#daniel cudmore x reader
volturicangetit · 4 years
F.V- One soul, two bodies
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Summary: You come to Italy with Bella to save Edward. You didn’t expect to meet your mate there, though.
Reqeust: YES/no @bugmanor ( I can’t tag you :( idk why ) : Would you be able to do something with Felix Volturi and the prompts 10 and 11? Maybe the reader is Bella’s human sister and comes with her to save Edward, where she meets Felix, who realises she’s his mate? Thank you :))))
10. “Fuck me” “I might”
11. “I am one second away from losing my fucking shit”
Warnings: cussing
Wordcount: 2604
Sometimes, you thought that you're sister got the brains in the family. You could never compare to her grades and complex subjects seemed like child's play to her. But in moments like these, you knew that she got one, single brain cell. Edward had left Bella since it was too 'dangerous' for her to be around the Cullens. You were sure that she would be in more danger since it's a known fact under the Cullen's enemies that Bella and you know about their vampirism. And now Edward isn't here to keep Bella's impulsive self in check. But you kept your mouth shut since you knew better than to piss off a vampire. You'd rather not have a pair of fangs in your neck. You were there for Bella to pick her up and put her back together after Edward broke her. For months, you heard her painful cries and calmed her down after a nightmare. So when you heard that Edward wanted to expose himself because he thought that Bella was dead, you were pissed. You were even more pissed when Bella asked you to go to Italy with her to save him, but you complied.
So there you find yourself, running after your hysteric sister through a thick crowd in Italy. If a large number of red cloaks around you wasn't making you dizzy, it would be because the sun burning above you. Sun was new to you. In Forks, there was a collective ten days of sun a year, max. "Bella! Wait," you call after her in between heavy pants. You are close in her tail as you both run towards an open door, where Edward is lurking in the shadows. The loud clanging of the curch's bells egos through the square. Kind of ironic for there to be a church next to a castle full of vampires. Bella jumps over the small stone wall around the fountain and runs through it. You groan before following her through the water. You jump out of it on the other side, feeling the water squishing in your now soaked shoes. Bella jumps onto Edward and pulls him back right at the last second, saving him from public exposure. They both stumble back into the castle as Edward wraps his arms around Bella. You follow them into the castle and quickly close the door behind you, sealing Edward away from the sunlight. You can hear Edward and Bella exchanging some emotional words but you don't listen to them, more occupied with catching your breath. You lean against the cool wall with your back as you let your head fall back against it. The stone feels like ice cubes against your burning skin but in a good way. You are too caught up in calming yourself down that you don't notice the two men entering the hallway until Edward starts to talk to them. "I won't be needing your services after all, gentleman," Edward cool voice says.
You look up at the two men. One has slightly curly hair and is holding one hand behind his back while the other removes a cape, that they both are wearing, from his head. The other is terrifyingly tall. From his red eyes that keep staring at you to the muscles protruding from under his skin, everything about his screams danger. Yet something in you feels the need to run up to his and hug him. You quickly shake that feeling of you thought, because you're sure that he would rip you in half if you did that. "Aro wants to speak with you again," the tall man says without taking his eyes off you. Edward quickly looks at Bella before looking back at the men. "No rules were broken," Edward huffs.
"None the less, we should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue," the smaller man says. He has a slight accent, one that the taller man doesn't have. The giant finally takes his eyes off you and now looks at Edward and Bella who are clinging onto each other for dear life. You push yourself off the wall to stand up straight, whipping some of the dust of the back of your pants. "Fine," Edward says.
"Bella and Y/n, why don't you go enjoy the rest of the festival," he states. Bella looks at you with big eyes. You nod, walking towards Bella and grabbing ahold of her hand. "They come with us," the giant says darkly. His tone sends shivers down your spine and not the good ones. Edward shakes his head, pulling Bella back with him and accidentally pushing you of her. You stand there awkwardly. "No, you can go to hell,". You have to hold in a giggle. O, he'll go to hell alright.
As if on cue, Alice pushing open a door, breaking the lock while doing so. She takes her big sunglasses off. You recognize the pair, you bought them for her as a "thanks-for-putting-up-with-Bella's-ass-for-a-month" gift. She hasn't taken them off since. Her hands go of the rip the bright red shawl of her hair. "Come on guys," she says as she makes her way over to you. "It's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene.". The tall man glares daggers at her. You can almost feel his hatred towards the Cullens. "We wouldn't," he says through clenched teeth.
From behind him, you can see a small figure walking towards you. A pile of blond hair forms a bun at the back of her head, a bit of it sticking up and being visible from the front. She's wearing the same cloak as the two men are, just a smaller one. "Enough," she says coldly as she pulls the cloak off her head. What do these vampires have with putting stuff on their head? Edward quickly looks down, so does Alice. Bella looks at you with panic in her eyes to which you simply shrug. "Jane," Edward says quietly as he pulls Bella behind him a bit more. Him, Bella and Alice are all standing very close to each other while you are standing by yourself of to the side. The distance between you is impossible to go unnoticed to you. You wrap your arms around yourself as a form of comfort while you stare right into the blond girls' eyes. "Aro sent me to see what was taking so long.". Her voice sounds very nasally, almost like she has a cold. She glances between the two men who she is now standing in the middle of. Her short height only emphasises how tall the man who won't stop staring at you is. She quickly turns on her heels. Edward, Bella and Alice eclectically follow behind her. "Just do what she says," Alice says. You pass the two men as you follow behind your sisters. The tall man glances down at you. "Okay, creep," you say under your breath. The man's eyes grow big. Fuck, he could hear you. The tall man takes a couple of quick strides to catch up with Edward and push a red robe into his hands.
You all walk down the halls until there is a dark staircase going down, into which the blond girls go. This is how you are going to die. In a dark basement by vampire's who'll use you like you're a fucking Capri sun. "Don't be scared," you hear Edward says to Bella. Don't be scared. How the fuck are you not supposed to be scared when your socks and shoes are wet while you're in a creepy castle filled with human blood-drinking vampire. "Are you?" Bella says. "No,". The blond girl scoffs at this. Who do you already like these three vampires more than Edward even though they're the human killing ones? An elevator opens up. "I'm not going into that thing with them," you say as you stand still before the doors. You point at the three vampires who are now standing in the elevator along with Edward, Bella and Alice. "No offence, I just don't feel like going into a small room with five vampires.".
Alice steps out of the elevator and drags you into it. You struggle but your strength is nothing compared to her's. The doors close and you couldn't be more uncomfortable. The silence that hangs over you all and the fact that your socks and shoes are still soaked doesn't help with it either. The doors open again and you quickly walk out of the elevator. Jane walks past you to lead the way. You see a woman sitting at a desk. She says something in Italian, probably a greeting, but you can't understand what she says. She still has normal, human coloured eyes and her cheeks still have a blush to them. "Is she human?" Bella asks.
"Yes," Edward says. Jane turns another corner as you follow behind her. You can still feel the tall man's eyes staring into your skull. "Does she know?". You try to tune out of Bella and Edward's conversation. You don't care about if the women are human or not, you care about making it out of here with a beating heart. "She wants to be..." Bella trails off. "And so she will be," the men with the accents says. Them turning someone seems as unlikely as Bella making a smart decision since their hatred towards humans is very well known.
"For dessert," the blond says. O yeah, you're definitely going to die. She pushes two dark doors open, revealing a surprisingly light and clean room. On a plateau or three thrones seated, a man with long hair sitting in each. All have a different hair colour though. Carlisle told you about them. Aro, Marcus and Caius. "Sister," a boy who looks to be a bit younger than you says. "I send you out to get one and you bring back two. And two halves. Clever girl.". You scoff at his words. Almost nice to be treated you a half of a person. The raven-haired man stands up.
"What a happy surprise," he says with open arms. "Bella is alive after all.". He clasped his hands together in front of his chest. A creepy smile is glued onto his face as he looks over you all. Behind him is sitting a brunette, Marcus, who is staring at the wall sadly. You heard the story about his wife. You always have found it tragical. The blond, Caius, is looking at you with an angry face. He doesn't like having the Cullens or humans around him. "Isn't that wonderful," Aro says, dragging out every word a bit. He walks over to where you are standing. "I love a happy ending,". He grabs Edwards hand out of Bella's and looks up at his face. His gift, Carlisle also told you about that. "They are so rare," he says sadly. His comment is clearly pointed at Marcus who immediately looks down at his shoes. Aro looks over Edward at the tall man standing there.
"Un'anima in due corpi," he says he lets go of Edward's hand and rushes over to the men. It happens so fast that he is there in a flash. He grabs the tall man's hand as his eyes are focused on you. "Felix has found is mate," he says before rushing over to you. He tries to grab your hand but you shake your head and step back from him, clutching your hands over your chest. "I'd rather not have you touch me, thank you very much," you say in a polite tone. His smile grows a little.
"This one has manners," he says before shooting Bella a glare. "Roasted," you mumble under your breath as you quickly look over at Bella who’s cheeks are now red. Aro holds his hand out to you again. "Would you please be so kind?" he asks. You nod, slowly laying your hand in his. The moment your skin touches his, you can feel him entering your mind. It's a weird and fuzzy feeling. You can feel him scanning through your mind. He lets out a soft chuckle.
Aro lets go of your hand before he makes his way to his throne again, sitting down in it. "Can I please ask what mates are? Because I'm kind of in the dark here," you ask. Caius rolls his eyes and looks the other way, not wanting to be bothered by humans. A smile is now on Marcus's face as he at the invisible red line connecting you to Felix. "A soul split in half, divided over two bodies. You are meant to be," he says in a raspy voice. You nod and look at Bella with worry in your eyes. Apparently, the Swan's had something for vampires. "Cool, great," you say. "I'm sharing a soul with a vampire...Fuck me!" you exclaim.
"I might," you hear Felix say behind you. This was apparently the last straw for Edward, who now runs up to Felix and throws a punch at him. The man with the accent runs over to Alice and holds a hand around her throat to keep her in place as Felix and Edward fight. You know it's bad, but you are secretly rooting for Felix and hoping for him to hit Edward a couple of times as payback for how he made Bella feel. The fight goes so fast that you can't even comprehend what's happening until Felix has both hands around Edward's head who is now on his knees in front of the thrones. Bella is shaking and running her hands through her hands like a manic. Her mouth opens like a fish but no words come out. "Stop!" you yell.
You take a couple of step towards Felix and Edward. You can see Felix's grip on Edward loosening. "Let him go and I'll...I'll do 'mate' stuff with you. Okay? Just don't-don't hurt him," you say. You pluck at the hem of your shirt from the nerves. Felix looks at Aro who gives him a condescending nod. Felix lets Edward go and is in front of you in the blink of an eye. You look up at him. He is handsome and hot. And extremely terrifying. You gulp down your fears as you shot him a smile. "Listen, my shoes are soaking, I think I just had a minor heart attack and I think I just heard someone being murdered down the hall. Basically, I am one second away from losing my fucking shit so you better listen up.". Felix nods, bending down slightly to be more on your level. The action brings a soft smile to your face.
"I'll come with you and do what you want but if I find out that you hurt my sister or the Cullens I will kill you. I don't know how to do that yet but I'll find it our really soon.". Felix nods, mumbling a soft 'okay'. Aro's voice causes Felix to quickly stand beside you and straighten up.
"Felix, you and young Y/n can take some time to...get to know each other," Aro says. Felix grabs your hand softly and guides you out of the throne room after saying his thank you's. You shake as he starts to pull you along with him. Is he going to kill you? "Do you have clothes with you?" he asks. You shake your head quickly, not trusting your voice at the moment. He sighs before shooting you a smile. "Then we'll have to go shopping because you'll be living here from now on.". O God, what did you get yourself into?
@scuzmunkie​ @thanossexual​ @prettyinblack231​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @cullens-stuff​ @rexburn12​
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mrsarnasdelicious · 3 years
Daily Film Drabble - Moonsday
Prompt From This List
3. Characters have their first serious conflict as a couple.
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"I can't believe this!" You yell. "It was an order." Felix replied stoically. "She was just a girl! She was an innocent." You hiss, baring your fangs at him. "Newborns are never innocent, you know that." Felix grunts. You roll your eyes. "I hate how dogged you are." You spit. "I am not!" Felix yells. "Yes you are, but you don't see it. Chelsea keeps you blind!" You scream.
"If that is so, why do you know?" Felix asks, though grated teeth. You look away from him. "Don't you understand yourself..." You mutter. "What do you mean?" Felix snarls. You pinch the bridge of your nose. "Don't ever notice?" You ask, incredulous. "Aro doesn't care about me. He doesn't use Chelsea to bind me to the Coven, because he does not care." You explain. Felix looks confused. "I... I never knew.." He mumbles. "I figured as much." You groan.
"Then why do you stay?" He whispers, looking at his feet. You shake your head. "If you have to ask that, Felix, I really wonder how you truly feel." You mutter. A growl rises from Felix' throat. "What is that supposed to mean?" He snarls. His eyes meet your again. There is tension in his jaws. "Ugh fuck you!" You turn around and dash away. You are disappointed beyond believe. How can Felix not realise he is the reason you stay! He is the one you are here for! Is Chelsea influencing him that much....
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xmenimagine · 4 years
Imagine: Keep Up, Tin Man.
Requested by Anon. Includes: Piotr 'Peter' Nikolaievitch Rasputin (Colossus) x Reader Request: · Could I please request a fic set in the year that Logan wakes up in the revised timeline, where the reader is a female x-man who can grow fangs and claws, and she flirts with Colossus over training and talks about him with her friend Hank? Ability: Biological manipulation-Ability to control all aspects of a living creature's biological make-up. This includes, but is not limited to, genetic alterations, physical distortion/augmentations (teeth and nails), healing, disease, and biological functions.
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Note: I used a gif of Daniel Cudmore as Colossus bc that's who played him in the movie, so don't come for me complaining about who I used for the gif. Also, I don't know how to flirt at all, so… I'm not really a fan of this one, but it's all I can come up with.
    When you quickly lifted your right arm to block his attack, and as his arm was firmly pressed against yours, with your faces only centimetres apart, your eyes flickered down to his parted lips and back up to his eyes. He had been staring intently at you, even as he towered over you with his height, breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling as he tried to steady his breathing. His eyes seemed to burn into yours before he copied your actions, his gaze lingering on your lips longer than yours had before he returned his focus to your eyes. The two of you were the only ones left training, the others had left a few hours ago, having called it a day. However, Peter and yourself remained, having silently agreed to a competition to see who would last longer. It was either that, or perhaps he wanted to be around you just as much as you wanted to be around him, and this was one way of staying in each other's company without awkwardly trying to fill the time. Your feelings towards him weren't exactly kept a secret, it wasn't as if you really tried hard to hide it. You weren't one to keep your comments to yourself, especially around him, therefore making it well known around the mansion that you could be quite amorous when it came to Peter—and it didn't exactly help that Peter seemed to fuel your fire by being equally as flirtatious back to you, seemingly enjoying the attention that you gave to him.
    From across the large room, you knew that Hank had remained in the room, but, instead of training, he worked at a desk, which was why, when he made a rather loud sigh in annoyance, your focus wasn't broken like Peter's, which allowed you to get the upper hand. You brought your heel to the back of his knee, causing him to drop down to the ground. It also helped that he wasn't using his ability as leverage, and, instead, decided to train without the use of his powers. He let out a grunt as his knees made contact with the ground and you stepped back, watching as he got back up, still breathing heavily.
    "Try to keep up, Tin Man."
    Peter, who was hunched over with his hands on his legs as he tried to catch his breath, looked up at you and let out a breathy laugh, shaking his head. "We've been at this for hours, and I'm not even using my ability, how the hell are you not getting tired?"
    "I guess I just have better stamina than you do," you replied in a low voice, watching as he swallowed and looked down quickly.
    He cleared his throat and shook his head, letting out another breathy laugh. "Does that apply to other strenuous activities, or just fighting?"
    "You wanna find out?" You smirked once he looked back up at you, a faint blush across his face—one you were sure wasn't due to the training.
    "You're really something else, you know that?"
    "I know," you told him with a wink, turning away from him to grab one of the water bottles off the floor. As you did so, Peter sucked in a deep breath. When you stood back up straighter, you turned to face him, his eyes were on you the entire time, even glancing down to your hand as sharp, pointed claws slowly began to protrude and wrap around the water bottle. He raised an eyebrow and looked back up to your face, watching as your smirk grew into a grin, your canines slowly forming into sharper points. "I'm full of all kinds of fun surprises."
    "I don't doubt that," he murmured as a response, licking his bottom lip as you took a sip of water, putting the lid back on before you tossed it over to him, which he easily caught, and you turned around to walk away, knowing full well that his eyes were still trained on you.
    As you made your way over to Hank, who was sitting at a small table, you knew he working on something. His back was facing you as you approached him. The table was pressed up against the wall, and the surrounding tables were messy and cluttered with thick books, odd empty beakers and vials, as well as the occasional empty plate with breadcrumbs scattered on and around it.
    "If this is the only time I get to see him sweaty and out of breath like that, then I'm going to be severely disappointed," you told Hank as you reached the table and turned to lean back against it, placing your hands on the table, gripping the edge of it, while staring down at the other end of the room and towards where Peter still was, putting more weights on the bar to lift.
    With a small jump, having not realised you had joined him, Hank shook his head and continued to work. "Hello to you too."
    "He can bench press me any day, no problem."
    Hank sighed, looking up from his work to stare at the wall in front of himself, blinking slowly. "What did I do to deserve all of this?"
    "You're my best friend, Hank."
    He scoffed, "Great… so why do you torture me with this?" As he turned his head to look at you, he noticed that you weren't even looking at him, you were still staring at Peter, who was across the far end of the room still working out, although by himself this time. "Ask him out," Hank turned back to his work.
    "What?" You choked on your own salvia, eyes widening as you turned your head to look down at him.
    "If you're confident enough to constantly flirt with him throughout training, and bold enough to assume I'd care to listen to you talk about him, then you're brave enough to just ask him out, gets some drinks, do whatever it is that you, so boldly, claim to want to do. You can't just be all talk."
    "Did you just call me out, Henry?" You crossed your arms over your chest, glaring down at him.
    Hank looked up at you and glared back. "Don't call me that, and yes, I did. Do something about it."
    "Oh," you replied sarcastically, but in a deep and grumbly tone, "you're really calling me out. That's rude."
    "It's necessary. Just talk to him, what's the worst that could happen?"
    "He could hear me."
    "You flirt with him all the time," he practically screeched, but he tried to keep his voice at a whisper, despite the fact that the area around the two of you was practically empty and Peter was on the other side of the room. "You can't tell me that your confidence is only limited to your flirting and not an actual attempt at asking him out."
    "Okay, I won't tell you that then."
    Hank groaned, lowering his head to the table. "Just try, please. If it doesn't work out then I'll buy you as many drinks as you need to forget it ever happened."
    "Okay, I'll ask him."
    "What?" He lifted his head off the table. "Did you just play me?"
    "No, Henry," you started, pushing yourself away from the table, taking a step forward before turning your head to face him, "you played yourself, but thanks for the drink offer, I'll be sure to take you up on it."
    "Wait, hang on! It's not an offer if he says yes! And stop calling me Henry!"
    "You should know by now that whenever you offer to do something, your offer always stays on the table."
    Hank sighed, muttering to himself as he watched you walk over to Peter, "Unbelievable."
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