musicrazed56 · 10 months
Sang're: Encantadia Chronicles
With the news of an upcoming sequel to Encantadia in production, I couldn't help myself but revisit one of my favourite Filipino fantasy show ever produced. I watched all 218 episodes of the requel in a week and started re-watching the 2005 as well.
Growing up I remember trying to convince my mom to let me stay up late enough to watch the show and it was such a big part of my childhood. My sister, our neighbours, and I would pretend to be one of the sang're and try to reenact the show. From their fight scenes to their drama scenes, we did it all. I tuned in until the very last episode of the original version and even tried to learn the language because that's how drawn in I was with the world-building and fantasy aspect of the show.
Fast forward to 2016, I'm well into post-secondary and live outside the Philippines. When I heard about the requel, I made sure that we had GMA Pinoy TV and all the episodes were recorded. That way I didn't miss any episodes. Now, to be honest, I wasn't a fan of 2016 at first. I was very critical of some of the casting, the CGI work, and even the world-building. It felt familiar but not. I missed the mystical aspect of the show and I missed that I was able to suspend my disbelief for 30 minutes to escape to this enchanted place. I didn't get that escape from the 2016 version because it didn't feel magical enough for me. However, over time, I learned to enjoy the show because of its storytelling. I was invested in the characters and what was happening to them which led me to fall in love with Amihan and Ybrahim's romance in this version. I enjoyed the sisters' bond here and wish we saw more of it in the show. I liked how each Sang're got a chance to meet their father and we, the viewers, got to know each of them.
There were a lot of positives from the 2016 version which is why I feel sad that "season 2" of Encantadia will be focusing on a different generation. I understand that Pirena, Amihan, Alena, and Danaya have been the 4 iconic sangres for almost 20 years and it's time for new characters to succeed them. Unfortunately, I feel that the 2016 version had more stories to offer and the Sang'res had more adventures and stories to explore. Especially with the death of Amihan, there were storylines that were abandoned to accommodate Kylie's departure. I just hope that the fans get a proper closure for these 4 Sang'res and aren't left with an opening ending. Kinda like how Encantadia 2005 concluded. Arman, on the back of a dragon, narrates the story of the 4 Sang'res and properly transitions the audience to the new protectors with him, Armea and Cassandra. 2005 gave the audience a definitive conclusion to the main 4 while setting up a potential sequel. This is something 2016 tried to do but left viewers with more questions since they introduced Cassiopea's twin and set up 4 diwanis running on the beach.
Don't get me wrong, I like the actors that are playing the new Sang'res but I do hope this sequel will be a bridge to continue the original 4 stories until its creator can give those characters a proper send off. Also, I would love to see Danaya as a mother and give Pirena and Alena a chance to have children again. Additionally, it'd be nice to see the growth in Lira and Mira. Lastly, I would love to see Amihan reunite with her sisters and get the happy ending that her parents didn't have the privilege of having.
That being said, I am beyond excited to watch this show and hope that we get book 3 and book 4 like what the creator and writers have shared.
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Okay sooooo we all know that DMR and the Enca team are currently working on Sang'gre right?
Direk Mark posted on his ig that he, madam Suzi and the rest of the team are working on the script, casting, etc. and I've read on some fan pages on Facebook that the show will be top billed by Bianca Umali.
The actress is (idk if this is confirmed already) set to play a character who has been exhibiting magical powers, not knowing that she is actually the daughter of Sang'gre Danaya. Now this plot is quite familiar to me because a few years after the original Encantadia ended in 2006, I remember GMA teasing the comeback of this well-loved show (I forgot what year it was), but for some reason it was pushed back (and shelved for awhile?) until 2016.
However, from what I recall the story (at least according to Enca fan pages and fan sites) was going to focus on the new generation of Sang'gres and what happened to Encantadia after the sisters Pirena, Amihan, Alena and Danaya "left" (in the finale of PHW), leaving Encantadia under the care of Cassandra (daughter of Lira, Queen of Lireo), Armea (daughter of Ybrahim and Alena, Queen of Sapiro), and Arman (son of Ybrahim and Odessa who became the story teller and the one who's watching over Adamya).
So imagine how surprised I was when GMA announced that it was going to be a remake.
Going back prior to Enca 2016, I've been reading articles from fan sites and fan pages that Arde was going to be the new main antagonist, a new kingdom will rise after Hathoria was destroyed by Pirena, Cassandra having no female heir to succeed her as queen, etc. and there was a part in that article saying that Aquil and Danaya's daughter will be whisked away to the mortal world and...you know the whole thought of that was DanQuil's daughter discovering her powers and stuff like that.
[ I'd like to point out though that none of these were confirmed by GMA-7, DMR and SD as far as I'm concerned because like I said, the Enca project was pushed back (or shelved, idk) until like 7 years ago. ]
Anyway, does that ring any bells?
Yup, that's the story of Lira 2005, and I'm emphasizing the original story of this character bc in contrast to the 2016 version, Lira has absolutely no idea about her true identity and didn't understand why she has powers, thought that Muyak was imaginary, and Anthony even thought that she was schizophrenic (I forgot which episodes were those but the earlier episodes). Whilst Lira 2016 has always known that she was a diwata and her story was more focused on going back to Encantadia, not as complicated as her OG counterpart.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited for Sang'gre but if that story of DanQuil's daughter turns out to be true, then I'd be disappointed because that story has been told already, para na rin nilang ni-recycle 'yung kuwento ni Lira (and Amihan at some point).
But it's Suzette Doctolero and Direk Mark Reyes, I know they'll always come up with fresh and exciting ideas and storylines. So I'm really looking forward for the portal to finally reopen and I am so excited to be whisked away into the world of Encantadia once more.
Also, I'm crossing my fingers for a Glaiza-Kylie-Gabbi-Sanya reunion, and an Ybramihan wedding (DMR and SD beke nemen)
P.S. Casting department galingan niyo naman hahaha! We all know what happened on the second half of Enca 2016 *coughs in sarkosi*, so...do better please?
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avisalaencantadia · 7 years
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Sa hinaba-haba ng prusisyon, sa simbahan din ang tuloy!
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sawthefaeriequeen · 7 years
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O captain, my captain (x)
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what is Your reaction when you watch Encantadia end may 19 2017
Alebarro - just a dream
alemefes - see you again with a child
Alzupiren - the new queen and king of hathoria
Mira - meet her father and for fist time have a siblings
Danquil - wedding and first daughter
Alena - new queen of liero and new son
sanggre - reunion of 4 sister
Muyak - i will miss u
Cassre - is real and sweet
Asval - hahaha you are death meat again
Raquim - i miss him so much he my favorite original cast
Lira - happy to see she have her own daughter
Lirapao - i wan’t to see more of them in book 2
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iamkayeel · 8 years
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the way their breaths mingle after they parted lips and the way aquil looked at her after asdfhghkl mY HEART
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jaminajheelyn · 8 years
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Danquil - Say you won’t let go
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ano team kayo danquil or danros
oh my god that was very hard . idk but for me danaya family first cause in original she become the queen with out love of a guy  
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itsmealiaxxx · 8 years
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diwatang-sirena · 7 years
So it's finally over... For now.
Once again, thank you to the Enca staff for bringing this fantaserye back to life. It had many ups and downs, and I would discuss them in detail perhaps some time, but not now. For now, I'd like to focus on the positives in order to close this chapter with a happy tone. Here are my favorite highlights from the final episode: 1. Raquim and Ybrahim VS Hagorn. Although it was super short, it was still nice to see Ybrahim '05 and Ybrahim '16 share a scene together. I knew that Raquim would be the final piece to Amihan/Ariana's puzzle that would confirm her sarkosi. 2. Ariana in Amihan's warrior costume. Okay, fight me on this. But I actually liked that part when Ariana appeared in Amihan's costume. In fairness sa kanya, even though her acting is still below par, I think this has become Arra's best performance as Ariana/Amihan. She really looked the part, and I felt that bit of determination that Amihan innately has when she fought Hagorn and got the 2 gems back. This is that one time that slightly redeemed Ariana for me. Still, I'm glad she was killed off (so that Amihan's ivtre will be free again), but it was sad to see Amihan experience another death. 3. YbriAna and YbraMihan. Now I'm sure you all know that I despise YbriAna. But that scene where Ybrahim realized that Amihan's ivtre was really in Ariana kinda made me feel bad, in a good way. Ruru nailed this scene perfectly, and in fairness, Arra's acting actually blended in pretty well for me. I just loved how Ybrahim desperately held onto Ariana/Amihan tightly, repeating Amihan's name over and over and apologizing for not recognizing her (I wouldn't blame him though), and Ariana/Amihan telling him that she never wanted to see him get stuck in the past and suffer because of her. Selfless love right there people. While it was heartbreaking to see Amihan dying in Ybrahim's arms for the second time, I thought it was a good way for Ariana to die as Amihan's sarkosi, regardless of her past actions and for Amihan's sake. As for YbraMihan's reunion, I'm satisfied enough to see Kylie appear (even though it's obviously edited) for a few seconds to reunite Ybrahim and Amihan. It was super bitin, and I thought that their scene was cut too prematurely. Would've been nice to see a full YbraLiraMihan hug kahit nakatalikod lang ang Kylie stand-in, or even a last "Mahal KONG Reyna" in Ybrahim's part. But nevertheless, I'm grateful that they gave us a last glimpse of the real Amihan and YbraMihan, and confirmation that YbraMihan is endgame and will still live on for the 2nd season. Curious to see how that'll work since Amihan is still an Ivtre, but at least we know that when the time comes, Kylie can fully return back in the main cast as Amihan. 4. Pirena, Danaya, and Alena's fusion. I thought that was pretty cool, switching with one another depending on their strengths. Still a bit sad that they're incomplete, but I liked it nevertheless. 5. Alena as the new Hara of Lireo. Already explained my excitement for it in my previous post, but wow! I just love seeing that crown on her head. Finally! 6. AleMemfes' conclusion. While I still find it weird that it seems so simple to conceive a child whenever they like by just holding hands, I'm kinda glad that at least something came out of Memfes' character. I'm glad that they didn't rush Alena into some sort of insta-love when we all know that she's not ready to love another, and I loved how honest she was with her feelings, but still was considerate enough to honor Memfes with his last wish. I guess wala na talaga si Armea, since it seems that Alena and Memfes' kid is a boy. What is up with Alena sprouting out male sanggres? Not that it's a bad thing, just a curious matter. 7. DanQuil and AzPiren. While I felt that a wedding for AzPiren is a little too early, I'm pretty much okay with this. These two sisters, the ones that were the most prideful and had the biggest distance in terms of their sisterly bond, now ended up sharing a wedding with the love of their lives. 8. The new baby sanggres. Although I felt that the tagapangalaga statuses of Paopao and the rest now is completely useless, I'm glad to see a new generation of heirs, however convenient. At least may kasama na si Cassandra that's her age, hahaha. Still can't see Lira as a mother though, but I like the little fact that she's actually living in Sapiro with her father instead of Lireo. Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how this new generation will play out the 2nd season. I'm glad that there's actually a boy this time around. If he actually ends up becoming the heir to Lireo's throne because he's Alena's son, that would be the first time that a male becomes King of Lireo. 9. Cassiopeia's Ice Queen twin as the new villain. This is a whole new ball game I'm excited to watch when the time for Season 2 comes! There's really nothing this time that you can expect from the original series in this one, as in nothing! And I think that's very good, in order to really make a fresh start and continue on the legacy of Encantadia. Overall, I give the Season 1 finale a 6.5/10. Despite it being an obviously rushed ending, I thought that it did good enough, for someone who had low expectations of it. And thank you guys for coming along with the journey! Until the next season! 😚
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
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It was a perfect day.
The sun shone brightly at the azure skies, the emerald sea was calm. Golden sands shimmered under the rays of the majestic ball of fire. The mood was festive which lit up everyone’s spirits. The guests were all dressed up, garments made from the most expensive cloths adorned with intricate designs and precious stones. The aisle was decorated with colorful blossoms, freshly picked from the gardens of Lireo and Sapiro. Soldiers of both kingdoms lined on either side of the aisle, Lireans on the left, Sapirians on the right. At the dais stood a beautiful woman in sea green gown, she had long, curly locks, a crown in her head, a scepter on her hand. She looked regal and queenly…well, she’s now the queen of Lireo. I smiled as I watch her from afar—my Ashti Hara Alena, one of the women I look up to. On her left was a nursemaid with a sleeping infant in her arms, a baby boy who was born just after the war, a child who’s both diwata and Adamyan. Hara Alena’s child with the late Memfes. The monarchs of Hathoria were also present, Hara Pirena and Rama Azulan with Mira who immediately became close with her stepfather, I knew it has always been her dream to have a father and I as her friend and soul sister couldn’t be more happier for her. Of course, former queen Danaya and her husband Aquil were there, they are now expecting their first child. I bet he or she will be just as stubborn as his or her mother. I couldn’t help but chuckle, I can just imagine Ashti Danaya grumbling endlessly about how ashtadi her little brat is and Aquil reminding her that stubbornness is from our side of the family, well, our diwata genes are that dominant.
“They’re here!” Mashna Mayca announced. Everyone settled as the ceremony immediately began, Mashna Muros and Mashna Mayca walked together in the aisle first, holding the flags of Lireo and Sapiro, I came in second, now dressed as a Sapirian heiress. Me being officially hailed as my father’s successor came out as a surprise, I mean, everyone was expecting me to ascend the Lirean throne. Who would have thought I would be recognized as crown princess of Sapiro instead? Especially when the council expressed their strong opposition of breaking the norms that only males can rule Sapiro (dude, seriously?). The struggle was real you know, I had to work extra hard to prove that I am worthy to ascend my father’s kingdom in the future. And if you’re asking if I succeeded, well duh.
I stood beside Aquil and Ashti Danaya, and then they came. Dressed in matching gold and brown garments, they both looked great. My mom looked immaculate in her wedding dress, she looked radiant, she looked very happy as she smiled at everyone. My dad meanwhile kept looking at mom, his aura was very different, I haven’t seen him smile like that for many years, but thanks to Ariana who paved way for my mother to return and to Emre who finally granted her another chance to live as her own self, mom was able to return to us, just like what yla Mine-a promised to my Ashtis. Looking back, I witnessed how their love story unfold, from being allies to good friends, to being lovers. I witnessed how they fought the odds together and won every battle together, they were each other’s strength and weakness, happiness and heartache, true love and beloved. I witnessed how they both sobbed as they went on separate ways to fulfill their duties, I witnessed how my father shattered after mom chose to sacrifice herself to save us all. It was a struggle that was impossible to get through, but as they say, “Love makes the impossible possible,” when you love someone, you can do things you never thought you can do, my mother and father are living proof that true love conquers all, and I their daughter is a witness. My parents stood before Ashti Alena who became good friends with dad, after everything that happened, I know that she has truly moved on. Finally, no more awkwardness, no more hidden feelings, just genuine happiness. She was the first to bless my parents, “Ybrahim and Amihan,” said she, “As the keeper of the water gem and queen of Lireo, I am giving you my blessing, may you live a peaceful life like the calm sea, have a blissful marriage throughout the years, and may you continue to love each other unconditionally until the afterlife.” My mom looked at her with gratitude, their relationship as sisters were also put to a test, but my mom and Ashti chose to love and forgive each other in the end. And for that, I have such respect for the two. If I will blessed with a sister or even another brother, will we able to get through the trials we may face in the future like my mother and her sisters?
Ashti Pirena was the second to bless my parents, everyone shared a hearty laugh as she wished for them to have more children. Dad obviously liked the idea, mom blushed but laughed along as well, that thought excited me–I am an only child, I lost my half brother many years ago, and even though I have Mira, I still want to feel what it’s like to have siblings, I mean REAL siblings. Ashti Danaya who is my mom’s closest sister was teary-eyed when she gave her blessing to the bride and groom, it’s not everyday that I see her get emotional, maybe her pregnancy has something to do with it. Or maybe she really has always been a softie, I don’t know, it’s hard to read her mind.
After the blessing the priestesses performed some sort of ritual to help strengthen their marriage, and all that stuff. When the ritual was finished, the head priestess gestured me to come to the dais, I walked towards Hara Alena with a crown in my hands, a crown that is worn by queens of Sapiro. My parents knelt, the Lirean Hara placed the crown on my mother’s head, my mom became queen once again, of Sapiro this time. Ashti Alena happily announced, “My beloved encantados, I now give you, Rama Ybrahim and Hara Amihan, king and queen of Sapiro!” my parents rose to their feet and faced everyone. “Ivo Live Rama Ybrahim! Ivo Live Hara Amihan! Ivo Live Sapiro! Ivo Live Encantadia!” the crowd chanted headed by Mashna Mayca. The crowd applauded and cheered for the king and queen. Mother and father faced each other, eyes full of love, smiles full of happiness, mom wiped a tear from my dad’s eye and gently caressed his face. They weren’t saying anything, but that scene was worth millions of words, words that speak of love, happiness, and forever. Then the most awaited part happened next, my dad pressed his lips against my mom’s, I cannot help but squeal as they shared that long, sweet kiss. I looked at Mira, and she has the same reaction, I winked at her as if to say, “Finally!” Mira responded by raising her thumb which meant, “Alright!”
I joined my parents afterwards, giving them the both warm hugs. I guess group hugs will always be a thing in my family. I’m not complaining though, I am not and will never trade my family for anything. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever meet a guy like my father someday, a man who will never give up on me no matter what, I wonder if our love story will be just as beautiful as mom and dad’s? That is, if dad will ever allow me to date someone (he still sees me as his baby, don’t judge). Oh well, I guess love will have to wait, I still have a lot of princess-y stuff to learn, and I have to focus on being Ashti Danaya’s protégé aka the next keeper of the earth gem, I still have a long way to go. But as I prepare myself for the future, I will always keep in my mind the lessons I learned from my parents’ experiences, that everything will fall into place at the right time. Hold on, and trust the power of true love. I will always keep their story in my mind and carry it in my heart, and one day, I will relive those memories as I tell my future children and grandchildren their story. A love story that is one of a kind, the love story of Ybrahim and Amihan.
Beloved (by: Iris) From Lira’s point of view
Photo credits: @GMAEncantadia (via Twitter)
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Nope these are not rants, these are just my thoughts, observation and views on the show Encantadia.
To set expectations, I have always been rooting for YbraMihan since the original story aired in 2005. They just have much possibilities and twists in their story waiting to be explored. And I am glad the creatives behind the show decided to venture on those possibilities in the sequel of En2016.
 1.       Amihan (Kylie Padilla) – at first I had my doubts, Amihan’s character is nobility at its finest and Kylie taking on this iconic role (which is one of my favorite) had me questioning the director WHY. But after getting hooked with YbraMihan (again), I was amazed on how Kylie slowly took in the character, embraced it and gave it her own flavor. I was also impressed with her fighting skills. Despite her admitting she finds it hard to speak tagalog, she was able to pull it off and what I liked her manner of delivery is that she tends to be sing-songy which I find cute. Especially when she tries to soften her emotions. Though, I am still mourning from her death. Encantadia is not the same without Amihan.
2.       Ybarro / Ybrahim (Ruru Madrid) – I really was not familiar with this actor; I was more familiar of the character that he is portraying. Thus, I was not sure I would enjoy watching Encantadia with him in almost every episode. But lo and behold, he was able to pull it off. Especially when he was given the responsibility of being the heir to the throne of Sapiro. And add to that he has a daughter with Amihan, playing prince and father for a young kid could either make you or break you. And I must say, thank you Emre, he knows how to act and was able to pull off the maturity card exceptionally well. Okay, he still has a few improvements to make but common, this kid can act despite his age. Though he tends to do heavy sighing every time he delivers heavy lines or emotional scenes.  
3.       Alena (Gabbi Garcia) – She is my least favorite character out of all the 4 Sanggres but my Emre, what happened to her in the 2016/17 version? Or do the creative team need to put something awesome for her? I mean she is a hopeless romantic turned vengeful b*tch and then desperate for Ybrahim’s love. She needs more than that, granted she is not as wise as Amihan nor a fighter like Danaya, but she can be more than a soppy character pining for old love. Maybe I sound bias but I just want her to grow, her character to develop as great as Amihan, Danaya and Pirena. Oh and by the way, she needs to learn a few acting lessons, the way her mouth moves is just really irritating. Okay, I was being biased in that last part. But overall, good job.
4.       Danaya (Sanya Lopez) – My favorite Sanggre! I loved her in 2005 and I still love her now. She is cunning, strong and kind-hearted (when no one is looking). But most of all she is a fighter and the epitome of LOYALTY. Despite all the hate, deception and hurt, she remained loyal to Amihan and to Lireo. I would add the Danquil moments because they are funny and sweet. Though, now it is full of heart aches.
I would like to talk more about the other characters but I will just post another entry soon to talk about the other characters.
And on to my favorite OTP. YbraMihan. So much to love so little to hate. Okay maybe for the AleBarro fans, they hate this pairing. But who cares. Hahahaha. Poltre.
Why do I go gaga over this pairing? As I have said, they had so much possibilities in the original run and I am really glad it was explored in the 2016 sequel. The YbraMihan / KyRu pairing was unexpected yet it hits you in the heart and you can’t help but notice and root for them till the end. Just like AlDub, they are organic and a surprise to everyone.
There were no fireworks during their first meeting (dream version) but when they actually met in real life, it was something else. There was spark. A little bit. Then Amihan’s reign fell and here comes Ybrahim to the rescue and to lend a helping hand. Then their first embrace happened, oh my Emre, it was short yet poignant. For me that was when the shift of the story started happening.  And I was really happy about it! Yet, along the way I was getting frustrated with Ybrahim because he cannot even make up his mind. He was making excuses and just went for whatever made sense. Well it was the same with Amihan. I know, her being queen requires her to be loyal only to Lireo and that she cannot love and be married. That part was really an aaargggh moment for me. But I guess that what makes their love story even more beautiful and moving. There were hurdles to overcome before the prince and the queen can be together.
YbraMihan’s love story was not easy, yes it started in a dream, then a kid happened in between, a girlfriend to ruin all possibilities, but when you are destined to be that person’s soulmate, no one can come in between. Not even death.
I am still rooting for YbraMihan to be the endgame. I know Kylie’s current condition does not allow her to work late and be under stress, but as long as there is hope, YbraMihan will have its happy ending soon.
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iamkayeel · 8 years
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from "maaawa ako sa magiging asawa mo" to "maari ko bang hingin ang yong kamay at puso upang maging aking kabiyak"
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your reaction on encantadia ending
raquim last face off with hargon . i love it  
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Ariana in Amihan’s costume is perfect to her . i guess i will call her twin sister of amihan 
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Lira mira finally they are back to a life 
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Alena become queen of liero so happy for her 
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also to casiopea she became what she wan’ts she now bathala mata 
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i love the reunion of the sisters 
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i ‘am a lirapao ship fever 
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memfes and ybarro i will always remember ur love for alena and rip to memfes
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Muyak rip to u and thanks for a nanny for alena and lira and a best friend for them 
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doubble wedding of pirena azluan and danaya and auil and thanks god aquil did not die this time . danquil first child and pirena second child with alzuan this time 
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cassre is life
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glaizanews · 7 years
In the end,DanQuil got married, so did Pirena & Azulan. Alena is Hara. New babies. But,Ice Nation?#AzPirenLoveNeverEnds#IvoLiveEncantadia http://pic.twitter.com/081whmuKDT
— Glaiza deCastro News (@GlaizaNews) May 19, 2017
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iris-sistibly · 7 years
Encantadia 2016-2017: The Final Verdict (Part 1)
Overall storyline
When it comes to searching for a binge-worthy TV Show, Movie, or heck even a novel, be it an actual book or in Wattpad, I am very picky when it comes to the story especially local ones since ironically they disappoint me most of the time, I can name only a handful of Philippine TV series that are worth the watch and I truly enjoyed.
STORY-WISE, the show started pretty well, the book one exceeded my expectations. There was a balance between the stories of both the good guys and the baddies’ stories, every character has their own story to tell, the fall of Amihan will always be my number one favorite arc because up until now, remembering that scene when Amihan found out about Pirena’s treachery, it still gives me goosebumps! The twists were to die for and aside from Alena’s poorly-written narrative there was nothing more I could rant about. The YbraMihan love story was clearly unexpected yet the writers did a good job at developing this story that I became so addicted to it! It was just so kilig, painful but beautiful and the best part is I got to witness Ruru and Kylie’s growth from the earlier part of the series until the finale of the first book. The DanQuil romance was just as squeal-worthy like their original counterpart and the “I love you” scene was the best part of their love story. Too bad though that the Mira-Anthony romance was put to an end prematurely and the love triangle between Lira-Anthony-Mira never happened because Lira was just too immature and Mira and Anthony…well, they’re just not meant to be. Nevertheless, I like the bittersweet ending of it. The sequence and the pacing of the story overall is perfecto, everything fell into place at the right time. It was magical, it was heart-warming, heart-racing, funny, exciting—just a perfect blend of every element that I am looking for in a TV series.
Rating: 9 out of 10💎s
That was book one. But here’s the thing, after Amihan’s death everything just fell apart. Like I’ve been mentioning these past several weeks there were so many arc-fillers in the show that are clearly arc-fillers that were so dull and boring. They kept on killing characters especially major ones which I don’t think is necessary and then brought them back to life once again, they did that to Ybrahim, Lira, and Pirena in the first book, and they did that to Lira, Mira, Asval, Amihan (technically), and all other characters who died and was brought back to life once again in the second book. It was too repetitive and redundant especially for Lira’s part who died and was brought back to life twice…TWICE. It’s just so disappointing that the show started really well but ended up so badly—okay maybe not that bad but still not satisfying enough and just not impressive at all. The sudden twist of the show aka killing Lira and Mira was probably the most disappointing part and if it weren’t for Glaiza and Ruru, this would have been such an epic fail. They tagged this a major plot device but for me I don’t think so, because like I said in my lengthy rant post about the show, it was a desperate move to keep the viewers’ attention because the sarkosi plot never worked. GOD IF YOU CAN THINK OF A MORE INTENSE TERM THAN THE WORD “WORST,” then that’s how I would describe this shit. Of course they have to come with something, they have to keep the show a trending topic, and while the show was at it’s peak and was consistently number one most talked about in social media, it was for all the wrong reasons. Everyone was fuming, everyone was angry, everyone was disappointed, BUT it was a smart move for the writers and DMR to come up with the worst game plan ever and that is to drag the story down, the more it got worse, the more people talked about it. It was a stupidly impressive strategy, insane but it worked. There are two ways to keep a show’s rating high and have all the money they can get: first one is to throw some really popular actors to play a character in a badly-woven story and number two, the social media frenzy: butcher the story and throw in some really bad actors for people to bash on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. (and ta-daa! instant trending topic), it’s like a reverse psychology or some shit (didn't pay much attention on psychology classes because prof was boring and lazy af, but…whatever!). It’s just so sad that they have to ruin what would have been a beautiful, well-crafted story just for the sake of ratings. Fine, I’m not a pro at writing, I didn’t study film-making, not an expert at making critics, BUT FOR GOD’S SAKE you don’t have to be an expert to know that this is a butchered version of the original Encantadia! I will be forever frustrated if they don’t push through a new season to make it up to the fans especially those who are fans of the original trilogy. The pace was too fast, the narrative was the WORST, clearly this arc is rushed and not well-thought of. It was THAT BAD, and I am so annoyed! If I only knew that this is how it’s going to be, then I shouldn’t have signed myself up on this. The writers are my biggest disappointments plot-wise, I know Kylie basically ruined the plans for the show but dude, come on seriously? It’s their job to come up with a much better storyline or at least come up with a more exciting and interesting subplot that would wow the audience without murdering the very core of the story. And while I understand that they have to rush this since they are shoot-to-air (as mentioned many times by Ms Suzy), the team had a choice and the network had the power to pull out the show and make it like a season-ender and resume when Kylie is ready to work again. Maybe throw in some K-Drama or whatever to replace Enca for the meantime until the premiere of MVR. Ratings? There’s an AlDub show! There’s MTB which they kept on blabbing how well it has been doing. But then again, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt, after all we don’t know what the hell was really going on during that time. BUT, coming from a fan’s perspective, it is not an excuse for the writers to murder the story just because one cast member FAILED the entire team, it is not an excuse to come up with what would have been an interesting subplot and then screw it up in the end—YOU GUYS WERE THE ONES WHO CHOSE WHO’S GOING TO REPLACE KYLIE IN THE SERIES, GMA 7 has a number of excellent [young] actresses why the fuckin’ hell did they choose a…okay, stop—don’t make me describe her when I’m at the peak of my frustration. Is this book worth following? Hell to the fuck NO.
Rating: 2 out of 10💎s
-Total: 5.5 out of 10💎s
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