#Dragon!Prince Callisto
eloise175 · 1 year
It always bothered me how Callisto's ancestor is literally an ancient golden dragon god, and it was never elaborated further other than a few mentions here and there.
Judith has these dragon-like traits, which is understandable since Penelope has been revealed to be the descendant of the ancient wizards, and Judy manifesting her dragon traits can be a result of the high levels of magic/mana of her mother.
But how can that alone be the catalyst for the manifestation of the dragon blood? Callisto has to have some other trait, and the prospect of him actually being a dragon!Prince is honestly very interesting.
(Yes I’m very aware of that one part where it was stated that the ‘True Emperor’ will be born in times of peace, but pretend it’s not there, let me live in my delusional bliss).
This is also due to the fact that I’m literally about to rip my hair out because it’s not the first time I’ve thought about this, and I’ve been dying to talk to more people about it, please I CAN’T be the only one that needs more lore on Callisto.
I have a handful of AUs about this in my drafts and as soon as I have time, I’ll start firecanoning them out for the world to see.
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The Silvergrove is going to un-Ghost Rayla and she’s still gonna choose to live with Callum. They don’t deserve her!
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Congrats on 300 followers, Ray!!! For a request, how about something extra fluffy…
Callum meeting Rayla’s parents (and Runaan, of course) and accidentally lets slip that he wants to marry her
Mando this is perfect thank you so much, I've been itching to write some rayllum since season 5 dropped but haven't had any idea which direction to take. I hope you like it!!
When Rayla poked her head out of the makeshift tent, she looked almost as terrified as Callum was. Maybe it should have made him feel better to know that he wasn’t alone, but instead, his nerves skyrocketed, his heart doubling its already-too-fast pace in his chest.
He should have gone somewhere else, anywhere else in the makeshift camp they’d set up after the battle at the Starscraper. But he hadn’t been able to shake the idea that Rayla might need him. The last time she’d seen Runaan, after all, he’d threatened to kill her. But this was pointless, wasn’t it? None of the people in Rayla’s tent had so much as raised their voices, and Callum’s pacing had probably interrupted their reunion, and he’d made a bad impression without them even needing to see him—
“Do you want to meet them?” Rayla asked.
Callum blinked. It took a second for the words to sink in through his panic, and even then, he opened his mouth and closed it several times before he could find his voice. “Sure?”
Rayla gave him a small, nervous smile and extended her hand. Callum reached out to take it, then hesitated.
“Are you… are you sure?”
Rayla smacked his arm. “They know everything already, dummy.”
“Oh!” Just when he thought he couldn’t get any more terrified. “Okay.”
He slipped his hand into Rayla’s, gripping it tightly, and she pulled him through the opening. 
All three of her parents were armed. That did not seem like a good sign.
Runaan’s arms were folded, a steely glare on his face. Lain and Tiadrin were a little more relaxed, standing with their arms around each other’s waists, but their faces were devoid of any discernible emotion. Callum swallowed hard.
To his shock, it was Runaan who broke the silence. The older man’s glare deepened into something sadder, and he bowed his head. 
“I know you must have mixed feelings about seeing me again, after… what transpired since we last met. I thought I knew the weight of your stepfather’s life, that I had factored the place he held in the hearts of those who loved him against the harm he dealt my people and found the scales tipped against him. But I have committed actions just as cruel against you, and you still chose to spare me. I’m grateful for that— and more importantly, I’m grateful that you kept Rayla safe when I could— when I would not.”
Callum swallowed again, this time holding back grief instead of fear. He had made his peace with Rayla loving Runaan— but peace with what happened to his dad was a long way off.
More than anything, he wished it didn’t have to be this way. That meeting the three people who meant so much to the girl he loved wouldn’t have to be tainted by so much loss. 
“We’re all grateful,” Tiadrin said, her cool expression breaking into an understanding smile. Lain gave him a similar look.
Their warmth thawed Callum enough to find the right words. “You raised an incredible daughter. Being with her has been the most incredible privilege of my life.”
“A mage and a poet. You picked a good one, moonberry,” Lain said, winking at Rayla. She ducked her head, but not enough to hide her smile. 
“You’re under no obligation, of course, but I can assure you you’ll always be welcome in the Silvergrove,” Tiadrin added to Callum.
A grimace chased Rayla’s grin away. “Actually… he won’t. Neither of us will. I’m a ghost.” She turned to Runaan. “They banished me for botching our mission.”
“But you saved the dragon prince!” Runaan bellowed, outrage pouring from every word. It raised Callum’s opinion of him, just slightly.
“And that won’t bring Ram, Skor, Callisto, and Andromeda back to life,” Rayla replied quietly. 
The names cast a silence over the tent. Callum looked down, giving the others a moment to mourn, letting them break it on their own terms.
“But where will you go?” Tiadrin asked.
Callum raised his head. “She can come back to Katolis with me.”
Lain raised an eyebrow. “A lone elf in a human castle?”
“She won’t be alone. I would stay with her for the rest of my life— and so she’ll have a home there for the rest of her life, too.”
A split second later, he realized what he said, and fought the urge to clamp his hands over his mouth. 
He meant it. Of course he did. He’d faced enough with Rayla to understand how deeply he loved her— and he’d faced enough without her to understand how much it ached to be away from her. But there was a difference between knowing she was the only person he wanted to spend his life with and admitting that to her parents within five minutes of introducing himself.
He risked a glance at them to find that Tiadrin’s smile had only widened, and he allowed himself a single, relieved exhale.
“Then let’s talk about that,” she said, waving him over to her corner of the tent. Taking her hint, Lain and Runaan motioned Rayla over to the other end. 
Callum glanced at Rayla, tense, only to find her beaming, her eyes shining with tears. She raised their entwined hands and kissed the back of his before letting him go, lightly pushing him over to where her mother stood waiting.
“I’m sorry,” Callum blurted, before she could even get a word out, directing the words more to the wall of the tent than to her. “I never meant to imply that I wanted to— to take Rayla away from you, or make any decisions for her. I know I shouldn’t have said that, but—"
“I’m glad you did.”
Callum finally met her eyes.
“A prince who ran away with an assassin. A human who can do primal magic. A dragonguard who never once abandoned his post.”
Tiadrin’s beaming face blurred as Callum found his own eyes brimming with tears. He blinked rapidly, trying to dispel them, and only succeeded in pushing them onto his cheeks. Tiadrin gently reached out, wiping them away, and placed her hands on his shoulders.
“I can think of no one better to entrust with my daughter’s future than you.”
She let go of his shoulders and reached up, removing one of the silver bands that encircled her horns. “Ethari made this for Lain when he told him he wanted to ask me to marry him. I got this—" she tapped the matching silver band on her other horn— “on my wedding day. I suppose I could have taken the old one off then, but I’ve been too attached to it. But I’m ready to let it go.” Carefully, she placed the band in Callum’s hands.
“You’re so young, Callum. Take some time to be with Rayla now, to understand who you are in peace. If you decide, at the end of that, to give this back to me, I won’t judge you.”
She stepped back and gave him a wink. “But if you decide you want to pass it on to a new owner… well, I have a hunch that she’ll be ready.”
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Moonshadow Elves characters 🌙
Here is a list of all the Moonshadow elves characters I found, if I missed someone please let me know.
Agricultural workers:
Biffy (she/her)
Maive (she/her)
Somma (she/her)
Vankan (she/her)
Ethari (he/him)
Perris (he/him)
Andromeda (she/her)
Callisto (he/him)
Eljaal (they/them)
Fayln (she/her)
Pandyne (she/her)
Ram (he/him)
Runaan (he/him)
Rayla (she/her)
Skor (he/him)
Lain (he/him)
Tiadrin (she/her)
Draylenn (she/her)
Lujanne (she/her)
Tylluan/Feathershawl (they/them)
Fentheth (he/him)
Gwenyn (she/her)
Kim'dael (she/her)
Laaner (he/him)
Redfeather (she/her)
Lira (she/her)
Maggs (she/her)
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kuroneko1815 · 1 year
The first chapter of Magic and Dragon blood is up.
I’m so sleep deprived but I can’t stop the storm of ideas.
The dragon’s blood flows through the Regulus family, the little sparks of mana and magic is there, waiting for a trigger to awaken it. Magic is sentient and moves through a lover’s touch. When brought together, it triggers a transformation within the blood of the dragon.
The conditions are fulfilled for the first time since the Second Emperor’s reign.
Or the two lovebirds couldn’t keep their hands to themselves during the hunting festival and Penelope ends up transferring some of her mana to him and she ends up pregnant with our baby Judy. When she gets upset during Callisto’s birthday, our lovely Prince turns into a dragon for her and changes the course of the story.
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[ For Dancing and Dreaming]
Quick Cali doodle before my semester starts ^u^👍🏽
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fritoley · 8 months
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Warrior's Honor - Masterlist
Status: On-Going
Ultimate Masterlist
Description: Ten years ago, a mother and daughter walked into the throne room of Katolis' castle in search of aid. The daughter peeked out from behind her mother's skirt at the others, feeling overwhelmed by the grandeur of the space. Suddenly, a woman named Sarai approached the mother, speaking with her briefly before turning her attention to the child. Sarai kneeled before the little girl, asking her what she wanted to learn. The girl replied that she wished to learn how to fight. Now, Emelyn works hard in the Katolis Crownguard, protecting her beloved kingdom from the wretched elves and dragons of Xadia. But when a band of Moonshadow elves invade Katolis and kill King Harrow, she and her companions are thrown on a journey to take the Dragon Prince, who was presumed dead, back to his mother. As they embark on this perilous quest, Emelyn begins to question the true intentions of those around her and wonders who her allies really are.
a/n: i'm gonna try and finish posting everything that I have already written and then do some major edits while waiting for the s3 novelization so pls bear with me :P you can expect all of s1 and 2 <333
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Season 1
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
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The Dragon Prince but it’s just the kill count.
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artist-issues · 10 months
I feel saddened that Disney has lost their edge movie and villain wise. As Disney has had such a great rogues gallery in the past.
I really haven’t figured out what the new villains are missing. It’s either that there isn’t a true villain, like Abuela in Encanto or Namaari in Raya & the Last Dragon or Callisto in Strange World, OR the villain is a true villain, but because the message of the movie is poor, the villain comes off as poor, too.
I mean, I made a post about the formula of Disney a while back and how they need to remember what the pieces are for: the villains are one of those pieces. They’re supposed to embody the opposite of the movie’s message.
So in Wish, the message was weak. “You have the power to make your own wishes come true, so keep trying.” So King Magnifico was a weak character. He still almost-represented the opposite of the message, but because the message is so vague and the story didn’t build on it, he might be a “true” villain, but he’s not a good villain.
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He represents the belief that “nothing you do on your own can make your wishes come true, so you should stop trying.” Kind of. Except, he himself believes that he has the power to make his own “wishes” (absolute power) come true—and everyone else’s. So his character falls flat. All that the audience is left to hold on to is Chris Pine’s charm, one-liners about his handsomeness, and empty stabs at chemistry with his wife.
What they could’ve done is had Magnifico be a true opposite to the movie’s message (vague as it is) and it might’ve been more impactful. Instead of being obsessed with keeping his own power safe (keeping his own wishes safe) he could’ve been the kind of King that is super-duper strict. Doesn’t even try to hide how strict he is. He could’ve had no magic, and in fact, magic is banned in Rosas and he tries to convince everyone that it doesn’t exist—
—because he believes the opposite of the movie’s message: “You have the power to make your own wishes come true, so keep trying.” He doesn’t believe anything good can com from reaching for “more.” Maybe the kingdom was magical once, and famous for being a place where new innovations and enchanted items came from, but then it was besieged because foreigners wanted it’s power when he was a young Prince, and the survivors were forced to flee to a secret island, and they re-established the kingdom of Rosas, but it was never the same.
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Because now young Prince Magnifico starts his rule as fearful King Magnifico, and he believes that magic, and innovation, and “wishing” for too much outside of your comfort zone, only invites trouble. It’s best to lead a safe, tightly controlled life with no risks. But his good intentions turn into an obsession with keeping the kingdom hidden and under control. So King Magnifico frequently holds fear-based memorials of Rosas’ history, and why magic is bad, and punishes anybody who makes too much bustle or tries to leave.
Everybody in Rosas lives according to tight schedules and curfews. They serve the King by making their kingdom fortified, but carefully hidden. No buildings are built over a certain height limit (kind of like an allegory for not looking up, not getting too close to the sun, whatever) and all old relics of magic that the refugees kept over the years are meant to be turned in. The citizens keep themselves busy by adhering to a strict schedule, where everybody is given the same rations of food, the same quiet farming jobs, rotating market days, etc. Because the whole idea is, “we’re in a hidden kingdom. The world is still looking for Rosas to take advantage of it’s magic. They can never find us—hopefully they’ll forget about us and leave us in peace and safety if we stay hidden and keep to ourselves and get rid of magic.”
Of course, this whole setting changes King Magnifico from a charming showman going on and on about his own handsomeness to a strict protector who’s public persona is a benevolent father-figure just trying to keep everyone safe, but under the surface he’s a dictator using “safety” to control with fear.
And the setting has to change Asha, too. Because you don’t grow up on a hidden kingdom where your whole life is on a tight, boring schedule and everyone keeps their heads down, and you’re the only one bubbly and ready to try new things. You don’t even know what that looks like; you’ve never seen anyone eager to dream or take risks or go exploring.
UNLESS, maybe your grandfather (who is barely a character in the original movie) remembers the old Rosas. And he has kept magic contraband from the time when innovation was the kingdom’s identity. And so while everyone else your age has grown up with hiding and boredom as the norm, you have a window into a world where things can be better and more magical. Sabino becomes what Scuttle was to Ariel, showing her pieces of a more wonderful world than the one she’s stuck in.
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OR, instead of having a grandfather who makes her think magic and wishing is not what the King says it is, Asha could start the movie totally drinking the Kool-Aid. Maybe she, herself, agrees with the King, because she used to wish for things to get better and believe that her grandfather’s hidden magical artefacts were awesome when she was little…but then her dad got sick. And she wished and wished for him to get better, (but we’re actually shown that, instead of the throwaway line from Wish) and he didn’t, and it shattered her faith.
Or maybe she not only wished for him to get better, but she tried to do something and step out of line to make it happen. Maybe her dad got sick, and her grandfather took out like a magical cup from Rosas’ forbidden history, and said, “he might get better if we just got him to drink out of this, but the cup is broken” and like 7 year-old Asha really believed that was true, so she used a little tinkering gift she inherited to try and fix it. But it didn’t work, and he died, and so when we meet her she’s this pessimistic teen who loves her grandfather but kind of pities him and constantly has to shut him up and shut him down about magic because it doesn’t work and it’ll get him in trouble with the King.
But then through the course of the movie and an adventure that actually has good writing, she starts to have a little of that 7-year old hope that magic and wishing actually could make things better, even if it’s hard to pursue them and risky to take chances. And that brings her into conflict with the villain, who has the same belief she started with only more extreme, and the movie
..would actually be at least entertaining or even compelling, even if the message is kind of vague and bland.
I did not mean for this to turn into a Wish-rewrite, and I’m not even saying it’s a good one, I was just trying to process what’s wrong with Magnifico, the most recent Disney villain who falls flat, out loud 😅
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princess-polls · 2 months
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Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Mamoru Chiba/Prince Endymion (Sailor Moon)
Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Li Shang (Mulan) VS Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted)
Prince Charming (Shrek) VS Legolas (Lord of the Rings)
Phillip (Sleeping Beauty) VS Prince Humperdinck (The Princess Bride)
Christopher Rupert Windermere Vladimir Carl Alexander Francois Reginald Lancelot Herman Gregory James (Cinderella 1997) VS Prince Lir (The Last Unicorn)
Arthur Pendragon (BBC Merlin) VS T'Challa (Marvel)
Prince Cornelius (Thumbelina) VS Ben (Descendants)
Xie Lian (Heaven Official's Blessing) VS Derek (The Swan Princess)
Cavendish (One Piece) VS Atem (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Yuu Kashima (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun) VS Kanata (Go Princess Precure)
Romeo Montague (Romeo x Juliet) VS Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Zen Wistalia (Snow White with the Red Hair) VS Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke)
Mytho (Princess Tutu) VS Soma Asman Kadar (Black Butler)
Sidon (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) VS The Beast/Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert (Tangled) VS Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland) VS Prince Fluff (Kirby's Epic Yarn)
Prince Peasley (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga) VS PrinceMamemon (Digimon)
Olivert Reise Arnor (Trails Series) VS Arthur D. Lawrence (Rune Factory 4)
The Blind Prince (The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince) VS Alain (Unicorn Overlord)
Alcryst (Fire Emblem Engage) VS Zagreus (Hades)
Jak (Jak and Daxter) VS Lancer (Deltarune)
Asriel Dreemurr (Undertale) VS Goro (Mortal Kombat)
Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
Turtle (Wings of Fire) VS Krel Tarron (Tales of Arcadia)
Box Prince (Adventure Time) VS Lotor (Voltron Legendary Defender)
Bowser Jr (Mario Franchise) VS Manaphy (Pokémon)
Callisto Regulus (Death is the Only Ending for the Villainess) VS Prince Gerard of Greenleigh (Dimension 20: Neverafter)
Kiriona Gaia (The Locked Tomb) VS The Little Prince (The Little Prince)
Tedros (The School for Good and Evil) VS Cardan Greenbriar (The Folk of the Air)
Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor (Red, White & Royal Blue) VS Kaito (The Lunar Chronicles)
Prince Caspian (The Chronicles of Narnia) VS Hamlet (Hamlet)
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viroman · 1 year
Headcanon #3
Sorry, but too little time was spent on this wonderful woman who raised Callisto.
The second closest woman to Callisto was his dear nanny. The Baroness, who was not yet twenty when the prince was born, took all the blows of high society. It was especially difficult to resist the queen from the Allen family, who did not hesitate to humiliate the late empress and the still very young crown prince.
“This monster will end up just like his vile mother.”
Callisto endured the humiliation of his stepmother and her relatives for a long time, but after meeting the bear and the attack of the mercenaries, he changed a lot. Now it was not so easy to shut him up - the crown prince rudely put people in their place, defending himself and the name of his mother.
And the baroness needed to match the prince in order to become a reliable support for him.
She not only kept order in the palace, but also studied military affairs, practiced self-defense and the art of close combat.
Callisto wanted to erase from his memories the day when this strong woman on her knees begged the emperor not to send the crown prince to war.
“Let him prove that he is worthy to bear the title of crown prince.”
“Your Majesty! He is only thirteen, you will destroy him!”
"It's his duty."
Callisto could not forgive his father for this. The Baroness swore to him that day that she would not allow Allen to feel like the mistress here.
The hanky she gave him was with him throughout the war.
When Callisto returned from the war, the nanny kissed his hands, thanking the golden dragon and the empress mother who had protected him all these ten years.
Soon Cedric began to complain to her: the prince had completely gone crazy with the duke’s daughter, work was standing still, time was passing, the emperor was tearing up and rushing about with anger. The Baroness just laughed, telling Cedric not to take it so seriously. Callisto has always been like this. The whole palace was on edge because of his mischief, and this boy’s stubbornness has no equal in the empire.
After some time, the Baroness met Lady Eckhart in person, because they did not know each other before. Penelope combined restraint, modesty, and at the same time greatness and strength emanated from her, thanks to which she managed to defend her name in court.
Now it was clear why Callisto was so interested in her.
When Callisto told the nanny about Penelope's refusal to marry him, the baroness slapped him hard on the head and lectured him on why he was a hopeless idiot.
After defeating Leila, she was once again convinced that her prince had grown up (unfortunately, in some matters he was still like a very nasty child) when she saw red spots on the princess’s body, whose silent rage worked better than any threats. Lady Eckhart seemed to outdo the Crown Prince in stubbornness. Although the Baroness sympathized with Penelope as a woman, in her heart she was glad that the Crown Prince was still able to admit his feelings and find a person who would love him in return.
Callisto finally felt “at home.”
It was the Baroness who helped Penelope with the wedding dress, jewelry and linen, forbidding the young emperor to participate in this matter, because “you will see everything at the wedding.”
One day, the bride thanked her for all the years that the nanny devoted to Callisto and his upbringing.
At the wedding, the Baroness and Duke Eckhart cried loudly at a separate table, rejoicing that their “children” had found happiness.
Throughout Penelope's pregnancy, the nanny taught her to knit and care for children (Callisto actively participated, remembering every little detail), and also supported her when the young empress put her order in the palace.
And how her heart fluttered when she laid newborn Judy on her mother's chest. She watched with tenderness as the emperor first covered his wife’s face with kisses, and then greeted his daughter with a kiss on the forehead.
That day Callisto, tired but happy, said: “Thank you, nanny, for dedicating your life to me. I promise that I will become a good husband and father. And I hope that you will be the same wonderful grandmother for my children as you were a mom for me.”
God, it seems that this is too touching for her heart.
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saneijeijei · 9 months
Academy of Sword and Magiс
Little Princess
Boy and Dragon
Marriage of convenience
Remember Past
Once upon a time in a fairytale
One day I woke up as the daughter of a villainess
The Princess and the beggar
One Thousand and One Nights
Broken Dreams
Someone else's Stepmother
The truth is in the wine
Love potion
Real villain
Office romance
The return of the main character
Additional quest
The second Prince wants revenge
Truth Serum
Quest: "Save the villainess!"
Fan #1
A gift for Callisto
Father and daughter
COOKIE RUN KINGDOM | CRK 1. #CacaoLily 2. #BurntRaisin 3. #Hollytaya 4. #ChocoCara
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yohanseyebrowmole · 1 month
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 About me! 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
Hey, hey , hey! I'm Yor and I hope you have a nice stay ᡣ𐭩
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 (she/her), slytherin, daughter of apollo, music lover, kpopie, bookworm, anime lover, INTP-T, Certified simp, Certified procrastinator.
ᡣ𐭩Dark Haired Targaryen lover (Crown Prince Jacaerys and Crown Prince Duncan, I'm talking about you guys!)
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House of the Dragon
Jacaerys Velaryon
Moira ♧ The crown princess of Dorne and the crown prince of Westeros abhor each other until they don't ♧
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Nepenthes Aelora Targaryen was doomed. She was doomed from the moment she was born, for the mere fact that she was born a woman.
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Luke Castellan
Dum Spiro Spero The son of Hermes and the daughter of Apollo were always enough for each other. What happens when one of them starts yearning for more? Luke x Daughter of Apollo Star-crossed lovers
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Prologue: His truest love and his greatest regret
Percy Jackson
Veni Vidi Vici In which, Lorelei Astra Cessair Irvine loved him first, but he would always love her more. Percy x Daughter of Thanatos TLT - TLO Full length fic
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Cathartic Helena Alexandra Azara Colette gets thrown head first into a deadly quest with her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Will they find happiness, or will they be forced to watch as their love crumbles before them? Percy x Daughter of Ares BOTL - TLO Full length fic
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Mon Amon Cara Asteria Callisto was the daughter of the moon and a huntress of Artemis. She knew of the world of the gods, the fates had always favoured her bloodline, not even the gods know why. She knew firsthand how cruel the fates could be but she never thought they would be as cruel as this. Percy x Daughter of Selene TTC - TLO Full length fic
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Jason Grace
Jacaerys Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon
Cregan Stark
Jake Sim (enhypen)
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Made by Yor on the: 14/08/24
Last updated: 05/09/24
Dividers are Softcore Royalty by @thecutestgrotto
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eloise175 · 7 months
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 :)
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 :)
Thank you very much for the inbox!! I'm writing you the message twice because of your two previous inbox lmao
Thank you for your kindness and your friendship, let's conquer the world with the Calliope agenda 2024
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HFYSBSJ PLSS I’m forgetful and couldn’t remember if I already sent you that ask or not but thank you so much, I’m really happy we’re friends 🥹🫶
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artistic-nobody · 9 months
Synopsis: In the empire of Eorka, Crown Prince Callisto is forced by his power-obsessed father to go to the perilous battlefield at age 13 to unlock his dormant dragon abilities. However, the day before he is sent off, he has a chance encounter with a commoner that sparks an unexpected connection and promise to meet again. As Callisto endures the brutalities of war and unleashes the full magnitude of powers, thoughts of the girl become his sole reason for surviving. He is determined to uphold their promise to meet again someday. This is a gripping tale of love and promises amidst the chaos of war, abuse, and pain.
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kuroneko1815 · 1 month
Master list of my VADD works and posts
Head canons, silly scenarios, and quotes, some that I've reblogged and added to and a lot more that I've posted on my own...
Calliope during the pregnancy
Marianne asks Penelope for baby names
Reynold finds out
Cedric remembers the loops
Callisto orders everyone to dye their hair
Callisto channels Lion King
How Callisto flirts
Rock, Paper, Scissors siblings edition
Pregnancy announcement
Dragon’s hoard
Meet the Lykaios
What if they ran away in magic and dragon
Penelope does therapy on Callisto
The maze scene but make it silly
Fanfic List with links (some to AO3, some to tumblr posts, and some that I've cowritten; there are also quite a lot of previews here for fics I've had in my mind but haven't written yet)
Baby Dragon
Time and Regret
Time and the Hidden Dragon
The Amulet preview
Time and change preview
Time of the Maid preview
Time and Despair snippet preview
Time and the future that must never be
This Poisoned Cup
The maid’s revenge
Lady of Ghosts
Of Book and Flowers
Paperwork Pileup
Imperial Domesticity
Expectant Father
Conversations at bath time
Unexpected surprise
Provocation and Conciliation
Mistletoe kisses
New Year’s festivities
Childhood friends and first loves
Winter Days
Lock of Hair
Touch-starved kisses and insomnia
Twenty Years On
Of poison and dragons snippet preview
Of Magic and Dragon blood
The blue dress
The mages of Heylon preview
The case of the time travelling prince
Non-linear series preview
Wet Shirts and Surprise Babies: Marianne and Cedric's love story
In this world of darkness and crime
Things too late to take back
Wandering days
Love and Relationships
Storytime at the palace: 1, 2, 3
Coming of age talks
The nymph and the golden dragon
The handkerchief
Choose your sacrifice
Tyranny of a lost love
Boy and the Dragon (parts 1&3 are written by @saneijeijei): 1, 2, 3, 4
Monsters and Treasures in Dungeons Deep
Shatter me with a kiss or spare me my heart
A love twice lived
These roads led me home to you
Wanton touch
Redemption of a Forgotten Love preview
How to be the favorite uncle as told by Reynold Eckhart
A trip through time
The best surprise in the world
Reciprocated comfort but not without tears
These hardy few
A lot of these fics may be unfinished so proceed with caution. Also, if the story is posted as a full-fledged fic then I'll edit the links to be the ones for AO3 rather than the preview. Some of the fics are tumblr only and some are cross-posted with AO3 but some of the links would direct them to the tumblr posts instead. Will be updated whenever I post something or have the time.
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