#danny hasn't had a good meal in MONTHS
hypewinter · 9 months
Jason had been stress cooking one night and accidentally made too much food. Not wanting it to go to waste, he offered some of it to his neighbor. The next day the very same neighbor approached him and very seriously pressed a piece of paper in his hand telling him to use it whenever he was in trouble before disappearing back into his apartment. Jason looked down at the paper. Was this a sigil?
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rayj4ck · 2 years
So I made a couple posts and a fic of this Rolling with Difficulty High-school AU idea that wormed its way into my mind like a fungus, and I definitely don't think I have the time or energy to make it a whole thing.
But I kinda want to make it a whole thing.
So here are some character headcanons as a compromise
Adopted by Otto in exchange for working for him in his scrapyard (and occasionally his "scrapyard")
In this AU, I like to imagine her getting her name by seeing an episode of Danny Phantom somehow and seeing one of the ones with Dani Phantom and being like "Oh yeah, that's a role model baby."
Wears clothes with a fire aesthetic, but dyes them all blue. Also dyes her hair blue. Says she doesn't really care but also goes through all the time and effort to dye the roots as soon as they start to show.
Says the car is hers, which is not true because it's still Otto's and also she doesn't have a license.
Carries a multitool around with her everywhere she goes. It's pretty big as is, and she knows how to use each tool in at least three different ways
Anyone who wants to use the shop room at school has to pay tribute to her in the form of soda, hot sauce, or money.
Yes, she does have a fireball tattoo on the inside of her arm. Yes, it is blue.
Barely scraping by in her classes, but only because she refuses to put any effort into them.
One day Dani's fucking around in the woods when she stumbles across an unconscious guy in a barely functioning car on some dirt road in the middle of nowhere.
So of course she's like
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She drags Virla (not that she knows his name yet) into the passenger seat and drives the car (poorly) back to the scrapyard.
Otto says he'll keep the car but not the kid. Dani says "Ok, bet." and sneaks Virla back into the house every day for a month before Otto gives up and says fine, he can stay, but he has to work too.
Still doesn't have pretty much any memory, just his name and vague flashes now and then.
Really good at sleight of hand magic, but also tech and circuitry and that kind of stuff. He combines the two to make fascinating (and rarely ever dangerous I swear) electrical magic shows.
Trained dove named Bing
Also he has a prosthetic leg. When Dani found him he had one that was barely holding together, so she whipped him up a new one on principle alone. It has two secret compartments and a battery for his shows.
Acing all his classes while barely trying
The tallest guy in school, teachers included.
Has a giant family. Like ten brothers and sisters, with his parents and siblings in the most chaotic house in the state.
The gang goes over to eat and hang out because it's the best food in (insert preferred range of measurement here). Dani still thinks she hasn't met them because whenever she goes she gets blackout hammered and forgets the whole thing.
Joins Dani and Virla in their jobs because it makes it a lot easier for him to stop by a grocery store and grab meal prep in the car.
Can and will lift Dani and carry her away when she's being too much of a little shit.
Everyone in school either has a story or has a friend who has a story of dating him and the gossip has hit self-sustaining critical mass
Despite this, his only relationship that seems to be provably happening is the on-again-off-again with Elyse.
Had to retake his senior year two or three times, but is managing to get through his classes now thanks to previous experience, and the teachers liking him.
Also adopted, but by an apocalypse death-cult in Wisconsin
Trained from a young age to be a "soldier" when the "new world" comes around.
Gets one wiff of the fact that there's an outside world beyond the bunker she lives in and goes "I'm outta here."
Runs away, hitchhiking across several state lines before being found by Enok
Enok is like "Oh, a child. I guess she's mine now." One of the other members of his religion he's traveling with is like "I don't think you have to-" "[while already holding Kyana's hand] My daughter now."
Rounds out the PERASPRA crew when they're driving around and see her holding her own against some wolves on the side of the road. Dani tries to help out by shooting a slingshot but misses and almost hits Kyana before she catches it out of the air.
They find out she's starting at their school tomorrow and the friendship is solidified instantly.
Like a mountain goat, can and will climb anything.
Still in those training habits, so the fittest in the school, and barely not as strong as Finbar. Whatever team gets her in gym, the other just gives up.
Once her tragic backstory gets out, one of the biggest mysteries in the school is how she manages to be so sunny and upbeat despite the terrible stuff she's been through.
Is constantly (in a friendly if unaware of the pushiness way) trying to recommend diet and wellness tips for others
Doing above-average but not fantastic in her classes
Takes place somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Midwest America
A lot of illegal stuff going on. Dani, Virla, and Kyana's adoptions are all basically moot. Kyana's legal guardian is still technically the doom cult, so she's on the lam from them. Otto's junkyard is legit, but he also runs a separate smuggling business that all four of them participate in on occasion. Finbar's doing the best out of the four of them, but some of those romance rumors include things with teachers. It was after he was 18, but that's still not allowed.
Alright, that's all I got for now, but I'll probably come back and add stuff as I think of it. Feel free to throw in any ideas this sparks in you, and you have my permission to take this framework and turn it into fanart or fanfic if you want. Just send it to me because I'd love to see it.
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brycelahelalover · 4 years
Pairing: Bryce × f!MC( Tesse Sterling )
Author's note: Sooo! Hi... My name is Chahnaz and this my first fanfic... actually it's my first post ever so i don't know how it's going to come out . So for anyone out there who will actually read this thing .. THANK YOU!! I hope you like it .
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It's been 30 years. 30 years since Bryce and Tesse gave their vows to love and cherish each other for the rest of their lives .30 years since Tesse called Bryce her husband for the first time. 30 years since Bryce called Tesse his wife for the first time (and by the way he really loved it.. in fact he loved it so much that he called her only that for the first few months. It's like he forgot her name or something). 30 years in which they had two beautiful children. Alexander (Alex) and Alexis. And no they're not twins. Bryce thought that he was funny by giving the girl that name after Tesse got to name the first born and as much as she wanted to argue with him about giving the child that name for the wrong reasons, she didn't since she actually liked it and because she promised him she would let him name their second baby if they ever had one.
30 years in which they encountered both happiness and loss. Like happiness of celebrating weddings. of Danny to Sienna. Of Elijah to Phoebe. And of Jackie to Mike. Yes.. Jackie got married. Make no fault it wasn't easy for the poor lad to convince her.. in fact it took him months of proposing for her to say yes . Happiness of seeing Keiki go through college, getting her dream job and meeting the love of her life. But they also went through big losses. Like the loss of a patient or a loved one. It wasn't easy but they made it through. Together.
In these 30 years, Bryce and Tesse made it through major big stones in their careers. In fact Bryce now is the head of neurosurgery. And Tesse filled Ethan's place as the head of the diagnostics team after his retirement much to June's frustration. They were known as the power couple at the hospital. Granted, it took both of them a lot of hard work to get where they are but it was worth it.
Tesse was sitting at the desk in the diagnostics office going through all the details that were presented to her for their lastest patient when her thoughts wondered to her spouse. She knows that she should focus. Christopher, the patient, still hasn't made it from Seattle. He was a wealthy 78 years old who seeked them as his last resort after his last 11 doctors came up empty handed for a reason to his symptoms. Yes, they started treating rich patients too since the whole ordeal 30 years ago because both rich and poor people have the right to the best treatment, adding to the fact that the hospital gains a good penny from the wealthy ones. But still as much as she tries to focus on the words in front of her, she can't. And she doesn't blame that on her aging brain, that as unfocused as it gets it's still as sharp as it was back in her twenties. But she blames it on her husband's behavior. Bryce has been acting quite weirdly as of late. She speculates that it's because of their marriage's 30th anniversary. But he has prepared surprises for her like that before but never acted like this. He spent a lot of time out which is surprising considering he never goes out without her.. or he prefers not to. Adding to the fact that he has been avoiding her and being really quit most of the time, which obviously isn't like Bryce since he's a talking machine that doesn't stop unless he's sleeping. So what could possibly caused this change in behavior. Well only one way to find out, she's going to talk to him later at home. She'll prepare a nice meal to celebrate their b-day while he's in the hospital since apparently he has a surgery that's bound to end a little bit late. And over dinner She'll attack, well not quite laterally cause she's not crazy but she will rain down on him with questions. Now that she forged a plan she feels a little less unfocused and goes back to work.
After a long day of work, Tesse is on her way out of the hospital when she decides to check out the surgery board to see exactly when Bryce's surgery end... or so she tells herself. And lo and behold, there's no surgery preformed at this hour by him. Well that ads to the list of suspicions. Why did he lie to her??. Tesse goes to check his office to see if he's still in. He's not. After that she goes to see if Danny by any chance saw him. He informs her that Bryce has left a couple of hours ago. So he's probably at home. On her way to her car, she gets her phone out to call him but he didn't answer " of course " said Tesse and not because he's used to not answering his phone in fact he's used to nag at her every time she didn't answer his calls . But because the man went to great lengths to hid whatever he's doing. Now remember how I said she wasn't going to attack him because she's not crazy... FORGOT THAT. She totally will.
After the whole drive thinking what he could possibly be doing she makes it home. And at her first step inside the door, she calls his name "BRYCE" you could totally hear the anger in her voice but she was met with silence, that is intel she hears one of the doors opening. Turning around she sees her son who was visiting after his law school finals to spend some time with his parents." Mom?" said Alex " .. you okay?" she could see the confusion writing on his face because of her near scream.
"Yeah, sweetheart. I'm fine." replied Tesse.
"Then why are screaming dad's name?"
"Well, I don't know where he is. He's not answering his phone and he lied to me about having a late surgery. And Now he's not even home. So.."
"Do you want me to try calling him?"
"Sure. Though, I doubt he's going to answer."
And sure enough, Bryce still didn't answer his phone.
"Okay... So, isn't today supposed to be your marriage anniversary?"
"Yeah" Tesse answered dejectedely. She really didn't expect to spend it this way.
"So why don't we go to a restaurant? Have a nice dinner? Just you and me? "
"I don't know..."
"Please, mom? I miss spending time with you."
Not wanting to lower her son's spirits, she agreed and went to change her clothes. She wore a beautiful little black dress that fit her form perfectly. Sure, she was sad and angry at Bryce for ditching her but she didn't have to look that way. Not when her son went out of his way to lift her spirits. She really did raise a gentleman.
By the time she was done, she found Alex waiting for her at the living room dressed in a dress shirt and pants. He took her hand than kissed her knuckles" Happy anniversary, Mom" than placed her palm at the crook of his own. And they made their way down to his car.
The direction Alex was driving in, was familiar to Tesse but not to any restaurant she knew. Only when he parked in the drive way to the huge mansion had she realized where he took her. It was her parents mansion. She haven't been in this place since her mother's funeral over 5 years ago. She has been thinking lately of renovating it but it was a project that would take a huge amount of time. Time she didn't have. But still that doesn't answer the question as to why would her son bring her here. The place is supposed to be deserted.
"Alex? Why are we here?" She asked.
But Alex didn't answer her question, instead he lead her to the front door, taking out a key when they made it there and opened the door. Where he got that key she will never know, but she didn't have time to wonder about that a lot cause as they made their way inside, the light suddenly turned on and in front of her she saw all of her friends, Alexis, her brother Connor and in the middle, sporting a huge grin in his face, stood the one and only Bryce Lahela.
" Happy anniversary, Tesse " said everyone.
Through her overwhelm and joy, she could see the place has been cleaned and tidied. It was like no time has passed. She looked into Bryce's eyes knowing that was probably all his doing. He smiled, making his way toward her. Taking her hands, he said:
" Happy anniversary, Love. I hope you're not too mad at me "
And in that moment she knew why she could never be mad at Bryce Lahela.
The end
Hi again! It's me.. And you probably knew that. Again, I want to say thank you to the people who took time out of their day to read this. I know there wasn't much to it but I didn't want to make it longer than it was. Plus, it took me more than 3 hours. So there... I hope you enjoyed it and thank you. Again.
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