#dare I say we were robbed lowkey
eloise175 · 1 year
It always bothered me how Callisto's ancestor is literally an ancient golden dragon god, and it was never elaborated further other than a few mentions here and there.
Judith has these dragon-like traits, which is understandable since Penelope has been revealed to be the descendant of the ancient wizards, and Judy manifesting her dragon traits can be a result of the high levels of magic/mana of her mother.
But how can that alone be the catalyst for the manifestation of the dragon blood? Callisto has to have some other trait, and the prospect of him actually being a dragon!Prince is honestly very interesting.
(Yes I’m very aware of that one part where it was stated that the ‘True Emperor’ will be born in times of peace, but pretend it’s not there, let me live in my delusional bliss).
This is also due to the fact that I’m literally about to rip my hair out because it’s not the first time I’ve thought about this, and I’ve been dying to talk to more people about it, please I CAN’T be the only one that needs more lore on Callisto.
I have a handful of AUs about this in my drafts and as soon as I have time, I’ll start firecanoning them out for the world to see.
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
I finally sat down and watched TBB S2 eps and I have some thoughts and feelings.
I'm not going to lie, I was pretty…meh about Season 1. It started out strong and then kinda swiftly went to mid and finally I was so uninvested I didn't even watch the last couple of episodes for like….let's just say a while. Just full on did not complete. I don't know why, maybe I just didn't connect to the characters like I did with TCW which is silly since the cast is so much smaller and there are less fields of focus that I would get MORE invested.
But I did not. So I'm going into this with tempered expectations and it kind of occurred to me that if they are just that okay with killing off Clone Troopers, even one off but super interesting and omg they had so much potential like Captain Wilco, I'm lowkey nervous for my man Cody.
We all celebrated and screamed when he was in the trailer but holy shit, what if they actually kill him off. I would NOT be okay with that. In point of fact, I would be very angry especially since we were fucking robbed of old man Cody and Obi-Wan bickering together in the Kenobi series which I will go to my grave pretending is the real canon. And will most likely continue to do so if they kill Cody off in some ignoble way.
So there's that train of thought. And now something I really enjoyed even if it stabbed me right in the feels with the second episode.
Holy shit, Romar Adell calling himself a 'survivor' and the implications that he obviously had a child at some point considering he had a child's kaleidoscope just….lying around for Omega to play with just….ravaged me emotionally. And I was NOT prepared for this considering my previously mentioned kinda tepid feelings towards the show.
And then he gave Omega the kaleidoscope, this thing which you could ostensibly assume was perhaps his own child's which has probably died at some point considering my man is hiding in a bunker in the woods and just…fuck me dead. I was not ready for that. How dare a dumb kids show make me feel things like that.
I want more lore about him just like we got with Cut and his family.
I was SUPER happy to see Gregor again and want more from him. Just please, give me clones join the Rebellion which I think is something they are gearing Echo towards from the looks of it. I am thirsty.
I also had a knee jerk reaction at seeing Clone Commandos but alas no paint jobs so who knows the fate of Delta squad. Not that I expect anything with them and will have to make due to the mere crumbs we got of them from TCWs. I will still forever hold a soft spot in my heart for Rep Comm characters even as I staunchly ignore all things Karen Traviss.
All in all, it was a fun two episode premiere but so was Season 1. I’ll be waiting to see if it goes back to being kinda borderline mediocre like the first season was. And maybe I just need to…rewatch Season 1 again. Maybe I just wasn’t in the headspace to enjoy it at the time, it was definitely when my Depression Arc headed into full swing so perhaps that’s why I was so meh on it.
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mishafletcher · 4 years
Are you a Gold Star lesbian? (Just in case you don't know what it means, a Gold Star lesbian is a lesbian that has never had the sex with a guy and would never have any intentions of ever doing so)
So I got this ask a while ago, and I've been lowkey thinking about it ever since.
First: No. I am a queer, cranky dyke who is too old for this sort of bullshit gatekeeping. 
Second: What an unbelievable question to ask someone you don't even know! What an incomprehensibly rude thing to ask, as if you're somehow owed information about my sexual history. You're not! No one—and I can't reiterate this enough, but no one—owes you the details of their sex lives, of their trauma, or of anything about themselves that they don't feel like sharing with you.
The clickbait mills of the internet and the purity police of social media would like nothing more than to convince everyone that you owe these things to everyone. They would like you to believe that you have to prove that you're traumatized enough to identify with this character, that you can't sell this article about campus rape without relating it to your own sexual assault, that you can't talk about queer issues without offering up a comprehensive history of your own experiences, and none of those things are true. You owe people, and especially random strangers on the internet, nothing, least of all citations to somehow prove to them that you have the right to talk about your own life.
This makes some people uncomfortable, and to be clear, I think that that's good: people who feel entitled to demand this information should be uncomfortable. Refusing to justify yourself takes power away from people who would very much like to have it, people who would like to gatekeep and dictate who is permitted to speak about what topics or like what things. You don't have to justify yourself. You don't have to explain that you like this ship because this one character reminds you a bit of yourself because you were traumatized in a vaguely similar way and now— You don't have to justify your queerness by telling people about the best friend you had when you were twelve, and how you kissed, and she laughed and said it was good practice for when she would kiss boys and your stomach twisted and your mouth tasted like bile and she was the first and last girl you kissed, but— 
You don't owe anyone these pieces of yourself. They're yours, and you can share them or not, but if someone demands that you share, they're probably not someone you should trust.
Third: The idea of gold star lesbians is a profoundly bi- and trans- phobic idea, often reducing gender to genitals and the long, shared history of queer women of all identities to a stark, artificial divide where some identities are seen as purer or more valuable than others. This is bullshit on all counts.
There's a weird and largely artificial division between bisexuals and lesbians that seems to be intensifying on tumblr, and I have to say: I hate it. Bisexual women aren't failed lesbians. They're not somehow less good or less valid because they're attracted to [checks notes] people. Do you think that having sex with a man somehow changes them? What are you so worried about it for? I've checked, and having sex with a man does not, in fact, make your vagina grow teeth or tentacles. Does that make you feel better? Why is what other people are doing so threatening to you?
Discussions of gold star lesbians are often filled with tittering about hehe penises, which is unfortunate, since I know a fair few lesbians who have penises, and even more lesbians who've had sex with people, men and women alike, who have penises. I'm sorry to report that "I'm disgusted by a standard-issue human body part" is neither a personality nor anything to be proud of. I'm a dyke and I don't especially like men, but dicks are just dicks. You don't have to be interested in them, but a lot of people have them, and it doesn't make you less of a lesbian to have sex with someone who has a dick.
There's so much garbage happening in the world—maybe you haven't noticed, but things are kind of Not Great in a lot of places, and there's a whole pandemic thing that's been sort of a major buzzkill? How is this something that you're worried about? Make a tea, remind yourself that other people's genitalia and sexual history are none of your business, maybe go watch a video about a cute animal or something. 
Fourth: The idea of gold star lesbians is a shitty premise that argues that sexuality is better if it's always been clear-cut and straightforward—but it rarely is. We live in a very, very heterosexist culture. I didn’t have a word for lesbian until many years after I knew that I was one. How can you say that you are something when your mouth can’t even make the shape of it? The person you are at 24 is different to the person you are at 14, and 34, and 74. You change. You get braver. The world gets wider. You learn to see possibilities in the shadows you used to overlook. Of course people learn more about themselves as they age.
Also, many of us, especially those of us who grew up in smaller towns, or who are over the age of, say, 25, grew up in times and places where our sexuality was literally criminal.
Shortly after I graduated high school, a gay man in my state was sentenced to six months in jail. Why? Well, he’d hit on someone, and it was a misdemeanor to "solicit homosexual or lesbian activity", which included expressing romantic or sexual interest in someone who didn’t reciprocate. You might think, then, that I am in fact quite old, but you would be mistaken. The conviction was in 1999; it was overturned in 2002.
I grew up knowing this: the wrong thing said to the wrong person would be sufficient reason to charge me with a crime.
In the United States, the Defense of Marriage Act was passed in 1996, clarifying that according to the federal government, marriage could only ever be between one man and one woman. It also promised that even if a state were to legalize same-sex unions, other states wouldn't have to recognize them if they didn't want to. And wow, they super did not want to, because between 1998 and 2012, a whopping thirty states had approved some sort of amendment banning same-sex marriage.
Every queer person who's older than about 25 watched this, knowing that this was aimed at people like them. Knowing that these votes were cast by their friends and their families and their teachers and their employers. 
Some states were worse than others. Ohio passed their bill in 2004 with 62% approval. Mississippi passed theirs the same year with 86% approval. Imagine sitting in a classroom, or at work, or in a church, or at a family dinner, and knowing that statistically, at least two out of every three people in that room felt you shouldn't be allowed to marry someone you loved.
Matthew Shepard was tortured to death in October of 1998. For being gay, for (maybe) hitting on one of the men who had planned to merely rob him. Instead, he was tortured and left to die, tied to a barbed wire fence. His murderers were both sentenced to two consecutive life terms in prison. This was controversial, because a nonzero number of people felt that Shepard had brought it upon himself.
Many of us sat at dinner tables and listened to this discussion, one that told us, over and over, that we were fundamentally wrong, fundamentally undeserving of love or sympathy or of life itself.
This is a tiny, tiny sliver of history—a staggeringly incomplete overview of what happened in the US over about ten years. Even if this tiny sliver is all that there were, looking at this, how could you blame someone for wanting to try being not Like This? How can you fault someone who had sex, maybe even had a bunch of sex, hoping desperately that maybe they could be normal enough to be loved if they just tried harder? How can you say that someone who found themself an uninteresting but inoffensive boyfriend and went on dates and had sex and said that it was fine is somehow less valuable or less queer or less of a lesbian for doing so? For many people, even now, passing as straight, as problematic as that term is, is a survival skill. How dare you imply that the things that someone did to protect themself make them worth less? They survived, and that's worth literally everything.
Fifth, finally: What is a gold star, anyhow? You've capitalized it, like it's Weighty and Important, but it's not. Gold stars were what your most generous grade school teacher put on spelling tests that you did really well on. But ultimately, gold stars are just shiny scraps of paper. They don't have any inherent value: I can buy a thousand of them for five bucks and have them at my door tomorrow. They have only the meaning that we give them, only the importance that we give them. We’re not children desperately scrabbling for a teacher’s approval anymore, though. We understand that good and bad are more of a spectrum than a binary, and that a gold star is a simplification. We understand that no number of gold stars will make us feel like we’re special enough or good enough or important enough, or fix the broken places we can still feel inside ourselves. Only we can do that.
The stars are only shiny scraps of paper. They offer us nothing; we don’t need them. I hope that someday, you see that, too. 
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heyitsyn · 4 years
,,,,OK Kurat
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a/n: when bokuto refuses to fix his roots and let the gray dye grow out and it slightly irritates you
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colorblind soulmate where you lose your colors and only gain them back when your other half starts to have feelings for you
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requests are open!!
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so, leggo?
ever since you turned 16, you’ve literally gone colorblind
like you were perfectly happy seeing the colors of the world
from daichi’s red sweater
to hinata’s orange hair
you were ROBBED of the colors of the world
when you woke up that morning, you knew you would get your soulmate sign soon and you were sure it would happen while you were in class as it would start the exact time you were born 16 years ago
so there you were, happily eating with nishi and tanaka at the roof
‘hey, y/n-chan, look at this manga i found!’
you look up at noya and you almost choked on your rice ball when you couldn’t see his blonde streak anymore
it was like the moment you blinked, it was gone
he must’ve noticed your surprised look because noya touched the front floof since you were staring right at it
tanaka had his mouth opened and patted your back when you coughed
‘ah, it happened now?’
then you just start bawling
‘i cANt sEE yOuR hAiR anYmoRE!! aNd hiNATa’s hAiR! aND tHE oRANgE uniFOrMS!’
they understand it was a touchy subject for you since you were expecting something cute like noya’s thought sharing sign or tanaka’s taste sharing sign
but NO!!!
‘it’s okay y/n-chan. you’ll meet them soon and you’ll get your colors back’
from then on, all you’ve done is research all you can about soulmate signs and how they worked
yours happens to be a rarer one and you groaned bc of course it would happen to YOU
it states that usually, the moment you lock eyes with your soulmate, you’d get your lost sense back
but you wouldnt know when it would exactly happen and be like your uncle who is nearly 40 and still cant smell anything
whats worse, there were even cases where you wouldnt get them back in one sight but gain them when they start to have romantic feelings for you
you really do hope you’d get the easier 
being a part-time manager, you often helped the vbc if you were free from your other clubs so you sometimes help kiyoko with the kids
entering the gym, you frowned when you saw hinata and the gray tone of his hair
everything was gray but colors that are light like yellow or bright orange, were lighter gray while darker ones were dark gray or black
seems like tanaka and noya told the team what happened because daichi went up to you and ruffled your hair before saying it’ll be okay
‘give it time! you will find them!’
yacchi, a manager-in-training, enthusiastically told you about her ideas for the poster and gave you her rough draft, explaining the little details
but you were out of it as you just roamed your eyes over the gray-colored paper
thus causing her to freak out
(yacchi is just a little precious bun, please protec her :’))
but you ruffled her hair and put on a smile
‘don’t sweat it, yacchi’
after that whole thing about announcement of the tokyo training camp and the hinata/kageyama idiot squad
you guys were in the bus, getting ready for Tokyo
it’s also been weeks since you lost it so you were still new but you were starting to get used to it
ofc you still had mistakes like their different colored practice jerseys and who was in what team or wearing different colored socks
but you were slowly adapting
it was a few hours of a drive so everyone was static to get out of the cramp bus and use the bathroom and stretch their legs
you took your time and put the others trash into a plastic bag bc youre just a great manager like that
getting out of the bus, you heard a horrendous and terrifying laugh and saw the nekoma captain hunching over in laughter
‘my god. at least his face makes up for it’
you got a text from hinata and kageyama saying that they were going to take their exams now and you sent them a little encouraging blurb
the guy from nekoma with the mohawk gawked at the 3 managers and you remembered him having that blonde hair dye
when you and the rest entered their gym, all you saw were balls flying everywhere and lots of people
your eyes scanned for at least someone to make eye contact with you because this gym has a lot of people in it and there could be a possibility they were in here
like 0.000003% probably but still a chance
from the managers to the players, not one reactivated the colors
‘hm,,, i think my soulmate is in here’
noya’s little comment made you glare at him in envy and he grinned with a peace sign
you noticed that boy kenma with his haircut and there was someone sitting near him that made you turn to the others
‘okay, either i just have terrible memory but is that a new guy?’
suga wondered the same thing and you flinched at the kid’s harsh stare at you all
there was a light gray tone to his hair and eyes so you were curious what color they were
‘his legs look a little long. i think he’s taller than most of these guys’
asahi said which made you give him a look
‘listen, as long as we got tsukki-kun, we’re okay’
the first match was against some powerhouse called fukurodani and they had a few interesting players
by interesting, you meant looks wise
that one guy looked freaking pretty with his sharp eyes while the other guy, who you assumed to be the captain, had round eyes and spiked hair
you were pretty sure that he had different colored hair due to the mix of black and light tones
its like he got electrocuted and his hair just stayed the same
you were too busy looking at the 2 teams that you completely missed karasuno’s defeat and just saw them doing flying receives
the others gathered to the side and the next game was against fukurodani and nekoma
from hearing the names being said, that pretty guy was akashi or aggghasshi and the owl looking dude was bokuto-san or bokutosang or something bokuto bc youre not exactly sure
and then he be flying
‘he REALLY flying!’ 
you exclaim and tbh what can you expect from being one of the top 5 aces in the country
then the ball straight flew towards your own player and you and yamagucci screamed for his name
everyone flinched when the ball hit his hand and you ran over to check
you hear that loud voice of his on top of kei’s hiss and you growled
he didnt even apologize and if it wasnt for tanaka and daichi holding you back, you were about to scream into the guys ear for damaging your player’s hand since he needed it to block properly
suga smiled and raised a hand apologetically your shouts caught the attention of others
the more games karasuno played, the more they lost
you went to fill up their water bottles and was mumbling to yourself, blaming that freak haired guy for tsukki’s pained blocks
‘didnt even apologize. how dare he hurt my boy’
bokuto was going for a drink when he heard your mumbles by the water fountain
he noticed you as the karasuno manager and poked you in the shoulder
‘ah! youre the manager!’
cue you looking to glare at him since you could recognize that voice anywhere
‘and you are?’
taken aback with your tone, he grinned
‘bokuto. bokuto koutarou’
then you went back to filling up the bottles
he fiddled with his towel before poking you again
‘um,,, i want to apologize for earlier. sorry about that spike’
you stopped and you nodded
‘i appreciate the apology, bokuto-san. but you should say it to him’
bo guessed that you were kinda their mother hen and you looked after the players of your team
‘are you,,, a third year?’
closing the lid of the last bottle, you placed it on the basket
his eyes widened before shouting
‘im your senpai!’
you jumped at the sudden volume of his voice and awkwardly smiled
‘ah. okay, bokuto-san’
his eyes widened before patting your shoulder gently
‘drop the -san! i prefer being called senpai!’
does this guy have a senpai kink or something
but there was probably nothing wrong with calling him senpai right?
‘okay, bokuto-senpai’
you were lowkey kinda iffy since you dont really call anyone senpai, everyone was -san to you
bo laughed loudly and ruffled your hair
your head looked up and you saw the pretty guy walking towards you
he bowed in front of you in both greeting and apology
‘sorry about him. he gets a little excited sometimes. im akaashi keiji by the way’
you waved it off and smiled gently
‘nice to meet you, akaashi-san. and dont worry, i have two people like him in my team’
hinata and noya
‘come on. the next game is about to start’
he tugged bokuto’s arm and bo waved at you before walking away
‘see ya!’
but stopped
‘ah! i didnt get your name!’
‘y/n. l/n y/n’
‘see ya later y/n!’
when you came back, the boys were still doing flying and you glanced at your watch, knowing that your boys should be coming soon
you and yacchi were visibly listening to the other players talking about your team and kiyoko gave you both a look to settle down
‘hold it in, girls’
the sea of different tones of gray were currently making you dizzy with so many things happening at ones and you completely missed the door opening, revealing tanaka’s sister
noya’s excited shout made you turn and you waved excitedly
you’ve met her once when you went over to help tutor her poor brother and noya who practically lives at their house
everyone stopped what they were doing and saw the two boys huffing by the door
you heard kuroo’s comment but you were too excited to see them come back in one piece
‘ah, so those are the legendary first years’
hm, if only you knew why they were late
bo saw you with wide eyes and excitedly bouncing at the sidelines as karasuno started to play
‘what are you looking at bokuto-san?’
akaashi asked
bo thought you were interesting the moment he heard you angrily mumble about him and he thought your pouting face was cute
‘i wonder what her soulmate mark is’
akaashi knew about his soulmate sign since he received a very frantic phone call that sunday afternoon of bokuto not being able to see the color of his apple anymore
‘she probably doesnt have it yet’
akaashi’s answer made his brows furrow
‘she’s a second year so shes probably 16 already’
‘why would it matter to you anyways?’
yea, why did it matter?
‘just general curiosity. shes quite fiesty. i like her. i want to be friends’
akaashi sighs and pats his back
‘i support you, bokuto-san’
shoot this might as well be a bokuaka
he saw you run to the two first years and took their bags for them, ruffling their hair each
even though you’re only like a some months older than hinata, you still treat him like a babie
‘coach left some buns from earlier so you can eat that before you play. oh! i also got you your milk, kags!’
bo literally could feel your happiness radiating and he saw your eyes
too bad he couldn’t see the color of them
although the boys team was finally complete, they still lost quite a lot of sets
and they were trying so hard and you were just cheering on the sidelines w yacchi and kiyoko
you kept running back and forth from the drinking fountain since the boys kept drinking so much water
and bo just finds you there again
for the second time today
‘oh? back again, y/n-chan?’
you could recognized that gruffy voice anywhere
you turned and gave him a tight smile
‘ah. hello bokuto-san’
he pouted and nudged you with a finger to your shoulder
‘senpai! call me senpai!’
you were pretty sure he was 18 yet he still threw a tantrum
what kinda-
‘okay okay. sorry, bokuto-senpai’
then like a switch his pouts became grins and you got dizzy with the sudden mood switch
‘youre such a diligent manager, y/n-chan. you should transfer to our school and be one of ours instead!’
then you remember meeting the 2 managers they had
‘ah, you already have 2 so i think you’re covered’
bo whined at that
‘but karasuno also has 2 without you!’
tbh you shouldve been uncomfortable in this situation bc here you have a grown man whining
but you found his pout endearing and his eyes were loony-looking
‘not to hurt your feelings, bokuto-senpai, but we just met and i don’t know you all that well’
‘then you know the solution to that, don’t you?’
you just stared at him
‘lets get to know each other! lets be friends! lets be close!’
you couldnt say anything else since you were kinda in a pickle here so you just nodded
‘um, okay’
that voice made you perk up and you raised a hand
bo saw your smile and he pouted, jealous that you didnt give that smile when you saw him
‘ah, l/n-san.’
you looked at bo and his eyes grew even bigger and you resisted the urge to pinch his cheeks with how they puffed out with his pout
woah wait huh
why did you just think of that
akaashi had to bring back bo to the gym for their match but bo refused to walk
‘no! not until y/n-chan wants to be my friend!’
what are you
but you nodded, placing a hand around his bicep
you froze, trying to contain the shock of how S T R O N G they felt
‘l-lets get to know each other later, bokuto-sa-senpai’
you hurriedly corrected yourself and breathed a sigh of relief when he didnt notice
a big smile got to his face and he pointed at you
‘ill win this for you y/n-chan!’
you sweatdropped bc wow this manz is winning a game for you
no-for your friendship
he excitedly ran back down the hallway and disappeared with a faint ‘hey hey hey!’
you and akaashi shared a look and he apologized
‘im sorry if he made you uncomfortable’
‘nah nah, its okay’
‘and thanks for uplifting him. he was in a mood when he left bc we lost a set but now he’s energized thanks to you’
a,,, mood?
‘is he,,, i dont know,,,, bipolar?’
akaashi stood for a second before shrugging
‘i guess you could say that. the team tries to uplift him bc if hes in a mood he messes up’
a sound of recognition left your lips before you nodded
‘ah okay’
‘well, i guess im seeing you later then, l/n-san?’
‘oh, please. call me y/n. we’re the same age!’
but he gave you a mysterious smile
‘i dont think bokuto-san would like that’
so the remaining of the time there, bo was practically stuck to you as he followed you everywhere
babie calls it ‘friendship bonding’
when yall were leaving, he was pouting so hard and you gave in to your urges
you pinched his cheeks
‘until next time, bo-senpai’
blew a fuse right then and there
yall remained in contact and you even went up to visit him and just hang out
you were lowkey catching feelings
like when he sent you that mirror picture of him and kuroo being sassy in a department store and your heart started beating really really fast
then your palms started sweating as you remembered the feeling of his warm hands on yours when he led you through the busy sidewalk of tokyo
‘siri, am i having a stroke?’
but you were like ‘nuh-uh, must remain pure for my soulmate’
if you have those feelings already and it’s towards your soulmate, that gave bo his sight of colors
just sitting there w his team eating yakisoba bun then he looked at akaashi and saw his friend’s blue eyes again
can you tell im a bokuaka simp
in another life flashbacks
n e ways
he was so happy and ecstatic and was about to call you but akaashi was like, ‘wait, i think she might be your soulmate’
the entire team was just like, ‘what’
and bo just sitting there, ‘omg what if’
grandmaster plan creator
tells bokuto to hold off from telling you until the next time yall see each other which is in the training camp
for story’s sake, training camp finally rolls around
you cannot stop squirming in your seat bc ya finally get to see bo again after so long
kuroo greets yall at the front and hes familiar w you since you hung out w the tokyo squad
‘you have a surprise little chibi’
you were just like, ‘,,,,ok kurat’
bo was so antsy and he was just like, ‘yey! i get to see her again!’
ngl, bo thought you were really pretty and cute and he thinks he has a crush on you but not like head-over-heels like you were
literally cannot stand still and the team was tired of having to keep him from running so akaashi just let him go
‘but dont run her over, bokuto-san’
he sonic bolts over
he finally sees that tangerine hinata and was searching for your hair color and when he sees you laughing at kuroo’s face, his eyes widened
his heart beat started beating really really fast and everything in his brain and all the words he wanted to say died down
he never really saw your face with colors but he just stares in awe at your beautiful skin color, breathtaking eyes, silky hair, and those plump lips
sweat started to gather at his palms and his feet started moving on its own until he just scoops you in his arms, lifting you off the ground in the process
w you, there was a silence
‘your eyes,,,,, theyre beautiful’
bo just grins at the crack of your voice and tears just wells up in your eyes w a smile
you shouted and you wrapped your legs around his waist while he burrows his head in your neck
‘you’re so beautiful. oh my god, you’re so beautiful’
omg what i would do for bo to say that to me
obvs, the others knew what was happening
dai and suga were already planning on the talk
kuroo just recording the whole thing
‘im falling in love with you. i want to fall in love with you over and over again until i die. i want to feel like this forever. can i?’
just forgets about everyone and being in your own bubble and your own world as bokuto just professes his love for you
‘stupid question, koutaro!’
you giggled and he finally allowed you to stand on your own two feet
‘let me love you for eternity’
cue waterworks from noya and tanaka and konoha
‘but baby, we need to touch up your roots, though.’
‘we got forever, soulmate’
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sorry if this was trash
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simplylove101 · 4 years
Random Tangent About Ships & Cheating SLs
So, I was talking with my friend Lauren (@backtothestart02) yesterday about how when it comes to watching our shows and seeing certain ships of ours having cheating sls & how that affects how we feel towards them. This convo kinda came about cuz of the recent development we’ve heard about on Riverdale where Betty & Archie are gonna be cheating on their respective significant others with each other in the next episode... Which, okay, at this point I don’t even watch the show anymore since it sounds like it’s pretty much on crack these days (at least more than usual lol) so this isn’t your typical rant about “OMG HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH MY OTP LIKE THAT” in regards to that sl (re: yes, Bughead was my ship when I watched it but my investment in the show has been pretty much non-existent for way over a year now so that’s not my goal with this rant fyi lol) It’s just more the frustration of the excitement I’ve seen from people being all “YAY CHEATING” Cuz, yeah ok, it’s a silly TV show. Obviously. I get that lmao It’s just the reactions I’ve been seeing that are funny cuz there’s people who talk about toxic relationships and normally how cheating is a dealbreaker but in this one specific case we’re all suddenly cool with it... Okay lmao but yeah, if the ship has to happen because a character died or cheating is involved... doesn’t that already cheapen that new relationship too (and their character development along with it? lol)
Anyway, I actually just really wanted to use this as a chance to rant about my ships that made me deal with cheating sls and why those are basically the worse “obstacles” a show can throw at ships. At least that is, if you want people to root for them long term. lol Cheating obviously happens in real life, but then that’s usually the end of a relationship. Which is why I don’t think it’s surprising that when it comes to fiction, I find the element of cheating to be something that kinda taints my otps for me if it occurs in the story. 
I can think of a couple of cases where I was able to accept it cuz the show mostly did right by them after the situation by showing the growth and how that would never been an issue again. But the cases where the cheating happens and it just feels like this thing that makes it so you can’t enjoy any of the things that came before it with that couple? That sucks. It feels cheap and like, really bad writing.
I think my thoughts on this subject stems all the way back to my very first TV ship: Jackie & Hyde from That 70′s Show. Anyone who really watched that show remembers that 2 episode arc of where Hyde thought Jackie cheated on him with Kelso (she hadn’t ofc but he did see her comforting him in a way that would be suspicious considering Kelso had wanted her back) so he cheated on her with a random nurse as payback. I remember watching the next episode heartbroken at the scene where Hyde has to tell her what he did after he realizes that he pulled that move for no reason at all and Jackie ultimately breaks up with him on the spot. Which I applauded her for. Because the girl had gotten cheated on by Kelso so much that she vowed that she wouldn’t let that happen to her again. Her relationship with Steven was supposed to be different, and up until that point, had been. It was a step back for all the development they had spent with them all season, but with how raw Hyde was during that scene and the scene where he tells Jackie that he loves her (evidenced by the fact that he actually isn’t wearing his usual sunglasses in either of those scenes), it can be said that it was clearly just a momentary regression. Do I think they could have handled it better towards getting them back together? Yeah. But then it was a sitcom so you gotta keep that in mind too. lol Otherwise, they mostly did right by them once they were back together until things got shaky again. But then this rant isn’t about how they deserved the endgame they were supposed to get and were robbed of. LOL But yeah, this is one of the rare cases they weren’t completely tainted for me.
(For those of you that have never seen this ep....)
Another case of a ship where cheating happened, but in this case did have my ship pretty much tainted for me at the time was Joan & Adam on Joan of Arcadia. This is more a lowkey scenario cuz nobody who sees this will know them basically but I loved them dearly and I watched that show (pun not intended at all lol) religiously when it was on so when that sl came very much out of nowhere I was (I’d say) rightfully upset about it. There was no reason to have Adam cheat on Joan. It was just plain character assassination of a fan favorite, and for what? Drama??? I still have no idea. All I know it was a far cry from the boy who charmed his way into Joan’s heart in S1 who wasn’t even thinking about sex when they got together (Heck, *she* was the one who thought they were supposed to have sex in S1 at one point and again, that wasn’t even on his radar at the time lol). Enter later S2, he makes her feel pressured about them doing it a bit and then later he cheats on her with this random girl that we saw a couple times talking to him because of this... Um?? That’s just bad writing cuz it’s OOC. lol What’s worse is that Joan found out about this in the 19th episode of the season so when the show got cancelled, there had been barely any development after that. There was some since there was like 3 episodes or so after that, which meant there was just enough time to get them to a sorta neutral place with each other since they had the same friend group but otherwise, not much closure for shippers. Which was frustrating. You can’t just take that sharp of a turn in the story that late in a season with an unguaranteed next season with your main couple, especially if the cheating is coming out of left field. You just can’t, not if you want me to root for them at least. So.... yeah. That was bad. lol Definitely an example of why sometimes cheating does not need to be a storyline on a show.
(For context...)
I was trying to think if there were any ships before this one that i would want to mention, and there might have been, but I can’t think of them at the moment. Which means next on the list is Zoe & Wade on Hart of Dixie. They’re still a big otp for me, which does show I was able to move past their cheating sl but again, they did get tainted a bit too. In some ways, their sl gave me some deja vu with Jackie & Hyde. At least in the way that the guy chooses to sleep with someone in a very rash way, and you just know this is gonna lead to an automatic breakup the second the girl finds out. There was no denying Zoe was gonna break up with him. It was heartbreaking to watch her come to the realization that he had cheated on her. And it was frustrating because it felt like they only got to be a proper couple for like maybe 4 episodes and then they pulled that move. It was like, you’ve been setting me up to root for this couple and... now what? They had undeniable chemistry so I guess the writers always counted on that for when they would ultimately bring them back together and they were right. I was able to root for them again, and it helped there had been some time that had passed (a whole season of them not being together!) and I was missing them a lot. But that said, it still felt like a misstep. Because when you wanna write a breakup, we should just throw in a cheating sl then? There were plenty of other ways to break up Zade, but they went in that direction. It just felt very lame, lazy and pure character regression in a way that didn’t make sense with the story they were telling imo. They were able to show that Wade had matured later on so it worked out, but this is one that made me upset so thank goodness they made up for it. lol
(I dare you not to tear up lol)
Okay, the last ships I’m gonna mention briefly are both on The Bold Type. 
Everyone in that fandom has expressed their frustration with how they handled the Kadena sl where Kat cheated and then they tried to have a open relationship to let her explore a bit or whatever in S2. I actually get where it wasn’t that bad cuz Adena told her she could see the other girls. Enter the next season, Kadena have sex when Kat is still in a relationship technically (I don’t care if she got the approval to see if there were still feelings there or not from Tia, that didn’t mean sleep with the ex. That meant talk) This is one of those cases where for me, cheating is never the ideal way to bring a ship back into the story. I know it happens but this didn’t make Kat or Adena look that great as characters for me. I know shit happens, just saying from a preference. Not gonna get deep into the awkwardness of S4 between these two, beyond saying that after S1, it does seem like the writers don’t fully know how to write them now still. They were a fan favorite ship for the show, and I think despite the bad writing for them sometimes in these later seasons, still are, but they really gotta start being more consistent with them if they want them to be rootworthy again. And please write Adena in character my goodness. The way they wrote her in 4x07 was just not it.
 Which brings me to Janestripe,
They seriously dedicated a whole first half of a season dragging out the reveal that Ryan did more than kiss the lady he cheated on Jane with. I know beforehand the majority of the fandom hated Ryan already and thought Jane should have been with Ben instead, which honestly... ok, whatever. I still say Jane was having doubts about Ben so she was already starting to check out of that relationship a bit before Ryan declared his feelings for her at the end of S2. That said, once again, cheating isn’t ideal so I liked that Jane turned him down until she broke things off with Ben. I think people forget that the person in the middle of a triangle is making a choice and just cuz it’s not the choice you the viewer wanted doesn’t necessarily mean that it has to be the wrong one. Frankly, Ben was kinda dry for me. Idk. Anyway, I appreciated that they were trying to tell a story of growth for Ryan... Until they weren’t. lol They really could have kept it as a kiss but they started planting those little signs that it wasn’t between Ryan looking guilty during convos and then him telling the story again about what happened & it sounding like bullshit. We all knew but they made us wait 9 eps for Jane to figure out. Which was frustrating. I get what message they were trying to send in the end and I respected that but they couldn’t do it faster?? They were sending a lot of signs they were making them endgame by showing how serious they were getting but now? I don’t see them ever interacting again, unless they did find a reason to bring Ryan back but Idk. I just don’t get painting them in that kinda light if you were just planning to tear them down before the season was even over, you know? They could have just ended them in S3 and I would have got it. But they dragged it out into a whole another season and why??? lol
I’m trying to figure out what more I wanna say about this topic. lol Beyond just thinking that I can’t stand cheating sls. I can barely stand any kinda love triangle sls as it is. Why must these tropes exist?? All they do is cause drama in fandoms. Which is prob why I don’t do them in the first place. lol
Anyway, I’m done now. lol
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average-trickster · 6 years
VLD7 spoilers ahead:
I liked a lot of stuff about this season, but i hated a lot of it too: 
- Hunk finally has the arc he deserves, his characterization is extense and I’m really happy with how they portrayed it, he was awesome, Hunk brought the team together, his interactions with keith were great and he was really cute, hot and inspiring;  - Romelle was portrayed as a really relatable character and she was really fun to watch, I loved every scene she was in;  - Pidge also had their moments, their family had a lot of characterization, we gt to see they metting their family and it was sweet and meaningful, Pidge was really badass in a lot of scenes an it was awesome; Pidge wasreally really cute in the whole season too;
- The art was amazing, I was baffled with it, everything looked so neat, the fighting scenes were so well animated, I was completely awestruck;
- Keith trusted Lacne to lead the team momentanly and it was sweet, Keith acknowledging Hunk was also one of the cutest parts of these season, Hunk deserved this;
 - So. Many. Hot. People. I was fauning after everyone, Allura was really hot, Romelle too, Hunk was soooo hot in some scenes, I was thirsting so bad guys. 
 - Shiro’s prosthetic was beautiful, it didn’t hide his disability, it made his disability an advantage and it was beautiful;
 - The micy & kosmos saving everyone cause Coran is too much of a gorgeous man to work alone;
 - The paladins in their lions with their companies, Pidge highkEY ignoring everyone to play videogames and then having to deal with everyone’s nightmare xD;
 - Lance’s interactions with Romelle were adorable, she’s so funny;
 - Keith being able to have SHiro back was beautiful, I’m so happy for them;
 - Shiro and Keith leadership scenes wer awesome, Keith has matured so much, I’m really pround of him;
 - tiny Keith was adorable and the first episode as really enjoyable, it felt like a follow up to season 6, it was meaningfull;  - Everything (plot wise) from ep 7 to the part where atlas randomly turns into a big-voltron was quickpaced but enjoyable,the earth episodes were the coolest of the whole show for me and I loved the traitor plot they put in there;  - The hinted at alien lesbians;  - Coran was so silly and cute, i loved him;  - The ‘‘lets torture pidge cause they are the weak of the team’‘ part was really cool and i loved it;  - The garrison cadets were awesome and I loved them all, (keith’s former bully was kind of a bitch, and his manerism gave me a lot of keith vibes but I liked him a bit) The mute undercut guy and the smart yellow freckled person were awesome and I loved themm. BUT  - The whole season was kind of a confusing development. The first episodes were really slow and boring, they wasted time on stuff that didn’t matter, the paladins randomly appeared on other planes of existence because of a space thing they didn’t even explain properly;  - The filler episode wasn’t nearly as enjoyable as the one in season 6, they called and portrayed Lance dumb, multiple times, when every other paladin did fairly well. The most enjoyable time was when they showed the importance every paladin had to each other and how all of them thought they mattered to each other (I don’t buy Keith’s bitching, actions are worth more than words);   - God Allura who came out with random convenient magic for every bad situation was really weird for me, has been since last season.. ressurecting lance and shiro, ending stuff with the power of quintenssence just because... well, it was kind of a low point for me;  - Again, Atlas wasn’t build to be a big voltron so it made absolutely no sense that it turned into one by God Shiro’s powers?;  - As a lowkey allurance shipper, that was really low for me because it came of nowhere. Allura didn’t like Lance like that, there were no signts, she was sad when she found out about his feelings, both Allura and Lance deserve better than that;  - Lance, in the last seasons had had almost no screen time at all, he has been made into a joke and it was no different this season. He had really good moments, Keith trusted him as a leader, Lance has really awesome in some moments but because we were promised screen time for Lance and because this has been going on for so long, I’m disappointed he didn’t got better;  - The Klance QueerBait: Im disappointed but not surprised; The one that hurt me the most was when they were drifting in space (for no good reason) Lance said Keith ‘’maybe shouldn’t have even came back’’ when Lance was the loneliest in the ship after Keith went away. Lance was utterly alone and felt the worst at those moments. I know it wasn’t from the heart but it hurted me and I don’t know how to deal with it given the rest of these last seasons;  - Acxa x Keith was the most disapointing thing I’ve ever seen, they had no interest on each other, they had no conection whatsoever, they have nothing between them and I really hope she’s Keith long los sister because if not, I’m not going to watch this happen;  - Shadam/Adashi: Well, voltron you really fucked up on this one.   I think the worst was how much you advertised this, you made us feel like we had a guaranteed gay relationship and then ripped it from us for what? shook value? When all the heterosexual relationships went fairly well? But you didn’t advertise these heterossexual realtionships like you did with adashi so what was the problem? Also, you could say it was not queerbait cause Shiro is still lgbt but why would you rob Shiro his fiancee? Like rena said on twitter, Shiro has suffered so much and everyone returned to their families, had their happy ending, but shiro has ptsd, was tortured, died, and returns home to be alone. You didn’t even say they were planning to get married on the show, if you didn’t watch the enterview, you wouldn’t even know they were planning on getting married. But no, his dead was fast and meaningless, he didn’t got anymore flashbacks, we got nothing else about him, you did’t spend more than 5 seconds mourning him, it was empty and careless. We don’t know anything else about adam, you used him to get your lgbt coverage and that’s why you queerbaited us. And you know what is so sad? You were there when some of us watched the first episode, you saw how happy we were about lgbt representation, you saw us yelling and crying in happiness and you ignored all of it and followed a trope we’ve been watching again and again and again and again.
You know, I wouldn’t have been so sad if there were at least some other interactions between them, or memories/flashbacks about them. But you used Adam as your head line when he became nothing but a footer line on the show. You advertised the relationship you knew would be the most important to us before destroying it And you know what hurts the most? You mourned and cared more for the white women that almost killed the entire human race by not listening & being arrogant that you did for Adam, the gay POC character that gave his life willingly and needlessly to save his planet. Her dead had so much intensity, she had time to speak and try to redem herself, she was made into a hero. We didn’t care about that bitch, she was a rules-lover, selfish women that didn’t know anything about zarkon or the galra but still thought Shiro & Sam & everyone else were wrong in how they were approaching the enemy. We all knew Zarkon would end earth with or without lions and she couldn’t accept that, she was an arrogant twat and you treated her like she was  the best person ever because she sacrificed herself after being proved wrong. And being cruel: I wonder what they told the families of the ones she, the hero,  send to their deaths when everyone told her it was the wrong decision.  You mourn that women like an hero, and you treat Adam, our hope for canon representation, the symbol of our identity, the hopes we had on this show since the begining, as a footer. I hope you give us something about Shadam/Adashi in next season, if you want us to stay, if you want us to respect you again. I’m more than happy with some flashbacks from Shiro and a deep meaningful conversation, I’m happy with anything that makes their gay relationship strictly visible because that what was you showed us was going to happen and that wasn’t what you gave us, you own us an apology. Shiro and Adam deserve better.
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The Worm Reads: The Assassin’s Blade, Ch 11-12
Hopefully this next story is more interesting than the last!
This next story is The Assassin and the Healer. Also, since this is a new story, this is technically Chapter 1 again, but for the sake of this review, we’ll call it Chapter 11.
The strange young woman had been staying at the White Pig Inn for two days now and had hardly spoken to anyone save for Nolan, who had taken one look at her fine night-dark clothes and bent over backward to accommodate her.
The strange young woman, in case you’re wondering, is actually Celery herself. Meaning that we’re in a new POV! Thank god, I needed a break from being in Celery’s head.
Yrene Towers had been watching the young woman from the safety of the taproom bar. Watching, if only because the stranger was young and unaccompanied and sat at the back table with such stillness that it was impossible not to look. Not to wonder.
Yup, this story features Yrene, the healer who would later be in T0D. I can’t bear to read T0D and witness the butchering of my sweet innocent Chaol, but I’ve heard the horror stories. *shudders*
Yrene glanced at the mug she was currently cleaning and tried not to wince. She did her best to keep the bar and taproom clean, to serve the Pig’s patrons (...) with a smile. But Nolan still watered down the wine, still washed the sheets only when there was no denying the presence of lice and fleas, and sometimes used whatever meat could be found in the back alley for their daily stew.
Fucking nasty shit right there. Disgusting. I’d say let Yrene move somewhere else, but, well..... T0D showed what a mistake that was.
Yrene quickly poured ale into the mug she’d just been drying and set it on a tray. She added a glass of water and some more bread, since the girl hadn’t touched the stew she’d been given for dinner. Not a single bite. Smart woman.
Yrene is under the impression Celery is aware of how contaminated the food is and that someone might have tried to spike her food, so she’s wise not to eat it. Keep this in mind for later.
Yrene brings up another server named Jessa who takes most of the tips from the inn so SJM can slutshame another female character for using her sexuality and daring to be *gasp* feminine. SJM can kiss my ass.
Like most who hailed from southern Fenharrow, Yrene had golden-tan skin and absolutely ordinary brown hair and was of average height.
So is Yrene just a white girl with a tan, or......? I mean, golden-tan implies a tan in my eyes, but who knows.
Celaena Sardothien sat at her table in the absolutely worthless inn, wondering how her life had gone to hell so quickly.
Big Mood. Also, ungh, we’re back in Celery’s POV.
She’d been here for two days now—two days spent either holed up in her despicable room (a “suite,” the oily innkeeper had the nerve to call it), or down here in the taproom that stank of sweat, stale ale, and unwashed bodies.
Am I the only one umcomfy with how much SJM puts emphasize on all the evil/greedy characters being ugly? Like I know it’s just a book series, but coming from someone who is average looking and has very difficult hair that gets oily if I don’t wash twice a day, this just makes me uncomfortable. Maybe that’s just me.
Celaena sighed and took a long drink of her ale. She almost spat it out. Disgusting. Cheap as cheap could be, like the rest of this place. Like the stew she hadn’t touched. Whatever meat was in there wasn’t from any creature worth eating. Bread and mild cheese it was, then.
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Nope, Celery isn’t concerned at all that flaunting her wealth around might cause her to gain a few enemies. The stew simply doesn’t live up to her expectations! I’m laughing.
She fought the urge to touch her face. The swelling from the beating Arobynn had given her had gone down, but the bruises remained. She avoided looking in the sliver of mirror above her dresser, knowing what she’d see: mottled purple and blue and yellow along her cheekbones, a vicious black eye, and a still-healing split lip.
Just throwing this out there in case anyone wants to defend Arobynn or say that he’s not all that bad because he took Celery in, he beat the shit out a sixteen year old. Real standup guy! Maybe I should review Q0S just to enjoy what happens to him...
There was no denying it: she’d merely been spoiling for a fight. No blades, no weapons. Just fists and feet. Celaena supposed she should feel bad about it—about the broken noses and jaws, about the heaps of unconscious bodies in her wake. But she didn’t. She couldn’t bring herself to care, because those moments she spent brawling were the few moments she felt like herself again. When she felt like Adarlan’s greatest assassin, Arobynn Hamel’s chosen heir.
Hmm, I like this? Yeah Celery is a violent asshole, but it explains her mindset and trauma well because she feels as an assassin she has to fight, that the thrill of a fight keeps her going since she’s been raised that way since she was young. Very nice. I’ll admit, this book isn’t nearly as bad as the later novels in the series. It’s got Sammy and a few good moments like this.
Celery toys with the idea of running away, but she knows that Arobynn would hunt her down to kill her and informs us she still has no idea where Sammy is. I swear, if he’s hurt-
Chapter 12 switches back to Yrene’s POV.
Yrene couldn’t have left even if she wanted to. Last call wasn’t for another forty minutes, and she’d have to stay an hour after that to clean up and usher intoxicated patrons out the door. She didn’t care where they went once they passed the threshold—didn’t care if they wound up facedown in a watery ditch—just as long as they got out of the taproom. And stayed gone.
Damn, I feel for you, Yrene. Let me just say as someone who had to volunteer dozens of hours in the Girl Guides to serve as a waitress for charity suppers and teas? I know that #feel of dealing with the most unbearable costumers.
It was common knowledge that [Celaena] was leaving tomorrow at dawn.
Um.... how? Nobody knows she is a famous assassin, and only the workers of the inn would know how long she’s paid to stay. Did Celery just announce to all these sketchy drunks she’s leaving tomorrow?
Yrene swallowed hard, pouring another mug of ale. Her mother wouldn’t have hesitated to warn the girl. But her mother had been a good woman—a woman who never wavered, who never turned away a sick or wounded person, no matter how poor, from the door of their cottage in southern Fenharrow. Never.
Another dead YA mom. Okay, I’m not against dead parents on principle (how can I be when one of my WIP’s protag’s arc is about discovering the past of his dead father), it’s a cliche old as time itself and for some stories, yeah it works. I just wish there were more YA moms who were alive and had a relationship with their kids, you know?
A bunch of costumers sexually harass Yrene because SJM novel, then we’re back in Celery’s POV.
Reckless and stupid, Sam would say. But Sam wasn’t here, and she didn’t know if he was dead or alive or beaten senseless by Arobynn. It was a safe bet Sam had been punished for the role he’d played in liberating the slaves in Skull’s Bay.
I miss Sammy... I want him and Yrene to become friends and abandon this shitty kingdom.
Sam had become her friend, she supposed. She’d never had the luxury of friends, and never particularly wanted any. But Sam had been a good contender, even if he didn’t hesitate to say exactly what he thought about her, or her plans, or her abilities.
Huh... SJM isn’t immediately playing up the romance drama just yet and actually acknowledges they need to be friends first? Color me both shocked and impressed. Idk why SJM dropped this for later novels, but I’ll give her props for this.
Sighing, she slipped into her room and bolted the door. After a moment, she shoved the ancient chest of drawers in front of it, too. Not for her own safety. Oh, no. It was for the safety of whatever fool tried to break in—and would then find himself split open from navel to nose just to satisfy a wandering assassin’s boredom.
I’m telling y’all, Celery is a psychopath. it’s one thing for an assassin character to be neutral towards killing and murder, it’s another for them to want to slice open randos just for fun.
But after pacing for fifteen minutes, she pushed aside the furniture and left. Looking for a fight. For an adventure. For anything to take her mind off the bruises on her face and the punishment Arobynn had given her and the temptation to shirk her obligations and instead sail to a land far, far away.
Bitch I wish you would. Take the rest of this shitty series with you while you’re at it.
Yrene lugged the last of the rubbish pails into the misty alley behind the White Pig, her back and arms aching. Today had been longer than most.
And another POV switch in the same chapter? Damn, if this book was written today, this entire chapter would’ve been split up into like, 3 separate chapters.
Unsurprisingly, Jessa had vanished with her sailor, and given that the alley was empty, Yrene could only assume the young woman had gone elsewhere with him. Leaving her, yet again, to clean up.
It is shitty of Jessa to leave Yrene to clean up all of the mess but I still don’t like that lowkey slutshaming from earlier.
I told you to wait until it’s past—” she started, but paused as four figures stepped from the mist. Men. The mercenaries from before. Yrene was moving for the open doorway in a heartbeat, but they were fast - faster.
Before you recoil in horror, no, SJM isn’t stupid enough to write a sexual assault scene. We aren’t at AC0TAR levels of disgusting and offensiveness, yet. The mercenaries only try to rob Yrene.
“Saw you making some hefty tips tonight, girl. Where are they?”
But it was Jessa making the tips and not Yrene, right?
The man farthest from them was yanked into the mist with a strangled cry. The mercenary holding her whirled toward him, dragging Yrene along. There was a ruffle of clothing, then a thump. Then silence. “Ven?” the man blocking the door called.
You get three guesses as to who is rescuing her. The first two don’t count.
“Come out, you bleedin’ coward,” the ringleader growled. “Face us like a proper man.” A low, soft laugh. Yrene’s blood went cold. Silba, protect her. She knew that laugh—knew the cool, cultured voice that went with it. “Just like how you proper men surrounded a defenseless girl in an alley?”
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If only it wasn’t Celery to the rescue, I might be able to delightfully enjoy this moment of girls protecting girls. Alas.
With that, the stranger stepped from the mist. She had two long daggers in her hands. And both blades were dark with dripping blood.
Total nitpick, but wouldn’t “And both blades were dripping with dark blood’ sounds better?
Overall, this story, despite the lowkey slut shaming in one part, is much more enjoyable than the last, even though Sammy is still nowhere to be seen. We’ll just have to wait and see if SJM butchers it.
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