#dannielle layouts
penicos · 2 years
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danielle layouts ♡ 555
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vivihrts · 2 years
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a-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n, attention is what i want...
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y-unjis · 2 years
⌅ ꈍᴗꈍ ~ . 🥝
⌅ ⌣ ﹒ 🥨 (ᴗ˳ᴗ)
⊕ .  ~ 🍋 ﹒ ( ◞‸◟)
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sasha-chambers · 5 months
Short Horror Stories: The House on the Way
In the middle of a street in a seemingly normal town, sat a single, old house. It's windows were boarded up, its doors locked and every inch of its wooden exterior had long since lost any signs of paint or polish. No one knew anything about the house, who had lived there or even how long it had been abandoned, in fact no one really paid it any mind anymore despite how much it stood out in comparison to the otherwise well kept surroundings.
On one long summers night, a group of teenage friends by the names of Dean, Emma, Andrew and Dannielle were out on the town, looking for ways to entertain themselves during their break when they walked past this old, lonely house, stopping as if for the first time to truly observe it. It was then that an idea popped into Dean's head, being the groups unofficial leader, he turned to the others with a rather mischievous smile.
"We should check this place out," he said, earning a skeptical glance from his friends.
"Im not so sure that is a good idea," Emma answered, looking nervously at the empty hollow in front of them, "That place looks like its ready to fall apart."
"Oh come on, who do you know whose actually ever been in that place. It would be one hell of a story, the only people to conquer the haunted house."
"That does have a kind of nice ring to it," Dannielle agreed, prompting an uneasy nod from Andrew.
"Come on then, we'll be in and out before you know it. Besides, who knows what sort of treasure an old place like this might have," Dean then bounded up the path towards the front door, the others following behind him at a normal pace. The front door was unsurprisingly locked but Dean had a number of questionable skill sets and was able to quickly get it open and the group stepped inside, being met by dust and cob webs in equal measure.
The group proceeded to split up into pairs and make their way around the house, finding various bits of old furniture and other items that proved the house to be much older than they had initially thought, they even slipped some smaller items into their pockets that they thought might be worth something, making the lot of them feel much better about the idea than they had initially. Although, that mood was somewhat dampened when they began to hear strange sounds, in the walls, almost as if something was talking to them.
Satisfied with all they had seen and the spoils that they had collected, the group decided to cut their losses and began to head for the door until the room around them suddenly began to shift, the webs evaporating and the dust rising up into the air and sweeping itself away. The furniture shifted, cracks in the walls sealed themselves and wall paper rolled back up into place. Even the layout of the house seemed to change, corridors and rooms appearing where they had not been before.
By the time the house had stopped changing and the group finally moved towards the door once more, they opened it to find nothing more than an empty black abyss spreading out in every direction around the building, though they seemed to have solid ground under their feet it looked as if they were hovering above oblivion itself and thus they quickly doubled back into the house where there was at least visible ground under their feet.
"This cant be happening, this has to be a dream!" Emma gasped in a panic, smacking her cheek in an attempt to wake herself up.
"Maybe we upset something in the house by trying to take things," Andrew suggested, being the somewhat occult inclinded of the group.
"Normally id say that's a load of shit but given the never ending night outside im inclined to agree with you," Dean answered, beginning to reach into his pockets to take out the things that he had picked up.
"Unfortunately that won't do you any good," a new voice spoke up, causing the group to spin around to see a young man not much older than them stood at the top of the stairs leading up to the second floor from the entrance hall, "We took nothing and we still ended up trapped here."
"We?" Dean asked, looking the stranger over, somewhat confused by how he was dressed in a long tailed black jacket, black pants, polished leather shoes and a red dress shirt, black vest complete with red leather gloves and a red cravat around his neck.
"Me, my sister and our mother," the young man answered as he began to descend the stairs towards them, "We were inspecting this house with the prospect of buying it a couple of days ago but when we were about to leave we found the abyss outside as you just did." He then stopped and looked the friends up and down, "Such a strange manner of dress."
"Strange?" Emma asked with a nervous chuckle, "No offence but your the one who looks like he walked out of the eighteen hundreds.
"That is hardly a strange thing when it is eighteen thirty." The group gave each other a concerned look at his response before any of them spoke again.
"This might be hard to believe but I think you have been in this house for almost two hundred years," Andrew told the young man and he slowly stepped back before sitting on the stairs behind him.
"Given how you look and those strange devices you have with you it makes an unsettling amount of sense," The young man answered, lowering his head into his hands, "At least perhaps with a fresh lot of eyes and minds we might be able to find a way out of this prison." The group proceeded to introduce themselves and the young man told them that he was Maximus Crane and the sister and mother he had mentioned were named Maxine and Caroline respectively.
"Sounds like your parents have a sense of humor making you Max and Max," Dean commented, earning a small chuckle from Maximus.
"They say when she was born she was like my doppelganger so the similar name made sense to them. Or rather my mother as she named us both," Maximus explained." With that he led the way to his mother and sister who were resting in one of the many rooms upstairs, his sister seeming to be little older than seven or eight and was dressed in a flowing, red gown while his mother, whose hairs were greying was dressed in emerald green. The friends explained their situation to Maximus' sister and mother before they agreed to split up and begin to explore the house with fresh eyes and ideas.
They searched for what seemed like forever, moving in circles through repeating rooms and hallways in the house that seemed to have expanded to several times its original size, finding no trace of anyone else nor any sign of a way to exit until they were interrupted by the sound of a blood curdling scream ringing out through the halls. Everyone ran through the twisting maze at full speed until the finally found where the scream had come from, the sight producing a few more as they all found Emma on the ground, her blood splattered across the walls from several slash marks across her body.
"What in gods name?" Maximus asked in shock, backing away from the sight.
"How the hell did this happen!?" Dannielle demanded, looking around for any sort of sign as to who or what had killed her friend, though there was no trace or tracks leading away from the scene to follow.
"Maxine?" Maximus suddenly whirled around, noticing that his sister was not present, "I have to find her." He then ran off back down the corridor and soon vanished around the corner despite Dean calling after him and insisting that they needed to stick together. Much as Dean suggested, the rest of them clung to one another as they moved through the house, making their way to where Dannielle had seen some weapons decorating the walls of one of the halls, hoping that they weren't dull and they would be able to use them to defend themselves.
The weapons proved to provide a ray of hope as they were indeed fully functional, though this small spark of hope was enough to make them drop their guard for a fatal moment as none of them noticed one of the corridor doors slowly creeping open before a shadow dashed out, jumping off one of the walls and flying past Andrew, his neck splitting open as a razor sharp blade was drawn across it and his blood began to spray out across the others before he collapsed.
Dean was just about able to get himself between Dannielle and Caroline before freezing in surprise as he laid eyes on the attacker. Though her face was covered by a porcelain mask shaped in the visage of a skull, the crimson dress and short stature was enough to give away that it was Maxine. Though that was not the thing that shocked him the most, that was the sudden greying of her skin and the pale green that had come over the whites of her eyes and the blood red hue of her pupils. Gripped in either hand was a set of long, elegant scissors with both sides of their blades sharpened, turning them into an exotic set of knives.
"What the hell is wrong with her?" Dannielle asked frantically asked, turning to Caroline before freezing as she saw the same hue in her skin and eyes as they had in her daughter.
"We are sorry," Caroline said in an eerily soft and gentle tone before placing a soft hand on Dannielle's forehead and muttering a few quick words and causing flames to burst from her eyes before she took crumpled to the ground. Dean barely had the time to react to the last of his friends dying around him, the twitching little girl in front of him moved to attach again, skittering across the ground on her hands and feet.
He was barely able to raise the club that he had pried from the wall and smack her aside into a wall as she launched herself at him, though both the blow and the impact seemed only to slow her more than anything else. He used the opening to run, desperately turning corners and bolting down hallways in hopes of finding a way towards the exit, even if he had to run forever into the dark void outside to get away from the monsters that he was now trapped with.
Unfortunately, in his wild attempt to escape, he found himself almost running headlong into a wall as he turned into a dead end and, before he could even turn around, a woodsmen's axe slammed into the wall, barely missing his head. As he spun around in shock, he saw Maximus stood there at the other end of the hall, a mask similar to the one worn by his sister in one of his hands and the other one outstretched after just throwing the axe.
"Why are you doing this?" Dean asked in a tone mixed with fear and anger, "We did nothing to you."
"You are right," Maximus responded in a calm, cold tone, the axe in the wall suddenly wrenching itself free and flying back across the hall into his hand, "Truth be told we would rather not be killing those like yourself."
"Then why?"
"I shall do you the curtesy of explaining before the end. My mother was a witch you see, using her abilities to make a living as a healer. Long story short her cruel husband turned her in to the mob, I was carted off to a madhouse and my sister sent to an orphanage that broke her." Almost on cue the girl dashed around the corner, coming to a stop beside her brother and leaning against his leg where he gently stroked her hair, "Though she can hide her feral nature well. Caroline was in the asylum like me, a poor broken shell, though she was gifted and my mother's soul latched onto her and taught how to use her own gifts. We released the tormented souls from their confinement and let them have their revenge on their tormentors. From there we found my sister and my mother used her magic to make us stronger. We hunted those who tormented others throughout the country and purged a great many, but there were those who didn't take kindly to us using magic in this way. A coven lured us into this house, sealed us in and cast a spell to make anyone either not notice the house at all or quickly pay no mind to it.
"If it's criminals and sinners you kill then why come after me and my friends?" Dean asked, trying his best to make sense of the story that he was being fed, "I'd hardly say we have done anything worthy of either of those titles."
"No but you are the only mean's to our escape," The voice of Caroline came from around the corner until she came into view, wearing a mask of her own, though this one was instead crafted in the imagine of a woman, "I can use my own magic to drawn people into this prison, though it takes a long time and a lot of energy between attempts. And through the sacrifices of those such as yourself I can forge a key to release us." She opened her palm and a floating key formed from a blood red mist, many thin, hairline cracks marking it's surface."
"Take heart in knowing that you will be the last." Maximus reassured Dean, "We will claim many retched souls in the name of those who gave their lives for our release."
"Forgive me if I'm not quite ready to die just yet," Dean said through gritted teeth as he readied his club.
"Don't worry, we always make it quick for you poor souls," Maximus said, gripping his axe in both hands and stepping forward. The fight only lasted a couple of seconds, Dean managing to duck and block a handful of Maximus' axe swings until he was smashed square between the eyes with the butt of the handle, dazing him so that he didn't have a chance to even see the next swing coming that split his head clean in half.
Caroline then stepped forward with the key, waving her free hand and raising the blood up into the air as he poured out onto the floor. Despite the large quantity of fluid being absorbed into the key, the fractures closed at a surprisingly slow rate, though close they did and the key was finally complete. The trio made their way to the entrance and slid the crimson key into the front door and turned it, hearing a satisfactory click. As the door swung open they were greeted by a cold dark night, almost comforting in its comparison to the never ending void.
As they stepped out they caught the noise of someone being attacked coming from a nearby alley and the accompanying laughter of the assailants enjoying their cruelty.
"Shall we children?" Caroline asked Maximus and Maxine, small smiles spreading under their masks as they stalked into the alleyway.
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otheatreopenproject · 6 years
Open Project: adapting changes into the space - 19/1/19
In this rehearsal, we decided to go over our supervisors notes on our colour run. From this, we found different approaches to how we could do different aspects of the piece. To start discussion, we met up in a more relaxed atmosphere to start writing down what we thought we could change.
We began by discussing the positioning of the set and discovered that the use of the hanging flat was no longer necessary for us. It seemed to get in the way, rather than being useful for us now. This meant that we had a little more space to work with, as we didn’t need to be concerned about appearing in the frame anymore. Next, we went on to discuss the positioning of the paint trays and decided to leave the space clear of them and only place the ones we needed on the ‘canvas’ in order to create more space for us to move around freely. We decided that this way, it could be more visually pleasing too as the colours could be put into a spectrum along the back. This worked really well, however this did mean a whole new re-structuring of the piece.
In addition to this, we also had to change the positioning of our movements on the ‘canvas’ too. This is because of the note from the supervisor, suggesting that the scene of Pollock at the end, which is quite high-spirited and messy, would be nice to ruin a nice image that was being created. Therefore, we had to decide how we could make the gradient of the painting we were creating look appealing in some way. We decided to group all of the orangey/reddish colours, such as Haring, Delacroix and Van Gogh to be quite high up on the canvas in order to almost give a ‘sunset’ effect. We then decided to place Monet around the bottom in order for the blue to create a water-like effect, with Dawid’s ducks almost ‘swimming’ on this blue paint. Adding Bragolin in was a difficulty, as the brown didn’t seem to fit anywhere within this, however towards the right of the painting we did have a blank spot in which we decided could work for the layout of it. Van Gogh’s poppy field and the green in Picasso were also added towards the bottom, in order to give it more of a ground effect. However, even though we planned this out and planned the order of who brings on which colour/prop in the 7 second intervals, we knew that it would possibly be problematic as the paint on our feet would spread the colours to places we didn’t intend for it to be.
After rehearsing the movements in the space, it turned into a very choreographed piece of theatre. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as it makes sure that all the colours are on the stage at the right times and all the props are sorted in time for the sections to be ran through successfully.
In tomorrow’s rehearsal (Tuesday), we will focus more on the movements and make sure that they’re well known so that there’s no mistakes during the sections running. This will just re-assure us that we’re ready for the final showing on Wednesday.
Company members present in this rehearsal:
Dannielle Woodward
Dawid Wiczynski
Delya Joubert
Gabrielle Benna
- Dannielle Woodward
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Solo Script (Shinto by Dannielle Woodward) (For the beginning, sit on the table with a red dress on and heels. Make up and hair down.) For 1 minute, a breathing soundscape takes place as in my head I’m doing my karate. (Intend to allow the audience to come to different conclusions of what the sounds are for.) This happens to begin with in the dark and then the spot light slowly come up to reveal that I’m sat in a dress and I’m all done up. (Japanese music plays) Meditate for 1 minute and a half. Still sat on the table, with the lighting on the spot still. (Eye Of The Tiger starts to play) Start to perform a warm up, kick of the heels and put your hair up. Start to intimidate the audience and perform punches and kicks / stretches. Sit back on the table when Eye of the Tiger stops playing and begin to speak Japanese as if it is a conversation. “Hajaime. Maegeri mawashigeri asherogeri gyakyzuki, zenzenshite jodan renzuki chudan. Kihon, Ohyo, yamae. Nagashizuki, tomokomozuki, gyakyzuki natsokomi, junzuki natsokomi. Pinan Nidan, Pinan Shodan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yodan, Pinan Godan, Kushanku, Nihanchi, Seishan, Shinto, Bassai, Nasaishi, Jion, Jité. Junzuki Dachi, Shoto uke, Kibadachi, Shikadachi, Chokozuki, Sanbon, Urazuki, Yamazuki. Mawatte.” After Japanese, start to pick up each belt in order and perform as if you were that belt, hanging them onto the bamboo sticks. White Belt: Bad Kiai. Try and form a fist. Yellow Belt: Kiai more. Form a fist and do a few punches. Orange Belt: Punch and front kick. Green Belt: Punch, front kick and roundhouse kick. Blue Belt: Start to jump as if you’re fighting and do the techniques in more of a fighting way. Purple Belt: Start of Naihanci. Brown Belt: Perform a bit of Seishan. Reach for black belt but can’t reach. Punches and kicks, still can’t reach the belt. Stress out a little, but then focus and kiai loud and pick up the belt placing it on the bamboo. Go to the front and perform Shinto in the dark on a kiai the lighting comes back and finsh the kata sequence. Bow and then take your hair down, put the heels back on, karate bag over shoulder and say Arigato. (thank you in Japanese). (Lights fade) Set of the Solo First scene: Layout as shown below. The spot light is light 25 in room 17 and light 28 in room 50.
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Main scene: Layout as shown below. The wash in room 17 and light 25, 44 and 46. In room 50: 28, 15, 16, 18, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.
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Lighting Plan (For the beginning, sit on the table with a red dress on and heels. Make up an hair down.) For 1 minute, a breathing soundscape takes place as in my head I’m doing my karate. (Intend to allow the audience to come to different conclusions of what the sounds are for.) This happens to begin with in the dark and then the spot light slowly come up to reveal that I’m sat in a dress and I’m all done up. (Light 25 in room 17 slowly comes up, light 28 in room 50 slowly comes up) (Japanese music plays) Meditate for 1 minute and a half. Still sat on the table, with the lighting on the spot still. (Eye Of The Tiger starts to play) (Lights 25, 44 and 46 are on in room 17, lights 28, 15, 16, 18, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 are on In room 50) Start to perform a warm up, kick of the heels and put your hair up. Start to intimidate the audience and perform punches and kicks on the kick bag/ stretches. Sit back on the table when Eye of the Tiger stops playing and begin to speak Japanese as if it is a conversation. (Only spot lights back on. Light 25 in room 17 and light 28 in room 50) “Hajaime. Maegeri mawashigeri asherogeri gyakyzuki, zenzenshite jodan renzuki chudan. Kihon, Ohyo, yamae. Nagashizuki, tomokomozuki, gyakyzuki natsokomi, junzuki natsokomi. Pinan Nidan, Pinan Shodan, Pinan Sandan, Pinan Yodan, Pinan Godan, Kushanku, Nihanchi, Seishan, Shinto, Bassai, Nasaishi, Jion, Jité. Junzuki Dachi, Shoto uke, Kibadachi, Shikadachi, Chokozuki, Sanbon, Urazuki, Yamazuki. Mawatte.” (Lights 25, 44 and 46 are on in room 17, lights 28, 15, 16, 18, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 are on In room 50) After Japanese, start to pick up each belt in order and perform as if you were that belt, hanging them onto the bamboo sticks. White Belt: Bad Kiai. Try and form a fist. Yellow Belt: Kiai more. Form a fist and do a few punches. Orange Belt: Punch and front kick. Green Belt: Punch, front kick and roundhouse kick. Blue Belt: Start to jump as if you’re fighting and do the techniques in more of a fighting way. Purple Belt: Start of Naihanci. Brown Belt: Perform a bit of Seishan. Reach for black belt but can’t reach. Punches and kicks, still can’t reach the belt. Stress out a little, but then focus and kiai loud and pick up the belt placing it on the bamboo. Go to the front and perform Shinto. (On the first Kiai (shout) the light goes to dark and then on the second the general wash comes back up). Bow and then take your hair down, put the heels back on, karate bag over shoulder and say Arigato. (thank you in Japanese). (Lights fade) Prop list Solo prop list: - Red Dress - Heels - Karate Bag - 2 Japanese Murals - 20 Bamboo Sticks - Blow up kick bag - 2 tables - 8 karate belts
Sound list Sounds/ Songs used: Japanese Music – Traditonal Bamboo Flute Koto Shamisen – Zen Musi. Eye Of The Tiger – Survivor. Solo Outfit
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