#dark souls executioner smough
bowietea · 1 year
Whoopsie ✨️
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robosquid-sm · 2 years
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Executioner Smoe (Originally posted September 2, 2022)
Prepare to get drunk off your Estus Flask, D'ohsen Undead.
DeviantArt Link: https://www.deviantart.com/robosquid/art/Executioner-Smoe-928098965
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localcuttlefish · 9 months
Sick irredeemable fall-from-grace character arc bro!! What are we feeling for the ending, insanity, atonement by violent victory, or death/rebirth?
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marcheriest · 2 years
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die die and die again
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altermentality · 8 months
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Golden Boys of Anor Londo ✨⚡️
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metalsonicfan11 · 10 months
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dumb hyper-specific dark souls thumbnails
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minespatchart · 11 months
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Something I planned on drawing last year, finally got to get the Gwyn boys doing the Dr Livesy walk.
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bowietea · 11 months
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Stayed up late working on my new girl 🔥
A "close" second in command for Ornstein that it's uncommon to see her not follow him around, and is great friends with Smough (still dumbfounded how she wasn't eaten yet)
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chalicechipper · 3 months
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artistic rendition of something i thought of and described to bf while fighting ornstein and smough
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Ornstein is the only person who bothers to remember Smough's name.
Most people of Lordran have difficulty in remembering Smough's name, oftentimes settling with such names such as Smith, Smother, Simon, Samantha, or in the odd case, McHugh, much to the executioner's ire.
The list goes on...
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gobbogoo · 7 months
Smough's Armour is Deceptively Clever
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First off, the helmet. It's common knowledge that the part with the face is actually ABOVE Smough's head, designed to draw blows away from his face, however his head ALSO isn't located by the eye-markings either:
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It's a double fake-out! And best of all it's surprisingly well thought out. Armour works best when it leaves room between metal and body to absorb blows. The usual problem with full helms like Smough's is that the only way to see through them with any sort of efficiency is to press one's face right up against the holes/slits, leaving very little space for shock absorption.
Now notice how the part with the lower "eyes" bulges outwards. It's the EXACT shape you want when deflecting blows! So you either hit the upper "face" and miss completely, or hit the lower "face" and bounce right off. For a massive fellow like Smough, aiming for his head is the most efficient way to take him down, and he KNOWS that.
This deceptive strategy is utilized ALL throughout Smough's armour, primarily because he isn't actually fat according to his concept art. The bulbous shape of his armour exists entirely to deflect blows and make enemies assume it reflects the anatomy within.
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offical-ouroboros · 6 months
Need an obsessive man to cuddle me rn I've been awake for 30+ straight hours and done so much cleaning around my place I'm exhausted
Hmu if you're a fictional villain or whatever..
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hash-smash · 2 months
Damm! They don't even wait for you to get in lool
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houseboywife · 1 year
The tale of the three Ornsteins: a Dark Souls identity theft story
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Dragonslayer Ornstein is one of the most iconic characters in Dark Souls, and for a good reason. His design is incredible, and his fight in tandem with Smough is one of the best in the series to this day. It is therefore interesting to see how strangely handled is actual in-game presence his. I am perfectly aware that a lot of this is a result of somewhat inelegant retcons, but I will attempt to bridge all of the information together to paint a picture that I find to be, if not completely satisfying, at least consistent with what I believed happened to our good old dragonslayer.
Let's start with what we learn in Dark Souls 1, which is the most straightforward. Ornstein is a being of incredible strength as the leader of the Four Knights of Gwyn, Lordran's elite soldiers who are all unquestionably loyal to their Lord. Unfortunately, by the time of Dark Souls 1, the other Knights have either died or left, so he's left alone guarding the capital City of Anor Londo. He's however joined by his good buddy Executioner Smough: and by good buddy I mean insane psycho. Smough was considered as a candidate for the position of Knight of Gwyn, but the recruiters probably changed their minds after learning that he enjoys grinding the bones of people in his meals. Also, not a surprise, he really enjoys murder.
Anyway, the important point being is that Ornstein and Smough are guarding the chamber to Gwynevere, and fight you to the death if you want to go in. This begs a question: why exactly? Gwynevere is an illusion concocted by Gwyndolin, since she has left Anor Londo long ago. Hell, Gwyndolin is actively trying to get some poor sucker to link the fire, which would require you to get the Lordvessel, which is given to you by Gwynevere/Gwyndolin. Who also doesn't seem to be particularly concerned by the two strongest knights in the realm having just died.
So the main hypothesis is that Ornstein and Smough have been placed there by Gwyndolin to test you. After all the linking of the fire is a sacred act, and you'd wanna make sure that the person you send to do it would actually be able to: after all, as shown by Dark Souls 3, you can actually fail to link the fire. So perhaps, as I said, what Gwyndolin is doing is testing you: and I get using Smough for the task, considering that everyone hates him and he also is probably willing to prove himself to join the Knights, but Ornstein? At the twilight of the kingdom of Lordran, what use is there to having the strongest knight left sacrifice himself to test a random Undead? Well, hold on that thought. For now, let's just say that the Chosen Undead kills both and proceeds to link the flame, or walk away from it.
Back with a vengeance
So let's move on to Dark Souls 2 now. Here we are in Drangleic, a completely different land set after Dark Souls 1. Which makes it very strange that in that game you can find an "Old Dragonslayer", identical to Ornstein, chilling in a church.
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Now, let's not beat around the bush here: this is probably an impostor (among us????). A couple things make it pretty clear: first off, instead of using lightning attacks he wields darkness, which doesn't mean much in itself: however the Soul that you get from this boss says that "the Old Dragonslayer is reminiscent of a certain knight that appears in old legends", I'm leaning towards him being just an imitator. After all, beings with Fire Souls (Is it even a thing? You get what I mean) aren't able to come back from death, and killing Ornstein is mandatory to the story of Dark Souls 1, which we know already happened by the time of 2. The only alternative is that the Ornstein in Dark Souls 1 was an illusion, but that would be a bit silly, right?
The Ornstein in Dark Souls 1 was an illusion
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Well, uh, this is awkward. Dark Souls 3 comes in and, with extreme confidence, makes everything so much more confusing. This is becaus, after defeating Gwyn's firstborn, the Nameless King, you find none other than Ornstein's armor. But hey, it could be just a repli-
Golden armor associated with Dragonslayer Ornstein, from the age of gods, and imbued with the strength of lightning. In the dragonless age, this knight, who long guarded the ruined cathedral, left the land in search of the nameless king.
Uhhhh, let's check Smough's armor maybe?
Grotesque armor associated with Smough, the last knight to stand in defense of the ruined cathedral.
Well, at least now we know that the Old Dragonslayer was a faker????
Ok ok so, what happened? It seems like that, before the events of Dark Souls 1, Ornstein left his post to search for the Nameless King, and left Smough behind in Anor Londo. So well, the logical explanation is that the first one you fight is actually an illusion made by Gwyndolin. But! The "illusion" also drops Ornstein's own Souls behind. Now, this is a bit of a pickle.
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Before I go further, let me clarify something: Gwyndolin is also a character you can kill in Dark Souls 1 that returns in Dark Souls 3, but his fight is optional, and likely considered non canonical in 3. After all, there are other characters you can murder that show up again, the difference is that Ornstein is as far from optional as you can get.
So let's entertain that the Dragonslayer is an illusion: why does he drop his Soul, then ? I have an idea of what could have happned. First off, in Anor Londo you fight sever other illusions fashioned by Gwyndolin that all drop souls upon death. This, to me, seems to suggest that our favorite god of ambigous gender can't just conjure something out of nothing: they need souls.
Here's another piece of the puzzle: in the Dark Souls universe you can totally detach at least part of your soul from your body and be none the wiser. We see this with Gwyn, who gave a portion of his Souls to the Four Kings and other loyal subjects, and with Vendrick who, perhaps in shame, locked his own Soul away in the Shrine of Amana before going hollow. So I believe that the most likely explanation is that Ornstein, before departing to find the Nameless King, left his Soul (or a portion of it) to Gwyndolin in order for them to fashion an illusory guardian out of his likeness. Smough was there too, I guess. Probably Gwyndolin just wanted to get rid of him. That makes everything work out, more or less!
So let's answer one last question. Why did Ornstein seek the Nameless King? I've seen some people say that he was loyal to him all along, and some particularly creative theories state that he transformed into the dragon that the Firstborn rides. I find this to be a somewhat unsatisfactory explanation. Particularly the dragon part, of course, because the only character we ever saw meddle in dragon transformation experiments was Aldia who is probably the smartest person in the entire world, and even he didn't really get it perfectly right. Also there is absolutely zero evidence of it. Regarding the rest, well, I suppose it would be possible that Ornstein was loyal to the Nameless King, but why? He is a dragonslayer, after all, and the King was cast away specifically for having betrayed the gods in favor of the dragons (as a sidenote, the fact that the Ring of the Firstborn in Dark Souls 1 is slightly mistranslated and it made people think that he was banished for "losing the annals" is very funny. He was lost to the annals, there's no magical item named "the annals" which he lost lmao).
Anyway, I think Ornstein left to confront the Nameless King over his betrayal: perhaps he did so once his location on the Archdragon Peak became known. Talk to him? Kill him? Who knows. But is significative that the Dragonslayer Armor is found in the Nameless King's boss arena. I think that him and Ornstein engaged in a fight and, perhaps weakened by the lack of his Soul, the latter was defeated and died there. Whether this happened before or after Dark Souls 1 I do not know, but I have a feeling that this is how the warrior met his demise.
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Now, why did From Software decide to add this lore in Dark Souls 3 I have no idea, considering it's very marginal in the game itself and it could have easily been left unsaid. Perhaps this was the plan all along. I will admit that not getting to fight the real Ornstein is somewhat disappointing, but also having him show up in person in Dark Souls 3 would have been a bit much. Even then, one thing is certain: despite never actually meeting him, he's certainly a memorable guy.
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