was a new way for them to do this and it felt different the angle was making her body tremble and Jamie had just started. One hand grabbed at the headboard to steady herself and one hand tangled into chestnut curls. Jamie slowly pressed the blonde’s hips bringing what she wanted closer.
Jamie couldn’t suppress her needy moans at the flavor she had grown addicted to. This caused the blonde to squeeze her thighs closer her body trembled at the vibrations that ran right up her. Jamie continued to stroke her tongue through the folds flicking the tip of her tongue over the bundle of nerves that was already swollen and begging for attention. She dipped her tongue just a few inches into the tight ring of muscles and had to move her hands to help steady Dani. 
Dani was fighting a growing desire to rock her hips. She moved both her hands to grip the headboard until her knuckles were white. Jamie could tell she would have to encourage her girlfriend and quickly moved her hands one keeping the blonde steady and the other sliding between the thighs that surrounded her. Her mouth surrounded Dani’s clit as she pressed two fingers into her tight entrance. Dani let Jamie’s name fall from her lips in a whispered scream. 
Dani felt the trembles of her body straining to stay still turn to more intense shakes. Jamie sucked the bundle of nerves lightly as she pulled on the hip in her hand trying to encourage her girlfriend to grind down. 
Dani’s eyes flew open, and her gaze fell to question the woman below her. Jamie held eye contact as she encouraged Dani to move her hips again. She hummed into Dani’s hot pulsing skin as she felt the blonde rock her hips lightly against her needy mouth. 
Soon the room was filled with hot panting breaths and soft hushed moans. Jamie moved her fingers to the rhythm Dani rocked her hips and sucked and flicked her tongue over her clit. Dani trembled her orgasm was building much too quickly for her liking. Jamie however was desperate to push the blonde over the edge her craving was not being satisfied nearly enough. 
Jamie tightened her grip on the pale hip in her hand as she sucked Dani’s clit harder and pressed her fingers in making sure to apply pressure to the soft spot, she knew would give her what she wanted. 
Dani could feel the familiar tightening in her core and before she could try to keep it from happening her walls clenched and began to contract around Jamie’s fingers. Her body tensed as her climax washed over her entire body making her moan Jamie’s name like a prayer. 
Jamie moaned into her girlfriend as she felt her tense and contract around her. She let Dani ride it out for a bit but couldn’t wait any longer and quickly slipped her fingers out of Dani making her gasp but before Dani could react more Jamie’s tongue dived as deep as it could go into the still pulsing core. Dani’s hips instantly responded to the contact. Her hands sunk into Jamie’s hair and tugged at it as she rocked her hips allowing Jamie to continue her needy exploration. Jamie collected everything she could. She quickly got lost in the taste and the tight muscles that pulled her in. 
Dani couldn’t stop her hips if she wanted to, but she didn’t want any such thing. Another orgasm was quickly approaching, and it made her head spin she hadn’t even come down from the first. Jamie could feel her own core flutter around nothing. She was sure she was dripping by now and the moans that fell from Dani’s lips had her closer than she should be from not even being touched. 
They were both done in by the needy grind of Dani’s hips that finally lost all control and ground down seeking as much of Jamie as possible. Jamie felt her own walls clench as Dani’s did around her tongue. She moaned into the feeling. Her core contracted around nothing making her rock her hips. Dani filled her mouth with more sweetness than the first time and she couldn’t help but lap it up like she hadn’t had water in years, and she needed every drop. 
Dani was seeing stars and trembling her legs were too weak she couldn’t hold herself up much longer. She felt Jamie buck her own hips and slumped over for a second before she felt Jamie continue her assault. 
She tugged the hair that was still in her hands and shakily pulled herself away from the needy mouth below her. The harsh separation caused a slight pop as Jamie’s head followed the retreating motion and continued to suck until Dani managed to lift and back up to be out of her girlfriend’s reach. A needy whine left Jamie’s lips as she lost contact. 
“Dani” Jamie whined. 
Dani collapsed onto Jamie the second she settled her hips back down on firm abs. “Fuck, Jamie” Dani panted.
Jamie licked her lips as Dani lifted her head and gazed at her with wonder. She quickly pulled the blonde closer to connect their lips. The only thing better than sinking into the flavor of Dani’s pleasure was having the taste linger on her lips while she tasted the sweetness of her lover’s lips as well. Jamie pulled away only slightly, “you taste so good, Poppins. I can never get enough.”
Dani felt the heat rise to the tips of her ears. “I thought I was going to pass out.” 
Jamie smirked. Dani lightly pinched her side “don’t you smirk like that it isn’t very fair. I feel exhausted now and I didn’t even get to make you feel good.”
Jamie stifled her laugh trying not to be too loud but soft laughter fell from her lips unstoppable at the pouty look on her girlfriend’s face.
“It’s not funny, Jamie. My legs are still trembling, and I feel like jelly.”
Jamie stifled her laughter. “Poppins you made me feel amazing without even touching me.”
Dani’s eyes widened “really?”
Jamie nodded “it’s not often but God Dani, the way you taste and feel, and your perfect fucking legs tightly pressed around me just all of you had me Cumming so hard I can feel it on my thighs.”
Dani looked down between them managing to lift her body for a second to move one of her thighs between Jamie’s. 
“Oh wow, Jamie.”
Jamie couldn’t help but sigh at the contact. Dani bit her bottom lip her desire to get more sighs from Jamie was growing. She moved to try and get on her knees, but her arms and legs began to shake as soon as she was supporting her own weight. 
Jamie could see how frustrated her girlfriend was and decided to cut her some slack and quickly rolled them over. She straddled one of Dani’s thighs and let another sigh leave her lips at the pressure. Dani quickly moved to try and put her hands on Jamie’s thighs, but Jamie shook her head and brushed them away. 
“Sit back and enjoy the show Poppins.”
Dani went to protest but Jamie placed a finger over her lips. “Watch what you do to me, Dani.”
Jamie didn’t wait another second before she moved her hips gliding her wet heat over the firm and incredibly soft thigh under her. She threw her head back as she adjusted so she could rock her hips better and to make sure her flexed abdomen was on full display for Dani. 
Dani felt her heart pound in her chest racing as heat filled her body head to toe. Her own core was still sensitive and just the motion of Jamie’s hips was sending sparks of pleasure through her. Dani licked her lips as she watched Jamie’s muscles flex and move with her hips. She wanted to taste every inch of the tan freckled skin on display just for her.
Jamie was lost in the motion of her own hips. She was so worked up she knew it wouldn’t take long or much effort to get off. She shuddered as she heard Dani groan and moan under her. 
Dani could feel just how soaked Jamie was and could feel her own heat start to drip. Her hips bucked up before she could stop herself and a filthy moan left her lips as she felt her center brush against Jamie’s. 
“Fuck, Dani!”
Jamie’s gaze shot to look down at the wet contact of Dani grinding against her.
“S-sorry, I-I can’t help it.”
“Please never apologize for that! God Dani.”
Jamie leaned down to press their lips together in a quick but heated kiss. She then adjusted her weight and pressed closer as close. Her thigh pressed harder into Dani causing them both to gasp at the contact. 
Dani rocked her hips as Jamie continued to rock her own. The feeling of Jamie soaking her thigh and her own heat coating Jamie’s made her moan. This too was a new way for them to explore each other and it was incredible. 
They could both watch and feel how much pleasure the other was having, and they were practically a puddle at this point. Moans filled the room as hips moved in sync and a soft wet sound surrounded them as they moved against each other. 
The brunette had to lean over the blonde as her orgasm approached. Dani’s gaze was locked at the motion between them she was amazed this could feel so good, but she wasn’t surprised everything with Jamie felt amazing more amazing than she’d ever felt before in her life and she was addicted.
Jamie’s gaze was soaking in the pleasure written across Dani’s face. She shuddered as Dani looked up at her the blue of her eyes dominated by her blown pupils. Jamie felt the first coil and then the pulsing contractions at the look in Dani’s gaze. Dani trembled as Jamie starred at her. 
Both their hips become more erratic chasing the high. Their hips faltered as their orgasms washed over them with shaking limbs and soft moans and panted breaths against heated skin. 
Jamie collapsed onto Dani and twitched as their bodies touched more fully. Dani let her legs fall flat and groaned at the wet heat that covered her thighs. 
Jamie kissed Dani’s neck “Sorry, Love. We made a bit of a mess. Give me a sec and I’ll clean us up.”
Dani moved to capture Jamie in a loving kiss that was soft and slow and incredibly tender. It could have lasted hours for all they cared they fell into it with their blissed minds until they both gently pulled back to brush each other’s noses.
Jamie slowly rolled off Dani and moved to stand on her legs which were still kind of shaky. Before she could collapse back onto the bed Dani was behind her wrapping her arms around her waist. Dani kissed the scar on Jamie’s shoulder, and they slowly made their way to the on-suite bathroom. They took turns preparing for bed before retiring back to the bed where they quickly tangled into a mess of limbs cuddled as close as possible as the chill of the night finally surrounded them.
The rain outside had gone unnoticed while they had been caught up in each other but now it was lulling them both to sleep. 
“Goodnight, Jamie.”
“Night, Poppins.”
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theleafling · 1 year
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okay so. I know people say that jamie and luce are basically the same person and yes I will happily agree with that but hear me out
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jamietaylorenthusiast · 2 months
Echoes of Bly Manor: Jamie's Solitude
Jamie is looking to escape her current life at which she she finds peace at Bly Manor. Surrounded by nature, she reflects on her past, cherishes the serene environment, and reconnects with cherished memories of the manor and its mysterious beauty.
hiii, english is not my first language so please forgive me for any errors or any incoherence. read tags before clicking 'keep reading' total word count: 1047
Dani Clayton x Jamie Taylor, Dani Clayton & Jamie Taylor
Jamie’s plan is crystal clear to escape the hustle and bustle of her current life and move back to a calm and serene side in a quiet time in the countryside. A place which is close to her heart and helps her to relax and in a calm and serene environment. The house- Bly manor is surrounded by bounties of nature, tall mountains, deep dark forest and a peaceful river. The great Statue Garden has left a mark in which the gardener has carried with her since she first met them. The mystery behind these Statue Garden had always seemed to leave her baffled and speechless. The trees that surrounded that and the property had provided a great comfort to her after the penitentiary, which she could not describe at the time. Jamie always had a vivid imagination, in the time she was sad her imagination roamed. Feeling the loss and pain harbored by the world around her; as the sun falls on her soul the world is cast in a dull light. If no one knows the burden of sorrow at least the rain will cry with her, and the wind will wipe the tears away. But she has found that even the smallest bit of happiness is much, much sweeter in light of life’s tragedy, and tears well up in times of joy as well as sadness — it is death in contrast with life which brings beauty into the world.
At one point, she and her brother had camped in the valley near her house, during which her brother and her had resolved that some day she would go up the river that ran through the campground as far as she could in a single day, in an attempt to find solitude. She does hesitate to share the name of Bly with her brother now, because it is after all a secret place. And yet, there are few rivers in the valley as mighty as this one, and anyone can perhaps easily guess its name. Even in the dry season the river had flowed strongly for millennia, cutting a deep canyon out of the hills which ran east for many miles. It roared with laughter as it stumbled and fell over the rocks and pools beneath its many falls — only to bounce back up again like a child who in the midst of its play had immediately forgotten the pain of its fall.
This river was the source of life in the campground and surrounding woods, its life giving powers were to be outdone only by the heavy coastal rains which fuel it. But there isn’t much rain in the summer, and it is at this time in Bly. Jamie had woken up early to make the trip up the river barefoot, carrying only bottles of water. It made for a marvelous adventure, as she forever chased the unknown treasures around each bend and over each of the flora present near the river. She would often walk around the perimeter of Bly, circling the property, while viewing each and every minute detail of the place, from the chapel to the Wingrave family plot and her very own special garden, carefully taking care to not disrupt the flora that hung perilously before their thunderous faces. The greenhouse provided comfort to her, anything about gardening, she loved the care and nurture you put into it and the plant, always reciprocating the love and care it gets. She found it better than humans, no one would treat her badly or wake up to hurt her someday.
The many banyan trees with their prop roots and river had proved interesting to her — She couldn’t help but think of the previous gardner, who had fallen to given her a seat high off the ground, and who was in the process of giving back the strength which he had drawn out of the deep wells of the earth for so many years, perhaps centuries. The greenhouse were much the same, as the mighty trees which hung over the river would die, they would fall and become jammed in-between boulders, creating dams which raised the water level to the roots of their offspring, who rose joyously out of the deep canyons to catch the warm rays of the sun. The trees are not greedy. They only glean from the earth and the sky what they can, and then fall back to give more than they took to start. It was under their shade that she watched Flora and Miles play in as they swam, hiked and climbed, a few miles up river, till sun down, she watched alone from the depths of the woods, the river bearing on its back like a wild horse. The towering cliffs bled cold spring water, and most of their granite faces were covered in hanging moss and fern, brilliantly green and bold. An outsider might have thought the place looked odd and boring but it was much more than that, the voices echoing in the halls of the temple of the giants, as the disturbed the bed of the river and clung to the sun-warmed rocks by its sides.
But Jamie had never felt alien at all. Rather, she felt very much at home and welcome, although she was tired. And therein lies the heart of the mystery. She used to live her life blinded by the thought of just surviving, constantly worrying about her mother and wondering if her dad would come back. However she now believed that in the absence of nature we too easily forget who we are. The Manor is a home to us older than our houses, or houses in general. And if someone can see through the clouds of mosquitoes, and manage to peer into the dark shroud beneath the thick of the forest, you may find something very much welcoming and wonderful, if you have eyes — and the heart for it. Jamie hopes never to forget Bly Manor. The air seemed to plunge forever upward into the sky, like the chains of many anchors might plunge into the sea. There is a treasure deep in the river, and she wishes to be forever in the river, but the ghost of her lover is all that remains on the ground.
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outer-space-face · 1 year
OMG HII BOOG!! :DD Thank you for the ask!! <33
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
I would say I'm playful, imaginative, sensitive, spirited, and earnest.
(I know I think technically you're supposed to come up with some quippy things like "always here to win 😤🥶🥵😎🥶" or something but idk, I want you to ACTUALLY know me better lol)
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
Honestly I feel like half of these are gonna be kins but like, what can I say??? Either that or fictional crushes lol 👀
I feel like I have to get this out of the way first and foremost, Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service is my top kin and is probably my favorite character of all time. More recently, Dani Clayton from Haunting of Bly Manor, she's a sweetie and I love her. As for characters I just love, BMO from adventure time has gotta be up there. THEY'RE JUST SO GOSH DARN ADORABLE I CAN'T HELP IT. Aled from the Heartstopper comics is also such a sweetheart and I love him too. And Will & Joyce byers for, once again, being sweethearts. All of my favorite characters are sweethearts and cutie pies. This is a cuties ONLY SPACE 😤🩷✨️❤️
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time
Another hard one just because I don't watch a whole bunch of tv shows so I'll include youtube series in here as well. I would say, Heartstopper, obv ghost files/bfu/all them watcher shows, The Good Place, Gravity Falls have gotta be up there. But it changes quite a bit and I've been watching and gathering more shows to watch so this list will probably be updated soon!! :)
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riderborn · 1 year
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✧   ⸻   [  grace van patten,  cis woman,  she / her  ]     ;     congratulations on surviving the parapet,  cadet  waverly dunbar, and welcome to the rider’s quadrant !  at  twenty - five years old, you should know exactly what it takes to make it to graduation, especially being so warm and selfless. though, i do suppose your tendencies to be callow and paranoid may make it hard to survive until threshing. other cadets say you remind them of watercolor bruises blossoming against your fair skin from hours in sparring, weeping into your palms after your first kill, the stark contrast of floral scented shampoo and the metallic scent of blood, but we’ll have to see how true that is. remember: if you want a dragon — earn one. 
full  name.   waverly  rose  dunbar. age.  twenty - five. gender.  cis  woman. pronouns.   she  /  her. current  location.   rider’s  quadrant. status.  single ;  unattached. orientation.   bisexual,  biromantic. siblings.   two  older  brothers. signet.  not  yet  manifested. dragon.  not  yet  bonded. allegiance.   the  rider’s  quadrant.
hair.   golden  hair  that  falls  to  her  collarbones,  typically  worn  in  a  french  braid,  a  tight  ponytail,  or  in  loose  waves. eyes.   the  color  of  dark  chocolate. height.   five  feet  six  inches. scars.   none  yet. relics.   none  yet.
position.   first  year.  second  wing,  flame  section,  first  squad  member. strengths.  warm,  selfless,  approachable. weaknesses.  callow,  paranoid,  uncertain. hogwarts  house.   hufflepuff. alignment.  lawful  good. zodiac  sign.   pisces. media  inspirations.   violet  sorrengail  ( fourth  wing ),  beth  greene  ( the  walking  dead ),  lexie  grey  ( greys  anatomy ),  dani  clayton  ( bly  manor ),  missandei  ( game  of  thrones ),  jennifer  jareau  ( criminal  minds ),  primrose  everdeen  ( thg ).
raised  by  a  rider  family,  waverly  always  knew  she  was  destined  to  be  a  rider.  from  a  young  age,  she  watched  with  envy  as  both  her  parents  &  both  her  older  brothers  experienced  the  inexplicable  bond  between  a  dragon  &  its  rider  &  she  always  knew  that  that’s  what  she  wanted.  growing  up,  people  often  told  her  she  should  plan  for  something  else  instead  --  she  was  tender-hearted,  empathetic,  &  soft,  &  everyone  insisted  that  those  qualities  wouldn’t  make  a  good  rider.  in  response,  she  simply  held  her  head  higher,  shutting  them  all  out  &  leaning  on  her  family’s  support  to  chase  her  own  dreams.  she  didn’t  spend  her  childhood  training  to  be  a  rider,  however.  her  interest  in  being  a  rider  is  one  thousand  percent  about  an  insatiable  admiration  &  need  to  appreciate  a  dragon  up  close  &  wanting  to  experience  that  bonding,  &  has  literally  nothing  to  do  with  the  thrill,  the  stakes,  the  gore,  or  the  power  that  comes  with  being  a  rider.  all  of  those  things  are  moreso  the  negatives  in  waverly’s  brain,  the  things  she  has  to  ‘tough  it  out’  through  in  order  to  achieve  her  dreams  of  seeing  the  world  through  the  clouds.  for  that  reason,  much  to  the  quadrant’s  dismay  after  her  two  stellar  rider  brothers  have  passed  through,  waverly  isn’t  much  of  a  fighter  &  has  continuously  come  out  on  the  bottom  in  every  way  that  counts  so  far  in  basgiath.  she  barely  made  it  across  the  parapet,  i  imagine  she  was  one  of  the  last  few,  limbs  trembling  &  collapsed  once  she  got  across...  but  she  still  made  it  !  where  she  lacks  in  brawn,  she  makes  up  for  in  dedication.  she  works  hard  in  her  classes  to  learn  all  she  can  about  being  a  rider,  &  volunteers  at  every  opportunity  to  take  on  more  duties  or  more  learning.  she’s  optimistic  about  it  all,  despite  the  fact  that  she’s  literally....  getting  &  going  to  get  the  crap  pummeled  out  of  her  &  has  a  very  slim  chance  of  survival  but  tbh  she  thinks  the  chance  of  bonding  with  a  dragon  is  worth  it. 
personality - wise,  she’s  like  a  ray  of  sunshine  that  doesn’t  know  when  to  stop.  she’s  like  prim  everdeen  crying  over  that  mean  cat....  &  she  probably  barfs  at  the  things  she  sees  at  basgiath  even  more  than  violet  did  tbh...  but  she’s  also  captain  america  getting  the  shit  kicked  out  of  him  &  then  standing  up  &  being  like  ‘i  could  do  this  all  day !’  even  when  it’s  like  baby  no  you  really  can’t....  she’s  sensitive  but  hides  it,  both  out  of  fear  of  being  targeted  by  other  cadets  &  bc  fake  it  til  you  make  it.  in  the  same  vein,  she  can  be  super  naive  bc  she  just  genuinely  wants  to  see  the  best  in  ppl,  but  is  also  a  Paranoid  Pisces  so  like.  she’s  in  a  constant  dilemma  &  anxious  quite  a  lot  but  yanno  that’s  how  i  like  my  muses :  suffering < 3
other  cadets  who  give  a  found  family  vibe~  people  she  feels...  semi-safe  around
the  rhiannon  to  her  violet,  someone  who  wants  to  show  her  the  ropes  &  help  her  not  seem  so  helpless...  or  simply  can’t  stand  to  see  her  get  her  shit  rocked  lol
corruption  moment...  someone  who  is  kind  of  like  ‘grow  up’.  bad  stuff  happens.  get  used  to  it !  a  little  tough  love  if  you  will
someone  super  protective  over  her  please  please  i  will  give  my  first  born
ppl  to  kind  of  play  with  her  feelings  a  little  bit...  make  her  your  fiddle  &  PLAY  HER
i’d  LOVE  a  professor  who  is  kind  of  helping  her  out  a  little  more  whether  it’s  bc  they  pity  her  or  because  they’re  skeptical  of  whether  she  deserves  to  be  here  or  not
anyone  who  doesn’t  like  her  simply  bc  they  think  she  doesn’t  have  what  it  takes  ( she  probably  doesnt )  or  because  they  just  annoy  each  other...  i  want  someone  to  bring  out  a  meaner  side  to  her
anything  &  everything  else !
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tiffanymaxwels · 2 years
share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order, then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice) 🎥🎬📺
Aaah Lola this is too hard, I watch so many things!!! But okay, I'll go with the first ones I can think of:
1. TK Strand (911 Lone Star) - he's just so precious and competent and a real little bitch (he said so himself)!
2. Howie "Chimney" Han (911) - he's funny and loyal and an incredible partner and father, the dream guy.
3. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert (Anne with an E) - such an angel, she's been through so much and she still chooses to see the best in the world, she stands her ground and has a wonderful imagination and is very smart too.
4. Kala Dandekar (Sense8) - a smart no-nonsense lady who kicks ass with her brain and looks good doing it!!! She's religious but still a scientist and she doesn't hesitate to call men on their misogyny.
5. Glenn Rhee (The Walking Dead) - such a cutie who loves with all his heart and would do anything to protect those he loves (and he's still alive and well, thank you very much!)
6. Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds) - badass queen with a big heart ready to sacrifice herself for her team and to run to the rescue when they need her, also a great leader.
7. Dani Clayton (The Haunting of Bly Manor) - wonderful selfless woman who also runs towards danger to protect those she cares about and won't drag the woman she loves with her when her doom comes.
8. Anastasia (Anastasia) - strong and very sassy woman who doesn't forget those who helped her and can save herself from the bad guy.
9. Amélie Poulain (Le Fabuleux Destin Amélie Poulain) - the kindest heart, she deserves so much happiness when all she does is give it to others (or give them hell if they deserve it).
10. Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy) - the sass, the brain, a female character who said she would never want children and didn't have any no matter the pressure she got from society and even close people to her!!! We love to see it. Also "screw beautiful, I'm brilliant" comes from her.
In conclusion, I love my adorable male characters and badass female characters lol.
Thank you for asking me. <3 (Btw I'm behind on your fics but I will catch up ASAP!!!)
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kimranmalhi · 4 months
Harvard's Refrencing
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Flora- Dani Clayton
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Pairing: Dani Clayton x Reader
Characters: Dani Clayton
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Dani - “happily ever after”
Word Count: 404
Author: Charlotte
With how eloquent Flora was, it was easy to forget that she was only eight. She was wise beyond her years, and you often felt as though she was more mature than yourself but moments like this reminded you that she was still only a little girl. You had joined your girlfriend Dani in caring for Flora and her older brother, whilst also helping out around the large manor they lived in. Tonight, the two of you had been in bed, ready to head to sleep, having put the two children to bed a few hours prior when the door opened a crack.
The small tearstained face of Flora peaked around the door. She quickly sniffed her nose as she stepped into the dimly lit room, revealing her bare feet and pale nightdress.
“Flora, what are you doing out of bed?” Dani asked.
Flora told you both of her nightmare. For the girl who had vehemently forbade you from wandering the halls at night, to have done so herself, it meant that she must have been truly upset. Both Dani and you gave the young girl a hug before escorting her back to her bedroom. Dani tucked her into the bed whilst you grabbed one of the fairy tales books that Flora secretly enjoyed. You took one side of the girl, whilst Dani sat on the other, the two of you alternating reading the story to her.
You had nearly reached the end when you heard Flora’s snores. Dani closed the book.
“And they lived happily ever after,” Dani whispered. “The end.”
You both hopped off of the bed, tucking in the sheets either side of Flora to make sure she was comfy.
“She is so sweet,” you smiled fondly looking over her.
“Especially when she’s asleep,” Dani added, resting a hand onto your shoulder.
You couldn’t deny that. Although she was a pleasant child, she was still a child and working with her could be rather frustrating sometimes, so it was nice to have a moment of complete peace with the child asleep.
“Come on, let’s not wake her,” you said, placing the book back into the bookcase.
Dani took your hand, leading you quietly from the Flora’s bedroom and back down the long dark hallways to the bedroom that the two of you shared to try and get some sleep before the long day of childcare would be to start again tomorrow.
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
exile [dani clayton]
folklore challenge: day 4
dani clayton x fem!reader
summary: relationships are anything, but easy. the break up, on the other hand, is even harder
warning: brief mentions of cancer and death
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*not my gif*
You were at the boring old pub in Bly, drinking your sorrows away. Until you heard a familiar laugh fill your ears. You looked up to see Dani and Jamie. Your heart sinking into your chest.
Jamie’s arms were wrapped around Dani’s body. Dani was laughing loudly at a joke that probably wasn’t funny at all. Your thoughts were flooding back to when everything broke down in front of you, in the halls of Bly Manor. 
“Did you really have to make a scene like that in front of everyone?!” Dani asked, after the two of you just fought in the middle of dinner with everyone. 
You scoffed, “I wasn’t trying to make a scene Dani. I was just trying to have a conversation with you and you just continued being short with me!”
“Well it doesn’t help that you’re drowning yourself in your work! You’ve been working so much and you’re not even telling me why! You’ve never worked so hard, especially for Henry. You’re constantly overworking yourself and you never have time for us any more!” she shouted, “It’s like you’re drowning in your own thoughts and you’re pushing away everyone who’s trying to help you! Including me!”
“I’m fine,” you tell her.
“There you go again pushing me away again! And you wonder why it feels like I’m falling out of love with you! Maybe it’s because I am!” 
There was silence following that statement. Dani just stared at you and you looked at her, tilting your head like a dog. Her brain finally caught up to what she said and her face immediately turned into regret. 
“Y/N I-” she whispered.
You shook your head, “No, it’s fine, I get it. Just go,” 
She practically packed up everything the two of you had and just left. While you were still stuck standing in the hallway, waiting, hoping that one day she’ll actually come back. 
Your best friend says stuff like, “She’s an ass for moving on so quickly! How could she do that you?!” 
But it didn’t matter what she did to you. You still fired back with, “Hey, don’t talk about her like that!” 
You don’t know why you were still defending her. It’s not like she was your home anymore. You couldn’t run into her arms whenever you had a rough day. You felt like you were exiling her from the home that you two built together. 
You felt like you were staring for too long to the point where it was getting creepy, so you turned your head back to your beer in front of you. And you drowned your sorrows into the cup. 
Dani noticed you were staring. It was hard to miss it. You still stared at Dani like you’d get your knuckles bloody for her. And you stared at Jamie, like she was just your understudy. That the second you figured yourself out, you would swoop in and easily replace her. 
It was like Jamie was just someone to replace you temporarily, until you got back. 
But that wasn’t the case. 
She gave you second, third, and hundred chances. By the end of it, it felt like she was balancing on branches that were starting to break. Like each step she took up the tree was a step closer to it collapsing from underneath her. 
Your stares somehow added insult to injury. Not just for you, the way that you forced yourself to watch who you thought was the love of your life move on. But for Dani too. 
Dani was so furious with you. She thought that you had no right to be jealous when you were the one who pushed her away. You were the one who gave up every second chance you got. And for what? She doesn’t know because you never told her. 
The blonde was mad at you, but she also felt bad. Her heart pinged whenever she caught you staring because every time it looked like a piece of your heart was breaking. 
She wasn’t wrong, it was breaking. It felt like a part of you would disappear each time. She hated that she was making you feel this way, but what did it matter now? You weren’t together anymore, so she’s not offending anyone. No matter how much it feels like she is. 
She didn’t want to hurt you, but she was starting to feel like an exile in her own home. And she couldn’t take you pushing her away for so long. So she did what she had to do, she left, walked right out of the door. 
You couldn’t take it anymore. You couldn’t be in the same bar as them when all you could do was hear how she laughed. Or see how she looked at Jamie. She looked at Jamie the way she used to look at you. So you left, thinking about where everything went wrong. Or when you got so fucked up. 
“Y/N, I have stage four liver cancer,” your dad told you as he sat you down on the couch. 
You usually visited him on Sunday’s when you got the day off at the manor. You were hoping it would be a day of eating lunch and watch football or as Dani called it soccer, but that wasn’t the case.
“What?” you whispered. 
His eyes teared up, “I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but I found out on Friday,” 
“So, what did they say? What treatment do you need?” you asked, tears welling up in your own eyes.
“The doctors aren’t hopeful of my case. They think the best six months if we could pay for chemo. If not, a couple months with no treatment, possibly less,” he took your hand in his as tears fell down your cheeks at the news, “But I don’t know how we’re going to pay for this Y/N. We can barely afford to keep the lights on and with me not being able to work-”
You squeezed his hand, putting on a brave face, “I’ll make it work. I’ll work longer hours. I’ll pick up side jobs. We’ll get through this together Dad, I promise,” 
You shook your head, trying to get rid of the horrid memory, as you walked the streets of Bly. You found yourself in the quaint little cottage that you grew up in, unlocking the door. 
Your dad was sleeping peacefully in the one bedroom you guys had. You washed up and laid on the couch, taking in a deep breath to try and keep yourself from crying. 
You couldn’t keep crying over her. You shouldn’t still be crying over her. 
You didn’t want to admit to yourself that maybe you and Dani always walked a very thin line. Maybe it was just never meant to be in the first place. Or maybe if you weren’t so stubborn and asked for help, she’d still be your home. 
“How could you?!” you asked Dani as you followed her into the gardens of Bly Manor, “It’s been two weeks and you’re going out on dates with Jamie!” 
Dani let out a sigh before stopping in her place to turn towards you, “Maybe it’s because it’s felt like I’ve been dating a stranger for the last two months! You’re rarely off and when you are we never spend time together! I asked you day after day what was going on, but you never told me!”
“Well, you didn’t even hear me out! You never gave me a chance to explain myself!” you yelled.
“Then explain yourself right now. Tell me why you’ve been pushing me away. Tell me why you’re working ungodly hours and never giving yourself a break!” she screamed back. 
You stopped in your place, looking at the ground. It’s not that you didn’t want to tell her about your dad. You just couldn’t. You were embarrassed, not that he was sick, but that before he was even sick you could barely keep the lights on. 
She deserved better than the little cottage with barely any food in the fridge. Better than the little cottage that has no running water, so you always stay late at the manor just so you could shower. She deserved the world and you couldn’t give it to her.
“That’s what I thought,” she whispered, “I gave you so many chances Y/N and there were so many signs that I was pulling away. I just can’t do this anymore,” 
The next morning, you were cooking your dad the last egg that was in the fridge. Or well, the last edible thing in the fridge. You brought it to his bed as he smiled at you from his newspaper.
“Did you eat?” he asked and you nodded. 
You sat in the chair on the corner of the room, watching the news that was playing from his TV. The two of you were quiet, the only sound that was playing was from the clattering of his fork and the plate, and the news reporter’s voice. 
“Where has Dani been?” he asked and your heart dropped, “She usually stops by and says hi on Sundays.” 
“We’re not together anymore,” you whispered, “It just didn’t work out,” 
“What happened?” he questioned and you just shook your head, “I know you like to handle things on your own. You don’t like asking for help, so you probably pushed her away, am I right?”
You gave him a look, “Dad, I told you I don’t really want to talk about it,”
“I’m not going to let you do that. You’ve been working day and night to help pay for my treatment. You’re putting your whole life on hold for me, but you should never put your love on hold,” he lectured you, “You pushed Dani away so bad because you were too full of pride to ask her for help,” 
“That’s not what happened,” you told him, starting to grow more frustrated.
“Are you sure? Because in the year I’ve known Dani, I know that she would never break up with you if she knew what was going on. She would never leave you in a time of need,” he pushed on.
“She deserves better! I pushed her away, yes because maybe I am too full of pride to ask for help! But she also deserves better! Ever since that weird thing happened in the manor I’ve been out of the only steady paying job I had! I could barely help you pay rent when I had that job, what makes you think that I could provide for her?!” you finally let out to someone that wasn’t your head. 
He crossed his arms over his chest, “She doesn’t care about that Y/N. She has always loved you for you. She’s been here countless times and not once did she ever care about something like that. I know you don’t like asking for help, but you need to talk to her and you need to let her in,”
There’s a few more beats of silence as you try to get your heavy breathing under control, “Because when I’m gone Y/N, I need to know that you’re not alone. And if there’s anyone I trust to ensure that, it’s her. Don’t let your film end like this,”
“I’ll talk to her tomorrow after work,” you told him with a nod. 
The next day you woke up for your early shift at the stables nearby. Just as you stepped out the door, there was a note in between the floor and your door. You pulled it out and read it over. 
Y/N, remember how I used to always tell you that there was a beast lurking in the jungle after the Lady in the Lake? Well...she finally caught up to me. I know we didn’t leave things on a great note, but I will always love you. I have always loved you. 
You taught me how important it was to take care of the people you love. The way you are with your dad was what I aspired to be for everyone. For Miles and Flora and for you. 
Whatever you’re going through right now, you don’t have to go through alone. Hopefully, one day you could finally open up to someone about it. I’m sorry that it can’t be me. Even though I’m going to be very far away, for a very long time, I’m never going to be away from you. I’m always going to be right by you. 
I love you Y/N Y/L/N. I love you with every piece of me. I’ll see you again one day. 
Yours, Dani 
Your brain quickly caught up to you as you hopped into your car and drove straight to your old work place. The lake was staring ominously at you and you kicked off your shoes and jumped straight in.
It was cold. The cool water sent adrenaline to your already fast beating heart. You swam deeper and deeper until your eyes finally rested on the body of the girl you love most in this world. 
You shook your head, no no this can’t be happening. She can’t be gone. You swam deeper, the lack of air burning your lungs. You had to get her out of there. You grabbed her body and started swimming as fast as you could toward the shore.
When you reached the shore, breathless, Jamie ran over to the two of you. You didn’t care how out of breath you were, but as Dani lied motionless on the grass the only thing on your mind was to save her.
You started doing compressions, “C’mon Dani, please,” you whispered, “Please don’t leave me. I need you, please,” 
Tears started falling down your cheeks, but they blended in with the water that was already dripping from the lake. Sobs started to shake throughout your body as you started talking to her.
“My dad’s sick. He’s been sick for the last couple months. He needs chemo and so I worked my ass off to pay for the bills. I was too full of pride to ask you for help and I also thought that you deserved better than me. Dani, you deserve the world and I thought that I couldn’t give that to you. I thought that you wouldn’t love me because I still live in a one bedroom cottage with my Dad and I sleep on the couch. There’s barely enough food to feed the two of us. The water for showers aren’t hot or they don’t come out at all,” you finally opened up to her.
“Then my dad told me that you never cared about that. You only cared and loved me for me. God, I was so stupid for not realizing that earlier, just please. Please come back. Please help me. I can’t do this alone anymore. I can’t do this without you. Dani please!” 
You don’t know how long you were doing compressions for, but the paramedics arrived and ran towards the scene. Jamie probably called them without you realizing.
“Ma’am, you need to step away. Let us help her please,” the paramedic told you, but you wouldn’t move. You continued doing compressions. 
Jamie wrapped her arms around you from behind pulling you off of her and you flailed your arms out, screaming out, “Jamie! Get off! I need to help her! Let me go!” you let out a scream, “Let me fucking go!” 
But she didn’t move. She kept her arms around you as the two of you watched the paramedics try to shock her back to life. After a few attempts the paramedics looked at each other and shook their head. One of them left to grab the body bag, they helped her carefully into the body bag as you let out another scream.
“No!” you screamed, running towards her body. Jamie unable to stop you this time, “Dani please, no! No! No! No!” 
Jamie pulled you off yet again and instead of holding you against your will she hugged you. She wrapped her arms around you, pushing your head close to her chest so you couldn’t see them carry her body away. Your legs gave out as you sobbed in Jamie’s arms.
It was too late. You were too late.
A few month later, you found yourself in the Bly cemetery. You walked the familiar path that you’ve been walking the past few months. The air was foggy as you pulled your jacket closer to your chest. You placed a flower down on Dani’s grave, kissing the headstone ever so softly. 
Before walking a couple steps to the left and dropping a flower on your the grave next to hers. A grave that read: “Loving father who taught people to never put their love on hold.” 
You sat in front of both headstones, placing a hand on each, “Hi guys, I miss you so much,” 
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nevsluvr · 3 years
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— 𝗶 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗲𝗱, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗹𝗿 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺.
❣︎=𝙛𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 ✿=𝙨𝙢𝙪𝙩 ✦=𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙨𝙩
↳ 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗶 𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
American (Dani Clayton x Reader)
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It was not often that someone new came to Bly. And absolutely nothing happened in Bly without you finding out about it first. So, that was why precisely two days after she arrived at the manor, you paid the property a visit. As soon as you stepped onto the grounds, something felt different about it. It was calm, but not in a permanent way. No, this was like the calm before the storm. 
“Excuse me, what are you doing here?” You were taken aback by the American accent. You turned from the garden display you’d been admiring to the new person. You extended your hand and offered her a kind smile. 
“Y/n Y/l/n. It is a pleasure to meet you. I heard that the manor got a new inhabitant and wished to extend a greeting of good fortune,” you told her. 
“Oh, well thank you. I’m Dani Clayton,” she introduced herself. There was an aura of frazzlement about her that you found adorable. She had juggling too much and you wanted to maybe distract her from that for a moment. 
“Perhaps I could take you out sometime?” you asked her. 
“That sounds very nice,” Dani said and you smiled. She invited you in for tea and the two of you spent the afternoon talking to each other. Miles and Flora both stopped in, glad to see someone else in the house as well. Miles attempted to act as charming as he could, but you saw right through the act. It was the influence of that bastard, Peter Quint. Your close friendship with Jamie had led you to many nights where she’d complain about the damage he’d done, especially to that formerly very sweet little boy who had turned into a bit of a shit. 
It had taken about three dates over the course of a couple of weeks for Dani to invite you inside for the night. The two of you hadn’t planned on sleeping together that night, but you did anyways. In the morning, you met her downstairs where she was waiting for you with a cup of tea. 
“Dear god, what is this?” you asked as you spit it back into the cup. You immediately got up and walked into the kitchen. Dani followed you, watching closely as you put another kettle of water on. “I am teaching you how to make a proper English cup. None of that pitcher shit you Americans normally drink.” 
“Pitcher shit?” Dani asked and you wrapped your arm around her waist. 
“I’ve been to America my dear, I tried the teas,” you told her. Dani smiled and leaned in to kiss you. You kissed her back and the two of you went back and forth for a little bit. Eventually, your body began to yearn for hers a bit. She must have been feeling similarly because she began to pull herself into you. You trapped her against the corner and placed your hands on her hips. 
Dani nipped at your bottom lip and your hand went to squeeze her ass. She hopped onto the counter and you were so close to going further when you heard something upstairs. The two of you broke apart and waited to see if there were any other noises. After a minute of waiting, the two of you moved to a less public space in the house. 
There wasn’t a lot of room to leave space between the two of you, but neither of you wanted space. You wanted to be as close to Dani as you could and from the way she was acting, she wanted to be close to you too. 
Your hand slipped in between her legs and she opened herself up to you. She was wet, like she’d been thinking about your night since the moment she had woken up. Your body definitely hadn’t let you forget, and the boost to your ego only baited your excitement even more. Your fingers slipped inside of her and were immediately met with a warmth and wetness that rocked you to your core. 
Just the feeling of her was intoxicating and you couldn’t wait to taste her. It was early though and you didn’t have enough time alone to make it last like you’d want to. Still, Dani seemed satisfied with just your fingers and you were happy to just be allowed to touch her. Your heart beat a bit faster the closer she got. A muffled scream escaped her lips as she came. It wasn’t muffled enough to not have been heard if someone were in a nearby room, but the kettle sounding was enough to drown Dani’s screams out. 
“Now, for some real tea,” you said as you opened the door. Dani followed you out of the small room and into the kitchen. As you gave her instructions on how to properly do the tea, you could tell that she hadn’t picked up any of it. She’d been too busy staring at you as she waited for you to whisk her away for another round.
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theleafling · 7 months
oh my god why did victoria circle the job postings in the newspaper dani looks through like she was on the verge of insanity
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myriadimagines · 4 years
Preference: The Haunting
— finding out you have a crush on them
Characters: Dani Clayton, Hannah Grose, Jamie, Peter Quint, Rebecca Jessel 
Warnings: —
Requester: @imaginesbymk
Request: “Hi Sam!!! could you do a Bly Manor preference with Dani, Jamie, Hannah, Rebecca and Peter on how they react finding out you have a crush on them? Hope this is ok, thank u:]]”
A/N: hope u like it mk!! :’)
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You confessed your feelings to Dani on impulse. You always felt so comfortable in her presence, and while the two of you were talking one night, you suddenly found yourself blurting out your feelings for her. Dani was surprised, her eyes going wide, before a huge smile lit up her face. She absolutely adores you, so thinks your crush on her is so wholesome and endearing. She’s reach out to grab your hands, giving them a squeeze to reassure you she felt the same way. 
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Hannah realises you have feelings for her when Jamie teases her about how obvious it is. She’ll point out how you have such a soft spot for Hannah, and the more Hannah thinks about it, she’ll realise that Jamie’s right. She’s almost surprised she didn’t notice earlier. She won’t be able to stop smiling about it whenever she thinks about it, and she’d be extra excited to see and spend time with you whenever she can.
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Jamie manages to figure out your crush on her, even if you think you’re being subtle. She’s pretty observant, and knows that you try to spend more time with her than anyone else on the grounds. She wouldn’t confront you about it, figuring you’ll tell her in your own time. She’d be flattered, thinking that all your little advances towards her are pretty cute. She’d flirt with you every now and then, teasing you in her own way, because she loves seeing you smile. 
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Peter gets pretty cocky when he finds out you have a crush on him. It doesn’t take much for him to piece it all together, seeing how nervous and flustered you get around him, and he loves doing things just to get you even more flustered. He’d be charming towards you, doing romantic gestures to impress you, giving you flowers or kissing your hand whenever he’s nearby. It would probably get eye rolls from all the others at Bly, but he doesn’t care.
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Miles and Flora had told Rebecca about your crush on her during one of their lessons. It was so plain for everyone in the manor to see, but Rebecca thought they might be playing some sort of game with her. But when she realises they’re being serious, a soft smile would appear on her face, and she’d be so incredibly happy to hear about your feelings towards her. She’d excuse herself from the lesson just to go find you and let you know that she has a crush on you, too. 
tag list: @5aftermidnight​​​ / @musicallisto​​​ / @igotissuesmister​​
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