#darkforest cats
bird--egg · 10 months
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the character arc they deserved
*edit* YOU ARE ALL RELENTLESS. I've fixed the spelling mistake at the end LOL
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kaebeee · 1 month
Redesign 31.07.2024
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Yes ik it says july i just didnt post it till now
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the-exiled-comic · 1 year
Could you tell us more about Haven and their life? Did they end up in the Dark Forest exclusively because they exterminated all the raccoons in the forest or is there more to it?
yes, Haven is a very silly beast! I actually recently made her a wife, Madronestar. She's the leader before Autumnstar, and is kind of a dipshit but its okay we love her anyway
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their relationship is like cartoonishly cute. Madrone is the adorable little housewife who puts homemade pies on her windowsill and Haven is the handsome rogue who cannot resist the allure of the freshly baked pie smell
I like to think this bothers Mr. Autumnfang who is the deputy at the time, seeing his leader goof off with a loner art below is by @notchaoticferal
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Haven was never part of Oceanclan, but she chases away/kills the raccoons because they were bothering her wife... who I think would be none the wiser about where the critters went.
Killing the raccoons is Haven's fatal flaw and it is why she's in hell. She's a nice cat, sure, but her reason for killing them weren't justified.
I imagine the situation went something like this; Oceanclan's population grew and so did the raccoon's, they started to compete for resources but since there was a language barrier (think like how the foxes have their own language!) communication was rough and they were in a sort of stalemate... Until Haven took matters into her own paws.
Personally speaking, I don't think anyone is beyond redemption and that eternal damnation is especially cruel. But at the same time, Haven hasn't yet made strides in the right direction to be earning a whole lot of sympathy from me. She's seen bragging about killing the raccoons in chapter 12, saying she's proud of what she did. They also did not provoke her, it wasn't self defense and it never came down to a "her or them" situation.
I don't think she hates raccoons as a species, just that specific group since in her eyes they weren't "strong enough" to take care of themselves and were stealing instead of finding their own food (idk if she fully grasped the situation) One of Haven's big flaws is that she does think less of those who are not as fortunate as her. I like to think its part of why she never joins the clan despite her lover literally being the leader. She wouldn't want to hunt and contribute to the clan. She would likely see elders and nursing queens are free-loaders unless they had a really good reason to not be out hunting. Haven's a very "fend for yourself" typa gal
Despite it all... I enjoy her character a lot and I hope she can get sent to rehab/therapy
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xonerose · 1 year
Mosskit and Mapleshade but new and improved!
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okardare · 5 months
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Old warrior cats comic from 2020
warrior cats design: -Yellowfang: fav.me/ddl4vul -Ashfur: fav.me/ddn4hax and fav.me/dcwf3vf -Jayfeather: fav.me/dd375xu -Brokenstar: fav.me/ddl6jqb
I try to explain a scene from Warriors without have even reed it .3. I can't believe this thing took me over 100 layers ;-;
I've wanted to do this for a long time, but just now I decided to do it. I have not read this part of the book but I have seen many videos that talk about Yellowfang's decision to let Asfur in Starclan. Personally, after thinking for a long time, I think it really makes sense in her character to take that decision. Now I have only read The prophecy, new prophecy and from time to time Power of Three (I have too much to read and I don't finish ;__; ), so I have not read Yellowfang secret, just whatched a video talking about the book (and I found so stupid that they gave powers to her character, she doesn't need them. What's up with doom every medicine cat with horrible powers?). Well, for me Yellowfang is a character that although she seems to hate everyone, deep down, I think, she feels a love and a concern for her clan as big as she could get to feel for her son Brokenstar. I find her as a character who comes to give second chances and wants to help every cat she sees in need, even when they don't deserve it (* cof cof * Brokenstar). We could say that she gave Broken so many opportunities because he was her son, but it is that sense she also got to know Ashfur since childhood. Now, if Starclan really is always watching over the clans, imagine see that little apprentice who risked being chased by dogs in the first books, to save his clan, to be imprisoned in his hatred without anyone noticing, that prompts him to make a lot of stupid decisions, which eventually lead to his death. I legitimately think that Yellowfang wanted to help him, as a kind of redemption, and that "he just love too much" was more directed at her for not knowing when a cat could no longer be helped (* cof cof * Brokenstar again).
Now, in all this, I sometimes wonder how Ashfur's mom felt, because I don't think we actually ever saw it, or how this afected her relationship with her son.
Well, tell me what you think, I hope you like it :3
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needlefail · 9 months
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Gf requested Tigerclaw next so Tigerclaw you all get :33
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emrlldz · 1 year
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I love this guy
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arriathedragon · 1 month
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Some Warrior Cat Character designs for a MAP Idea i had, if I dont decide to just animate it myself... I don't know if anyone would be interested in helping me animate a MAP haha, but I worked hard to make the designs animation friendly just incase. Enjoy, and if you would be interested in the MAP, the song would be 'Get in the Water' from Epic the Musical, and it's part of a little AU/Headcanon I made up, Darkforest/Starclan themed.
Please don't Repost or edit my art without permission!
Reblogs are appreciated :>
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thespeedywagon98 · 11 months
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Frecklewish being in the Darkforest still makes no sense to me lol
And she didn’t watch the kits drown either. There was a heavy storm and they were swept underwater. She would’ve lost sight of them and not know where they went and there was nothing else she could do.
Oakstar literally sent the kits out to die, why isn’t he in hell— he contributed to their deaths even if it wasn’t on purpose.
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epiphlyte · 2 years
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ivypool in a bit of a manga-inspired style. drew this a few days ago! hi tumblr c:
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animatewarriorcats · 2 years
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Clawface! He may have been typecast as despicable but that is part of the fun. He has a lot of connections, most notably he is Nightstar's brother, (whom i tried to give some visual similarities) he is father to Stumpytail and Cinderfur with Rowanberry, and mentored Littlecloud. his relationship with Nightpelt is good, until Nightpelt develops an asthmatic cough and Clawface treats him poorly. He is killed by Greystripe in Fire and Ice.
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"Those kits were weak. They would have been no use to ShadowClan. If I hadn't killed them, some other warrior would have."
Brokenstar! Original, blind, and Dark Forest versions.
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kaebeee · 1 year
Ik you don't really care for her but I would absolutely love to see a Mapleshade design from you
Its not like i dont care for her, she interesting af
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Darkforest version
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How she appears to Crookedkit. Like soggy carpet LMAO
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marouseum · 1 year
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Continuing my lineup of the Ferncloud family (because I love her.) Here’s her brother Ashfur! A piece of garbage. Don’t ask why I gave him partial heterochromia, I just wanted to because he’s got no canonical white spotting but blue eyes are not a genetic trait. Plus, it looks cool and he's an important character in the series, so why not?
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indinoka · 10 months
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i see your very cursed mapleshade plushie and i raise you a design based on it.
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cavernclaw · 2 years
i had this au idea where in the darkforest instead of like having a evil forest with evil cats its a bright pink forest with kind of brainwashed cats who believe that they are still alive and sometimes hallucinate their loved ones and such.
if they get into contact with a starclan cat or a living cat this brainwash/trance stops.
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image of tigerclawstar (edited)
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