#dark knightmon
axeknightmon · 8 months
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demetrius and kuro
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Nick, Lopmon, Rose, and Terriermon were in the house, preparing to act on the data Dae gave them, he and Riley were in another dimension looking for Paildramon’s older brother. They started walking where Riley said that Knightmaremon would be, Riley modded Nick’s digivice to track Knightmaremon’s digital signature.
Knightmaremon jumped out at them, attacking them. Firing explosive energy at them.
Warp DNA Digivolve!!
Taumon blocked the hit and flew up into the air with Knightmaremon in its hands, but then it looked down and saw Nick injured, in his condition he wouldn’t last long if he didn’t get help. Taumon brings its hands together forcing Knightmaremon to devolve into Dark Knightmon, then as it lands it devolves back into Lopmon and Terriermon.
Dark Digivolve
Wendigomon grabs Dark Knightmon and crushes him into the data he was built out of. Then Wendigomon looks back to see the horrified faces of Rose and Terriermon and she runs away.
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jose92gt · 2 years
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Ilustración especial por episodio 51 de Digimon Ghost Game, en el cual vemos a Gammamon colocando una cinta a Dark Knightmon para que se recupere de buena manera
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lopmonappreciation · 1 year
Cookie run Digimon au: Dark choco cookie and dark knightmon
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Rookie: kotemon
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Champion: gladimon
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Ultimately: dark knightmon
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Mega: darknessbagramon
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one-starry-knight · 1 year
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hi I've been on a social media break for the last week, while I was off I was focusing on doing designs for my Royal Knights, I got 3 done but I only feel like posting these two, Narcissus and Solana. they take design inspo from their prevos, Panjyamon and Dark Knightmon respectively
because of what he evolves from, I started calling Narcissus a Snow Leopardmon because its silly and fitting hah
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If i could digimon series, the squeal i guess.. maybe
Note: i came up with another 1 and typed it up, also the quote marks is because these tamers don't actually have crests, but that they fill similar narrative roles
Goggle-head (ie the protag), but whom is the twin sister of "friendship" rookie: Dracomon x - note: just to tell the 2 dracomons apart champion: Coredramon (blue) Ultimate: Wingdramon Dark: Dorbickmon MEGA: Slayerdramon Note: She's really into tokusatsu, it annoys her sister dearly, also she has a hard time trying to say "Aruraumon"
"friendship" (ie the lancer), but whom is the twin sister of  Goggle-head rookie: Dracomon champion: Coredramon (green) ultimate: Groundramon mega: Breakdramon Note: Cranky edgelord, just wants what she thinks is best for others, also she had a hard time trying to say "Aruraumon" and when the twins bring their powers together; ULTRA: Examon!!
male "Love/Sincerity" crest rookie: Aruraumon champion: Arbormon - note: it's kinda treated as a champion ultimate: Petaldramon - note: it's kinda treated as an ultimate MEGA: Bloomlordmon Note: is in their school's drama club, has on 1 occasion each has mistaken 1 of the twins for the other
"Knowledge/Reliability" crest, who may or may not play with air soft Rookie: Commandramon champion: Deckerdramon - note: it's a champion.. yeah... Ultimate: Gigadramon MEGA: Gundramon Note: he is a "westaboo"
"Hope" crest Rookie: Bakomon Champion: Gladimon Ultimate: Knightmon MEGA: Slashangemon Note: He's just a lower class-man that gets rapped in to this series of shenanigans
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neodigimonadventure · 2 years
NEO Digimon Adventure: The Island of Children
Amidst a rash of disappearances of children, Akio’s little cousin Tomomi accepts an offer from Monzaemon and Petermon to board Locomon and travel to a “child’s paradise”. Akio and the gang follow her to the Island of Joy, where they uncover the dark secret of this seemingly wonderful place, and fight together with ToyAgumon to stop a sinister plot by the island’s creator, who has big plans for the stolen children.
NEO Digimon Adventure: The Bride of Prince Mamemon
When Annie unwittingly catches the eye of Prince Mamemon, he wishes for her to become his bride. Lampmon is all too willing to grant that wish, and abducts Annie to Prince Mamemon’s fortress on El Doradimon. The others thus team up with Knightmon to rescue her before the wedding commences.
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pokemoninaction · 3 years
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~ Digimon 2020 Ep. 22
Dark Knightmon vs WereGarurumon Sagittarius Mode
(Part 3)
[This gifset doesnt include all the moves used in the battle.. this is just made to put my gifs in a somewhat chronological order.]
WereGarurumon transformed into its Sagittarius Mode!
Sagittarius WereGarurumon used Kaus-Slugger!
Dark Knightmon used Shoulder Blade!
Sagittarius WereGarurumon used Alnas Shot!
Dark Knightmon was defeated!
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Dark Knightmon X revealed
“On the other side of Lilithmon X's birth, Dark Knightmon and Barmamon the Seven Great Demon Lords were in a skirmish. Because of its atrocities, Dark Knightmon, who was sealed in the dark area, has been setting up battles with Barbamon, aiming at the place of the Seven Great Demon Lords and treasures.Having noticed that the old digital world and the new digital world were trying to connect, Barbamon and Darkknightmon broke through to compete in the gate of the dark area in order to steal the treasure sleeping in the new digital world.And, two of the causes achieve X-evolution by the X antibodies obtained from each other.No Digimon was able to stop the two X antibody Digimon, and the surrounding Digimon could only wait for the Royal Knights to arrive in the aftermath of the fierce battle. “ -Google translation from source
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aintgottimetobleed · 6 years
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Gammamon was laying in the grass, looking back at his past, specifically about his Father who was a Kongoumon. He remembers his father’s death like it was yesterday, there was a Knigtmon, but it was dark. It killed Kongoumon, he tried his best to protect Riley and Gammamon, he even digivolved for the first time. Gammamon has no idea what this Dark Knightmon was after.
Terriermon laid down, trying to remember things, they’ve always had a hard time remembering before they met Rose. Terriermon has a few memories before her though, he remembers his parents dying, then Brigadedramon took him in but he died too, he was killed by a shadowy figure, he couldn’t get a good look at the figure.
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namineeyes · 9 years
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re-digitize-blog · 12 years
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Just a noble by sasasi
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Knightmaremon was in the human world, he’s been stuck there ever since she was in the Digital World. He was fighting a Leomon and a young man who he thought was named Michael. “Aren’t you Knightmon supposed to be good?” The human said. Knightmaremon didn’t respond, and instead fired a blast of energy from his sword, knocking out the Leomon and the Human. Knightmaremon walked up to the Human who was still conscious and took his digivice, and returned to the Digital World.
“Finally, I’ve returned.” Knightmaremon said.
“Sorry Ms. Nikki.” The human said to the air.
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axeknightmon · 2 years
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new pfp for me
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axeknightmon · 3 years
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