candyredterezii · 5 years
,,, honk?
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anxechoxinxhell · 5 years
dappcrdust replied to your post: a pause, before eyes glance over and down. 'are...
’ …. your a crab apple. ‘
“. . .excuse tha’ FUCK outta you, I’m a goddamn cortland.”
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@dappcrdust // x
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Giggles bubble from the older spider sister, the snuggles being immediately returned. “No matta’ how sweet I may taste don’t mean you get ta’ go nibblin’ at tha’ goods!”
A playfully ‘boop’ where his nose would be before she blows a raspberry right into his cheek lovingly.
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archnephilia · 5 years
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 “ Y’heard the spider- ‘F I gotta over-act for your little thimble, I’m chargin’ triple. “
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devilswinging · 5 years
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“... okay, who brought their weird son an’ his grey-but-not-cartoon girlfriend into the studio?”
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papaxspider · 5 years
'Happy fathas day or wateva.'
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And then there was Angel.
“Yeah. Thanks,Alphonzo.”
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the-smallest-star · 5 years
James wasn’t sure about this spider... person. Hannah was half asleep at the table with a warm glass of milk and James was sat beside her watching the pink fluffy demon. He’d been warned to be careful around other demons, and it was clear James and Hannah were not... well dead like the other citizens of Hell.
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“... soooo... Angel Dust right?”
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candyredmuses · 5 years
dappcrdust replied to your post “Dani, I JUST REMEMBERED SPINDA IS THE NAME OF A DIZZY PANDA POKEMON!...”
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damnedrainbows · 6 years
“Boys, that is enough!”
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@sassboosted @dappcrdust
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“I resent that comment.”
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candyredterezii · 5 years
Da only kusses dani gets is from birb!
uwu. gey.
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anxechoxinxhell · 5 years
dappcrdust replied to your post: // morning
kill. me.
no, you shall live and suffer with the rest of us.
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dappcrdust replied to your post “Have you ever had a sexual fantasy involving Alastor and if so what...”
*slides into the gossip like sup homie
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N, O.
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hellboundgentlemen · 5 years
Alastor was a bit busy, fiddling with the dial on the record player. He was focused on getting the sound just right that he didn’t notice the spider until the infamous smell of drugs, booze, perfume and some...unpleasant scents slipped in his nose.
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{”Angel....what are you doing here?”}
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devilswinging · 6 years
dappcrdust replied to your post: dappcrdust replied to your post: “Happy pie day!“...
Angel promptly whoops before handing the other a literal stack of various pies.
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What have you done Angel.
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papaxspider · 6 years
dappcrdust replied to your post “So did you hear about Angel and Castello?”
' have words with me now. '
“In a fuckin’ rush or what?”
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