radicalgraff · 2 years
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"Police killed the Arena supporters"
Painted in Indonesia following the death of almost 200 Arema football fans, after police fired numerous tear gas rounds inside Kanjuruhan Stadium, resulting in a stampede of people trying to escape the confined area.
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iris-sistibly · 1 year
Okay sooooo we all know that DMR and the Enca team are currently working on Sang'gre right?
Direk Mark posted on his ig that he, madam Suzi and the rest of the team are working on the script, casting, etc. and I've read on some fan pages on Facebook that the show will be top billed by Bianca Umali.
The actress is (idk if this is confirmed already) set to play a character who has been exhibiting magical powers, not knowing that she is actually the daughter of Sang'gre Danaya. Now this plot is quite familiar to me because a few years after the original Encantadia ended in 2006, I remember GMA teasing the comeback of this well-loved show (I forgot what year it was), but for some reason it was pushed back (and shelved for awhile?) until 2016.
However, from what I recall the story (at least according to Enca fan pages and fan sites) was going to focus on the new generation of Sang'gres and what happened to Encantadia after the sisters Pirena, Amihan, Alena and Danaya "left" (in the finale of PHW), leaving Encantadia under the care of Cassandra (daughter of Lira, Queen of Lireo), Armea (daughter of Ybrahim and Alena, Queen of Sapiro), and Arman (son of Ybrahim and Odessa who became the story teller and the one who's watching over Adamya).
So imagine how surprised I was when GMA announced that it was going to be a remake.
Going back prior to Enca 2016, I've been reading articles from fan sites and fan pages that Arde was going to be the new main antagonist, a new kingdom will rise after Hathoria was destroyed by Pirena, Cassandra having no female heir to succeed her as queen, etc. and there was a part in that article saying that Aquil and Danaya's daughter will be whisked away to the mortal world and...you know the whole thought of that was DanQuil's daughter discovering her powers and stuff like that.
[ I'd like to point out though that none of these were confirmed by GMA-7, DMR and SD as far as I'm concerned because like I said, the Enca project was pushed back (or shelved, idk) until like 7 years ago. ]
Anyway, does that ring any bells?
Yup, that's the story of Lira 2005, and I'm emphasizing the original story of this character bc in contrast to the 2016 version, Lira has absolutely no idea about her true identity and didn't understand why she has powers, thought that Muyak was imaginary, and Anthony even thought that she was schizophrenic (I forgot which episodes were those but the earlier episodes). Whilst Lira 2016 has always known that she was a diwata and her story was more focused on going back to Encantadia, not as complicated as her OG counterpart.
Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited for Sang'gre but if that story of DanQuil's daughter turns out to be true, then I'd be disappointed because that story has been told already, para na rin nilang ni-recycle 'yung kuwento ni Lira (and Amihan at some point).
But it's Suzette Doctolero and Direk Mark Reyes, I know they'll always come up with fresh and exciting ideas and storylines. So I'm really looking forward for the portal to finally reopen and I am so excited to be whisked away into the world of Encantadia once more.
Also, I'm crossing my fingers for a Glaiza-Kylie-Gabbi-Sanya reunion, and an Ybramihan wedding (DMR and SD beke nemen)
P.S. Casting department galingan niyo naman hahaha! We all know what happened on the second half of Enca 2016 *coughs in sarkosi*, so...do better please?
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osappleobeneduci · 10 months
Maxi Rissa nel Carcere Valle Armea-Sanremo: Quattro Detenuti Feriti e Trasportati in Ospedale
Nella serata di sabato 9 dicembre, il Carcere di Valle Armea a Sanremo è stato teatro di una violenta rissa che ha lasciato quattro detenuti feriti e costretti a essere trasportati in Ospedale. L’incidente che è avvenuto intorno alle 19:30, ha visto scatenare una lite tra reclusi, le cui cause sono ancora oggetto di indagine. Grazie all’efficace intervento del Personale di Polizia Penitenziaria…
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musicrazed56 · 10 months
Sang're: Encantadia Chronicles
With the news of an upcoming sequel to Encantadia in production, I couldn't help myself but revisit one of my favourite Filipino fantasy show ever produced. I watched all 218 episodes of the requel in a week and started re-watching the 2005 as well.
Growing up I remember trying to convince my mom to let me stay up late enough to watch the show and it was such a big part of my childhood. My sister, our neighbours, and I would pretend to be one of the sang're and try to reenact the show. From their fight scenes to their drama scenes, we did it all. I tuned in until the very last episode of the original version and even tried to learn the language because that's how drawn in I was with the world-building and fantasy aspect of the show.
Fast forward to 2016, I'm well into post-secondary and live outside the Philippines. When I heard about the requel, I made sure that we had GMA Pinoy TV and all the episodes were recorded. That way I didn't miss any episodes. Now, to be honest, I wasn't a fan of 2016 at first. I was very critical of some of the casting, the CGI work, and even the world-building. It felt familiar but not. I missed the mystical aspect of the show and I missed that I was able to suspend my disbelief for 30 minutes to escape to this enchanted place. I didn't get that escape from the 2016 version because it didn't feel magical enough for me. However, over time, I learned to enjoy the show because of its storytelling. I was invested in the characters and what was happening to them which led me to fall in love with Amihan and Ybrahim's romance in this version. I enjoyed the sisters' bond here and wish we saw more of it in the show. I liked how each Sang're got a chance to meet their father and we, the viewers, got to know each of them.
There were a lot of positives from the 2016 version which is why I feel sad that "season 2" of Encantadia will be focusing on a different generation. I understand that Pirena, Amihan, Alena, and Danaya have been the 4 iconic sangres for almost 20 years and it's time for new characters to succeed them. Unfortunately, I feel that the 2016 version had more stories to offer and the Sang'res had more adventures and stories to explore. Especially with the death of Amihan, there were storylines that were abandoned to accommodate Kylie's departure. I just hope that the fans get a proper closure for these 4 Sang'res and aren't left with an opening ending. Kinda like how Encantadia 2005 concluded. Arman, on the back of a dragon, narrates the story of the 4 Sang'res and properly transitions the audience to the new protectors with him, Armea and Cassandra. 2005 gave the audience a definitive conclusion to the main 4 while setting up a potential sequel. This is something 2016 tried to do but left viewers with more questions since they introduced Cassiopea's twin and set up 4 diwanis running on the beach.
Don't get me wrong, I like the actors that are playing the new Sang'res but I do hope this sequel will be a bridge to continue the original 4 stories until its creator can give those characters a proper send off. Also, I would love to see Danaya as a mother and give Pirena and Alena a chance to have children again. Additionally, it'd be nice to see the growth in Lira and Mira. Lastly, I would love to see Amihan reunite with her sisters and get the happy ending that her parents didn't have the privilege of having.
That being said, I am beyond excited to watch this show and hope that we get book 3 and book 4 like what the creator and writers have shared.
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urbanoscar · 3 months
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Armea with JL
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bagnabraghe · 8 months
Sanremo (IM): la pista ciclopedonale all'incrocio di Valle Armea
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botallo · 8 months
Sanremo (IM): la pista ciclopedonale all'incrocio di Valle Armea
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Sindacato, rissa in carcere Sanremo per alcol prodotto da frutta
Sospendere la distribuzione di frutta, sostituendola con altri alimenti, come le gelatine confezionate, per arginare l’abuso di alcol. A lanciare il monito è il sindacato ligure della polizia penitenziaria Uspp, che in una nota interviene su una rissa nel carcere di Valle Armea a Sanremo, dove in precedenza era stato anche picchiato in modo selvaggio Alberto Scagni, ancora in coma farmacologico e…
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noisynutcrusade · 10 months
Alberto Scagni, the mother in prison in Sanremo after the beating
She describes a penitentiary where other inmates tried to tell her stories what had happened to her son, describing a three-hour beating and disturbing precedents. She then reiterates that the agents were watching her on sight and that no clarification was received from the director. Antonella Zarri, mother of Alberto and Alice Scagni, visited the Valle Armea prison in recent days, where on…
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prdoa · 4 years
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adrianomaini · 6 years
Sanremo in "Passeggiata (1827) per la Liguria Occidentale" di Giacomo Navone (edita nel 1831)
Sanremo in “Passeggiata (1827) per la Liguria Occidentale” di Giacomo Navone (edita nel 1831)
  da Cultura-Barocca
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iris-sistibly · 11 months
Thoughts about some fan theories about the highly anticipated Encantadia Chronicles: Sang'gre
I guess this is the number one question the fans are asking right now. But one thing is for sure, Cassandra and Deia are NOT one and the same. This has already been confirmed by Suzette Doctolero herself, the character of Cassandra hasn't been introduced yet and the actress who's gonna play her remains a mystery.
Here are some other fan theories about Sang'gre Deia:
That Sang'gre Deia is the daughter of Ybrahim and Ariana
-No, I don't think so. Ybrahim and Ariana had some sort of connection because Amihan's soul was inside the latter's body. However, their relationship NEVER developed and Ybrahim only found out about the whole sarkosi thing in the final episode when Ariana was killed for the second time thus freeing Amihan's soul. Without Amihan inside her body, Ybrahim would never even bat an eye on Ariana. The best thing that could happen with these two is to have a cordial or civil relationship (due to Ariana's friendship with Lira).
2. Deia is the daughter of Cassandra
-I have a 50/50 opinion about this. Cassandra was born after the war between the sang'gres and Hagorn's forces and Lira was seen holding baby Cassandra along with Danaya, Alena and Pirena with their own babies. It was implied in the finale that the little girl in blue was Cassandra playing at the beach with Flamarra, Adamus and Terra. Meaning to say that she's around the same age as the other sang'gres, which means Cassandra is too young to have a daughter around Deia's age (unless her growth was magically sped up to make her older).
But the more I think about it...
What if the writers purposely left out some details and the girl in blue was actually Deia? And that scene was actually before Cassandra's birth? I saw Angel Guardian's photo with Ms Iza Calzado who played the original version of Amihan on her instagram account and apparently, Sang'gre Deia was actually named after Iza's daughter Deia Amihan. Are they giving hints of Deia being Amihan's second daughter? IMO this actually makes more sense than Deia being Amihan's great granddaughter.
I'm not a hypocrite, I support Ybramihan, Daemyra, Helaemond and Jonerys and yes, they're all related by blood (but I don't fucking support that shit in real life, I know the difference between fantasy and reality okay?).
This is highly unlikely. SD has made it clear that they're not trying to recreate the Ybramihan love team. Speaking of which, I just find it funny that there are people who are calling out the YA ship for being incest when nobody gave a fuck about it in 2016. Armeo and Raquim are first degree cousins (according to Etheria 2006, King Armeo's namesake, Prince Armeo was the brother of King Meno who died long before the war against Etheria), which makes Ybrahim and Amihan second cousins. Emre CHOSE Ybrahim to father Amihan's heir, and to top all that, they're not humans.
I have a theory about this:
If you're a Percy Jackson fan and you have read all PJO books, you know that the demigods' godly parents are all related which makes them in a way related as well. BUT, they are allowed to date other demigods as long as their partners aren't born from the same godly parent (otherwise, they would be dating their own sibling) so it doesn't matter if their godly parents are siblings, cousins, etc. Maybe, the same thing applies to engkantados. Perhaps they are allowed to date or marry someone from their family as long as it's not an immediate or a first degree family member. Again, this is just my own theory.
SD did not give a direct answer, but if you ask me my answer is no. Adamus is the Armea of this version of Encantadia. Alena has already moved on from Ybrahim although they maintained a cordial relationship with each other. Besides, I don't think Alena would want to bypass Lira once more by having her own heir to the Lirean throne. Lira is the rightful heir to the throne and Alena would be happy to pass the crown to her one day. Cassandra is already named crown princess of Sapiro and King Ybrahim's heir by Cassiopeia herself, so for me, as much as I love Armea in Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas, there's no need for an Armea in this version.
There are so many crazy theories out there but these are the ones that really caught my attention. Btw, these are all from Suzette Doctolero's X page and she has been reposting and answering some fan questions and theories, feel free to check them out.
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avisalaencantadia · 8 years
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Rehav Ybrahim of Sapiro’s Children
Lira - Eldest and only daughter with Reyna Amihan of Lireo
Kahlil - Firstborn son with Sang’gre Alena of Lireo
Armea - Second child with Sang’gre Alena, already Queen of Sapiro
Arman - Son with Heran Odessa of Etheria
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spikeart11 · 3 years
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Some DnD Content, got inspired to draw my party, Here's my PC Zargeth Armea my dragonborn paladin of redemption.
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Ayan hehehehe alam ko na wala sila dito sa personal account ko wahahahaha mejo takot pa rin ako to open my personal space to others. As much as possible hiwalay yung personal sa work pero for the sake of these wonderful memories... Super thank you Raven's Tower familly!!!! Super enjoy talaga ako yesterday hanggang sa ginabi na po ng uwi HAHAHAHAHA thank you for the belated and advanced birthday wishes sa amin ni Ms Jo!!!! Super thank you po sa mga tawanan at kwentuhan wahahahahaha also LOVE the foods and... water!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA bawal ako sa mga ilang drinks eh hehehe. Thank you, BM Catherine Armea sainyong mala-Hotel na bahay. I really appreciate this day na I didn't expect na masaya pala talaga 😭 Again, thank you!!! See you sa next Quarter Sun Life hehe 🥰🙏 #Q3Celebration #RavensTowerFam #RavensTowerSupportTeam #07022021 #July22021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ3FTaHBh7KxW7a56deoJfMNLHZUir8J1tcRhE0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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subtilitas · 5 years
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Amoretti Calvi & Calvi Ceschia Viganò - Extension of Armea cemetery, Sanremo 2003. Photos © Aldo Amoretti.
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