firesteel-eden · 6 months
So, first chapter of the Reverse Firesteel is up!
And the proud princess testified for all that is just and fair.
And there it was, her plan laid bare.  It was ingenious, she meant to have Joffrey feel as if he was isolated and surrounded by betrayers and leeches. She couldn’t make him suspicious of Cersei or Margaery for that matter, but of all others?  It didn’t matter if he would rely on her or not, because Sansa meant to use the chaos ensuing to escape. 
You can read it here!
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reginarubie · 9 months
I’ve posted the new chapter of “Story ideas I can’t get out of my head” with this Jonsa first chapter
”He had always wanted it, but not like this. Never like this. He had always wanted it, but not like this. The hunger in his chest had become a hole so big that Seven Kingdoms and a whole world besides could not fill it. Florian and fair Jonquil. Aemon Dragonknight and queen Naerys. Jenny and her prince of dragonflies. They were all just that, stories. Tales. No, her soft voice resounded in his ears, all stories can’t be lies.“ — Tale of a black knight and his fair lady wolf
For reference, Rhaegar and Lyanna and Elia survive as well as the children, Robert dies but even though Elia dies before Rhaegar he never marries Lyanna afraid to try the dornish pride once again. Jon is raised in Kings Landing with his half brother and sister.
When lord Ned Stark dies, Aegon — freshly crowned king just a couple of years past — sends Jon as envoy North to ensure the new lord of Winterfell is as disinclined as his father to break from the Iron throne and to find him a Stark wife to make queen.
Jon has no choice but to obey.
Forbidden Jonsa, political intrigue, betrayal, war, backstabbing, plotting and no enemy to the North — no Others, no NK — just political and passion intrigue wrapped all together with older and darker Jonsa.
Go read it and let me know what you think of it! I think I will post it solo, and let it run free but I wanna hear your opinion about it.
I, on my part, am obsessed with it!
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rhaesyn · 5 years
Where is the lie
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fanfic-daydreams · 6 years
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-- #SophieTurner about #SansaStark #Sansa #Stark #darkSansa #gameofthrones #got #asongoficeandfire #asoiaf #ladyofwinterfell #vale #alaynestone
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hessa-and-oh · 6 years
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Character Background.
Sansa is an ambitious but clever woman. She solely depends on her wits and experience to solve both her domestic and leadership obstacles, such as handling the Baelish problem. She is highly motivated and protective over her family’s seat of power.
She is very understanding and crafty. She is slowly developing an ability to maneuver difficult situations to her advantage. It was bad that her second marriage was a disaster, but she is stronger for it.
She started out as a greenhorn, who was tossed around and ignored; but now she has taken up the reins of her future, the future of house stark. She has learnt from the best and worst; and for this she is unique.
Compared to some of the other female characters, she has had a fairly easy life; meaning, she grew up knowing her parents ( unlike some people ), she had a roof over her head, she comes from a loving family and has always had people willing to help her. That is not to say, she hasn’t been through life threatening challenges; but she hasn’t had it rough as such.
Parallels between her and Catelyn and Cersei.
The TV show has being giving ideas that Sansa may be just like Cersei and or Catelyn back in Season six, when Brienne of Tarth was sent to give the Blackfish a letter. After the Blackfish read it, his exact words were,
“ she is just like her mother”
Then, the meeting Jaime and Edmure had during the siege of Riverrun. Jaime compared both their sisters and decided they had similar traits.
In one the Order of the Green Hand video’s, they also pointed out this parallels.
Going into season seven, Jon points out to Sansa how she sounds as if she admires her. Sansa doesn’t deny this, she definitely admires her and her strength, but that doesn’t mean Sansa aspires to be just like her.
Cersei educated Sansa on the power of their womanhood, the tears and the thing between their legs. She also, taught her not to be emotionally invested in anyone.
Also, Sansa is yet to experience the joys of motherhood, but if she were to do that, it better be with a very faithful man. If it were with Jon like some Jonsa fans wish, then Dany’s child is in for a painful childhood.
Or perhaps not, like Tyrion rightly said,
“Children are not their parents.”
But, nonetheless, some people don’t think she needs to be married to anyone; perhaps so, but who continues with the Stark line if Jon were to adopt the Targaryen surname?
Besides, does Sansa need to die a lonely woman?
Having children are one of the perks of life in Westeros, don’t you think?
Regardless, Sansa does share some traits with her mother and Cersei; but in the end, she realizes something these two women don’t; which is, no amount of power is worth sacrificing a family member.
Or maybe not, I mean, she did sacrifice Rickon for Wintefell; whatever, people make calculative mistakes, right?
Yes, Catelyn loves her family, but she started a foolish war that nearly killed them all. Yes, Cersei loves her family, yet she didn’t raise her first son right and she tried to openly kill her brother.
Feeding Ramsey to his dogs
He surely deserved it, for every night he hurt her. A vile sentence for a vile man is best suited, but that smirk on her face, was pretty disturbing.
Smiling may just mean she feels victorious or somewhat powerful for once in her life, but it definitely gave her joy watching him die.
At least, she didn’t smile when Baelish died.
So was Sansa justified in her decision over Bealish?
Bealish was no friend of the Starks or the realm for that matter, but gathering together her family members and lords, to watch her sentence a defenseless man to death without a formal trial sounds a bit wrong. But, who cares, nobody liked Bealish for all his airs and schemes.
Why, not wait for Jon to get back and have him hack off his head, since he is the lord of Winterfell?
In this perilous times in Westeros, no one has time for formalities; that much is understood.
Cersei escaped justice even after she blew up the sept, so yes, no one really cares anymore or has time to negotiate, except maybe Jon, if he is in a good mood and Tyrion.
How Sansa respects Jon
Sansa is a courteous character no doubt, she questions his decisions when she has to; which is smart, because Jon tends to suck at making sound political decisions.
But, openly questioning him in court, well… Doesn’t matter, they share almost equal power, so that is allowed
But, I wonder if Robb would have tolerated that from her, though… I mean, their mother tried to do that and she was under lock and key.
Nonetheless, she didn’t encourage the lords when they wanted to elect her as their ruler, so she yes, she respects him. Or maybe she did that, for the benefit of Arya.
Would she have still defended Jon’s position as king if Arya or Bran weren’t around?
Dark Sansa in Season Eight.
Jon was definitely not thinking straight when he bent the knee, publicly; he didn’t have to do that. And because of his actions, the northern lords will be divided once more.
Sansa will have a hard time breaking the news to them. But, it won’t be long before they all unite again, in fear of the night king this time around.
Sansa won’t like Dany, that much is certain; and she may be quite public about it.
But, if she were to go dark side, she could get a potion to make Dany loose her pregnancy.
Or maybe push some sexy broad towards Jon’s way.
Anyways, as Jon said ,
“there is no time for that…”
The only fight there is, is the fight for life.
As Beric said,
“ death is the enemy, the first and last…”
The next greatest monarch/ruler Westeros will know.
She did wonderful work as lady of Winterfell. She is very well composed even in the face of danger, for instance, when Arya sort of threatened to kill her.
She may even be a better choice than Dany.
Or perhaps, they could both learn from each other and become better rulers.
What can she learn from Dany? Well, a lot. For instance, how to give great speeches to spur up the soldiers, ex cetera.
A love Triangle.
Well, do we need that?
The love triangle between Dany, Jon and Sansa cannot be a reality, it will just soil their badges of achievements as leaders.
Although, it might have some comedic value, but nah.
Do you think Dark Sansa is happening in Season Eight?
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sillyannabanana · 7 years
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There are no devotions, my lord. No priests or songs or candles. Only trees, and silent prayer. (at Winnekenni Castle)
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winterfellchild · 6 years
Lol, they are at it again... Sansa haters are blabbering about darkSansa theories after the new VF article. Don't they ever tire of these ridiculous theories?
I understand that the article is really tempting to people who hated Sansa for years but EVERY YEAR there was some kind of info from a reliable source about darkSansa and yet EVERY YEAR these people were proved wrong when the new season started. They still have not learned the lesson. 
They are happily jumping on the hate train again.
Isn’t it strange that just when we are waiting for a new trailer ( for weeks now the fandom believes that they will show a new trailer/teaser at the CCXP in Brazil ) this article comes out?
An article that said: 
Jon€rys are really in love;
Sansa is power hungry and evil;
Dænerys is the YMBQ;
Cersei is really pregnant ( what did MTF said about Cersei’s children? Just 3? Nooo, that’s fake news);
Tyrion is in love with Dænerys;
Dænerys is not a conqueror or even a liberator. She is a savior.  
Wow, such a coincidence... of course, it's not suspicious at all.
The article even said: 
These scripts and more have been in the collection for years, but flying under the radar. 
I'm suuuure this is just a coincidence, after all, we are not in the middle of season 8 promotion after a year and a half of almost complete silence.
We are so lucky that just a few months before the last season all the answers the fandom needs are in: 
a library that’s open to the public
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fedonciadale · 4 years
I think the premise for making Sansa queen was that D&D knew they botched up her character in S5 and wrote 2 women in power(Dany & Cersei) as mad creatures. Only in the last moment in order to curtail the backlash for treatment of women in power, they made Sansa QitN to compensate the damage. I am not completely ruling out Sansa being QitN in books but with Rickon's likely survival & Robb's Will , I think her ending was D&D's fanfiction. She was also Benioff's favourite 🤷‍♂️.
Hi there!
They told us why they did the storyline in season 5 as they did it. Because Sansa ends up North and they needed her to get there (and I am not opening that can of worms about how they did it), nor am I going to say anything about what they did to Sansa’s character.
And look I love Rickon, but he is not going to make it. His direwolf is named “Shaggydog” a nickname for a story of a side character that goes nowhere...
There is plenty of foreshadowing for Sansa as Queen in the North, it’s just that people are so used to the whole “Sansa is not one of the original five” shtick that they just deliberately close their eyes to that.
Robb’s will pushed Sansa down the line of succession, after Jon. He did not disinherit her. When will people ever get that?
Neither Cersei nor Dany are mad. They are both powerhungry and Dany is a hypocrite, and do you honestly think that the guys who practically invented sexposition and added superfluous rape scenes that are not in the books would care about a backlash for their treatment of women? Think again.
Sansa was never a fan favourite, and there were so many people who wanted her dead, that the very idea that her ending as QitN would be fanservice is just ridiculous. If they had wanted to do fanservice, they could just have Dany have it all.
For Benioff’s favourite they treated her character pretty badly: They let Ramsay rape her, they let the audience think about her as a betrayer for almost two seasons, teased DarkSansa and Starkbowl for no reason whatsoever, they let Arya threaten her with skinning her, when her rapist had this as favourite torture method, they did nothing to explain her actions, they let the Hound ridicule her trauma and then let the character herself explain that she ‘grew’ because of her trauma (and not because of her resilience). How is this the treatment of a favourite ? Where? When?
Sorry, to go on a rant, but I have absolutely no idea, how these takes entered your mind. 
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bisansastarks · 5 years
Now they're blaming misogyny for Dany's obvious arc LMAO The girl with the dragons wants to win back the throne her "pure blood" family won with fire and blood which incidentally is also their house words and they're surprised. Where was their outrage about misogyny during s7 when they were desperately hoping for darksansa? Somehow darkdany wasn't foreshadowed and that was?Or when they were hoping for Dany to kill traitor Sansa and for Jon to cheer her on?
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trinuviel · 5 years
Maisie Williams on Arya and the s7 Winterfell plot:
Arya is very hot-headed; she’s always been. I’ve always been grateful that it’s been at the right people, and now it’s at the wrong person, but she’s still the same character with that flaw. She struggles to keep her mouth shut. She doesn’t know what Sansa has been through, and she won’t hear it. She’s kind of turned into a little bit of a monster, and it’s directed at the wrong person, but she doesn’t know that.
But Sansa and Arya are very different people. They really wouldn’t have survived what each other has survived; Arya would have been killed a long time ago if she had to live through all of the troubles Sansa’s been through. Arya’s not giving her the credit she deserves. But they realize Littlefinger is playing them and they ultimately pull through together.
Arya executes him, but it’s really Sansa’s scene. And it’s showing a huge progression for her. It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for. I know it’s the moment Sophie’s been waiting for. 
I love that Sophie had been waiting for Sansa to end Littlefinger!  
Especially since she had to spend so much time trolling DarkSansa in cahoots with LF.
Maisie is pretty clear that Arya was in the wrong, which fits with another interview where she stated that she played Arya as the villain in that conflict. That means she was directed to do so! 
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firesteel-eden · 4 months
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Then she turned to him and offered him a determined glance, “I will be the Stark whose ice didn’t melt when she went South,” she told him.
New Reverse Firesteel chapter is up!
I suggest you read it here, before you watch the edit under the line.
And Sansa Stark would help him reach that goal, she would enrich that goal.
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reginarubie · 7 months
New chapter is up! And would you look at that? Double edit for this one!
Edit 1: Jalabhar Xho
He was only aware of her gaze on him. On the effect it had. On how it stirred parts of him he believed long buried underneath infertile soil.— Crudo —Jon
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nightqueendany · 6 years
That Vanity Fair Article
You all know the one....
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Now, ever since this article came out earlier today, I’ve seen all number of reactions to it and of course did a bit of gloating this morning. However, OF COURSE there are some in the fandom who shall not be named - COUGHJONSASCOUGH - who STILL think this is all fake.
They believe that Vanity Fair found some Jonerys fanfiction and “thought” it was a real script and so wrote an entire fucking article about it - I guess the Jonsas think this was done without checking sources - and so it MUST be fake. Because, as per this article, DarkSansa is TOTALLY a thing AND Jon loving Daenerys is EXPLICITLY stated for all the world to see.
So, you know, if it doesn’t mention “Dark Dany” or “Jonsa” it’s “fakenews”.
However, I’m sorry to say - no, wait, actually I’m fucking ECSTATIC to say because I made this entire blog because of these fucking hater idiots who just can’t accept the TRUTH - that THIS IS ALL REAL.
Now, how do I KNOW this is all real and Vanity Fair didn’t fuck up and just quote a bunch of fanfiction they found somewhere?
Well, aside from the fact that Vanity Fair is an INTERNATIONALLY REPUTABLE PUBLICATION and OF COURSE they wouldn’t post anything quoting a printed, written source unless it was actually true...
The author of the article states that the quotes featured come DIRECTLY FROM THE SCRIPTS.
Now, the question is, where did they get the scripts because you can’t find shit online.
Well, there’s a fucking reason for that:
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These scripts are archived in the WRITERS GUILD FOUNDATION library in Los Angeles, California.
You cannot get copies of them, it is not a lending library so you can’t take scripts home, and there aren’t digital copies (at least not ones available to the public; I think it’s possible to get digital copies of things for educational purposes but not sure).
HOWEVER, the library is open to the public, as stated above in the Vanity Fair article and on the Writer’s Guild Foundation website:
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“All scripts must be read on site.”
So, as stated in the Vanity Fair article, HBO has made the scripts of previous seasons available for some time at the WGF Library. People have been able to go in there and access them for years but, likely because you have to be there to read them, not many people would ever bother to do so.
But that’s JUST what the people at Vanity Fair did. The author and probably an assistant or two “poured over them for hours” at the WGF Library and clearly took notes (I guess you can’t take photos of the scripts...? The website says you can bring laptops and phones into the library but it’s not stated whether photography is allowed).
Oh yeah and to those Jonsa shippers who also claim Kit not knowing when Jon and Dany first start to fall for each other, etc. because of the 7x07 commentary, I touch on that HERE. Essentially: 1) the commentary was recorded like, over a YEAR after it was all filmed, 2) Lena can’t even remember her own lines let alone directional lines in between dialogue, as Kit says “bullshit bullshit bullshit, my line, bullshit bullshit” because the actors barely read the scripts unless it is their line, and 3) everything is filmed out of sync so of course the whole process is difficult to remember anyway, let alone the specific moment Jon and Dany fall in love because it was all filmed out of order. 
ALSO to those Jonsa shippers that say “this directly contradicts what Benioff and Weiss say about Jon in 7x06 in the Inside the Episode when Jon apparently notices Dany falling in love with him but Jon not falling in love with her blah blah blah” - stop being so fucking purposefully dense. You know what Weiss and Benioff said. You know it. You heard it. You’re just trying to make it seem like that’s not what they meant. But they did.
“I don’t think EITHER ONE of THEM really knew exactly how powerful THEIR feelings were TOWARDS EACH OTHER until these moments.”
So that makes it pretty fucking clear the FEELINGS are for EACH OTHER, not just “Jon notices Dany’s feelings for him.” - Nuh uh dumb nuts. That’s not at all what Benioff said. He said TOWARDS EACH OTHER. As in, BOTH OF THEM.
“Just the notion of falling for someone, that involves weakness. That’s not something a queen does. But SHE feels that happening AND HE feels that happening FOR HER.” 
If we’re gonna do the “Jonsa” thing, let’s compare speech patterns:
“She FEELS [that happening] AND
He FEELS [that happening] FOR HER.”
What is the “that” that’s happening? “Falling.”
So, we can replace this with -
We can’t just suddenly replace Jon’s [that happening] with “her falling for him” - You get “He feels [her falling for him] for her.” Nope. Doesn’t make sense. The [That happening] has to be the same in both parts of Benioff’s sentence otherwise it doesn’t make any sense.
And the [that happening] is Jon and Dany falling in love. So gtf outta here with that bullshit. 
But likely, the antis will still swear up and down it’s all fake. HBO sent the Writer’s Guild fake scripts because they knew the public could access them and didn’t want people to know the truth or they sent them fake scripts knowing some geeks would go read them and perpetuate the lie that Jon actually loves Dany so that the surprise of Jonsa will be EVEN BETTER BECAUSE IT WASN’T EVEN IN THE SCRIPTS, etc. etc.
I mean, ship whatever the fuck you want. You wanna ship Jon and Sansa, fucking ship Jon and Sansa. You wanna hate Daenerys? Hate Daenerys. But don’t act all surprised or offended when we call you out on your bullshit when you flat out deny canon. We LITERALLY have the fucking receipts.
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fanfic-daydreams · 6 years
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-- "In season one, that's who she was. But in seasons two, three, and four, she was kind of using the facade of her season one self, to deceive. So I think what we’ve done, you missed seeing the progression into the dark Sansa, and we’re just seeing it suddenly emerge, because she’s been deceiving people with this mask. Or at least that’s how I see it!" #Sophie Turner #gameofthrones #asongoficeandfire #asoiaf #got #sansastark #sansa #stark #darkSansa #ladyofwinterfell #queen #hbo #marvel #xmen #xmenapocalypse #xmendarkphoenix #darkphoenix #phoenix #jeangrey #mutant
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ao3feed-jonsa · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QpXoeA
by ALCzysz17
Jon’s path is changed when Ned admits he needs help handling the girls down South. Reluctantly, Jon heads to King’s Landing with his family where canon is changed with the addition of him. A friendship of sorts kindles between him and Sansa, and a love between siblings develops.
Sansa just wanted to be wed to her golden prince, she just wanted that happy, love song romance of her childhood dreams. Yet, when her golden prince reveals his true nature, she comes to rely on Jon of all people for support and vice versa. If they are to survive the horror of the South then they will have to rely on each other, still something darker and deeper lurks inside their hearts when the South takes and takes upon them.
How long until they barely human anymore? How long until the darkness inside their souls turns them into the very monsters they wish to escape?
Words: 6929, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, darkJon, darksansa, Explicit Sexual Content, Canon series deaths, lots of deaths, Jon's POV, Sansa's POV, Eventual Smut, Half-Sibling Incest, Really Cousins though, slightly angsty, Eventual Happy Ending, Promise, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2QpXoeA
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sillyannabanana · 7 years
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